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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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has never given 226 votes for any bill or resolution that was voted on in the verkhovna rada, eh, someone expects that it will be possible to do it only with a monomajority, or because of some pressure on other factions, then eh, well, in this way, we effectively and quickly we will not reach our goal, we will reach our goal, thank you, thank you, mrs. ivano, ivanna klympushtintsadze, people's deputy of ukraine, was on espresso, we are already moving on and now there will be news on the espresso tv channel, so we pass the word. to our colleague anya eva melnyk, who is ready to share with us the most important situation at the moment. we give the floor to you, colleague, and ask you to share what you managed to find out. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work. next, the news team works on the main story, let's start with the details of another crime by the russians. muscovites shot a drone straight into a residential building. more details, stay with us.
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the drone was aimed at a residential building. the russians attacked a military base in the kherson region. a 52-year-old man was injured. he is in the hospital according to the information of the regional military administration. doctors assess his condition as average. and the number of injured as a result of the enemy attack on odesa increased to four. a 48-year-old man turned to doctors. he was wounded in the hand, oleg kiper, the head of the regional military administration, announced. according to him , emergency workers have already extinguished the fire at the warehouse. the fire covered an area of ​​3000 m2. this morning, the russians fired two iskander-k cruise missiles over odesa. one of them was shot down by our air defense system, the other hit a civilian
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city ​​infrastructure. three people were injured as a result of an enemy attack on nikopol. a 62-year-old man received shrapnel wounds and was hospitalized. two women will be treated on an outpatient basis, informed the head of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, serhiy lysak. the russians also damaged residential buildings. four people died, another 34 were injured as a result of an attack on... pokrovsk in donetsk region, among the injured are two children, they are in a serious condition, the head of the region vadym filashkin informed. the russians hit the city twice rockets by iskander m. 17 residential buildings were damaged. the occupiers also dropped an aerial bomb on kurakhove and shelled druzhkivka. one person died, two others were injured. damaged infrastructure object. the white angels evacuated the injured couple from...
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snohorivka in donetsk region, the police of the region inform. as a result of russian shelling , a 65-year-old woman lost her fingers and received numerous shrapnel wounds. her husband was also injured. the couple could not leave on their own. rescuers provided the victims with first aid and brought to the hospital. espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for rapid evacuation. the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they will choose victory every day, they will not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so, atvs are indispensable helpers for evacuation. also , they allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of holodoyariv students not only being successful to perform combat tasks, and to return from them alive. join the collection, our goal is
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uah 4 million. maidan cases: brovary city district court postponed the preliminary hearing in the case against ex-president yanukovych and his associates to august 7. they are accused of organizing the dispersal and shooting of protesters during the revolution of dignity in february 2014. among them were petro fetchuk and serhiy kusyuk, yanukovych's subordinates at the time. ex-minister of internal affairs vitaly zakharchenko, ex-head of the sbu, oleksandr yakymenko and other traitors of ukraine. in general, in in the case of 10 accused and 955 victims , the session was postponed due to the non-appearance of some lawyers. you understand, 10 accused, nine defenders and more than 1,500 materials of criminal proceedings. the date was set in advance, so such ...
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actions, in my opinion, at the very least, require additional scrutiny as to the reasons for the validity of the no-show. the other defenders did not report why they did not appear at all. this is the position. lawyers to delay, they definitely use procedural opportunities and so on, because they don't interested in publicity, they insisted that there should be no internet broadcast, that it should not be educated or covered at all. they threatened and demanded money from the family of the deceased serviceman. in cherkasy region, the security service of ukraine detained rocket launchers. the perpetrators pursued a 20-year-old young man. who received financial assistance from the state after the death of his father, they demanded 5 million hryvnias from him, as well as recognition of one of the criminals as the illegitimate son of a fallen soldier. the extras wanted to avoid mobilization and leave with this money
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border. all were detained, the extortionists face up to 12 years in prison. used drugs in the penitentiary. the state bureau of investigation exposed a criminal group in the rivne region. the scheme was organized by two prisoners and an inspector of the institution's security department. one of the suspects received narcotic substances through his own connections, and a prison employee brought the goods to the territory. later, everything was sold to cellmates. the extras face up to 12 years in prison. they supported russia and justified armed aggression against of ukraine. an official of the migration service was kidnapped in odesa, the state bureau of investigation reports. the traitors actively promoted russian narratives in conversations with their colleagues and accused the ukrainian authorities of the war.
