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tv   [untitled]    June 23, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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zone, i.e. up to 50 km, this is the front line, or the territory bordering the russian federation, where the radio-electronic warfare system is sufficiently aggressive and there are many things against air defense, here i would like to note, i will take one more question from you , i would like to note that the russians mostly use the same models of drones, there are shaheds, well, there are their modifications and theirs, but ukraine is constantly experimenting, i remember... beaver, that drone, which at first did not have a name, then they began to call it february , some other modifications, that is, we are constantly doing some kind of experimental work, and i understand that it is connected with the fact that we cannot use western models of such weapons to attack the russians, so we are forced to develop something of our own, and the russians simply buy ready iranian models am i wrong or are we operating approx. not
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the same, well, look, the situation here is quite different, because the first important component, most drones, they all consist of western components, including navigation systems, control systems, engines, etc. and if you look in principle at these products, which are also ukrainian, including those that are purchased outside of ukraine, then it is still such a zoo of various drones, there are several reasons, because on the one hand, of course, resources on the access market and zaku... their purchase is limited, that is, you have to buy not thousands, but tens or hundreds, and all this is stretched over months of their supply, that is, from different suppliers, different models in order to cover the required amount. the second important component, of course, is domestic production, but it is also based on western components, today it is quite difficult for the russians to get these components, first of all, if it is about the components of the so-called dual mandatory purpose, and this, of course, narrows the possibility of the teresians to create new models. precisely unmanned vehicles, because
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after all, the main market where they can take these components is the chinese market, but it also has certain limitations, and this leads to the fact that the range, it narrows, on the one hand, with another parties still works, if the model, when after all, the state already has domestic production for assembling these drones, komikazas of the shaket type, they simply take them en masse for... to reduce their cost, that is, in principle, ukraine could also move in the direction of creating large powerful factories for the production of thousands of drones, but unfortunately such factories will almost instantly become the target of the enemy, so another system works, the so -called, as it works at sea, the so-called mosquito fleet, the same works with production, that is, diversification , small manufacturers, their large number, that is , it is basically impossible to destroy such productions. well , it is interesting that we have drones that can even fly. to bashkortostan and
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tatarstan, which, if i'm not mistaken, is 1,200 and 1,300 km, but it's very interesting, what kind of drones are these, and where is the real russian air defense? well, look, if we talk about this case, so far we are talking, unfortunately, about single such lesions, that is, unfortunately, we are not talking about some serial drone, that is, most likely we are talking about a converted so-called an ultralight aircraft, and besides, such strikes at such a long distance of more than 100 km. today there are units of them, the key task is to pass the air defense buffer system, here , in fact, 50-60 km after the border with the russian federation, the so-called internal airspace of the russian federation begins, where you can fly a long distance practically unnoticed and with low mobility to be shot down, because the existing complexes are precisely s3400, they are imprisoned under the destruction of large targets at high speeds, usually at altitude. there are three or more kilometers, if we
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look at these drones that hit russian objects, then they fly at much lower altitudes, at the same time, the greatest danger for such drones is not so much the air defense system, because even a specialized panzerus russia has only about a hundred units, and the more serious ones are electronic warfare systems, i.e. rebs, which can also affect navigation signals, this leads to the fact that such drones can physically just fall and crash, we see that... the number of so-called drones intercepted by the russians, it is not measured by the number of downed, but mainly shows the wreckage of the drones that were directly planted or destroyed by the use of rebs, and recently the center for strategic communications he calculated the losses of russian of the russian occupiers in the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea over the past 3-4 months, and there they write that russia has lost... well, dozens of
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air defense systems, dozens of systems s-300, s-350, s 400 and more importantly, the russians. lost 15 radar stations, recently it became known that russia has already, unfortunately, repaired the kerch crossing, please tell me if they will be able to restore all these losses that we have seen in the last 3-4 months and how much they, well, need for this time, well, look, from the point of view of the air defense system itself, the production cycle is quite long, that is , we can be talking about years here. at the same time, the number of systems that the russian federation has remains quite large, that is, we are talking about hundreds of units of such complexes, at the same time, in order to cover individual objects on the territory of the crimean peninsula, they will need to remove these objects from other parts of the russian federation, thus reducing the protection of
