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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EEST

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for 50 billion dollars at the expense of interest from the confiscation of frozen russian assets, and this money can be used not only for humanitarian purposes, but also for military purposes. then biden adopts, promotes the decision, it has not yet been adopted, that ramshtein, that is , the voluntary club for the defense of ukraine, should be replaced by the nato system with... a mandatory fixed contribution of all countries except hungary of 0.25% of the expenditure part of the budget, which for us is a very serious figure, then there will be a response to putin's shameful trip to another cloud of the planet to north korea, i.e. glory by god, our negotiating position in the course of the upcoming diplomatic clash is not formed by zelenskyi's team, but by biden's team, and there is a chance in this, you already mentioned this...
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putin's trip, he was in north korea, then he flew to vietnam, under during the press conference in hanoi, the russian dictator declared his readiness to continue dialogue with the ukrainian side on the basis of the istanbul agreements and the minsk agreements, but noted that russia's proposals will change depending on the situation at the front, let's listen to a small excerpt. i don't think so nihilism about our proposals will continue. something will always change, in particular , our conditions will change, depending on the situation on earth. well, i mean, it's my understanding that these four areas that he named are just to start the conversation, it's a maximum, it's a maximum so as not to lose face and tell my orc subjects that we 've won, but that's it , what he says, but i will pay attention to what he said, the liquidation of ukraine.
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so the capture of kyiv, then he spoke about left bank ukraine, then about the so-called novorossiya, and now he is talking about, he says, the situation on the ground, that is, what they occupied, and he says, here are four regions, and if we can occupy another fifth, then the fifth, this is his translation, statements, but why is he being asked this question, everyone understands that this violates all international agreements, and no one will admit. all the rules of coexistence in the world, and if this happens, the whole world will catch fire, because in fact putin is returning the world to the world of the 18th and 19th centuries, strong countries captured weak ones, or imposed their dictators on them, when, for example, catherine the great, the so-called great, made her lover the king of poland, and then she got tired of that lover, she took this poland and divided it into three parts together with prussia and austria, and for 150 years poland did not exist, then such a... putin wants peace, and everyone
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understands this anywhere in the world, including vietnam, which also has a very difficult history with its own and its neighbors, because vietnam also consists of at least three historical regions that were under different occupations and in different conditions, and they all understand what it is catastrophic consequences of the disappearance of rules, and putin is their symbol, that is why he was welcomed in korea, because that dictatorship cannot live otherwise than in a state of war. with the whole world, as well as russia, and vietnam does not want to do so, and no documents on the conversion of the ruble, on the facilitation of export cooperation, on the avoidance of western sanctions were signed with it, all not only western countries, but more or less civilized and successful countries are not going to be members of the club of suicidal dictators from the horrors of the world, which putin is today and this is, well... a challenge to the entire planet, in
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of course there are followers of them who sit in the bushes or in the alpine mountains and wait for how it will end in order to attack their neighbors, they are, and that is why it is very important for us today to feel unity with the whole civilized world, and this unity should not be so diplomatic. i'm sorry, because he, putin, and ying don't understand this, it should be military, we just have to give them a run for their money, although it's not worth underestimating the danger of the alliance between putin and north korea. we must honestly say that there is an army of two million in korea really wants to fight somewhere, and to exclude the fact that 10 divas arrived in ukraine there. unfortunately,
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today no one can, and when we say north korea, the whole world immediately comes to mind, the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning the name of this country is illegal nuclear weapons. uh, not bad, but missiles, and they can appear anywhere, and putin's blackmail with nuclear weapons, in his russian style, cunning, i think, how to say this word so neatly, hey cunning, yes, can lead to the fact that it will be korean, which would not be a missile with some dirty uranium, eh, that is, putin's there are a lot now. new versions to frighten the world, as he likes, variability appears in him, unfortunately, yes, but we have such one way, to hold a war summit, or allow a victory summit, where to gather, i’m sorry, not cape verde, for sure, it’s