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during the searches, st. george's ribbons and pro-russian paraphernalia were found on the women involved. burning in russia. platan scientific institute is on fire, local media report that the enterprise specializes in the defense industry, electronic parts and radio components are manufactured there, the fire has already covered the entire the fifth floor of the building, nine people are trapped on the eighth floor, according to preliminary data, russian rescuers have saved one person, people are breaking out the tongs so as not to suffocate. several explosions about... in the rostov region of russia, their anti-aircraft defense allegedly shot down a missile in taganrog, local telegram channels reported, information about victims and damage is being clarified. at least 800
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domestic animals ended up on the street, and this is only in the kyiv region, in order to find a family for four-legged friends in the capital, the largest animal adoption event in ukraine was organized on... she takes a kitten from the shelter, which she named airi. the girl admits that she has been looking after her tail for a long time, and learned about the animal adoption days at the international exhibition center. somehow there was a conversation about this, and i was offered something like, maybe you can take it, i'm like that, well, we have to look for it. i searched, found, i found her on instagram and... i got in touch with the person there from katya, and she told us that it was possible, well, she will be brought from the region to kyiv here today, and that's why we came here to pick her up, because - no one else. such a big event in is taking place in the capital for the first time, it was organized by the municipal enterprise kyiv
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city hospital of veterinary medicine, together with local shelters for animals. as we learned, more than half a thousand families are looking for four-legged animals here, according to the organizers, during the full-scale invasion , the problem of homeless animals became especially urgent, because the shelters are full. we invited the most shelters of kyiv and the kyiv region, so that they could unload and rearrange the animals. this event is very important because in shelters to date, there are only about 800 animals in kyiv and the region, these are the ones that have been counted, so i believe that animals should live in families, and not in shelters. a volunteer who, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, took abandoned pets from the temporarily occupied territories of kyiv region and placed them with families. admittedly, at the beginning of the great war, people were more active in picking tails. when it started,
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a large-scale invasion began, we took out 15-20 animals every day. 15-20 animals per day found families at that time, at that time, now animals are found. routines are about 15 per month, and this is still a cool indicator. the organizers hope that such an event will help to attract the attention of kyiv residents, not to buy stuffed animals, but to kill them. they are in shelters, so if you don't have a little companion, hurry to get him into your good hands. yulia zubchenko, andriy verstyuk, espresso tv channel. the next news release will be at 5 p.m., see you soon, my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskii will be working on the air. the information day of the tv channel continues, well, there are many events,
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there are extremely many events related to the war, not only the war, but let's talk now about matters related to our defense and the work of our missile and air defense systems, so it is an important message, the defense forces of ukraine attacked the kursk region for the first time with the hai anti-aircraft missile system mars, this is reported by astra. on june 22 , our fighters fired two rockets, yes, and extinguished the military objects there, both rockets were shot down, but the building of the border management of the fsb was partially destroyed by debris. this is the story, and very active our fighters worked in the temporarily occupied crimea. about this and other things, valery ryabikh, military expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense express. and now we have it. our colleague dmytro didora should also be in touch, who
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should join us from the international forum of the expert network of the international crimean platform, dmytro, congratulations and please tell us what is currently being discussed at this forum, what important theses were heard there? i congratulate my colleagues, i congratulate our viewers. the second panel has already started, they will be here to discuss what other sanctions pressure can be applied to the russian federation, taking into account both the positive and negative experience of the two years of the great war, the third, this is already the third international forum of the expert network of the crimean platform with the speech of the permanent representative of the president in the autonomous region, began. she noted that
