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tv   [untitled]    June 23, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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why do our citizens not understand that they are used once, well, i don't know, they just don't have certain information, they should know that they will be used once and they will forget about them forever, and that money will not seem easy to them at all. mr. mykhailo, thank you. mykhailo prytula was with us, a military expert, reserve colonel of the security service of ukraine and an expert in military counterintelligence. we will take a short break. then we will continue the topic, we will continue to talk about... about the results of putin's trips east to north korea, to vietnam, wait. again these outages. and you didn't have time to charge your phones, sitting in the dark is not an option either. unpack tv has a solution for even the toughest blackouts. solar batteries - energy plus. energy plus is an innovative development. lots of options. use in
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of the polish sejm, authorized by the government of poland restoration of ukraine by pavel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with sestria au. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen. my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's make better roads, it would be even better we will have a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, norman, we can imagine it, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10 , sunday 18:15 at espresso. we are returning, we remind you that
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we are collecting now for our defenders for the military art-reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade, 2.5 million uah need to be collected, this is for the mother. any and all components for our defenders, please don't be stingy, as much as you can, as much as you can donate, we were just analyzing that there are many donations of 20, 25, 50 hryvnias, it would seem that 25 hryvnias in the context when we need to collect 2.5 million, this is not much, it is a lot, because there are such a large number of such donations that we manage just collect tens of thousands of hryvnias per day, donate, and we will question our next guest, oleg magaletskyi, a researcher of regionalism in the russian federation and co-organizer of the free peoples of postrossia forum. mr. oleg, we congratulate you. good day. good morning. recently, there was one such meeting of representatives in in ukraine, it is obvious to everyone, we call small
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nations, small occupied nations, which were destroyed in various ways and from this they created and molded the russian federation. but all these hopes for 10 years that the national liberation movements... somewhere will start a mechanism, let's say, centrifugal, have not come true, at the wrong time, or will this mechanism simply not work at all? in fact, the first, at least such, systematic work in this direction in this movement has just begun, because for centuries and 30 years of the russian federation... starting from the beginning of the zeros, these nationally recognized regional movements were pushed to the maximum margin, and they not only had no support internally from the elites, the media, politicians, because all this was controlled and is controlled by the fsb and others, but also
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from the outside, and ukraine itself already is beginning to take the first steps by testing the worlds, showing that there are occupied nations, there are other non-russians, or even russians who do not want to live with moscow. we are only at the first stages of this process and about any possible changes, given the aspect we can talk a little later. ugh. but despite some of his internal problems , putin keeps people in constant taxes, mobilization, and so on. they are raising taxes now, they are raising them. i say, they raise because they need money, they need weapons, they need a lot of things and flew to their like-minded people. i am not afraid of that word, i flew first to the north, i went to north korea first, we understand that i probably asked for something else that we can, that can transfer to the front, er, what can be the further cooperation of these two countries, because we see which actually, well, not particularly
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putin respects the korean dictator, but cooperates when it's good for him, i don't have much respect for the dictator at all, because... they are people who don't control people, if even they have to interact with other murderers like them, it's only because need, therefore, of course, the strengthening of cooperation between this alliance of north korea, the russian federation, the so-called iranian and chinese people's republics will only deepen, this army will try to put more and more pressure and create more and more zones of instability in the world, what they actually have been doing for the past decades. to try to synchronize their actions, including putin will use it, or divert attention from the attack on ukraine, from the war, from the attacks that he does here every day, and actually for russia, north korea is one of the models for further development, further closure of the country , turning into super-girls, so that
