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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EEST

5:30 am
i mean, he's one of the few, that is , in fact, trump, why putin, and you have, i think, the presidents of the united states, yes, yes, i mean for the former president jimmy carter met with, one of the most, so by in fact, well, these are also indicators, well , by the way, it was a huge mistake, it seems to me, that he himself started meeting with this person, who by and large is also the head of the state. it is not, but we have to understand it, it is such a pushilin or a beekeeper, only of the korean variety, because it is not a real state, it is just an entity in the zone soviet occupation, like the german democratic republic, they occupied that part of the territory of korea and proclaimed their own regime on this territory, and by the way, now you understand why they didn't go there, putin... what goes to pushilin or pushilin?
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well, it would be amazing, with a visit. imagine putin paying an official visit to, well, not the ddpr, but the republic of south ossetia. it looks comical, doesn't it? putin is met by skhinvali. well, that's why the soviet leaders never went to kimersene, they didn't consider him a real president. they perfectly understood that the real korean president is in seoul. and it's simple. a puppet who decided he wasn't a puppet, like, well , of course we're uncomfortable, but what to do with him, so i don't know how far before the actual election process they can arrange it, because it's a very risky game, in general it's a risky game, you see, after all, kimchanin has nuclear weapons, and if he starts a war, there's no telling how the united states will act... or they will decide what
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you just need to destroy all this nafig, uh, just to protect yourself from the use of nuclear weapons by north korea, this is such a very, very unpleasant story, well, another unpleasant story for the world is that putin has stopped restraining the kimchan, after all, russia is so or otherwise, before this visit, there was some part of the international community that supported sanctions against the north korean nuclear program, and kept pyinyang from undermining. there won't be any aggressive actions towards the neighbors, russia is by and large the bill gave him carte blanche, and china, what is its role here? we understand that sijin ping has a huge influence on kemchinin, including sijin ping, if sijin ping has a different position, let's say, then it is difficult for me to imagine that kimchinin will go to such a huge escalation, unless tacitly... i agree ,
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you see, it's hard to say, i think xi jinping despises him, well, again, in beijing, the leaders of north korea have always been very cautious, well , kimmersen was a more serious figure for them, because he was a person who came to power at the same time as mao zedong, but you understand, chinese leaders, they are ideological people, well, realistically, well... a party worker, but he is absolutely sure that he has made his own party career, well, he is just well educated, well brought up, as befits a real nomenklaturanist, they generally have this generation of principles there, but they imagine the idea of ​​party rule in china as a family one, that the maudzedong there transfers his power to his son, or dengzuoping, they all have children, and they themselves belong to someone children, well, not like that it happens that they actually created a functioning system. nomenclature traditions, yes, and
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this family regime, it doesn’t look communist to them, well, it’s already, you know, something wrong for them, and of course, this third leader of the regime, even if they even let him have nuclear weapons, he’s just no one compared to xizenping, from xizenping's point of view, xizenping has never been there, he says, incredible dependence on china, and when did chinese leaders ever visit pyongyang? they were very rarely there in general, but these were also such events of events, and now, when the policy of zero tolerance to the coronavirus ended, two years have already passed since sydzenpin went to samarkand, it was 2022, yes, yes, it is already two years, maybe you can see, he went to samarkand, he went to astana, to he went to moscow. ugh, he went to paris,
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he went to san francisco, i think that this is not all that i have listed, i can tell you where the leaders, leaders went during this time. the work of the chinese government for the past two years, the current and the previous one, puhinyan no one went, now the question is, who did chinin go where, to vladivostok, and now he receives putin, who went to beijing, the deputy minister of foreign affairs of the dprk, and the minister went to moscow, that is, it also says a lot, if such a dependence as with such dependence, there may be a lack of contacts at a higher level, huh. or at least at the level of foreign ministers, well, you see, nuwani, he meets with almost all his colleagues, he met with the foreign minister of the taliban government in afghanistan, and with the minister north korea's foreign affairs do not meet, do you think that happens with good relations,
