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tv   [untitled]    June 23, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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report it to the police immediately, or report it to our website of course, you can do it anonymously if you wish. of course, searching for children from the temporarily occupied territories is a very difficult and usually long process. however, our experience shows that the search must be continued even in the most difficult, or it would seem, sometimes hopeless situations. so, for example, we were able to find a guy from then. still occupied part of the kherson region, nothing was known about igor since february 24, 2022. we only knew that he lived in the village of sonyachne, kherson region, which was under occupation. in our programs, we called on the residents of this village, if they do see us on the internet, to let us know, if possible, whether 17-year-old igor still lives in sonyachny and whether everything is fine with him, and it... worked, we
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were sent this this is a video with igor: my name is igor, today is march 31, 2022, i live in seri sochto, kherson region, with my grandfather and grandmother. all good to me. the boy confirmed that he still lives in the village of sonyachne with his grandparents. but not all this time could inform about himself, because there was no ukrainian mobile phone service in the occupation. i really hope it's the same'. the story of the search for demyanchyk tyurin, who went missing in mariupol, will end with a possible ending. i am asking you immediately to please share this manhunt video on your social media pages. this is actually very important, because you have to understand that the more people learn about the missing boy, the more chances there will be to find him. so please don't remain indifferent. demyanchyk is only three river, he disappeared on march 2, 2022 in...
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mariupol, when hostilities were going on in the city . it is not known what happened to the child, who she was with then and where she may be now, so i ask everyone who sees this video to look carefully at the boy's face. he looks 3-4 years old, of medium build, has fair, blond hair and dark eyes. so, if you know anything about demyan tyurin, do not delay and immediately report to the hotline of the child tracing service at the number "116-30. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine free of charge also, write to our website or the children's search service in telegram. i want to emphasize that any, even the smallest, information can be important in the search. so, let's not be indifferent, and let's try together to find the missing damian tzurin. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime. against a child
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in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. fm: galicia. listen to yours. there are discounts represent unbreakable discounts on troksivzin. 15% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies.
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exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow. and other cities of russia, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko,
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from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. your place is waiting for you, the lights are left on, for dinner, what you love, a warm
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bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you... are waiting for you on your streets, at school, in your church, because in your house about they see you in their dreams, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we they came, because they knew that you were already somewhere nearby. half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win, and we will do our best to embrace you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home, when we
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are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation that unites. around you, glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on the air of the television channel, the program studio zahid, we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular, we will talk about the results of the swiss summit and we will analyze putin's visit to his henchman kim jong-un to the north. korea, ours today's guests are the former minister of defense of poland, the chairman of the senate committee on european integration, bohdan klich, as well as the figure of the russian opposition on emigration, the former deputy of the state duma, mark feigin. now the tv channel is broadcasting an extremely important conversation, our guest is bohdan klich, ex-minister
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of defense of the republic of poland, chairman of the senate committee on european union affairs. congratulations, mr. bohdan, glory to ukraine. good afternoon, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. well, the key. history, extremely painful in ukraine reacted to the story with the polish patriots, perhaps not fully understanding what they are, so i would like to ask you to tell me what is the position of poland, whether we have a chance to get american patriots or polish patriots, and in general, what do you think of the concept of what poland, perhaps, together with our other western allies, would cover part of our ukrainian sky from russian missiles. everyone should say that polish-ukrainian military cooperation has its own history. i myself am responsible for part of this story, when i was the deputy prime minister of defense in 1999-2000. and later, when he became the minister of defense, believing that there is no
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safe poland without an independent ukraine. and this opinion is supported by a significant number of the polish political elite. and since 1991, it has been steadily implemented, and especially now during the war, both the first war and the second war of russia against ukraine. that is why poland is one of the main donors when it comes to military support for ukraine, i mean support with military equipment and ammunition. and this is from the first days after february 24, 2022. there is a question of aviation coalition not the technical coalition, there is the issue of the munitions coalition, and obviously there is the issue of the anti-aircraft and anti-missile coalition, and i understand that it is the latter that you are asking about, because you have gaps in your sky, when it should be as closed as possible, and therefore, poland supports
