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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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mandatory, she said that our goal, the goal of our presidency in this big seven is to help ukraine win the war. it seems to me that we do not quite sometimes fully use this tool, because, for example, at this g7 summit , a number of very important positions were voiced, for example, for the first time, apparently, the damage caused to us... by the war with russia was recorded the federation, if i am not mistaken, they counted 486 billion dollars, and then there was a story about providing us with a 50 billion loan, too an important thing, plus they also said there about nuclear security, about the need to further deepen sanctions, and unfortunately, we do not use this tool very clearly and clearly, i would like our diplomats, our bank to pay more attention to this attention instead of trying to come to an agreement
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with saudi arabia, maybe with china, maybe something will be mixed between the chinese-brazilian option, because let's be honest, china is our enemy, it openly shows that it is our enemy, and for him ukraine - this is food, but from the point of view brazil, if you live somewhere in brazil, in the favelas, you are absolutely purple, what is happening there in that ukraine, you consider all white people of european origin to be colonizers a priori, without understanding the subtleties of history, that we, for example, are the same white people , who suffered from the colonial policy of the russian empire, this is very important, because politics, it consists of nuances, and excuse me, when journalists from france approach my colleague tetyana nikolayenko, they say that we are all at once, we are all there, we were on this peace summit, but we are not quite understand what a peace summit is, you need a war summit, how do you improve your position to win it? well, this is a correct
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remark, literally half an hour ago , we had yuriy lutsenko on the air, he also spoke about the need to hold a war summit, and not a peace summit, or a victory summit, how to defeat russia, and accordingly articulate all these question, well, maybe in the process of preparing for the world-2 summit , an idea will arise to hold a victory summit or a summit on how to win this war, instead of negotiating. with the russians, but at the same time when we talk about these negotiations with russia, we must understand the context in which ukraine is now, and the international context, and the demands that our western partners have on the ukrainian authorities, in particular regarding the fight against corruption, this week the publication of the washington post came out, and in principle publication, an influential american publication writes that zelensky was disappointed by blinke's attention. to corruption in
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ukraine during the last meeting, according to the publication, between the authorities of ukraine and the united states of america, where further strained relations in the fight against corruption, which creates a constant threat to help kyiv, and it is clear that in this situation, it is obvious, obviously, the issue of fighting corruption, it will be actualized, we see journalistic investigations that came out just this week about the deputy general ... prosecutor verbytskyi regarding the deputy director of the dbr, who lives there in elite real estate worth more than or around 900 thousand dollars, and declares that he lives somewhere in the wrong place, that is, these issues will be clearly articulated in one way or another by the ukrainian authorities, and here the question is how the ukrainian authorities will react to this, because in the usual manner, these diplomatic canons are violated. and
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the norms that zelensky is demonstrating now, it will no longer be possible to simply talk to either the americans, the british, or the germans, katerina, what do you think, will the ukrainian leadership have the courage and will, after all, to fight corruption, and i remember very well what olympian zelensky asked poroshenko at the stadium, he said, why are all your friends? with two hands, well, they say you need to chop them up, because they are in corruption was involved, but perhaps the same question should be articulated now to zelenskyi or all your friends with two hands, how would you like them to react, or how they will react, we will see, i am still in the previous thesis of my colleague about what is there peace or war summit, what are the partners ready for? well, we clearly understand that, for example, in america or germany there is no such thing as ukraine having to win, but ukraine having to endure, we will be there with ukraine, supporting it so that
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it endures, this is the moment, the partners may not be ready for this subscribe that ukraine should win, and russia should collapse there, well, how much the ukrainians there would dream about it, for example, but regarding corruption... topics and issues, here is an important point, it is obvious that ukraine's partners, they both help and support, but also are paying attention, especially since it is already the third year of a full-scale war, it is not the first six months or the first year, yes, when everyone was thinking about whether ukraine would really stand up, and now these questions are timely, they, as we understand, stand, as the washington post writes, that the conversation was here difficult and unpleasant, obviously unpleasant, today i was on a stroosny farm in the kyiv region, and there, well, we know. ostriches, that they bury their heads in the sand, i would like that even if there is some kind of corruption scandal, or there is a question for an official, that he lives, well, in such fortunes, very large, and this, when the investigators do and show, it is really shocks ukrainians, who seem to be used to
