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tv   [untitled]    June 23, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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the bulgarian businessman who sold weapons to ukraine, the situation is the same in the czech republic, now in estonia, they just have the impression that they really have something radiating in the lobby that i am a spy, and it’s not a spy anymore, you know, people some kind of illusion that there are some intellectual shills sitting there and you can find their figs, but now it's just some kind of horror, where, where is the professionalism, i'm sorry, i'm not worried about russian intelligence, but... but where is the professionalism? ugh, very quickly, i understand that we are short on time, all the cases that you they called it, it’s the gugsh, russian military intelligence, well, dubolomy, it’s obvious, chipiga, and others, the same ones, from the foreign intelligence service, that’s just the last spies in slovenia that i mentioned, they are representatives of the szr, well, the foreign service intelligence of russia, they also had a successful case of stealing information from practically all the ministry of finance and other ministries of the united states. solar wind, that is, the
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software that was installed during the update on the computer and servers of the american authorities, and there the congress, hearings were held, it was a successful operation, which is attributed to the foreign intelligence service, there are different, but the percentage in my opinion is small, and well, successful operations, small, but the number here is decisive for the russians, if you have even 1% on a large... is successful in terms of numbers, then in general it is a large number of cases, that is why the americans, british and europeans limit, give, do not give them the opportunity to turn around in terms of numbers, precisely because of the fact that they take mainly in numbers, by the way, at the front, in my opinion opinion, this is the same approach, well, i think we are almost finished, now they will tell me, we already have the next guest, i would like to thank mr. vadym, vadym chernysh, head of the center. the meaning of security research
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, the minister of ukraine for temporarily occupied territories of internally displaced persons from 16 to 19 years old was in touch with us, we talked a little about spies here, it's interesting, i think the audience will be interested as well, because the audience always peeks in the cracks it's always interesting, this is human nature, you can't do anything about it by nature, ah, vladyslav kulminskyi, former vice-prime minister in charge of the reintegration of moldova, executive director... of the institute of strategic initiatives, political scientist, of course, we will talk about moldova, good health, mr. vladyslav , thank you for finding time for us, thank you very much, good evening, thank you for the invitation, well, i have a question for you, i think, not for me, even for the ukrainian public, because we often hear the word moldova, we often hear the word transnistria and we roughly understand, but what... what is it
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gagauzia, and why it is so socialist soviet, and why it is so pro-russian, and what kind of people live there, just for ukrainians, it is such a terra incognita, we cannot imagine it, we understand moldova, it is our neighbors, our friends and so on, we understand, transnistria is not our friends, but our neighbors, but what is gagauzia, which are definitely also our neighbors, but why are they so... different from moldova and generally from pro-european sentiments, once again good evening , well, let's start with gagauzi, because there is probably such a thing now the most powerful challenge for the security of the republic and for its european path. gagauzia is an autonomous region within moldova, which has existed since 1994. and so it
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happened historically that it was always a pro-russian region. the governments of moldova did not work very well in that region, well, if i could compare it with some regions within ukraine, you would very quickly understand what is going on. and unfortunately, with this work, it was supposed to be such a cultural autonomy, er... unfortunately, it did not work out, and now, now it is probably the most pro-russian region within the republic of moldova. it so happened that there was an election of bashkan, he is the head of the region, and this election was won, won by a practically pro-russian force, which is now trying, well practically... to overthrow
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the government, the government at the central level, and now it is a very, very powerful challenge for the security of the republic of moldova, and much more complicated. than transnistria, and well, i would say that it is somehow not the fault of the gogaus, because they are not to blame for the fact that it turned out that way, but now russian the federation will use gagauzia as a tool or as such a lever of influence on moldova, you probably know that there will be presidential elections in moldova this year. next year there will be parliamentary elections, and russia's goal in these elections is to change the government in moldova so that moldova does not necessarily have a pro-russian government, but there would be such a government that would agree with the state of moldova as such a gray zone , whatever existence
