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tv   [untitled]    June 23, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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remember the attack on israel was launched about 100 planes, and different ones, these are not israeli planes, they were american, they were british, they were german with their own pilots, and they intercepted more than half of the air targets that flew over israel, on israel not before they flew to israel, well, we understand that, little israel had to be shot down while they were flying in their direction, this is an example for our partners from the west, that maybe they need somewhere... at least on the right bank dnipro, never mind the rockets moving in their direction, well when the west of ukraine is attacked, the missiles move towards theirs, they even fly, why not, well, this is a separate rhetorical question, well, not rhetorical, it is a political question, but we did not ask about it now, but the most important thing is to shoot down all these targets in in the airspace of the russian federation , in fact, it would be very good, it ’s like our friends from small, but very...
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beautiful, almost fairy-tale countries, they didn’t forbid us to attack, well, the main thing is that we comply with 51- th article of the charter of the united nations organization, as protection, a to shoot down targets, which air targets, which can drop bombs or missiles on our territories, this is self-defense, otherwise, what is self-defense, well, i think we will also be over the territory, and they, listen, they, why they, why sometimes poor people fall bombs that they can't attach them properly, they fall and fall and no. the radiation station just turns on, some kind of distant observation, they are scared to maneuver, they drop bombs, i don’t really care about the bombs, i mean the russian pilots, that’s why there are no bombs there are falling, and because there are some technical attacks, and the bombs are running away, so i think that when our f-16 is there, they will drop the bombs, without taking off the golden one, and why is this so, horror, but it’s a little sad here, and if we let's talk now so briefly about the directions where the russians are. will or at least
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are currently attacking at the front, in donetsk region, we can see, even in kharkiv region, what is the hottest direction and where they have potential, at least there for the next few weeks, well, their potential is, of course, the pokrovsky direction, they want to get out of half a day konstyantinovka, after some time on konstyantinovka, this is a railway station, this is a railway, well, many people remember the electric train, as the intercity people say. kyiv kostiantynovka and we actively use this railway like any army. in general, the russians have historically been actively using railways since the 19th century, or maybe even earlier, and they are also fighting for the railway. let us recall the surovykin lines and see how they were built and look at how the volnuvak melitopol-jinkoi road runs and the saraykin line is almost parallel to this railways they were protecting this railway. then they had only two. through the kerch town, through the paron crossing and this railway. lonovakha then 50% of them
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would practically take advantage of their opportunities, they also caught kupyanska, they are trying to sneak there, so this is one of the directions will be there, you know, for the military , the relief of the area, the administrative border and even more regions are important, well, let's go somewhere you will see in the field somewhere the border between donetsk and luhansk, for example, well, this is conditional, this is a political map, yes it is on the map, in the field people... it is oriented towards understandable heights, reliability and so on, that is, we understand it, but the railway after the railway will go seriously, and of course in the north, well , there is no such official northern front yet, the distribution is northern, eastern and southern, well conditionally, we all understand, the northern is kharkiv region, sumy region, they have already attracted more than 10,000 manpower there after the unsuccessful first offensive and about 450 units of heavy equipment, mainly tanks, well... we already know
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their second tank army, which they are proud of there , they say that it can reach breaking, if there is such an order, well, they lie as hard as they breathe, but 451 high-tech equipment, it is by and large a tank army, that is, they pulled up there, there was the 18th division, 138, if i am not mistaken, brigade e, then it is like his , my god, the african corps, that is, up to 3-40 thousand people were there, now people have been added, heavy equipment has been added, they have no plans to capture kharkiv, there is no need to invent them. even to surround him, that is , to come close to the distance of a well-aimed shot, an aiming well-aimed harrow of god, they aim for an aimed shot from the barrel artillery, it is 5-10 km, they will do it, but there is a second or third line, as not only official sources say, there is a big question here, there are many who say what, but at least we we know what is there, for sure they do not have a political bias, well, at least when they comment on it, they say that it will be a good building. reserve major
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of the national guard of ukraine, we 're going to take a break now for just a few minutes and continue, so you stay with us, which discounts represent unbreakable discounts on memicar ic, 10% in pharmacies plantain, pam and oshchadnik. there are discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on evrofast soft cups, 20% in travel pharmacies, you and savings. the football format changes the air time. from now on, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00.
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professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions. the project is both for experienced fans and just for people who appreciate it. unbiased view of football, football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey in... and tune in to the verdict with serhiy rudenko from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself.
