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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EEST

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you and i understand what people say and what we ourselves think, being there when ukraine is in a state of war, well, first of all, there is danger, and we already see such examples of weapons there, maybe some insolent behavior, many people in the military form, sometimes someone already tells a simple real story, that someone is afraid, and someone there is something else, here we saw a stroller, a child, it is not clear who is approaching whom, because for example there is a policeman, as if who was a policeman. it doesn't really show that he is a policeman, and there may be legal ones as well the question arises, i don’t know if this case will go to court there, in fact, whether the person who was stopped there is a military ex-military from krakin, whether he understood that it was the police at all, or whether it was just some young men, who are these people in military uniform around mykola tyshchenko, is it really his bodyguard, if so, why is she in military uniform, there are so many questions, it all doesn't look very civilized, to put it mildly, and it's really scary, because here... no a
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small child did not bother anyone at all in this situation, why such measures were necessary to do, how dangerous this person was, that it was necessary to break him there and tear the wheelchair out of his hands, well, i mean, i actually have a lot of such questions after watching this video, and therefore i really want some kind of analysis, i do not know this situation, and the analysis is actually with specific answers, and not with mutual accusations, because mykola tyshchenko, he just starts... to accuse that he is a military man, and why he is already an ex-military man, he has some kind of personal situation, that he because of what his my mother is disabled, so he is not serving there now, well, that is, the deputy begins to accuse the former military man of the fact that he is not at the front now, although legally, there is probably all the justification for this, so there are extremely many questions, and i really don’t want to , so that ukrainian streets, especially in cities that suffer so much from russian attacks, such as dnipro, would be like this...
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a situation where citizens, they will be afraid to go out, they will be afraid of people in military uniform, which is not normal , and in to our situation, when the military are the first to protect the ukrainians there from russian aggression, and here i am looking at a post by mr. zhorin from the third assault unit, he says about that, well, he said about the uniformed military that it is enough to wear a military uniform, because it is really unclear how much justification there is for those people who are around tyshchenko to wear this military uniform, i am not there... or not, but such questions arise, so i would like the deputy to answer this openly, and indeed, that the investigation somehow the police reacted, told in detail what happened there, whether the man who seemed to be a policeman really was, and if so, why didn't he look the right way? thank you, kateryna, marina, is mykola tyshchenko's behavior like that, let's say, illegitimate, i would say so. let's speak in such
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a language, that is, in general, which goes beyond the limits of his powers, or is this part of the practice of the current government in general, when the head of the president's office, his godfather, he also goes beyond the limits of his powers and does something something that he should not do, and since there can be such a thing at the bank, those who are close to them behave the same way... well, i watched almost all the videos that were related to this topic in order to evaluate everything from different perspectives, so look at what immediately jumps out at you, certainly mykola tyshchenko is a very elite best man in a very good position, in addition to the fact that he is the best man of andriy yermak, he also has a very high position among the servants of the people, here it is worth recalling this old interview of andrii bohdan, where is he told gordon that mykola
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tyshchenko was in such a strong position that he almost had no influence on general politics there, and volodymyr zelenskyi and bankova listened to his position, that is, this is the level why kolya tyshchenko can afford to do all. the second point, i really don't like that the place is dnipro, we all understand that dnipro is a military city, now russian propaganda, russian special services have thrown a lot of effort to discredit. zsu is in this very place, where there is a huge the number of soldiers, where there is a military hospital, where there are a number of military units, this is a strategic front-line city. and you know, against the background of these stories, when the russians specially hire teenagers to set fire to the vehicles of the armed forces, we see a disgusting situation with a people's deputy, when the people's deputy and a group did not understand healthy men, by the way, why these men are not mobilized in our country, why they roam around the city. and they attack veterans who
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are walking with a baby at this time, the third point, i really do not like the rhetoric of the people a deputy who says: oh, it's me... who knows what kind of military this is, these people are incomprehensible in balaclavas, the position of the national police is incomprehensible, because until now i have not seen a single conscious statement about what happened there in the dnipro , some official position of the security forces, and one more moment, in one video there is a young girl, as far as i understand, a pr assistant, mykola tyschenko , is filming a video, you know, i myself worked for a long time in political... pr, and if my boss if the otaku did a nasty thing in public with the military, i would have twisted him myself, closed him down if he had shut his mouth and we would have left this public place, and there people deliberately entered into contact, but by the way, it is very unpleasant that not
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everyone's biographies were found, it turns out that this mademoiselle is also a figure of a peacemaker in our country, who used to glorify the russian federation and the occupation of parts of the territory of ukraine, well, that is, there... if not for the pitfalls, kolya tyshchenko's campaign is just perfect, and to be honest, i understand that these are the difficulties of ukrainian democracy, who elected kolya tyshchenko, the voters of the capital district, the voters who chose green brand, so we need to draw conclusions and not elect more such people's deputies, so as not to be so ashamed. thank you, marina, i will add very briefly, because i see that here on the air , ms. bezugla has not yet listened to this conversation on svoboda live, she said that yaermak had long ago blocked tyschenko in all messengers and that tyshchenko is a typical rascal, i haven't listened to this conversation in full yet, but it's very interesting, because maybe you told serhiy another slur, maybe there will already be some kind of point made here publicly, if there are already deputies, colleagues from the people's service, mariana bezugla, as
