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tv   [untitled]    June 23, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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optimal for the country to advance in at least some direction and at least move somewhere. did he really have a chance not to hold these elections ? absolutely, no one obliged him to make this decision, european elections are not a reflection of domestic national politics and he had no legal obligation to hold this vote. in general, european elections are traditionally considered a little disconnected from reality in french society. from national politics, and that is why the turnout is very low, somewhere, it seems, only 51% of the french went to european elections, while the turnout for parliamentary national elections is still many times higher, it can reach 70% there, there were even 75 such parliamentary elections, so it is still considered that these are two such parallel history and no one forced him to do so, which is why this decision surprised everyone so much, on the other hand. everyone understands that macron
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has nothing to lose, if he waits for 2027, he cannot run for president in any case, but if we talk about his party, yes, this is his political legacy, to in 2027, there may be nothing left of this party, just like at one time, after the presidency of hollande, almost nothing remained of the socialists, and they gathered themselves piece by piece for years, until 2024 , now the socialists, led by glucksman , although b are similar to something, and macron does not want the fate of hollande, he does not want his party to disappear as if it never existed, as happened in 2017 with the socialists, by the way, let me remind you, macron himself was in the socialist party and was, well, a protégé of hollande, and it was hollande who brought him to power in the first place minister, and then supported his, well, political career. thank you, mrs. maria, maria.
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lexa, journalist, editor at state television in france. thank you for being on our air. we will now take a break with the opportunity to take a break of a few minutes, but please stay with us, after this break there will be a dialogue with the writer oksana zabushka, she will be in our studio in just a few minutes. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. exclusive interview. diplomat oleksandr khara. why does russia have the right to veto ukraine's entry into nato. resonant investigation, the road to nowhere. how the construction of a forest road can destroy a historical monument. the unique vitaly portnikov about the impact of the war on ukrainians and the values ​​that unite the nation. the diary of the legendary nationalist mykola kokhanivskyi. the country is always at the forefront . look for the press at points of sale, or pre-pay online. tingling, numbness, or tingling in the limbs occur spontaneously. and you are worried
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presidents, poisoning of political leaders of the ukrainian state, murder and a bloody war, all this is in serhiy rudenko's book anatomy of hate, putin and ukraine, look for it in ukrainian bookstores. vasyl zema's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, it's big. on spresso tv channels, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, frontline, component, serhiy zurets, and what is the world like? yuriy feder, already with me, and time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine, yuriy dobrovecher, two hours to be aware of economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchivka next to me and sports news, i invite to yevhen pastukhov's talk, two hours in company ulyub'. on the weather for this weekend, as
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well as distinguished guests of the studio. the leader of the crimean tatar people, we are in touch, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening for espresso.
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get closer to victory. join one of the best special forces of the country together with the central security service of ukraine, the security service of ukraine. we are expanding and hiring. we invite civilian specialists of various fields. experienced commanders will ensure
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your high-quality training and education. fill in questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the team. tsoo asbu. together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. we continue the politclub program on the espresso tv channel. vitaly portnikova is a guest with you. in the studio is oksana zabushka, writer, poet, essayist, teacher and activist. you don't have to attribute it to me. so, thank you ms. oksano for coming to this studio, i would like to talk about such an urgent trend of recent times, which i honestly did not expect to meet so quickly,
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this is again, i would say, from where a large number of people appeared again, at least in the information space, who started as if there was no... this great war, as if there was no all that we heard from putin, from russian propagandists, journalists, and cultural figures who adhere to pro-imperial positions there, they again began to talk about this image of a second ukraine, such a russian-speaking one that develops alongside the ukrainian language, that this ukraine must be understood and respected, and here we are again living in this world of this, i would say competition. wait, you live, because you monitor it specifically, but there are people who see it, read it, get disorientated, obviously, behind it is, let's say, some certain reality, that is, there are some, some part of people for whom, let's say, well, let's
