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tv   [untitled]    June 23, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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which vika left us, that is, for each page we decided what should be added, what should be taken into account in this story. our general decision, and also the decision of the publishers, was that the intervention should be minimal, this text is already as victoria created it, and history and life are part of this text, so we had no right in any way to interfere. the only thing we did was er... we messed up these versions, because vika really left a huge archive, she recorded a lot of stories, but she didn't even have time to decipher them, because, let's say, she went to kherson to record one of the heroines, she went to the book arsenal two days ago, and this is just an audio file, but we compared the texts, if we saw a text written out more than that , which at that time she copied into this final manuscript, we returned.
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our footnote was also added to it, that is, in essence, our job was to add and comment, and this is a large, large number of footnotes that we added to this book. and i still remember her life and constant trips together with pen and not only together from pen, so from trushouse and so on, her life was a constant life on the road, despite the fact that she had a family, a son, so in lviv. she was constantly on the road, constantly in the front-line territories, you once talked to her about this, in general, about this way of life, which is difficult for a woman, i do not remember almost any trip of the penu volunteer east, wherever she went, yes, if she couldn't, then she simply arrived already, for example there, yes in kherson, yes, that is, she still had time to join, arrive and join. in general, you talked with her
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about this way of life, well, she had this feeling, it was as if she was afraid of not being able to do something in time, but really, she was somehow in a hurry to live, and about trips, i always said that she was just so crazy, easy to rise to madness, because, for example, she could call there at 8 o'clock in the morning and say: listen, we are going to visit our writer friend vera kurikov in chernihiv today, that is, vera does not know, and we are already leaving, or, for example, she could ... very often in the evening or even at night wrote there or called, or, for example, she could be there in september, i think it was, she called there on the first night, listen, when kherson will be liberated, let's go to kherson right away, well, that is the feeling that she was really afraid to leave something out somewhere, but i tried to live as much as possible, which i don't know, it seems to me that five lives there would probably not be enough for someone else to see so much and visit so much, and for vika, from what i thought, i noticed that it was very important for her to be there, where, where, really where... people are hurting, that is the front-line
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territory, yes, this is really a place where she did not just document, she then called, told these stories, they hurt her, not just because she came there, did the work, went to kyiv , no, she really, she, she tried very hard and worked very hard, i don’t even know when she slept, because there was such a moment in ages , we even laughed already, because even when vika was abroad on some trip, and there was an air raid and shelling there at night, it meant that amelina was now on... yes it turned out funny that when the daggers were the first in kyiv there, well, probably the first, maybe not the first, but when they were beaten, they were beaten in my micro-district, i fell asleep, because it was just so many nights in a row there in the bathroom, and i woke up to the call of melino , who was just there screaming into the receiver, what are you, where are you, why don't you answer me, i look there for 4 minutes, i didn't answer, well, i just fell asleep, and she could have called there in the early hours of the night, there povalyaeva doesn't answer us there hour what to do list people. that is, and indeed, this
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she is so worried about everyone and everything, and i think this is a trip, this is also part of this desire to be with those who need it now, because, well, i think after the trip you will agree that for people from the front areas , sometimes it's important to just have someone around, and someone didn't care what they went through, yes, that's for sure, that's for sure, tanya, how do you remember it, you talked to her about about about such a life, you know , i sometimes got angry at this special black humor of hers and sometimes i can get angry now, because... here is this trip to kherson before kramatorsk and two days before arsenal, it looked like she also left somewhere from abroad, urgently, she didn't sleep for two or three days, and actually she wrote me a letter that you you often work with the archives of various of our writers who died or were repressed, so i want to share my manuscript with you, because you know who i am, where i can get in there, it was in two days, she went to kherson, and in 5 this
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tragedy will happen, that is, she wrote me a letter and handed over the manuscript of the nonfiction book, i i agree with what zhenya said, with the fact that it really, well, there was such a level... sympathy and such a feeling of pain around her that she could not, well, not even what she could afford, imagine that she would be somewhere behind border, or she would be in some safer place, it was a constant need to be close to those whom she could help in some way, and when she returned to lviv or went on an advocacy trip abroad, she still stayed with these people on connection the history of the town of new york in donetsk region, i think it is knew every person who lives there, true, that is, these are constant stories. she looked for medicine for someone, transported someone, helped to evacuate, that is, she knew all the people in the community with whom she made the festival of their relatives, their friends, she also added us to different communities so that we somehow joined this help, this i need to explain that vika organized a literary festival in