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corruption, but during the war it does not come to their heads, and i wanted it to be communicated here, so that there was really a reaction to it, and then on... and that would satisfy and ukrainian society and western partners are there, there is a question and a reaction, first of all, at the time of the investigation, let's figure out why this official lives, he has such wealth, and where he lives, and why he does not declare and so on , if the investigation has any questions, i want to see a transparent investigation, i want to see, even at the moment, when there is no verdict or conclusion of the investigation, that these people are there or their bosses, they came out and commented on it, communicated, we saw this week that... important people did not come to the parliament to communicate this question, this is what i want to see openness, it seems to me that it is not cool here and there is a cool example of communication, when even a person who obviously has some certain questions for him, has problems, some
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indisputable evidence for society of this or that guilt , maybe there is a moral and ethical one, but she comes out, for example, and communicates it, when the hero of a certain investigation, he does not communicate it. does not come out or makes such a dry unsubscribe and does not answer questions, critical questions, this gives rise to, well, a stream of new questions, mistrust, mistrust, and will there be an investigation and so on, that is, first of all , you want quick communication, even if you do not yet know what happened there, say that we are following it, we are really investigating, here is a person already there, for example, he goes on vacation of his own accord so as not to interfere with the investigation, and then, probably , society, as well as western partners , will have more in these matters... some kind of trust, and then, of course, if there are any corruption suspicions, then there should be an investigation, a verdict, again so that the society does not forget, because now we have some kind of news in telegram channels, some kind of investigation is being carried out and this fact was remembered, but did this news, this journalistic investigation lead to
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the fact that there was indeed a conviction in the courts or guilt, this is another question, which has been such a distant box for a long time, unfortunately, well, it is obvious that the current government is using it. that it is not necessary to answer all the questions, that is, there are some corruption scandals, thank god that we have investigators, thank god that we have schemes, thank god that we have public, thank god that we have bigus-info, tetiana nikolaenko, and yuriy nikolov, people who work thoroughly enough with investigations. marina, how and why in ukraine with such a large number of anti-corruption bodies do they exist... first of all, does corruption exist and what are the claims and why does it exist? because the fish is rotting from the head, and look, if the director of nabu thinks that he does not have to go and comment on high-profile stories, high-profile journalistic investigations at the specialized
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anti-corruption committee, this is a sign of unhealthy processes in the state, because i will remind you that in the last convocation, the anti-corruption committee was... one of the most visited committees, there were always events, they were always discussing something, there were always some meetings, and so society, the public, journalists could to get some quick answers to sensitive questions, but now we see, for example, in the investigation of denys bigus, when he meets with this comrade heorhii berkadze, and heorhii berkadze starts, and you are here... this is what he says to the investigative journalist from by name, with a reputation, and whose word is very important for public opinion, i consider this not quite adequate. when a story appears that our potential minister of infrastructure,
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a person who literally fills all the holes when it is necessary to close a vacant place in the government, was probably engaged in corruption stories. but due to the agreement with naboo , she did not have searches, well, this is probably not a very healthy signal for our western partners, who will give money and control precisely because of infrastructure changes. to rebuild of ukraine, it is obvious that they will not just give money like that without control, because, for example, more and more their society, their citizens internally ask: why are we forced to endure, for example, the increase of regular taxes, i would not mind helping ukraine, but it is important for me to know that my money really goes to the reconstruction of ukraine, to the ukrainian army, but not, i'm sorry, to... a brand new chanel handbag that appears on some 100-500th girl there, the deputy
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prosecutor general, that's it, to things, very much confuses our western partners, and when there are intergovernmental meetings, when there are meetings with the public, here are all the handbags, love for brands, for cars, it catches the eye of our western friends, and it confuses them that a warring country turns out to be fattening here like on the last day of the plague, well, obviously . the weakness of law enforcement agencies, anti-corruption agencies, political influence on this is visible, it is replaced by what we saw yesterday in dnipro, performed by mykola tyshchenko, that is, when law enforcement agencies do not work, when the prosecutorial system does not work, then mykola atyshchenko goes out surrounded by guards and begins to beat a fighter, a former fighter of the krakin battalion, dmytro. pavlov with the call sign son, and this is how it was, let's see, because this is such a revealing story and another
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scandal of mykola tyshchenko, please accept the statement, the guys are on the military register, we have information, i am on the military register, on the military register , since the 14th year, we have been working within the framework of what...
