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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EEST

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we will constantly donate and there is always a need for some such things that the usa will not send us, they will not send us, we need them, let's say a minibus, so we ask you to join the collection for the repair of armored vehicles, heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions, repair -recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone in the open air in any weather day and night, so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers. we need a minibus that will deliver to the combat zone, mobile repair teams and equipment, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment, our goal is uah 630, and you know, we have collected uah 503,897 as of now, this collection is so difficult, but we are still at the finish line, maybe not yet, but we can definitely do it, and here, you know, i wouldn’t want too much right now... i’m reading the one where
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putin will hit ukraine with nuclear weapons , there is still what will be given to him kimchin, what else will happen, but putin will give technologies kemchin, well, it’s from the network, it’s always interesting to read random posts like this, but putin will give technologies, kimchinin will hit the usa, and people think to themselves, why didn’t nuclear weapons happen earlier flew over ukraine, well, for example, if putin thought so, and people understand whether kemchinin, i think, kemchinin definitely understands that... that in the event of any threat by the united states of america, his north korea will be destroyed literally half an hour, well, it will simply cease, it will cease to exist, because the usa has a disproportionately greater potential, now a lot of history is being accelerated, but somewhere it is true, one should not underestimate putin, one should not underestimate this way, this country for 70 years was only engaged in making weapons, the average height of a citizen of north korea is lower than the height of a citizen of south korea koreans, as well as weight, people do not finish eating, people all their lives... weapons are made in this slavery,
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this is such a world stockpile of weapons, they are not always good, but we do not underestimate, but we should not overestimate either, believe in yourself , to support the armed forces of ukraine, and of course to fight corruption at every level. i'll say goodbye to you until monday at 18:10, then the weather from natalka didenko, and at 20:00 verdicts with serhii rudenko, stay with us, this evening will be interesting at espresso, so stay and watch together. synoptic hello to all, dear ukrainians, before we talk about the weather that is expected in the coming days in ukraine, let's take a look at it in general for the whole of europe, now there is a lot of talk about intense heat, it really is, the highest air temperature is now is observed in the balkans, and portugal will soon join the plus. spain, the air temperature in
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these european regions will reach 34-39° above zero, so dear ukrainians, if your friends or relatives are there, inform them about it, but i think they have already found their way, so to speak, on the spot. well, they also write about the news of the tape that , unfortunately, a lot of people died in metz during the hajj precisely because of the high temperatures, because of the intense heat. but write it all off only in the heat, probably still not completely correct, because, for example, uh, also in the news reports that many people died due to diseases related to the heat and also due to crowding and fires in tents and other accidents, well this is a very sad fact, but still , the heat is not always the direct cause, you just have to be very attentive, careful and , of course, follow the weather forecasts. ukraine - this is not... such
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strong heat will apply, of course, summer, of course, +30 and a little higher can happen, but however, so far we have a completely normal situation for this season, so just keep an eye on the weather forecast and consider that we have a temperate continental climate, this should be appreciated, we are moving into the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, fluctuations are expected tomorrow, they will not be so powerful, so as usual we will calmly observe the geomagnetic behavior and move on to the actual weather forecast, we will talk about the weather that is expected on saturday, tomorrow on saturday, we traditionally start with the western regions, short-term rains are expected, thunderstorms are possible, attention in the carpathians, there is a possibility of heavy downpours, and during thunderstorms , the probability of squalls and hail traditionally increases, the air temperature is 28-32. tomorrow will be
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hot in the west. in the north of ukraine it is +25-28°. there is a possibility of rain and heavy rain in zhytomyr region to kyiv region, chernihiv region, maybe even late for two. some separate wet areas will arrive on june, the weather is expected to be dry and sunny in the east of ukraine tomorrow as well, except that there is a chance of light rain in the kharkiv region late in the evening, it will not be hot tomorrow in the east it will be 26-29° above zero. in the central part of ukraine, rain and heavy rain are likely in vinnytsia, finally the territory of the center, without precipitation and also completely comfortable. the air temperature is 26-29 above zero, in the southern part of ukraine it will be absolutely dry and sunny tomorrow, the air temperature is also quite high, but not too high, 28, 30, 28, 301°, and
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dry, sunny weather is expected in kyiv on saturday weather with air temperature up to +27 +28°, on sunday, on sunday, local individual rains can pass everywhere except the south and luhansk region, but they will be insignificant, so if you come across rain, do not rush to change your plans, this summer rain, it will not last long. this is the nearest synoptic ukrainian situation, and of course, as always, i urge you to carefully monitor the updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. see this week in the collaborators program. as a traitor from melitopol, she led the russian youth movement. i thank vladimir vladimirovich putin for his strong-willed decision to start the svo. but which of the kremlin propagandists got 15 years prison russia has already said that this is