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the village of new york in donetsk, this is bakhmut region, so she organized a literary festival, where she invested her money, right? and where did she put all her heart, and this is the 21st year, that is, before the full-scale invasion, and it's about the same thing, that is, she's not connected by personal family history to this place, to this region, but her sense of what might be ahead, her sense that the war is going on and with on the part of russia, there may be even greater aggression, her feeling was very penetrating, and she constantly emphasized that we should work in this region, that is, this feeling is also just... citizens and writers after all, and that's what we're talking about now they said that i was still sometimes angry inside myself catch this emotion, as a writer, she was very attached to this text, as an author, she was very immersed in it, she was immersed in this writing, and i often had
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the feeling that this writing was constantly pushing her into this the road and not sleeping for several days, because she really wanted to describe it as clearly and correctly as possible. know what she was talking about, so she didn't just record someone for four hours, she came again and again to see what was happening to the end, for example in the story of volodymyr vakulenko, except that victoria did so much to get the story out to the world, she kept the diary, helped us publish it, but i know she was involved in the investigation, she initiated the investigation that the rabbit hounds were doing, she was involved in all processes, all the work that was related to this case. it was as if it was not the task of the writer, but she never left the story and did not leave those people with whom she spoke for the book? and i'm here because a lot of people are watching us, and we let us remind you that it was viktoria melina who found
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the manuscript of volodymyr vakulenko, a ukrainian children's writer who was tortured by the russian occupiers in the kharkiv region, she found volodya shchodennyk buried in the garden near vyshnaya in ... and she found it at the last moment when there seemed to be no chance yes to dig up in the place where my father told volodya to dig up this diary, she found it, handed it over to the kharkiv litmuseum, and then this book, this diary, came out as a book called i transform myself and in fact. in this in the preface to this book by vika, and an absolutely brilliant preface, vika writes so clearly for the first time that i read this text by volodymyr vakulenko, and i, and i understand that we are living in the middle of a shot
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revival, and now tanya began to speak with in fact, about the fact that vika, perhaps, was the first to so clearly trace this persistence in this way. yes , between the shooting revival and what is happening now, and it seems to me, wife , that she was just the first, and now it has become so general, general narrative, do you know this, did they talk about it, did she ever mention how you in general, how, how, what is this story for you about about this diary, about this preface of hers, how she talked about this preface, because i know , that she always worried about her texts. "she dropped this preface to read, to express her opinion, and i know, she probably dropped ten people, because she was so worried, i don't know, i don't understand, i just finished reading her novel "a house for a home" just two days ago , but i couldn't read it for a year, i was very sick it hurts, and when i finished reading, i was just so selfish, i had another attack of selfish
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pain, that what talent we have lost, what depth we have lost, what author we have lost, that really, well, the author was simply absolutely extraordinary, but for some reason she was constantly not sure until the end. the fact that she's cool, that she's cool, that she's cool, she always doubted her texts, and that's why when i, when i read this preface to volodymyr vakulenko's book, i was amazed at... how deep it is thinking but vika had doubts all the time, she, somehow, she didn’t even dare to read her poems, somehow even that was difficult for her, and now a new book of hers, called testimony, has come out, yes, tanya, tell me about this book, because there, well, actually her poetry is such a high-class poetry, it's really very good, but she doubted, you know, about those doubts, the ages about which... we can talk today with a smile, i associate it also with this special empathy, that is people
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who are very self-centered might not be so doubtful about their texts, but about the age it was just about focusing on others and not on yourself, if you talk about that foreword, that's also one of the miracles, because the foreword had to be different, and a different person had to write it for this book, and it's literally a decision by two weeks before the presentation at the book arsenal, we will ask victoria to... write this text, and i am extremely simply grateful that vika herself managed to do it and write this story. if we talk about her poems, then here, too , victoria has the feeling that she was not just in a hurry to live, as if she had time, anticipating the distribution of various tasks, so that what, what and how will need to be done, and in the history of this collection, she also quite clearly told her friend, cultural manager, journalist sofia chelyak, that... this book must someday be, she managed to talk with the publisher maryana savka about the fact that she
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wants to publish it from her, therefore, in general, she also left certain directions, such as the way in which this collection should be moved, and sofia chelyak involved her old friends, also beautiful poets , who helped organize these texts, in particular halyna kruk, who edited these poems, as well as a whole circle of beautiful authors, kateryna mikhalitsina, olena huseynova, lutsyshina, these are all people who helped to compile it all, to edit it, to see in what better sequence to place it, and therefore it was also a kind of therapeutic work, when this collection was being prepared for printing, and you, miroslava, also participated in the presentation at arsenal, it is amazing how victoria was able to hear these women's voices, first of all, whether we are talking about this book "nunfiction" or a project. it was extremely important to her to capture this one a woman's voice in the war, and when at the presentation
