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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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a new tactic, this tactic of remote mining, and here the security service of ukraine became the first in the world to use such tactics, this tactic consisted in the fact that the security service of ukraine, together with other components of the defense forces, first of all discovered the main routes of movement of enemy ships and after that... these routes were mined, and according to the publication from the wall street journal at least 15 mines were laid, these are bottom mines that can be laid at depth, and these are reportedly weight mines up to 180 kg of plastic casings, which are not visible to the enemy, and precisely thanks to this... the use of these tactics of these mines
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destroyed four enemy ships and even a minesweeper, one of the modern minesweepers of the russian federation, operating on the black sea sea, which should fight this threat, well, it should be noted that this tactic can be used even now, but from what we can see, it can change, and besides... we see that the security service of ukraine continues to improve both tactics and these unmanned drones that have evolved inside, for example, explosives to detonate various objects from 250 kg up to a ton, which they can now carry, and also this progress is felt in the ranges, starting there from 400 km, and currently it is declared, that this drone can actively operate
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at distances of up to 1000 km, that is , it could theoretically fly to novorossiysk, well, or to one or the other, i don't know the routes that lead to the novorossiysk military port, right? everything is correct, besides, we have already seen exactly the actions of ukrainian drones there, including on the novorossiysk bay raid. mr. valery, look, i would also like... to ask you about net systems, that's what they 're called, the russians called them that, these are the kind of drones that hunt our ukrainian uavs, but they also have nets in order to to catch them, and we understand that we have heard about a similar technique before, but we have not heard about the system itself, which already has such a name, but we would like to hear from you.
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to ask what it is, whether it is really some kind of thing that has no analogues, and that can seriously affect the work of our uav operators. well, it should be noted that our enemies here were not the first to create such a system. such systems are an idea taken from ensuring the security of civil events, and well, similar means were previously offered on the market... of the same drones to ensure public order in order to destroy unauthorized unmanned aerial vehicles, and here it is precisely the development of such a drone in order to to neutralize the ukrainian mavics, well, that's now there is an experimental application of this tool and... in fact
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, tactics can be worked out, well, besides this other thing, the very philosophy of confrontation on the battlefield, it says that if one tool appears, a countermeasure will appear later , so there will be control over these surveillance cameras from the ukrainian side as well, and it can consist of both symmetrical actions with the use of similar... means already against these witness cameras, and of course, in the use of asymmetric means, such as, for example, actions in the field of radio-electronic struggle, or the use, for example, of the same interceptor drones, the development of which is already experimentally used in ukraine, we note even already in the information space as well. thank you, valery ryabik, we were contacted by a military expert.
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director of development of the information and consulting agency defense express. well, there are quite a lot of events today. well, let's go now for a short break and after it we'll talk about what happened in dagestan, where, where there was not just shooting, yes, but what is called premonition of the beginning of a new caucasian war, but we will talk about this and other things after the break. attention, total sale, garden trimmers kors, from rozpakuy tv with a discount, only from uah 799, only uah 799. for a reliable tool, high power, ease of use, very profitable, minimum effort, maximum result, order in time while the video is being broadcast, trimmers are light and very powerful, mow with gas near fences, along path lines, near sidewalks, curbs, around trees, cut bushes and even branches, simple and easy, leave the big heavy ones
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your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really... loved the trip to austria, loved the museums we went to every day, it was amazing and i really liked how we went to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult times. and a terrible moment, the information day of the tv channel continues, well, what are we going to do minute by minute with oleksandr shulga, doctor of sociological sciences, head of the institute of conflict studies and
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analysis of russia, let's talk about the shooting in dagestan, what it was, what to eat it with, so to speak, how to interpret it correctly, what are the possible consequences for the state. aggressor, well, but there are much more events today than that. yes, and actually, we will now also have the opportunity to add yuriy kasich, an energy expert, at vinnytsia oblenergo, ex-head of dpne ukrenergo to our airwaves, and we will briefly talk with him about the situation in our energy system. mr. yury, we congratulate you, thank you for finding the opportunity to communicate, because even today we see a very difficult situation in our power system, in dnipropetrovsk, in the dnipropetrovsk region, there will be an emergency shutdown, the inspector also reported that there will be more restrictions in 11 regions, in lviv today, in particular, even in the green cells, there will be no light in some groups, we understand that the situation is very, very difficult, and ... to what do you associate the actual increase in the volume of outages and what might the situation be in