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existed there between the west and the east, and whatever did not go to the sphere of influence of the west, because here everything... understood that russia still considers the republic of moldova as its sphere of influence, and they have not refused, will not refuse this, and they will use, i apologize, now there was a photo, the head of gagauzia, here she is almost in a half-embrace with mr. putin, obviously, that it means something, and we're even guessing what that means, it means, yes, it means that she's her, she's ready to be used. such a lever of influence on the situation in moldova, but we must emphasize here that gagauzia - this is only 3% of 3-4% of the population of moldova, i.e. in electoral terms, well
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, this is such a story, because their influence there in electoral terms is very limited, i.e. now in moldova they expect destabilization, because the levers of influence... russian federations in moldova practically do not exist now, and when this happens, then the next step is destabilization, in moldova, in moldova destabilization is expected, now there is a very big question, if the institutes will, well , the institutes will agree, the institutes will cope with these attempts to destabilize the situation in republic of moldova, and if they are, they will be able to... maintain stability in the country. mr. vladyslav, how will the fact that on june 25 start negotiations on the accession to the eu and ukraine and moldova affect these complex processes in moldova. to what extent
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can this happen synchronously, to what extent are there contacts between chisinau and kyiv, to what extent should it be done, so to speak, holding hands. should it be the other way around, separately, we know that georgia has fallen away from this trio, there is not enough leadership there, which, as is now obvious, it is clear, does not want to go to europe, and how, how in general whether it will improve the situation inside moldova, this is the beginning of these negotiations about membership in the european community, please yes 100%, this is a very important thing for moldova. because it somehow shows the way that moldova is moving, it is very important, because you know, when, when the country is in such a state of uncertainty, it is very difficult, and the current authorities, they very clearly said that we
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are leaving the sphere of influence of the russian federation , we're moving towards the european union, and that's important, and that's the same, that, that's the same excuse that... the federation uses in order to turn the situation in moldova around, in order to change the government, because they understand very, very, very well that this is probably the last chance, in order to do it, because in 5-6 years the republic of moldova is there will be another country, and it's all thanks to ukraine, we need to say here that practically ukraine is taking the blow, and moldova is behind ukraine, with these opportunities. which have opened up in the geopolitical plan, we use them, here, and this, this is the same from which the russian federation will do everything possible in order to prevent the republic of moldova from leaving its sphere of influence, but it has a very, very huge,
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huge, huge influence in moldova, that we are there on the 25th, uh, the 25th we will already start negotiations on joining the european union. if we move. to move together, like holding hands, as you say, well, it's, nobody can say it, it's just that we can't predict now how it's going to happen there, but 100% that it's... everything is happening, this event is on june 25, she is happening thanks to the fact that ukraine persisted, that ukraine exists as a state, because if this had not happened, then russia would probably already be somewhere near the borders of the republic of moldova, and by the way, you mentioned the gagauz people, i will remind you that in ukraine, in budjak, this is a region in the odesa region, there are also about 65-70 thousand gagauz people living there, but they are all very pro-ukrainian there. many people who are pro-ukrainian, because yours, your institutions of power, they worked, in moldova it is the opposite,
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unfortunately, but i ask the same thing, mr. vladyslav, very the important question is to what extent this is the final choice of people, what does sociology say, because we know, both in ukraine and in moldova , for decades, oh, let's not join nato, let's leave nato with one foot a little, and with the other, let's still with the kremlin, let's agree, the same was the case in moldova, as far as we can now say that president sanduiv, this newest, let's say, last generation of politicians, convinced the population that this is the right way to go to europe, and there is no turning point, well, turning point may arise, destabilization, while putin nearby, she is always on the agenda. but to what extent is the population itself convinced now that it is not worth mentioning the kremlin, and it is worth starting