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at the arsenal her friends and friends read these texts, it was also such a piercing polyphony, when her voice continues to sound in her friends, in her texts, and this is amazing, like a non-fiction book, her essay writing, her poetry, they are connected, and they are all about the same thing, testifying, testifying about war, about crimes. and demand justice for their country. zhenya, i will also ask you about this book, about your impressions, namely from the testimony, because it is a small collection, there are not so many texts, but they are very strong, extremely strong texts, have you read it, and there are many hints, references, for example, i read the text, the text that i read, it is dedicated there about the feeling of the future, so that vika goes with her friend
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to the skin, and says : how, how do you feel the future, because i don’t feel it, and this text is dedicated to larisa denysenko, yes, actually, who lives in obolon, who used to walk, actually, in obolon, we had a fantastic moment recently , we presented the book of sofia andruhovich katanankha, and i asked sofia about it a sense of the future and quoted a viken poem, and tells me, well , sofia tells me and all the viewers that this is the moment that vic documented, her walks with her friend obolonya, where they talk about the future, and sofia was a witness to this moment, so that she was running and saw how larisa denysenko, viktoriya melina with luciferyk and pesyk were walking in the forest and
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talking about it. maybe there are some of your shared experiences in this book, tell me your impressions, say, i know exactly one poem about sons, i think we all understand to whom this poem and whose pain this poem is about, it's the third one, it's just that i was a witness in the dnipro region when svitlana povelyaeva read this poem aloud for the first time, and that's something. incredibly strong, and by the way, yes, this story of losing roman in general, she responded very much in the wiki, she was very worried about svetlana and roman, and she really did not let go of this story, but lost her. the loss of her son, and she was also very worried about svetlana, she was somehow constantly there, what if, if i didn’t happen, because during the air alarms you were in control, i.e. there was such a moment, in general, for ages there was really a habit of mitana will not let me lie, she sends her friends her poems of the first type for examination, as we joked then, and these are not always poems, this is not a poem, this is not poetry, yes it is well, it's not poetry, i won't post it, and
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she always joked that if i post it on facebook, it will be liked by you, by my mother, that is, she... it's always like that somehow , but it wasn't really the level of self-criticism absolutely, because her poem about the air alarm, i think, it spread across ukraine instantly, simply. she is very much she sends poems, indeed, that is why we had the opportunity to get to know them a little earlier, and it is difficult to say whether we have shared experiences, but the fact that the stories of her friends, especially painful stories, and they were translated into texts, definitely resonated in her . and i remember our correspondence with her during the first festival about ta'. to the memory of roman ratushny, and we planned together with her, worked together with her, in fact with the coordinators, so on the program of the festival, and then she went abroad during the festival and was not there for a while, i.e. some festival days, and the festival
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lasted the whole summer of last year, and she, she didn't, well, she didn't... was with us, because she wasn't with us, she was on the opening day in may, but here in june she was not, and in june, before her death, she suddenly wrote me the following: i'm sorry, please, forgive me, i want to be guilty, please forgive me that i'm not with you, i'm terrible, i'm watching, and it's terribly important to me , please forgive me and ask everyone and svetlana for forgiveness that i cannot be with you, i am also writing to vika, you about... in general, you are doing an important thing, why are you suddenly writing about it, and she did not care about it, in the middle of the night i received such a message from vika, how important it was for her, in particular, the festival of memory mr. roman ratushnyi, i want to ask about tanya about the loss of people of culture, people
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of art, during the war, how many people did ukraine lose who... there are people like victoria, and i want to ask about this project, people of culture, whom we lost? yes, today there are more than 110 names, if we are talking about ukrainian artists, they are both writers and directors, and artists, librarians, museum directors, but we always emphasize that this is not a complete list, because we do not have access to the occupied territories, in particular, and also, even in our... trips, we very often learn about new stories, or relatives and friends of the victims write to us, and we were just on our last volunteer trip, and we were also told about the director of the cultural center who died during the shelling, so this figure is definitely not final, it is terrible, unimaginable the number of our losses, and victoria, by the way, us too
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supported me in the fact that i always explain that we are not a document... of war crimes, we work more in the information field, or in our volunteer trips, or in advocacy work, we have documentation tools, but this is supposedly not our main profile, this is a ukrainian pen, yes, a ukrainian pen, but victoria always constantly emphasized that what you do is documentation, she really understood this very professionally, thanks to the trainings and her work, and in particular, she also constantly encouraged, please continue this one monitoring, she also used it, she took it from there. stories and names, and when victoria was gone, i talked about how often, imperceptibly, with such nightly messages, which you mentioned, which zhenya mentioned, she could prompt me to some idea, without even saying it directly, but it was just in me that's how some kind of motivation turned on and suddenly came thoughts of what needs to be done, so if you look at
