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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EEST

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it is necessary to look depending on which objects, all strikes are, as a rule, combined and aimed at several goals, the first of which is the destruction of the management system of the russian forces, because in sevastopol the black sea fleet, the headquarters of the fleet, its control point , its communication organs, they not only control ships at sea, they are the control organs of those connecting parts, the rear organs. management of connected parts, which are on the front, in the southern direction. second, logistics, warehouses, routes, transportation, when it arrives at the ports, when, landing ships with cargo enter the ports of crimea, this is logistics, we are adding the same crimean bridge, the same steam crossing, this, if we destroy it, we will not even permanently stop transportation there via the crimean bridge. but if we move there
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an echelon with fuel oil, with diesel or ammunition, these ammunition will not be at their front in a day. the third is airfields, airfields, well , that's for sure, after we mostly expelled russian ships from the crimean bases, there to them in the swamps, then the airfields remain. the worst, the most difficult, the greatest threat to us, because the black sea, it seems that we have liberated from the russians, but only the sea, only its surface, the air space above our part of the sea is controlled by the russians, from where, precisely from the airfields in crimea, and therefore the flights to odesa, mykolaiv, kherson, etc., are all from ee. .. crimean
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airfields, well, add also the protection of our sea corridor, something must be done about this, and therefore due to the fact that, in recent months, flights have been arriving via bilbek, guardia, sakak, dzhanka, and russian airfields front-line and army aviation, this is precisely the work in this direction, this urgent work, or we expel them there... where their ships go to the krasnodar region and beyond, well, they will fly there, but first we need to expel them from here, well, after all, these are intelligence agencies, radar agencies, which once again illuminate the situation in the theater of war actions and which assets must be destroyed, so...
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the complex destruction of the enemy's assets in crimea is a kind of operation according to anatomical standards, well, as we can translate it, a planning operation for the preparation of the combat space. but the fact that they launched the caliber from the waters of the sea of ​​azov on the black, does this indicate well, it was to be expected, it was to be expected, because look. after we expelled them to novorossiysk, the novorossiysk base is a large port, and the military is not welcome there at all, believe me, it is an unnecessary threat not only to residents, but also to business, and to carry out launches from the waters of the tsymen bay or, well they will go to him as a last resort. they, on the other hand
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, twist their ears to go to the black sea, under the crimea, under the caucasian coast, our naval drones are waiting for them. one thing remains a quiet place, er, over there, where the crimean bridge between kerch and tamanya crosses the kerch strait, a powerful defense system has been created for it, which closes the entrance to... not only protects it from damage, but also blocks the entrance to the sea of ​​azov , so they decided that the safest place for their ships was azov, and somewhere on the sixth or fifth , a large group of russian ships went there again, these were large amphibious ships, emrkashkas, they had missile ships, obviously for conducting exercises, because ... feodosiya and i
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utazh on the caucasus coast, they are dangerous as training grounds for a naval amphibious operation, apparently conducts training for a marine amphibious operation. and this is not a good sign, because now they have no trained marines, in fact, those marines that were, they were destroyed near mariupol on the dnieper, in the 22nd year, those marines who fight in them are infantrymen, which are called marine, but to work with a new batch, at least to prepare a battalion, this is already a serious application, the same... also applies to these mrk, it is obvious that as they entered they are in azov, then they will shoot not over the cabbage ravine, obviously, but they will hit ukraine, that is, actually speaking, what
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we observed, unfortunately, but i will also say to the russians that they should remember where the first russian was destroyed a big ship, it was not moscow, there under the snakes. it was saratov in the port of berdyansk, so we will get them there sooner or later. and tell me, how do you explain the fact that they continue to increase, i would say, even the level of the nomenclature of the shelling of kharkiv, when it is clear that the offensive in this direction, well , at least choked at the moment. and with the amount of our forces and means that we are forced to keep in this direction in order to deter them on... and how can i explain the exercises announced here in the belarusian direction, the same pulls our forces away from the direction of the main strike while we repel these
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we restrain such demonstrative actions in the kharkiv direction, in the sumy direction, in the north. the enemy in the direction of the main attack is advancing, advancing, today they took novooleksandrivka, the day before yesterday, the reeds, roughly speaking, a meter, a hundred meters by a hundred meters are advancing, creating a threatening situation to the north of the avdiyivskyi, ochernytskyi ledge on the hill. direction, as for us, further north, the times of the yar, which is also, they try anything, while we are at the time of the ravine, these are our dominant heights, if, god forbid , they take the times of the yar, then they capture the dominant
