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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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details on the official pages of the sbu. greetings espresso viewers, i'm anna yavomelnyk and this is news. four people died, another 34 were injured as a result of the strike. pokrovsk in donetsk region. among the injured are two children. they are in a serious condition - informed the head of the region vadym filashkin. the russians hit the city with two iskander m. missiles . 17 residential buildings were damaged. the occupiers also dropped an aerial bomb on kurakhove and shelled druzhkivka. one person died, two others were injured. damaged infrastructure object. the white angels were evacuated a wounded couple from krasnohorivka in donetsk region. in the regional police, as a result
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of russian shelling, a 65-year-old woman lost her fingers and received numerous shrapnel injuries, her husband was also injured. the couple could not leave on their own, the rescuers provided the victims with first aid and brought them to the hospital. and the russians shelled the village of havrylivka in the kherson region, according to the head of the region oleksandr prokudin, a 71-year-old woman died in her own home. three people were injured as a result of an enemy attack on nikopol, a 62-year-old man received shrapnel wounds, he was hospitalized, two women will be treated on an outpatient basis, serhii lysak, the head of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, informed. the russians also damaged residential buildings. the number of injured as a result of the enemy attack on odesa has increased to four. a 48-year-old man turned to medics, he received an injury to his hand, the head of the region informed.
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oleg kiper of the military administration. according to him , emergency workers have already extinguished the fire in the warehouse. the fire engulfed the square in 300 m2. this morning, the russians fired two iskander k cruise missiles over odesa . one of them was shot down by our air defense, the other hit the civilian infrastructure of the city. power outages will be longer, from the 13th to the 23rd . restrictions have been increased in kyiv and 11 oblasts, and emergency blackouts have been introduced in the dnipropetrovsk oblast due to a difficult situation in the power system, ukrenergo reported. electricity imports from romania, slovakia, poland, hungary and moldova are planned, but the volumes to cover consumption are not enough. due to weather conditions, 97 remains without power settlements in lviv, poltava and sumy regions. tv channel. espresso
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calls to join the project from zero to life, which is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they choose victory every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so for evacuation , atvs are indispensable helpers, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible off-road, which helps efficient work. your support is significant increases sy of the people of holodoyariv not only successfully perform combat tasks, but also return from them alive. so join the gathering. our goal is uah 4 million. the war fundamentally changed the labor market in ukraine. today , there is an acute shortage of personnel in our country. the mobilization, under which mostly men fall, has led to the fact that women are employed in positions traditionally considered male. will tell more. tatyana
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golunova. instead of a skirt and high heels, gloves and a wrench. typists, truckers, drivers and locksmiths. ukrainian women gradually began to master the so-called male professions. the acute shortage of personnel on the labor market was provoked by russia's full-scale war against our state. nowadays , women are increasingly being hired for the positions of electricians, tractor drivers, and machinists. yes, for the first time in the history of kyiv. a woman masters the subway profession of an electric train driver. currently , training for electric train drivers is coming to an end and one woman is graduating for the first time in the history of the kyiv metro, let's hope that she will successfully pass exams and after completing all formal procedures will be able to start performing his duties. the situation with a lack of specialists in the capital metro, as well as in other enterprises, is also connected with forced migration. and mobilization work.