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the coming weeks? well, i congratulate everyone, first of all , i attribute this increase in outages to weather conditions. we can see that from monday to yesterday there was already a significant warming, warming by country, and therefore consumption increases accordingly, and therefore the deficit, as i understand it, that exists in ukraine, the planned repairs of nuclear units continue. therefore, accordingly, the deficit increases, then it is understandable, planned units and repairs, these repairs should be done in the summer, and not in the winter, when they are more needed, so let's put it this way, we have to survive, endure, yes, well, if we talk about today's emergency shutdowns, how long do you think it will last, because ukrenergo has released the news that it will happen almost in half of our regions, kyiv, kyiv region. regions further down the list? well, as far as i know, the restrictions that
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currently apply in ukraine, they are applied in the same way, the same number of queues throughout the territory of ukraine, for all energy supply companies, for all energy distribution companies of the country, without a choice whether it is kyiv or dnipro, or vinnytsia. well, look, it is also clear that now we are observing rather hot weather, and ukrainian hydro... generation, it is also a large amount and the generation that allows us to survive these difficult times, but on the other hand, you have already mentioned the repair of nuclear electric power units, which need to be renewed in the summer, because it is impossible to do it in the winter, and actually, how would you betray people's attitude to of this situation, should those who might have hoped that somehow this period would pass them by, that there might not be so many outages, really assess the situation, what should they prepare for and how is it possible
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to survive all this? this period will not bring anyone, in relation to hydro generation, we also understand that summer is the summer low, that is, there is very little water, it floods in the spring, then the melting of the snow, again precipitation, after that there will be more water in the fall, but in the summer it is also less, and now it has overlapped one another, i want to say that from ... these restrictions are controlled, let them be better controlled, as they are now, than uncontrolled, when emergency disconnection schedules or special schedules are used, when consumers are disconnected by lines 110, unfortunately, we have to get used to that, in the near future, i personally do not expect that those disabling the restrictions that we have today, they will disappear, and if we talk about any possible. i don't know the insurance scenarios, do i know the question of increasing the generation or, for example
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, of additional network lines within certain regional points? any prospects? to date, i still see how we have already talked about the fact that there are network limitations and there are balance limitations, now it is the balance limitation, that is, there is not enough generation and the completion of a large number of power transmission lines, that is, that structure, which will make it possible to bring electricity to every one of our houses, will not solve anything, but now it is necessary to exclusively build the generation that our president spoke about, a distributed high-voltage, such a highly mobile one, which can be built and put into operation very quickly, mr. yuriy, to things, the last interview with la on the mirror, which i personally very... consider her to be an expert in the field of energy, she said that now a lot depends on
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cities and communities, for example, zhytomyr is a city where , when we had a previous difficult one winter, i mean that first winter, when we had no light, when there were blackouts, it was a city that survived this whole process as much as possible, i would say, easily in quotation marks, of course, but as easily as possible, like really your opinion will now be played. communities and how much the participation of local self-government in this process will be decisive now, so that people in the winter have the opportunity to winterize this difficult process, although. would, well, i don't know, well, with some kind of electricity, because according to the most not very optimistic forecasts they talk about different things and say that there may be no light for 20 hours and maybe even more, local communities are a very big force, and they are strong first of all because of their unity, we must be united, first of all in winter it should be warm, heat is not
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always provided by electricity, and those installations, for example, today, which are installed... vinnytsia, vinnytsia region, cogeneration, they will help, heating our homes, but to say that everything is exclusively in the hands of local communities regarding the possible generation of electrical energy, well, no that's right, yes, it won't be like that, the local community won't be able to build the number of generating plants that ukraine needs in order to close those, sorry, holes that our... neighbors made with terrorist attacks, destroying sometimes 8, then 9 thousand megawatts generation, then you will not cover it with household generators or small power plants, hardly. thank you, thank you for the warning. yuriy kasich, energy expert, general director of ad vinnytsia oblenergo, ex-head of dpnek ukrenergo, was on our airwaves, and now we are adding oleksandr
