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tv   [untitled]    June 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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in advance iryna kovalits says that people in sevastopol are incredibly worried, they say that not only the shelters did not work, not only that they did not announce the air raid warning, they were not allowed into the shelters, imagine, well, they write in private publications about about a hundred wounded and three dead, we will learn more, but now is really news time, iryna koval, will tell much more information, iryna, we give you the floor. thank you, oksana, but i will tell you, actually, about the situation in sevastopol. there will be information about what in general, what is happening in the crimea and the belgorod region, and what else is currently happening at the front, so wait, we will learn more about everything in the issue.
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it's 3 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. so let's start with the situation. at the front. the russians became more active in the turkish direction. there are ongoing hostilities, which the enemy is supporting with aircraft, carrying out attacks with anti-aircraft guns - said the spokesman of the operational-strategic group of troops khortetsia nazar voloshyn. during the day, the occupiers unsuccessfully tried to storm 15 times. in the areas of northern new york and toretsk settlements. a difficult situation in the pokrovsky direction. the defense forces repelled 55 enemy attacks near novooleksandrivka, vozdvizhenka, karlivka, nevelsky and novopokrovsky. the russians tried to dislodge our units from the occupied borders, so they involved aviation, artillery, combat vehicles and drones. a video appeared on the network. a successful attack on
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the command post of the motorized rifle regiment of the occupiers in belgorod region. earlier, the general staff reported that a target was successfully hit in nekhotiyivka. the operation was carried out by the air force in cooperation with other units. explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied crimea, in the area of ​​kozacha bay in sevastopol, a column of smoke is rising - write local publications. it also thundered in balaclava and. the kermans blocked the kerch bridge. propaganda media write that the occupied peninsula was attacked with atakams missiles. the so- called governor of sevastopol reported that five missiles were destroyed over the black sea, but debris fell in the coastal zone. several people were previously injured and two fires broke out. they make a daily contribution to the future victory. the head of the security service , vasyl malyuk, handed over state and video awards. or
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awards to fighters who showed special courage in the fight against the enemy. the awarding took place on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the creation of the special operations center a. during the years of independence, the fighters of the unit constantly developed and gained combat experience. the head of the sbu also thanked the special forces for unique operations behind enemy lines and high altitudes results of work at the front. in particular , over a thousand destroyed russian tanks. a tractor driver was injured due to russian shelling in the beryslav district of the kherson region. the enemy dropped explosives from a drone on a 48-year-old man while he was working in the field. he has an explosive injury, a shrapnel wound to his neck, shoulder and leg. the victim is in the hospital, the regional military administration reported. a nine-year-old boy died in an accident in odesa. 35-year-old driver.
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a car ran over a child when the boy was crossing the road at an unspecified place. the child died from the injuries received, the regional police reported. the driver will be checked for intoxication. the police are establishing all the circumstances of the tragic event. in sumy oblast, a deputy of the regional council shot a man with a hunting rifle. the event happened on june 21 on the territory of the northern forest hunting farm, which in the village of zarichcha of the konotop district, the regional prosecutor's office reports. instead of the set target, the deputy shot at a forestry worker. a forty-six-year-old man died on the spot, the deputy was detained, he will be tried for premeditated murder. a cloud of acrid smoke covered the crooked corner. at dawn, there was a sudden shutdown of the production capacity from the external power supply at the local coke and chemical plant. in the press service.
