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tv   [untitled]    June 23, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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any problems, you really have to go to the end, why, what threatened you then, again, for those who even for a second believe the russian propaganda, that putin could not do otherwise, how to respond to the challenge of the west, uh, nato is expanding and so on, so look at the reverse side, his medals for liberation, not liberation, for the reunification of crimea, although this year they killed the back one. side, but at the beginning of three years there was one and the same thing, the unification of crimea was written there, and on the other side once it was written on february 18, 2014, when we were still being killed on the maidan, and they already thought that they were responding to a nato attack. all of putin's aggression was not provoked by anything, not supported by anything, it lives in his head, he wanders around the kremlin. in which in
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every study there is a lot of gold and busts of so -called great kings and queens, and here he comes across a bust of peter the great, a bust of catherine the great, a bust of nicholas, alexander, and some other cholera, and suddenly he realizes that when he will die, he has nothing to put a burst on, just a moth, a bunker, and that's it he decided to go down in history, look how old he is this eternally young... in beachfew 72 will be and he is attacking to go down in history as one of those who built an empire and he followed the same path but this is the way of the middle ages, this is the way that is unacceptable for the modern world, and he tells you in this phrase: and i don't care what the whole world thinks, we are a wild horde, we are used to it, and we are not going to change our rules, we, wild horde, we want to be paid... tribute for
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being scary, or if they stop being afraid, as ukraine did, we attack them so that all other neighbors are afraid and pay double tribute, that's all, this is the logic of the horde there in the 12th-14th centuries, and putin brought it to the modern world and it goes without saying that this is unacceptable for everyone, the only problem is that we are blowing off steam for everyone, this is the only problem, because this expeditionary struggle for... putin is losing a priori, and he subconsciously, correctly said, we will go to the end, there will be an end to all this. one problem is that ukraine will pay the most for this. it's, well, maybe something to be proud of, but to be honest, it's more bittersweet from the number of victims and tragedies that are happening to us to stop this bloody madman. friends, i would like to remind you that we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on... our youtube and facebook platforms,
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throughout our broadcast we are conducting a survey, we are asking you about whether russia should be invited to the second peace summit, yes no, it's quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, please vote by numbers if you think russia should be invited to the peace summit, second 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will tally up the results. of this vote, well, serhii, i apologize for interrupting while you were announcing questions, i remembered when the war started, that evening i was invited to one broadcast, well, for everyone it was of course, on the 23rd, you have on mind you, it seems that on the 23rd, the day before, i was at gordon's, and many other politicians, and it was shocking news for everyone, and here it reaches me, i say, moscow. he must
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remember: we baptized you, we will mourn you, that's about it in response to what putin is saying now, he says: go to the end, move forward as quickly as possible, but now there is of course a very important question: we are on the front lines of this civilizational war, what can we do to strengthen our position, why am i an oppositionist, because the opposition is that part of society that speaks about what... the government does not want to say or do, about what the government does not want to hear, even so, let's put it this way, and here, soon, the washington nato summit, anniversary, 75 years, there is a lot of talk about it, and it is obvious that it is no longer on it there is the issue of ukraine's membership in nato. on the one hand, this is an objective reason, because countries in a state of war are not accepted as members. on the other hand, this is a subjective reason, because germany, which... was torn away from the gdr,
