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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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they put it on wheels there, so to speak , and in terms of provision, things are different, that is, we are now coping with what we have there in terms of repair base, we are coping, we are getting used to the conditions we have now, in which we have been fighting for almost a year now, well, i can’t say that we have anything critical to repair, mr. oleksandr, you are the deputy commander of the battalion, you are directly related to... personnel, you have to motivate personnel, you have to convince him, you have take into account all the characteristics of each fighter on the battlefield, which now, first of all , you will feel the most from your subordinates, when it is necessary to talk about motivation, how people are exhausted, how to find the right words in order to ensure the fulfillment of a combat task. i
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don't really like to comment on this topic, but i'll tell you that the approach is actually different for each, well, for each unit, for each person, well, great, just like that, that's how it appeared, that is, well, very often have to make some tough decisions difficult decisions, raising your voice somewhere, similar, there are people who understand when you explain to them why it is necessary, but first of all, we start by openly saying what task a person should go to, what he should do, we tell in maximum detail so that a person can understand, and in addition, we try to give people a certain preparation so that after experiencing a certain scenario, there is a certain model on the training ground, they have... more confidence in
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performing tasks when they go to the position . as the situation with replenishment within the limits of what you can say, is there a recruitment of new personnel to strengthen your brigade? with regard to replenishment, the situation is basically the same as in general in all divisions, there are not the number of people that we would like to have, that we should have, but... despite this, we continue to work. mr. alexander, thank you very much for the inclusion, and above all for what you and your comrades are doing to protect our country in such an extremely important and difficult area. thank you very much. let me remind you that it was oleksandr shirshin, deputy commander of the battalion of the 47th separate assault brigade, which holds the defense west of avdiivka. you saw with your own eyes,
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oleksandr, how difficult and difficult it is for our soldiers to hold our defense, these are the main highlights of the military results of this day, then the broadcast will be continued by vasyl zima, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. i thank serhii zgurets, i thank his guest, it is really very interesting and very important to see the army. as they say, without make-up, without pathos, a person tiredly and truthfully talks about how difficult it is, let's say, to put on wheels this bradley and it has to be done all the time, repairing military equipment is something the military does every day, and it's good, and it's good, if, and it's good, if the equipment can still be repaired, if it's not destroyed by the enemy, and it's very good, if equipment can be repaired just on the battlefield, that's why we announced a collection, which we
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have not been able to close at this time, this again does not blame anyone, we do what we can, it is a small amount, but we let's collect we are asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the war zone solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone, in the open air in all weathers , day and night. so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, infantry fighting vehicles. armored personnel carriers need a minibus that will deliver to the combat zone, mobile repair teams and equipment, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our the goal is ambitious - uah 630, and despite the fact that, perhaps, we would like it faster, well, not us, in principle, because of what they say, it won't get colder now, as if the military would like it faster, but we still still managed to collect more than half a million hryvnias, in fact it is a large amount... the amount we collected thanks to you,
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we collected 508,437 hryvnias. we all understand very well that now life is becoming more expensive, business is sinking, taxes are somewhere higher. electricity, fuel, so products become more expensive, we have to pay more for everything, and maybe somewhere we limit ourselves in something, and again, it is clear that finances are not so easy for almost all ukrainians now, i am not talking about individual exceptions, there are exceptions where everything is always good, and where during the war it is even better than it was before the war, unfortunately, uh, well, but, well, it's not easy for all of us, but i understand that after all, some 100 hryvnias even. let's say, if we have 100 people, and we now drop 100 hryvnias each, we will collect 10 00 hryvnias, and this will already be a significant, significant amount, i am calling you on the air to join this collection, i am on facebook at i am collecting myself for the soldiers of the 116th brigade, i
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am trying to help somewhere, also using a large number of subscribers in my social networks somewhere in order to help the military, because i communicate with him, having friends, acquaintances, colleagues at the front, i understand how it all it is not easy, and what seems here, we will collect tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in two weeks, in a month, so it can wait somewhere, relatively speaking, if you have, you have something, but you want an even better jeep, even better some equipment, better wheels, a better engine or something else better, but it is still going, well, this is a story that can wait, here is a story that cannot wait, because again , a repaired bmp, armored personnel carrier or... a tank on the battlefield, it can immediately go into battle , it can cover infantry, if we are talking about bmp, it can hit enemy strong points, if we are talking about tanks, it can hit manpower, it can break enemy resistance, break fire points, if we are talking about transporter defenses, it can to transport the military, and they will not go under