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sum it up like this, i've said it many times in various interviews, i always say that the russian-speaking of ukrainians is a consequence of transgenerational trauma, and this... transgenerational trauma should, let's say, not be respected, but to treat her with the patience and understanding of a psychotherapist, well at least this is the duty of people who speak publicly, so it is obvious, so to speak, that there is a certain contingent of those who, as it were, defend russian as their native language, precisely as a result of this transgenerational trauma. er, but what you describe, what i was saying again, means that we are talking about a return to the same ideology of the 14th year, to, to, as it were, so it means the second ukraine and so on, this is rather
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a signal to me that things are going well things are very bad in russia at the front, as only in russia things are very bad at the front, as confirmed by... putin's visit to north korea and many other news, so i somehow calmed down a few days ago, this news from finland. where does it come from that 80% of the troops and equipment from the russian-finnish border were taken and transferred to ukraine, and this already means that there is a daily grind there, so, that is, bad things, so it is clear that bad things, if only bad things, then accordingly , it begins, blowing smoke, bluffing, that is, it begins where they know how and where they are good, where they have the resources in their hands to... work, that is, i, for example, last month i was traveling by train from lutsk to
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kyiv and for the first time i heard these breeders, you know, the technology is still old gebeshna from soviet times, only in soviet times they spoke loudly in the queues in support of the government party, here... just here clearly, the text of the letter spoke about the need for reconciliation, appeasement, and to give up, that is, this very donbas and in general to give everything to them, so that there would be no war, and she stubbornly repeated that this was her personal opinion, well, that is, it was heard that she was chasing the methodical, and eh, well, that too for me, you know, a symptom, well, that's right, the work went in this direction. and these waves of them , these are all the scenarios that, in principle , swing more than once, these are the same, so
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there are some informational throws, these are these trends, they have been changing all these 10 years, so what 10-20 and in fact by and large by the way, the information war started after 2004, so , so, so, so what, i would, i would that. i was not particularly concerned about some kind of new, new dangerous reality, but there is such a trend, well, so, that is, i i mean, you understand the people who speak russian on the streets, because there are people for whom the russian language is the language of everyday life, i mean exclusively people who are afraid of losing their position, because their whole position in the culture there, someone proclaims himself a philosopher, someone else, it is based on... the fact that they are trying to take place in this strange place, i would say to the world, because russia
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is already foreign to them, they already believe that that they cannot be part of the russian microcosm, the ukrainian language and culture, they they can't, i'm sorry, there already, there they already shunned their own not of such quality and not such a bottle, well, in ukrainian culture, i would say they also cannot happen, than in ukrainian civilization, because... they don't just treat to her with an appeal, this does not mean that people do not know the ukrainian language, they can know, they are left with this small island, her life, which means russian-speaking ukraine, uh, it should be preserved for them, you understand, not for people on the street, for them, for all these respectable people, politicians, philosophers, i don't know, writers, here you go, you again, again we return to our unfinished dialogue, like... it was called a jar, yes, where we discussed this epic battle of yours with latin,
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by the way, i i'm sorry, i never watched it, i think you already know everything that could be known there, i know, i know, because a lot of people told me about it, it was really abram called peel, yes, well and you told, so you also made some accents, as an insider, which the public did not noticed and... weighed, so after your accents, by the way, i forgave you, so to speak, for going there, because, remember, the conversation started with the one, not the reader at all, i'm sorry, talking to russians, asking about ukrainian culture, as they say, i would be bored, but i understand that, well, it's obviously somewhere in the subject of your interest, both professional and, well, maybe personal, well, your the interest of journalist vitaly portnikov, after all, there is
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somewhere this target audience of postrsru with a rather wide reach, and here somehow volens nolens, you used a good word ostrivets, the sea has gone. ukrainian, any who speak russian, who speak ukrainian, no, here it is faster even, here it is faster, even more interesting to talk about, this is your parish, here we are, i say, why do we return to the same conversation, that by this you would were supposed to deal with the de-russification of soviet jewry in
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the areas from vilno to israel, and it seems to me that it is already de-russified in... at least in the former soviet union, well, but no, well, so, as i understand it, the whole this is called by feygin between himself, when he said that we are all jews here and latina protested that she was not, this is something that just falls somewhere under this very paradigm of ostrivets, and here i am involuntarily reminded of the collapse of the previous russian empire, i am reminded of excellent journalism. says botinsky, do you remember, well , it's just a doll, what he writes about warning the jew, addressing the jewish audience itself, the jewry of the russian empire and warning against assimilationism and warning, there are these very comical episodes, that there is the anniversary of komiserzhevska in odessa, yes
