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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all the viewers and i will just now tell you about the most important events. due to the loss of combat capability, the enemy withdraws some of his units from under vovchansk in the kharkiv region. the russians need decommissioning - said the spokesman of the operational-strategic grouping of troops khortytsia nazar voloshyn. the ukrainian military also defeated the occupiers nearby. from
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uliptsi and tykhi. at the moment, the enemy has suspended its active combat operations in this direction. during the past day and in the morning, he did not carry out any assaults. at the same time, the russians continue to use guided air bombs and unguided missiles against the populated areas of the region. the russian panzer-s air defense system was destroyed in the belgorod district. this is the second complex in two days. another one succeeded. burn near the border with ukraine. he covered the attack group near liptsi. in both cases , the crews did not manage to survive. and the explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied mariupol , smoke was visible above the city. there are two hits on the base of the occupiers and on the air defense system at the mariupol airport, the adviser to the mayor of the city, petro andryushchenko, said. up to five units of the invaders' equipment are pre-damaged. it is also known about
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a hit near the training ground near the village of stary krym. consequences are clarified. meanwhile, the russians write about the downing of missiles near the city, as well as in the area of ​​the village of nikolske. at least 20 explosions rang out in occupied donetsk, eyewitnesses reported on social networks. the video shows what happens at the point of impact. debris of the allegedly shot down missile damaged the car and the road. part on one of the streets of the city, there is no information about the victims. turning point: russia began to launch calibers over the sea of ​​azov over ukraine. tonight they attacked with four rockets from this direction. the enemy considers this water area safer than the black sea, so it places its ships there. he declared spokesman of the naval forces, dmytro pletenchuk. at the moment , there is one russian in the waters of the sea. submarine,
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it can carry up to four calibers on board. three missile carriers are in the sea of ​​azov, they can have up to 20 calibers on board. as a result of the attack in ivano-frankivsk , the premises of the university of oil and gas were damaged. there was a fire on the territory of the institution, a large gap formed. rocket debris also hit a kindergarten and a lyceum in one of the city's microdistricts, the mayor said. martsinkiv more than 800 windows were broken in the houses, 14 buildings and more than 1. mmet of roofs were damaged. previously, there were no victims. each person will be able to receive compensation from the city. well, in parallel, we will submit documents for the state program, there is a recovery. the most important thing is that everyone is alive, unharmed, and there are no hospitalized patients. this is
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the most important thing, everything else will be rebuilt, everything else will be fine, like the kindergarten, and the school, and every apartment, thanks to the russians, two residents of the kherson region were wounded, the enemy shelled the village of dudchany with artillery during the day, two men who were in the yard were injured own house, reported in the regional military administration. a 42-year-old local man was diagnosed with explosive and craniocerebral injuries, as well as facial injuries. he was given help on the spot, he refused hospitalization, his 62-year-old father was taken to the hospital, he has a shrapnel wound on his leg and a contusion. a fatal road accident occurred in transcarpathia, in the village of ruske, a drunk driver drove off the road and ran over a woman and two minor children. a six-year-old girl died on the spot from her injuries. 27-year-old woman and a one-year-old baby was hospitalized, reports said. in the regional police. kirmanych avto is
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a 37-year-old local resident. he was repeatedly prosecuted for violating traffic rules. at the time of the collision , the man was in a state. alcohol intoxication, he was detained, the driver faces up to 10 years behind bars. nine people were injured as a result of an accident of a bus with ukrainian tourists in romania. the bus overturned in the morning. he was on his way from kyiv to bulgaria. there were more than 50 people in the salon, among them children. consular assistance was provided to the injured citizens of ukraine. so far, everyone has continued their journey on another bus, the ministry informed. of foreign affairs. romanian law enforcement officers are investigating the cause of the accident. a 17-year-old boy drowned in the ivano-frankivsk region. the boy disappeared two days ago while swimming in the cheremozh river in kolomyysk district. police officers, rescuers and
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the local population were looking for him. the territory was surveyed with the help of a drone. in the morning, divers discovered the teenager's body and handed it over to the workers the police, the state service reported. from emergency situations. a 43-year-old man died in odesa from a grenade explosion. a local resident found his body in krymskyi park, in the park on krymskyi boulevard and informed the law enforcement officers. during the inspection, the police removed fragments of a hand grenade, and found explosive injuries on the body of the deceased. forensic experts will determine the exact cause of death. the circumstances of the event will be established. law enforcement officers 1,700,000 ukrainians have already updated their data through the reserve plus application, the deputy minister of defense reported kateryna chornohorenko. about 26,000 citizens updated their information abroad.