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beautiful an island country in africa that probably wants our wheat but doesn't vote for us, probably we don't really need east timor and even with all due respect to san marino, well , there is such a thing... a state in italy, yes, i think we it is necessary to gather those who are ready to give ukraine more weapons, a larger radius, and do the following: a simple analysis of how russia exceeds us today, aviation, planes that take off from the unsinkable aircraft carrier crimea, without reaching the impact zone of our anti-aircraft missile. they hit our trenches with rockets and winged aerial bombs (kabs). what do we need? we need to get western weapons, maybe even south korean ones, now we have a chance to hit russian airports, destroy their
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air defense systems, launch the promised f-16s and shoot down, for example, 20 russian planes in two weeks, that's when. our positions on this summit victories will be high, much better than negotiations with saudi arabia, cape verde and san marino. i swear to you, the only way to get putin to back down is to punch him in the face. he does not consider all other diplomatic pieces of paper to be serious arguments at all. he only understands power, anyone in the world who has talked to him will tell you that. in all interviews of people who communicated with them in everyday life. in work, even more so in confrontation, he understands only strength, and therefore we must ask now from our western and perhaps even asian allies, give the weapons that putin will realize, and after that, it is possible to go to negotiations, but before that, to go
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to the second peace summit, it means actually going to the legalization, the begged istanbul capitulation, because it is not for nothing that putin through an american newspaper published the text: the istanbul capitulation on the day before or on the day of the summit, he simply shows where the ukrainian delegation was, what it initialed, and he constantly reminds of this, trying to say, this is your chance, and the chance there is terrible, eh- eh, the army is reduced by 10 times, tanks and artillery there are dozens of times scarce, there we had 120 m left and 500... tanks of the artillery system, 300 tanks and 85,000 of the ukrainian army, just think about today's million, the ukrainian language is prohibited, the nazis are punished, neutrality is mandatory, we have to ask russia for permission to conduct
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military maneuvers, we have, we do not have the right to neither produce nor buy weapons that hit more than 40 km, in fact this is a repetition of munich, when che... surrendered a small belt of mountains in which she lived the german minority, and everyone believed that hitler would stop there, but the army and society were so demoralized that six months later, without a single declaration of war, hitler was in prague, and the czech and slovak states ceased to exist, therefore the destruction of the armed forces, its disarmament and the ban on communicating with the outside world, its neutral a status that will mean just an easy sacrifice. for putin, for those who still believe russian propaganda, suddenly that neutral status can be a way out, i want to remind you that putin annexed crimea and occupied two territory of the donbass, when ukraine, according to yanukovych's law, was formally a non-aligned
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state, and we had no right to go to nato, even by law, but it did n't matter to putin, it was just a weak victim, he took it away, and now, maybe a very important one. history, who lobbied all this in istanbul? the delegation was created by president zelenskyi's decree, headed by mr. arahami. and who was the main diplomat in this delegation? mr. olek'. administration of the president and kravchuk and kuchma and was responsible for the budapest memorandum. is everything clear now? who sent zelensky to istanbul? and who they want, and whose conditions they want for negotiations. to see in the kremlin, and where this tame
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course, established at the so-called peace summit, is leading. putin, while in east asia, is talking, talking about strategic defeat, that the west wants russia to suffer a strategic defeat, and that he says that would mean the end of its statehood, hinting that in that case he would be prepared to use stronger weapons obviously nuclear, let's hear what he said. they talk about what want to achieve a strategic defeat of russia on the battlefield. what does this mean for russia? for russia, this means the termination of its statehood. here's what it means. this means the end of the thousand-year history of the russian state. i think it is clear to everyone. and then the question arises, why should we be afraid? we will go to heaven,
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and they will go to hell, he always tells the russians that we have nothing to fear, because we will all go to heaven, our enemies to hell, or was he hinting here that we have nothing to fear and it is better for us to go to the end, well, let it go to the end, i'm for it, you, i think also, but look, i... i remember, there is such a russian writer pilevin, yes, well, he positioned himself as such a semi-oppositional, liberal, pro-western and in general such a bit of an idiot in his head, but he has a brilliant phrase in one of his works , says, it must be recognized that there is a worldwide anti-russian conspiracy, but it must also be recognized that the entire adult population of russia participates in it. this is a vivid example. a man, the head of a state with such colossal resources, with such colossal problems,