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but the position here is actually strange, we are fine, we understand very well that including china is engaged in direct supply of large. quantity of products, he receives them, you understand, he receives them, but he cannot, but he does not receive them in such a way that it is better for them to be than for them not to be, because if he does not receive them, they will simply disappear, that is, conditional north korea for china, it is somewhere on the same level there, in quotation marks of the dpr, lpr, yes, transnistria, transnistria, uh, well a good example, by the way, of such a recognized transnistria, yes, because he annexed the dpr to russia, it is such, well, i mean to... yes, of course, yes, and that's why they want relations with russia so much in its current state, because it is north korea that legitimizes them, and mr. igor said that he believes that putin agreed with tsitsimpin, i think that he did not agree on anything, neither with korea nor with vietnam, so i
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agree , he could have told him that i was going there, but of course, there are your interests, comrade, well, the head will put the facts before the facts take into account, because we are in a strategic partnership, we are friends and... i will certainly do everything in vietnam to reduce their level of dependence on the americans, because it is not beneficial for both of us, well, look at in vietnam and the united states has 150 billion in over-year trade, vietnam and china have 120 billion, and in vietnam and russia it seems to me four or three, something like that, well, up to 10, i read an analysis somewhere a few days ago, well, that is in general . i.e. came or didn't come, it doesn't matter who, who needs you here, of course, he can supply them with weapons, he can speak nice words to them there, but he is not their partner, and by the way, neither is kimchanino, well, then what is the strategic goal anyway, we have dealt with north korea, there
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are several, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, what is putin's strategic goal in vietnam, he went there for some reason, to play with washington and beijing. so the vietnamese, in the communist party of vietnam, they always had the idea, always, of the so-called bamboo diplomacy, this is flexibility, well, we once had such a bamboo president leonid kuchuma, relations with everyone, yes, multi-vector, yes, even when the albanian labor party led by enver hoxha broke relations with the soviet union, and with the people's republic of china, the only one... where you could see its delegation, i it seems, besides cuba, there was vietnam, they continued with vietnam and vietnam continued with them, and the fact that the soviet union called vietnam revisionists, and the chinese there were apostates, this did not prevent the vietnamese from having connections even at the party level, you see, this is such a tactic,
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so hana needs to show that, putin needs to show that he's a player, because that's all, it's still a concern, look, the americans... sent an assistant secretary of state, the chinese definitely understand that any arms deal etnam do not correspond to their interests, they are constantly trying to stop any agreements between moscow and hanoi on the supply of weapons, so what will they do now? now they will start at the unofficial level, not to call there ambassadors, contact the russian leadership, you don't... listen, show them what you want to sell, well, let's see, we don't mind you trading with them, they are our friends, but we can look at the range, but maybe it will be the other way around, russia wants to buy something in vietnam? i do not think that the vietnamese are ready to sell, we have already talked about these numbers with you, imagine, vietnam has a lot of soviet shells,
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huh, north korea did not dream, you can imagine what kind of army vietnam has, well, of course, that's why i say that putin, of course, had it, it would be like a jackpot, of course. i'm sorry, but you and i will not do this, this, this. the united states, how are they going to supply weapons to russia, i think that they are not going to, they can buy weapons from russia, but not give them, but russia itself needs weapons, well, there is a certain nomenclature that can be sold, , not everything is necessary, there are some technologies that they can sell, but in any case, i think that this is a game on the nerves. and plus a diplomatic response to switzerland, ugh, what we are players here, well, then, listen, and
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imagine that he just went to north korea, he looked completely ridiculous, it is true, such a great statesman of all times and nations, where he is allowed in pyongyang, as sergey lavrov said, we will now to rest in the resorts of north korea, and about, and these even laugh about it, russian comedians on television, they sing songs there, will we... rest in the resorts of north korea, it causes laughter, even on the state tv channels of russia, so if putin wants to look like a statesman, to him it was absolutely necessary to add something to this visit to north korea, and what, where he is waiting, nowhere, well, i'm waiting somewhere, no, well, i'm in this region, where he wants to go, potentially, what other countries. a similar group can receive putin with a visit, or can