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an effigy, no one will talk to him at all. greetings, i am olena kononenko. and this is the collaborator's program about traitors who serve on foot at the call of their hearts and wallets. rashish occupiers. in today's issue, we will continue to talk about those who exchanged hryvnias for rubles, and their native country for the bolotyan nedo empire. he called for the capture of ukraine and pointed rockets at mykolaiv, for which he was punished by the ukrainian themis. this is yuriy podoliaka, he is 48. he was born in sumy, lived in verkhnyi pishchany. right there his father, a retired doctor, lives now. yuriy is a graduate of sumy state university. was as a private entrepreneur , he specialized in the repair of auto equipment, with the beginning of russia's invasion of donbas before the occupation of crimea in the 14th year, he left for bolot, from there he has been conducting subversive activities for more than 10 years. for me, this is a routine job, i am not afraid of this word, i am a professional
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in this business, and i am developing some directions myself in russia. podoliaka takes an active part in the information and psychological operations of the russian special services, regularly speaks. on propaganda tv channels, in particular on solobyov's talk show. during the broadcasts, he calls for the capture of ukraine and the support of the russian occupation groups in the destruction of the civilian infrastructure of our country. legitimacy in ukraine and before the maidan was such a conditional concept. i can compare the russian reality and the ukrainian one. and he will impose all this on a large audience. has almost 3 million subscribers in telegram and almost 500 00 on russian rutube. how many rotten cremist narratives pour from these channels, it's scary to even imagine. russia has already said that this is an effigy, no one will talk to it at all, because it is not clear what it is. most of the world is listening to us, not that green scarecrow sitting over there. according to the sbu, podolyak
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was involved in the correction of massive russian missile attacks on the mykolaiv region, and in order to guide russian weapons, he formed his own networks of informants in the territory of the region. in april 2023. the citizens of podula reported the suspicion immediately under five articles, among them calls to violate the territorial integrity of ukraine, propaganda wars and treason. at the beginning of 2024 , the ukrainian court sentenced him to 15 years in prison, so far in absentia. hopefully, this mouthpiece of kremlin propaganda will soon be broadcasting only for its cellmates. the youth of the zaporizhzhia region, the majority. they support russia, that russia came to us. all these years, very strong propaganda was carried out at my school, they forced 20-year-old yulia klymenko to wear red t-shirts, speak ukrainian, they literally forced 20-year-old yulia klymenko to speak the state language of ukraine. to
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full-scale war, she had a different surname: varzhak, graduated from lyceum no. 16, after which she entered melitopol state pedagogical university named after bohdan. khmelnytskoho won prizes in the regional stage of the all-ukrainian competition of student creativity, dedicated to the centenary of the formation of the ukrainian central rada and the proclamation of the ukrainian people's republic on the topic. the motherland is not someone and somewhere, i am also the motherland. now she has another family and new political ambitions. youth of zaporizhzhia region invites all regions of the russian federation to visit our beautiful sea of ​​azov. we are waiting for you. when russian troops occupied melitopol, yulia was in her first year at the university. the 80-year-old student quickly gave up everything she used to live for during independent ukraine. so, the ukrainian yulia varzhak became a collaborator of yulia klymenko. i am yulia,
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a resident of melitopol. i thank vladimir vladimirovich putin for his strong-willed decision to start the svo, to liberate donbas. we have been waiting for this for 8 years. klymenko waited and began a career in russian youth organizations, became the head of the volunteers for russia movement. here is a photo where the traitor delivers humanitarian aid with the inscription "i will help you". sons of the russian chmobics. thanks to diligent work for the invaders, klymenko's career went up. later, she headed the south young movement. the south-young youth movement congratulates all residents of crimea and sevastopol on the day of reunification with russia. and most recently, klymenko became the head of the regional wing of the so-called young guard of putin's united russia party. actually now all the youth were given to her under complete control. traffic in melitopol and the region. with this action, all the youth of the zaporizhia region want to prove to
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the whole world that melitopol is russia. on march 27, 2024, our law enforcement agencies announced suspicion against this star of the russian world for justifying the armed aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. hopefully, the suspicion will very soon become a court sentence with a long term. and this is our next traitor from mariupol. and 30-year-old nikita avirkin. we celebrate this day with honor, with pride that we are in part of our great and powerful country. until february 24, he managed his own security company, worked as an instructor at the federation of service and sport dog breeding, and was also a member of the iskrinost public organization. when mariupol was occupied, he decided that it was time for him to be an obedient dog for his new owners in exchange for a bone. and this bone he eventually. received, assumed the position of the so -called head of the youth policy department of the
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mariupol city administration, the so-called dnr. today we came as a team and vote for the president, for donbas and for victory. he evidently served his masters faithfully, so he soon received another promotion. he became the leader of putin's youth organization in mariupol, the young guard - united russia. thanks to our federal leaders, we have the opportunity to arrange grandiosely. his main task from the kremlin in this position is to instill russian peace in children, and one of the main theses in all his speeches is the distortion of the events currently taking place in ukraine. when russia carried out illegal elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, and verkin managed to get a mandate and become a deputy deputy of the mariupol city council from the united russia party. his work is actively covered by the propaganda tv channel mariupol-24. everything was in accordance with the letter of the law: you take ownership, draw up all the documents. in 2023
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, the zhovtneve, dnipro district court sentenced him in absentia to 10 years of imprisonment for collaborationism. on may 17, 2024, averkin became a participant in a new criminal proceeding. received suspicion through production and distribution of materials that deny the temporary occupation of part of ukraine. this traitor is serving the russians so conscientiously that ... that soon he may be added to another article of the criminal code. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to talk about the kremlin progenitors, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. we'll see in a week on spresso.