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heights, and the bucket is already forming in this area, the forces that are concentrated in this direction are much greater than in the north to the people of kharkiv, it is clear that... kharkiv is a resonance, we fear for a big city, and there are millions of people there, and that is understandable, but that is exactly what they are using, well, that is, you think that the donetsk direction remains a priority in any in any case, they are expanding it, did you notice that in addition to this, we are already talking about the pokrovsky direction, obviously, further south, then... leave it further north in the kupyansk-limansk direction, renewing efforts and multiplying efforts, again they did not try the trick cut off last year, it seems, also in the summer or early autumn, there was an attempt to cut this
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area into two parts, into lymansk and kupyansk, and with the obvious aim of breaking them into parts. now the same attempt is being repeated there again, i.e. putin does not give up on his plans, he can postpone them, but to give up, well, it’s not in his dog’s nature, well, it’s a question of to what extent, let’s say this, political declarations correspond to military ones plans, that political declaration that he wants to reach the borders of these four regions, that's it the main idea is supposed to be, but the offensive or the concentration of troops in the sumy oblast shows not only such intentions, it seems to me that, well , first of all, it is still to drag, to stretch, the idea of ​​their, his generals was this spring, to stretch our forces, to drag
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our reserves from the direction of the main attack with smaller forces, but the war does not always turn out as originally planned and... and in order to develop success in the same, in the same kharkiv direction, they themselves had to concentrate their forces there, transfer part of forces, even from the direction of the main impact. in order to report to putin that everything is going according to plan. if, in principle, we talk about the further development of events, it can be assumed that now the russian troops do not have much time to continue such offensive actions. well, obviously, they themselves think so too. and a window of opportunity. onslaught, now the institute for the study of war. washington, there are also a number of analytical organizations saying
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that a new summer offensive has apparently begun, but no, nothing has started, an offensive operation in general, it is determined by the goals and tasks, if the goals and tasks remain the same as they were, it means that the operation continues and the one that began, and this offensive began back in december, in december. january, and it continues until now, that it is not there, that they lack resources, yes, and that they did not complete the main tasks, within the specified time, it is true, and they are slipping, yes, but why did they start it was during that period, because they saw that ukraine was a failure, ukraine was a failure in terms of armaments and ammunition, because americans, well, it's an old story, yes, congress. blocks supplies to ukraine, and maybe not only one congress, to be honest, yes, the president of the states could have had several
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options for action, but he chose exactly this one, the americans found their own differences more important than the support of their partner, well , the same thing happened here too, actually , our political leaders decided. showdowns at the expense of the combat capability of the armed forces of ukraine, and this epic with mobilization laws, therefore an additional statement, but as soon as these issues broke down, it became the russians it's clear that overton's window is all over the place, and it's only a matter of time before this car accelerates. will gather momentum, at least until the fall, the situation will lean more in
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our favor, and here i absolutely agree with commander-in-chief syrsky in his cautious assessment that the situation is difficult, but we have a chance under certain conditions to turn the whole situation in our favor. .. under certain conditions we have a chance. thank you, thank you, mr. pavle, pavlo lekichuk, head of security programs of the strategy 21 global studies center, was with us in broadcast, we're going to break for just a few minutes now, but please stay with us. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene, live. kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively. meaningful, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points
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of the front, shot! svobodalai is frank and unbiased, you make the same conclusions. we continue the political club program on the tv channel espresso. vitaly potnikov, maria golub, an expert, are with you. integration and bilateral relations between ukraine and the european union, we have it from brussels, we and moldova received the green light, these intergovernmental conferences will be held on the 25th, and we can say that we are opening this real political , technical and bureaucratic stage of our negotiations, and here it will be very interesting, of course , to watch how this process will go, because it is a very ambitious path, chapter 35. negotiations, a negotiation team has been formed, it is also important to note that the first and
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the main section is the so-called fundamentals, that is, the main reforms, among which are the rule of law and the fight against corruption, judicial reform, therefore, really , the process, starting from june 25, simply acquires an absolutely practical character, and how it will develop in the future, what will happen if these delegations were created? ukraine and moldova, they are coming to brussels, what next? they will go to brussels very often, there will be a lot of, of course, online negotiations, a lot will be... done by the ukrainian side and relevant ministries, if you look at how a negotiation team has been formed, all key ministries are present here, the verkhovna rada of ukraine is involved, as well as state and specialized agencies, and now, accordingly, a very clear process is prescribed for each section, there are so-called benchmarks or indicators, these