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two summits of the crimean platform are currently being prepared, a governmental one and a parliamentary one, and it is here that the experts who are present today, both crimean tatars and international experts, will help to develop and create an agenda summits, governmental and parliamentary for the crimean platform. the prosecutor of the autonomous republic of crimea and the city of sevastopol, ihoroch ponochovnyi, was present at the conversation . cases, they are related both to collaborationism and to war crimes
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committed by the russian federation on the temporarily occupied peninsula. he noted that they are preparing and are already, perhaps, even ready to work on the de-occupied peninsula, first of all he noted that it is necessary will form a team of lawyers, a team of law enforcement officers, a judicial team, in order to form it after the deoccupation... and work on the deoccupied peninsula when our armed forces do it. and also today we will still hear about the economy and war, how to support it in crimea and talk about it after the deoccupation, this is the first day, the second day will also take place, there are also a lot of interesting topics, i will talk about them tomorrow. thank you dmytro didora, correspondent of spresso from kyiv from the international expert network forum of the international crimean platform was in... my ether espresso, we will move on, but before joining our next guest, i want to remind you that we will have
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a short break, but before that i will once again remind you about our youtube -channel, it is important for us to develop our youtube channel and we are happy to watch how our audience on youtube is growing, so we ask you to be active and join our youtube community, now there are more than 2 million of us and we hope that this number will be only grow so please join in and remember that live broadcasts on the espresso tv channel are like on tv, which you can actually watch right now, or you can also watch live in the section. live broadcast, there is even an opportunity to rewind if you need to re-listen at some point, or if you want to hear and see important theses that were heard during our broadcast, then go to the video section, there is all this useful information for you, well and don't forget that there are special projects and exclusive programs that we are preparing specially for our young audience, so please subscribe and share the content
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you like, now we have a short break, after it valery ryabikh, a military expert, we will talk about important events that are happening on the territory of the enemy and on the temporarily occupied peninsula crimea. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only 149 uah. in stores, ordinary light bulbs are expensive more than uah 250 and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is the built-in city battery, it's so convenient, especially now. and the smart light bulb is not afraid of voltage drops and will not break when
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collaborators with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, on the air politclub on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that
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resonate in our society. drone attack. on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and us. politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. well, we are returning to our live broadcasting. valery rybyk is in touch with us, as we promised the army. expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense express. glory to ukraine, mr. valery. glory to heroes. well, our fighters used
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hymars. yes, the information has not yet been fully verified, but there are already such reports, and they neutralized one hai mars during training at the fsb facility on the territory of the russian federation, well, accordingly, they wanted to question you right away, after that... of course, we will move on to the temporarily occupied crimea, it was extremely hot at the military facilities there. yes, well, the use of haimarts is, let's say, something that allows us to change the situation, and in particular, as they are already writing about it, and they say not only in ukraine, but the foreign press also writes that... the lifting of restrictions of our partners on the use of means on the territory of the russian federation, precisely those means that are supplied by our partners, made it possible to change
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the plans that the russian occupiers had set for themselves, and the situation changed radically in the kharkiv direction due to the fact that this weapon was used and... it should be noted that currently it is the most long-range weapon that allows you to fire at a distance of up to 80 km, in reality it can be up to 60 km deep into the territory of the russian federation, where there are no safe places for the enemy to place their military concentration areas, control points, warehouses, and other the network for logistics providing for their troops operating on the territory of ukraine with their shameful mission to terrorize and kill ukrainians. mr.
