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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EEST

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inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. good evening, we are from ukraine, sanctions. against russia and personal and sectoral and many other interesting things and whether ukraine is at risk of default . oleksandr morchuvka will talk about this, not only money during the war, oleksandr , good evening, please, good evening vasyl, and i will also talk about frozen assets, how much ukraine will receive soon. greetings viewers, everything will be in detail in a moment. i'm oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, and how are you? i announced
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last week, and on monday , the council of the european union adopted the 14th package of sanctions against russia, the press service of the council of the european union reported, the restrictions are aimed at economic sectors important to the russian regime, and in particular, energy, finance and trade were subject to restrictions. today's package also includes sanctions against 116 individuals and legal entities, who are associated with the war of refia against our state. in particular. sanctions include measures against russian liquefied gas, and this, in my opinion, is a very important factor, in the previous column my colleague yuriy fizar quoted the international community, representatives of the international community, who interpreted this package of sanctions as so weak, unlike the previous ones, but no less, the purchase of liquefied russian gas is also a minus in the kremlin's income. well, i absolutely agree with you, we perfectly understand what is and a lot other suppliers, in particular
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the united states of america of liquefied gas to europe, for example, so russia is not the only one there, but it was really important for them, and what is important here is precisely the fact that the sanctions also apply to technologies and services that are needed now of russia to complete projects for liquefied gas, for the supply of liquefied gas abroad, this is arctic sp-2 and murmansk lng, and this also closes the valve. to the russian car, well, this is quite an important step, we are watching the minuses, which will soon appear in the budget russian federation. also about the disadvantages of the russian federation, about the disadvantages in income: to transfer the profits from frozen russian assets to weapons for ukraine. this issue was discussed today by the heads of foreign affairs of the european union states, as early as next week ukraine can receive 2.5 billion euros from... revenues from the frozen assets of the refia,
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the representative of the european union for foreign policy, josep borel, said this today. for this, the eu has a mechanism that can bypass the blocking of this decision by hungary, but the procedure is still being discussed. let's let's listen to direct speech. we have these revenues from frozen assets. we have to find a way to use them, avoiding any. blocking, we have a process to make it work quickly, the first tranche of money will come next week in july, the second in a few months, this money can't be stuck, it should be used, we have a legal process, we also talk about money next, we talk about debt of ukraine in front of foreign creditors, let me remind you that on june 17, the london stock exchange reported on the nev. an attempt by our ministry of finance
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agree with creditors on writing off a certain share of the foreign debt, will there be a default in ukraine, or will international support continue and will there be a mechanism that will either write off, restructure, or postpone the repayment of these loans to a later date? we will talk about this with an expert, we are joined by ilyane skhodovskyi, head of the analytical direction of the ans network. good evening, good evening, well, there is... we really couldn't agree on the question, were there certain proposals, options, well, for example, presented by the ukrainian side, the international creditor, and what went wrong at this meeting, at these arrangements? well, first of all, we need to change our position altogether, this is not a question, something went wrong, these are negotiating positions, we declare our negotiating position, our basic option, in which way the debt to ukraine should be written off. and what part
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of it should be written off, we also set the rates that we are ready to pay in the following years, and the creditors, in turn , usually want a write-off. minimal, in particular, for example, we talked about the write-off of 25% of the unconditional and 35% of the conditional debt write-off, this about 50%, in addition, a write-off of 40%, this was the basic option, and the lenders are ready, ready to go only for 20%, the same applies to the rate, our rates range from 1-2%, the lenders accordingly want to get even 7%, there is 3.5% there is a stretch... the first years and then 7%, of course, such decisions are absolutely unacceptable for us, it is only an expression of negotiating positions, and in this situation, i would say, the position of creditors is weaker, because ghana's debt was canceled just this week. 30% of them