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open fire, let's say, rifle fire there or with machine gun fire, so join in, i invite yevhen bilov, the main volunteer of the free kharkiv movement organization, to the conversation. evgeny, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i know, i will start with the news that struck me today that it is not that i am shouting, you know, already from a series of calls to a civilized, democratic world, which must live according to the laws and at least help those against whom lawlessness is committed, this is terekhov's appeal to the united nations, he says: help, help protect kharkiv and humanity. in general, let's start with this, i'm not talking about what kind of help it can now, what help the un can provide and how specifically it can protect against cabals, well, but this very appeal to the un already, it shows that, about that the enemy is hitting so hard that it is necessary to do something more than what
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is being done, please, well, our opinion, the people of kharkiv and ukrainians in general, because it has been necessary for a long time, more than what is being done now, i i understand that... the world is a bit inert to this state, and we live here at the very front, so when they hit the children's in kindergartens, in children's camps, in schools, in residential areas, in residential buildings, in cities with civil infrastructure, and because of this , there is no light in the city, there is no water, and people are suffering, dying and injured, so it is necessary, it is necessary to somehow stop and do that... in order to end these moments, at least to stop shelling, and they can influence it, they can influence russia, but for some reason they do not do it or do it in small numbers. well, yes, you know, the world community somehow swallowed it
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at one time aleppo, even before that swallowed grozny completely destroyed by the russian federation back in the 90s, it swallowed many things. but i will not say that we are better, well, conditionally, we, kharkiv, are better than aleppo or grozny, no, all people are equal, but if you can, then you did not influence, then you did not save somewhere, then they killed children, women , in hospitals, in schools, and now the same thing is actually being done in a country that is in the middle of europe, let's talk about what happened this weekend, the enemy launched a cab that flew into the school, you know, to understand who , let's say, maybe he's not reading the news feed, because of the car explosion. just an explosive wave flew into that school, well, an ordinary car, they also got to the hospital, tell me more about what kharkiv experienced on the weekend, and already monday, in fact it is already coming to an end, maybe even today there were incidents related to this please, yes, on saturday there were hits to the civil
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infrastructure in a residential building, right in the middle of the city, near the railway station and the bus station. hall and, unfortunately, there were also deaths and it's just that the entire approach to the entrance is completely destroyed and people have suffered, not to mention herself. the building and buildings under tension, which either just made there was a new center, which has not yet started, but all the windows there were blown out, and in these surrounding houses were also blown out, and the guys sewed them up until night and are still sewing them up all these days, as well as the next the day the school was hit, just two buildings of the school were completely destroyed, it was simply destroyed, it cannot be restored. one building remains, this school, it worked according to their direct purpose,
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training for children took place there, and they insidiously hit kindergartens, schools, thinking that there might be some base there, some military personnel are there, but what we saw at the places of arrival, it's just a maximally civilian object with teachers' cars. with classrooms for teaching children, and at the moment this school almost does not exist anymore, i do not know if it will be restored, if some building will be able to work, but what they destroyed cannot be restored there, well, the schools were actually rebuilt from scratch and in the kyiv region, in other regions of ukraine, i read today that they will restore it like this, but we understand very well that as of now, when cabs arrive every day, you can start work and, well, that is, in... now that's for sure, i understand that this issue will not be, will not be updated, activated,
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it remained in the hospitals, but i checked the information at lunchtime, 20 victims of the enemy attack this weekend, do you have information, maybe more people, less people, what is the condition of the victims affected people, i understand that they are provided with necessary assistance, that's all, all the necessary help for the victims, it is provided, we have information about ourselves. there is no need for them, i think that due to the fact that they are closed and they are not urgent now, there are also international donors and foundations that follow this issue, and they help those who are affected, it is their direct duty, one of the tasks of our organization is to help right on the spot and close the contours, so now we are working, well, i will only add to the issue of rescuing people during shelling, you said correctly... that the enemy is hitting schools, ok now summer vacation, but there are still people in the schools,