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certain objects objects, these are primarily airfields, individual cities, of course, thus directly creating more gaps for the capabilities of drones, for example, coming from other directions into the territory of the russian federation, because today we only see strikes, which are inflicted on drones that fly in from the territory of ukraine, but given that this area and coverage of the military will be reduced, in principle, nothing prevents us from creating a conditional conversion of a ship into an aircraft carrier of such drones and striking other territories of the russian federation, but of course it is necessary to understand , in which way these ships will then safely leave the zone affected by russian aircraft or... relevant naval vessels, here, in addition, if we talk about the destruction of air defense systems on the territory of crimea, this may be one of the stages of preparation for the next military operations on the territory of crimea, including the use of western aircraft platforms such as the f16, because in
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principle, the dilution and destruction of air defense systems is much easier to do in crimea today, than , for example, in other regions, because there is less forest there, there and... certain corresponding hilly terrain, that is, the number of locations where these systems can be deployed is much smaller, so move them to some other locations or to hide it is also quite difficult due to the lack of a large amount of forest, that is, in fact, crimea turns into a kind of shooting range for the destruction of russian air defense systems, with a sufficiently high efficiency, and plus there are ukrainian partisans who, of course , report the movement of russian... military equipment , quite effectively, as far as i know, we know directly about several partisan groups, the largest of them, and also, i wanted to ask about the sea platoons of magura, i know, i understand that you are aviation experts, there are the aviation topic too, missiles are now installed on sea platforms that hit
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air targets, how effective is the use of a sea platform for launching such missiles, or is it just experiments for now? well, look, we see that basically... the number of such installations with launchers, it has increased, but at the same time, these installations pose a key threat to helicopters, as well as to aircraft that fly at low altitudes, mainly, if we talk about flying at a low altitude, it is just a fighter aviation that can conduct reconnaissance or search for such naval drones for their subsequent destruction, that is, it is actually one of the means of protecting these naval drones from air attacks, that is why these missiles. they have a so-called thermal homing head, but they are empty from the ground, it has certain limitations, first of all, it affects the maximum range at which such missiles can operate, that is, they are reduced from tens of kilometers there to two or three times, that is, to a significantly shorter range,
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it also affects the maximum height to which these missiles can fly, that is, if they foresee the destruction of a target at an altitude of 10-12 km at ranges there of the order of 50-70 km, then unfortunately ... the bush of the earth will limit the maximum height there to three or four, maybe 5 km, and of course, the maximum the range there will probably not exceed 10-12 km, due to the fact that the air resistance near the ground is much greater, the first component, the second component, that the missile launched from the plane already has an additional speed of the order of 500-600 km and more per hour , and when launched from the ground it has, that is, the initial minimum speed there of tens of kilometers and, of course, the largest amount of energy it... tea for this law, that is, this approach, it can be effective, but only against a sufficiently narrow list of the whole, that is, these are helicopters , planes that can directly conduct reconnaissance and the search for such drones. mr. bohdan, i remember even before the full-scale invasion you as a civil aviation expert, and you,
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i think, could comment on the question of the resumption of civil air traffic, whether it is realistically to be restored during conducting hostilities, or should we wait... until russia capitulates, well , look, the issue here is also quite complex, that is, we can see that there are already world examples, as well as israel, when air traffic was restored and even its... there, the suspension was no more than six hours, including in the conditions of the existing missile attacks, which were somewhat commensurate with the waves of attacks carried out against ukraine by the russian federation. at the same time, we see that ukraine has not yet made such a decision, here is the decision, of course, about the opening airspace should be initiated by ukraine. here was information about the beginning of certain consultations there with such world aviation regulators as the american administrator. the european aviation safety agency, together with the results of these negotiations we have not seen,