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everyone walks around in these circles, waving flowers at them, in fact, russia is somewhere moving not only in the direction of north korea, but in the direction of iran, that is, it is like this... on the one hand, the maximum totalitarian regime with joy about velykokormcha, but on the other hand, it also has a religious factor, which kender does not have, well, in fact, it is religion and faith in the enemy, but it is in russia, russia takes everything better, so to speak, from all its partners. how stable is this union, these agreements between putin and kimche-in, how long can they last, and under what circumstances can one of them... say to the rear: well, we agreed here, but we unilaterally break some agreements, in our now other priorities have appeared, these are absolute prices price tags, absolutely people who do not respect, no agreements, law, international law
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or even agreements with each other, accordingly, the possibility that someone will refuse this cooperation, which threatens the entire free world, it is not only about ukraine, but... but even about south korea, about taiwan, about all nato states, because any attack of increased aggression can be mechanized with an attack on nato's eastern flank. accordingly, it depends on the vietnamese. these of the free world from our proactive actions, as we will to counter actively, not just to observe these meetings and do analytics, at the political, diplomatic level to take countermeasures so that each of these parties, in this case we are talking about north korea, was forced to refuse or cancel their cooperation or its deepening, but taking into account schizophrenic, most likely this is possible only in case of victory of ukraine. of the free world, this is the only way to destroy this alliance, and the key issue after
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the comprehensive agreement signed by north korea and russia was the issue of mercenaries, because we understand that living in a closed country with the luchi chuchge philosophy, for some 5-10 dollars there, is difficult, and when they offer big money, and it is big compared to this, then... there would be a lot of north koreans in the russian army , but will kim chin-in let them go and will this factor be a consequence of signing this agreement? we will see, it is difficult to say now, in my opinion it is still more about weapons and the provision of certain things that russia needs in terms of resources, since they can recruit people and money in this way from any part the world, in fact, what they do from africa as well. from india, for a kimchi, any participation of his military, direct or indirect, in the war against
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ukraine, it does not break the rules, but it sets a precedent that koreans will see another part of the world and see that even in a village on the front line in life in ukraine occupied by the russians may be better than in north korea, well, in terms of access to some minimal benefits there, accordingly, this will create a factor of internal politics and pressure. people who will go to war, but if they didn't want to, they wouldn't they will be able to dispose of everyone there, and people will have this experience, accordingly, this is already a negative for the kimchi regime, after all, i think that the northern part of the troops will not be in the russian army in the near future, but everyone can be wrong, it is not logical that they do not see anything , let them believe that the north korean national team won the olympics again, less so, these are the problems of north korea. i mean, and vietnam surprised at least some of the statements
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that putin made under the portraits of ho chi minh. and here is one statement we paid attention to, it was very interestingly, putin said he would never withdraw russian troops from the ukrainian territories he had seized. that is, no, no, there is nothing surprising that will not lead, what is surprising is that putin told her that these are ukrainian territories, he usually told us fairy tales before that. who is this message for, that i will not withdraw troops and recognize ukrainian territories as ukrainian? again, it is difficult to say what game these kremlin accomplices and propagandists were playing today, it is intended as another signal to our external partners that putin open, ready to negotiate, is this some kind of passage directed so that you and i discuss it in the ukrainian environment, is this passage so that the russians will be kicked out... those who are being killed, well, this regime, is killing hundreds of russian citizens in the war, yes, well
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, subjects, because there is no citizenship, accordingly, i would not pay attention to what putin says, it is only important what he does, and we know that he is a crazy schizophrenic, as well as the entire clique regime and a large part of the population, because putin - it's not a problem, it's a consequence, and we need it mind your own business, don't listen to him, but make sure that these troops really don't exist, which is exactly what the ukrainian army has been doing every day for 10 years. and 3 years in full-scale mode, and vietnam is a very important country in fact, and as with most countries south of the equator, we have not worked very well in this segment, not only ukraine, but all our partners, because vietnam could to be one of the key allies of the free world in southeast asia, given its history of the constant threat to vietnam from the chinese people's republic and this alliance of the people's republic of china, the russian federation, the dprk of iran, so putin should not be there now, but the key ones. our j7 partners, i hope they will also understand this, and vietnam will be able to play