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indicators must be fulfilled as for the opening of the negotiation section, so there are separate indicators for closing as well. of the negotiating section, and this was also preceded, that is, as we determined these indicators, a very large number of explanatory sessions that the government of ukraine held together with the european commission, where we explained what our actual state of affairs is in each specific field, for example, in customs, in relation to phytosanitary regulations, in energy, because there are many sections, they are related to the economic bloc, to our entry into the single market of the european union, that is '. these negotiations will continue, and here it is important to say that the decision of all 27 members of the european union member states will be needed to close each of these meetings, so in principle, we need to work a lot not only with brussels, but to continue working and with national parliaments, national
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governments of key states, then, of course, given the dynamics, it can be expected that ukraine will... keep this ambitious nature of the negotiations, and in the best case, in a few years there will be a lot of different assessments, but we must not forget that we are a country that is waging a full-scale war in parallel with this process and is trying with all its might to win it, so after that the accession agreement will be signed, this is a separate ratification procedure, and only after this accession agreement is ratified, you can believe that... ukraine will become a full member of the european union. so i am right when i say that it will still be a package situation, that ukraine and moldova will go together and at the same time should be accepted into the european union, or can they be separated at some point? you know, moldova and ukraine are not just the two of us, they are knocking on the door of the european union. let's not forget that
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there are other countries of the balkans, there are also... this is the idea that we cannot forget about the eastern partnership as such, and there is georgia, there is azerbaijan, and armenia, and there is a clear political will that the next wave of expansion should really take place as a package, so who will be in this package depends, and by the way, ukraine insisted on this approach, the so -called merit based approach should be applied, that is, each country should be assessed separately for its successes and... achievements and progress in the fulfillment of commitments and in implementation, including the reform of the law of the european union, and on the basis of this comprehensive assessment a decision should be made, although of course we we know very well that there are certain countries that are members of the european union, which are very active, for example, lobbying for the western balkans, there are countries
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neighboring moldova, which are lobbying for understandable political, economic and security reasons. and promote the accession of moldova to the european union, that is, we need to learn from it and build these regional coalitions, by the way, we will need this very much during the negotiations with brussels. and tell me, the situation itself is connected with the fact that ukraine and the republic of moldova do not fully control their territories. it is so common that us is united by history with transnistria, and history with crimea and donbas, and now with zaporizhzhia and kherson oblast. we do not know when these negotiations will end and what will happen to the territorial problems of both countries at that time, how will they be reflected in the accession? and this is a very important issue, but it was raised several times both in our formal and informal dialogues with the european side, there is the so -called precedent or case of cyprus, and very clearly
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the association agreement. and the fundamental agreements of the european union on which they are based in fact, negotiations with any country about accession, they say that there is respect for the territorial integrity, for the sovereign right of the country, this territorial integrity on the scale and within those borders, which are actually determined by the applicant country, to apply to the european union. who of the union, that is, there is a very clear position that in no case will the european union at any stage of negotiations recognize the temporarily occupied territories with any. with a different status than those who will be returned to ukraine in the future, respectively, this one the parties here have very clearly legally prescribed
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procedures, which in no way prevent ukraine from moving towards the european union. and tell me, before the decision to start the changes was made, it was possible to overcome hungary's resistance, but in exchange for the fact that they said that these issues that it raises, the issues of national minorities there, will be frequent. of these framework negotiations, what will this mean in practice, that we will conduct a separate track of negotiations with hungary, or will the european union itself put certain demands on us that must be met for admission. and the other thing, mr. vitaly, because the bilateral track between us and hungary started a long time ago, even before ukraine signed the association agreement, we have been negotiating for a very long time with regard to the rights of national minorities and in relation to. legislation, and we must not forget that starting from july 1 this year, which is literally in a week, hungary will take over