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arcelor said they were forced to take emergency technological action to save equipment and keep employees safe, power has already been restored, but the city is reporting... significant smoke. residents of some areas are not advised to go outside. changes in light-off schedules. they will start earlier today. the lights will be turned off from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. , ukrenergo reported. the reason is the difficult situation in the power system after massive russian attacks on critical infrastructure. the situation with the supply of electricity has also become more difficult due to bad weather. in the morning, the power was cut off. more than 500 settlements in different regions of ukraine. let me remind you, earlier in ukrenergo it was reported that stabilization blackouts today will be only in the evening. changes in the weather were not taken into account. 16 children and three
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adults climbed mount trosstyan in the lviv region, and then due to bad weather and even at night could not get down from the top on their own. they informed the rescuers. state emergency service. in the morning they took the tourists from above to a safe place. emergency officials remind of the need to observe safety rules during recreation in the mountainous area. missile danger, although china does not wage wars with aggressive neighbors, local residents could see for themselves such danger. the first stage of the launch vehicle fell directly on a chinese village. fortunately, there will be no more fuel in the rocket. so the effects were negligible. china launched on orbit a small x-ray satellite long merch to c. the launch itself was successful, the satellite is in orbit. in the capital , the winners of the national competition charitable ukraine 2023 were awarded. out of almost 15,000
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applications for participation in the competition , the best benefactors who worked tirelessly over the past year to provide... help to those who need it were identified. our tatyana golonova will tell what nominations were presented and how the award ceremony went. they are people with a big heart who will always find an opportunity to help a sick child or a wounded warrior. in the capital , the best benefactors of last year were awarded within the framework of the national competition charitable ukraine 2023. our competition charitable ukraine is held in 17. at the beginning it was called philanthropist of the year, in the 12th year we changed the name, and every year this competition takes on a new sound, it is expanding, this year, for example, we are in 27 nominations that are in our competition, it is business, it is public
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organizations, and youth organizations, and volunteers, and individual charity, we collected 1432 applications, every year a charitable one. organizations and individuals from different parts of our country prove that the thousand-year-old tradition of charity in ukraine continues with dignity. this year, the participants of the competition submitted their applications for 27 competition nominations, 21 main, three individual and three special nominations, in each of them the winners were determined. the blagomai fund has been supporting the charitable ukraine competition for two years in a row, because it is a recognition and thanksgiving. benefactors in ukraine, especially in such difficult times as ours we have now, during the war, it is very important, because work in the field of charity, it often happens, is accompanied by burnout, complex projects, very difficult tasks
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performed by philanthropists, so such awards, such competitions, such awards are very important , this is what motivates and supports the benefactors of ukraine. your history of the competition. started in 2007, in the charity ukraine format has been held since 2012. award of the winner of the national competition for first place, a unique amber statuette, the good angel and a diploma. we received an award in category synergy of good, and this is a new category this year, it is incredibly valuable for us, because it corresponds to our values, we are for partnership, we are for the effectiveness of the union, because we believe that yes... we can do more for ukraine and win in the end. the charitable ukraine national contest is currently the only active nationwide project to honor the best philanthropists and the most effective charitable initiatives in the ukrainian
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social space. tatyana golonova, dmytro nikiferov, espresso tv channel. we continue to support the armed forces of ukraine and tv channel. to join the project from zero to life, it is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized division with a donation. brigades are a cold ravine, they win every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield, so quad bikes are indispensable helpers for evacuation. your support significantly increases the chances of the soldiers of the cold spring not only to successfully perform combat missions, but also to return alive from them. join the gathering, our goal is to 4 million hryvnias. and that was the news for that time, you can read more on our website espresso tv. also, follow us on social networks and watch our unique content on youtube, we will see you at
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every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with se. kanal spresso and ukrainian pen present their own title project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who... think and comment on the most relevant social discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out this sunday, for sure, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names from myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion
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from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. we returned, and i was just showing oksana, there are times like that. news to which you don't even know a single answer, how to comment on them: a criminal sentenced to 5 years with confiscation, precisely for calling for the justification of russian aggression to change... the territorial integrity of ukraine, went free and he will soon arrive in moscow, and you know who he is talking about, he is talking about the metropolitan of tulchynsk and bratslav uoc of the moscow patriarchate, ionafan, and he himself wrote the statement, include me, because he was already convicted, and the court took him behind bars, include me in the lists voluntarily for the exchange
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of russian prisoners, so he was released at the last meeting of... the court , and he will soon be in moscow, and here, according to the orthodox spokesmen themselves, bishop ioanathan was released due to the intervention of pope francis at the request the saint, i.e. cyril. pope francis is also working on the liberation of other bishops of the moscow orthodox church. no comments, because you can't talk about the rest on tv, right? actually, it is difficult to comment on it, so we will talk about what to comment on. you can and we already have a guest who is ready to comment on the following topic: let's talk about brexit, about how great britain left the eu, on the phone, yes, yes, exactly today, june 23, 2016, eight years ago the british voted, moreover there the difference was small, 51.9% of voters said that we want to leave, 48 and 1/10%
