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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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therefore, i think that the president of kazakhstan, kasym dzhamart takayev, should be interested himself in the fact that we learn the truth about what happened, especially since one of the suspects is already at the disposal of the general prosecutor's office of the republic of kazakhstan, may she give clear explanations, realistic, what really happened in kyiv, and let's go to khadik, we wish him recovery after this nightmare, we definitely thank you, dear viewers, andriy smaliy, thank you, thank you, vitaly portnikov for his thoughts and analysis. well, let's hold on, keep the line and we continue to fight for our country on all fronts. thank you, see you in a week, peace wins, friends.
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armed forces of ukraine attack russian oil refineries. in response, the terrorist army launches massive attacks on ukrainian cities, killing civilians. how the labor market in our country changed during the war, and why it is better to choose a place in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine on your own. about this and much more in today's issue. i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval and. news, summaries of the week. and again under shelling our kharkiv terrorist country. after being allowed to hit enemy targets with western weapons on the russian border of the kharkiv region, we managed to drive away the rocket launchers. however, the enemy launches guided aerial bombs, from which there is no escape. today , four cabs flew over kharkiv, one hit a residential building. in a high-rise building with...
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two floors were destroyed, three more bombs hit the enterprise, there are dead, dozens of wounded, one of the dead was a passenger of a trolleybus who got off at the stop near the place of impact, in this place does not actually have any enterprise that would be of value in the military sense , there is a central bus station that is very full of people, very like that... there is actually an intersection and here we can actually observe cars that just stopped at a red light all the platforms . when kab hit the apartment building, i was at graduation, our kids were getting their gold medals, their high school diplomas, and they had joy, joy on their faces, but when they found out what was going on, many of them... there were tears, and
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it's a pain the president of ukraine also reacted to the attack on kharkiv. strong decisions by partners are needed so that we can destroy russian terrorists and russian combat aircraft where they are, zelensky wrote on his social networks. draft law on the completion of power units at the khmelnytskyi nuclear plant. power plants is recommended to be adopted in the first reading. the committee of the verkhovna rada on energy and housing and communal services supported the government's initiative. it is about resuming the construction of the third and fourth power units of the nuclear power plant power plants will it help our power system already this winter? dmytro didora found out. russia continues the energy terror of ukraine. objects were attacked again this week. electricity generation. according
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to ukrenergo, the equipment of facilities in four regions: vinnytsia, dnipropetrovsk, donetsk and kyiv regions was damaged. another attack by the russians increased the lack of electricity, so the blackouts became longer. against this background, the government is asking the parliament to approve the draft law. on the completion of two power units at the khmelnytskyi nuclear plant power plant, the specialized committee gave the green light to the bill. i did not vote for it, i will not vote for it in the parliament hall and i will explain to other colleagues why this is a wrong approach, and it is obvious that someone really needs it. i think we are close to a consensus, close to bringing this bill to the floor, to vote on the first reading on the basis. yesterday i saw that even those factions that doubted. who asked very
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deep questions about the manufacturer, about terms, about the amount, about financing, they are you left the hall satisfied after talking with minister holoshchenko. construction of the third power unit of the khmelnytskyi as began in september 1985, and the fourth in june 1986. both are designed for a capacity of 100 mw, despite the construction readiness of the third unit at 75% and the fourth at 28 in 1990, the construction of new power units stopped the moratorium on the construction of new nuclear capacities. the condition of the unfinished blocks is not fully known. minister of energy galushchenko can understand. here in berlin at the reconstruction conference of ukraine, he spoke at the section related to energy, and you can definitely find his quote, and he said there that if i was asked whether it is worth building 900 mw, which
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will be in operation in 5 years, or one gigawatt, which will be.. . built quickly this year, or three, the next two years, then i say yes, 1 gv is better, because this is the survival of the people, in a week he comes to the meeting of the verkhovna rada committee and begins to tell how it is necessary on these old construction structures, the strength of which was questionable back in 2012, when i was at the meeting. collegium, where it is clearly written in the collegium's decision that the strength of the structure has not been proven, it has not been proven, in the 12 years that have passed, they have definitely not strengthened. according to energy minister herman galushchenko, if the draft law is passed, the third unit can
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be connected to the network in three years after the start of work, the fourth - in four. funds from the budget will not be allocated for the project. energoatom relies on its own funds and borrowing. our key problem now is not with basic consumption. our key problem today is peaking load. speaker units cannot be turned on and off quickly. you run them and they work for weeks. the international atomic energy agency supports ukraine's plans to complete the units at the khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant. this was stated by the general director of magat, rafael grossi. in addition, in april of this year , the construction project started at the same nuclear plant. the fifth and sixth power units using american technology, and in the case of completion of the third and fourth units, the capacity of the khmelnytskyi as will exceed the currently occupied zaporizhzhya. we will it support, this is again what i