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that is what they were, whether they were positive or negative, but in principle we see that there are experiences and approaches in the world, that is, this is the so -called segmentation of airspace , when not all of the air space is closed, separate zones are determined and calculated risks for these zones and a decision is made about certain restrictions and flight conditions in individual zones, i.e. options. there are also approaches, here the question remains technical and political, political, the readiness of the relevant state authorities to make a decision that they are ready to open air traffic, the second important word is, of course, technical, that is, today air traffic is controlled, in principle, by the military , that is, there must also be their readiness, their statement that they can provide and coordinate a safe the operation, if not of the entire airspace, of separately defined airfields or separately defined zones, including the development of the appropriate legal framework, i.e. how who reacts, who
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makes decisions, how aircraft operate in conditions of certain threats , how do airplanes operate on the ground, how do the relevant airports operate, do they have a storage facility, how and for what time do they have to move certain passengers to the conditional storage there from possible missile or other strikes, well, these are the airports that can be the first start, let's get together with you, maybe we can conclude something lviv, uzhhorod, kyiv, what will it be? first, look, first of all, we understand that from the point of view of the means of destruction that reach, the ports that are farthest from the relevant launchers of the russian federation, they have a higher level of security, that is, the probability that the drone will reach lviv or uzhhorod there, it is substantially less than the probability of this drone reaching kyiv, in addition , the risks and effectiveness of shooting down some or the other are imposed on this map objects, that is, we see a sufficiently high efficiency around kyiv and several. goals, i.e. here first of all, indeed, probably this zone of more protected cities
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includes both kyiv and individual airfields in western ukraine, but in order to actually make any assessment, it is necessary to have a complete picture, i.e. all statistics on launches and destroyed targets and understand the available air defense systems, what means of attack they can destroy, i.e. can they destroy only quilats, missiles and drone communications, whether they also counter ballistics. thank you very much, mr. bohdan, choksagalno, for finding the time and joining our broadcast, we will meet in other broadcasts of the atr tv channel and the tv channel. choh saglnas bohdan dolinsy was in direct contact with us, an aviation expert, manager of the aviation sector. i want to urge viewers who watch us on youtube to be sure to subscribe to the youtube channel if you watch spress on youtube, respectively on tr. it is better to go to both youtube channels and like it, set the bell and
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to comment on this broadcast, we come after the broadcasts in the comments and answer questions, if they are based on the essence of the questions that we touched on in our broadcasts, and this is really very important for us, very important for both the tv channel and the atp tv channel , because the more people who simply like or simply write comments, the more others who have not seen our broadcasts. did not hear our broadcast, they will see them too, unfortunately, this is how the youtube algorithm works, and they will also be able to simply hear news about crimea, about occupied crimea and everything that is happening there, because it is very important, it is such a bridge, one might say, between matrakova ukraine and occupied crimea, that is, we say to occupied crimea that ukraine does not forget about crimea, and ukraine really does . today, everything is for its de-occupation, in ukraine, in the mainland part of ukraine, we
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are talking about the fact that people on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea are still waiting for the armed forces of ukraine. players, i would like to make just such a bridge between mainland ukraine and crimea, and see while in mainland ukraine, on the banks of the dnieper, the beaches are full of people, the crimean beaches are empty, we have a corresponding video, i... i ask our technical team to show this video, it is something incredible, the heat is enormous in crimea, but at the same time vacationers there no, and ee na... i would say that the footage we see that the beaches are not sufficiently prepared for recreation, and they are rather preparing for the offensive of the armed forces of ukraine than for recreation, and at the same time you can observe what is happening on the beaches in kyiv, you can not swim everywhere, there is a military one state, but we also see people
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moving on snowshoes and swimming on and on kayaks and, in principle, resting. on the beach, on the shore, but really, all this will change, yes, when ukraine returns to crimea and returns crimea to ukraine, and then everything will change, as it was before 2014, and finally, i urge you, if you see on qr code on the screen, transfer money, specifically for the liberation of crimea, the oshb-48 unit, which bears the name of noman chilibin, this unit was created from crimeans, who are mostly crimean tatars, and who strive liberate your homeland. well, unfortunately, we are already ending this broadcast, stay with us, stay with the first crimean tatar tv channel atp and espressu tv channel and
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we will meet in a week. i am andriy yanitskyi and my colleague. sum khalilov was with you today in korushkenja, so goodbye, there are discounts, they present, unbreakable discounts on troxiv, 15% in pharmacies podorozhnyk, bam and oshkad, there are discounts, they present, discounts on urulessan 15% in pharmacies. travel guide fam and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima. this is a big ether on the tv channel espresso. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn