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in the 18th year, where there was not a single russian, and where only the jews themselves stood up, stood up for this very russian... , when they insist on, and on the other hand, what was it that they wanted to learn and do now, well, instead of commissar , switch to zankovetska and saksaganskyi, no, they could still switch to hebrew, which bacsinskyi called for this, he was a zionist , absolutely right, it was his, it was his argumentation. why do jews have, should stick to their own and not change, i apologize, so every time the identity changes with the change of the empire or the change of the new master in the house, like him, as he said, so here and here these islands are, so how you say, this russian-speakingness, that is, people whose only
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identity, who have no other, did not have... let's put it this way, they did not have another identity, and they cannot switch to the jewish one, it is still lost, even when they are jews , in addition to the soviet, soviet, russian-speaking identity of the soviet an intellectual who apparently has no ethnic roots, what is russian? ethnic roots, yes, well, it is possible, it is possible to create russian culture, and it is perfectly possible to create russian culture without any russian ethnic ethnic roots, because the russian ethnos is actually quite a phantom entity, that's what, but ukrainians, everything is fine with ukrainians , and with the jews too, you see, it's still very interesting, what we, what we
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talked about with you, and what would be good, how much time do we have on this topic in general, yes, because it's actually very interesting topic. when i told you back then, give me back my ukrainian jews, that’s the process just wrap it up, oh, it started, i would say sooner after even after the 14th year actively, especially i would say after the 22nd, because after the 14th it obviously started there in the center to the west in the 1990s, but it always coincides, by the way, i have been talking about this since the 90s with ukrainian nation-building processes, if ukrainian nation-building processes take place, if ukrainians do not hold on to sovietness, they stop holding on. for her representatives of any other national minorities, in order for this to happen, it is necessary for the majority to become different, so it is necessary to start not with the jew, but with the ukrainians, let's return to the ukrainians again, and you are throwing the ball to me, yes, and no , there is no need to start with the ukrainians, the ukrainians have already started and are fighting back quite well, you know,
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they have been fighting back quite well here for the 11th year already, not in words, but... in deed with weapons, answering the question that zahubatynskyi asked struve, to things, in this very publication a hundred years ago, which they say, mr. struve, the point is not that there should be a single language for a single nation, the point is whether ukrainians will want to be a single nation with you, so far they give a negative answer to this question, he writes in another there on the 16th or 14th. and now the next iteration of this empire
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must also collapse, and accordingly certain mechanisms, of course, certain patterns of mass behavior, well, it is clear that they are repeated, well , of course, that they are repeated, here are your islands, here is the one you are talking about, this is exactly that comedy club, russian club commissioner in the city of odesa, you understand, where the sea is already raging around, the ukrainian revolution is already happening, and odesa is already speaking ukrainian all around, that today she needs to be reminded, yes, here, inside ostrivets, the same surgical club in which, in which we gathered ourselves, that means, as he says, the russians of moses' law, the jews themselves, who learned from the previous, that is, the decades of existence of the russian empire, to be russians, and now they don't know. what should they do, because, well, there is no return, no return to the shtetl, they are assimilated, and where do they go now, what should they switch to, where is their
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identity, you say, these people, well, our contemporaries, that means they will not switch to ukrainian culture, because they despise it, they don’t mean that they despise it, they don’t know the contempt they inherited, they have this imperial instruction, contempt. which they can have, that there is this yaristovych who said that there is a small culture, well, here are these people who are the preacher of this, they are ethnic ukrainians, no, well, not a test of ethnic ukraine, well, i can name a few more surnames, even demos, there are a lot of them, it’s not about that, well, it’s not about ethnicity, yes, that is, we are this, nationality is a choice, it has its own, it is understood that there are its own, so... let’s say, there are some advantages , in some ways there are advantages, in some ways not advantages, in the presence of a good ethnic bookmark that
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tells you something intuitively, yes, that is unstudied, but without a choice you still won’t do anything, but without a choice it’s still the same, well, somehow it can to wake up this so-called popular element, when it feels threatened, and it disturbs and wakes us up, by the way. and this in itself is, well, you know, such a miracle and a phenomenon that... is worth all the anthropological studies in the world, well, at least it never ceases to amaze me as a ukrainian woman, not just yet, it just seems to me that by and large