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today, the company has more than 15% of vacant positions, including locksmiths, turners, electricians and subway drivers. the situation is not very good. optimistically, we have a large shortage of workers, this applies to almost every division of our company, it is a complex, let's say, issue, it connected with completely different factors, among the main ones we can highlight population migration, martial law and, accordingly , the mobilization work that is being carried out in our country, as well as general trends in the labor market, today in the technical school of the kyiv underground the profession of a machinist. .. are mastered by 12 people, among them a 19-year-old girl. a machinist with extensive experience, yuriy skorobogaty, helps the group master the basics of the profession. he joined the metro back in 1981, worked as a driver since 1985, and started teaching students in 2017. from that
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time to date, the man has released 10 groups of electric train drivers. here it depends on the person if people want to teach something. it's nice for me, they come, i tell them, even there after work i can tell something there, well, it depends on the person, maybe a woman and a man, because there is no difference between us, the requirements are the same for women, as for men, well at first she seemed to not understand a little there, but then she pulled herself together, now she went to train practice, this year the technical school of the capital metro recruited two groups of 30 people, a new one opens in the fall recruiting for machinist courses. electric train in fact, they study here for seven months. first, they study theory, then they drive in the cab for a week, look at the work, then they pass exams on rolling stock equipment: electricity, mechanics, rs pneumatics, there is labor protection, then
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theory again, then they go for a week of locksmith practice, they look for repairs and then leave for a month for train practice, then return here in the technical department. old wagons, you see, there is already a driver's screen here, this series of wagons will already work it's easier, because here we have the driver's screen on... you can see all malfunctions, you don't have to leave the cab and you can decide what to do, you can enter any car here, so you can see whether the car is the main car or an intermediate car and to see what is here, the doors are closed, the brakes are released, whether there is, whether
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there is light, whether there is no light, mastering men's professions not only in the capital, for example, more and more women are joining the team of the eristiv mining and processing plant in... poltava region , now they confidently drive huge dump trucks, which were previously managed only by men. previously, career management, let's say on a shift, it was purely male, women, it was very rare, women worked on heavy-duty dump trucks, and then we continued with the war, it became even more relevant, and we will continue to attract women for everyone, let's say so, called in... men's professions. due to the lack of applications from men , companies increasingly invite women to the positions of security guards, drivers, and porters. and if the migration crisis, which the ministry of economics calls the biggest since the second world war, can only be overcome by facilitating the return
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of ukrainians to their homes, employers are already trying to fight the impact of mobilization. tetyana golonova, yulia belska, andriy verstyuk, tv channel. espresso. negotiations regarding ukraine's accession to the european union will begin tomorrow, june 25, said minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba. on his page on the ex network, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs also emphasized the importance of the 14th package of eu sanctions. in his opinion, such restrictions will allow to suppress the military economy of the russian dictator putin. several explosions rang out in rostov region of russia. their anti-aircraft defense allegedly shot down a missile in taganrog, local telegram channels reported. information about victims and damage is being clarified. that's how things are for the moment, i'll see you at 4 p.m.
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read more about important things on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks, support our youtube channel. before meeting. well, thanks to annieva melnyk for brilliantly informing our tv viewers, and now we are. let's get to the analytics, but let's repeat an extremely important message from detek and ukrenergo, so today in kyiv and 11 other regions of ukraine, the volume of power outages has increased, in dnipropetrovsk oblast, emergency shutdowns have been applied, so this will apply to populated areas and regions in kyiv, kyiv, sumy, poltava , kharkiv, donetsk, zhytomyr, cherkasy, chernihiv, kirovohrad, zaporizhzhya. oblasts from 1:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. an increased volume of restrictions was implemented,
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emergency shutdowns were applied from 1:00 p.m. in the dnipropetrovsk region. well, we are sometimes we will find out the situation in odesa, today there were explosions due to the launch of iskanders. and unfortunately, there are certain consequences. serhiy brachuk, spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south. he should be in touch with us, so that we can actually find out about... about what is happening now in odessa, whether the rescue operation is ongoing, mr. serhiy, congratulations, today is not a good day, because there is serious destruction in odessa, two iskander missiles were previously launched by the enemy, one was shot down, the second failed, unfortunately, we would like to know from you what is happening now is happening in odesa, what are the consequences of this morning attack, a word to the armed forces about ukraine, i congratulate my colleagues, indeed one iskander missile out of two, it hit... they hit in the middle of odesa, it damaged a large warehouse of a trading network, accordingly
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, the most important thing the bottom line is that we have no casualties, currently there are four injured, two of them refused to be hospitalized, one is a 19-year-old boy, he is now in the hospital, the injuries are all of medium severity, and just some time ago, one more person the fourth man also turned to the medical staff, he has injuries and medical assistance was provided accordingly, the area of ​​damage is really large, 500 km, the fire raged on an area of ​​3000 m2, and more than 90 rescuers, more than 20 units of special equipment were involved it was also necessary to use a fire engine in the work, which helped in extinguishing this fire, for now this fire is localized, it is quite significant. i want to immediately explain why there is such a smoke, because in addition to food products, there were also goods in this warehouse