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the debt was written off, this strengthens our negotiating position: there is no war in this country, there is a war going on in ukraine, therefore, accordingly, we can insist... that the amount of existing loans be written off in a much larger amount, and than of course , uganda, given our situation, so so far i have not done without it some, let's say, negative point, this is just a certain stage of the negotiations, and both sides agreed, both the ministry of finance and representatives of creditors to continue these negotiations, and i too. .. i hope that by august 1 we will have products let's work out some solution that will satisfy both us and directly the side of the creditors, despite the fact that these creditors with whom we negotiated only 20% of our loans, we will now collect the position
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of other creditors that are not systemic, and here i will announce the figure as of the end of april, according to the ministry of finance, the external... public and guaranteed public debt amounted to more than 151 billion dollars, this is so that we have an understanding of the real write-off, how we are talking about write-off from this amount or a certain amount , which should now be given to foreigners creditors? and look at the debt of ukraine, and this is internal debt, there is external and internal debt. mainly in our country before the national bank, before the commercial banks and, accordingly, before the business itself. there is external debt, we have external debt to the governments of other countries, and there is external debt to international organizations, the international monetary fund,
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the world bank, the european union and so on, and there is a debt to the commercial holders of our debt, those who bought ukrainian euros today ukrainian day... their quote is somewhere around 23-25% from nominal value, and therefore the amount that is being negotiated with this klug is 20 billion dollars, so we insist on writing off at least 40%, that is 8 billion dollars, so in this context it is natural, well, once again the position of the old men is not just 50 billion, this is only a question of the part of the debt held by our external creditors. we have to give and how much they can write off to us, this is important to know, and the position of the ministry of finance is really strong, stable, let's listen, we have a quote from serhii marchenko, the head of
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our ministry of finance, regarding possible restructuring, regarding debt negotiations, let's hear it, strong armies must be supported by strong economies in order to win wars. ukraine has shown extraordinary resilience in the face of a full-scale russian invasion, our economy has exceeded all expectations, but it is a delicate balance that depends on continued consistent and significant support from partners. timely debt restructuring is an important part of this support. serhii marchenko, minister of finance of ukraine. well, that's it, so to speak further on cooperation with international creditors, with invest. with people, with funds that continue to believe and invest in ukraine, well, this debt write-off procedure, restructuring, loan negotiations, to what extent does it affect further capital investments in the ukrainian economy,
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but look, it affects primarily the war and military risks , and this, that is, the situation that is happening now, it is precisely the reason why investors are not ready to come, the only ones who are ready to come are those to whom the state or the inter'. people's institutions are ready to insure military risks, this is the first moment, and the second moment, these are usually state investments, or investments of companies that work there, for example, in the military-industrial complex, that is, this is where they are ready to invest, these are negotiations, this must be understood, this is not investments, and these are financial, or rather, not so, these are financial investments, that is, they bought our debt obligations, and we... now we are negotiating only exclusively within the framework of this, so i would not draw such a parallel, but
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we have an absolutely justified and rights and opportunity to demand a larger part, the connection with ilya neskhodovsky was broken, but in essence his position is clear, now the negotiations are ongoing, and indeed mr. ilya believes that... this is a separate story if we talk about the continuation of investments. and then the last question for you, you mentioned interestingly, risk insurance, they were often talked about at international conferences, in particular the last conversation was the insurance of military risks during the conference on the reconstruction of ukraine in germany, are there any movements in this regard and to what extent can a quick mechanism be launched to invest in the ukrainian economy faster? and this mechanism has already been launched, it is the insurance of our ships, the sea corridor is taking place,
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it has started to work, or the grain corridor, it has started to work not only because our armed forces drove russian warships away from, let’s say, firing distance, but also because that international insurance companies just gave this... insurance for ukrainian and not only ukrainian ships that transport grain and other products, here the question is only only areas in which they are ready to carry out insurance, in particular in agriculture, this is a priority, and they are ready to insure it, as well as separately other types, let's say , insurance, here i assess the work of the ministry of economy as satisfactory, they raised this issue to... reached relevant agreements and, accordingly, in this context, it is already such an effective