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in the future, the department plans to add to the application an electronic referral for passing the military medical commission. at the same time, summonses will not be sent through the reserve plus on... an additional law must be passed for this. two more countries joined the domnuks peace summit. the document was signed by barbados and the marshall islands, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi announced on the ex social network. he thanked the countries for joining and also noted cooperation with island countries, the issue of environmental and food security is very important. after the end of the summit, the declaration was signed by six new countries and organizations. ukraine is working to make them even more. ukrainian music is always on time. a number of free concerts were held in lviv the day before.
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about 100 artists took part in the festival before world music day, performing at various locations. our correspondents visited one of them. see details below. from paris and berlin to sydney and tokyo. every year on the summer solstice, june 21 , the world celebrates the day of music. for 12 years in a row, a large-scale holiday has been held in ukraine. music day unites amateurs and professionals on stage - says andriy zholob, guitarist of the lviv punk band beton. i still remember my previous band or kasim's slippers, that i played at the days of music 10 years ago. and... that is, this holiday in lviv, it has been going on for quite some time, constantly, different locations, different performances. all concerts are absolutely free, this is a key condition, but the organizers of the holiday opened a large-scale collection for 250,000 uah. this money will buy 12 fp buckets that will help our defenders
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defeat the enemy at the front. anyone can join the collection by making a donation to the general bank. in the middle of the concert, you suddenly have an auction, and then you feel a sense of accomplishment, knowing that, for example, you transferred so much money to such and such a brigade, you know exactly what it was for, whether it went to drones, or it went to night sights, and so on in this case, this is how we balance between psychological discomfort and musical comfort. thanking the zsu, thanking you volunteers and thanks to the people who donate and who keep going here in this country, we are already winners. artists and guests of the festival are all celebrating, despite the current challenges. brought by the war, ukrainian music must stay up to date, and such measures are necessary for the preservation of our culture, self-identity and love for ourselves. maria yavynovska, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. well, the espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from zero to
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life, which is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they are every day. victory, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield, so quad bikes are indispensable assistants for evacuation, your support significantly increases the chances of the soldiers of the cold spring not only... to successfully carry out combat missions, but also to return from them alive. join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. such were the news at that time. our team is working to ensure that you see an updated news release already at 5 p.m. if you want to know more, you can visit our website espresso tv, you can also follow us on social networks and watch our content.
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on youtube, if you want to wake up as if you were a child with your grandmother, full of strength and energy, then the new product from mattress market is just for you, meet the dreamlight feather mattress. the perryina dreamlight mattress smoothes out wrinkles. old mattresses, sofas, folding beds, it can be laid out for sleeping just on the floor, soft, comfortable, beautiful, and so profitable, only from 499 uah. ordinary toppers cost one and a half, two and even 300 hryvnias, and we offer you a mattress extra quality spirulina for only uah 499. the economy is incredible, soft, fluffy, hugs like a cloud, resembles a real grandmother's buckwheat. no more spending crazy money on a new bulky mattress. everyone can upgrade their mattress from now on. you will get the same comfort in incredibly
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a benefit, instead of buying a new heavy mattress, order a dreamlife pillowcase mattress and enjoy your quality and deep sleep, a dreamlight pillowcase, call, there are discounts, they represent unbreakable discounts on eurofast softcaps 20% in travel pharmacies mothers and savings an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better roads. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does mr. norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon. with mykola in september, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at
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espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see. every saturday at espresso. we come back and encourage you to donate. so. first to sell, then i will tell you what surprised me. because 2.5 million must be collected. 765 plus thousand is already in the account. we need more. this is for maviks for the 100th brigade, for military intelligence from this brigade. please don't be stingy and if you have one opportunity, please donate, yesterday there were many donations of 20-25 uah each, but in the morning we
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collected 23 00, these are such small donations, in particular, so don’t panic if you can’t do more than 10 uah, 10 uah is also very good, well, in the meantime, i was surprised, because i was watching on june 22, how could it be, the austrians are writing news, the harvest has begun in ukraine, can you imagine, that is... this is what the agricultural cycle looks like in the current hot summer, we are now talking about various we will ask the general about the realities of ukrainian agribusiness director of ukraine.