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valery, look, we were also very pleased with the situation in crimea, this weekend it was very hot and humid there, the russians shot down missiles with attacks, as certain military circles, well, understand. that our armed forces are doing everything in order to demilitarize our occupied peninsula, but the russian air defense does not spare anything, and accordingly we have what we have, it was dangerous yesterday and we understand that in general, the current situation in crimea is quite threatening for our enemy, and that is very good, but if we are talking comprehensively and strategically, what do you think this whole situation is actually leading to? in the temporarily occupied crimea and when, in your opinion, this peninsula can become a trap for the enemy, from which it will be very difficult for him to escape later, since all possible logistical routes
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will no longer be available for him. well, it should be noted that the planned work of the armed forces of ukraine began today has been implemented for several months, and the main direction of this work on... is to knock out the enemy's ability to implement air defense, and this is carried out within the framework of gaining air superiority gradually, well , the potentials in the air are gradually equalized and, let's say, the achievement a certain balance and in the future, further destruction of the same air defense systems, displacement. of the enemy from airfields in the near zone, in particular in the network of airfields used in crimea to ensure action
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troops in the southern direction, in particular, in the territory of the temporarily occupied kherson and zaporozhye regions to support the troops, and all this is happening precisely to create new conditions for actions. already of the armed forces of ukraine in this direction and also as part of preparations for the deployment of western f-16 type aircraft in ukraine, and accordingly to create new conditions for the use of troops, first of all just in the southern direction in order to cut this the south intestine, in which they act. now the occupying forces and this will be done exactly after suppressing the enemy's capabilities in the temporarily occupied territory,
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please tell me. the reaction of the russians to the fact that they summoned the ambassador of the united states in moscow to the carpet with a threatening reaction, they say that there will be retaliatory measures, this shows that they were not ready for what is actually now, well, we see, leading to the decisions of our partners and the successful operations carried out by our defense forces, that is, if we interpret correctly, it was also a surprise for them and they did not expect such determination, well, now they... are trying to act as they can, to escalate the situation as much as possible, and of course, the appeal is not to ukraine, which directly uses these means, but to our partners, who provided their means to defeat the enemy . and it should be noted that all the same, all the responsibility for what happens in
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the temporarily occupied... territory is borne directly by moscow, and it is this responsibility that is assigned to it in accordance with international legislation, regardless of the fact that that moscow is for them at the moment neglects, and now the appeal there to american diplomats can still be, let's say, a gesture of fatherhood and a manifestation... let's say a request to clarify certain circumstances with our partners, in particular with the united states of america and it is possible to clarify the conditions under which these supplies of long-range weapons to ukraine, which are becoming very precocious for the enemy, could stop, however, we know that such conditions can be put forward. in
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the ukrainian peace initiative, namely the complete de-occupation of the temporarily occupied territories and restoration of international law on the territory of ukraine, including the internationally recognized borders of ukraine. mr. valery, well, we would like to ask you about the publication and the essence of the matter, when we are talking about the publication of the wall street journal, that is how four russian ships were destroyed in the black sea with the help of attention, remote marine. mining see babybi, our ukrainian development, sea drones, what do you think remote mining is, and in general, when we talk about range, for example, whether novorossiysk bay is within the so -called reach of these beautiful sea drones, well, it should be said here that
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the publication in... after all, it is such an excursion into history, it reflects the evolution of the use of marine unmanned boats, which is carried out by the security service , these are cb boats, and here it is shown exactly how the tactics of using these drones have evolved, if at the beginning these drones were used as the same kamikaze drones for direct damage. naval targets, primarily ships the enemy, primarily in the bays, after their closure, on external raids, and just when the enemy had already taken such countermeasures against when these drones were first used, our defense forces did not stand still, but developed new tactics, this
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tactic... exactly remote mining, and here the security service of ukraine, well , became the first in the world to use such tactics, this tactic was that the security service of ukraine, together with other components of the defense forces, first of all discovered the main routes of movement of ships the enemy, and after that these routes were mined, well, according to a publication from the wall street journal , at least 15 mines were laid, these are bottom mines that can be laid at depth, and these are, as reported, mines weighing up to 180 kg with plastic corps, which are not visible to the enemy, and precisely thanks to this...


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