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became a member of nato. and here is the question of what the authorities think about the defense of ukraine after the war. after all, even if we get out. but if a huge happy miracle happens and we go to the borders of the year 91, the war will not end, because missiles are hitting us from the caspian sea and the kola peninsula. the question that has do our government? our government should remember that the only victory for ukraine is not territory. these are not years, these are not settlements, this is nato. this is the only global system of collective defense that even putin, even kimchenir and even the iranian mullahs are afraid to violate. this is the maximum desire that everyone who thinks about the safety of our children and our grandchildren has. it is clear that we will lose this thing so far. okay, it happens, various reasons, including elections, many psychological, individual relations between
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our leadership and westerners, okay. second option, we can get the status that israel has. japan, south korea, and other countries. an ally of the us outside of nato, this means privileged conditions for the supply of weapons, privileged relations in defense financing and joint defense of territories. israel showed us a picture of all this, when german, french and american rockets all together shoot down an attack on israel, although israel itself has something to fight back, they showed us this status, it would be the second option. and the third option is serious bilateral agreements with countries nato, and zelensky concluded a lot of such agreements, but only one with britain has specific figures for funding our defense, all the others are framework declarations of peace and friendship and
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consultations after three days in the event of an attack, so as a result, there is one option, there is another option, there is a third option, but zelenskyi’s diplomacy... it is he who heads the country’s foreign policy according to the constitution, followed the fourth option, from my point of view, the worst, it went the way of a peace summit with russia on china’s terms, from my point of view this is unacceptable, this is a red line, you already mentioned, we started the conversation with this, did you mention the ambassador in singapore, what she said to zelenko, kateryna zelenko, she said that ukraine allows its participation. at the chinese peace summit, she said about this in a comment to the publication, the chinese morning newspaper, the chinese newspaper, by the way, the only newspaper that is not so strongly censored by the communist party, it is a newspaper for the outside world, what she said :
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ukraine will consider the possibility of participating in peaceful a summit led by beijing with the participation of both warring parties, if the negotiations are based on the rules and principles enshrined in the un charter. and international law, well, to be honest, for me, when i saw this statement, uh, the question immediately arose, why exactly is the ambassador in singapore speaking about the chinese peace summit and on behalf of ukraine, in this case, that is, well, this the level of the minister of foreign affairs, this is the level of the same fair, he could make such a statement on behalf of the president, this is a survey, this is a survey, and also of the western allies, and ukrainian society. they, that is, they specifically threw in this information, looked at how the world would react, one of the small, forgive me, but still a small representative of ukraine in a small country, and looked at the reaction of ukrainian society and western allies who
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provide us for the third year with money for weapons, half of the ukrainian budget is the money of the european union and the usa, and at the same time they tell us that you know, we have thought here and will hold negotiations with the aggressor. in china, and this despite the fact that china and the eu and the usa are, well, simple antagonists of the global dimension. this is a burden. but i cannot believe what she said, it is not authorized, because in the current situation, in the course of all these diplomatic statements, it cannot be that even the ambassador of a foreign country would allow himself to target the outside world in such a newspaper, first of all, on... the linguistic world, to say such things is a survey, as a church ukrainian society, well, let's see what will be the result of all this. let's talk a little more about energy, because you already mentioned those defense structures, on which half a billion dollars were spent. following the results of
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the meeting of the supreme commander-in-chief, zelenskyi said that he instructed the government to ensure the protection of energy facilities and develop a program to stimulate alternative generation. let's listen to what the president of ukraine said. the government is instructed to immediately present a program to stimulate the installation of solar generation in ukraine. and energy storage devices, the most favorable program, so that it is easily an analogue of the 5.79 program, but the percentage is zero, zero annual in hryvnias for citizens, secondly, a clear plan for the completion of all protective structures for the energy industry, thirdly, at all public and administrative facilities in the country, at all facilities of critical infrastructure, appropriate alternative sources of energy supply are needed.
