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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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stand out, and at the expense of these funds ukraine will receive financial assistance. if you and i perform a simple arithmetic operation, it means that the group of seven countries told putin: we are ready to keep your money under arrest for tens of years, because it takes at least 10 years to accumulate 50 billion. we will not give up on ukraine and we will support ukraine not just as much . we can, as much as it takes for ukraine to win. so here are three key events, and our distinguished guests, ambassadors, will give their vision of how the allies evaluate the events that have taken place. the fourth event is the washington summit. kyiv security forum was founded in 2007, since 2007, every year. we
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spoke with only one message: ukraine should become a member of nato. i can only repeat this message now. there is no alternative for a safe, free ukraine than ukraine's membership in nato. we understand all the problems that exist today, including among the members of the alliance, but we are certain that the unity of the western world must be demonstrated in unity in acceptance. of the right decisions in today's world, in today's world that is moving towards the next challenges, in today's world, which, unfortunately, is very far from the comprehensive peace that we had after the end of the second world war. the war criminal putin violated these rules, and he actually introduced a new aggression on the territory of europe. he is not alone,
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i want to emphasize once again, there are many of them now, and you saw that his trip to north korea, now demonstrates only one thing: this is a great axis of evil, and now in this axis of evil, no only russia, it has a lot of allies, a key economic ally that reached out to russia is china, a key military ally that helps russia. these are iran and north korea. and the mass of countries of the global south that maintain neutrality, i do not understand how it is possible to maintain neutrality when a war is committed and an act of aggression is committed against an independent state, when innocent people are killed. this is not neutrality, this is cynicism. therefore , we look to the future with confidence. we have no other option. except
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win this just war. i would like to invite danilo romanovych lubkivskyi to the stage. danylo romanovych leads. come here, because you have already escaped. in order to continue our discussion. thank you all again for coming. and we are discussing our tomorrow today. thank you very much. thank you very much to arseniy petrovych for this large-scale start and to my colleagues. and gentlemen, i will tell you frankly that i am amazed at the number of people who have come to this talk today, it shows the great interest we all have in the events that have taken place in the last week and those events in the international life of the planet that will affect ukraine, which will take place in the coming months, including the summit of the north atlantic alliance, for us, for the kyiv security forum , it is a great honor to invite everyone to the stage.
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participants in our conversation, our speakers, and first of all i would like to invite a good friend of ukraine who made a special gesture for us today, pavlo koval, who is the head of the foreign affairs committee of the polish sejm, who specially arrived and is participating in this conversation in order to discuss these current topics. pavle, please, it is my great pleasure to invite you to the stage. british ambassador martin harris. please. it is with great pleasure that i invite ms. natalka tsmots, the canadian ambassador, who has arrived, having literally just flown in from canada. please. it is with no less pleasure that i invite the high representative of the european delegation to ukraine, yaroslav tymofeyuk, who will represent the entire european union today. please. it is with great
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pleasure that i invite the deputy head of the french mission, benjamin rehring. and we have too today, the two participants who will take part in the online conversation are our good friend, william taylor, the former ambassador of the united states, and nicolas tenzer, an authoritative, expert, well-known, internationalist from the center for the study of international relations in france. many people have come here to listen to our i have already said, in fact, that i am impressed, as
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a discussion, to hear your opinion on the events that we are discussing today, that happened last week and that will be in the future. so my question, the first question is quite simple, what are your thoughts on this, mr. british ambassador martin, i would like to ask you first of all what you think about these three major international events that have taken place, the group of seven summit, the peace summit and the berlin conference. about the revival and restoration of ukraine, i am not even talking about the european elections, if you want, tell me, and in this regard also, in what language? well
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, first of all, maybe two or three words about the context, because i think that what we know now is that, unfortunately, it will be a very long conflict, a very long war. this is the third year after the full-scale invasion, it's still 10 years after the first invasion, and i think that putin has only one chance, that is the fatigue of the partners of ukraine, and what we have demonstrated through these three events is that we are not tired, that we are together with ukraine. and now and forever, and i think we can testify to that because of this very important fact: first, this is a new departure in the field of security between the united states and ukraine, and
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also between japan and ukraine. you know that in january great britain signed the first security agreement here in kyiv during rishi syunak's visit, and now all the members of the big seven have signed similar agreements, and not only the big seven, but there are also other partners, i think there will be almost 30 partners who, together with the big seven, will support the security of ukraine, this is not only politics, it i will definitely support. the security of ukraine even now, and it concerns such an agreement for 10 years, for 10 years, then i repeat, we are not tired, we are together with ukraine, the second step, a very big one, is
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the use of russian assets, we believe that this is only the first step, i know there is supposed to be a confiscation of all assets, but this is... step and me i think that it is pragmatic and very useful, because by using the profits for such assets, we can have loans for ukraine worth 50 billion dollars, then now russia is crying, paying for the defense of ukraine. finally, yes, the process begins, and this is a huge amount, and the third point, these are new sanctions on the russian economy, and these are also new sanctions on such
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firms in other countries that cooperate now with firms that are part of the military industry in russia, and i i think that we can already... see the impact of these sanctions on atms in moscow and st. petersburg, so now there is quite a difficult position. for the russian economy, and it will be even more difficult, then i think that now it is a very big achievement of ukraine at diplomatic prices, and it is just beginning. thank you, thank you. first of all, thank you for these important political signals and for your willingness to systematically continue to support ukraine. and i am certainly grateful for the fact that i hear beautiful ukrainian.