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of a different nomenclature, i.e., respectively , there are various household goods there, i.e., i say this again, a large trade network, and of course there is no bc warehouse there, as russian propagandists were quick to talk about, as always, because we understand very well that if we do not give god, it would be a warehouse, well, first of all, in the middle of the city of odessa, and secondly, where... detonation , respectively, then there would be much more damage, respectively, and detonation and so on and so on, but the enemy tried, as always, use this information for yourself benefit, we actually understand that he needs to report in this way after the shameful work of their air defense analogues, in particular on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, they need to somehow compensate informationally for what is happening and happened in them on... the day before in dagestan, then we understand very well that all the information was aimed at this: the warehouse of the zbk, weapons and so on,
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so on, 70 apartments were previously damaged in several houses that are nearby at this location, as far as i know, now the operational headquarters, which it was deployed immediately, it is still working now, residents of 59 apartments have been evacuated, perhaps while we are talking to you, there are more of them who are receiving appropriate consultations, appropriate applications for halls and appropriate assistance will be provided, because we understand that during this war these aid algorithms have already been worked out, actually this is the current security situation here, we understand very well that the enemy has resumed such a tactic of point strikes with rockets in odesa, in principle, the whole week has passed with us, and this one you see started with the fact that the enemy is trying to use missiles, before that he used calibers, mr. sergey. they started using a caliber that hasn't been used in a long time, what do you think is the reason? yes, the preliminary information, i
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voiced it myself, the preliminary information was from our military that the enemy used calibers, it is clear that these calibers could have been used from the sea of ​​azov, but over time the air force is again allegedly talking about , that cruise missiles of the iskander k type were still used as for calibers, this is indeed a topic, it is relevant, i would like to remind you that from the sea of ​​azov , the enemy attacked with calibers for the first time last year, it was in august of the 23rd year from... accordingly, and now it has renewed this practice, because the missile carriers are surface-water he has them right now in the sea of ​​azov, which he considers safe, as safe as possible today for the russian surface fleet, in particular for a missile carrier, because the sea is closed, they believe there is adequate protection there, and our naval drones cannot do anything about it will be able to, but let's say that there are different types
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of fire damage, so i'm in the place of the russians, it's good that i'm in the place. russians, i would not relax and take such a safe approach to my life, in fact, at the moment we have such a security situation, very hostile tactical aviation is actively operating during the day, and today it was, accordingly, and yesterday, the day before yesterday, air alarm signals are often sounded, well, actually ballistics, ballistics from the temporarily occupied crimea, this is what today, unfortunately, cannot be intercepted yet, well, actually, mr. serhiy, we would like to ask you... about the temporarily occupied crimea and the outbreaks that occurred there during the last evening, and this night, that is, sevastopol, which flew there, saki, yevpatoria, and vitino, that is, a number of russian military objects suffered point damage, but we would ask you to
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weave together, you know, fragmentary moments into some coherent picture, so what was happening in crimea now. and how painful is it for the enemy? any strikes that take place in crimea, and they take place practically every day, no all such cases are reported, for clear reasons, so that the audience understands this, because this is a war, there is a corresponding, including the so-called fog of war, there are corresponding actions that are not faked in the public space, but the fact that the defense forces are extremely powerful and are working effectively in the crimea, even these data that we... will receive from the public plane already testify, what is actually happening is what happened yesterday and the day before yesterday, first of all , the enemy's air defense systems are being carried out, radio engineering units are being carried out in front of the feet, that is, this is rep, this is rls, including the ears, eyes of the russian occupiers, who can and do not only monitor
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the airspace on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, not only monitor the black sea, but can... or rather could in many ways to look, as they say, beyond the horizon, that is, to monitor what is happening on the territory of ukraine, in our various regions, not only in the south of our country, in order to strike accordingly , including strikes, the actual enemy is now left without such eyes, without such angles, we can talk about the fact that we are waiting for verified information about the defeat of the corresponding station of the military space forces of the russian federation. which are located, this part is located in a village, a settlement, i already see, i want them in their own way, they are writing about the village of vitino, there were a lot of ambulances there yesterday, that is where this station is located, well, first of all, we can talk, i hope , that the personnel were affected , and the officers and servicemen
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of the air defense forces, they are, well, let's say this, after all, such an artificial production, it is enough to prepare them it's still difficult and... they train even longer than the specialists of the landing forces there or , accordingly, of the enemy's picots, well, we are talking about the equipment that is appropriate there, well, it is a space communication center as well, and that says a lot , the possible means of communication is through a satellite and so on and the like, that is, it will be a serious loss for the enemy if we receive the relevant data, in any case, i say again. this work is systematic, and it continues today, and look at the locations, it is also reflected in the north of crimea, and the west, and the west of our temporarily occupied peninsula, this includes the south of crimea, and of course the east, that is, all these locations where various enemy launchers, air defense systems, and radars are located, as i have already said, and