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of voters said that we would like to stay, that is, the difference was not that big. have the british changed their mind, it has already been since the 20th year , from january 31, 20th, all this came into force, great britain left the eu, there was a transition period for another year, after that new rules came into effect, new trade, customs, the same also applied to migrations. rules, what are the british saying now? actually, before, first of all , it should be said that there was a vote for brexit primarily by voting for sovereignty, rather than for the economy. of course brexit has hit the british people, let's be real,
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the average briton in 2023 according to a recent government report. has worsened its financial situation by almost 2 thousand fints sterling, and the average resident of the british capital, the average londoner by almost 3,400 pounds, actually as a result of brexit. at the same time, brexit is now hardly mentioned in the manifestoes of the leading parties on the eve of the general election in the united the kingdom that will happen, as we know, is... 4th of july, it seems that the british are now taking care of some, shall we say, other problems on a daily basis, however, let's really say that the most obvious and direct consequence of brexit was the restoration of significant barriers in of trade between great britain and its largest
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trading partner, namely the european union, here the consequences are most... tangible, and all that ordinary britons, say, in supermarkets, in shops, can feel the most on themselves and on their wallets. according to management data. sir olesya, i wanted to ask you, but now you are talking about numbers, the economic dimension, it is clear that to find people whose family budget has worsened by so many thousands of pounds, as they say, there are probably no rejects, there are obvious conclusions. and has there been any reflection over the years, at least from the point of view of the reasons for this vote, because it is no secret that two main such political legends were used during brexit: the first is that britain pays too much to the common budget of the european union, and the second point is that britain threatened by the influx of turks,
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which will take away their jobs, these were the two most emphasized ones. cents of that brexit, is there now any reflection, analysis, is it written about, in newspapers and smart magazines, you are right, it was its own duel between two teams, and you know, i will say that a positive result, or voting for someone of those that britain has scored from the european union, i can only... compare it with the breakthrough goal of the ukrainian national team in the last match against slovakia, we remember, shaperenko received the ball from his own half of the field, i will transfer it filigree. yarenchukov, who with two touches threw the ball into the net absolutely brilliantly, ukraine won 2:1, so did the team, let's replace shaparenko with
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cummings, with dominik kamengs, and in the role of yaranchuk will be our beloved boris johnson, so we see that this was done in a two-way, strictly speaking, thanks to this absolutely geometrically planned mana. now, maybe, if the euphoria has passed all these years, and people have already, again, we say, counted their wallets, but the euphoria was still so this goal, so this the result of britain's exit from the eu has turned heads for the entire population, yes, but there was also a very interesting story, our colleagues, journalists, in particular, investigated the phenomenon of brexit and came up with quite interesting ones. some court hearings began about interference by manipulation and where did an additional 6 million votes suddenly appear from
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people who had never participated in election procedures in their lives, at this stage there is at least one of the decisions of these courts on the cambridge analyst, on interference , on the manipulation of data collection, you know, history... declared themselves bankrupt, the owner company, the owner of facebook agreed to pay 725 million dollars to settle a lawsuit regarding this data leak, regarding these dead souls, so the stories of the cambridge analyst got their bold point, the very end, native... there are no conspiracies on this topic in britain now, the case is considered completely closed. ugh. and the last question, mr. olesya, we are observing such,
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i would say, competitions in europe. france, germany, great britain, everyone is trying, if it concerns ukraine in particular, against the background of the war that russia unleashed against us, to show their leadership, and without a doubt, great britain is the first in many permits. the first in delivery very often, the first in important statements for us, does the uk now have a feeling that peace, calm, well-being in europe is now precisely in their hands, they are watching on the island nearby and trying to preserve this peace that we have here it's been a little more than 80 years, right, of course, now we're all news. and we know that literally in the latest developments britain is quite active, i won't use the word feverishly, but, let's say, rather emotionally,
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he is trying to arrange a whole series of negotiations, both with representatives of the united states and with representatives of germany on the eve of the nato summit in washington, trying to convince this, let's say, lethargy, or outright unwillingness to give ukraine an invitation to nato. the entire top echelon of british politicians is connected to this, and on both sides of the watershed, if the conservatives come to power, then labor, which , let's be honest, will win the elections on july 4, that is, britain will by no means form its own weapon and tries to use its political weight, in principle in this case for the good of ukraine and actually for the good of peace in europe. in the rest of the world, well, and you, in your opinion, can it just happen as a result of changes and transformations in
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the european union that great britain will be asked back, i already mentioned at the very beginning of our conversation that the topic of brexit, the topic of the possible return of great britain or the united kingdom, we prefer to take the more general term. to the european union is not discussed at all, this issue is out of order day, far away for some future period of time, when the new government, let's be frank again, it will obviously be the labor party, will come to power and somehow lead the country further. currently, this issue is not discussed at any level, of course, mr. oles, thank you. oles kovach, the british correspondent of radio liberty, was with us. next , on our air, watch the project about politics about the world with maria gurska, after that, roman and i will return.
