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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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arguments and convinced the biden team, it is clear that the biden team is currently in the process of re-election, and of course that any issues that divide their own electorate and may become a reason for criticism from the opponents, they are trying to avoid, well, plus we we know that this team, it adheres to quite conservative actions from the point of view of not provoking russia into some kind of... escalation that could drag nato and therefore the united states into a direct conflict. here, but it seems to me that this is the right position, and actually the beginning of this process of ukraine joining nato will mean that putin does not have the right of veto on the expansion of nato, that ukraine will become a member of the alliance without alternative, and therefore his opportunities to stop or slow down this process will decrease. because
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indeed, although this war is not, more precisely, nato is not the cause of this war, but in russian minds, this is an important factor, and i would say so, not that nato threatens the russian federation and ukraine's membership in nato, but that , that ukraine's membership in nato means that russia will never again be able to control our state and use our resources to actually continue a hybrid and perhaps, god forbid, an open war against nato member countries, so i will, i hope that the british will be able to convince , they are good negotiators, they are reliable allies of the united states, they have enough, let's say, channels to reach, i think, rational arguments, mr. alexander, well, i can't help but ask, we finally have an understanding of who will be the secretary general nato already in the near future, pro...
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we will thank jens stoltenberg for the prime minister of the netherlands, mark rutte, for his rather consistent position regarding the russian-ukrainian war and one of his last theses that the nato countries should have counted, held some kind of revision and to understand and have deployed their nuclear potential and resources, because the russian federation is on the side. in fact, it deserves separate, i think, applause, because it is honest, it is honest and in accordance with the realities. mark ruete, what are the expectations for the future secretary of nato, just for understanding? well, this is a good choice, unequivocally, because this country has shown that as much as it supports ukraine in both monetary and material terms, it is clear that they remember very well who destroyed almost 300 passengers of mh-17, they
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understand how much the russian federation is a threat, and even more so if it achieves small goals in ukraine. but i would say that the best option would certainly be kaya kalas, and it would be a very good move by nato to give such a big position, an important position, to the countries of the eastern flank, which know the russian federation much better. which show their political will, which is not comparable to the size of the gdp and other indicators. the same estonia, it is a giant from the point of view of what it provides to ukraine, and how much it reduces the actual defense potential, in contrast to more prosperous european countries, which are far from russia, but in any case, rute will be good general secretary, who will smooth out certain such sharp corners. no wonder
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one of the first news was what he was talking to orban, they agreed on, let's say, what is called the modus operandi, that is, such a variant of interaction between nato and hungary, when hungary will not block something there, but on the other hand will not be involved in helping ukraine, and even more so like orban says the russian federation about the conflict, regarding nuclear aspects, so this is indeed a very important issue. primarily in the context of the elections in the united states, because if trump wants to reduce his presence in europe, he will not be able to leave nato, because the congressmen took care of it, they voted a bill that cannot be done without their knowledge, but this does not mean that the supreme commander of the united states, if it will be trump, cannot reduce the presence of the americans, especially the readiness to defend their european allies, and precisely in such a situation.