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spokeswoman yermak, is talking about it, then you can believe it, and kraken, among other things, published a statement and confirmed that their former fighter was attacked in the dnipro, what what are they talking? special units gur. in view of the public publicity of the incident, we would like to inform you that the man in civilian clothes, who was injured as a result of the clash, is a former soldier of the kraken special forces. we do not interfere in the course of the investigation, but we carefully monitor its progress. the consequence of such incidents should be the real establishment of justice. well , we will talk to you, colleagues, about one more justice, very briefly, in just a few words. military correspondent anna kalyuzhna. rumors of threats from dmytro kukharchuk and his subordinates. the conflict arose because of the journalist's post, in which she criticized politicians and their media friends from the third separate assault brigade and commented on the withdrawal of ukrainian troops from zavdiyivka. all key the persons who threatened have been identified
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and all this data will be handed over to the law enforcement officers, because this is a crime. well, combatant dmytro kuharchuk posted on facebook in response to the accusations . with a list of journalists with whom it is not advisable to do business, he indicated kalyuzhna in the first place, he also included in the list maria malaevska, serhiy kostezh, anastasia fetchenko, iryna baglai, diana butsko and nadiya blomkvist, kateryna, how to perceive what is happening in general, and where is the line when journalists can talk about something or write during war and when they can't can do to us, as viewers of this story, because again we are not participants there, i am not a military journalist in any way, ukrainian military journalists are a separate topic, they are a separate such sphere, a separate profession, and therefore with cold head, and in fact it is very very, very,
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very, very big dangers in principle in these facebook quarrels in all that are going on, and when we talk about the work and military journalists, who are under their stress, and about the military, who are absolutely also ... of reality are located, than we civilians, in the rear, in the cities that are not so close to the front, so here, here, here is the journalist lady, she files there, she wrote a statement to the police, and of course, on this statement, we would like to have did the law enforcement agencies react properly there, was there this situation and this conflict, well, it was born there from the comments on facebook, was it somehow possible to make the communication more closed, maybe not there... to clarify, this is another question, so i want an investigation and , of course, i don't want such unpleasant conflicts. thank you, marina, well, of course, in this situation it is difficult to judge one side, the other side, but well, we see the conflict between the media and kombat, and
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he mentions the name with whom he would not like to do business, this is also, in the end, kombat's business , he doesn't, he fights, he doesn't... he doesn't contact journalists, although it is clear that journalists are also doing their job, how in this situation can we decide who is right and who is wrong in this situation, or whether everyone just has ... to cool down and just talk calmly somehow, look, there is such a sensitive person here moment, i know anna kalyuzhna very well, yes , by the way, she used to work for us on the espresso channel, and she is a talented journalist, and i also know dmytro kukharchuk as a person for whom ukraine is absolutely indifferent, and he is a person who grew up in the military since the revolution of dignity, and very clearly ... stood his ground for all these 10 years, and when
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the full-scale invasion began, this man went to serve, showed himself to be a very good soldier, and you know, i don't really like that some there our interpersonal protests spill out in ugly posts on facebook, then it builds up like an avalanche and ends with us essentially fueling these unhealthy movements. which are only for the joy of russian propaganda and real russian ipso, because look, the armed forces of ukraine are such an institution that has the highest rating, it is an institution that unites people and provides strength, if we are talking about the third assault brigade, they are well done , they put their name like that, we have literally 30 seconds on the air, but i would n’t, i would like kalyuzhna to call first the cook. they resolved these issues among themselves, because honestly, i'm not here for
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anyone, i'm not for anyone, i'm just very uncomfortable with this situation, and you know, if you sometimes get tired as a war correspondent, i strongly advise those people to step away from this for a while profession, because it is really very exhausting, all these interviews with soldiers, they are very exhausting, thank you, marina danylyuk yarmaleeva, kateryna nekrecha, were guests of our program today, thank you for participating in the program, i would like to remind you that during the broadcast friends, we conducted a survey and asked. about whether russia should be invited to the second peace summit, let's see the poll results: 11% yes, 89% no. i put an end to this, it was a verdict program, it was conducted by serhii rudenko, i wish you a quiet and peaceful night and take care of yourself and your loved ones, have a good weekend. goodbye. there are discounts representing discounts on urulesan 15% in
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topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. help understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. maria gurska meets with the head of the polish foreign affairs committee every week the sejm, authorized by the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pavel. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said
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about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics , close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with sestra au. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in the new project na. the real front is thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to deal with disturbing news and cut-off. to weave the truth from the enemy ipso. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want
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to understand how our today... will affect ours tomorrow, see saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world do you dream of, mr. norman, we can see it in... all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso.