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all these news that come from the international arena, and which show the readiness of international partners to support ukraine, this is very important, not only for the situation that we have now consists, by the way, in france as well, but also if all partners. to help ukraine defend itself by helping with weapons,
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then this is very positive news, of course, ukraine alone could not knock out the russian army from its territory, it is not just about russian resistance. and about the victory over it, to complete this work, to bring it to the end, i saw all the results of the peace summit in switzerland, and this is also very positive, and the promises of all ukrainian allies, regarding the return of ukrainian... those who were taken away by russia , which is equal to the proper
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acts of genocide, i also very much welcome the support of ukrainian integrity, now it is probably too early to talk about holding a peace summit, it is necessary to hold a war summit, because first of all it is necessary. in the war, and this should be our common goal, we should provide everything necessary for ukraine to achieve this goal, so that ukraine can win this war unequivocally and irreversibly, i was in ukraine a few weeks ago talking to ukrainians, and i i know that this process needs to be speeded up, this should be our common goal, i saw all the communiques of the summit in
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switzerland, i think the idea that we could invite russia now to the talks and have russia sit at the table would be very misleading, basically we can talk to russia, we can't talk to russia. putin's russia will not be completely defeated, because every time we talk about peace, of course, it supports a lot of russian narratives that we still see in many capitals, and we need, we need to one day make concessions to russia, somehow come to an agreement which i think is very misleading, i think the very word peaceful negotiations, that's it. what we have to refrain from talking about, thank you very much, first of all, i want to thank you for the very
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powerful language in the political sense that we hear, especially from paris, and it inspires us, but what we hear from hungary, that hungary has chosen the new official slogan for the presidency of the european union, which sounds like let's make europe great again, is something for us. reminds: don't you think that we can see the emergence of conflict in europe. which will undermine unity in the face of the aggressor, as you like this slogan, as you like a change in political sentiment, or are they serious? i have to say that the position of hungary regarding ukraine, slovakia regarding ukraine, some statements made by the austrian leaders after
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this summit, of course, i am very interested. to know what will happen next in france, i really hope that the french will make the right choice, because if the right, the extreme right in france choose, win the election, it will be a big disaster for europe and certainly for ukraine, but i think that whatever -what a slogan about making europe great again such things. real loyalty loyalty to be the strongest, the attitude of russia will be misleading, i don't see fatigue, i don't see that happening, but i think there can be a certain, ordinary temptation, and we expect
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to see what happens next in france , in the united states. in november, and so i think we need to speed up, we need to make things clear, i think one day we need to get involved in all of this, but i have to say that we must not lag behind what is happening, we must show true devotion. than for ukraine to win at any price necessary for victory. thank you, never. and now i want to invite canadian ambassador natalka tsmots to our conversation, i'm working, it's working. natalka, if i may, let me
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quote an important person in my question. at the peace summit, italian prime minister giorgia meloni said that it is something very important to protect ukraine , which means uniting all the efforts of the international community. if russia does not agree to the conditions we impose on it, surrender to us we must create minimum conditions for these discussions, we must force them to submit. as far as i understand the minimum conditions are what my prime minister described as a guarantee that ukraine, russia respects
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territorial integrity, russian troops leave ukraine. these are the terms that canada and the other g7 partners are supporting , the terms that ukraine has put forward in order to start negotiations, and it's very important to see that we see the unity of not only the g7 countries, but we see that this unity extends beyond these borders, in my opinion, unity very important, because i believe that the more countries will be united. conditions that are necessary to start negotiations, the stronger that position will be, if that answers your question, but i think what my colleague said in terms of the war of confessions, i think is fair, is that we we all see, and there is another one, this is economic
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destabilization, and we see, i believe, that even the strikes on the energy... structure are made with the aim of destabilizing the economy of ukraine, that is, the way we support ukraine, and i was on the first day of the berlin conference, where we heard it clearly, we need to be united with ukraine, it means to support the ukrainian economy, stabilization and growth, and the more we integrate the ukrainian economy into europe, into canada, other systems, the more powerful and stronger we will be , i think that these extraordinary victories that ukraine has achieved, for example, in the black sea, no one, no one could have allowed such a victory that the ukrainians demonstrated, and that was something that we all really support, and we can