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about the war, about the military, front, component. serhiy zgurets. but how does the world live? already with me and time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchevka next to me and sports news, i invite you to talk yevhena pastukhova, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alena chekchenina, our tv viewer, is ready to say good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people. we are in touch, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time means to save his life, a lift bc, a lift
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guys, atv is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. congratulations to the friends on the air of the saturday political club, andriy smoliy and vitaliy portnikov. once again, we congratulate everyone and. today we will traditionally talk about all the events, everything that happened around ukraine and around our world, we will also talk about the shelling that took place today, and about the situation in kharkiv oblast, at the front, we will talk about putin's visits, the statements of the occupiers, the statements of our international partners, and everything that happened during
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this week. we already have the first guest on the phone, yes, as far as i understand, oleksiy getsman, reserve major. of the national guard of ukraine, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. we ask, mr. oleksiy. good evening. i congratulate you. well, the enemy continues the energy war. energy facilities in the south and west of the country were attacked that night. what to do to resist these attacks? well, the answer lies on the surface. these are, of course, additional means of air defense, missiles for them, these are, of course, opportunities to attack those aircraft. from which cruise missiles are launched, those launchers from which land-based, ground-based bases are launched, well, the same iskanders, for example, surface-based missiles, calibers, and destroy the cause. it is more difficult to deal with the consequences, well, we know that, if we destroy planes, at least at airfields, preferably strategic bombers, if we there are no launchers from which
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iskanders attack us, then it will be easier for us to protect our energy, well, as for the disembodied devices that russia uses, we have a pretty good destruction ratio with them, well, it reaches 100%, it’s almost ... an incredible tragedy took place in kharkiv today, a kabom hit in the center of the city, we saw what happened, dozens of injured, there are dead, mr. oleksiy, but how can kharkiv still be protected from at least part of those blows that which are applied, unfortunately, around the city, or would the patriot system help? no, uh, the patriot system is unlikely to deal with cabs. planes can fight with bombs, interceptors that can destroy enemy planes, they use wmd for a universal
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control and correction platform, they were hung on old bombs, what were called typical bombs, they were made of them, well, relatively reasonable, they can be corrected and at least, they can fly further, the night flight range there is 40-30 km, although experience shows that it is up to 70 and even more kilometers, this bomb can to fly, it depends on the height from which it is launched, dropped and at what speed the plane flies, like the first stage of this bomb, relatively speaking, that is, we understand how the higher the speed, the higher the plane, the farther this bomb can go to fly, everything seems obvious here, they took it out of the reserves... well, the bombs are not powerful, fab is 300, well, fab is such an abbreviation, it’s just a fugitive air bomb, a cap is a guided air bomb, in the grand scheme of things it’s the same thing the same, well,
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just like that, we are somehow managed, not managed, the fabs are also controlled, they set up a universal model of planning and correction, so the fab became a kab, well, that’s it, these bombs were made since the time of stalin, during his life in this world, and they were as a countermeasure to those nuclear weapons that appeared with the americans, well, first nuclear bombs, little brats, we remember that, and they wanted to make a bomb, maybe not nuclear, but just very powerful, well, mr. portnikov, i think about it very well , he has information, information, like it developed, which spies were there, how they stole technologies and so on, it's interesting, but that's a separate conversation, and this bomb it's so powerful that it can cause great destruction, although it can't fly as far as a fap, for example, 200... that is, the best bomb it is here though according to the laws of kinetics , it should fly further, well, thanks to the large vehicle, it loses height a little faster,
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you need to put bigger wings on it so that it flies further, well, this also seems to make it obvious, what makes this bomb dangerous, well, it is dangerous also by the fact that it has a negative, very negative effect on servicemen at zero, to say the least, i... about the kharkivs, i will say two more words, and this is not only the slightest contusion even half a kilometer away from the explosion of such a bomb, but my friends died and we know that they died, but we won't be able to, we can't even find their bodies, a shell flew to one of the areas of the front lines, and what is this about, it is such a nuance that the relatives cannot receive compensation, and we cannot bury them, that is, there is no body, that is, it is a powerful bomb. and about kharkiv oblast i wanted to say, i will say the fact is that they started using cluster bombs, then cluster charges, submunitions, it is dangerous, first of all,