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congratulations, this is the beraber program together with krymsk tatar into ukrainian, if translated , but it can be translated in both directions, because this is a joint project of the crimean tatar tv channel atr and the ukrainian tv channel news, i am andriy yanitskyi and with me in the studio are gulsuma khalilova and silyam aleykum, we welcome you to the air of the tv channel and the first crimean tatar tv channel , of course we will talk today. about crimea, and we will sum up this week and we will read from the military component, because we already have our guest on direct communication now. this is mr. andrii klymenko, manager project at the institute of black sea strategic studies. mr. andriy, we congratulate you. silya maliyko. good day. good day. mr. andriy, we would like to start with such news. recently it became known that the minister of foreign affairs of great britain, david cameron, promised to organize a hunt for the russian fleet of tuna, and, well
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, that is, it can be said that he announced such a hunt for the russian tuna fleet. i would like you to explain first. popular for our viewers, and what is the price fleet of the russian federation and how is it uses to circumvent sanctions on the export of its oil? well, look, we're kidding here that since memeron voiced his ideas about a week after we published and circulated our proposals on this, that he's the one who's going to support us. well, in fact, the ways of information are not known, but it was nice that this is really the most important in our opinion, safe, i emphasize the problem, such an authoritative international politician sounded, what is it about? e.e., in russia
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, export revenues have been formed almost entirely for many years. at the expense of energy export, in this energy export, well , you know, we have always paid a lot of attention to the topic of gas, that is why it was somehow believed that gas is the main thing there, and that the termination of the activity of the northern streams there, it caused a lot of damage, gas was part of the income structure. only about 20% of russian energy exports, 80% are sea exports of oil and petroleum products, and there is also 10% of coal and positions, uh, this situation, it continues until now,
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so that our viewers and listeners understand its... scale, well, i will call such indicators, the results of our monitoring for the month of may, the baltic sea, approximately 12 million tons of crude oil, and another 4 million tons of petroleum products, uh, black sea, russian oil, i mean, crude, yes, the black sea, approximately. 4 million tons of russian oil and approximately 3.5 million tons of russian oil products, if you add it all up, multiply it by 7.3, that is, translate it into barrels and multiply it, well, by $70 per barrel,
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or even $80, the numbers are different there. different months, it turns out that up to 15 million dollars every month, billions, uh, dollars every month receives russia from tso, it is clear that, and i have always been saying this for more than one year, that as long as this channel exists, as long as this export exists, er, then, um, putin will have money to produce, buy for across the border, chips, optical devices, everything that is needed for the production of rockets, which fly over you and me all over ukraine, and especially over the odesa region, almost every day.