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suddenly proves himself to the whole world in order to go all the way, well, tell me how wise it is, that is, if you don’t have roads on two/thirds of the territory, if you don’t have not only gas heating, but even toilets in the premises of more than half of the residents, if you can list a bunch of economic, environmental, social... whatever problems, you really have to go to the end, why, what threatened you then, again, for those who even for a second believe russian propaganda, that putin could not do otherwise, how to answer at the challenge of the west, nato is expanding and so on, so look at the reverse side, his medals for liberation, not liberation, for the reunification of crimea, although this year they killed the back one. side, but at the beginning of three years there was the same thing, the unification of crimea was written there, and on the other side,
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once it was written on february 18, 2014, it was when we were still being killed on the maidan, and they already thought that they were responding to nato attack. all of putin's aggression was not provoked by anything, not supported by anything, it lives in his head, he wanders around the kremlin. in which there is a lot of gold and busts in every office, well so-called great kings and queens, and here he comes across a bust of peter the great, a bust of catherine the great, a bust of nicholas, alexander, and some other cholera, and suddenly realizes that when he dies, he has nothing to put a bust on, just mole, bunker, and here he decided to go down in history, look how old he is, this eternally young man. in beachfew 72 will be and he attacks to go down in history as one of those who built
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an empire and he followed the same path, but it is the path of the middle ages, it is a path that is not acceptable for the modern world, and he tells you in this phrase: i don't care what the whole world thinks, we are a wild horde, we are used to it, and we are not going to change our rules, we, a wild horde, want to be paid. for the fact that we are scary, or if they stop being afraid, as ukraine did, we attack them so that all other neighbors are afraid and pay double tribute, that's all, this is the logic of the horde. there are 12-14 centuries, and putin brought it now the modern world and it goes without saying that this is unacceptable for everyone, the only problem is that we blow our noses for everyone, this is the only problem, because this extensive struggle is losing for putin a priori, and he subconsciously, rightly said, we will go to the end, there will be an end to all this, the only
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problem is that ukraine will pay the most for it. it's, well, maybe something to be proud of, but honestly, it's more bittersweet than the amount of sacrifices and tragedies that are happening to us to stop this bloody madman. friends, i would like to remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, we conduct surveys throughout our broadcast, we are asking you about whether it is necessary to invite russia to the second peace summit, no, everything is quite simple on youtube if you watch us on tv. ether, please vote for the numbers if you think it is necessary to invite russia to the peace summit, the second: 0800 211 381 no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote , and otergiy, i apologize for interrupting you while you were announcing
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questions, i remembered when the war started, that evening i was invited. for one broadcast, well and for everyone it was, of course, shocking on the 23rd, you mean, i think, on the 23rd, the day before, i was at gordon’s, and many other politicians, and for everyone it was shocking news, and here it comes to me, i say, moscow should remember, we baptized you, we will sing you off, so this is roughly the answer to what putin is saying now, he says to go to the end, forward, as quickly as possible, but now of course it is standing very much.. . an important question, we are on the front line of this civilizational war, what can we do to strengthen our position, why am i an oppositionist, because the opposition is that part of society that speaks about what the government does not want to say or do, about what the government does not want to hear, even so, let's put it this way,
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and here, the washington nato summit, the 75th anniversary, is coming soon. a lot is said about it, and it is obvious that the question of ukraine's membership in nato is no longer on it. on the one hand, this is an objective reason, because countries in a state of war are not accepted as nato members, on the other hand, it is a subjective reason, because germany, from which the gdr was torn away, became a nato member. and here is the question of what the authorities think about the defense of ukraine after the war. after all, if even we get out. but if a huge happy miracle happens and we go to the borders of 91, the war will not end, missiles will hit us from the caspian sea and the kola peninsula. the question is, what should our government do? our government should remember that the only victory for ukraine is not territories, it is not years, it is not settlements, it is nato. this is the only global system