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tool, here is already the question of those volumes that we wanted to, let's say, increase, perhaps in order to have more investments, but despite this, nevertheless, in the presence of insurance for investors, there are also other relevant risks, it is necessary to understand that ukraine was not attractive for investment even before the war, there are issues not only... the firing of certain projectiles, the destruction of property, respectively, there is also the issue of mobilization, the lack of economic reservation for employees , who will go to work for this enterprise, there are also necessary appropriate conditions for connecting electricity there, the rest, courts, protection of private property and the rest, so military risks insurance of military risks is a matter of course great and it paid off in terms of implementation. our products through the grain corridor, but we still need to carry out many reforms in order
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to be attractive to foreign investors. thank you for the professional analysis, yulianeskhodovskyi, the head of the analytical direction of the ans network, was in touch. i hope that by august 1st, we will probably also receive results regarding the write-off of a certain portion of the external debt, and i will follow this closely. thank you for being with us, the big broadcast continues, further. there will be more watch us many thanks to oleksandr in morchavka. well, now i will offer a plot for your attention. at least 8,000 domestic animals ended up on the street in kyiv region alone. these are the data of the kyiv city hospital of veterinary medicine, in order to find owners for as many four-legged animals as possible in the capital, they organized the largest event in ukraine for... animal adoption, our film crew also visited it, we are watching
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the plot, this is victoria, she takes it from the shelter a kitten named airi. the girl admits that she has been looking after her ponytail for a long time, that's how i learned about animal adoption days at the international exhibition center. somehow there was a conversation about this, and i was offered, like, maybe you can take it, i'm like that, well, we need to search, i searched, i found, i... i found her on instagram and corresponded with a person there with katya, and she told us that what would be possible, well , she will be brought from the region to kyiv here today, and that is why we came here and... pick it up, because there is no other way, such a large event is taking place in the capital for the first time, it was organized by the municipal enterprise kyiv city hospital of veterinary medicine, together with local animal shelters. as we learned, there are more than half a thousand four-legged friends looking for families here. according to the organizers, during the full-scale invasion, the problem of homeless animals became especially
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urgent, because shelters are full. we invited the most shelter. of kyiv and kyiv region, so that they could unload and rearrange the animals. this measure is very important, because to date there are about 800 animals in shelters in kyiv and the region alone, these are the ones that have been counted, so i believe that the animals should live in families, not in shelters. oleksiy surovtsev, a volunteer who, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, took abandoned pets from the temporarily occupied territories of kyiv region and rehomed them. in the family, he admits, at the beginning of the great war, people more actively disassembled tails. when it started, a full-scale invasion began, we took out 15-20 animals every day. 15-20 animals per day found families at that time, now animals find families about 15 per month, and this is still a great indicator.
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the organizers hope that such an event will help attract the attention of kyiv residents. to the point of not buying furry ones, but picking them up from shelters, so if you don't have a little companion, hurry to get him into your good hands. yulia zubchenko, andriy verstyuk, espresso tv channel. a wonderful initiative and wonderful people who really provide shelter and home comfort for four-legged friends, success, and it should be continued. well, i invite yevhen pastokhov to the conversation. this week is special for ukrainian sports, and many events have already happened. good evening vasyl, i greet the dear viewers of the espresso tv channel. the european football championship is underway in germany, and this week we will really see the ukrainian national team on the field again. we will talk about this and not only in a moment in our sports section. the national team of ukraine is already
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preparing for the match against the national team of belgium. this game will be the final one in the group stage. european championship 2024 for our team. the situation in the quartet is very confusing, and now it is not a very grateful thing to make any assumptions about the accounts. it is clear only that it is extremely undesirable for ukraine to lose, but rather to win the upcoming confrontation. even in the case of a draw with the belgians, the schedules may be different. positive news came from the training camp of our team, that is , the news of left defender vitaly mykolyn. who missed the previous two matches at the euros due to injury, is already training in the general group, the player himself said about it today. it's good, i've been training for two full days with the team and uh, i'm very happy that i 'm back on the football field with the team and
