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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm EEST

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before i want to say that the week will be generally dry, without any special precipitation, only in the carpathians and around the carpathian regions there is the highest probability of rain, and finally , the territory of ukraine without and during the week. the air temperature will not change significantly, there will be a slight fluctuation, in general it will be 27-33° above zero. summer continues. good evening, we are from ukraine. the week, my name is khrystyna yatskiv, this is a program in which we analyze the main events that are relevant in the last few days and that are promising for the development of the week following. of course, today we will talk about the situation. on the front line
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about what changes are already possible as a result of what is happening in crimea, and why the russian federation continues to use civilian locations to place its military facilities, and then commits provocations, the consequences of which are the deaths of civilians. let's also talk about how the sea of ​​azov is used and whether we should really expect launches. from there now, in addition, we will talk about the capabilities of enemy aircraft and capabilities to launch cabs from them precisely over kharkiv, or is the russian aviation currently at the limit of its actual characteristics for use. all this will be in the first part of our program, but i would like to note that we are preparing for extremely important events already tomorrow, these are events that tell us about a new one.
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the page of ukraine's relations with the european union, because literally tomorrow intergovernmental consultations begin, so regarding ukraine's accession to the european union, this is already a substantive conversation about what conditions we must fulfill in order to enter, as they see it our future partners in the european circle, and we will certainly involve those who are directly involved in the process, and par. today, at the meeting there, they planned to adopt a resolution that would, at its level, fix the peace summit that took place recently and at which ukraine declared its vision of sustainable peace and the need to settle the situation in the world in general. and the second part of our program is, of course, a conversation with my colleague andrii smoly. andrei, i congratulate you. yes, i'll join you, good evening everyone, and we'll... guess we'll get started, right?
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and we will start by asking you, and we will start the survey, so today we traditionally ask you, and the question is as follows: do you believe that ukraine will join the european union in the next 10 years, yes or no, please vote , you now see on your screens the phone numbers 0800 211 381, if you... think so, and if you think no, then dial 0.800 211 382, ​​and actually we will then show you the results and find out for ourselves and we will realize and understand how ukrainians are believe that we will join the european union, well, at least in the near or medium-term perspective, well... i will also very much
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ask you to join and be active on youtube, where the live broadcast of the espresso tv channel continues, and there is also an open chat , in which we communicate with you, receive feedback from you and collect, perhaps even questions, answers to which you would like to hear in the near future. i emphasize once again that in the second part of our program with andrii smoly, we will try to reflect on the topic those events that are happening now... and this will not only apply directly to hostilities, international ones, we will touch on internal issues, this is also important. and by the way, similarly, you can ask all questions in my social networks, go to facebook, other social networks, we will write the most important questions, we will collect the most relevant questions from 21:15, from the second part of our program we will already answer, including and on them. we already have a guest, this is oleksandr
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kovalenko, the group's military and political observer information resistance, mr. oleksandr, good evening, glad to see you. mr. oleksandr, well, let's start with strikes on crimea, yes, the armed forces of ukraine are consistently demilitarizing, in fact crimea, we see that not only in recent days, but in recent weeks, strikes have been carried out on military facilities, on air defense systems, on systems the radars of the occupation in the occupied crimea, what does this indicate and... er, should we expect, shall we say, the final demilitarization, at least, or at least of the military units and air defense systems in the occupied crimea? yes, of course, especially if we take into account, for example, the nip-16,
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which was hit the day before, which was hit the day before, there was a lot of different equipment of various types, which even in soviet times... helped to conduct space reconnaissance, well, reconnaissance of space vehicles, but the most interesting thing there was the device, the so-called mobile control system, which allowed to synchronize the work of glonass, that is , it was a very important such an object, such a system, its name is pheasant, and if it was destroyed, then definitely in matters with glonass with... this satellite geo-positioning system, the russians may have problems in the region, in the southern region, even if i say so, problems may arise in the southern operational zone. in addition to this, it can be stated that
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air defense systems and radars are being systematically destroyed on the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, mainly long-range systems, and here it is interesting that... that the emphasis is on them: s-400, s-300, and primarily their rls, radar systems. all this speaks of the fact that the component of the great radio judge is being kicked out of the territory of crimea. for what? in order to open the airspace for another range of missiles, because as we can see, atakams, they intercept problematically, we can say, in general, the efficiency is very low. russian ballistic missile defense systems attacans, but we cannot hit russian military objects, missiles, attacks indefinitely, and therefore we will have to switch to another nomenclature, the same storm shadow, the same skyg, maybe even
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in the future of gm -158 jas cruise missiles air bases that use the f-16, well, besides everything else. we forget about the p-360 of our production pkrk neptune, which can also destroy land objects. mr. oleksandr, this is the situation that has developed on the beach in uchkiivka in sevastopol, now we see that the russian federation is actively using it to promote ala terrorism on the part of the ukrainian state, oh my god, oh my god, moderate, breathing, i apologize for ... switching to the language of the enemy, but less so, but tell me, please, from the point of view of sutoivskaya, what happened in sevastopol, what is the meaning of this, perhaps a psychological effect on the enemy, and in your opinion, what actually happened there, the work of the russian air defense is not very high-quality, or what? well, mr.