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we expect any similar visits to far eastern or middle eastern countries in the near future? well, let's start with what countries can sell him weapons, no weapons, only north korea and iran, all the others, well, some spare parts through third countries, well spare parts - that's right, of course not, but where else can he go? in the asia-pacific region, well, there is nothing in particular, well, what, well, laos is from cambodia, well, it is also very conditional, and what he will do there, so to speak, well, that is, he can there, if he could, he would i would have already gone with vietnam, well somehow they are not very interesting to him and he is not very interested in them, well, all other countries, so he can go to india, hardly . that is, according to the idea, he can make a visit to the site, but it will be a certain tension in the relationship
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between rendnaya moda and biden, rendor has just been invited to a meeting of the group of seven, i don’t know, uh, somehow i’m not sure that they will be waiting for him there, well, there will be a visit to kazakhstan, well kazakhstan, so to speak, this in about two weeks or three. we have already said that there will be a meeting there with erdogan and a whole series of conditionals, this is a trip on the sixth, it will not be possible without him, so to speak, but you saw that the previous meeting on the sixth of the 22nd year was bypassed was scandalous, he was there on the third plan, the main post there was sydzenpin, ugh, what do you think in kazakhstan, who will be the main player at the sco summit, what kind of figure is that? well, probably erdogan, no, xizen ping, he will definitely be xizen pin, then, then yes,
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if, if with him, i just, well, i don't know if he specifically announced his participation, if his representative will be there, but if he is there, then of course it is, because china considers itself the leader, the leader of the shanghai cooperation organization, so he will be there, if putin is there, the whole country cannot but be there and... and of course he will again be the main figure in this story, and putin and all the others, and again, if he also comes there on randramod, then it will be a rivalry summit on vandermod with fidzen pinn, and putin will not be just among other leaders of the former soviet republics, just to the letter p, you understand, just to the letter p, and then, that means, somewhere after zhaparov, but before rakhmon. mitokayev, and, but after mirziyoyev,
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well, he looks like this now, and precisely in this asian, i would say, context, he looks very, very insecure, of course, well listen, well, how can you compare the level of chinese capabilities in central asia with the level of putin's capabilities, well, now that he doesn't even have to keep troops there, it's clear that he needs these countries, even... another topic is nuclear threats again. the same thing happened again from putin, there are talks about some red lines, but he says again that he will not use nuclear weapons first. yes, he says it many times, but at least we see that such, relatively speaking, conversations have started again. and another interesting topic,
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for some reason, the western press started talking again about the possibility of a nuclear ... strike, in particular , there was an emphasis on the west of our country, yes, by the way, the current chairman of the national security and defense council of ukraine spoke about the same possible nuclear strike, about this some experts say, but it is less interesting, why this topic is raised again, why it comes up again in the western press, referring, by the way, allegedly to british intelligence, so it means that... by some fate, at least probability, maybe or it yes, informational regular throws? i think that russia will always blackmail nuclear weapons, convincing that it is better to agree with it in a good way than in a bad way, because from its point of view, and it is with these threats that it can force the west to abandon its support for ukraine, well, that is, if you allow them
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to fire on our territory, if you want to inflict a strategic defeat on us. well, what will you do when we use nuclear weapons on them? well, they capitulate, but what will you do, you will all be sold, you will show that you cannot to protect anyone, you will show that you have no reputation, then maybe we can solve this ukraine the way we like, so that we don't have to solve the way we want, but it doesn't work, it hasn't worked at least all this time, that is we see that no one takes these threats seriously. reacts, or reacts, because now this information has appeared again, well , the information does not mean that the west is changing its position, i understand that the information appears, the west says: well, yes, indeed, we somehow overdid it, ukraine cannot beat on russian territory, no way, because that would lead to a nuclear war, and we don't know how to respond to a nuclear war. by
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and large, it is also clear that putin's use of nuclear weapons in any form can create serious problems. in the relations between russia and the people's republic of china, because we see that all these statements of china, all its visions of how the russian-ukrainian war should end, are always related to nuclear security, and this is one of the main political postulates for china that nuclear weapons cannot be used first, that is, if putin uses nuclear weapons on the territory of ukraine, he will definitely use them first, and the question arises in response to which such a threat, to which such a threat. why does the topic of nuclear weapons in the ukrainian war arise at all, why, if ukraine does not have nuclear weapons, if it does not launch any missile strikes on russian territory at all, and if it can even launch western weapons, then this still cannot be compared to a nuclear strike, why, why do you need to use nuclear weapons, which according to the russian doctrine itself