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foam projects over the last 3-4 years, you can very often find the author of the idea there. of the victoria amelina project, and when she was gone, this too somehow it came to me just a few weeks after her death, i suddenly realized that everything we do is not enough, we have to use our tools, the information word, to find opportunities so that these are not just names, not just statistics , and for all these stories to be told, and here is a double job, on the one hand, these stories must be voiced, we need to know... about the fate of this person, what he did, what things we can continue, and on the other hand, working on this project, people cultures that were taken away by the war, we realized what a great support this is for our relatives, and... that they come to them, that they call them, that we very often continue some joint initiatives afterwards, hold exhibitions, help to do something in that city , the town where this
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dead person lived, that is, we all found some great motivation and support in this, and for now, since there are a lot of stories, and this is work, of course, for years, and i really want these stories to come out not just now online, so that they are, in particular, in the book version format and in ukrainian and english, so that we can further spread these stories, especially, of course, abroad. literally a few days before her death, viktoria was taking care of the family, helping, taking care of the family of volodymyr vakulenko, she actually drove around kyiv, so it was such an excursion for volodya vakulenko's mother and son, in fact, our last conversation with her was dedicated. this trip of theirs, yes, their arrival, and our conversation was also devoted to the fact that she was planning to send
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the wife of the kherson conductor yuriy somewhere for treatment kerpatenko, who was, in fact, also died because of his position, my last question will be to you, zhenya, and maybe there will be time for tanya, what can we do to, to support and to... , so that the age takes its rightful place in our culture, despite the fact that it is not with us physically, you know, it seems to me that a person definitely finally dies when he is forgotten, and the writer, when his works are no longer read, wrote about it , yes, and probably the first thing we can do for the ages - it's reading, it's spreading her books, and i'm very sorry, it's just that now there are so many awards, so much attention and... i'm sorry that she didn't get this recovery, because she really deserved it, not because she's ours girlfriend, because it was really incredible talent and depth. the second point, now i know that
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vika's friend, she is taking on the implementation of the project, unfortunately i can't tell you the details now, but vika was also very concerned about how many objects of our cultural heritage were destroyed by the russians, and this story of hers very much if it bothered me, and now there is a friend of hers, whom they discussed together, who in general was very generous with ideas, but it seemed... people are so creative, there is such a stereotype that they have to compete there, on the contrary, there is someone somewhere there is plagiarism, and vika, she was so involved in every project, and she, on the contrary, offered her help constantly, discussed something, gave her ideas, well, that is, i really really wanted it to be implemented, probably this too her second such testament, to implement everything she talked about and to do it, because really every idea was cool, and again not because she is our friend, but because she is really a person who saw deeper and wider. than many of us, and perhaps continuing her cause is the most important thing we can do for her now. tanya i would add that in addition to books, there is a history
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of the new york literary festival, and it is also possible to support it, because the community of friends continues this work and helps, in particular, talented children from donetsk region. therefore, it is possible to support financially, but in general i would say that if vika were around now, she would say. most importantly please keep going and keep doing more, you are already doing so much but please do more for our common goal. that was definitely the most important thing for her, and what she did in very different roles and guises, connecting us, leaving us with so many tasks and threads, was for this very reason. she knew for sure, and she talked about it, and in this verse about the future, she knew what there is ukraine ahead, there is a victory for ukraine. and we all have to go to this, and for sure, support each other, the way vika supported each other, because tanya is telling the truth, when vika was gone, it was so palpable that there is no such person who
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will write to you after every explosion, how about you, who will constantly write there at one in the morning, listen, there is another friend who does not answer, her husband is there, well , he has not been in touch for several days, maybe you know something there, maybe you heard something, really, to so we were next to each other and held on together and supported each other, this is probably the most important thing. thank you for this conversation, not a fun one, but a very, very important one. tatiana teryn and yevgenia podobna, were my guests today, thank you for being with us, thank you for watching, please read victoria emelina, because she is a very, very talented poet and writer. thank you. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful,
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it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on the spresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. we begin our issue with the situation in kharkiv until 11 p.m. the number of wounded due to russian shelling, among the injured are two teenagers, 15 and 16 years old, one person is in serious condition, the others are in average condition. a 73-year-old man died, the head of the regional military said administration oleg sinigubov. during the day, the enemy attacked the civilian infrastructure of the city of kabami, there were hits in the shevchenkivskyi, kholodnohirskyi and kyiv districts of the city. spending bombs, bombs.


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