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the following shots may shock you. news from live event locations. kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively. and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoboda life, frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. saturday politics club, we're back live after a short break and ready to discuss. the following topics, we have a guest, there is no guest, there is, i think, volodymyr khandogi, the president of the foreign policy association, the ambassador of great britain will be in touch with us now, let's talk with him, well bye things, we need to talk about this famous date, which is already literally in time, in 10
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days, negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european union actually begin, by the way, this is a record-breaking time for the start of negotiations, when we received the invitation, well, at the end of last year, that is, six months. so this is certainly not a rushed introduction, because there can be more serious problems on the way to the victories themselves during the victories, well, you have to understand that even technically this part, it is the most difficult and the longest, so to speak, if that talk, among all these questions, two years, three years, maybe, well, maybe it will be faster, we will see, but we will ask about it, and there is mr. volodymyr. volodymyr, good evening, good evening, good evening, congratulations, but please tell me, how long do you think it will take for these negotiations on the european union? i really don't like to put time frames, but from the words that we hear, in particular
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from the european union, the real date is considered to be the 30th year, there were statistics, who how much, so about... for what time this preparatory period took place, the record holders are the well-known countries sweden, finland, austria, by the way, some have been there for years, ten years, turkey, we know, has been in the queue for the european union for 19 years, so it is realistic today to talk about the number 20-30 . well, to what extent it will come true, i don't know. but we have to be satisfied with that, because we went very quickly in that preparatory period from the granting of candidate status to the start of negotiations, it was very, very short, it is probably a world record that we set, well, of course, there are objective reasons for this, and
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the european union understands the force majeure situation in which ukraine is today, so we will see, but 2030 seems to me to be a realistic date, and... can there be some kind of accelerated procedure, well, in principle, we saw that over the past year we went through all the procedural points quite quickly, or after all, we have to go through all of them step by step. bureaucratic things that we need to join the european union, can a certain political decision be made for us to, let's say, join a little before, well, look, i think it will be a big mistake if we play with these terms now, let's go first, on the 25th, the so-called, well, these negotiations are opening, actually, the delegation has been formed, there is very, very many different... jobs, and therefore, at least, let's start moving, we will see the scale of the issues
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that will be before us, how we will carry them out, here today, for example, if i am not mistaken, it seems that the czech minister of foreign affairs affairs, he so hinted that they the czech republic will oppose such, you know, force majeure in terms of acceleration, that is, to the detriment of those criteria that... must be achieved upon joining the european union, so there is no need to annoy other states today, which, well, not in this case it will not be the czech republic, but other states that have agreed to the accelerated period, which we have already passed, counting on the fact that during the substantive negotiations that open on monday, we will step by step overcome the distance that is in front of us, so i think again anyway, uh, i don't think it will be productive, uh, you know, already at this stage to talk about,
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let's hurry up, and tell me, and the fact that we will go together with the republic of moldova in this process, it means that we have to enter the european union together, so what will be the competition, who will be the first? no, i think it will be a package, i think we got all these, you know, georgia broke away from us, as we know, because there was georgia, ukraine, and... and moldova and even we were three states were creating such a mini-coalition in order to to convince the european union, well, due to one reason or another, georgia broke away from this coalition, and therefore to us, that means moldova, well, let's not forget that there are also the western balkans, which are also standing in line and intend to join somewhere in the near future, so i think , that it will be a big ben package solution. and by the way, regarding the package solution, both ukraine and the republic of moldova are countries with unresolved
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territorial problems, can you imagine the integration of such countries to solve these problems with the territories that should be this may not be such a standard procedure and, you know, but i imagine it, you can also look for some precedents that were, we can also talk about... in which the territorial problems with turkey have not been resolved, in fact, but this does not prevent cyprus from being in the european union, and turkey as a candidate for the european union. that is, i think that it will not, will not help us, but will not be an obstacle on our way. i also wanted to ask you about putin's latest statements, his latest trips to the north. korea to vietnam, well, in particular, one of the last such resonant statements, he declared that
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there will be no withdrawal of troops from ukraine, we saw certain documents signed between russia and north korea, russia and vietnam, how do you comment on all these actions of the occupying state, all these actions of the self-proclaimed de facto president putin during this week, this is a rate hike. is that his real position, well that's his real position as of today, on the other hand, it could be considered a rate hike, but i don't see much scope for putin to raise rates because they already are high enough that it was not news, firstly, during the hot phase of the war that is happening today, to say that he was ready. withdrawing troops means agreeing to some framework of negotiations that
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may take place, but today, as of today, i personally and probably few people see real possibilities for putin to agree to any negotiations that will happen later, we let's see, it will depend on the main negotiator, namely the armed forces of ukraine, and then it will be clear whether, in the end, what will it be and... what will this future peace process look like, or will there be peace agreements, which should be some day after all, that is, this is his real position today, it... by the way, to some extent gives us certain trump cards for our work with those states that, let 's say, take a position, waver, on the one hand, they allegedly do not take a very active stand against ukraine, but gravitate to the position, to