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shulga, doctor of sociological sciences, head of the institute of conflict studies and analysis of russia. with whom we will talk about the situation in dagestan. i will remind you, while we are waiting for mr. oleksandr, on june 23, i.e. yesterday, in the russian republic of dagestan, in the cities of derben and makhachkala, unknown armed people fired at orthodox churches, a synagogue and a police station, and at least 20 people are now known. in both cities, where the attacks took place , the interception plan was announced, and a regime of counter-terrorist operations was introduced on the territory of dagestan. russian government states that they killed six. attackers, by the way, among these attackers they say that there were children of one of the officials, one of the influential officials, he is a representative of the pro-putin united russia party, and he has already been removed from the site, he was detained, so the situation looks quite serious, that
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there it happened that we will talk with oleksandr shulga, doctor of sociological sciences, head of the institute of conflict studies and analysis of russia. yes, at least two dozen dead in dagestan, they would like to ask you which versions should be taken into account, so we understand that two of her attackers were the children of the head of the dagestan regional administration and so on and so on, that is , the story is complicated, and accordingly, in your opinion, why exactly such objects were chosen, there is an orthodox church, a synagogue, because... well, there are many, many strange things in this story, well , the fact that such actions took place and will take place, there is nothing strange here, since, well, when all the main forces are directed to the war against ukraine, and also to suppress
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those who oppose this war or any well, these are not traditional. i confess to political currents, for example, there is some liberalism, god forbid, then of course the main enemy, who is waiting for the moment, just as he has complete freedom, radical islamism is somehow really forgotten in russia and is remembered only when such a serious attack happens, well for example, crocushall, it is very important to note a few points in this. to this situation, well, first of all, you really already said that you participated there and called almost the organizer of one of the sons really tserokalinsky district, and therefore it cannot be said that he is a person from the grassroots, that this person, well, from such a poor family was
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recruited to this wahhabi movement due to his lack of education. the second point is the reaction to these events, it was very interesting to read that if after a step from the hall they immediately began to stretch the version that it was ukraine that organized the western special services, then now, on a break , russian political scientists, even politicians, began to say that it is not necessary now, not immediately it is necessary to stretch it, that it was organized by ukraine or west, we must admit mistakes, admit that under... the very noses of the russian special services there are such and such wahhabi movements, such wahhabi cells, these are two very important points: the first is that this is by no means, you know, a movement of outcasts or the poor , the second - it is true that the russians themselves were forced to admit that they are only to blame here. look, iran
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immediately condemned this act, and accordingly, yes, according to you, we should think whether we are talking about an islamic state, yes, whether it can be of some local plan, these or other currents connected, possibly with some separatist movements. in the same dagestan, or could it rather be some kind of very concrete, hard islamism? well , information has already appeared that one of the sub-organizations of, let's say, the islamic state, because there is no such and such a single one, there are a lot of these organizations, they are called there, they are affiliated with this organization of the islamic state, but they have their own names, yes here one of them praised the brothers to the caucasus... for their action and this gave a reason to say, what is really up to this the islamic state is involved, or
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radical islamists in general, well, this is again why the russians are forced to admit that there is no need to look for motives in ukraine or the west, because if your country gets into someone else's war, now we, i'm talking about syria, if your... country is first announced by the taliban, a terrorist organization, and then it receives official delegations at the same, at the same, st. petersburg economic forum, if you get into eyes, clashes, let's say, in the islamic world on one side, then you you really get consequences, and it's even more important if in general, if you demonstratively cut off the ears of suspects during arrests and then subject them to torture with electric current, there will also certainly be some consequences, and by
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the way, please note that out of 20, well, so far 20 known dead, 17 - these are law enforcement officers, not some civilian hostages, these are 17, this was actually a terrorist attack directed against law enforcement agencies of the russian federation. mr. alexander, look, western scouts are calling. the three main factors of attack, actually, and they lean towards what's in it the involvement of the islamic state, the existence of sleeper cells in europe, the gas war and support from russian-speaking people living in europe, and they hint that one big event this summer has many counter-terrorism experts on alert, they hints at the olympics, do you think there could be something similar in paris this summer? well, it is absolutely possible that such large international events were always a magnet for such actions, you know about these events in advance, where they will be, when they will take place, and