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well, this is the performance of the bully bodyguards of mykola tyshchenko, the godfather of the head of the office of the president of ukraine, andriy yermak, and his explanation that they are fighting some call centers, some kind of coup d'état, someone is doing it, well, that is, some typical delusion, well, i didn't see any reaction of the law enforcement system of ukraine, what, what, actually, what kind of reaction, that is, why is mykolatyshchenko being picked on authority, which no one gave him, secondly, what call centers do they catch, intercept, well, some hop-stops, just kateryna, but in this story, when law enforcement agencies are inactive or deliberately try not to to react, what, actually, how will it act on... society and what kind of reaction there can be a society that includes the veterans of the russian-ukrainian war, which
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we saw even now, when a person who fought in krakina, liberated kharkiv oblast, was forced to come into contact with these people, well, come on, me it wasn't there, just like we weren't there, we saw the video footage, and that's why you don't want to immediately hang labels on who is guilty, who is not guilty, and here, by the way, it's interesting about communication issues, mykola tychenko, he already... in principle, to comment on oleksiy goncharenko there in the council on the kyiv24 tv channel went on the air, but how does he communicate, i will allow myself to say this very brazenly, and because the journalists ask there, for example, a question, a journalist, and she wants to receive this answer, and why does a people's deputy do what he does on the streets of dnipro, and what kind of security is this, or is it security, he did not give direct answers to these questions, so i really really want an investigation and an explanation for this video, because this video is terrifying, well... we understand that people say and what we ourselves think, being there,
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when ukraine is in a state of war there, well , first of all, there is danger, and we already see such examples, there are weapons, maybe some insolent behavior, many people in military uniform, sometimes someone already tells a real story, that someone is afraid, and someone else is there, here we saw a stroller, a child, it is not clear who is approaching whom, because for example, there is a policeman there, as if he was a policeman, it is not... it is very clear that he is a policeman, and there may be legal issues here the question arises, i don't know if it is the case there will go to court, in fact, is the person who was stopped there by a military ex-military skrakina, did he understand that it was the police at all, it was just some young men, who are these people in military uniform around mykola tyshchenko, or is it really his bodyguard, if so , why is she in a military uniform, there are so many questions, it all doesn't look very civilized, to put it mildly, and it's really scary, because even a small child here didn't bother anyone at all in this situation, what was the need for such measures
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to take, how dangerous this person was, that it was necessary to break it there and tear the stroller out of their hands, well, that is... i actually have a lot of such questions after watching this video, and therefore i really want some kind of analysis, i do not know this situation, and the analysis is actually from with specific answers, and not with mutual accusations, because mykola tyshchenko, he simply begins to accuse that this is a military man, and why he is already an ex-military man, he has some kind of personal situation, that he is because of the fact that his mother is disabled , he does not serve there now, that is, mr the deputy... begins to accuse the former soldier of the fact that he is not currently at the front, although legally, there is probably a justification for this, so there are a lot of questions, and i really do not want ukrainian streets, especially in the cities, which suffer so much from russian attacks, like dnipro, there was a situation where citizens, they will be afraid to go out, they will be afraid of people in military uniform, which
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is not normal, and in our situation, where the military is the first to protect there ukrainians from the russians... what aggression, and here i am looking here and there, by the way, mr. zhorin's post with the third assault rifle, he says about that, well, he said about the dressed military that it is enough to wear a military uniform, because it is really unclear how much justification there is for those people around tyshchenko to wear this military uniform, i don't know how much justification there is or not, but such questions arise, so i would like the deputy to answer this openly, and indeed, for the investigation of the police to somehow respond, tell in detail , what happened there, or really that man looked like he was a policeman, and if so, why didn't he look the right way? thank you, kateryna, marina, is the behavior of mykola tyshchenko illegitimate, i would say so, we will speak in such a language, that is, in general, which goes beyond the limits of his powers, or is this part of