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the position of russia, and talk about, well, let's stop the war, let's stop shooting, and so on different, but when we tell them that putin is not is in no way going to return to the status quo that existed, well at least on february 22, february 24, 2022, this has an impact on these states, they understand that this is a violation of international law, about annexation, about violation of borders , the charter of the united nations organization, in which, as they are, these states cherish. in principle, that is why this is the position of russia today, it seems to me that it strengthens our position in our conversations, in the consolidation of the political support that we want to achieve in the world. and tell me, if we are talking about the euro-atlantic one integration, as far as you can see now some real changes that can happen at
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the washington nato summit, because they continue to say that there will be some... certain solutions, certain changes in approaches, as far as it can be considered in principle that we are we really waiting for such changes? well, what we are waiting for, the decisions that have already been reached, and starting from the bucharest summit and confirmation to vilnius, give us grounds for such hope. i don't see any breakthrough solutions that... can strengthen our belief, so to speak, that we someday we will become a member of the european union, but today, as far as we know, there is a discussion around one word, namely the irreversibility of ukraine's accession to nato irreversible, that is , as far as the spectators who are close to this negotiation process say, that this is where
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the discussion is taking place, and if between the british and the americans, yes? well , yes, liberation, yes, yes, well, here too, if you imagine it that way, if there is any step, then it will be a step with the addition of the word irreversibility, because in 2008 it was, so to speak, agreed that ukraine would be a member, last year in vilnius it was confirmed that ukraine will be a member, the sign was removed. the pdc's demand, by the way, in my opinion, it was done imprudently, and now this political statement will be confirmed once again with the addition of some other word that would say that this is an irreversible process and ukraine will be a member of nato , yes and yes. on the other hand, we see
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certain such ambiguous, perhaps thoughts, words. leaders of the united states of america, before that we remember the statement of president joe biden, for example, this week there was mr. kirby's statement, well here it is less ambiguous, he said that in order to join nato, ukraine must win the war, but the question arises: if this war lasts for a long time, let's say for years, then it is clear that ukraine will not become a member of nato at this moment , and even... we shouldn't expect any intermediate option, right? well, look, well, first of all, really, so to speak, the thesis that ukraine will become a member of nato only after the end of the war, well, cyrus would say, after ukraine defeats russia, if i am not mistaken, it has been around for a long time, this thesis is ours
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the political leadership has already said more than once that during, so to speak, the phase of the conflict there or the war, it is time to talk about membership in the alliance, but, so to speak, these are obvious things, what can happen and how long it will take , we also do not know, if we can talk more or less about the terms of joining the european union, the situation here is much more complicated, so between these periods, today and when we become nato members, the same... well, let's say temporary an option is these agreements, which today ukraine signs with nato members, well... there are seven other states, not only nato members, but it is believed that this can become a temporary way out of this situation, until ukraine
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becomes a member of the organization in the alliance, its security will be, and security will be ensured through these agreements, i want to avoid the word guarantees here, because if we accept, god forbid, that these are guarantees, they are not actually these guarantees, then... that we have other guarantees, so we don't have to talk about guarantees, this secure some arrangements that will strengthen our capabilities to deter aggression during the period when we are outside the borders of nato, but here the question arises at the end of our conversation, how much, in principle, can this support be stable against the background of all these disturbances that are happening in the west? during the last meeting of the group of seven you saw, everyone said, prime minister sonaka is leaving, president biden is fighting for the presidency, president macron has problems in connection with the parliamentary
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elections, federal chancellor scholz has problems in connection with european elections, canada's prime minister trudeau has a low rating, japan's prime minister kissyada has a low rating, that's 6 in a row, only the italian prime minister melanie remains and more or less. this is a really serious question, i personally, well, i thought about it myself on this occasion, especially when, even today, in connection with the elections in great britain, the appearance again on the political scene of this nigel farage, a well-known eurosceptic, a far-right figure, is heard again after all, victory in the parliamentary elections in france is predicted by the far-right, who, you know, gravitate towards a position russian federation in some issues, in particular, regarding ukraine and the war. so, really the political landscape of europe, if you add to that the situation in america, it
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can really change. here, the only thing we can hope for is such, you know, durability or constancy of foreign policy, and it is very rare in western democracies, despite the fact that those who win in one or another election are generally strategists. foreign policy course, it remains unchanged, and this, i think, will take place both in europe and in the united states states of america, if other political forces come to power than those that occupy their offices there today. thank you, and volodymyr khandogiy, president of the ukrainian foreign policy association, ambassador of great britain in 2010-2015, was on the live broadcast of the saturday political club, we continue, and we should now be in touch with ihor semivolos,
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director of the center for middle eastern studies, right now we will see mr. igor, but we will talk with him about this, mr. igor, congratulations, congratulations, let's start with these visits, i would say, they are the truth of visits putin to north korea and vietnam. and by the way, we have to say right away that maybe someone is looking at these visas for this visit of putin to byeong-yang as an everyday thing? however, we must say that during the entire existence of the democratic people's republic of korea, no soviet leader ever visited it, no one, neither stalin, nor khrushchev, nor brezhnev, nor andropovych, chernenko, visited anything, nor gorbachev, nobody went, putin himself, yeltsin. did not visit, putin himself visited once in 2000, 20 4 years ago, that the only visit was, this is the second visit to bhenyan, and suddenly there is such friendship, mr.