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there really is time to prepare, and again, no matter how cynical it may sound, unfortunately, russia very, very often uses the terrorist attacks that occur in it to provoke. sense in oneself and thus try to use it for one's own benefit, for example, as was the case with citikol, let's get together, forget about that ukraine, let's fight together against, against islamism, against terrorism, that's how we fight, and indeed, god forbid that this should happen, russia will immediately use it for its own purposes, and one more a very important detail about this terrorist attack, about the consequences. "if in your country, in one of your regions, there are very serious anti-semitic riots, and for these
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riots there are no serious consequences for those who took part in them, i am talking about the events in the fall in makhachkala, when they were looking for real jews, israelis, jews, in general, ran into the turbines of airplanes there, looked in, and in fact with his rhetoric..." supports such riots, although for pro forma there were criminal cases there, it should also be noted, but in spirit he supports it, then what do you want, why don't radical islamism feel free to feel free in these regions, and this is what showed that the children of the poor, the children of the local elite are supporters of this radical current of wahhabism or salafism, as they... call themselves, look, sir oleksandr, i would not like to give very clear and correct parallels, just if you take the stories there, i don't know, a quarter of a century ago, famous or
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infamous. shemil basayev's raid, i won't rate him, yes, but we know how it ended, well, a lot analysts talked about the direct participation of the main intelligence agency of the russian federation in the organization of the basaiv raid. how can the kremlin now try to use this story to mobilize within the russian federation, or on the contrary, is this another demonstration that the kremlin does not control the north caucasus? i think the second, er, the first,. eh, why do we see this, we see it from the reaction and media paralysis, it always happens when the kremlin does not know what to say and did not prepare for these events, well, this has never happened, and here it is again the caucasus is burning, firstly, today is putin, but the second day, yes, after this terrorist attack, many people died, putin did not say a single word...
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and piskov was puffed up for him, who said that as long as putin does not say anything , he is a usurer, putin is there met about the loans, putin met met about that, not a word from putin about this these events, that is, this is definitely a fiasco, and this is definitely such a person does not want to be associated with it, so i think this is a minus for the kremlin now, these events they will not use , this is a clear failure of theirs special services and really an indicator of the fact that all their... these measures are tough and so on, they do not lead to the desired result , namely to security itself, mr. oleksandr, look, i just want to go to the beginning of our conversation, about the head of the sergo-kalyna district, magomed omarov, who was detained, even though he did not directly participate, but he was detained, and if we understand correctly, then
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this is... since essentially a person is from their environment, from the one of russia, his children, they are involved in this whole process, well, not only was he expelled from united russia, but he surrendered his powers to his own officials, but one of the other killed participants in this attack, he was... actually the head of the district unit it's fair to russia, well, also the pro-kremlin pro-putin party, that 's why not one, not one of these participants was, let's say, in the pro-kremlin party, that is, they are not outsiders, it is very important, they are not some mountaineers who, you know, sit in a dungeon and they hatch these plans there, these are really people. which
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even had weight and had advantages from this system, but nevertheless they resorted to these actions, this is indeed a very serious indicator that the kremlin has big problems brewing there, and that the system is overstressed primarily by the war against ukraine. well, it's no wonder why he doesn't react, he's a russian dictator to this situation, because he probably doesn't really want to emphasize it one more time. oleksandr shulga, doctor of sociological sciences, institute of conflict studies and analysis of russia was on our airwaves, talking about the situation that happened this weekend in dagestan, there, let me remind you, at least 20 people died as a result of an attack on a synagogue, on a church, the throat of a priest was cut, police officers were killed, the attackers were also partially eliminated, a difficult situation in the caucasus, we see, this is not the first time, well, now what, now let's go for short
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yes, although we have already informed you quite a lot, our colleagues will have a lot of additional, important information. anna yevamelnik is ready to share all the important information with us, so we pass the floor to a colleague. greetings, colleagues, thanks for yours work, the news will necessarily be about the main thing, i'll tell you, i'll start with the situation in the kherson region, stay with us. russians killed a woman with artillery fire in her own home, they attacked the village of havrylivka in the kherson region. in total, almost 40 shells were fired, and a 63-year-old man was injured.


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