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to think about europe? unfortunately, unfortunately, the answer to this question is not really, not really, unfortunately, i will remind you that moldova has been under the influence of the russian federation since 1812, that is a long, long time ago, and i will remind you that this discourse that the threat comes from the russian federation, he... is new to moldova, he is probably 2-3 years old. and what impact will it have on the current mood in society? this is nobody doesn * t know. i still haven't seen any sociology that would emphasize or give me any data, data about what moods exist now, right now in society. we can only hope that the citizens of moldova imagine what it is like now. political situation, that they imagine that now the threat is coming from russia, that russia will not
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bring a second soviet union to moldova, that this will never happen again and never will, and that the only way to security for moldova is the way to of the european union, before joining the european union, but we this we cannot know, we will see it only in the elections, and nobody knows what will happen in the elections, i will remind you that if , for example, some pro-russian party comes to power in moldova... then it will be so very big a security challenge not only for ukraine, but also for moldova, because moldova has only two neighbors, these are ukraine and romania, and sorry, for romania, the situation is quite difficult, and for russia it is a strategic issue, to demonstrate that another the post-soviet country tried to leave the sphere of influence of the russian federation and... move towards of the west, and from what, this is what came out,
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they will do everything to destroy it, to prevent all efforts, as far as the leadership is concerned, the leadership is 100% sure of this, and but at the level of society there is still a lot questions, i would compare it with ukraine sometime in 2012, 2013, yes, remember what was... public opinion in ukraine then, before the annexation of crimea, before the beginning of the large-scale war of the russian federation against ukraine, and probably this will give you such a defeat of what is the current situation in moldova and transnistria is very interesting and about this is to talk, please, you understand, for me it is such a strange thing, because as i understand it, in transnistria, more than half of the people have either... or romanian passports, these are people who would understand, well, well, if i
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it's not profitable for me, then i'm not, i don't need that passport, so i'm something from what profit i have, either a moldovan passport or a romanian passport, well, it's obvious that it gives the opportunity to travel throughout europe, on the other hand, there there are also people who apparently have russian passports, which are distributed very freely there, i.e what mood we can imagine in transnistria that there are people there, they really want to live in the gray zone, it is profitable for them there, it is good for them there, there is definitely some kind of smuggling there, it always is. profitable for someone, but the population there is more than smugglers, obviously, there are not 100% smugglers, so what is the mood there, they would, if there was an honest referendum tomorrow, so i would say, honest, without the influence of russia, for example, then how would they voted, they would vote again for russia, or it would be 50-50, let's say that, please, sir
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vladyslav, this is a very important question, let's see when we are in moldova. the population is about 2.4 million; in transnistria, about 350-400 thousand. almost everyone in transnistria has moldovan passports. all, practically, there, there, there are very few people who do not have these passports. about 85%. of exports from the transnistrian region is the european court, 6-7% goes to russia, now probably 3-4%. and now enough is enough, that is , transnistria is not a security threat for the republic of moldova, because the government of moldova did everything is possible so that, well, it was not
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a challenge in such a very difficult time for the country, that's how i understood it. i don't know about it, but i will understand that there are some channels that transnistria will not participate in any efforts to destabilize the situation in the republic of moldova, that is, practically we are talking with you, practically it is about the fact that the settlement of the conflict was postponed until after the post-parliamentary election period you... are in moldova, and it will probably be the transnistrian settlement, it will be a very important issue when it comes to peace in ukraine, that is, it will probably be part of a package with the situation in the region, and this is very a great achievement of the government of moldova, the leadership of moldova is that they managed
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to keep the peace, that they managed to keep this peaceful. the political way to resolve the conflict, and this is very important, because if transnistria, gagauzia, baltsy, we did not talk to you, because we still have pro-russian regions, in republic of moldova, if, if all these challenges were present in the republic of moldova, they would coexist there, then it would be an almost impossible situation, that is what the government did with the transnistrian region, it was very strategic, that is, practically now we are talking about conflict management, not... about settlement, another more specific question, well, everyone knows that the russians like to turn gas into weapons, and it is obvious that this is what happened in transnistria, but now there are such conversations, i don't know, you it seems that romanian gas from moldova instead of russian gas for transnistria, is it real