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if this statement were to be made in 2022, it would probably be even the 23rd, even in the 23rd, it would be timely, isn't such a statement too late when half of the energy facilities have already been destroyed? instead of a clear plan of fortification in the fall of the 23rd year, eh. instead of a clear plan for a shelter, replacing the clear plan for the protection of energy facilities also last fall, now a new clear plan is coming, the same as the construction of the disneyland of ukrainian missiles in the space of the new presidential palace , a billion billion trees, what else is there, a university, a presidential university, roads, state airline company and all other fans. with which ukrainians were brainwashed three years before the war, in the course of this fireworks
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behind him, 13 billion bucks were invested in asphalt over the last year, freezing for this amount rockets and artillery of our own production, and that is why today we ask whether it is possible to fire a german missile at russia, they say no, and we say that the germans are to blame, those who changed the asphalt for a ukrainian missile are to blame. up to a range of 500 km, a range of 300 km, even a range of 100 km, so this is a continuation of the gushing, look, i am not against what the president is saying now, it must be done, but i suspect, as a person who was the chief designer of the six-thousand-year-old plant, that time until the disgraceful season, it will be enough only for the next vidosas, and projects in the style of potemkin villages, from my point of view, and for some reason the emphasis is on the sunny. it's like khrushchev, who was going to outdo the americans and fly not to
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the moon, but to the sun, he says, yes, the sun, well, the temperature is terrible, will melt the rocket, he says that the party is not stupid, the party thought, we will fly at night, that's it the same story, but no one thought that in winter solar energy, to put it mildly, is not effective, at night it is not at all, but you need to warm up at night, especially when it comes to hospitals, about many other critical objects, so the question of... from my point of view has become very simple: how to build in ukraine not the old veli, not to rebuild the old soviet monsters that gave us electricity, which are easy to bombard with missiles, because they are no longer and many, 85 strategic transformer substations, only 85, and they were fortified against the shaheds, but not from rockets, and all of them, to put it mildly, became victims, so you can build modern ones in every... city western and asian, they are available in a large
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assortment, gas turbine stations. i i recently read an article about khmelnytsk, well , i’m not ready to say to what extent it is not advertising, but it claims that even before the war, the leadership of the city of khmelnytsk invested money in these stations, and today it does not depend on old soviet bridges, monsters oblenergo and teplokomuenergo, yes maybe this is the way, maybe the president should now ... not talk about give us money, but should say, give money to city leaders, and they themselves will be under the control of the community, that's close, that's not in kyiv goes to rallies that are prohibited, that's what you have here, v in the dnipro, in rivne, in zhytomyr, in kherson, they will build you decentralized small stations that will give you energy, it is expensive, no, not so expensive, it is about a million, for 1 megawatt. how many of them are needed, a lot, but this is a loan, help
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ukrainian cities to cope with this, but for god's sake do not give it to the government, as the president suggests, because everything the government undertook, from the protection of energy facilities to the production of drones, to the ukrainian military industry and so on and so forth, everything was inefficient and corrupt, and the problems of corruption close the possibility get serious investment from the event for these needs, if there is a borrower. government, everyone already knows its price, the entire western press is now full of articles about top-level ukrainian corruption, well, actually, the washington post this week. wrote that zelenskyi was disappointed by blinkin's attention to corruption in ukraine during the last meeting, according to the publication , relations between the authorities of ukraine and the united states of america are further strained in the fight against corruption, which poses a constant threat to aid to kyiv, and to this, ukrainian officials complain that americans and europeans often use the stereotype of
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ukraine's corruption as a reason for delaying aid, and that this accusation is not just a cliché, but also a testimony. hypocrisy in capitals that have their own corruption problems. you, as a person who understands very well how the state machine works and how this corruption lives in this country in general. what can you say about corruption during the time of president zelenskyi? well, for objectivity, er, overcoming corruption is a function not so much of law enforcement agencies as the work of coordinated work, the cabinet of ministers and the parliament, i always prevent corruption so that it does not exist, look, imagine a dam, a big dam, here we need water, which should pour onto the rotor, and also provide electricity, but in this dams have holes, corruption, from which a huge amount of scarce water is poured out, to the point that