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all the actions of those countries that have anti-aircraft means, aimed at the needs of ukraine. we ourselves delivered a part of anti-aircraft weapons to ukraine, when we still had more of them in storage. the question about the polish patriots is a false question, because unfortunately we only own two patriot batteries. yes, we don't have them anymore. in this regard, we cannot afford to open our sky. but the americans stationed in poland have several batteries, so the protection by one american battery announced by president biden will be essential for ukraine. and i understand that the americans made such a decision, but it cannot end there, since president zelensky expects more and is right in these expectations. should put their anti-aircraft and anti-missile systems defense are also those who have such advanced
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systems. i mean our nato allies from the west. well, we know that there is, for example, spain, there are many other countries that have patriot systems, and we understand that they may not need them as hotly as we do, so we understand that russia has begun to conduct the so-called syrian approach to war, that means strikes on civilian cities, on... civilian objects, killing civilians, this is barbarism, this is an atrocity, but the russians are going for it, and accordingly, the key task is to convince our western friends and allies to help us strengthen, as you rightly noted, our air defense, well , accordingly, there are patriots in many countries, but it is difficult to get them, and it is not only a question of money, maybe there are some additional tools besides purely moral ones , well, but the russians are killing kharkiv residents, for example... they hit a supermarket, on the weekend, there were people, and they dropped a guided aerial bomb, this is
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barbarism, this is an atrocity, but it happened. this is not a matter of the last days, it is a matter of the whole two years of that terrible, brutal war that putin started against ukraine. i am aware of that, and so are many of my friends, not all of course, that this is a war to destroy the ukrainian state, it is not just a war for territory, it is a war on... the first goal of which is the destruction of ukrainian statehood, but also to destroy the ukrainian people, and this is not the first time that the russians are trying to destroy the ukrainian people, because they have already done it in the past, at least remember the holodomor, it was the biggest example of that in stalin's time, so there are two putin's goals when it comes to ukraine, and about that, most of us have no doubt, if we can convince others that putin still has... two goals that are directly related to europe and directly to nato, then it may be easier
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to seek such weapons , which you are talking about, because putin's next two goals are the destabilization of europe and the paralysis of nato. once again, the destabilization of the european union and the paralysis of the north atlantic alliance. and some of us are aware of this, but again not all of us. in connection with that, your rhetoric must ensure that the awareness of the four goals that putin has set for himself, once again, the destruction of the ukrainian state, the destabilization of nato and the destabilization of the eu, the paralysis of nato and the destruction of the ukrainian people, which are all goals that threaten not only the residents of kharkiv, kyiv or lviv, but also threaten residents of madrid, lisbon, london or rome. this is our common threat. well , accordingly, what should we do, how should we build correctly. a tough response to the russian aggressor, why i say tough, because it should be a joint decision on the one hand
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nato member countries, well at least on the european continent, because in a few months the situation in the united states may change, and we do not know what the situation in the united states will be when donald trump becomes president, but president macron is already preparing for certain scenarios. in lithuania, latvia, estonia, preparations are also being made for certain additional scenarios, as far as i understand, preparations are being made in poland. to what may happen, we understand that russia has no need to curtail its aggression, because they are involved in the so -called long war, and a long war means big resources, a large number of losses, and we understand who, in the event of something, will be the first additional victims of russian aggression, these are the countries listed above: poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. we have not realized this since today, that there is a threat from... russia, but it is good that nato now has a broad understanding of this. please
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note that a new strategic concept was adopted during the madrid summit, in which it is said, i am speaking from memory, that russia is the immediate and main threat to the entire north atlantic alliance, not only for the eastern flank, poland, lithuania, latvia and estonia, but for the whole of nato. so, over the years, this awareness has taken root, and... second, the decisions taken at the same time, taken by nato, namely the raising of the level of cooperation with ukraine to the nato ukraine joint council, where ukraine has the right to participate, are important. thirdly, the fund that nato created to support ukraine, and which will be increased within nato by the european union, is also important. i repeat everywhere that the eu has experienced a copernican revolution. i have been dealing with the eu since 1994 and have never seen the european union before
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acted as quickly and as decisively as in ukrainian issues. when earlier, perhaps, in the issues of the coronavirus, the union was also decisive, but now i spoke at a conference here in lviv that if it is usual for eu decision-making to be extended for two months and three months, and sometimes even longer, then regarding the issues of ukraine, they are accepted for two weeks, from two to three weeks. this is the speed of formula 1 to mercedes, and the eu has decided to financially support the arms transfer. and military equipment for of ukraine. who would have thought that the eu would be involved in such things, it has never been done before. they even used a special mechanism for what is the european peace facility, from which money goes to reimburse funds for the transfer of weapons and military equipment to those countries that do it. that is, the eu was directly involved