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and on what basis, well, then this is the last thing, how to say... the map of russia's capabilities, it disappears from the russians, because now it will not be there, maybe , there will be no russian gas, but there will be romanian gas, and this is a different situation, and this is pure commerce, not politics. what do you think, is this a realistic plan? no, it seems to me that this is not a very realistic plan about in the government, or there in the expert community, no one talks about it, because it would mean... inevitable destabilization in the regions, because there a lot depends on practically free gas, without expensive gas, and if this does not happen, if this component is not there, then this means destabilization, that is, now they will try to preserve the system that exists, no one there it will not be possible to replace that with romanian gas, it
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probably won't happen, i'm telling you that it's important to imagine. to myself that the whole situation with the transnistrian settlement, this will be part of the geopolitical package, if, if you want, which one, which will be considered then, when there will be conditions for building peace in ukraine, and as we saw it at the summit at the peace summit, at which moldova was represented at the highest level, this is very important. and moldova joins all of this. one more question, or several questions, but very important, but they are also important, they are also vulnerable. and okay, moldova is united within its normal borders, due to the end of the war in
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ukraine, transnistria ceases to exist, or exists as some kind of autonomy, some kind of wider less wide, but moldova itself will exist in 100 years, or will it be romania after all, because i feel that way. it's quite simple, well, if people want, well, we already know, i really liked it, i once worked in chernivtsi, i did some things there for six months, well, i did something, and i had one subordinate journalist there, i asked, listen, why some people in chernivtsi call themselves moldovans, and others call themselves romanians, and he looked at me, smiled, then realized that i am from kyiv, i don't understand anything there, i said, you know, he said, you know, it's very simple, those who love the soviet union, they call themselves moldovans, and those who don't like the soviet union, they call themselves romanians. and i, if, i am completely, well, okay, yes, an elderly person,
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he says, older people like to call themselves moldovans, and the younger generation say romanians, then there will be romania, romania mara, will there be separate moldova, separate romania, what do you say, 100 years, i do not give less, well, this situation is much. more complicated than you and i can discuss here on this ether, it is, it is very complicated, and for this we will need it takes much more time to discuss it, but the situation is like this, well, if, if we ask your question frankly, then this question will be whether there will be a unification of moldova with romania, this is how such a way out of... . from this field of threats, which was created by russia's war against ukraine. it seems to me that the answer to this question is no,
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because it also depends on how the events in ukraine will develop. ukraine survived, ukraine exists as an independent state, because that was russia's goal, to destroy. as an independent state, ukraine exists, and this means that the republic of moldova also exists, because there is, because if, if russia were to approach the borders of the republic of moldova, then it would probably be a geopolitical question, whether it makes sense to unite with romania in order to avoid the threat , which comes from the russian federation, and when there is no such thing, when the situation in the region remains as it is, when ukraine is an independent state. when ukraine is standing, i don't see how it can be a realistic scenario for moldova either, because look, if it's there, if it's will take place, will happen voluntarily, then this
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raises a lot of questions about the situation in the regions, we have a lot of regions in the post-soviet space, to which these, well , such a solution could also be built, and it would be... it would be a much more difficult situation, it seems to me that our international partners and all those who deal with the serious geopolitical situation in the region will not be in favor of this, i do not think that romania is ready for this, i do not think that moldova is ready for this, i am sure that it is in this historical space that you drew in 100 years, moldova will exist as an independent state within its internationally recognized borders, just like ukraine, thank you very much. thank you very much, vladyslav kulmynskyi, former vice-prime minister for reintegration of moldova, executive director of the institute of strategic initiatives, we were talking about our neighbor, wonderful moldova, i was
