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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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only from poland, and from germany, france, in order to use the regional authorities and activists and experts from the regional level for various processes of preparing ukraine for full membership in the european union. we talked especially with my western partners about the future of ukraine. and they quite often point to the problems that countries have, these are, you know, standard accusations, in particular about corruption, i answer them in every way, let's start negotiations, and in this light, a good decision was what was going before the presidency of hungary
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, the process of negotiations for ukraine will have to be started, and in this context, the key point is exactly the restoration, not only, let's say, reconstruction. bridges, roads and so on, but restoration in a broad sense, this is a key issue, it is also a question of preparation, training, and in this issue poland specializes in a certain way, and this is what we propose for ukraine, so that we act as a certain hub , node, issues of preparation, especially... in
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the context of the expansion of the european union, i would also like to emphasize two more important ones elements, regarding the polish role of poland. perhaps poland is one of the large european countries that have practical experience of accession, expansion, as italy, germany and others. the countries of the european union have not gone through this process of expansion, and we have practical experience of joining the european union in the context of the expansion of the organization. so, we are one of the largest countries that openly say that there are certain economic and security interests in poland for the european union to expand, we are ready. to negotiations
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and we would like to speed up these negotiations, as it is in our interests, without any additional conditions, say, like signing new agreements or new rules for the european union in the context of enlargement and so on, this is actually an important part of our position. i want to emphasize the new position of poland since october last year, poland is returning to the international arena with new proposals, we understand that we are not a member of the big seven, but we are indeed in a sense a hub, we are, and we are seriously interested in the expansion of the european union . thank you. am i right?
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i understand that we can expect a certain reset in the relations between ukraine and poland, politically we can find a pragmatic way to conduct business together and integrate ukraine into the european union. is your government ready for such a reboot? my position is that we should. to be more pragmatic in this relationship, i take into account all the historical and cultural nuances, i think it is time to look more pragmatically at our relationship. the first condition is that we must stop putin, and we are ready to do enough in this regard active as it was. during this
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important period before the adoption of the law on the additional aid package for ukraine. this is at the political level, at the level of the cabinet, and we, the poles and ukrainians, must find the necessary synergy, or that, or we will be constantly stuck in certain historical discussions, or not even historical ones. problems, and others, let's say, like those that took place in february this year with the closure of borders and so on, we must ensure synergy, and in the polish debates, i every day,
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answering questions about possible prospects for the development of relations with ukraine. i always say that we export 11 to 11.3 billion to ukraine every year, this is a great interest, we must be aware of this and must preserve this potential for us for the future and not focus on history, history is of great importance, of course . but we the main message is that we have to open a new chapter, which will be based on a more pragmatic approach, and we will take advantage of these historically, historical opportunities for
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poland to appear in the european union, and ukraine became a new member of nato. thank you very much, it will be natural if we ask mr. yaroslav, as the representative of the european delegation of the european union in ukraine, i would like to ask you about the decision to... start the negotiation process for ukraine and moldova on june 25, and in this context two questions: how do you assess the progress in this regard, secondly, how do you assess the reaction of the government of ukraine to this, it is important for us to know that you understand each
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other with our authorities, and whether there is a specific the prospect of quick accession to... the eu, as representatives of our authorities often announce to us. good evening. first of all, i think the last few weeks have been very successful for ukraine, the berlin conference, the g7 meeting, the international peace summit, and what you just mentioned, the decision to start negotiations. in principle, the decision on ukraine's accession to ukraine has already been made by the european council, and the rest are technical issues, and very often everything rests on technical issues,
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but i am glad that we have bypassed these obstacles, there will be a relevant meeting next week, this is an important step, but it will only be the beginning of a long and difficult process, because here we are dealing with a whole series of issues, the enlargement process is in the hands of the eu member states, and at every step... er , any decision needs full consensus, therefore, expansion is based on the specific results of the country applying to join. for our part, we will do everything possible to support ukraine both in terms of the
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ukraine facility instrument and technical assistance, and financial assistance, economic and so on, maybe there will be certain projects that will allow ukraine to benefit. the experience of other countries undergoing the process of joining the eu. i well remember how poland joined the eu, how difficult it was, but how helpful it was. the transformation of poland and, in many respects, europe as well, and much of what was predicted then in those days, no, did not come true and everything worked out normally, so europe is a wonderful place to live, it was and is great. and i think that this future awaits ukraine, but
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of course, the process will not be easy. we are in constant dialogue with the ukrainian authorities regarding reforms. we in the eu, as you know, issue a report every year. and in october-november this year, there will also be a report on ukraine. and there will be clear monitoring. fulfillment of obligations and reforms in the country regarding all the important chapters that are necessary, which need to be answered by ukraine, i am looking forward to this process, and i know that the road will not be easy, but in the end, i am sure that it will be successful path, but... do you think that the beginning can be considered successful, regarding the eu accession process for
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ukraine? yes, indeed, of course, now i would like to give the floor to mr. taylor, mr. ambassador, i'm sorry, mr. ambassador, for making you wait so long, i have a question, there was such a shadow at the meeting of the great. at other summits, we felt this shadow, and this shadow is called, the elections in the united states, the states that are coming, and it overshadowed many, many issues during these these events, and we see and heard that the support for ukraine will not... change for political reasons, but then mr. trump
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spoke and said that he would solve the ukrainian issue, i will not say that the exact quote here is that he will immediately solve the issue of aid to ukraine in one way or another, i actually do not know what he meant exactly, but he said , that he will do it instantly, even before he gets to the white house, what do you think that means? please, first of all, thank you very much for inviting me, i would like to be with you in person, but i am grateful for your willingness to take part in this conversation, to respond to me by saying, elections and british colleagues, french colleagues have elections, others. this happens in democracies, ours
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won't happen until november, now the polls indicate about equal chances, 50 to 50. european friends, think they know the result of our elections, no, no one knows, neither they nor we know, the next week there will be a debate in which both will participate. give, and they will speak before the american people, and let's see what will happen, this is the first, second, the policy of ukraine, president biden is very clear, very clear, i spoke about it, you talked about it, he says it all the time.