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of collective defense that even putin, even kemchenir and even the iranian mullahs are afraid to violate. this is the maximum desire that everyone who thinks about our safety has children and our grandchildren. it is clear that we will lose this thing so far. okay, it happens, various reasons, including elections, including many psychological, individual relationships between our leadership and westerners, okay. the second option, we can get the status that israel has. japan, south korea, and other countries. basic. an ally of the us outside of nato, this means privileged conditions for the supply of weapons, privileged defense financing relations, and joint defense of territories. israel showed us all this, a picture when everyone is together and german, french, and american missiles shoot down an attack on israel, although
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israel itself has something to fight back, they showed us this status, it would be the second option. and the third option is serious bilateral agreements with nato countries. and zelensky concluded a lot of such agreements, but only one with britain has specific figures for the financing of our defense. all others are framework declarations of peace and friendship and consultations after three days in the event of an attack. so, as a result, there is one option, there is a second option, there is a third option, but zelenskyi's diplomacy, namely... he heads the country's foreign policy according to the constitution, followed the fourth option, from my point of view, the worst, it followed the path of a peace summit with russia on terms. china, from my point of view this is unacceptable, this is a red line, you already mentioned, we started the conversation with this, did you mention the ambassador in singapore,
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what she said, zelenko, kateryna zelenko, she said that ukraine allows its participation in the chinese peace summit, she said in a comment to the chinese publication morning newspaper chinese newspaper, by the way, the only newspaper that, which. what she said: ukraine will consider the possibility of participating in a peace summit led by beijing with the participation of both warring parties, if the negotiations are based on the rules and principles enshrined in the un charter and international law. well, to be honest, for me, when i saw this statement, the question immediately arose, why is the ambassador in singapore talking about the chinese peace summit and on behalf of it. of ukraine in this case, that is, well, this is the level of the minister of foreign affairs, this is, well, the level of the same yarmak, he could
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make such a statement on the instructions of the president, this is a montage, this is a montage, and also of the western allies and ukrainian society, they ee, that is, they specifically threw in this information, looked at how the world reacts, one of the small ones, forgive me, but after all, this is a small representative... ukrainians in a small country have seen what will be the reaction of ukrainian society and western allies, who have been providing us with money for weapons for the third year, half of the ukrainian budget is money from the european union and the united states, and at the same time we they say that you know, we have thought here and will hold negotiations with the aggressor in china, and this despite the fact that china and the eu and the usa are simply antagonists of a global dimension, this is a shame, but believe what she said, it is not authorized, i cannot, because in the current situation, in the course of all these diplomatic statements, it cannot be that even the ambassador of
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the smallest country would allow himself to say such things in such a newspaper aimed at the outside world, primarily at the english-speaking world, this a survey of how this ukrainian society sucks, well, let's see what the result is that's all, let's talk briefly about energy. because you've already mentioned these defenses that cost half a billion dollars. following the results of the meeting of the supreme commander-in-chief, zelenskyi stated that he instructed the government to ensure the protection of energy facilities and develop a program to stimulate alternative generation. let's listen to what the president of ukraine said. the government is instructed to immediately present a program to stimulate the installation of solar generation in ukraine. and energy accumulators, the most favorable program, so that it would be an analogue of the 5.79 program in terms of ease, but zero interest, zero annual
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hryvnia for citizens. second, a clear plan for the completion of all protective structures for the energy industry. third, at all public and administrative facilities in the country, at all facilities. critical infrastructure, appropriate alternative sources of energy supply are needed, but if this statement was made in 2022, it would probably be even on the 23rd, even on the 23rd, it would be timely, isn't such a statement too late, when half of the energy facilities have already been broken , on a change in the clear plan of fortification in the fall of the 23rd year eh? to replace the clear plan for shelters, to replace the clear plan for the protection of energy facilities also last fall,