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is used in cases of existential threat to russian statehood. well, this is also a good question. and is it possible that china, at some stage, well, let's put it this way, if it does not agree, then at least it will give a silent position regarding some, some local use of nuclear weapons, tactical. i think the chinese will always be against it because they will believe that if russia can use nuclear weapons tactically. locally, huh, so why can't the united states do it against, say, the chinese navy in taiwanese protégé? local? locally. if this is how it works, not as a weapon of deterrence, but as a weapon of real functioning. the chinese will never believe that the americans will not be able to do it after the russians. i think this is their main problem. and that is why, by the way, they are building up
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their own nuclear potential. because people always think about the intentions of others as they did in this situation, so the chinese are absolutely sure, that's the crux of the problem, that they can use nuclear weapons, er, in the answer, everyone else has too to do this because if russia uses this weapon first, the chinese may encounter these situations when other countries may also use this weapon first, and by the way, it is not only the united states, i also want to remind you about the competition between china and india, india... is also actually a nuclear power, why is china such a mess, i don't know, well , at least for modern china, china, which does not want a nuclear war. so i don't think china will accept it. another thing is that i don't believe andriy at all that putin and china agree on something like that. i always advise against it
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exaggerate chinese influence over russia, just as i advise against exaggerating chinese influence over north korea. china undoubtedly has serious influence on both russia and north korea, and can influence certain of their decisions, but it cannot dictate them. in authoritarian regimes. ties don't work like that, they work from the point of view of mutual benefit, but there can be completely different interests, and simply in a situation with nuclear weapons, putin can understand that it will have political, economic consequences, and not what china will tell him does not apply, he may be afraid of the consequences, but if we approach the fact that putin has recently, as they say, broken off the chains, we see ... his statements that he would not have made even a year ago, in 2022, even in 2023, we we can see
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how much putin is even ready to lower himself to the level of kimchynin, and in fact vabank is going, understanding that the western civilized world, the western conditional, conditional civilized part. of our world is already choosing for itself the full support of ukraine, and not as it was there in 2022 or 2023, after all, if taking into account the fact that putin is breaking away from these chains and devabanks, nuclear weapons can be used locally, as we say in ukraine, well, i will say it again, i do not yet see that putin is breaking away from some chains, putin in any case always... considers the consequences of his own, and if he knows that i, that the use of nuclear weapons creates a situation of strategic uncertainty both in relations with the united states and in
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relations with china, then this is a risky step , besides, no one can say why putin to use nuclear weapons, no matter what, putin has lost so much now compared to last year's position that he used nuclear weapons, no, in fact, now he has acquired the last ones there, well, the minimum. a war of attrition, then nuclear weapons do not contribute to this multi-year war, they somehow create a completely new level of global escalation with an unpredictable result, you can say that putin is tired of waiting there, but i do not see such great fatigue, on the contrary, he is taking managerial steps there, he appoints an economist as the minister of defense, he goes to pyongyang to negotiate new volumes of weapons, about the new situation on the korean peninsula, he just works. over what he thinks should be his success and nuclear weapons are more of a display of lack of belief in success, i imagine he's just tired of
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waiting so long it's true because he hardly thought it would take this long term, but the way out of this situation can be not only the use of nuclear weapons, but also an attempt to stop the war, this is a less risky option, and by the way, that is why he puts forth all these schizophrenic conditions of his. by the way, the white house once again says that the usa is not conducting any secret negotiations between them and the russian federation, right? such statements are made because certain politicians and certain mass media are beginning to say that, well, listen, some negotiations are possible and are being conducted, the white house is actually justified in this way, can such negotiations be conducted? behind-the-scenes negotiations, at least in order to either freeze the war in ukraine or somehow keep it within the framework until the date