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the presidency of the council of the european union, accordingly, we all understand, and this was also announced during the meeting of the ambassadors of the member states of the european union, on that meeting, where preparations for the intergovernmental conference were actually unblocked, that hungary will keep this issue under control. now we can say that we have found a more diplomatic way out of the situation that gave this way out and this decision gave orbán the opportunity to say that his demands were met and that they will continue to be clearly monitored, and yes, you are absolutely right in the fact that we will have to conduct this dialogue and prove our progress not only in brussels, but also in our bilateral negotiations with hungarian side. and do i understand correctly that this first stage of negotiations will generally fall on the hungarian presidency? not quite, because we still don't know what the dynamics
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of our dialogue will be in general about the first part about the fundamental reform, that is, we will definitely be able to open this chapter during the hungarian presidency, but how the dynamics will go on, here is very in fact, a lot depends on the ukrainian side as well, how quickly and how to do it. dynamically and efficiently we will fulfill exactly those obligations and those reforms that are prescribed in this section, well , a lot will depend on how the european commission will actually be rebooted, updated, how key positions will be distributed, because one way or another it also affects the dynamics of negotiations and, in general , more comprehensively, the processes and attitude towards the future enlargement of the european union. therefore, on the one hand, we cannot underestimate the influence of hungary, and on the other hand, we cannot say that it will be some kind of catastrophe. and you can explain why european leaders do not
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were able to agree on the new leadership of the european union at their last meetings, they believed that it was just such a, i would say procedural moment of the dinner where everything would be agreed, and nothing was agreed as a result, well , in fact, that's what they were going to do, they were going to leave of this, its formal-informal meeting, because there was a formal part, there was also a closed informal part of the negotiations, at least with a specific list of candidates for key positions and with political agreements to support these candidates, it did not happen, not it happened for various reasons, first of all, as the results of the elections to the european parliament showed, this is a kind of slice of sentiment towards the european union. will be the next composition of the european parliament, the various camps are quite divided, despite the fact that even the key party of the european
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conservatives and pipi have strengthened their positions, but even they alone are not enough for , for example, the same ursula vonderlajen to be approved in office the head of the european commission, and negotiations are now underway, in the first place in turn, they continue in relation to this position of the head of the european commission, because it is one of the key positions, and here it is important to remember that it all happens comprehensively, as a package, the mathematical principle has a strong influence, that is , everyone just sits and counts the votes, whether there will be enough votes in the european parliament for this approval to take place, and in order to have a sufficient number of votes, the ruling party, which won, will now have to negotiate with social workers. liberal group and including the group led and led by ms. maloney, which quite a complicated process, that is, now no one
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expects any... earth-shattering changes, but everyone understands that the situation here is such that it will not allow them to rest, resting from august until the end of october, when the new composition of the european commission will be approved. thank you, thank you, ms. maria, maria golub is an expert on european integration, that is, bilateral relations between ukraine and the european union, we were on the air from brussels, and now from europe to the middle east. aria zayden, israeli political scientist, lieutenant colonel. reserve of the israel defense forces in we will be on the air now, congratulations ms. mr. orie, good afternoon, good evening, so 261 days of war in the middle east, already solid numbers, i would say, and until a few days ago it was believed that such a moment of reconciliation could come, at least cease fire, president biden presented his plans,
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there were... proposals from mediators between israel and hamas, now they are not talking about this so much, but about a possible new war between israel and hezbollah already on the territory of lebanon, what is really happening and what can really become most important in the coming weeks? please, eh, i don't think that eh is the next stage of intelligence on the events of the war with the gsbl, which has been going on for eight years. months can be called a new war, the part wants in the military sense, it is simply a transition from a positional war to a maneuver. it is clear that hizballa does not know how to maneuver, only tsagal knows how to maneuver, they are built in such a way that, ah, stagal makes such deep strikes, as they
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always did at... 20, 30, 40 km, and hizballa at this moment would it's in israeli, as you know, how you know, mostly kezbala is based in the northern part, lebanon, its main units and missile units are located there, ah, well... now the tasks, the main task of the tzagal will be first to maneuver in the southern part, in the northern part all possible air for in order to reduce strikes on israel. this kind of development is not only possible, but logical, this is how we fought in 2008, most likely, ah, yes...
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six months ago, the issue of ground maneuver in lebanon is not a purely military issue, it is more of a political one, and when we speak about the fact that in there are approximately 50,000 in lebanon. civ with canadian citizenship total 150,000 land, citizen club of the united states, when the united states is not very interested in this war developing, and kryzbaula himself is not very interested in it, and israel also, if possible, will want to solve it the question is diplomatic.


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