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because it is used what they do anti-infantry, that is, against manpower, you can’t even invent something like that, that it is some they tried to destroy a military or other object , these are anti-personnel means, and this is the first danger, well, a crime. the second is that they are su ammunition, so what is su ammunition, that is, in one bomb there are a large number of up to 100 pieces, relatively speaking, small small bombs like grenades rgd5, and they fly apart and then explode again, in this way, more area is covered, but about 50% of the submunition explodes in them, that is, it is also demining, conditionally speaking, there is a case when the state security service was driving there, something had to be detonated. ran over such an ammunition and exploded, people remained alive, but the car was damaged, well, it is a danger there, children can play there, a dog can run around, and there will be an explosion. such su
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ammunition, to be fair, they are also used against lightly armored vehicles, even sometimes against heavily armored ones equipment, but this is a relatively smaller number of sub-munitions, they are more powerful, so they can destroy something more serious, and what is launched in our civilian cities is anti-personnel, that is , against people, and what kind of people are in the center of the city or, well, in the city, maybe not in the center, maybe in the vicinity somewhere in exile, that is, it is a war crime of what. well, i think that there are already such topics written about war crimes, the main thing is to record, it is to record, so that later you can not just affirm it emotionally, but prove it argumentatively on certain criminal proceedings in international courts, but i would also like to ask if f-16 will help for kharkiv, kharkiv region, sumy region, well, for example, with the same cabs, will this also be a problem, well, as for the fabs,
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of course i am here. i won't ask, i understand that this is a more difficult question, but kabi, is this at least some kind of help for these two regions of our country? thank you for the question, i should have started with this, i should have said about it first of all, of course the f16, well the f16 or other aircraft, well the f-35 would not interfere with us, they can fight against russian aircraft, which drop these cabs, well, that is, to fight the cause, not the consequences, because a bomb is already, well , a bomb at... a bullet can be intercepted theoretically, but it’s the same and here are these f16 planes, they have a less effective knock-out surface than russian planes , well, what is the effective covering surface, this is the size of the aircraft, how is its bi, how is it seen by the radio station, well, it is translated into square meters, this is not its physical size, this is its size in electromagnetic radiation, which is emitted by the radio station, so the size miga miga 29th c
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effective surface whitening is just right. 29 m, both the number and the reflective surface, the effective reflective surface is f16, 1.2 m, that is, it seems small from the point of view of res, but not like a bird, this is the first, secondly, it can carry air-to-air missiles and in it is there and these missiles shoot further than russian planes, well they have one missile there for 300 km, but it's not much and the r37, if i'm not mistaken, but this missile, i don't think it will be active, well 300 km , by the time it arrives, the plane... has a melted tail protection system, it is a pilot he will know, he can deceive, well, there are many, there are many, the duration of such attacks is 300 km, it can fly, so the plane can already work out and land on its airfield, but those missiles are 100-120 km away, which amd 120, which which have f16, they are fast and they can shoot down russian planes, before the russian plane realizes that air combat has started, because the on-board radar, if it will be, well, modern, let's say on ...
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any russian plane and before to attack it, that is, the russian plane will be destroyed before the russian pollen understood that an aerial battle had begun, russian planes that do not enter the impact zone of our anti-aircraft missile systems, they know... the range, they know where they can be, where not, where they cannot, and they, without entering the impact zone, dropping these bombs, in 16 it could be covered, as a means of air defense, from the air attacking russian planes with cabs and fabs, and i want to say that, for example, in the united states , it is written in the combat statutes that skrilata well with such air targets, except for ballistic ones aircraft have to fight missiles and they have to take on 70% of the load, only 30.
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mezenit missile complexes that are on the ground remain. remember the attack on israel was launched by about 100 planes, and different ones, these are not israeli planes, they were american, they were british, they were german with their own pilots, and they intercepted more than half of the air targets that were flying over israel, on israel not before they flew to israel, well, we understand that, israel is small, it was necessary shoot down while they are just flying in their direction, this is the case for our partners from the west. example, maybe they need somewhere like this, at least on the right bank of the dnieper, there are no terepets that move in the direction of the enemy, well, when the west of ukraine is attacked, the rockets move in their direction, they even fly in sometimes, why not, well, this is a separate rhetorical question, well, no rhetorical, this is a political question, but you did not ask about it now, but the most important thing is to shoot down all these targets in the airspace of the russian federation, in fact, it would be very good, welcomed


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