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congratulate ukraine on this, it is not, it means that, of course, we have a lot of work ahead of us, but if we start from the position of international unity, this is the right start in order to... isolate russia and its allies. thank you, i want to thank canada for its role, for the g7 summit and the peace summit. at the peace summit, your prime minister announced a new aid package for ukraine, for which we are truly grateful. but there is one other topic that i would like to raise with you briefly, i think it was very important to hear about it from canada. for. of ukraine, a common opinion among ukrainian experts believes that it is important role played by the global south? how do you see
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the reaction of the global south at the peace summit? arseniy yatsenyuk said clearly enough about what he thinks about china's position and so on. it's absolutely clear what your thoughts are on how we... i think it was fantastic to attend, to participate in this peace summit. i have to admit, at first we were very skeptical about who was going to be involved, but it exceeded our expectations, of course, and canada and ukraine introduced task force number four, which is human dimension, and we them. we call the global south, but we can expand that, i think they are useful, countries like qatar, let's say, in
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the return of ukrainian children, for example, i know there are thousands who were deported, but we received somewhere around 400 who managed to return. and i think it's an important thing, and these mechanisms are being created, the more such mechanisms are put in place by different countries, the better, and my prime minister led the discussion on the human dimension, and invited four countries to speak, and that we in they could to learn, and inviting other countries, we actually. you're going beyond your, so to speak, your boundaries, and you're expanding diplomacy on this issue, and the human dimension, i
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think, is the most important dimension of this war. i would like to emphasize that at the peace summit we had a very powerful group of countries from the southern south, the annas. kenya, for example, côte d'ivoire, made strong statements, and we saw some reaction immediately, after the first large-scale intervention, we saw countries rallying around the basic principles of the charter of, non-use of force, territorial integrity, the sovereignty of independent states, and we heard about it again in switzerland, and it emphasized the ukrainian position. that this is a starting point for peace, thank you for your speech, and now the floor of poland, i am very glad that pavel is with us today, because for many
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reasons, because you are a wonderful person, because you are the leader, this is the main reason, because you are the chairman of the foreign affairs committee and you are also the representative of your government in the program. restoration of ukraine, so pavel, i have a big question: poland will support ukraine? tell the truth. i'm trying to figure it out, thank you very much for the invitation to this wonderful evening. this is a great opportunity to see you, former prime ministers, old friends, thank you very much for this opportunity. i would like to congratulate ukraine on perhaps the most effective week from a diplomatic point of view,
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last week there were four. major international events, normandy, plus the big seven, berlin, and finally, the peace summit, of course, four very productive meetings, already productive discussions at these meetings. and maintaining interest in ukraine in everything the world, and that was very important, also the declaration, the final declaration, the final declaration of the peace summit, well except for india, but with the participation of many, many delegations, i
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think... that was an element of my experience in the last weeks when discussions were held with these countries, not with north korea, not with china, but with many countries, african countries, south american, middle eastern, and this was a very important initiative, a step when this swiss summit was organized, i would like to emphasize that the role of poland, especially in in the context of the berlin conference, we decided to send a large delegation to berlin, about 100 people, not only official representatives,
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but also mayors, representatives of municipalities, regions, experts and of course business representatives, there were many bank representatives to show our potential, we are members of the big seven, but this was the first opportunity to sit at the same table with... others on the platform of the big seven with partners and present the polish position and our proposals. i would like to emphasize the role of poland as a hub. and maybe you know, my hometown is rzeszów, but
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i'm in neszów. what is this electoral district? this is subcarpathian poland. rzeszów is a support node for reconstruction in the future. this is the first point. the following is about our position: reconstruction, restoration, maybe a better word, restoration now. there are a lot of things that can wait until the end of the war, but a lot can be done right away, especially in the social sphere, and there have been many proposals, in particular, to join this process, factors at the level of municipalities.
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local authorities not only from poland, but also from germany, france, in order to use the regional authorities and activists and experts from the regional level for the various processes of ukraine's preparation for full membership in the european union. we talked especially with my western partners about... the future of ukraine, and they quite often point to the problems that the countries have, these are, you know, standard accusations, in particular regarding corruption, i answer them every time, let's start negotiations and in this light a good decision.
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it was what it was all about.


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