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the necessary role in supporting ukraine, such as the philippines and other countries of southeast asia, indonesia, malaysia, which also participated and did not sign the communique of the peace summit. we have literally one minute, what is the chance that putin will provoke, support, encourage, in some other way, help. north korea still start a war and lead to aggravation in the far east. we understand that then the attention will be more on our big partners. and it will be more difficult for ukraine in all that, because even those threats to south korea, er, that there will be consequences for the fact that they can supply us with weapons, just give weapons to ukraine, and you will see how it all correlates ? yes, unfortunately, we are very close to the beginning of the third world war and the transformation
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of putin's drift into only one of the fronts of this third world war, in my opinion the only question is when... if we do not change the politics of the free world from passive to proactive, china will not try to attack taiwan, north korea, south korea, and russia, one of the countries in nato, finland, lithuania, latvia, poland, therefore , they will synchronize their actions and attacks of iran on their own, actually in the middle east, it is very important to stop them, because these crazy people are only interested and believe that any swimmer or any attempts of exam. to calm down is weakness, so if we let them such an opportunity, they will definitely attack. thank you for the conversation, mr. olezh, oleg magaletskyi, researcher of regionalism in the russian federation and co-organizer of the free peoples of postrossia forum. and we already have the next guest. andriy reva is with us, the minister of social policy of ukraine in the past 16-19 years. mr. andriy, good afternoon, we welcome you to
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our air. good day. mr. andriy, we are watching. according to statistics from the pension fund of ukraine , pensioners increased by 51 thousand in a month, we remember that even before the war in our country it all looked quite complicated, the number of workers who were supposed to provide this solidarity system, and we were always explained that this cannot be so, our population is aging, the number of pensioners is putting pressure on the working part, and now there are in general complete disproportions, as it looks now ? let us forget all the things the government says, they are telling lies, from the end of the era of poverty, which we were promised in 19, to the fact that now all the problems of the pension fund are trying to be explained by bad demographics. show me at least one country in europe demography better than in ukraine? i want to tell you that the demography in ukraine is approximately at the level of japan, but there are no problems with
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pensions, why? because there is no shadow economy in japan. when today we are told about related. wear of working people and those who are retired, for some reason they forget that in ukraine before the war there were 22 million people of working age, 13 million paid pension contributions, show me at least one country in the world where 9 million people are in the shadows, and the authorities do not take any action to bring these workers out of the shadows, we do this, we do that did, we legalized 10,200,000 people during the 2 years of our reforms, they, during... the first six months of their tenure, canceling all the measures we took, allowed 500,000 people to go into the shadows at once, and today, when they whine about that , that in our country the ratio between working people and pensioners is deteriorating, it will worsen not due to demographics, but due to the going into the shadow, going into the shadow of those who work for slave owners, slave owners,
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no measures are taken against the slave owners, and they just bring people in in the shade, this is the first problem, problem... number two: why can japan provide high pensions, but ukraine can't? but because in japan it's not just about the number of people working for one pensioner, it's about what contributions people pay to the pension fund? well, if salaries are high in japan, then one worker can receive not only one pensioner, but maybe two or three or more. it depends on the salary. and take ukraine, half of those who pay, that is, we take the part that still does not seem to pay from the minimum wage, take any the kindness of our good payers as private entrepreneurs, take aitsyshnyk, who receives one, two, 3 thousand conditional units, how much does he pay into the pension fund today, he pays from the minimum wage, receiving uah 80-100 per month, he pays from his salary 700 uah (1,450 uah per