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discussed with minister galushchenko and with the director of the energy atom, mr. kotin. we are in contact about how the agency can support these plans. we believe that these are very timely plans, that is, cont. to move forward, regardless of how the events in zaporizhzhia will develop. as a result of the russian strikes, ukraine lost more than 9 gigawatts of capacity, for example, that is the amount consumed by latvia, lithuania and estonia combined. the national bank of ukraine calculated that the restoration of the distributed generation, which we desperately need, needs billions of dollars. dmytro didora, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. reports appeared again this week with reference to western publications that the white house demands from kyiv not to use american weapons at a distance of more than 100 km from the russian-ukrainian border, especially on oil refineries in russia, but even without
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american missiles we have how to answer the enemy. the general staff confirmed a successful attack on afip, il, krasnodar and astrakhan. oil refineries. ukrainian long-range drones also struck radar stations and electronic intelligence centers in the bryansk region of the russian federation and occupied crimea. they also successfully hit the places where the shaheds were kept in the krasnodar region of the russian federation. also, on the night of june 20 , the defense forces attacked a warehouse of fuel and lubricants in the tambov region. at least one container is damaged. with petroleum products, as well as the enimsk oil depot in the republic of adygea in russia. choose your path in the army from may 18, the new law on mobilization since then, many ukrainians
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voluntarily joined the armed forces of ukraine to avoid forced mobilization. about the advantages of recruiting, the training process. recruits and the stories of those who have already made a choice to serve their country, we tell further. marines are the elite of the armed forces of ukraine. these guys perform tasks in the air, on land and at sea. with their participation, it was possible to obtain a line of confrontation and defense in the mariupol and shyrokyn areas. marine units performed combat tasks for the protection and defense of the snake island in the black sea. marines . has the most modern weapons and military equipment, and is
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100% satisfied with the means of personal protection, that is , bulletproof vest, fairy tale, tactical glasses, protective equipment for legs, hands, elbows, knees, all this, plus intensive training that allows you to increase the probability of survival during the battle , and the marine corps, we position ourselves as a big family. join the ranks of the marines. the matter is ambitious and not very simple. a warrior of the three elements, a person under 45 years old with proper physical and psychological training. today, like all units of the defense forces, the marine corps encourages boys and girls to join the defense of the country. on as clear and comfortable terms as possible. everything that exists in civilian life can be applied in... a military specialty. staffing and recruiting centers - places where they will help you choose a vacancy, explain
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what needs to be done and accompany you until you arrive at the unit. recruiting is a safe way to choose your place in the army and to join the defense under unclear conditions countries. after we have found a position for a person, by profession, by knowledge, by desire. after that, we write a letter of recommendation. this person with a letter of recommendation comes to the central committee of the tsp and draws up a personal file, after that, if we are talking about a contract, well, that is, the main thing is what we do, after that the person collects the necessary documents, passes the vlk. the command says that recruiting is active, but not as much as expected. vacancies of uav operators and engineers and mechanics, if before there were, for example, more shooters, there are grenade launchers,
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and so on, now they are more intellectual and technical positions, that is, it is not necessary for people to control the semi-drone, we need people who will configure these drones, the advantage of recruiting the opportunity to choose a position, in the marine corps they emphasize that all civilian professions. it can be effectively applied in the army as well. it is not necessary that a cook will become a shooter, a cook will be a cook here, an aitishnik will be an aitishnik. and the same operator, if at ukrtelecom worked all his life, then we will find an application for him in communication. i come from odesa, i was born in odesa, the sea, this is the marine corps, i think i should come here. nikita is a master of law, his brother is also a marine, so... he did not hesitate for a long time to choose a unit, but he is still thinking about the position. soon we had
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a new law on mobilization, so i realized that i had to think about something, decide something. but my older brother, he serves in the marines. i want to save our country from the enemy. and this is volodymyr, he is 43 years old, he already knows what will work as a bpel operator. in general , i spend all my time with the computer. and technology is very close to me, and there, in general, for drones, you need video and so on, and i have been working with this for 15 years, and therefore i realized that this is mine, my husband has little previous military experience, so he took several courses, in particular, in the victory drones project, i am an office worker by specialty, and i had no military training, and i started with courses. first from one, then i switched to others, then to the third, and now i already am i feel like i'm ready.