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oleksandr, we can't hear you. well, what happened there, first of all, the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula since 2022 is actually a war zone , a full-fledged war zone, and many russians who came to crimea in 2022 were able to see it, precisely then this famous famous meme appeared, like cotton, and this cotton with everyone... in the crimea more and more, that's why the question arises, the fact that this is a temporarily occupied territory, and the fact that you illegally cross the border with ukraine on the kershniv bridge is already a legal matter, but there should be some understanding of what can happen to you here something to fly in
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and kill you, but in this case directly, which happened the day before, there is a very interesting moment: the russians have not published any proof that a ukrainian missile was used, quite the opposite. then a single photo of exactly that was published fell on the heads of the russians who were on the beach, and by the remains it is possible to identify a 9m330 anti-aircraft missile from the thor m2 anti-missile complex of a small radio missile, a russian complex of a small radio missile, its radius is 15 km, and it is a russian missile, and when to where... she fired, it is not known why she was fired. the russians even claimed that
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atacoms was used by the ukrainian side. okay, if atacoms was used, prove it. where are the relevant elements of this rocket, which one fell, for example, relatively speaking, on the beach, especially if we we are talking about the atakams and we are talking about how many people were there, it would have been a bloodbath, and... not the number of dead and wounded as a result, because the atakams is a pretty powerful weapon, the atakams destroys a company completely that the russians they are searching for awards somewhere in the luhansk region, there are no attacks from this company there when they arrive, and we are talking about several dead and several dozen wounded there, so a 9m30, russian anti-aircraft guided missile fell, why it was... used is unknown, by the way, the day before in crimea as well
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a russian k-29 helicopter was shot down, and the russians openly stated that it was shot down by their air defense. that is, either someone else's system does not work, or the system in general is already beginning to malfunction in them, or there is such a nervous situation among the operators of these systems that they are already reacting in a panic to any... threat that, well, it seems to them that something approaches them, and they launch these rockets by accident, anything can happen, but this rocket went off when it did not find its target, the system is someone else's, and it, i'm sorry, the system went off self-destruction and it fell on the heads of the russians, that's what happened, and mr. oleksandr, i would like to talk with you, including about... unfortunately, the attacks of the russians on our territory, this morning there was an attack on odesa, we all
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saw what happened, yes, an iskander strike, and earlier, a day before, unfortunately, the russians tried to strike vasylkovo, in the kyiv region, and before that, energy facilities, by the way, everything, as you and i talked about in one of the previous ones. yes, and you predicted it too, we see that the enemy is active began to use calibers, as far as we understand, whether to expect an increase in the use of calibers in the future, or to expect further attacks, for example, on the same kyiv region, although before that for many weeks and months such large-scale attacks were not observed, and... about energy objects, mass attacks, i think everyone knows what will happen, but also yours, maybe
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some kind of prediction? certainly, energy facilities, they were under attack from the russian occupiers and will be at risk, in terms of calibers, the fact is that, in general, i even wondered why they were not used for a long time, since the calibers of russia ... have accumulated more than hast 101555 missiles, this component is much more, now they have begun to take their ships to the sea of ​​azov, there they feel themselves more calmly, in greater safety, so i do not rule out that in the complex of these two moments, the presence of ammunition is such, a kind of placebo effect, as if they are safe there, they can restore it again. strikes with the use of krembkaliber and in relation to the kyiv region, here the question is
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because kyiv and the kyiv region are best protected by an echeloned air defense system, and to waste ammunition on an area that you know you won't be able to break through this crazy anti-aircraft defense, unless you use some super-large one there. fined over a large number of relevant means of destruction, well, it is irrational, it is illogical, unless only for one purpose, terror, terror that can... take place, for example, on independence day, as an option, because we did not pay attention to that on june 22, when they held another combined event a missile attack on the territory of ukraine, and almost all day they continued to terrorize ukraine with single launches or ballistics or
