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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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everything has changed, at least i recently even read about a jewish woman who was captured, who spent her whole life thinking that let's make a deal, she was just such a pro-palestinian jew, and now she says: no, i was there, something for 59 days, or two months, i saw what was happening around me, and i understand that you cannot put up with them, they all support hamat. this is not some separate part, but this is simply the entire gas sector, well, it’s okay, 90 7.5%, conditionally, support it, so what is public opinion now israelis, they, they understand that they will have to fight, well, it will not work out peacefully, or on the contrary, there are still forces that will say no-no-no, let's still agree, well , it's difficult to generalize here, because israeli society is currently quite... .
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perceives this issue in a polarized manner, there are those who, and they are primarily associated with associations of relatives, of hostages, who say that it is necessary to negotiate, to stop hostilities in the gas, to make all concessions in order to release the hostages, and besides, well, it's more you can say a radical group, but a more significant group in society, it is a little tired. from this war in gaza in the sense that it does not see that this war has a chance of ending with the fulfillment of the task that it was initially, it has been almost eight months of fighting, and neither hamas as a political and military power has been destroyed, nor the hostages released, and it is not clear when it can end, that is, a significant part of the israeli... society has
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the feeling that combat, well combat actions, military means will not solve this problem at all decide that they will have to negotiate, and on the other hand, there is also a growing feeling in another part of israeli society that any kind of agreement does not work, that everything that could be tried, israel has already tried, it tried, it tried... to give territory for peace and did not get peace, lost territories and got war, he tried to negotiate, he just tried not to touch these groups, as was the case in recent years, and got it on october 7, and this part of society has an understanding that the only the way to get rid of this constant danger, which again will threaten a repeat of october 7th, is to destroy all these organizations and ...
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terrorist groups around, including hizballah, in the best case, also including the potential of iran, which is behind all the propsy groups. yes, i remember, i remember the words of prime minister goldener, who, who was being explained for a long time about what israel should do, answered: "you understand that you don't understand that israel had a population of four at that time." millions of the population in israel says: we have 4 million prime ministers, and therefore everyone knows how, what to do, how to do, when to do it and with whom to do it, i see that since you have told now that there are such, such, such, such and such, then this is approximately the same situation as at the very beginning in the 70s, just when goldener gave such an answer that everyone is the prime minister in israel. thank you very much, vyacheslav likhachev, historian, political scientist, researcher. a member of the expert council of the center
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of civil liberties from israel was in touch with us, thank you very much, now we will have a small advertisement and we are from the middle east on the far west, i mean the far west of europe, to france, where oleg shamshur, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to the united states, is already waiting for us, which we will not talk about, and france from 14 to 20 years, which we will definitely says, that is, let's talk about france, and now advertising, like that. oh, i remember, you see, although they say that our memory weakens with age, but i am attentive and remember everything. we take the memo effect from dr. tice and feel the difference. the active substances of memo effect improve the functioning of the nervous system and contribute to the normalization of mental activity. memo effect from dr. tice improves memory and attention, helps to think. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. exclusive interview with diplomat oleksandr khara. therefore,
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tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the tv channel, two hours of air time. of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, the front component, serhiy zurets, and what does the world live on? yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yuriy, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchavka field with me, and sports news , i invite yevhen pastukov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, alina chenina is our art viewer. on the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, leader of the crimean tatar of the people, contact us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for
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intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. watch at 21, news, summaries of the week. russia destroyed 9 gi' in ukraine. watts of power generation, how to replace lost power? a new law on mobilization entered into force on may 18. how to choose your path in the army. ukrainian women are increasingly employed in men's vacancies. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time means to precede him life. bc pick-up, boys' pick-up, atv - this is the way. from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv.