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there is a huge desire get said this russian cultural policy, so to speak, because there is a continuation of the belief that this is something much more than ukrainian, but we cannot give bolgakovo, because we do not have such a great writer here in ukraine, well it’s comical, i’m quoting it, i’m quoting it, i’m sorry, it’s the same zabutynsky, it’s just comical, as he said, i don’t know how to explain this comedy, but it’s terribly comical, well , it’s true, maybe we hear it from all over the world, that he is such a great writer that for me bulgakov's greatness is simply not for me, i will not even discuss whether bulgakov is a great writer or a small one, we will not discuss the level of tchaikovsky there, the question is where is ukrainian culture, where is non-ukrainian culture and that's all, we can. .. the question is a little, no, the question is a little different, if you are talking about culture and about measurements, so, excuse me, i almost said with penises, so with these sizes
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of writers, which in itself is quite anecdotal, because there are many interesting writers in every developed culture, and they are all different, and uh, and what, let's say so , we all, uh,... read the most, obviously, numerically, if you could count, russian, of all literature, this is simply a consequence of our colonial education, it is not because russians, it is not because we read so many russians, that russian literature is so good, and because these were russian schools, and therefore i apologize that others were not available to us, yes, and it was given as... it is circulating in social networks
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now, and unfolded from one phrase said on the street, it seems in zaporizhzhia, well, that is , a person overheard an aunt shouting on the phone, here is the iliad for americans, that is , probably, how war and peace are for us, well , logically, yes, directly, yes, and this is a stunning phrase, that is , a whole discussion unfolded with it, because it is. very interesting, that is , it pulls, yes, it pulls on the meme, absolutely, for americans the iliad, for us war and peace, you understand what it really means that the iliad is the basis of european literature, home, european literature begins with homer, back when in the 19th century every european author considered it necessary. testify
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to their own, well, they taught little in classical gymnasiums, but every european writer paid tribute, made his own remake on the themes of antiquity, and larisa nasha petrovna, that is, lesya ukrainka, after kassandra said according to the testimony of her husband flowers: that's fine, i'm my own fulfilled her duty, her duty as a european writer to antiquity, yes. russian authors did not have their obligations to antiquity, because gymnasiums were gymnasiums, and they would not have passed there, they did not have a renaissance and reformation, they did not have universities like the ostrozka kyiv-mohyla academy, in which antiquity was a must. a mandatory part of university education, well, it wouldn’t matter if they passed, they skipped this period, they don’t have this link in education, and
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accordingly... for a person, the iliad, you see, is something from foreign literature, it is not something that what are we making remakes of, with what we are playing with what is there, anything, i don't know, anything by kotlyarevsky's aeneid, anything by lesia ukrainka's cassandra, so here, but what is an absolutely integral part, yes, you can walk through the whole, by the way, some literature . connoisseurs did this and played with it, to walk through the ukrainian classics of the 19th century and see there traces of this very deep subcutaneously learned greek and latin, so i think that this is a question of the 25th frame, but i will tell you just as an example, i do not so long ago , i just watched the first frames of the soviet tv series captain grant's children, it was like this the series, i forgot about it for a long time, i started
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watching it, the series began with what... this is the meaning of the life of a zhulverna, and this is the scene of the life of a zhulverna, the russian writer marko vavchok comes to him in paris, well, she is characterized there as a russian the writer, the publisher for zhulvern says that she also writes in ukrainian, so she sits down to talk with zhulvern and says, and zhulvern asks her, how is the health of ivan sergeyevich, turgeniv, she says, well , that's great, he likes your work so much , and zhulverny says, well, i'm the way i am he will never write, they say. well, she tells him, well, you write well too, russian tells him, and when a person is, well, we forgot about it, you understand, and you understand that we watched all this as children, it is very funny, i agree, and i when it is now at the moment when i watched it, i let it pass by my ears, that's because i watched captain grant's children, not turgenev, but now i think, but when you watch it and it's the norm, well, of
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course you can't zhulver. so these are bookmarks, this is a struggle with technology, with a certain unconscious technology, which must first be understood, and then it somehow means to fight somewhere and pull out these shards of this troll mirror, like we all have, it means that these shards of the troll mirror have been cut off somewhere, so that's okay, you have nothing to do with it you do, well there is.


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