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even if, say, there are no classes now, but there are people, workers, and in principle, this is a civilian object that you destroyed in a puppy, even if there was no one there at all , this is not about the fact that the government allocates uah 800.218 million for the reconstruction of shelters in hospitals, said the prime minister of ukraine denys shmegal, i would only like to ask about the situation in order to simply understand whether this is really a drastic thing now... it will help , will save people, because we also understand very well, people who have been there at least once in our lives in the hospital, that you will not be able to transfer all people to shelters at once, is it possible to carry out operations in shelters, that is, while conducting this issue, it is discussed, worked out and resolved, because it may still be a certain time, the way kharkiv lives now, and to collect people, if it flies, let's say ballistics or something in 10 minutes, people who are seriously ill, people who are connected to some drips to... well, you can't transport them there from floor to floor, we understand that that's all it is practically impossible, as it should be of high quality
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shelters, and here is the amount of 218 million, well, it is small, but it is not small, i do not know who took the assessment of these repairs of these shelters, i believe that they should be shelters, they should be in an urgent condition, of course during an air alert and with the speed of missiles or rockets hitting kharkiv itself , it is impossible to send such a large number... into shelters, but if they work, then there will be an opportunity to save people who can simply go there, and if they are not there, then they will be saved there will be few chances of these people, so the task is to save at least someone in order to save people's lives, but here the moment is a little different, during the attack on the center of kharkiv, they stated that the task was to... donate to the hospital, which is located nearby, and this is also a direct violation, but
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we talked first , that the un, and there are certain un statutes, and there are certain rules of war, of course for russia, they ignore these issues, but you can't hit the facilities of medical facilities, the facilities of hospitals and the rehabilitation of people where people are and are being treated , these are the rules that they also signed, but they these... moments everyone ignores and in general it is scary that you and i are now discussing that it is necessary to shelter her in hospitals, which is not necessary, moment... why, why are they hitting hospitals, and this is not the first time and all over ukraine, not only in kharkov, so something must be done to stop in general such a probability of attacks on medical institutions in particular, well, you know, this enemy announced both kyiv region, chernihiv region, sumy region, but most vividly at the very
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beginning of the full-scale the invasion of the enemy was announced and illustrated by the maternity ward house in mariupol. by this children's drama theater in mariupol, that it doesn't matter to him, children, pregnant, sick, older people don't matter at all, and today he continues it, but today is such a, well, also a terrible story, because it is tragic in the final in kharkiv region, the couple was blown up on the mine, the man died at the scene, there is a photo, well, if they find him, you can show it, there is just a burnt car, a completely burnt car, and there we are now, and the wife, she died on the way to the hospital, it’s just about demining , and again, people are driving now, i won’t, i won’t, we can see this point there and on the map, but i’m leading to the conclusion that the risk of hitting a mine is similar, whether it’s anti-tank or anti-personnel, i’m not an expert on mines , unfortunately, it is necessary to study, because the war in the country
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still needs to know the diversity, well, but obviously it is quite a powerful mine that burned a whole car, the issue of demining and the safety of people is a danger. people understand that when they go to this or that, to this or that territory, they can hit a mine, or it's completely like that, you know, that's how lucky it is, but how no luck, they don't know if there is something there or not, please, yes, of course, the issue of demining for the kharkiv region, it is very important, because there are still all settlements and large territories that have not been demined and it is not known when they will be entire settlements are demined, and of course the people who live there are found. under the risk that they may fall into such moments, they are, of course, warned by the services, and the administration on the spot, and the emergency services, and deminers who are engaged in humanitarian demining, and the ems workers themselves, who are engaged in demining, they warn that certain areas are mined, there are certain signs, we have seen them many times, certain tapes that mark this area, but the people who
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return there, when they have just returned, they cannot tell this story listening, not knowing or not paying attention to... it, and therefore there is certainly a risk, of course we cannot insure everyone against the fact that it is necessary to simply close the entire territory so that it is impossible to get there, there is no such possibility, and it is not very that's right, and of course such cases happen and unfortunately, they will happen, the fact that the kharkiv region itself is heavily mined, so the demining processes are ongoing, but the risks are that people can be blown up, it is their own responsibility, because i know that the processes... warnings, they work in physical terms as well, they are there as a warning, and physically, they are marks, plates, tapes. we know where active combat operations are taking place, i would even say, heavy combat operations of the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces against the enemy in the kharkiv region. we know the directions where the enemy is now