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x-59 or corrected aerial bombs, this is... june 22, and for russians, this is a fetish date, and as they call it, the beginning of a big of the patriotic war, so we once again put this plus in the questions of the fact that they are tied to the fetish date, and it may also be in the near future to the same day of independence, which for russians, in principle, like the hirlyans the entire independence of ukraine, large-scale anxiety, by the way, announced now throughout the country, according to preliminary data, mig mig 31k took off. please stay in safe places, ugh, we are accordingly also in a safe place, continue our direct ether. so. mr. oleksandr, there are a few more
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questions that deserve our attention. actually, the russians are quite active now. and effectively, unfortunately, we also have to admit that, destroy kharkiv, the fact that they work with guided aerial bombs means that they have certain opportunities to use them, and obviously their planes have certain capabilities, there is information that in order to use cabs as far as kharkiv, and not in the kharkiv region closer to their borders, they actually... raise their flying vessels to the maximum height, that is, to aviators in russia are working to the limits of possibilities. please tell me if it is possible, what are the general methods of countering the maximum capabilities and efforts of the russian federation in aviation now for
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the complex itself, it can be destroyed very quickly, and the second, second ingredient in this recipe - this is... f-16 aircraft, also with long-range missiles, aim-120-d, for example, there is a ram, and there is a more effective method than with the patriot, intercepting in the air space with this missile the very su 34th, until it has not yet reached the location for dropping the cabs, and the third, in principle, the ingredient is unusual, but in principle it is... also effective, it is an operational-tactical missile complex that gave us permission to strike deep into the territory of the russian federation on 300 km, i.e. morozovsk, i.e. baltimore, shaykovka, where 22m3 is based here, strikes on all russian airfields, where their military aircraft are based, with these complexes to destroy the carriers themselves when they are
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on the ground. mr. oleksandr, and while you and i are talking about... methods of countering russian aviation, news has arrived that the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, has announced the change of commander of the joint forces of the armed forces of ukraine, yuriy sodol. he has been dismissed, andriy hnatov has been appointed in his place, since this is news that actually arrives during the course of our program, i i will elaborate a little, actually on the question, regarding yuriy... this issue was raised most actively literally yesterday by azov staff officer bohdan krotevych and stated that there is a statement in the security intelligence service, the ukrainian truth managed to find out that it was about sodol, people's reaction began related to the army and the military on the topic,
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on the topic of analyzing mr. sodol's decisions in general for a large-scale invasion, i would like to say a few... words about andrii hnatov, so that now i understand a little about this appointment. brigadier general hnatov is the instigator the commander of the forces of the southern army. in the 22nd year , he headed the headquarters, became the founder of the commander of the troops of the southern operational command of the ground forces of the armed forces. again , in the 22nd, he replaced general marchenko and led the defense of mykolaiv. in the spring of the 23rd year, led the defense of bakhmut, which was included in the area of ​​responsibility of osu-fortress under the command. oleksandr syrskyi, well, he was one of the officers who formed units of the renewed marine infantry from the units that left the occupied crimea. mr. alexander, please, maybe some comment. of this excuse from you, well, let's hope that further changes that will take place will only benefit the defense forces
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of ukraine. ugh. ok, thank you. oleksandr kovalenko, military and political commentator of the information resistance group, was on the air. thank you for your thoughts and your analysis. we, we remind you that... we have a survey going on whether you believe that ukraine will join the european union within 10 years, and you can answer yes or no, if so, please dial from your phones 0800- 211381, if not, 0800 211382, by the way, all your calls are free, i also remind you that a large-scale campaign is currently underway. the weight due to departure is 31k, so please stay in safe places, we already have the next guest, oleksandr khara, expert
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on foreign policy, foreign and security policy of the center for defense strategies, mr. oleksandr, good evening to you, i greet you, kind the evening, well, we can't, for sure, not start with a long one. the expected start of negotiations regarding ukraine's accession to the european union, starting tomorrow we will monitor this important dialogue, which can stretch for years, this is objective, and many assess our prospects in this way. mr. alexander, how important is this process that is being launched, literally these days? of course, it is important, and it should be remembered that the europeans eventually... understood that ukraine is part of europe and should be part of it politically, economically and militarily, after a large-scale invasion.