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igor, such love, such kisses, that just where there is, yes, yes, of course, this, this visit attracts a lot of attention, and it seems to me , what is this, this is a persistent request, actually a punishment. the korean leader should visit pyongyang, and why? it seems to me that this is, to a certain extent , a setup of putin himself. by and large, he has no other chance than to come, if he wants to continue receiving weapons and receive, in fact, that support from of north korea, which he is receiving now. and as far as i'm concerned, it was a condition that was actually formulated and despite all the solemnity of this visit, so to speak, and in the spirit of such
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marxism. of leninism in the best times, and by and large, putin made a very serious mistake with this visit, and the reaction actually did not take long, the reaction of south korea, and putin even had to threaten south korea in hanoi in this situation, so i do not consider this very strongly the visit as such a huge success, this is rather a reason and more one demonstration of the fact that... you can't do business with putin, since putin has actually violated all those resolutions that moscow voted for in relation to north korea at one time. and mr. igor, what kind of real reaction, well at least backstage, should there be if china has such visits, and we have to understand that there was a visit to both north korea and
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vietnam. and here a lot of... analysts say that china didn't quite like it, and it actually upsets this balance that was between russia and china itself, which is your position? you know, i'll say it right away, i'm not an easterner or a far easterner, and the nuances are hidden for me, so i can only say based on my experience, and it seems to me that... at least putin coordinated sydzenpin's visit and reactions, if anyone thinks that thanks to this visit it is possible to bring china to his side in the spirit of kissinger, then he is wrong, i do not think that it will in any way affect the position of beijing, but you say that putin can coordinate something with xi jinping, well, a visit to v' he clearly could not reconcile etnama with sydzenpin, there
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the chinese obviously, it cannot be a pleasure to travel like this, because he still wants to sell his weapons to vietnam. well, i think the story of 79 is already, as they say, sunk into the past. and, it is clear that vietnam is, to a certain extent, such an economic partner of the united states of america, and a large number of enterprises that previously worked in china are being taken over. to vietnam, moves to india, and the turnover of 100 billion between the united states of america and vietnam and everything else, that is, he has money, at least vietnam. what else can putin offer to vietnam besides weapons? yes, nothing. well, taking into account the fact that vietnam is armed with soviet weapons, so this segment of weapons, it can really offer it. but this story, well, as a minimum.
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ma will have a long time, that is, it is not known whether this agreement will eventually work or not, since vietnam is also looking closely at the quality of russian weapons and their actual use on the battlefield. well, by the way, this applies to north korean weapons, they definitely cannot boast of quality, we saw that when in this way it is true, absolutely true, and it is very interesting when, for example, putin talks there. about the fact that they do not supply korea does not supply weapons, well, in the context of the discussion with seoul, eh, but these are already so obvious things that there is no point in talking about them, it seems to me that the russian propagandists themselves they say that it’s just yes, yes and and simply the russians at the front are describing this story with these korean, with north korean shells, about how ineffective they are, well, it becomes quite
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clear that... putin’s visit and in general here these contacts between putin and kimchin-in, their main purpose, to be more precise, is still a weapon, at least for putin. could there be an option that, for example, russia will place some specific production facilities on the territory of north korea in order to, let's say, produce weapons there, use relatively cheap labor, north korean, yes, and some, by the way, if ... for that matter, russian propagandists there dreamed that north korea would already take and send part of the troops to ukraine to fight for russia, well, i won't ask that, because it's such a pretty, pretty ridiculous assumption, but still, with regard to weapons, with regard to possible production capacities, is such an option possible?


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