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gathers his shock fists, where he wants to cut off luhansk region from kharkiv region, there are many points where either go. battles, or the enemy is accumulating one or another force, is now even moving to kharkiv oblast from the far east, from near finland, from where they are now moving troops to kharkiv oblast, because for them it is fundamental and important, and here i have a question, those people, in the settlements immediately behind the front line, is there a forced evacuation, and is there work for volunteers, how can these people be reached and evacuated, are people still waiting until the last? well, someone is waiting for the fact that it will be possible to push the enemy away, to prevent it, there are, always are and have been against this whole war, people who are just waiting for the enemy, well, there are such people, there are all kinds of people, but the question is to get to these people and save them , are there, are there such requests and how great are these needs, yes, of course, we were involved in evacuation in the vavchansk direction, also in the lipitsky direction, and there are
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threats of certain beginnings of certain offensive actions and... we evaluate these risks and also carry out there is an evacuation, first of all the children are being evacuated, and she forced and forced voluntary, and there are services that are engaged in exactly this, volunteers are engaged in the evacuation of animals or people who want to evacuate in those territories where there are possible risks, as well as in the pre-printed territories, in which hostilities are currently taking place, they are also involved, there of course, people remain, or who are waiting for something. or for some reason they returned there just after the evacuation, they think that it will be possible to restore some kind of life there, because the enemy has moved back a little now, but the shelling there is the same, i don’t see the logic in this, but there are people people and we can't keep them here, that's why evacuation is of course, of course it works, very cool coordination of volunteers in this matter, city and regional
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administration in placing and coordinating applications on the spot for evacuation, that's why the process continues, it e.g. big and small, point evacuations, then more large-scale, currently more point-wise, that's why. thank you very much, mr. yevgeny, thank you for joining, first of all, thank you for your work, of course, but also for your comments for our broadcast, yevhen bilov, head of the volunteer organization rukh vilniy kharkiv, indeed, today kharkiv is becoming more familiar to everyone, for whom it was native, who was there, maybe i was in kharkiv, well, but who has nothing to do with this city, today still lives with these problems, because we understand that kharkiv is simply on the border with the enemy and is experiencing such blows, i hope that the united nations will hear the views. by the way, i was heard, that's how i appealed today, i say, if everyone throws 100 hryvnias, for example, there are 100 people, we will be able to collect 10,000 hryvnias, so you and i have collected
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already, we had 504,00 when i announced our collection, and now we have 520,128 uah, that is, we have already collected 16, uah. anyway, i'm not asking for myself here, asking for myself is always difficult. and for the military it's more difficult not because it's somehow morally difficult, no, you just understand how they need it now, how they need it now, and we're going to raise funds now, i believe we're there this week, let's set a goal to collect these 630 thousand this week, we have 110 left 000, i think we can do it, and that's it, then we have to buy this minibus, then we have to make it, send it, that is , we continue, the qr code, you see on your screen. we will not calm down, we will gather and make sure that our soldiers have a minibus so that we can deliver repair groups, this is the solodarsky, zaporizhia direction, i will remind you once again, so that we can
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quickly transport mobile repair groups to the front line, they are there bewitched, repaired those bmps, btrs, tanks and immediately kill or immediately cover for an attack on the enemy, working armored vehicles on the battlefield is a plus, non-working armored vehicles on the battlefield are a minus, very often a minus. the life of our soldiers, you have to understand it, it’s not easy, you know, almost everyone in ukraine today has someone at the front, someone alive, someone unfortunately died, someone wounded, someone is fighting now, and you understand that, that’s why i i won’t even explain, someone abroad may be watching us and will also be able to transfer money, because yes, we have one second, dmytro snigorov is with us, in we don't have much time, we will have time to talk about the main thing, a military expert, a co-leader of public and public... i will very briefly ask about the strikes on crimea as of
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now, what this means for the russian army, first of all, for the gradual transition of crimea home and perspectives here, how do you see the development of this situation, can it really lead to the enemy withdrawing from our peninsula, what is happening now, the nato classification is called the cascading nature of the planning of the de-occupation operation, it is said that it is a complex measures, first of all, it aims to blow up the enemy's anti-missile anti-aircraft defense systems, in order to then inflict fire damage on the main locations of the occupiers, namely the crimean bridge, the chongar bridges, and, accordingly, the land crossing. crimea is logistically very vulnerable, even compared to the kherson region, where this tactic was successfully used for the first time. we all