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recruitment centers for infantry infantry operate in almost all regions of ukraine, as well as other recruiting centers, so that everyone can choose their own path in the army. kateryna galko, oscar jansons, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. men fight, and women master their professions. the war fundamentally changed the labor market in ukraine. today , there is an acute shortage of personnel in our country. mobilization, which is mostly men, has led to the fact that... women are more often employed in positions that were traditionally considered masculine. tetyana golunova will tell more about it. instead of a skirt and high heels, gloves and a wrench. typists, truckers, drivers and locksmiths. ukrainian women gradually began to master the so-called male professions.
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the acute shortage of personnel on the labor market was provoked by russia's full-scale war against our state. currently on vacation. these electricians, tractor drivers, and machinists are increasingly hiring women. thus, for the first time in the history of the kyiv metro, a woman mastered the profession of an electric train driver. now training for electric train drivers is coming to an end and one woman is graduating for the first time in the history of the kyiv metro, let's hope that she will successfully pass the exams and, after completing all formal procedures, will be able to start performing her duties. the situation with a lack of specialists. tsiv in the metropolitan subway, as well as in other enterprises, is also connected with the forced migration of ukrainians and mobilization work. today, the company has more than 15% of vacant positions, including locksmiths, turners, electricians and subway drivers. the situation is not very optimistic, we have a big shortage of workers, this applies to almost every
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division of our company, it is a complex, let's say, question, it is. with completely different factors, among the main ones we can highlight population migration, the state of war, the mobilization work carried out in our country, as well as general trends in the labor market. today , 12 people, among them a 19-year-old girl, are learning the profession of a machinist at the kyiv underground technical school. master the basics of the profession of the group a machinist with great experience, yuriy skorobogaty, helps. he joined the metro back in 1981, worked as a driver in 1985, and started teaching students in 2017. from that time to today, the man has released 10 groups of electric train drivers. here it depends on the person, if people want to learn something, then i am happy, they come, i tell them, even there after work there
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i can fall apart, well, it depends on the person, maybe a woman and a man, because we are different. no, the requirements are the same as for women, as for men, well, at first she seemed a little confused, but then she got better, now she went to train practice. this year, the technical school of the capital metro recruited two groups of 30 people. a new set of courses for electric train drivers opens in the fall. in fact, they study here for seven months, first they are taught theory, then they drive in the cab for a week, see about... work, then they pass exams on rolling stock equipment: electricity, mechanics, pneumatics, res there, labor protection, then again theory, then they go out for a week of locksmith practice, they look at repairs and then go out for a month of train practice, then come back here to the technical school, pass exams and get, as it were, management rights.