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month), despite the fact that the minimum wage in ukraine is 361 hryvnias, that is , one e-tishnik does not receive even one pensioner, huh, and if we are talking about an average pension of 5,700, then how many such e-tishniks are needed to receive three pensioners, and when they talk about the fact that we have a bad ratio, no, as kit matroskin said, we have the means, we do not have a mind, and a conscience, i would add, because when the first deputy minister of social policy, mrs. marchak also says, well, don't count on a pension, you need to postpone it... then i want to remind those who listen to her and say what a great person she is, not a populist, her income for the past year is uah 3,200,000 3 2 hryvnias according to the declaration, she can postpone it, of course she can, but what can they do put off people who receive 700 hryvnias, what can be put off by people who even
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earn an average wage in ukraine at the current level of prices and tariffs, this is pricey, you know, this kind of spit in people's faces, these are your problems, the problems of the sheriff's indians is not interested, so when we talk about the problems of the pension fund, the main manipulation of this government is that the problem is demography, no, the problem is not... the problem of demography is a) in the shadow economy, b- in low wages, which the government does nothing about to raise when we were at authorities, we signed two general agreements with trade unions and employers. wages have doubled on average over the three years of our rule. see what is being done now. and so when we talk about solving social problems, they cannot be solved if you do not fight the shadow economy and if the government does not work to improve. salaries, respectively, and payments to the pension fund. and what to do, you ask, why yes, i will answer you very simply, because their interest is to take money from the pension fund and
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to distribute to private pension funds of friends of mrs. tretyakova, who left the insurance companies, the insurance business, that is why they intimidate ukrainians: there will be no pension, there will be no this, postpone and so on. i have already given this example, i will give it to people again, so that you understand the basic principle of what they want. everyone watched a movie. pinocchio in his childhood , i hope, so karabas-barabas gave five soldi to pinocchio and said: go bring it to papa carlo, let him spend it on himself, that is, he paid him a pension in solidarity systems. he goes to pinocchio, lisa alice and kit basilivo, shmyhal and tertyakov meet him. are you a fool? who eats them? they must be increased, which means they must be given to a non-state pension fund, this is a field of miracles in the land of fools. you will come there, dig a hole, put it, salt it, say, krex, pex-fex, bury it, water it with water, and in the morning you will grow a tree and you will buy not only
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papa carlo a jacket and food, but also a whole theater. do you remember how it all ended for borotyn? this is the same scheme that they are now lobbying for and intimidating society that there will be no pension. there will be pensions, dear ukrainians, there will be neither marchak, nor tertyakov, nor all those who promised you the end of poverty. the problem is that they mask their inability to solve social problems under various objective reasons: war, covid, bad demographics, you know, something always hinders a bad dancer, this is the conclusion, you characterized the problem, analyzed what is wrong, but now the question is what to do to get rid of all that and to make it so, as in japan, as you say, i am he said about this, it is necessary to fight against the shadow economy and it is necessary to raise wages. pay, this is all completely within the competence of the government, these are two main positions that the green government does not do, it has completely closed its eyes to the shadow economy, and today please go to
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any hypermarket, who will serve you at the checkout, the cashier? no, you are served there by a private entrepreneur, why? because if it was a cashier, then the hypermarket owner would have to pay 18% personal income tax, personal income tax and 1.5% military tax, only 19.5%, if you are not... as a private entrepreneur, at best 5% he pays four times less, you need other arguments to understand how they avoid taxation, payroll , yes mr. andriy, and this option is to write everything into tens of fops, we encounter this when, for example , they bring you an invoice and tell you that you will have three invoices, because this is one fop, this is the second, this is the third, this is even in the service sector it looks like that, that is. but it's a legit scheme, legit of course, but when you have there is a majority in the verkhovna rada, you can change it, you say that you do not have enough money in the budget, you are