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10 years of war, 10 years of hardening the ukrainian nation. espresso tv channel prepared a documentary. a tape about the key events of our history and extraordinary people who directly influenced its course. it is here that a ten-year history is documented, from the maidan to the present day to the full-scale invasion. there are many documentaries, but there has never been such a clear, concrete chronology of this particular period, well, so far. everyone will see in this film what he understands. wants to understand, and everyone will see something different, it was important to me in the context of the slightly reduced attention of the western audience, to show what is actually happening in ukraine, what happened in ukraine, why it is happening in ukraine, especially in the context of
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counter-propaganda with russian informational aggression by the voices of a ten-year history in cinematography. these were prominent ukrainians, journalist and activist tetyana chornovol, founder of the tyra ambulance volunteer corps, writer svitlana povalyaeva and her son, fallen hero of ukraine, activist roman ratushny. all three named the characters of this film, i.e. tyra, tatyana chornovol and roman, they are undoubtedly heroes. they are undoubtedly those people who gave the most precious things for their tribe, and roman also gave his life. the film tells about triumphs and defeats, challenges and victories, achievements and transformations that happened to each of us during these 10 years. there are all the events,
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starting from the maidan and ending with the current state of the war, and the main life of these three people. the life and death of one of them, the real heroes of ukraine, on the one hand, he is like that historical, just retelling events, and on the other hand very emotional, because these events are retold through people's lives, and i think that is the key to understanding. the work on the preparation of such a large-scale documentary work lasted for almost a year, in the end the film will be released in two versions, in ukrainian and in english, as the creators emphasize, the main goal is to reach the foreign audience and show the way ukraine and ukrainians have come over this decade. the more films there are about the war in ukraine, the more there will be their audience, because each work of art finds its own audience, and people who may not have been affected by another film will be affected by this one, and those who were not affected by this film
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will be affected by others, the main thing is that there is an author's view, so that people see war as... that they saw people in war, and that is very important for the future. american director of slovak origin oleg garenchar became the director, scriptwriter and producer of the film. the tape was realized by the espresso tv channel together with the all-ukrainian public organization democratic forum with the support of usaid media program in ukraine, which is implemented by the international organization internews and the zmi development fund of the us embassy in ukraine. for us it will be the film memories. that is, when we watch these footage, we will think where exactly i was, around which corner i was standing on the same square, when that evening took place, or when the boys were shot. therefore, for us, these are memories, but we did not do it for the sake of reminding ukrainians of these 10 years. we did it to show this story and these
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history to all ordinary citizens. the tape lasts for two hours and covers not only the stories of the heroes, but also the history of the formation of the state, the visa-free eu, the creation of the ocu, and the adoption of the law on language. the first viewers of the tape share their impressions, they were more impressed by the never -before-seen archival footage. i, since i myself live inside these events as a citizen of ukraine, i can say that i discovered something so new for myself, i was impressed by something, but i was very affected by the completely unknown, previously unseen footage with roman, when i started to remember everything his life and especially the year before... the war, to be honest, i get goosebumps. i sat, watched, i looked at these beautiful people, at taira, at svitlana paevska, at definitely the footage of roman ratushny's chronicle, and
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i realized that it has been 10 years, i experienced some of these events in the same crimea, from one on the one hand, it is long, almost two hours, and on the other hand, the timing is in one breath, our main task is to remember and never allow repetition, documentary. the river 10 years of war is planned to be presented in cinemas, on film festivals and, of course, on the espresso tv channel. and there are several more exclusive shows ahead. good evening, we are from ukraine. good news from dusseldorf. the national team of ukraine did remember what character it has and how to play football. hope, as they say, comes alive. evgeny pastakhov will talk about this later. will tell you, my name is vasyl zema, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, and for the next hour and 45 minutes, i and my colleagues will talk to you about the most important thing