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i am preparing in regular mode for the match with belgium. in the game against romania, in my opinion, we were not a single team, but rather individual players. at such a tournament, only a team can win a trophy, leave the group, show a result. against slovakia was a different match because i saw a team that wanted to win. the match with belgium is the final for us. it will be a tough game. we are preparing for it with full concentration. we also heard from the vice-captain of the ukrainian national team, taras stepanenko, what is being prepared, our team is getting ready, and we are getting ready cheer, support and believe in the national team, it's just that in ukraine there was already such a story with the same italy, well, they didn't win a draw, with the spaniards, there were stories with the french, and oh my god, we even won with portugal, well, belgium is exactly that not spain and not germany, so there are chances, and even there there would be
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chances, well, that is, ukraine is capable, the question, the question of realizing these abilities, the national team of ukraine will... play a match against belgium on wednesday, june 26, the teams will meet in stuttgart, the match will begin at 7 p.m., kyiv time, and the big broadcast will continue on espresso. the game will be judged by the english team of referees led by anthony tayler, 45 years old referee, just a second, your opinion about english, i mean if english, then it will allow fighting on the field, fighting on the field or, probably, there is such a thing, if you remember, taylor judged the game of the national team of ukraine in the selection to the poper. we will see a penalty in our goal and tyler will be fair. well , there is no person in belgium with the authority of ronaldo, let's be honest. we continue with other news. the day before, the final matches
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of the group stage were played in group a. the hungarian national team won her first victory at the european championship. the hungarians just scratched out a victory over scotland. the match was quite dramatic. first of all, because of the terrible injury of barnabas the hungarian. varga, who broke several bones in his face in a collision with the opponent's goalkeeper and received a concussion. football itself did not grow with a large number of scoring opportunities. in the second half, there were a little more of them than in the first, and the only goal the spectators saw was in the tenth compensated minute, scored by the hungarians, kevin chobot scored. the attacker responded to a cross from on the right wing and gave his team hope for the playoffs with a shot into the near corner. in another match. the hosts of the tournament, the germans, did not decide the winner in the confrontation with the swiss. bundesteam conceded midway through the first half.
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dan doye scored for switzerland and the score was 1:0 until the second minute of the second half. it was then that niklas fulkrog saved julian nagelsman's team from defeat. during this match , the germans had much more possession of the ball and made 18 shots at the opponent's goal, although, with only them. three in the plane of the gate. and now i suggest you look at the standings of group e. where all three rounds have already been played. the german national team qualified for the playoffs from first place with seven points. the second position was taken by the swiss national team, which scored five points. the hungarians managed to climb to the third step with three points. however , our neighbors have a chance to become one of the so-called best third teams. i mean not too many geographical neighbors. scotland, having won one point in three matches, is packing its bags for home, or maybe already packed.
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and then we'll talk about group b, the match that will take place today at 10 p.m. kyiv time. it is a fateful evening for the croatian national team, the team from ladkodalić meets the reigning champions of the old world, the italians. earlier, the croatians lost to the spaniards and played... in a draw with the albanians, the italians beat the albanians and also lost to the spaniards. a draw will be enough for skodra azzurri today , but a defeat, if albania wins over spain, will send luciano paletti's team home. for the croats, the euros will end if the checkers lose, or else will play in a draw, provided the albanians get points. everything is confusing, as always before the final round of the group stage. i'll just add in the end that not you... albania and croatia winning these matches makes them uncompetitive for ukraine in the battle for third place, whoever takes third place, because there they will have two points each, and defeats from spain and italy in general, well, actually
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leave croatia and albania with one point, so for this ukraine is still so, but if it was not cynical, well, we count so that it would be profitable for ukraine, what about you, well what about you yes, absolutely, in another match of the evening today, the teams of spain and albania will meet, the spaniards have already guaranteed themselves the first place. in the group and a place in the play-offs, having won two of the previous two matches against croatia and italy, and the spaniards, well, really do not look the most impressive at the euros in terms of the game itself and the ata game of the game in attack. the albanians, on the other hand, can unexpectedly get hold of the third place, and in certain, under certain fantastic circumstances, even the second position. albania is currently in third place, croatia is fourth, but to beat the fury of rohu for the albanians is again in favor. it is difficult to read and we will conclude the sports column with this, there is a lot more interesting ahead on the air and vasyl zama will continue it in a moment, thank you yevhen pastakhovo