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this work will continue every day, in fact we can confirm it. mr. sergey, look here for confirmation. that this attack was really painful for the enemy is shown by the fact that they even summoned the ambassador of the united states to the russian foreign ministry, and actually i want to quote what happened there: the russian foreign ministry said that during the conversation on june 24, i.e. today, the us ambassador, lin tracy, heard a warning from them, made a demarche and informed that such actions will not go unpunished, and retaliatory measures will be necessary under... the russian ministry did not specify what these measures would be, russia said , that the united states is responsible for the missile strike on the russian-occupied crimean peninsula and... this was stated by pisku, claiming that the states are helping the ukrainian military to carry out strikes using american equipment, we understand that this has greatly angered
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the russian foreign ministry and the russian military-terrorist leadership, and do you think these statements are threatening, it's just a muscle game, can they really be preparing their next terrorist attack and what should we be ready for, well, the basic thing is that war is not over, we understand that, by the way, the enemy... does not give any, i apologize, otvetochek, after yesterday, what he did today in odesa, because the trajectory that these missiles had, it was programmed in advance, and prepare in a few hours the police missiles, thus it is simply technically impossible, that is, the enemy has always prepared and continues to prepare for the next terrorist attacks, they could potentially be, as we talked with you, from missile carriers of the black sea fleet from the sea of ​​azov, it could be ballistics from crimea. it may be tactical aviation, but returning to ballistics, does ukraine have the right to strike military facilities in crimea? yes of course. why? because, above all, our
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ukrainian illegally occupied crimea is today a war zone. and actually yesterday at the beginning, the enemy was very worried and boasted that the forces of the republic of the russian federation managed to divert one missile from a military object, and it flew to one of the... said: "we will shoot over our beach, which they consider our beach." that's exactly what they did. therefore , the very first press release showed that russian terrorists actually took responsibility for the fact that they killed people yesterday, six civilian occupiers on the beaches near sevastopol. and then that press release, it was changed, this appeal will lead. were changed, but the screens, as they say, do not burn, that is why everything was preserved, then they themselves confirmed that the ukrainian missile, with the help of our allies, because this weapon is from them, and it should
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have been the day before yesterday, flew precisely to the military object . i emphasize once again what i said, crimea is a war zone, crimea is undergoing demilitarization, and the citizens of crimea, or rather the russian federation, who are illegally living in the territory of the ukrainian crimea, it is necessary for now... there is a bridge to go to the urals, for those who will stay, look for ukrainian passports and do not be near russian military facilities, especially do not enter them, it is very dangerous for life, and thank the ukrainian authorities and to our army, for the fact that in crimea, ukraine constantly announces an air alert signal, there is an analogue of the air defense network of the russian federation working there, working in its own way. look, mr. serhiy, i would like to clarify right away, regarding the systems against... defense, which the enemy is charging somewhere from eastern siberia and not only, that is, according to my information, they transported additional air defense forces, actually to
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crimea, which is temporarily occupied, as vulnerable as they are now, so we understand that when we talk about the destruction of radar stations, this is a story not only about crimea. when we talk about the destroyed space communication consoles, this story is not only about crimea, but also yes, about the south, but we also underestimate the enemy, we cannot afford to simply underestimate it, and we understand that he is transferring additional things that are in their warehouses, or are simply being removed from specific military districts, like some yakut, ussuri or some other, well, of course, that's how it is, they are really throwing everything they have from the depths of the territory of the russian federation, they want to saturate crimea again with these air defense systems, because they understand perfectly. if, geographically, crimea turns into an island separated from the russian federation, and it should be, i mean logistically, first of all, then of course
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the process of deoccupation of crimea will be accelerated, i fully appreciate the realities, it is not about the victory that will be tomorrow, there is still an enormous amount of work, and this does not mean that our infantry will storm the trench tomorrow, not at all, you see, a completely different stage is taking place now, so we are talking about the fact that today on... for example, the same chinese, of course, they rub their hands at the fact that the far east of russia remains without anti-aircraft defense, but the chinese can already safely enter there on foot, fly in planes, as for us, of course the enemy is trying to renew this battle formation, you see, he even announces what is pulling him there or already attracted prometheus, complex c500, which on armed since the 21st year, but in three years this complex has never been used. and not just used, but also researched according to the declared tactical and technical characteristics that it has, they promise the russians that they will test it in
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ukraine, well then from... we can say that i really hope that the first prometheus will be destroyed precisely on the territory of illegally occupied crimea. thank you, mr. serhiy, for enabling. serhii brochuk worked in the live broadcast of the tv channel as the spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south. we will go now for a short break, but before that i want to remind you that you can now see a qr code in the lower right corner, which you can follow to join our collection, which we are holding together with the charity fund of our colleague iryna kuval. and we are collecting 2.5 million to raise funds for the purchase of mawi sticks for the hundredth brigade, which is currently fighting in the infernal eastern direction, so we ask you to join and remember that there are no small donations and every hryvnia of yours counts. now we have a short break, after it we we will continue the espresso information day, so stay tuned. attention, a profitable offer.
3:27 pm
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