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once again good health, ladies and gentlemen. my name is mykola veresen. 17:38 minutes and 34 seconds on our clocks, and we are expecting oleh shamshur, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to the united states, about the united states we we will not say anything, and also the ambassador of ukraine in france from 14 to 20 years, but it is precisely about france that we are going to talk, and you about it, you feel it, because behind me it is precisely about french colors and the territory of france. not all, because there are still some distant territories there, and we will not talk about football, about the european football championship and about the game of france, but we may talk a little, because it is interesting, because france has elections next week, first of all , the first part, early elections, and somehow that's it
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may be reflected, by the way, the national team's performance and so on, and the participants of these races, there is undoubtedly, as always... there is macron and there is le pen, well, in short, a whole, a whole story, so here is mr. oleg shamshu, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine in france from the 14th to the 20th years, what are we on today and for ourselves. good health, mr. olezh, thank you for taking the time to meet with us, and the first technical question i have, a technical question is simple and difficult, for me, i still, somehow i would not think about it, therefore, if someone wins the parliamentary elections x, then, appoints the prime minister anyway the president, or after all, the majority of the parliament appoints the prime minister and then it arises. conflict, if they belong to different currents between the president and the prime minister, is there such
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a super-presidential republic, when the president under all conditions has the right to appoint the government. that is, if one of the parties wins an absolute majority, the president will have no other choice but to appoint the nominee. to the post of prime minister those who won the elections, i.e. the party and political force that received an absolute majority, i.e. this is the first option, the second option, if none of the political parties gets an absolute majority, then the situation will be much more complicated, but... in principle, everything is the same, the president gets, and he has the right to appoint
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the prime minister, another matter, if , again, he appoints a prime minister who does not enjoy the support of the national assembly, then simply, simply, those forces who are in opposition to the president will remove that prime minister by nominating... that is distrust, that is, the role of the president is key, but it is very important and it cannot be bypassed if there is a situation where none of the parties will have an absolute, absolute majority, sorry, or if a coalition is not formed that has an absolute majority, if that does not happen, then in principle. the situation, as they say in france, will be a situation of chaos, but in
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this chaos the president will have more freedom of hand, but this freedom of hand will be relative, well, it is clear, so, but then why did the president call these parliamentary elections, he just feels that he can chaos to come, and he is in the background of this... chaos will still somehow be able to promote his ideas, or why? that is, in principle, uh, in general, it is primarily connected with the psychotype, with the personality of emmanuel macron. that is, this is an absolute constitutional monarch, that is, he is generally under the constitution of the fifth republic, when there is a pro-presidential one. the majority he is a constitutional monarch, well here it is, in my opinion, in principle we see such an absolute certainty,
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he is absolutely sure that he can solve all issues if he wants to, and he is sure that only he has the right answers to all questions, this is not the first time he goes to the bank, sometimes he succeeded, for example, how to find a way out of a situation with... yellow vests, or when there was a way out of restrictions related to covid-19, but in to this, that is, he played obedience, but in this case, all the commentators, all the political figures agree that it is very not just risky, it is a wrong decision, because there was a calculation that he would get ... an absolute majority, again, as in the first term, his pro-presidential strength, it is now obvious that
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he miscalculated, and the left has created a new the national front, if you look at public opinion polls, now the national assembly maintains its position in first place with a margin of 5%, the new national front is in second place and only in third place... it sounds like the gap is very significant, somewhere a little, well, it depends from the polls, 7-10% is pro-presidential force, plus... pro-presidential force is now in the stage of decomposition, so the chances that macron will manage to get an absolute majority of the centrist pro-macron forces, this is now almost no one discusses how he will be able to use the situation of chaos, we
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will see, but in principle this idea... will have a very bad effect on the political life of france, even more so there will be noticeable contradictions, and now in fact he found himself in such a gap, as they say, between molot and between molot and unforgeable, that is, on the one hand , the right-wing radicals, on the other hand, the left-wing radicals, who are now creating... the basis of this new popular front, that is, the situation for macron now looks like a lose-lose situation, and something can change for ukraine if this, this left bloc, declare yourself, you will receive the majority in the parliament, or at least not a minority, and then what does this