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in the supply of weapons and combat equipment, that is , ammunition for the ukrainian military, which... is fighting, and finally the third point, this is a whole system of sanctions, both eu and american, which worked by agreement much faster, because the european union launched the first package of sanctions on the eve of february 24, that is, before the start of russia's second invasion of ukraine. if you are asking about those sources of military aid, then it is obvious that you need to remember the americans who delayed for a long time. it was a very long pause, but in the end... those 60 billion dollars for purely military aid to ukraine were allocated by the us congress, and they are already being implemented. therefore, ukraine is not left to fend for itself, neither by the states, nor by nato, nor by the eu, nor by individual countries, such as poland, which was a donor from the first days weapons and ammunition for ukraine. and countries that joined later, such as
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germany or france. the polish-ukrainian-lithuanian brigade, so we understand that and... the story about the polish-ukrainian joint brigade is extremely important, it was created by you, one of its co-authors, and accordingly i wanted to ask what it is, where it is , how it is now and whether there are chances to finally create a powerful, you know, military triangle of poland, lithuania and ukraine. there was such an evening when i was sitting at a table covered with papers and at a certain moment received information about what is happening with the polish-ukrainian and polish-lithuanian... battalions, because such certain copyrights, the battalions used to function, especially with regard to the military mission in kosovo or in bosnia and herzegovina, and i thought to myself, why not not to make a joint brigade, polish-ukrainian-lithuanian, why not transfer these three lines of cooperation to the military sphere as well. therefore, i have the copyright for this project. we discussed it with
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our colleagues and presented this idea to the ukrainian and lithuanian sides. accepted with approval both in vilnius and in kyiv. at the end of 2009, we signed a memorandum of understanding in this case with ukrainians and lithuanians. and in a few years, the brigade was ready to perform operations, and it has existed for about 10 years. only at this moment, since the start of another war by russia against ukraine, it has gained additional meaning. i can only say that it is involved in supporting ukraine with weapons. and ammunition and does it effectively, but it is also worth saying that it cannot end there, that is, there are further levels military integration into ukraine, and i believe that such a brigade should be increased to the rank of a division, and this division should consist of brigades that would be assigned by individual countries, and perhaps in the future
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it would be possible to create a corps that would include divisions of individual countries . the problem is only with the lithuanian side due to the fact that it has a smaller armed force, but there is no problem with the ukrainian and polish sides, such a corps or such a division, and then the corps makes sense because it is an excellent transfer of all knowledge about how nato works , to ukrainian and lithuanian military, but at this moment, after your experience from the battlefield, from the real war, because it is a terrible, but real war, transfer is possible in the other direction. now we in nato can learn a lot from you. my conclusion is as follows: until ukraine becomes a formal member of nato, such communication channels should be created so that nato soldiers... learn from ukrainians, and ukrainians from nato soldiers, and to integrate these armed forces as much as possible. yes, an extremely important signal, i heard you, well
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we keep our fingers crossed so that the division really rises first, and then possibly the corps. but, if we talk about such small steps, president macron started talking about the prospects of having foreign instructors on our territory. we understand that these will not be the people who will try. to teach the ukrainians to shoot, so the ukrainians shoot no worse than the french or the poles, but it is about the possible maintenance of high-precision objects, these are military airfields, yes, because we are waiting and we hope for the french f-16 aviation mirages, that is, there is hope, but this story drags on for quite a long time, and we understand that this is also a question of pilots, and a question of air defense systems, which should cover the airfield, military airfields, because the enemy will, of course, have somewhere to aim in the first place to the locations of aircraft. there are several
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coalitions that should work better, or one of them - the aviation coalition. let's list for consistency: there is an armed coalition, a coalition on ammunition issues, a czech initiative, there is a coalition that we have already mentioned mentioned, anti-aircraft and anti-missile systems, i.e. anti-missile. coalition. poland occupies a leading position in the armored coalition and has transferred a lot of armored vehicles and troop transporters to ukraine. the czechs occupy a leading position in the coalition on munitions issues. i hope that the first batch of ammunition collected in that czech initiative will arrive as soon as possible. i mean july this year. there is also an aviation coalition, the launch of which is the most difficult, because the training of ukrainian pilots on the f-16. it took a while, longer even, but now, with as far as i know, those planes have already been handed over to ukraine and i hope that in the near future
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this aviation coalition will really support your air power, because the skies over ukraine must be better protected. yes, i completely agree, but if we talk roughly in terms of timing, that is, do you feel that in the next couple of months our skies... will be covered by f-16s or mirages or some other additional aircraft? i hope so, because the simple one that was in the supply of military weapons, maybe not a simple but significant reduction in the amount of equipment and ammunition, especially artillery ammunition, caliber 152 and 155 mm, this was a big problem for the ukrainian soldiers, and thank god they managed to hold the front. proportions 1:10, which were. even very recently, if we are talking about the number of artillery shots from the ukrainian side and from the side of the russian aggressor, this is a terrible disparity, but this disparity must
