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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EEST

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after all, yes, maybe this time, if the issue was only a military one, then all this would have been confirmed already about six months ago, the issue of the ground maneuver in lebanon is not a purely military issue, it is more of a political issue, and when we talk about what in... there are approximately 50,000 lebanese with canadian citizenship, a total of 150,000 from the united states, when the united states is not very interested in this war developing, and kizbaula himself is not very interested in it, and neither is israel also if may want to resolve this issue diplomatically. therefore, in my opinion, after all
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, we will end with very serious rhetoric, and somehow we have agreed, we will come to an agreement, in a few, in a few months, after that i will finish completely, the north, after that they will come to the emerging front , after that they are ready to cross the border now and that's when it will be and... it will be like that after it, but tell me, after netanyahu officially renounced the military cabinet, which united representatives of the ruling coalition, opposition forces, how does it generally affect the war and the domestic political situation in israel, it does not affect the military situation in any way, he acts completely independently, and the quality of the decisions he makes. today is the cabinet,
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today is the prime minister, and there is nothing for that cabinet either, ah, one way or another, in the cabinet itself, the decision was made by the prime minister, that is, nothing has changed, absolutely nothing has changed, if maybe even with the existence of the cabinet for netanyahu , not only i, this cabinet, was an opportunity today it's only just, but we continue to live in that... he is waiting for some positive externality , and the south, yes, the destruction of sinvar or some possibility of the return of more hostages, and every time he will use such an externality to tell us, i'm watching everything , that a-ah all those sufferings. that you're still feeling, they
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're worth it so that this time there's some small positive result, and so we 'll go on, rather for everything, ah, you know, the war, no, we, we won't hear the announcement of the end of the war for months , only after, most likely it will end on both fronts together, after it will be. and tell me, these accusations by the prime minister against the united states, the prime minister of israel, that all this is happening because it is not enough that the united states provides weapons to israel, how serious is this from a military point of view, are the american supplies of weapons really israel have, let's say, the same importance as the american supply of weapons to ukraine? they are not as important as the supplies of american weapons to ukraine, because they are not completely. this is not entirely true, that
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completely all the supplies, on the contrary, all the supplies are working, there was a kind of peaceful landing of bombs, which for, more than that, you could see, i think, two weeks, so two more naval ships came, and the marines, in order for them to be large, we did not have them yet. in order to somehow be able to maneuver the marines, probably in lebanon, and possibly in other places, that is, statement by statement, as i said, rhetoric on the one hand, actions on the other, and you and i, i think, we need to look and analyze the actions of both sides, and not listen to their statements. israeli defense minister galaland
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will visit the united states soon, i understand that now washington and jerusalem are taking this visit quite seriously, commenting on what he can provide from a point of view. point of view here is the understanding of the continuation and end of the war? the end of the war, i don't think he will lead to anything, yova mallan is performing the mission of the third mediator this time, between netanyahu, netanyahu and biden, yogala came to washington to say that there is netanyahu and there is a state israel, and i, as her minister of defense, as a constituent. a politician as a representative of the israeli people themselves carry with them such a message that we adhere to, adhere to the convention, we adhere to the understanding of the united states that the war must
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be fought effectively, but still yes, listen and take care of the public population and all . what the americans want to hear, that is the purpose of the minister of defense going, well, it is clear that why from a cynical political point of view, let's look at it, he does not earn electorally, for him it is a source of strength political, one more thing, for that, the galan does not lose at all in that regard, in any case, netanyao knows how to work with such and such politicians, when... here he allegedly occupies one of his positions, he just allegedly does not pay attention and attention to it and thus lets these waves pass and then he continues to act, but
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tell me in principle, if we talk about the situation related to the general views of israeli society on the final, there is a unity of understanding that this ... the war is still long, and it may continue, if not for years months, how much now, after 261 days , we can talk about a common understanding of the security situation, regardless of the fact that israel is not built from parts of society that do not always find understanding with each other , the majority still has... has an understanding and readiness for this, so that in order to continue the struggle, not to continue the war, to continue the struggle, there is a need for the victory to be