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about a year ago, yes, in june, two years ago. it was in june 22, j7, the european union announced an embargo on the supply of russian oil to its ports, and in relation to the rest of the ports, a so-called price cap was introduced, on the way out, and it was said that if this oil or oil product is transported by er... means ships of the european union, then there can be no more than a fixed price in the contracts 60, so... because, well, we laughed at that decision, to be honest, because it was clear that there was no control system for it,
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that for the russians, to forge any contracts, it's a matter of two or three minutes , and finally , putin's decree has been in existence for a year, which directly states... that those who sell oil and those who transport oil are expressly forbidden to indicate the price of that price in the contracts, in the text of the contract, in the appendices to the contract, and even to mention it, and that is, putin canceled this whole... story at the beginning of the 23rd year, and of course, well, you came to buy oil, or whatever, and the european union, j7,
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tells you that you can buy it for only 60 dollars, and the seller tells you, yes, bye , i have a price of 80, that's all, mr. andrii, mr. andrii, that is, they formed. a new fleet that is not under the european fleet the flags walk and do not belong to the europeans, but how many vessels of these oil tankers are there now, or what is the correct name for such vessels, tankers, tankers, yes, well, i will say a separate remark about the concept of the shadow fleet, but as for the number, everything is not so simple there with the european , for today day 32% of the tankers that transport russian oil from the baltic are tankers from the european union country greece, well, about 12-15%, european tankers
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that transport russian crude oil from the black sea are also tankers from greece, well, in total 30% we can safely say that these are european tankers, with and... at the same time, there is no price cap, since, as you rightly said, russia has reoriented its exports to asian countries, mainly india, china, and all this is going on, and all it goes there, and i don't know what kind of greek shipowners there are, so they provide documents, contractual documents, but there are already dozens of investigations regarding non-compliance with the price ceiling. and they were made by such giants of the world media as bloomberg, reuters, associated press, cnn and others, they all
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prove that it is impossible to control it in in india and in china, uh, so that's why it doesn't work, however, our friends in the united states in the european union, friends, allies and partners, they are stubborn for some reason, they want to reduce it, listen, if it cannot be sustained and there is no control mechanism, it can be reduced, increased, well , the russians will laugh at this and drive for it like this, one more argument, mr. andrii, the defenders of these sanctions, they say, well , look, they started selling cheaper anyway, let it go to china, to india, but russia loses money, then the prices were. on oil, and if the russian export of russian oil is completely blocked, then the prices will skyrocket, this is bad for the world economy, it will overheat,
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goods will increase in europe, in the states, let them sell a little bit, not as expensive as before, but the main profit, the main margin remains in china and india, well, this is the logic that the defenders of these sanctions broadcast, well, even in america, and we heard that, well, america just... well, they are worried that this can provoke the so-called inflationary pressure and to the oil market and even an increase prices for gas and oil. well, what are you doing, you can do it, but experts of the energy market are sure that it will happen, if it happens, it will be a small increase, secondly, that it will be short-lived, why, because the share of russia in this market, well, up to 10%, that is , it is not critical, it is 50%. not 40, not 70,
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russia is not a monopoly, and finally, more and more experts are saying that, well , remember how the economy of the soviet union collapsed, the united states agreed with saudi arabia, increased er, exports of its own oil and collapsed the world prices, that is principles too. in fact, it must be done now, because anyway, the more, yes, the longer putin’s opportunity to finance the war lasts, the more countries, including america and europe, will spend on ukrainian weapons, on ukrainian shells and missiles, on yes there on production for ukraine, all
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this and... will spend such considerable funds to support those of our citizens there , many millions, who went there with their children because of the war and live there, and the main thing is that it is - well, it is not easy, if they want , so that the war lasts until the last ukrainian, then probably this is the way to do it, as they do it that way. now, but we are trying to change this one. and i will tell you, so what kind of shadow fleet is it, i don’t even know who it is anymore , so this legend was invented, that there is some kind of shadow fleet, it is not known where it is registered, it is not known by the flags, it is very old, environmentally dangerous, so there is no no shadow
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raft, ugh. we know everyone by name and patronymic, relatively speaking, every tanker, we know when, therefore, they were built, we know that there are no ships there, and most of the ships built after the 10th year, that is, this is very, this, these are new vessels, yes, up to 20 years of the tanker, this is very, very normal, so it is ... some kind of legend, mr. andriy, if, if we know all this, then i am not calling for anything, but just this question, why suddenly some troubles with these vessels do not happen at sea, there are some pirates there, i don’t know, well, you understand, so there is a right to war at sea, huh, and of course , which is a lot of me when i write
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my posts on facebook. eh, of course, that there are a lot of comments, that they should be drowned, there er, sabotage with that tanker in the black sea and so on, er, well, we, ukraine positions itself as a legal state that adheres to international norms, there is a law of war at sea, it has existed since the beginning of the last century, it seems , the first hague convention was in 1909. then it was there , so these conventions were updated, but the essence does not change, belligerent countries do not have the right to detain, sink, confiscate ships belonging to non-belligerent countries, that is, and since there, well
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, look, he said, in the baltic sea 30% , yes, in the black sea 12%, this is for crude oil, these are european ships, so we say: listen, there is no need to tell the story, we need to remove european tankers from these routes, so, that is, it is -30%, in numbers it is so, 100 tankers from the baltic sea. and about 20-30 every month from the black sea, take a third, that's a lot, let them look for uh tankers in other countries, there, of course, that will increase - the freight price of these tankers, of course, that will decrease, uh, that means it will increase ...


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