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this year's harvest was underway, five southern regions have already started harvesting early grains, so in principle the expectations are not bad, taking into account the prevailing weather conditions and taking into account the situation, and of course, one of the main things for us is the sale of our products, that is , it is extremely important for us to ensure the export and the continuation of the operation of our grain mill... the road through which our grain is actually sold. actually, yesterday we saw this news about the fact that the harvest has already begun and the first such results were about the fact that the forecasts are that this year will be worse than last year, but it will be enough for us in ukraine, and there will even be something left to export and make money from it. can you specify,
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in fact, what will be more, what will be less, what will happen with the prices as well. well, look, our products are directly related to world grain prices, which are made up on world markets, i.e. according to those global forecasts, there will be a somewhat certain decrease in price against the background of increased yields in south america, so actually there will be a slight decrease in prices on the world market, and of course it will affect our value. is also an important component, it is also the cost of the logistics of the sea logistics itself, the rail logistics that will be here, because we know that there are certain problems with the soviet canal, namely the blocking of it, and in some ships, most of the ships are now going to 'driving around
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africa, in fact, and these are additional expenses, which actually make up. this affects our value and the profits of agricultural producers, that is, the houthis did the terrorists actually force the entire agrarian business to sail around the whole of africa? yes, it is, yes, not only agrarian business, all goods have now been reoriented and all goods are now going, bypassing, which actually increases logistics costs and actually affects the cost of goods sold, what was mine... well, let's say last months , that is , the maximum obstacles for ukrainian farmers to carry out even transit routes through poland to all corners of europe or to the ports of the southern ports of europe, do you expect something it's like that now or that's all, the elections have passed and everything in our country has been fixed, as they say, quotas have been fixed,
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everything has been shaken up with the european commission and we won't see anything like that again, as we saw at the blocked borders along... those borders? well, strictly speaking, if we are talking about grain, the european union is not the traditional sales market for ukraine, we export more to asian countries, here to african countries, and we also export to spanish and italian ports, actually through the port, so actually for us, this direction is not critical, so to speak. about grain, if we talk about other products, such as sugar, here it should be considered that the autonomous trade preferences agreed by the european commission and established for the next year, in fact, in the sugar part, they have already used the quotas that were intended for us, and also for to other products, we will have this question about eggs,
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apart from eggs we will have this question about meat, chicken meat. therefore, these are the things, they are, in principle, very, europe will very meticulously and very carefully monitor the amount of goods that we will export to europe and they will regulate it in order to limit us in those markets. that is, now, if i understood you correctly, i was talking about the southern ports of europe for further movement to north africa, in particular, this is not the most important route, but... this black sea-danube route remains more important, right? yes, in principle, yes. and another question regarding workers, we are observing how in logistics for huge loads. women began to ride, special free courses are organized so that only to train and then be able to hire these women. how about you, do you also have more
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women among the employees, which vacancies come, how about this? well, we all understand the situation in agriculture, and even before the start of the war, we felt a shortage of qualified personnel in the countryside, this is... a trend, it has actually been there since the beginning of the 90s, urbanization in ukraine, a decrease rural population, it leads to the fact that agricultural producers were forced to optimize, were forced to switch to more technological approaches in cultivation, which require a reduction in the number of labor force, that is, in fact, this is a response to those challenges that existed. now, taking into account the situation with... mobilization , agricultural producers have the right to reserve up to 50% of their conscripted men, which actually
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became the reason that, according to our estimates, somewhere in the agriculture sector, up to 15 % of specialists who were involved in work in rural areas economy we actually have it. half a minute, then just say how critical it is, because this 13% does not tell us anything, from the point of view of the 2024 harvest, how critical is it, from the point of view of the 2024 harvest, as in other sectors, it is very critical, and e- there is a shortage of personnel, it is noticeable, if the reservation does not work there in a normal form and is fixed there for the year of the reservation, then there are... we will have significant problems with the sowing of winter crops that will be included, already for the next season, thank you, thank you , oleg khumenko was with us, general the director of the ukrainian club of agrarian