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remember the experience of the de-occupation of kherson and , accordingly, a large part of the kherson region, when after the suppression of the anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense systems there was fire damage was inflicted on the main vacations of the occupiers, namely antoni. the bridge and the kakhovsky her dam, what this led to, we remember, the occupiers took, as they say, unpopular steps, namely the withdrawal of a group of russian troops from kherson to the other bank of the dnieper, so we can say that the further tactics of striking on the logistics facilities of the occupiers, these are the next steps, respectively. defense of ukraine, and if we talk now about the fact that we can achieve certain goals with these missile
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strikes. and what the enemy continues to call for people to vacation in crimea, it's cynical, yes, but putin once said a long time ago that our military would stand behind people's backs, he did not hide it, he once said in his interview that we would stand behind people's backs, then he obviously spoke about behind the backs of the ukrainians, now behind the backs of the russians, in principle there is no difference, as far as now the fact that there are many civilians and well, let's say, the same sevastopol, he knows him very well, because he spent his childhood in sevastopol in the summer back in soviet times , had such an opportunity. well there a beach near each bay, there are some military units, plus a belbek nearby, how can this complicate the work, and again, will this now give the enemy a reason to say that they are hitting civilians, and who can it affect, because we understand very well that we have high-precision weapons that definitely do not hit the beaches, if you pointed them at a military airfield, please, let's talk about the fact that the events that took place on the beaches of sevastopol are of a planned nature
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informational and psychological operations. russian invaders. it is about what target audience, respectively, our partners, primarily the united states. the goal is to block the transfer of aket attacks to the ukrainian side and, accordingly, to increase political information pressure on the leadership of the united states, to block the adoption of a decision on granting permission to the defense forces of ukraine to strike at... military facilities on the territory of the russian federation itself, that was the main idea of the provocation that took place the day before on the territory of the crimean beaches, i emphasize once again, precisely those numerical facts injuries and deaths of the civilian population, they are solely due to the work of the russian...
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air defense, and not the strikes of the ukrainian defense forces, er, the tactical and technical characteristics of the russian s-400 anti-aircraft missile systems , the ability to shoot down aeroballistic targets at a distance of up to 60 km. accordingly, if atakomzhi were shot down over the beach, it was a known provocation on the part of the russian side, they perfectly understood the consequences. and this is a clear evidence that putin cares deeply about the fate of not only ukrainians, but also, first of all, the fate of his own citizens of the country, he will not stop before the facts of the deaths of citizens of the russian federation for the sake of creating a picture that, in his opinion, should discredit the defense forces of ukraine at the time of the use of high-point weapons. i am very brief,
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the very end, i will ask you in one word, to answer, i will simply illustrate, there is such a good movie, the kingdom of heaven, there is the hero of orlando bloom, baron debelin asks salahaddin, who was the master of the eastern army that came under the saracens at that time, who came to jerusalem, he asks what for you are jerusalem, and salahadin says nothing, and then he turns around and says the whole world, so i have a question, in your opinion, what is crimea, nothing and the whole world for putin. but he can be forced to leave there, well, actually, just as they were forced to leave jerusalem at one time, but not by diplomatic means, we must clearly understand that the occupation of crimea is possible only by military means, especially since the ukrainians under the leadership of colonel balbachan for 100 years therefore, they already have a positive experience of conducting successful offensive operations, we can also mention the successful raid of the makhnov detachments and... precisely
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on the territory of crimea, that is why we have our own history of deoccupation of these territories. thank you very much, mr. dmytro, for the comments, apt and professional. dmytro sneghiriv, military expert, co-leader of the public initiative of the right to the right. i will agree here that for putin crimea is nothing and the whole world is nothing, but he is ready to sacrifice everyone except himself for this world, because salahadin came to jerusalem with an army at his heart, and not sitting in a bunker. that's why ... salahadin could be believed that for him jerusalem was the whole world for him, but here putin, i don't believe that for him it's a whole, a whole world of someone else's blood, unfortunately, unfortunately, well, but they elected him and he started this war, in which they will lose, literally in a moment of news, good evening, we are from ukraine, and unfortunately, the enemy...


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