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clear, precise, and it was precisely determined, such a picture, such a solution of that victory, there is a desire. society to not to repeat so that it would not be, as they say one more round in our country, so that we finish it, and we had some other ah, another story with well, at least the sector, it is clear that they want this one to become a companion, but everyone understands that at this stage we cannot destroy the list, that is, in the north there is such an alleged dissonance, we want one thing... but we understand that there will be no other, other result, in the south there is hope that, after all, the result of our actions today the presence of a leader will be new, the presence of an american special envoy will be new
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amas hochstein in israel and in lebanon, it helped defuse the situation at least a little, it doesn't look like that, it supposedly gives some hope, but it... dries up so many times that in society and in other circles, if you like , even in the economic and financial sectors, and foreign investors do not see anything in it at the moment, foreign investors do not return, and domestic investors also invest more in... than in the local market, and in that sense yes, the development of events is not very positive overall for the israeli economy. it can be said that after this
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iranian attack the situation in this area has stabilized at least a little and that such actions cannot be expected in the near future, that iran, at least in the form in which it was out of the game, at least from that , what was it, iranians, iranians, persians, they are still people, a... but practically, and they understand that the level of development they have reached, and the level of israeli development is higher than, but - and than they would like, and that's why there is none makes no sense, and i'm definitely convinced that they operate from a tactical point of view, what they do effectively, what they don't do ineffectively, they... tested, realized that a direct attack is not effective, they continue to act through proxies,
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maybe today they will increase these terrorist investments and develop the houthis, or continue to develop the pezvabas or increase the number of rural militias in syria, it works quite well, so they will choose to return. to the way that we were working before the attack. are you not surprised by this information that russia is preparing to accept palestinian refugees on its territory? you know, i understand that this is complete nonsense, and just russian new propaganda, they, they always use every opportunity to destabilize the situation in the middle east at will. well, after israel declared that it supported ukraine, they immediately asked:
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yes, let's return to the issue of that alexandria courtyard, they again began to talk about the fact that they supported ukraine autonomy, and we are the invaders again, give them a little more time and they will return, to talk about the propaganda, they went to talk about the fact that the invading zionist troops are carrying out a punitive raid. on the territory of the gas sector, as it was during, under the soviet, under the soviet, so i don't at all, you know, not even, i don't think that this can be any serious statement, also the same statement, as i don't know, what ukraine started a war in donbas, this nesenitsa and this nesenitsa in support of palesta. that russia absolutely specifically moved to this position
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the absence of any balance between israel and the palestinian authority, and by the way , between israel and hamas, one can say that one cannot even talk about autonomy, they are actually ready to meet with the hamasites, this can be said or is it about such a change, a change of position, i know , i think that they believe return and the whole. you know this for sure, this whole path that russia is taking to return to the soviet ideology, return to the soviet garskist ideology, and in this regard we are returning to what in the 59th year, when the americans support in about the 56th year, when the americans support israel in the soviet crisis, and the soviets, diplomats and troops then support the arabs, today they support now ... terrorist terrorist organizations, and look that they only support terrorist organizations, they support
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iran , they will support, they also support the amassas, maybe we will wait when they start supporting, maybe they have already supported me simply, thank you, thank you ms. aryeh, aryeh zayden, an israeli political scientist, reserve lieutenants of the israel defense forces, was on our air, with we return to europe in the middle east. now in france, maria oleksa, journalist, editor on french television, we are on the air, congratulations, mrs. maria, congratulations, today we received a message that the rating of french president emmanuel macron, after he announced the snap elections to the french national assembly , collapsed sharply, it can be assumed that most people do not understand the logic of the french president’s actions at all, absolutely, for three weeks france has been living in a state of alarming chaos, for the second a week, sorry, ta. eh, this is the shortest election campaign in the history of the fifth republic, all parties took this decision
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of emmanuel macron as a certain shock, surprise, surprise, even the far-right, for whom it is quite profitable, because they counted on the fact that they still have three years to prepare for the elections scheduled for 2027, and in fact they have only three weeks, and although they are in such a position, they are still privileged after the european elections in terms of review. on their ratings, even they find it very difficult to get their team together in a heap in each departments of france, in each of the 577 districts. to present his candidate, the same reaction from the left, from the left side, and the same reaction from macron's own associates, because he did not warn them, this decision was taken at a closed dinner together with macron's advisers, who are not politicians, in fact, this is just an approximation environment, these are people who are engaged in communication,