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the practice of the current government in general, when the chairman the president's office, his bunch... he also goes beyond the limits of his authority and does something that he should not do, and since there may be one way or another, those who are close to them behave in the same way, well, i watched almost all the videos that were related to this topic in order to evaluate everything from different angles, so watch what immediately jumps out at you, of course. .. mykola tyshchenko is a very elite best man, in a very good position, besides the fact that he is the best man of andriy yermak, he also has a very high position among the servants of the people, here it is worth recalling this old interview of andriy bohdan, where he told gordon about the fact that mykola tyshchenko has such strong positions that he almost did not influence general
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politics there, and volodymyr zelenskyi and bankova listened to his position, well, that is... the level why koli tyshchenko can afford to do everything. the second point, i really do not like that the place of action is dnipro, we all understand that dnipro is a military city. now russian propaganda, the russian special services have thrown a lot of effort into discrediting the armed forces in this very place, where there is a huge number of military personnel, where there is a military hospital, where a number of military units are located, this is a strategic front city. and you know, against the background of these stories, when the russians... specially hire teenagers to set fire to the vehicles of the armed forces, we see a disgusting situation with a people's deputy, when a people's deputy with a group of incomprehensible healthy men, by the way, why don't we have these men are mobilized, why are they walking around the city and attacking veterans who are walking with a baby at this time, the third point, i
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really don't like the rhetoric of the people's deputy who says: oh, i'm this... i found out what kind of military this is , and it is not clear how he got free, see for now this gentleman, a son, yes, with a winter son, liberated kharkiv region, the politician rested with us in thailand, in thailand and told in all seriousness that he was meeting with ukrainian voters there, so you know, here a priori you will be on the side of a real veteran who was in the kraken unit, and knowing what the kraken unit is, it's actually a special unit. suicide bombers, they really perform such complex front-line functions, so sometimes quietly telling a veteran who to serve, to demobilize, and he says: oh, in his... mom is sick, yes, if mom is sick, a person can demobilize on perfectly legal grounds, i don't see any complaint, and let's be honest, this young man, he was walking in his
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place with his new born child, so a person deliberately chose to live in his native place, then such a moment, these people are incomprehensible in balaclavas, the position of the national police is incomprehensible, because until now i have not seen a single conscious statement about what happened there in the dnipro, some official... position of the power structures, and one more moment, here on one video, there is a young girl, as far as i understood, a pr assistant, mykola tyshchenko, filming the video. you know, i myself worked in political pr for a long time, and if my boss did an otaku abomination in public with the military, i would twist him myself, shut his mouth and we would leave this public place. and there people deliberately came into contact, but by the way, it’s very unpleasant, not everyone’s biographies have been found, it turns out that this mademoiselle is also a figure of a peacemaker in our country, who used to glorify
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the russian federation and the occupation of parts of the territory of ukraine, that is, there are no pitfalls, kolya tyshchenko's campaign is just perfect, and to be honest, i understand that these are the difficulties of ukrainian democracy, who elected kolya tyshchenko, the voters of the capital district, the voters... who were drawn to the green brand , that is why it is necessary to draw conclusions and not to elect more such people's deputies, so that it would not be so embarrassing. thank you marina. i will add very briefly, because i see that here on the air , ms. bezugla has not yet listened to this conversation on svoboda live, she said that yermak had long ago blocked tyshchenko in all messengers, and that tyshchenko is a typical dressed-up man. i haven't listened to this conversation in its entirety yet, but it's very interesting, because maybe, as you said, serhiy, there's another blunder, maybe there will already be some kind of point made publicly, if at all. there are deputies, colleagues from the servants of the people, i’m telling you, mariana bezugla is like that, as yermak’s spokeswoman says about it, then maybe you should believe it, and kraken,
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by the way, published a statement and confirmed that their former fighter was attacked in the dnipro, that , what the special units of gur say. with in view of the public publicity of the incident, we inform you that the civilian man who received bodily injuries as a result of the clash is a former soldier of the kraken special forces, we do not interfere. the investigation is in progress, but we are carefully following its course: the consequence of such incidents should be the real establishment of justice. well, and one more thing about justice, very briefly, in just a few words, we will talk with you, colleagues: military correspondent anna kalyuzhna reported on threats from kombat of the third assault brigade of dmytro kuharchuk and his subordinates. the conflict arose because of the post-journalism in which she criticized politicians and their media friends from the third separate. of the assault brigade commented on the withdrawal of ukrainian troops from avdiivka. all the key persons who actually threatened have been identified and all this data will be handed over to the law enforcement officers, because this is a crime. well, in