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the work of power plants stops, what should be done, first of all, these holes are evidenced by the surveillance. the authorities, they say, look, they steal here, and we detained him, they steal here, and we took him to court, here they are stealing and we have already put him in prison, and the government should think about what to do to make it impossible to steal like this, because in my history there were four heads of the regional gas company in one region who stole from the same one, or there was a famous state enterprise ukraine, there were 16, it seems like a lot, but 10,000 hectares of land, where each new director... after the previous one was arrested, did the same thing, planted wheat illegally and put it in his pocket, so what should be done about it? the cabinet says what needs to be done, and the parliament accepts law, and this loophole is being closed, we closed such loopholes according to the analysis of western experts during poroshenko's time, amounting to 4 billion annual losses, annually. it was a good job, but of course
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it was not finished. to date , there is no such image of a dam with separate dams. there is a huge pump visible to everyone, which absolutely brazenly pumps state water out of this dam into someone's private pools, right in front of everyone, and this pump works even more powerfully than during yanukovych's time, i am the person who sat at the behest of yanukovych , now i catch myself thinking that his corruption was not as terrible as it is today. because at that time , from the small district police department or the city health department and even the school, everyone collected a tax and sent it upstairs, keeping a certain percentage for themselves, this is a state mafia, but there was still some order in it, because the state economy was spinning at the same time , one way or another, but yanukovych's
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losses from yanukovych's rule amounted to one annual budget, that is, in four years he stole one from ukraine. budget, but what is happening today, it's just destroying the economy. ask any businessman when the worst times were for the system to function. the fact that today the war is of course a terrible reason, but there is no purchasing power, but at the same time the state is pressuring business like never before. the brutalized control structures, completely out of control, grab everything that is available not to hand over to the mountain, but simply to loot. and why do they do that? because there is complete irresponsibility, the worst thing is in a situation with corruption, when the lower ranks of the bureaucratic apparatus feel complete impunity, if billions are stolen on the mountain, then i have the right to steal millions, and i will not get anything for it, because we act in the same way, under yanukovych, they transferred everything to the mountain and were controlled, now they
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keep almost everything for themselves in their free time from corruption for higher echelons, and this contagion has covered the whole country, moreover, the cabinet of ministers at the same time issues simply crazy eh, eh decisions in order to finish business, well, think about it, now it turns out that they are going to punish businessmen for excessive noise at work generators, that is, the state cannot provide energy, it could not protect it by stealing, well, actually throwing half a billion bucks into the wind, but you, a businessman, will pay for the noise in your small cafe. this is the businessman on whose shoulders, in principle, everything rests, this means that there will be inspectors who will go and take money, or, for example, you, a businessman, must fulfill our presidential function on mobilization, they are obliged to serve summonses, which it ends, they fire these people, that is you know, against this background, i wanted to ask you at the very end of our program about how
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people's deputies try to take over the powers of other law enforcement agencies, including bodies, this is the story with mykola otyschenko in dnipro, when there was a conflict with a former military serviceman krakin unit, and he came there to smash some call center with some guys. there is no reaction there, today i looked, i was interested, the sbi, the police, the prosecutor general's office, well, somehow they should have reacted to this, what was it in general, i knew that sergey, that you can't not ask this, in fact, this is not a shallow and not a funny event, i will always remember november 23, 2020. when there were very hot events in the defense of bakhmut, just as the first wave of wagners rolled in, and i saw our machine gunners, we were flying drones nearby, but
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the machine gunners were standing waist-deep in water, and the trenches were passing through the city dump, there was swimming in this water, well, i guess what, and here he is, all black from powder gases, scribbles, white teeth, red eyes from red bull, well, four days dorothy is needed. this one is standing, and i ask him, my friend, how are you, he says, bitch, tishchenko, i’m going to shake him with my hands, and i’m just crazy, i say, my god, you need this tishchenko in this situation, he says yes, because i took out 2/2 here yesterday and collected their guts in this mud, he is fucking in thailand, you understand, and he has long become a symbol of the bullishness of this government, it is not worthy of it. the material from which the servants were made is a pure bull who simply defiantly spits on everyone and does what he wants, well, he was not made into