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now a new clear plan is coming, the same as the construction of disneyland, ukrainian rockets in space, the new presidential palace, a billion, i'm sorry, a billion trees that are there there is also a university, a presidential university, the roads of the state aviation company and all other fantasies. with which ukrainians were brainwashed three years before the war, during this fireworks from behind him, 13 billion bucks were invested in asphalt over the last year, freezing rockets and artillery of our own production for this amount, and that is why we are asking today, is it possible to fire a german missile at russia? they say no, and we say that the germans are to blame, those who changed the asphalt for a ukrainian missile up to... 100 km range, 300 km range, even 100 km range, are to blame, that's why this is a continuation of the gushing, look, i'm not against that what the president is saying now, it has to be done, but i suspect, as a person who was the chief
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designer of that...thousandth factory, that time until the heating season will be enough only for the next vidos and projects in the style of potemkin er villages from my point of view, and for some reason the emphasis is on solar energy, it's like khrushchev, who was going to outdo the americans and fly not to the moon, but to the sun, he says, yes, the sun, well, the temperature is terrible, will melt the rocket, he says that the party is not fools, i thought, we will fly at night, but it is the same story, but no one thought that solar energy in winter, well, mildly in other words, not effective, at night at all, but to warm yourself at night, er, all the more it is about hospitals, about many other critical facilities, so the question from my point of view is very simple, how to build in ukraine not the old veli, not to rebuild the old soviet monsters who gave us electricity, which easily
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to bombard with rockets, because there are not so many of them, 85 ee strategic ee transformer substations, only 85, and they were fortified from the shaheds, but not from missiles, and all of them, to put it mildly, became victims, so you can build modern western and asian ones in every city, they are in a large assortment, gas turbine stations, i recently read an article about khmelnytsk, well , i am not ready to say how much it is... not advertising, but it claims that even before the war, the leadership of the city of khmelnytsk invested money in these stations and today it does not depend on the old soviet monsters oblenergo and heat and power company. so maybe this is the way? maybe the president should not talk about giving us money, but should say: give money to the city leaders, and they themselves will be under the control of the community, that's close, it's not going to kyiv for rallies,
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which are prohibited. here you have it, in dnipro, in rivne, in zhytomyr, in kherson, they will build you decentralized small stations that will give you energy. it is expensive? no, it's not that expensive, it's about a million for one megawatt. as many as you need, a lot, but it's a loan. help ukrainian cities cope with this. but for god's sake, don't give it to the government, as the president is proposing, because that's all he's done. from the protection of energy facilities to the production of drones, to the ukrainian military industry and so on and so on, everything was ineffective and corrupt, and corruption problems close the possibility of receiving serious investments from the west for these needs, if the borrower is the government, everyone already knows its price, the entire western press is now full of articles about top ukrainian corruption, well, actually
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, the washington post wrote this week... that zelenskyi was disappointed by blinkin's attention to corruption in ukraine during the last meeting, according to the publication, between the authorities of ukraine and the united states of america, where relations in the fight against corruption are further strained, creating a permanent a threat to aid to kyiv, while senior ukrainian officials complain that americans and europeans often use the stereotype of ukraine's corruption as a pretext for delaying aid, and that this accusation is not just a cliché, but evidence of... hypocrisy in capitals that have their own problems with corruption, you, as a person who understands very well how the state machine works and how this corruption lives in general in this country, what can you say about the corruption of president zelensky's time, well, for objectivity, overcoming corruption is a function not so much the law enforcement agencies as
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the coordinated work of the cabinet of ministers and the parliament. rotor, well, to provide electricity, but there are holes in this dam, corruption, from which a huge amount of scarce water flows, to the point that the work of the power plant stops, what should be done, first of all, law enforcement agencies testify about these holes. they say, look, they are stealing here, and we detained him, they are stealing here and we took him to court, they are stealing here and we have already put him in prison, and the government should think about what to do to make it impossible to steal like this, because in my history there were four heads of the regional gas company in one region who stole at one place and another himself, or there was a famous state party.


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