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presidential elections in the usa, is it still just talk, and no one is conducting any negotiations and is not going to conduct them yet, i can answer very simply, there are no consultations at the level of the administration of the president of the united states, the administration of the president of russia, at the level of... special services consultations are absolutely sure of this, i can say that i know about some consultations, but that would be a strange statement, right? i'm just telling you that from the point of view of the mathematics of the political process itself, there cannot be contacts between the special services of the nuclear states, and what these contacts are about, as a rule, about anything, is the very situation with the war and the threats that are mediated in connection with this war and the views of the parties. on these threats, they may be opposite, but it is important to express them, it is a terrorist danger, the united states and russia still have
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a lot of them there. some areas where they act together, there is some islamic state, and if you cannot maintain interstate contacts, but recognize that all these things threaten both of your states, which are in a state of struggle, so why can't you talk to them, the united states behind iran is talking, we know about it, they are holding closed consultations, how much worse is russia than iran, it's the same thing, but it's not intergovernmental contacts, you know , this is not the one... when there is even a secret meeting between some sullivan and some, i don’t know, ushakov, no, it can be some person at the level of, say, the former head of the russian special service, maybe the current one, not the fsb, which foreign intelligence service or some non-first person into the game, and she meets either with the former
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head of the american... special services, or an active one, but not at the highest level, that is, if there is a dialogue at the level of benz naryshkin , it is reported, but there may be dialogues not with a person who is a member of the council of the security of the russian federation, but which has access to putin's body and is an influential figure in the russian nomenclature, this can be, moreover, it cannot be that it was otherwise, the united states and russia cannot be without contact at all, but this... not completely negotiable, i say once again, the participants are such meetings, they do not mean that they will agree on anything, they exchange positions, and when such an exchange of positions takes place, the parties may simply eventually reach a point where it becomes clear to them that there can be negotiations or consultations, shall we say , this is such
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a closed mechanism for... then, if suddenly something coincides, a consultation mechanism takes place at the level of benz naryshkin, if there is some progress at the level of benz naryshkin, then a meeting is possible at the level of salivanushakov, if at the level of sali vanushakov there is some exchange of more or less realistic positions, then a more serious negotiation begins. process, but in order for this more serious negotiation process to begin, it is necessary that all these three stages be passed, as if by stairs, and if this is not all there in the month of june, then i do not understand where the mechanism is for it to happen by november , this means that russia is not interested in such a process until november, and that it will continue until november, keep the process at the first steps, by the way, about november and about one of...
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candidates for the post of president of the united states of america, trump has recently again said various things behind the scenes and in public, in particular, he said that if biden had directly stated that ukraine would not join nato, or there was some similar form, then in in such a case, the war did not start, that is, again, as they say, money for fish again . theses themselves, also, last week there was a certain backstage conversation of trump with representatives of the republican party, where he also made certain ambiguous statements about the fact that it is not clear to him where the money goes, why such a large amount of funds should be allocated to ukraine, and that zelensky, every time he comes to the usa, goes, as they say, with these suitcases. 60 billion dollars, well, that’s
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right, but these statements of trump are just another one, although he allegedly corrected his position recently, allegedly he already said that ukraine should be supported anyway, allegedly his man, mr. johnson, the speaker of the house of representatives, is already speaking directly that it is necessary to overcome putin there, to overcome russia, the victory of ukraine is necessary and... and so on and so on therefore, it seems that trump jumps back and forth from one position to another, what kind of statements are these, and whether these statements are really threatening to ukraine in the context of if he becomes the president of the united states of america. listen, donald trump is a chaotic man, well here…


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