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europeans really need to think about a deterrence system, about a new strategy, because now it is actually based on the nuclear power of the united states, it is a strategic, let's say, nation, it is also a tactical nuclear weapon that is on four european countries, plus turkey, these are atomic bombs, well , britain is also an important factor, because it is ready to use its nuclear triad, protecting its allies in europe, but france, their actual doctorate, it does not allow france to be part of this pan-european, general - nato strategy. but i think that they will reconsider this approach, because it is clear that if there are no americans, then the british themselves will definitely not pull out a nuclear deterrent, because the russian federation is there, it is possible so to speak, a superpower in nuclear terms, they have the same number of strategic warheads and seeds as the united
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states, but in terms of tactical nuclear weapons, they have far more than the americans, because the americans have non-nuclear assets equal to by its effectiveness. therefore, of course, this discussion, it has already started, there are no concrete decisions yet, and by and large there is no need to revise the nato doctrine, the british doctrine, since the number of weapons seeds, the weapons themselves, is enough to to reliably restrain the russian federation, but the future must be planned, because a nuclear arsenal is something that requires not only good strategy, but big investments, and it is clear that britain is no longer a british empire, and they have their own internal problems, we see how they will be tricked in this election, it is clear that we need to invest in perspective and understand the future for 10-15 years ahead another, by
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the way, no less interesting event for the world community, the president of poland, andrzej duda, arrived in china for a meeting with xi jinping. it is announced that there will be various topics, one of the topics is, of course, russia's war against ukraine, this is the security situation in europe in general, and here a hundred questions arise, why right now and why the president of poland, andrzej duda, we understand that china informally still tries to support the occupying power of russia, and we understand that now , after all, the european union, including... is making rather strict demands on china, if we mention the latter, this is, for example, the same taxation of chinese cars, which is not taxation, but duties on chinese cars, what does this visit mean, why is it happening now, and can it not
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be considered that andrzej duda to some extent represents, relatively speaking, a united europe during this visit, well, no, he does not represent the united to europe, but he is one of the voices and one of the visitors to beijing from europe, who is actually trying to convince the chinese that it is in their own interests to influence their junior partner, the russian federation, to stop this war, because the cooperation between china and the russian federation , they worsen general, general atmosphere of relations with both europe and the united states, and europe and the united states. are forced to introduce sanctions, restrictions and reduce their dependence on china, the vice chancellor of germany, the minister of economy, was there just a few days ago, he spoke of course about actual german affairs and, first of all, the competition
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that china poses in automobiles and construction, you rightly said that one among the hot topics now are chinese cars, electric cars that support. manufacturers are supported by the state of china and therefore they in fact, let's say they have a competitive advantage over european ones in general and german ones in particular, but it is clear that the vice vice chancellor also talked about ukraine and that the russian war and support for china is an irritant that reduces, let's say, the prospects for cooperation with china. i think that the polish representative will say the same thing, there will be bilateral issues, because it is clear that china is a big market, everyone needs resources, everyone needs markets, cheap chinese goods are needed, but it is clear that ukraine will also occupy an important place among foreign policy issues. the only thing is that i
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do not absolutely do not believe that china can agree to any concessions, because strategically it is beneficial for them to support russia, to have cheap energy resources from there and to... access to the russian market, and in fact they have become champions, that is , they got the first place in sales of electric cars not only by dumping on the european markets, but actually by capturing the russian ones. market, i'm not talking about such strategic projects, about what the chinese still want to receive certain military technologies from the russian federation, and the most important thing is that while this war is going on, our american european partners are dispersing resources that they could concentrate in order to restrain china in the indo-pacific region, and it is clear from a strategic point of view from china's point of view , it is not beneficial for it to end as soon as possible. the war, especially if it does not end with a victory for russia, or not in such a way, not on such
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terms that satisfy russia, because here we can still draw a parallel, the chinese look at the reaction of the west, to the support it gives us, to its political, shall we say, consolidation and long will, and of course they plan to do something similar with taiwan, because taiwan is a sensitive issue for the chinese, and it is clear that... they are, in fact , this entire nation, even more so, the chinese communist party, is preparing to return a rebellious province, which, by the way , was never part of communist china, to the ranks of this communist china itself, and this question is yes, mr. alexander, unfortunately, we are a little short on time, thank you very much for yours opinions, for your, your expert assessment, oleksandr haraek. on the issues of foreign and security policy of the center of defense strategies was on the live air of the new week and