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the servants of the people, he was a rut obolonskyi, yes, it was there, my lord, he was ripping off some restaurants, he didn't return loans to banks, somewhere there was a little bit of small six among the kyiv gangs in these savlohov gangs, that's where he started. that's how he gets high from it, here is one character for you, and the second character is maryana bezugla, i recently realized that she is a drom bpla, here she is bombing the army, she is not bombing
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the luzhug, not the syrian, not there sodel or other generals, she bombs the entire leadership of the armed forces, claiming that all of them continue to use the words criminals, butchers, and alcoholics, and anything else, she simply discredits the armed forces of ukraine. and now today i thought, by the way, they are at odds with each other, but don't you think that these are two sides of the same coin. kolya tishchenko, nicknamed kotleta, attacked a serviceman with aunts who guard his fat body on the streets of dnipro, and the call center is not talking about any of them, it is about a young guy, a veteran, a volunteer from a nursery school. with a stroller, he makes a remark about why people without tardy signs walk around in supposedly military uniforms with weapons naked, and this is being thrown in the presence of the police, who
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stand and are afraid to touch this brat, i'm just slowing down a little now, so as not to say the words that are appropriate to use here, how will this end, only a complete idiot, even a bigger idiot than the champion among idiots of the cutlet, can contact a veteran krakin walking with a child. so here is my word now, as the ex-minister of internal affairs and ex-prosecutor general, or the ministry of internal affairs, according to his jurisdiction, this is the third section of the criminal code, freedom, honor and violation of freedom, the honor and dignity of a citizen, and the sbi in its dignity when appropriating power, because they took on themselves powers that were absolutely not theirs, will violate the criminal law. and they will all be detained, and the prosecutor general's office will sign the cancellation, or the cutlet will become a black swan for the authorities, and it will be a huge family, a black
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swan summer. to conclude, thank you yuriy vitalievich for the conversation, your place is waiting for you, the light remains on, for dinner, what you love is warmer... a warm blanket , there will be walks, swings and swimming, they are waiting for you on your street, in at school, in your church, because in your house they dream about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you. we
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were surprised, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby. half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win. and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible. so when you are at home, when... we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you, congratulations, friends, this is the verdict program, the second part of our program, the traditional friday program, our
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journalistic ... club, and today we will be talk about that. putin raises the stakes. the kremlin's conditions for ending the war may change depending on the situation on the ground. what should be russia's strategic defeat? beating of a military man in the dnipro. people's deputy tyshchenko got into a new scandal: does the deputy's mandate give the right to replace it. themselves law enforcement agencies. black list of journalists. a combatant of the third assault brigade had a public quarrel with a war correspondent and incited her supporters. is it permissible to criticize the military during war? that's all about it we will talk for the next 45 minutes. let me remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently
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watching us live. there, please subscribe to our pages, and also take part in our poll, today we ask you about whether russia should be invited to the second peace summit, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, please write your comments, if they go beyond a single answer, if you watch us on tv, take pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think russia should be invited to the second peace summit, 0800 211 381. no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, this is kateryna nekrecha, a journalist of radio liberty. kateryna, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast, and maryna danylyuk yarmalayeva, author and host of youtube channels, showbiz and centronet, political viewer, media consultant. mrs
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marina, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. best regards, ivan. so, dear marino and kateryna, since we are asking our guests, or our tv viewers, what do they think, whether it is necessary to invite russia to the second peace summit. let's try to find out your position in the blitz poll format. marina, let's start with you, i can tell you about the summit. well , things like that, in fact , there was much more pr about this peace summit than exhaust, the fact that ukraine was talked about for an extra week is definitely good, but i wanted would have resulted in more results considering that for six months in a row we were constantly pumped that there would be a peace summit and some kind of peaceful solutions, unfortunately, this did not happen, but many people had such an illusory impression that this peace summit.


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