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political technologies, there were six of them and six months ago, at least such a study was conducted about... in lumond magazine and determined that yes, it happened somewhere six months ago, and macron decided in very any circle, if there is a failure in the european elections, he dissolves the parliament, and if he expected to be de gaulle in 68, when after the may protests, at that time de gaulle managed to mobilize the french around him, then most likely he will become shirak in 1997, when the then president dissolved the national assembly. thinking that he would strengthen his position, as a result he found himself for many years in cohabitation, i.e. living together with the socialists, and macron is actually threatened with the same thing now, precisely with socialists, or with marino leppen's national association? look, the latest, latest opinion polls give 35% to the far-right, i.e. lupin, 28% to the alliance, the alliance of left forces, which
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despite expectations. macron, or rather, how to say, he didn't expect it at all, he wanted them not to unite, but they did unite. all the left forces of france, they are given 28%, and macron's parties are given 22%. that is, the scenario here is either cohabitation with the left, who hate macron, to put it mildly, or cohabitation with the right forces, which ideologically, as it were, should have been incompatible with macron, but possible. it comes to that, and there is already a theory floating around here that this is a crash test for the far-right, that macron wants to let them into power now, so that by 2027 their ratings will be blown, so that they will not be able to cope with their tasks, well, that is this is some kind of game with the fate of the country, in fact, just so that the far-right does not
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come to power in 2027, i will tell you frankly, the left is in that state, at least morally. as they are now, they will not want to rule the country with macron, because the whole campaign and all the previous years the existence of left-wing forces were directed to criticize macron's policies. how they will go to him in the government, well, i do not see it realistically. much more likely, it is cohabitation with the far-right, although the far-right are not very happy either. jordan bardela is potentially the next prime minister, he is the leader of the party, marine le pen is, as it were, the honorary president. but she is not the president of the party, officially, she is already preparing for 2027, and bardela said that if he does not have an absolute majority in the far-right parliaments, he will not go to the position of prime minister, because he also understands that living with macron is a very risky game, and the country can be blocked in decisions, in legislation for months, if not until
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2027, and this is not beneficial for anyone, and least of all, it is beneficial for france. which in fact can get a completely ungovernable national assembly, but on the other hand the left wants to prevent the far right from coming to power, this is their main task, in fact they have united in this popular front under this slogan, and here suddenly they are abandoning the coalition with macron , which may be the only chance to the far-right did not form a government, as you see it, but this, it is absolutely true, it will look very strange on their part, and i think there will be, well, there will be... there will be talks, there will be negotiations, i don't know what concessions to leave macron, so that they agree to be in his government, because macron's policy has shifted so much to the right in recent years, and it is so different from what is offered to the left, that their coexistence is, well, technically impossible, roughly speaking, the left says , the first thing we will do when we come to power is we
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we will cancel the pension reform, macron says only through my dead body, the pension reform is all there for... what i fought for, i spent many years to prepare it, the reform remains, also now there are talks about another reform, which concerns the subsidy , people who are on unemployment benefits, the left is also saying, we are canceling this reform, it is bad, macron is defending it with his back in his mouth, that is, here again is the situation of a completely blocked legislature that cannot agree to anything, either i want to cancel the pension reform, the ultra-rights, by the way, also have a very interesting story, they are for, they are against the pension reform, but they are ready to postpone this decision to the market, well... that is, they also leave themselves such, let's say, room for maneuver on the case of a coalition with macron. the only thing they stated very firmly, but here is macro, for macron this issue
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is perhaps less fundamental, it is the electricity prices, very recently, they took the economy seriously and went through some points that will be difficult to be realistic to implement, but i compared the two programs in this way, and these are exactly the points that are missing from the program. that is , there should not be any very sharp clashes on these issues, here is also a very interesting question, although, for example, on the issue of europe, the far-right is absolutely determined that in the future france should pay much less to the european budget, in general, france should leave a number of agreements, including with electricity, everything related to energy, and here, as if with macron , they actually have a lot of disagreements. that is why i say that none of of scenarios at the moment, given the latest polls, is not optimal for the country to advance in any direction and
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move anywhere. did he really have a chance not to hold these elections? absolutely, no one obliged him to make this decision. european elections are not a reflection of domestic national politics and he had no legal obligation to hold this vote. and the european elections in general are traditionally considered in french society to be somewhat detached from national politics, and precisely therefore, the turnout is very low, somewhere it seems that 51% of the french only went to the european elections , while the turnout for the parliamentary national elections, it is still many times higher, it can reach 70% there, there were even 75 such parliamentary elections, so nevertheless , it is believed that these are two such parallel stories and no one... forced him to do this, which is why this decision surprised everyone so much. on the other hand, everyone understands that macron has nothing to lose. if you wait until 2027, he