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the polish colleague spoke about this, about support, he clearly indicated his policy, but what is less clear is trump's policy, we have different stories, different ideas, different forecasts about what his policy might be, this is about your question, danilo . you 're not sure what he said, nobody 's sure what he said, maybe he, he often doesn't know what he's talking about... his policies and the third thing i want to say is that congress and more importantly, the american one the people keep saying, answering congressional questions with overwhelming bipartisan support in both chambers, that this clearly indicates
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that the american people, the american congress, support ukraine and continue to do so. to what degree will these elections reflect the views of the american people, i will say this, no matter who wins in november in the united states, the american people will continue to support ukraine, i am absolutely sure that... the views of the american people, regarding the support of ukraine will, will find their reflected in this. thank you very much, i have one more question for you. along with these important international events that we talked about, i also cannot help but mention that one
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manifesto of the so-called president putin, which challenged everything global. with his so -called ultimatum, in terms of the peace arrangements that he is willing to offer, what is the response of the united states, explain what his goal was, and whether he was able to influence in any way what was going on, you know, as well as others, that no one knows what putin says is very important stupid statement, because the only thing that brought results was a peaceful peace summit, where people just said, where are the russians, where are the russians, but with this statement, with this stupid
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statement, putin demands that ukraine give up these territories. in order to start the negotiations i would say i wouldn't pay much attention to what he says i would pay attention to what he does it will just be a waste of your time and ours if we pay attention pay attention to what he says, look at what he does, support ukraine, do everything for ukraine won on the battle field, it is very important, and precisely on this. we need to focus right now, thank you very much, thank you for joining us and for being our great friend, attention, a good offer, order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only 149 uah, durable,
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does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola in september, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws. but how do these changes affect our life? we have analyzed the new resolutions. to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by leading lawyers of the aktum bar association, see that tuesday at 7:55 in the program legal expertise on the espresso tv channel. rightly said that we should not follow president putin's statements, but his step by step, president putin's actions very clearly
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point to this humiliating visit to north korea, where he is asking for additional military support, as my friend of mine said, let's make... russia small again, which will be more humiliating than this visit to north korea, and now to my french colleague benjamin, thank you for you are with us, i also have the same question, what do you think about the summits, what are your conclusions, what paris officially and unofficially thinks about what is happening, thank you very much for this question. maybe i 'd like to pick up a little bit on what our previous guest said, i think what you said about this proposal of president putin,
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i think that this summit was the best response to such a so-called proposal, this is a collective commitment of the participants to work to ensure peace in ukraine and ... the countries that gathered in switzerland demonstrate what it was success, again, a lot has been said about the rooster countries, but let's focus on the successes of the diplomats in the last month, firstly, the ambassador of great britain mentioned this, this is the signing of the security. agreement in february, and now almost all g7 countries, plus many other countries did what was started in february, and in
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june, which month was normandy, i remember the announcement that president macron made at that moment, the training of soldiers, the new... berlin, the success of the reconstruction conference passed , then the allocation of a new loan for reconstruction has already been said the big seven agreement what is the big interest rate loan it was not easy to reach... these agreements but collectively we did it and i think we have to focus on the successes and...
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what a big and and the last, even this were these it's interesting, i'm here instead of my ambassador, because now he's at a meeting of the weimar triangle with ministers from poland and germany and france, well, france because of the elections , i represent the ambassador, and that is, in order to... well, this was the last post in order to to approve this agreement here by the international conference on ukraine, but it was done earlier, even, it was not even the purpose of the visit, it was achieved even before the visit, again, this is a great success for ukraine, and we obviously have to
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focus on it. and before we continue, i want to ask about you, to ask ambassadors to take a couple of questions from the audience, because it's very interesting to everyone, if you don't mind, i want you to prepare the questions, but before we get started, let me continue with... just briefly, i want to ask ambassador harris to answer the such a question, if you look at the g7 summit , which is very important, one of the biggest achievements was the decision to give ukraine 50 billion in proceeds from russian
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frozen assets, but... there is also the question of 300 billion, and this is actually the amount that ukraine needs for recovery, for defense, economic needs, we, without a doubt, will resolve this basic issue from the very beginning, the second is the next nato summit. we expect support, we expect practical solutions. which could be adopted at the summit regarding additional support and assistance to ukraine. secretary general stoltenberg said that they will discuss ukraine's membership in nato. we are very grateful for the discussion of ukraine's membership in nato, but when the invitation will come is a question. the initiative is now in the hands of russia,
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as it were. of russia, during the entire russian war against ukraine, the initiative was on their side, and when our joint western initiative appears, i am not sure that it is correct to say that now the initiative is in the hands of russia, i would say that it is russia's failure in the diplomatic arena, they did everything , what can be done in order to reduce the participation in the mil summit, but i think the results of... the g7 summit are of serious concern to russia, then it is about long-term support, if we talk about russian assets, russia is at least dissatisfied with the fact that the income from russian assets will be used to support ukraine, but speaking from ukraine's point of view, we see this as a first step, we are also in a position
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that... will remain against russia until russia pays for the damage it has done, we will continue to work with the g7 partners on this issue of russian assets, i would also like to say that the g7 group, it took a lot of time, none of us even thought that the result of such a government would be at the g7 summit, many legal... evaluations of financial work, diplomatic efforts have led to the fact that ukraine will now take the initiative. now i want to ask the audience to ask a question, i see two questions, please be the first.


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