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. let's tell in more detail, north korea gives something to putin, we guess, we don't know everything, but what south korea can give to ukraine, serhiy zgorets will talk about it, also strikes by ukrainian drones on russian territory really hurt russians. putin after vietnam and the deputy secretary of state of the united states of america in ukraine will have a live broadcast in kyiv today, i hope after his briefing, and the economic results of the week with oleksandr morchyvka, and of course, today is the day that gave, well, at least a little joy to the ukrainian fans, to the ukrainian nation, which is fighting, which is fighting, our football players remembered that they are cossacks, yevgen pastokhov talked about it, and now serhiy zgorets about the most important events and what... i already announced, serhiy, please, good evening. good evening, vasyl, i greet our viewers, today in our
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column we will talk about where our drones hit and where they hit on the territory of russia, what is important in south korea's arsenal for ukraine and about the situation in certain areas of the front in a conversation with our military, about this in a moment on the night of june 20-21 , another massive attack by ukrainian drones was carried out on objects on the territory of the russian federation. according to the video and data from open sources, our drones targeted a number of rashist oil refineries, as well as enemy military facilities, in the bryansk region, the territory of the krasnodar territory, and even in the crimea. in the krasnodar region, where... the yeysk airfield and the training center are located near this airfield , a drone strike was carried out and our general staff then detailed,
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that the places of storage and preparation for the use of shahed strike drones were affected there, as well as training buildings, control and communication points of calculations of these unmanned systems. in addition, as reported to the general staff, strikes were carried out on... on reconnaissance stations and radio-electronic intelligence centers of the russian invaders in the bryansk region and the temporarily occupied crimea. regarding the strikes of ukrainian drones on oil refineries, there were reports of attacks on four russian refineries, and in addition to that, let me remind you that yesterday, ukrainian long-range drones also struck two oil depots at a distance. 300 and 400 km from the front line in krasnodar territory and tambov region. in general, as is known, it is about such systematic work on destruction.
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objects of the enemy's oil and gas facilities as one of the elements of the war of attrition, and ukraine also had the opportunity to significantly strengthen its strike and defense capabilities through cooperation with south korea. we know that the government of this country announced yesterday cancellation of the ban on the transfer of weapons to ukraine, in response to the union of the russian federation. these and the dprk. for ukraine, south korea is a potentially important partner that actively promotes arms to the european markets, agrees to localization of production and makes quick deliveries, and also has samples of soviet-made weapons. and all this potential and opportunities were blocked until a certain time, although kyiv previously addressed the seu with a number of proposals, but now it is possible
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to return to these proposals again, which primarily interests our state, primarily it concerns the supply of ammunition and the production of ammunition, korea has a large stockpile of these arsenals and has lines for the production of ammunition, including gunpowder, with explosives and so on, we really need this now. we are also interested in the manufacture of barrels for our guns, which we received from foreign suppliers. replacing barrels with new ones is now an urgent need of our armed forces, which will affect the activity of using guns on the battlefield. negotiations are extremely promising for us, better, i think, licensed production in ukraine of korean missile systems k-20, 239, which have the name changmu, is actually such an analogue of the american hymers, although it is even.
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more functional because it has three calibers of rockets with a range of 36 km to 80 km and has two types of ballistic missiles like the american attacks with a range of 300 km. poland has a contract to receive almost three hundred such missile systems, and with the participation of its enterprises in the production of these systems on the territory of poland. sweden and norway also plan to purchase them , and of course, in this sense, the purchase of such systems for ukraine and the localization of their production is extremely important and interesting. also, korea has its own anti-aircraft defenses, which are also capable of dealing with enemy ballistic missiles. these mirrors are supplied for export under the name kmsam or chinggung-2. these complexes
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have the ability to destroy enemy missiles and airballistic targets there at a distance of up to 80 km, destroy ballistic missiles there at a distance of up to 30 km, that is, it is interesting promising development, which is already exported to a number of countries, and suul also has really illiquid samples of weapons, we are talking about russian armored vehicles, which at one time was... transferred by russia to south korea for debts, there are in total 80 t-80-u tanks , 70 bmp3, several dozen btr80, and ukraine asked about the possibility of transferring these samples sometime in the 22nd year, then it was refused, but now their transfer is quite possible, and all this will be needed in the battlefield.


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