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, i thank you very much because we were able to collect 22 thousand uah today, we had 504, now it is 526, thank you very much thank you, i hope that this week will be successful at... meeting for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, and at 20:00 andrii smoliy, khrystyna yatskiv, don't miss the results of the week, it will be interesting, i'll definitely watch it with you, well, i'll start with you to tomorrow until 18:10, then the weather from natalka didenko, stay with espresso, take care and see you, synopsis, hello to all, dear ukrainians, let's start a new one together. this week we will talk about the weather for tomorrow and, in fact, a week ahead we will look a little, and today i would start our conversation with the thermal springs that are in
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ukraine. now the vacation season has already begun, maybe not everyone is so lucky to have a vacation, but nevertheless, whether it is a vacation or perhaps rehabilitation, these thermal springs are extremely useful, you can relax both the body and soul, so of course let's take a look at transcarpathia, where they are traditionally the most, well, for example, i really like thermal springs and thermal pools on the coast, the pool there is filled with water from a geyser, located at a depth of 1080 m. thermal waters have a high level of mineralization and destroy numerous, pathogenic microorganisms, well, in general , they affect a lot of things, you can find out and read all this, and the main thing is to consult a doctor. ukosino is also a famous resort, a unique natural attraction, high-thermal chloride-sodium waters, and also the thermal pools of the village of vynogradovo,
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there is a sanatorium in the village and... you can undergo treatment and actually relax with such thermal waters. there is also a sanatorium in the village of nizhne solotvino, again in transcarpathia, it is generally very close to uzhgorod, literally 10-15 minutes away. the famous village of velyatino, this is the khuz district, which i adore in zakarpattia, there is a very beautiful nature, in addition to useful thermal waters, and there you can also undergo treatment, rehabilitation and rest. well, of course there are geothermal geothermal thermal springs to our sea of ​​azov, on the rabatskaya strehka, but it is clear that for now we cannot use them, as we used to before the war, many of them have been destroyed, closed, occupied by the enemy, the aggressor, so anyway, we do not forget and remember that we will definitely go there as
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soon as possible. well, we move on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, now for your attention is a forecast chart, from which it can be seen that tomorrow will be a relatively calm situation, nothing special, so we better pay more attention to the weather forecast for next tuesday, and we start the weather forecast traditionally from the western regions of ukraine, where tomorrow, surprisingly , no rain is expected, the field of increased atmospheric pressure will prevail, the weather will be anti-cyclonic and the air temperature will be quite high, +27 -30 °. in the north of ukraine, there is a possibility of small short-term rains and thunderstorms in places, they will be quite local, heterogeneous, therefore there will also be a lot of sun, the air temperature is a comfortable 24-27°c, in the east of ukraine there will be short-term rains and thunderstorms, air temperature... higher than
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28-31°. in the central part of ukraine, there is also a possibility of local short heavy rains. i remind you that the summer type of such precipitation, if we say short-term rains, then, although they are short-term, but this does not mean that they are total, that they will absolutely cover the entire territory, for example, the center, that is, they will fall in places, such a summer of theirs character, their nature. in the central part of ukraine, it is 24-29° above zero. dry weather will prevail in the south of ukraine tomorrow, it will prevail real summer, 28-31°, lots of sun. and in kyiv, in the capital tomorrow, the air temperature will be just as comfortable as it was today, around +25° is expected tomorrow. significant precipitation in the capital is unlikely. well, in general, for the week, looking a little ahead, i want to say that the week will be generally dry, without any special precipitation, only in the carpathians. and around
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the carpathian regions the greatest probability of rains, but finally the territory of ukraine without and during the week. the air temperature will not change significantly, small fluctuations, in general it will be 27-33° above zero. summer continues. good evening, we are from ukraine. the week, my name is khrystyna yatskiv, is a program in which we analyze the main events that have been relevant for the last few days and that are promising for the development of the next week. of course, today we will talk about the situation.


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