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yuriy knows the duties of a driver from a to z, he says, there is nothing complicated about it, however... you have to be very attentive and disciplined. now we have a new rolling stock, it was modernized from old cars, you see, there is already a driver's screen here, it is already easier to work on this series of cars, because here we have a driver's screen, on which you can to see all malfunctions, you don't have to leave the cabin and you can decide what to do, you can go into any car here, that's how you see it. here is the main car or an intermediate car and see what is there, the doors are closed, the brakes are released, whether there is, whether there is a light, whether there is no light. mastering men's professions not only in the capital, for example, more and more women are joining the team of the yeristiv mining and processing plant in the poltava region, now they confidently drive
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huge dump trucks, which before ruled only by men. earlier management. careers, let's say, on the shift it was purely male, women - it was very rare, women worked on heavy-duty dump trucks and then we continued with the war, it becomes even more relevant, and we will continue to attract women for everyone, let's say so , called in quotes men's professions. due to the lack of applications from men, companies increasingly invite women to the positions of security guards, drivers, porters, and if... the migration crisis, which the ministry of economics calls the biggest since the second world war, is overcome will only be able to facilitate the return of ukrainians home, then with the influence of the mobilization of employers on... tetyana golonova, yulia belska, andriy verstyuk, espresso tv channel they met
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love where both did not expect it. rehabilitation and prosthetics in one superhumans center united two hearts: sniper anastasia savka and serviceman oleksiy levchenko. about an incredible love story and plans for a future wedding. see further in our material. superhumans is a rehabilitation center that has become a second home for many military personnel and civilians a home, and his team - almost a family. after severe injuries, approximately 600 people have returned to their normal lives thanks to the center. now they run again, jump, swim, conquer new peaks, fall in love and create families. anastasia savka from lviv, nicknamed phoenix, at the beginning of a full-scale invasion of... she joined the ranks of the territorial defense. later she became a sniper. on november 28, 2023, in the zaporizhzhia direction, a girl was injured, as a result of which her
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leg was amputated. anastasia underwent rehabilitation and prosthetics at the superhumands center. there she met oleksiy levchenko. the boy was seriously injured around the same time. i came here with the idea that i will soon get a prosthesis. and i go back and forth. here i met oleksiy, we met at the reception on the very first day, that is, it turned out that our rehabilitation began at the same time, i.e. prosthetics, i asked where we could go to eat, and oleksiy immediately offered me, let me drive you here and we will go two since then, anastasia and oleksiy spent together for a long time, underwent rehabilitation, learned to walk together again and supported each other, after four. anastasia admitted to oleksiy that she wanted to return to the war, but he was not ready to part with his beloved. after hearing from nastya that she
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wanted to return to the service, he was not very satisfied, so we had to find a compromise and offered to serve together. but before standing together again to defend the state, oleksiy decided to make anastasia an offer. the couple was invited to give an interview, so... the unsuspecting girl waited lover behind the scenes. here it turns out that i am invited, it has already been about an hour since i was there, i think that it has been so long, and there is still so much time with me, oh, i think that, but it turned out that alexey, i enter studio, my mother, roksalana, my step-sister, and oleksiy are sitting there. during a live broadcast in the talk show studio, oleksiy got down on one knee and did. to the beloved by the offer of years and hearts. flowers for anastasia were carried by her son, yarema. the touching video went viral on social media. will you marry me yes. i'm in this one
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at the moment, i didn't even suspect it. that is, i did not even imagine that such a thing could happen. it was really a shock for me. i stood there, i didn't know what to say. i.e. i immediately forgot the words and letters at all, how to communicate at all. both heroes still have a full course of rehabilitation ahead of them, and they are also collecting the necessary documents to return to the front. as anastasia says, the wedding will be modest, only for family and friends. we don't want to do something big that it's a war and it's not the right time, so it's more for, well that is, for us. they congratulated the lovers and loved ones within the walls of the center. ema stadnyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. this is what our team saw this week, and you do not stop and
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continue to support our armed forces. i, iryna koval, was with you. keep yourselves. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. exclusive interview with diplomat oleksandr khara. why does russia have the right to veto ukraine's entry into nato? resonant investigation is a road to nowhere. how the construction of a forest road can destroy a historical monument. unique vitaly portnikov about the impact of the war on ukrainians and the values ​​that will unite the nation. the diary of the legendary nationalist mykola kokhanivskyi. the country is always at the forefront . look for press or front sales points. pay online tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs occur spontaneously and worry you, a special complex of active substances, dolgit antineuro helps in normalizing the functioning of
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izota is yours. water, if rest is disturbed. there are discounts, represent unbreakable discounts on eden. 20% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. a journalist who joined the armed forces, a political expert who became a special agent. taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is thorough analysis main events reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets, on saturdays at 21:30 on espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws. but how do these changes affect our lives. we have analyzed the new resolutions
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to inform you about the latest ones. changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that worry ukrainians, the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep abreast of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, that many became like relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care, in the evening over
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espresso. congratulations, the real front program is on the air and i am taras berizovets with you. today in our program. results of the peace summit in bürgenstock, switzerland. russia will pay for its crime, it was emphasized at the meeting of the leaders of the g7 countries . the situation at the front is worsening. european countries are expanding the range of
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weapons for delivery. ukraine in


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