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it is clear that considering what this war has brought us, how much economy we have lost, how many of our fellow citizens are not in their own, shall we say, regions, not in their homes, but it is clear that these challenges are extremely high, and it is clear that the destruction that... russian aggression has brought, it is such that ukraine cannot do it alone, and actually therefore, specific negotiations regarding accession and the help of our european partners are critically important for us to hold on as a state, as an economy, as a society, and it seems to me that despite all these troubles, despite the loss of people first of all, but also of infrastructure, we have additional opportunities open up, because earlier this is soviet. to these metallurgical enterprises, mines, were, you know, like a suitcase without a handle, that it was difficult to carry them, to reform them, because of course it affected a large
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number of our population, but now with this destruction, it is clear that we have no other exit, how to build a new economy, and most likely, i hope, on new foundations, so that it will be a high-tech economy, that it will be based on high technologies. not in the 19th century, and therefore our approach to the eu, fulfillment of requirements, bringing it into line with ac is understandable, i.e of the general body of legislation of the european union, it will definitely be positive for us, well , traditionally, this is such, you know, an important point for those who think critically and always criticize the government for objective, let's say , miscalculations or activity or inaction. european and euro-atlantic integration have always been for the thinking part of society and for the pro-european part of society such
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a lever of influence on their own government, on their own president, so that these reforms actually take place, so it is clear that there is more more positive in what will happen now than negative, the negative can be such things, we do not know, well, in what state there will be... a union, when the europeans will have the political will to accept us, and when we are ready, because now what is happening in the united states, the possible reversal and reduction of the role of the united states in europe, plus the rise of populists in the european union, i have in the european parliament, as well as in the countries, it can radically change the european union into which we integrate, that is such, you know, thoughts, they have it is possible to remain on... the margin, but we must not let them out of sight. well, and perhaps the last such point, we saw that despite the war, even among our best friends
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and neighbors. there are complaints against us, because we are a competitor, and this is understandable, it requires consolidation from our government and our society and business in order to protect our own interests, because we are, in fact , agro-cultural, that is, it is clear that our integration likes it and a lot of people will not like the country and the business environment there, so it is clear that we need to be toothy and... protect your interests, mr. oleksandr, i would like to talk to you about the north atlantic alliance, in particular about the summit that will be held in july this year, in particular, information has appeared from the british correspondent of rfe/rl oles kovich, he reported that that great britain is trying to convince the united states of america and the federal republic of germany that it is necessary to give the country
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an invitation to the north atlantic alliance after all, or at least in some way to accelerate our integration into nato, our entry into nato, right before the summit we are talking about. how realistic is it that great britain will persuade, or at least somehow influence the united states of america, germany's position on, well, in particular, relations between nato. in particular, regarding the accession to nato within the framework of the july summit of this year. well, you know, our partners tell us that, unlike the european union, where we became candidates for membership of the european union and started the integration process, it is actually a political decision accepted, there are still technical points, then in nato, it doesn't work like that, because the invitation will mean that in fact,
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let's say this, it is an irreversible and rather fast process of ukraine's accession to nato, and precisely because of this, it is feared that this will not provoke a greater escalation in relations between nato and the russian federation. here, but you know, well, there have already been certain interesting and positive precedents for us. for example, we had a membership action plan we didn't receive in 2008 revoked, and now our partners say it's not needed. and we actually work in adapted annual national program, and i think that nato could very well go for a new innovation such as to launch this process of negotiations with ukraine with an open date. of course, i will hope that our british partners and friends, who understand very well the importance of ukraine for the security of europe and the danger from the russian federation, will find those arguments and
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convince the team. it is clear that biden's team is currently in the process of re-election, and of course that any issues that divide his own electorate and can become a reason for criticism from the opponents, they try to hide, and plus we know that this team, it adheres to quite conservative actions from the point of view of not provoking russia to some kind of escalation that could drag on... nato and so the united the states are in direct conflict, here, but it seems to me that this is the right position, and actually the beginning of this process of ukraine joining nato, will mean that putin does not have the right to veto the expansion of nato, that ukraine has no choice but to become a member of the alliance, and therefore he has the possibilities to actually stop or slow down this process also decrease.


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