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mean for ukraine, in principle for ukraine, in my opinion, in any case the situation is unfavorable, that is... now it is clear that both macron and individual, well even individual deputies, from his political force, who supported all his initiatives, are now engaged in the fact that they are fighting for their political survival, this is the first thing, if you look at macron's opportunities to implement his initiatives, as you understand, now also , decreased because, as they say, not before that, but secondly, if we look at the possible scenarios, if there is a scenario where the absolute majority is received by the national assembly, and they nominate their prime minister and form their government. on the one hand, this is, as we know, a russophile
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pro-putin party, after the start of the war, they made enough... significant corrections in their public statements, made, cleaned up their program, and now they are advocating support for ukraine, including for providing support to ukraine, ukraine with weapons, although lupen herself says that she's against the provision of lethal weapons, but if you look at the... the program that they're going with, it's limited to, say, long-range systems, uh, so it's clear that they're not going to support macron's initiative on networks, on sending in going to the territory of ukraine, regarding granting permission to hit targets on the territory of russia, they are
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absolutely against ukraine's membership in the eu, against ukraine's membership. in nato against sanctions against russia, i.e. now this position, as the vykanists themselves call it, is very contradictory and, well, one that allows different interpretation, i think that after, if, rather, if the extreme right comes to power, then maybe there will be even bigger problems, one way or another. the problems for us in any case and the risks are quite serious, if the new people's front comes to power, there are those left-wing radicals of milansholna, whose position on ukraine, in principle, was not significantly different from the position of the far-right, and it was very
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unfavorable for us, now there is a compromise program that talks about supporting ukraine. in defense of their independence and sovereignty, but together however, once again, we will see how many far-left radicals there will be in the parliament, and we will see how they will behave, i.e. here we also need to be alert, as they say, i.e. in any situation of chaos, the third option, and i would he even put him in... the first place, and it is clear that then it will be more difficult for macron to find support in the implementation of his initiatives and... maybe he will be stronger, well, not possible, but obviously there will be a stronger influence from the extreme right and extreme left, which they do not
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support ukraine because it is left there there are enough people with such programmatic statements that occupy, and what, mr. oleg, mr. ambassador, i apologize, and what, how else could macron have behaved, but it follows from your words that he if... the organizer volens nolens wanted not wanted, but it turned out that way, but he instigated all this chaos, and there were other options, this, as they say, is a manifestation of volutarianism, of course, that is, it was clear that the pro-presidential force would receive the election, the elections to the european parliament defeat, but no one thought that it would happen more than twice, it's first, it's... usual for macron podiyal, which he had, as they say, in the toolbox of possibilities, that is, he could, well, first of all, he could just
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say that it about the elections to the european parliament, and not about internal politics, although he himself contributed to the fact that these elections turned into a kind of referendum, but if we admit that such a defeat really needs to be done, something would be possible. to change the prime minister, and atal, by the way, the prime minister offered him this, or to keep the prime minister and to reformat the government, it was understood, it was possible, but he chose the most radical option, dissolved the parliament, and in principle, there are no people satisfied with macron's decision at all, neither on the right, nor on the left, nor on the left, nor in the center. because le pen, le pen praised him, she said: "oh, what a great man, heeded the voice of the people." they demanded it, and by the way, after the defeat at the first
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rally, bardela said that he called for the dissolution of the parliament, but now that the situation is already developing, he dissolved the parliament with the shortest term for campaigning, in principle. it is difficult for everyone, and there is a possibility that the national assembly will get an absolute majority, form a government, and macron will try to use the presence of the lipinists in power in order to discredit this political force, and thus undermine the chances of le pen in the elections. in the 27th year, so everything looks very difficult, yes, for some reason i thought that he was just getting ready for the european football championship, for the olympics, that france is ahead,