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just there in transnistria during the war, during this conflict between moldova and transnistria. well, let's talk about the plot, now we will show you the plot about what women do, because everyone knows, men are fighting, many... men went to the front, and women master men's professions quite often, and it changed the labor market in ukraine, this war, and we also see that women perform not such roles that are typical of women, mobilization falls to men, as i said, and women are employed in positions that are traditionally considered male. tatiana golunova will tell you more about it, and i say goodbye to you, good luck. to all of you, i wish you all the best. instead of... low and high
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heels, gloves and a wrench, drivers, truckers, drivers and locksmiths. ukrainian women gradually began to master the so-called male professions. the acute shortage of personnel on the labor market was provoked by russia's full-scale war against our state. nowadays, more and more women are being hired for the positions of electricians, tractor drivers, and machinists. so, for the first time in the history of the kyiv metro , he is mastering the profession of an electric train driver. a woman is currently completing the training of electric train drivers, and one woman for the first time in history of the kyiv metro is graduating, let's hope that she will successfully pass the exams and, after completing all the formal procedures, will be able to start performing her duties. the situation with a lack of specialists in the capital metro, as well as in other enterprises, is also connected with the forced migration of ukrainians and mobilization work. today, the company has more than...
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15% of vacant positions, including locksmiths, turners, electricians and subway drivers. the situation is not very optimistic, we have a big shortage of workers, it concerns of almost every division of our enterprise, this is a complex, let's say, issue, it is connected with completely different factors, among the main ones we can highlight population migration, martial law and , accordingly, the mobilization work that is being carried out in our country. as well as general trends in the labor market. today , 12 people, among them a 19-year-old girl, are learning the profession of a machinist at the technical school of the kyiv underground. a machinist with extensive experience, yuriy skorobogaty, helps the group master the basics of the profession. he is going to the subway came back in 1981, worked as a machinist since 1985, and started teaching
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students in 2017. from that time to today. the other day , the man released 10 groups of electric train drivers, it depends on the person, if people want to learn something, then i am happy, they come, i tell them, even there after work i can tell something there, well, it depends on the person, maybe a woman and a man, because there is no difference between us, the requirements are the same for women as for men, well, at first she didn't understand what she read there, but then she got better, now she went to train practice. this year, the technical school of the capital metro recruited two groups of 30 people each, and a new enrollment for electric train driver courses opens in the fall. in fact, they study here for seven months, first they are taught theory, then they drive in the cab for a week, see about work, then they pass exams on the equipment of rolling stock: electricity, mechanics, pneumatics of rs, there is labor protection, then
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theory again, then they leave for... a week of locksmith practice, they look after repairs and then go out for a month for train practice, then they return here to a technical school, pass exams and get, as it were, management rights. yuriy knows the duties of a driver from a to z, he says, there is nothing complicated about it, but you have to be very attentive and disciplined. now we have a new rolling stock, it was modernized from old wagons, you can see that there is already a car screen here. it is already easier to work on this series of wagons, because here we have a driver's screen on which you can see all malfunctions, you do not need to leave the cab and you can decide what to do, you can enter any wagon here, so you can see whether there is a main car or an intermediate car and see what is there, the doors are closed, the brakes are released, whether there is, whether
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there is light, whether there is no light. men's professions are being mastered not only in the capital, for example, more and more women are joining the team of the eristiv mining and processing plant in the poltava region, now they confidently drive huge dump trucks, which were previously operated only by men. previously, career management, let's say on a shift, was purely male, women - it was very rare, women worked on heavy-duty dump trucks, and now we are continuing with the war... it is becoming even more urgent, and we will continue to attract women to all, let's say, male professions. due to the lack of applications from men, companies increasingly invite women to the positions of security guards, drivers, porters, and if the migration crisis, which the ministry of economics calls the biggest since the second world war, can only be overcome by facilitating the return.


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