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response to the accusations, combatant dmytro kukharchuk published a post on facebook with a list of journalists with whom it is not advisable to do business. he is in first place indicated a puddle, also included in the list maria malaevska, serhiy kostezh, anastasia fetchenko, iryna baglai, diana butska. and nadiya blomkvist, kateryna, how to perceive what is happening in general, and where is this border, when journalists can talk about something or write during the war, and when they cannot do it, well, for us as viewers of this story, because we are again after all, i am not a participant there, i am not a military journalist, in any way, ukrainian military journalists are a separate topic, they are a separate field, a separate profession, and... with a cool head, and actually it's very, very, very, very big dangers, in principle , in these facebook fights in all that are going on, and when we talk about the work
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and the military journalists, who are under stress, and the military, who are also in a completely different reality than we civilians there in the body, in the cities, which are not so close to the front, so here, here, here is the lady journalist, she files there, she wrote a statement: to the police, and of course, that on this statement, i would like law enforcement agencies to react there appropriately, or was this one situation, this conflict arose from comments on facebook, was it somehow possible to make the communication more closed, maybe not on facebook, maybe call, talk, clarify all the subtleties, this is another question, that's why i want an investigation and of course i don't want such unfortunate conflicts, thank you marina, well, of course, in this situation, it's hard to judge one side and the other, but we see a conflict between the media and the combatant, and he names there and with whom he would not like to have
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matter, this too in the end. after all, it is kombat's business, he is not, he is fighting, he is not in contact with journalists, although it is clear that journalists are also doing their job, how in this situation can we judge who is right and who is wrong in this situation, or whether everyone just has to cool down and just talk calmly, look, there is such a sensitive moment here, i know anna kalyuzhna very well, and she used to be, by the way... we are on the espresso channel, and she is a talented journalist, i also know dmytro kukharchuk as a person, for which ukraine absolutely indifferent, and this is a man who grew up in the military since the revolution of dignity, and very clearly maintained his position for all these 10 years, and when the full-scale invasion began, this man went to serve, showed
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himself to be a very good boyan, and you know, i don’t really i like that some of our interpersonal confrontations result in ugly posts on facebook, then it builds up and snowballs, and it ends with the fact that we are essentially fueling these unhealthy movements, which are only for the joy of russian propaganda and real russian ipso, because look , the armed forces of ukraine is such an institution that has the highest rating, it is... an institution that unites people and provides resources, if we are talking about the third assault brigade, they are well done, they put yes, marina, we have literally 30 seconds is on the air, but i would not like it, i would like kalyuzhna to call kuharchuk from the first and they would resolve these issues between themselves, because honestly, i don't have anyone here, i'm not for anyone, i just really dislike this situation , and you know, if you sometimes get tired as a war correspondent, i highly recommend it
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people for... a long time to leave this profession, because it is really very exhausting, all these interviews with soldiers, they are very exhausting , thank you, marina danyliuk yarmaleeva, kateryna nekrecha, were guests of our program today, thank you for participating in the program, let me remind you that during the broadcast, friends, we conducted a survey and asked you about whether russia should be invited to the second peace summit, let's see the results of the survey, 11% yes, 89% no, i put an end to this, it was a verdict program it was conducted by serhiy rudenko. i wish you a quiet and peaceful night and take care of yourself and your loved ones, have a good weekend, goodbye, neche levo podolayelev, citrilev neo, protects against
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the most common allergens. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid z'. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko. from
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tuesday to friday from 20:00 to 22:00. summer: it is a time of rest and recovery. and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and a little peace for children, a world that destroyed by war. these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, protecting us and you. our country died at the front, and they, like no other, need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that traveling helps children recover faster after a loss, children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children are worried.


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