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even going to raise taxes for those who work, pay honestly, so maybe you will close this scheme and stop all these criminal acts, well, let's put it this way, you can't call them criminals, because they are carried out according to the law, so maybe the law needs to be changed, or there is no political will, because everyone is sitting on the photo. that's the problem, that's the problem when we empowered local councils to deal with the shadow, with shadow economy, where we have a shadow economy, where our people are not registered at all, this is construction, this is the hotel and restaurant business, this is trade, how to fight it, we perfectly understood that the one who is at the bottom will fight best, why, because personal income tax is included in the local budget, we transferred the city budget... the councils have the right to control employment, doesn't the mayor of the city know who his developer is, doesn't he have the opportunity to influence the developer, if that
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developer comes, for example, behind the ground to allocate it for development, and the mayor tells him: dear, you have 10 of your 300 employees registered, the rest work for you just like that, and you don't pay a penny, so let's do it, or you register them and start paying them to the budget, or you will not get the land, moreover, i have inspectors come to you now, we have received the appropriate authority, and for each unregistered you will pay a fine of 300 hryvnias, how will this developer act, will he go to... pay in the press so that journalists shout, that the government demands a bribe from the business, that the government puts pressure on business and does not allow it to develop, or will he, realizing that the situation is like this, still start to fine people, as it was in the 17th year, when we introduced these fines, the first thing the government did was green, they canceled fines for slave owners, and instead of 300 thousand they pay 30 thousand there, and even then from the second time, they got caught the first time, well, it's
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not pretty, why aren't you 40? well, he says, well, there are no questions, let's do it again, so i want to tell you once again, the physical economy is one, wages are two, when today they tell us that there are no personnel, they are lying again, because no one wants to work for uah 700, you want to hire a good employee, there are no questions, we are in the market, but you are shouting that we should have market prices for electricity, for water, there for communal services, for goods, for goods and services in general, so what... on the market, you want them to work like slaves, receive 700 hryvnias and not ask questions, pay them 30,000, 4,000, 50,000 specialists, they are not worth less for their services , well, you don't want to, and that's why you shout, we have problems with the workforce and so on and so on, look at the employment center, how many vacancies there are, and why no one goes, and for that reason,
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look at the last column, how many are offered there. to pay people, and then we will say that we cannot keep pensioners, then maybe the appetites of our slave owners and so -called entrepreneurs, who always have a hard time, we always support them, it must be said that from 38 to 22% , we reduced their esu in 2015 , well, it’s difficult, it’s not difficult for pensioners, they are not people, they are not needed, because they have already worked material, this is... the cynical and vile position of the current government, and i am asking you very much, do not repeat their theses. unprofessionalism, meanness, they try to mask with objective reasons. i know that you, as honest journalists, also understand this very well. i quoted you the statement of the pension fund of ukraine, this does not mean that we should rely on official statements. it's good that you broke it all down, as they say, into atoms, and that's why we wanted to hear your opinion in a comment on...
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the statement of the pension fund of ukraine. mr. andriy, thank you, actually, for sorting it out, i think that even those who do not understand anything, but at least they looked carefully, they already understood everything. andriy reva, our former minister of social policy of ukraine, was our morning guest. such a conversation was not at all celebratory, but everything was understandable. in order for there to be a little more celebration throughout the country, good videos of the liquidated occupiers, please add, we already talked about the fact that the shahed warehouse was destroyed in the south. in the krasnodar region, in russia, there is already confirmation of satellite images, and now here is our colleague, voenkor andriy tsaplienko published information that there was also an attack on the city of storage of equipment and ammunition of the russian army in kursk region, the explosion was good, the cloud had a beautiful shape, and that's all we
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have time to tell at this moment. more news, more interesting things in a few seconds, literally khrystyna parubiy will tell, because news time is approaching. thank you, colleagues, i will tell you about the new shelling of kyiv region in the issue, as well as about the situation in other regions of ukraine. wait a moment. khrystyna works in espresso news studio do it rescuers have completed emergency rescue operations in kharkiv. two people died. another 53 were injured. as a result of an aerial bomb hitting a five-story residential building in kharkiv. 41 people were hospitalized, including three children. four patients are in serious condition, oleg senigubov, the head of the region, said. let me remind you, the russians dropped on kharkiv yesterday.


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