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change and the artillery coalition must also work quickly, and here every day is important, as you say about the fact that the second half of the year is key, so i will say that the first half was also, it's just a pity that during that period the supply of equipment and weapons, as well as ammunition to ukraine was reduced. and it was an immediate threat that the aggressor would succeed in breaking through the front line, which neither ukraine nor europe can afford. well, but we understand that war is not only artillery, not only aviation, not only tanks, it is also personnel and mobilization resources. yes, and we understand that the russians have more mobilization resources than in ukraine, yes, they are starting to look for people in addition to to the whole world, creating some... additional units of mercenaries, so on the other hand we understand that there is a certain initiative of president macron, he voiced it, i understand that president macron has put
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many european politicians in a not too comfortable position, who now have to react to the fact that said president macron, but i would like to ask you how you see the prospects for the involvement of the ground forces of certain european union countries if the situation becomes critical. for us, so will we to hope that this will not happen, well, but president macron has said his word, everyone must somehow react to it. there is such a concept as strategic uncertainty, and we should use this concept for a long time, that is , to drive the kremlin bandits into strategic uncertainty, into strategic ambiguity, and i believe that the initiative of president macron in this regard makes such sense so that the russians do not think to themselves: but europe is not... i understand it in the same way as the minister of foreign affairs, radosław sikorski in poland, understands that initiative of president macron, and in principle.
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this comment is enough. when we talk about the european union and ukraine, we understand that we are entering the so-called negotiation process. yes, the negotiations are not only about the copenhagen criteria of democracy, the negotiations are also about money, about quotas. well, we understand, yes, that we had a history with ukrainian grain, the european union and a part of polish protesters who blocked the roads. yes, we understand that the situation may not have become simpler. although they may have been involved some additional mechanisms for regulating this, and we understand that bargaining for money is a sacred matter even of the best neighbors, the way it will all look like, because there is the law of the european union, the legislation of the european union, and there is the legislation of individual national states, in particular poland , hungary and so on, i don't want to compare poland with hungary, but we understand, orbán has his own vision, poland has its own. we
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have our negotiation experience, and i must say that you are faster, you are faster than poland, because it took us four years preparation for the start of negotiations on accession to the eu. the application was submitted in 1994, and negotiations began in 1998. you are twice as fast, and in this sense of ukraine. this is formula 1 and we are only mercedes because it took you two years. from 2022 until now, a strategic decision has been made, and now we are talking about the implementation of its content. probably, in the last days of june, that is, in a few days, a decision will be made on the practical start of negotiations, that is, the eu will form a negotiating mandate and a so-called intergovernmental conference will be convened. it
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guarantees that negotiations will begin. from the very beginning, poland sincerely supported ukraine's accession to the eu, and will always support it, because you are our most important partner on the eastern side of the border. because of this, we advocated for the negotiations to begin sooner and we advocate for those negotiations to move forward quickly. so that there are no downtimes, so that there are no delays, so that they... first, secondly, of course, there are areas in which both the eu, on the one hand, and ukraine, will have to adapt. ukraine is a powerful country, which has a large agricultural area and great strength of its agro-industrial complex. undoubtedly, there must be an adaptation of the eu's common agricultural policy, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the ukrainian agricultural industry. these
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efforts will be for... in negotiations, it is always the case that in order for both sides to achieve something, someone has to back down from something. such negotiations, and we had the most difficult negotiations, actually regarding the agrarian sphere and regarding access to the labor market, you will not have difficult negotiations if it is about access to the eu labor market, since ukrainians are already on the labor market of eu countries. among others. until recently, before the announcement of mobilization , there were more than 900,000 citizens of ukraine in poland. in particular, there are a lot of workers, without whom it will be difficult for the polish economy to function. we have an understanding of this, so you already have access to the eu labor market, using the example of poland. and freedom of movement. therefore, in your case, there will not be such a big problem as we had with
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the austrian. or germans, that only a few years after joining the eu, our plumbers, carpenters, our transporters could get work in eu countries. instead, the eu will probably also have to adapt its structural policy mechanisms to ukraine, because ukraine is a large country, very damaged, which needs investments. and i must say that i watched the course with joy. of the last conference on the reconstruction of ukraine, because there two processes overlapped, i.e. the process of ukraine's accession to the european union and the process of ukraine's reconstruction. these two processes cannot move independently of each other, they must be intertwined, must go together. ukraine's accession to the eu should be associated with the opening of some funds.


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