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we are now joined by maria mezyntseva, people's deputy of ukraine, deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on ukraine's integration with the european union, chairman of the permanent delegation of ukraine to the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, ms. maria, good evening, i wish you health, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, ms. maria. i will probably start with the pariere and with the resolution that we are on tonight expected, we started on the air with warlike topics, we would like to ask if it has not been adopted yet, and i would like to remind you that this is a resolution that should somehow record the results of the peace summit that took place recently. ugh, we have a lot of resolutions that concern ukraine, let's clarify which one we're talking about, it's probably a resolution. which concerns the legal legal aspects of russia's aggression against
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ukraine, where it is divided into several blocs, we are talking about the president's peace plan, of course we are talking about the initiative of the special tribunal for the crime of aggression, which has already reached the level of the executive branch of power, and this is a working group of 40 countries, which includes not only... the countries of the council of europe, but also, for example, the big seven, these are partners who discuss at a very technical level next steps at the international legal level, and in one of this resolution on the tribune, on the issue of russian aggression, in the section on the special tribunal, we are looking for new proposals, for example, how to prosecute the so-called troika, this is an illegitimate president. minister of foreign affairs affairs and the minister of defense of the russian federation, and
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we propose these legal instruments in the text of the resolution, committee meetings are currently taking place, i am sure i will support this proposal, we also have such a novel on the status of russia as a sponsor of terrorism, we know that different legal systems interpret it differently once upon a time, pariet already adopted a resolution where we called russia a terrorist state. here are more specifics on the same legal form as, for example, our american partners have. additionally, we will talk about the wagner group and illegal activity, although its leader seems to have already died, and by the way, exactly one year has passed since the unsuccessful march and march on the kremlin, and we also mention this in the text, and... not only that, a lot of things happened today, you see on the screen with a brooch, by
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the way, presented on behalf of our delegation to the general secretary maria plečevich-buryuch, it is a yellow-blue bird that she wears at all meetings, her term is coming to an end, we will have the first round of elections for the general secretary tomorrow, it is quite high. the position of secretary general of the council of europe, mandate for 5 years, it can be compared, probably at the eu level, with ursula, fonderlyan, that is, it is such an executive branch of power, very respectable. powerful, which takes care of all directions, for example, in her mandate ms. prychovych burych supported us also in the framework of the creation of a special tribunal, and it is a very important practical tool for ukrainians who already have an action, this is a compensation mechanism, literally 20 minutes ago our meeting ended , we remind you that
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maria mezyntseva, narodna, is in touch with us deputy of ukraine, deputy... this is the chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on the integration of ukraine with the european union, the head of the permanent delegation of ukraine in paria, and we are actually talking about the events in peria right now, and i wanted to, i would like to talk about the historical the day that tomorrow is one of the historical days for ours, we would like to understand the start of it, or some nominal event, purely ceremonial, this is an important question that we definitely plan to ask mrs. maria, ugh. in relation to the pariere, then the summer plenary session of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, of course, i will once again emphasize in focus the rights and human rights issues related to russia's aggression against ukraine, we will also talk about democracy in georgia, what is happening with it, and the secretary general of the council of europe must be elected, and we
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many thanks to the current general secretary for. support for ukraine, and we will ask ms. maria, actually, what are the prospects of the candidates and who are the current candidates for the new secretary general of the council of europe? but the incredible candidates, these are three men, and you know, we're at a political group meeting right now, joked, there was such a question, and what should they do, which maybe, maybe they have flaws, and we joked, because today is international day. women in diplomacy, their flaw is that they are not women, well, it is if, if you are joking, but if you are serious, all three candidates have very serious profiles, they have passed the preliminary selection, this is the final three, the former president of the swiss confederation, the current, well, already completing his mandate, the european commissioner, that is
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, the eu minister in the field of justice, and our former colleague popery, a member of... the estonian delegation, the former minister of culture and sports of estonia, that is, all three personnel are important, interesting with their own victories in professional life, and the ukrainian delegation will vote for the one who will win, in principle we continue consultations, i am sure that these are important elections and i think that they will have two rounds, that 's very short, and ms. maria, i wanted to talk with you about another historical event, or one of the historical events for our country, tomorrow, june 25, the negotiations between ukraine, the european union, moldova, regarding accession to the european union. however, if we talk about this historical context, it is actually a
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more formal date, or is it conventionally speaking, really... the beginning of that difficult path, which we may have to overcome in the next few years, and the second question, on your opinion, after all, how long will it take us to achieve this goal, for which many millions fought, and now many millions of our citizens are fighting, joining the european union, yes you are right, it is the defense force on the field... they will choose our european integration, and without them, tomorrow is a difficult day, so a huge thank you to them, and the european union made a huge exception and began to support directly through the special peace facility program, our defense forces, in relation to and timing, there are political cycles, i have already commented on this in the press, i have hope that