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cannot run for office in any case presidential, but if we talk about his party, yes, this is his political legacy. by 2027, there may be nothing left of this party, just as at one time, after hollande's presidency, there was almost nothing left of the socialists, and they covered themselves. they collected there for years, until 2024, when now the socialists led by glucksman at least resemble something, and macron does not want the fate of hollande, he does not want his party to disappear as if it had never existed, as it happened in 2017, with the socialists, by the way, i will remind you, macron himself was a member of the socialist party and was, well , a protégé of hollande, and it was hollande who first brought him to power as a minister. and then supported his political career. thank you, mrs. maria, maria oleksa, journalist, editor at state television in france. thank you
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for being on our broadcast, we will now take a break with the opportunity to take a break for a few minutes, but please stay with us, after this break there will be a dialogue with the writer oksana zabushka, she will be in our studio in just a few minutes. your place awaits you, the light remains on, for dinner - what you like, a warm bed made, there will be walks, swings. and bathing, they are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your
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house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we did not give up, because we knew that you... already somewhere near, half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win, and we will do everything to hug you sooner, so when you are home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we... a nation united around you
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we continue the politclub program on espresso tv channel. vitaly portnikova is a guest with you. oksana zabushka, writer, poet, essayist, teacher and activist, is in the studio. everything, because i will cross it out. after the broadcast, at least. so, thank you, ms. oksano, for coming to this studio. i would like, by the way, to talk about such an urgent trend of the latter. which i honestly did not think to meet so quickly, this is again, i would say, from where again appeared a large number of people, at least in the information space, who started as if this war did not exist big, as if all that we heard from putin, from russian propagandists, journalists, cultural figures who adhere to pro-imperial positions there, again started talking about this image of a second
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ukraine, that is. that it is necessary to understand this ukraine, to respect this, i would say, competition, and here we are again living in this existing world with wait, you are living, because you monitor it specifically, but there are people who see it, read it, get disoriented , obviously behind this is, say, some certain reality, that is, there is some, some part people for whom, let's say, well, let's sum it up like this, i 've said it many times in various interviews, i always say that the russian-speaking ukrainians are the result of a transgenerational trauma, and this transgenerational trauma should be, let's say, not that to respect, but to treat her with the patience and understanding of a psychotherapist, well , at least this is the duty of people who speak publicly, so that's why... so it is
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obvious, so to speak, a certain contingent of those who, well, as if defend the russian , as one's native language, precisely, precisely as a result of this one transgenerational trauma, yes, but what you describe, what i said again, means that it is a matter of returning to this very ideology of the 14th year, to, as it were, the second ukraine and... and so on, that's faster for me a signal that things are very bad in russia at the front, as soon as things are very bad in russia at the front, which is confirmed by putin's visit to north korea and many other news, so i somehow calmed down a few days ago, this news from finland intelligence that 80%
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of the troops. and techniques from russian-finnish the border was taken away and deported to ukraine, which already means that there is a crunch on the bottom, right? well, that is, bad things, it is so clear that bad things, as only bad things, then, accordingly, it begins, blowing smoke, bluffing, that is, it begins where they know how and where they are good, where they have the resources in their hands in order to to work with this, that is... for example, last month i was traveling by train from lutsk to kyiv and for the first time i heard these callers, you know, the technology is still old gebeshna from soviet times, only in soviet times they were talking loudly there in the queues in support of the party and the government, but here
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it was clear that the text of the book was talking about the need for reconciliation, appeasement and handing over, that is, this same donbas and generally handing over everything to them, just so that there would be no war, and stubbornly repeated that this was her personal opinion, well, that is, it was heard that she was chasing the methodical, and well, this is also for me, you know, a symptom, well, yes, the work went in this direction, and these waves are... time and time again, these are the same ones, which means that there are some informational throwaways, these are the ones trends, these are all the scenarios that, in principle, have not changed all these 10 years, and what about 10-20, yes, in fact, by and large, the information war, after 2004, that's how it started to such a full extent.


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