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vivliavhans, vivlia of the republics, and everyone will say, well done, this is a manifestation of his personal ideosyncrasy, well, he did so much to make these olympic games in france. were , well, how do you say, used to maximize the image of france in the world, and at the same time he did everything to prevent that from happening, because the second round is only the seventh, and there is a whole series of events that put in jeopardy the normal course of the olympic games, that is, everything under was subordinated to his personal. vision of his ego, yes, and we thought to ourselves here that it was only in in russia, putin's ego plays a role, and it turns out, you see, there are also people with
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big egos in europe, who, who, who spoil people's normal life, i would say, and not only in russia, thank you very much, oleg shamshuk, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine in the united states from the 5th to the 10th years and in france from the 14th to the 20th years, thank you. very, now we will have a plot, the plot will be devoted to what is happening now, because on may 18, i would like to remind you, the new law on mobilization came into force, since then many ukrainians voluntarily joined the ranks of the armed forces in order to avoid forced conscription mobilization, here are the advantages of recruiting, the process of training recruits, the story of those who have already made a choice in favor of serving their country, is told further in our... in the story, and then there will be a saturday political club, and i will say goodbye to you, until tomorrow at 18- o'clock, all is well. marines are the elite of the armed forces
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of ukraine. these guys perform tasks in the air, on land and at sea. with their participation , it was possible to hold the line of confrontation and defense in the mariupol and shirokyny area. morpihi units performed combat tasks for the protection and defense of the snake island in the black sea. the marine corps has the most modern weapons and military equipment, and satisfies 100% with means of personal protection, that is, a bulletproof vest, a fairy tale, tactical glasses, protective equipment for the legs, arms, elbows, knees, all this, plus intensive training that allows you to increase the probability of survival under time of battle, and marines
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we are loans. themselves as a big family. getting into the ranks of the marines is an ambitious and not very easy task. a warrior of three elements, a person under 45 years of age with proper physical and psychological preparation. today, like all units of the defense forces, the marine corps encourages boys and girls to join the defense of the country. on as clear and comfortable terms as possible. everything that exists in civilian life can be applied. in the military specialty. staffing and recruiting centers - places where they will help you choose a vacancy, explain what needs to be done and accompany you until you arrive at the unit. recruiting is a safe way to choose your place in the army and to join on clear terms to the defense of the country. after we have found a position for a person, by profession, by knowledge, by desire, after that we issue
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a recommendation letter. letter, this person with a letter of recommendation comes to the central committee of the tsp and draws up a personal file, after that, if we are talking about a contract, that is, the main thing is what we do, what we do, after that the person collects the necessary documents, passes the vlk. the command says that recruiting is active, but not as much as expected. vacancies for operators are the overwhelming favorites. uavs, engineers and mechanics if earlier, for example, more arrows were needed, there are grenade launchers and so on. now these are more intellectual positions and technical positions. that is, it is not necessary for people to control the drone, it is necessary for people to configure these drones. the advantage of recruiting is the opportunity to choose a position. the marines
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emphasize that everyone. civilian professions can be effectively applied in the military as well. it is not necessary that a cook will become a shooter, a cook will be a cook here, an aitishnik will be an aitishnik. and the same communicator, if on ukrtelecom has worked all his life, so we will find an application for him in communications. i come from odesa, i was born in odesa, the sea, this is the marine corps, i think i should come here. nikita is a master of law, his brother is also a marine. an infantryman, so he did not hesitate for a long time to choose a unit, but he is still thinking about the position. soon we had a new law on mobilization, but i realized that i had to think about something, decide something, and my brother is older, he serves in the marine corps. i want to save our country from the enemy. and this is volodymyr, he is 43 years old. he already knows which will work as a bepla operator. in general
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, i am all the time. spend with a computer, and technologies are very close to me, and there, in general, for drones, you need video and so on, and i 've been working with it for 15 years, and that's why i realized that it's mine. the man has little previous military experience, so he took several courses, including in the victory drones project. my specialty is an office worker, and i had no military training, and i... from the courses, first from one, then i switched to others, then to the third, and now i already i feel like i'm ready. nikita and valery are already at the stage of signing contracts, so as not to worry that they will not serve where they wanted or who they expected. recruitment centers for the ranks of the marines operate in almost all regions of ukraine, as well as other recruiting centers, so that everyone can choose their own path in the army. kateryna
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galko, oscar... yanson with yulia belska espress tv channel.


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