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business, and we will also say goodbye on this, we remind you that the qr-code and card number are to be thrown on the mobiles for our defenders, take care, have a peaceful, safe day, we wish you, do not ignore the signals air alarm, because it can save lives. roman and i will return. stay with espresso tomorrow morning at 8 a.m., or our colleagues have prepared a lot of interesting information. before meeting. ukraine-belgium, only on megako. our team will give the red devils a real treat hell to win a historic victory. cheer on june 26 at 19:00 and turn on all euro-2024 matches exclusively on mekogo
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the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. exclusive interview with diplomat oleksandr khara. why russia has the right to veto ukraine's entry into nato. resonant investigation, the road to nowhere. how the construction of a forest road can destroy a historical monument. the inimitable vitaly portnikov on the impact of the war on... ukrainians and values ​​that will unite the nation. the diary of the legendary nationalist mykola kokhanivskyi: the country is always at the forefront, look for it at the points of sale of the press or subscribe online. there are discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on citramon darnytsia tablets, 10% in travel pharmacies, you and savings. dear ambassadors. and today we will have representatives of the group of seven, ambassadors of the world.
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dear ambassadors, danylo romanovych lubkivskyi, who is the director of the kyiv security forum, will host this panel. why is today a special event? today's the special event is dedicated to three global events that have already taken place. the first event is the recovery conference that was in berlin, the second event is the group of seven meeting, the third event is the peace summit, and there is a fourth event that will be. this is an event in washington, a formula for ukrainian victory in strength, in the strength of the ukrainian army, in the strength of the ukrainian nation, and in the strength of ukrainian allies, and all these three events demonstrated that we have strength and we have unity, the situation at the front is extremely complex,
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and the reaction of the eyelashes. that criminal volodymyr putin, which was made public by him on the eve of the peace summit, clearly testified to only one thing: putin is a war criminal and does not intend to conduct any negotiations. war criminal putin does not intend to comply with the united nations charter, war criminal putin does not intend to end the war on fair terms. for ukraine in the first place, and this only confirms us once again that there is no other formula than our strength and unity and struggle, both on the front line and in the foreign policy component . i will briefly say, first about conference in berlin, the conference in berlin, like all other events, became very realistic, because the conference in
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berlin... was not just about the reconstruction of ukraine, but the conference in berlin was primarily about the defense of ukraine. it was something like an economic rammstein for me, when at the conference in berlin they discussed how to save ukraine and how to help ukraine , first of all, in a military sense, through the supply of anti-missile defense equipment in order to save the state. the g7 summit is another signal to the military criminal putin and not only putin, but... and his allies, because this summit clearly, definitively showed, for those who doubted where china is, china did not just come, china, i support here the words of president volodymyr zelensky, did everything in order to disrupt the peace summit, there are different assessments about the peace summit, i will say mine with your permission, this event was necessary from the point of view of the foreign policy activity of the ukrainian state, is it resolved... the action
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of introducing peace in ukraine, i would like but unfortunately, the way is very far, but at least it demonstrated the unity of our allies, and ukraine again appeared in the key columns of the world media. the third event is the big seven. the big seven demonstrated to putin that, firstly, no one will release his assets from arrest. yes, she did not make a decision on confiscation, but she also made... another decision: to give ukraine 50 billion dollars, which will be received as income from the already seized russian money. we don't know for sure what the mechanism will be, but i suspect that the mechanism will be the following: those interest incomes that can receive from 300 billion seized russian money, will accumulate, and at the expense of these funds, ukraine will receive financial assistance. if you and i are talking about
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a simple arithmetic operation, it means that the group of seven countries told putin: we are ready to keep your money under arrest for tens of years, because it takes at least 10 years to accumulate 50 billion. we will not give up of ukraine and we will support ukraine not just as much as we can, as much as it is necessary for ukraine won so here are three key events. and our distinguished guests, ambassadors, will give their vision of how the allies evaluate the events that have taken place. the fourth event is the washington summit. the kyiv security forum was founded in 2007. since 2007, every year. we spoke with only one message. ukraine should become a member.


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