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we are talking to the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm and the head of the affairs council of cooperation with ukraine pavel koval. good day. let's start, as always, with the hottest news that we expect next week. on june 25 , the european union will start accession negotiations with ukraine, you are a politician who has been active in the polish-ukrainian dialogue for several decades, since the beginning of the 90s, you must have been on several maidans, and now you are at the front, what does this mean for you personally event and how do you see its significance in the fate of ukraine? lot of ukraine. well, we're
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witnessing significant events, because you've just now reminded me that that was the point. of the orange revolution, this was the main goal of the revolution of dignity, for this people came to the maidan, as well as during the revolution on granite, that is, all the last 30-40 years of the history of ukraine were about the fact that the port for ukraine is the european union, europe, the european commonwealth , because once it was not called the european union, but it was clearly understood that... ukraine is not part of the soviet union, it is not a former soviet republic, but a european state. and now ukraine enters this port and enters the negotiation period. these negotiations, i i hope they will be shorter than in the case of other countries, because ukraine is already partially in the european union. please note, first of all, ukraine has signed the association agreement, that is, it is an associated member.
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and these are not empty words, it is about the fact that, for example, in trade matters in ukraine, the eu is almost like a union, in addition, there are special norms related to war, this also led to the fact that ukraine gained access to the free market and in many respects eu countries can also trade in ukraine, as if ukraine were part of the union, so ukraine is already largely in the eu, in a political sense. but of course the negotiations are still ahead in the legal sense, it will definitely last several years, i think that at least four, five, and maybe 6-7 years of negotiations, ukraine is a big country, so the negotiations will be long. ukraine and the commission ukraine and the european union have extended the agreement on the liberalization of freight transportation for another year with the possibility of extension, how
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will it affect... you know, i'm already used to saying about these blockades, and for me everything here is absolutely clear: there will be various blockades in our part of europe, because it looks like this in the eu, and as soon as ukraine is in the european union, the same thing awaits ukrainian farmers. i wish ukrainians to find themselves in the european union as soon as possible, and ukrainian farmers, for example, or producers of various goods. will protest against the import of such goods from outside the eu. ukraine will be part of europe. production costs are always higher in the eu because it will also protect its market. should we wait for new ones? protests in poland are probably unavoidable, because that is life in the eu. and the government's job is to defuse these protests, to level the sources of discontent in areas where there are certain
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losses, where the group. producers may suffer, for this the european union has developed many mechanisms, i am a supporter of solving these issues practically, pragmatically and not making a sensation out of it. i think that by the end of the negotiations with the eu, and this is the most important thing, ukraine will have free access to the market, it will enjoy all visa-free privileges, and it is good that during the negotiations, there will be no questions whether this access to the market will be tomorrow or not. first of all, that all laws of ukraine are adapted to european law, so that it is part of the unified legal system of the eu, and then, for example, when a ukrainian entrepreneur invests in spain or portugal, he will be treated as a citizen of this country and vice versa, if he is portuguese.


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