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ukraine will be able to complete its homework within a five-year period'. task is a difficult 35 chapters of technical documentation in completely different areas of our daily lives, and maybe it will happen that we can run for the next election cycle in the 29th year, we have public support, some regions show a figure of more than 80, more than 90%, let me remind you, in the early 2000s, some did not even understand what it meant. and today, when our communities and territories suffer from daily shelling, receive support in the field of energy, financial support, we do not forget the support project. by the 27th financial year in the amount of 50 billion euros and very, very many preferences for education, medicine, daily life of ukrainians, these are practical things about which we
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should do educational campaigns, we are dealing with this in the working group at the council regions, under the president of ukraine, so that ukrainians know how to use these preferences, and not just that we voted on laws in the verkhovna rada that receive constitutional approval. of the majority, that is, it is very important how they are practically implemented, ms. maria, well , we understand what preferences membership in the european union gives, at the same time, we understand that each of the eu members fights for their own interests, and sometimes, on the example of our agricultural crisis with neighbors, we can see that these battles can be extremely vivid, as we, you know, to find a middle ground, uh, still uh... to go straight to the eu and remain on the defense of our own interests, while not delaying our accession? eh, since we
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still have a meeting planned, if you allow me, i will answer briefly, direct it to her, see, everything is simple and difficult at the same time, our products have become extremely competitive, it's not just si... fault, it's added value and a product that we implement already with eu standards. some experts calculated how many subsidies, how many our agricultural sector will receive billions of euros in subsidies, and not everyone likes it, that is , it is a matter of competition, but ukraine also does not like it when partners violate international agreements that were signed even before the beginning of the invasion, when we sought justice for 90 years. talking about the recognition of the holodomor as an act of genocide, when we saw how
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our grain, which, despite the mining of 30% of the territory of ukraine, is simply falling out of a tank, sorry, i will concentrate now, from cars and trucks, our farmers are unable to collect forces and are trying to implement, well, it was political. a beautiful game that was organized by a small group of politicians, and they are not supported by the majority of the population, our friends in poland, we need to work with politicians and with people, and counter disinformation, let me remind you that 95% of ukrainian grain went through transit , only 5 % remained with our friends in poland, for example, and there are other figures. which we should speak, well, more loudly at international meetings, tomorrow i will communicate with the polish, with your polish colleagues thank you for your thoughts and
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inclusion, maria mezyntseva, people's deputy of ukraine, deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on ukraine's integration with the european union, chairman of the permanent delegation of ukraine to the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe. well, we remind you that we are asking you today. do you believe that ukraine will join the eu within 10 years, if you do, please call toll free on 0800 211 381, if you don't have any hope, then call toll free on 0800 211 382. i can already see according to the chat of our broadcast, the opinions of ukrainians are very popular, some of them are questioning in general the form in which the european union will exist at the time of our actual entry into it, because the aggression of the russian federation and the victory of ukraine, most importantly, at all is not yet
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a fait accompli, one must understand that anything can happen , especially when the political swings in the countries of our key partners and players are turned on, well, someone believes that we are not working enough internally and not doing enough to enter in e. and to be closer than we are now, there is another topic, it is that they help us, and russian money will go, ukrainian money, and russian money will go to ukraine, in particular, next week ukraine will receive the first tranche in the amount of 2.5 billion euros from revenues from the frozen assets of the occupying state. this was announced by the chief diplomat of the european union, josep borel, let's listen to what he said. we have these
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frozen revenues. assets, we must look for a way to use them, avoiding any locking. we have a process in place to make this work quickly. the first tranche of money will arrive next week in july, the second - in a few months. this money cannot be stuck, it should be used. we have a legal procedure. and that's actually a lot of progress, that is, that's two years. we are about it. we have been talking about this for two years, we have emphasized this, for two years our international partners, our closest states and friends, have been among them, who said: ukraine needs to hand over russian assets that are frozen on the territory of the united states, on the territory of the european union union, and what we're seeing now is actually a big breakthrough, i think it's more cool, because yes, unfortunately, two years is
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a long time, but... in these two years , democracy has managed to find a very successful world a decision that excludes any russian or chinese or whatever arguments on the topic that everything, the west is dead, democracy is dead, there is no respect for property now, if you excuse me, you can just take it from russia and give it to ukraine, even though it is a victim , then it undermines? those principles and the foundations on which the entire civilized western world functions, and here is the form that you have found, to actually freeze, but to have interest, to have profit from these bewitched assets, and precisely to give the profit to ukraine, in order for it to defend itself against putin and his russians , this, in my opinion, is a very good decision, when democracy refutes any, well, let's say
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, triggers. against it, and on the other hand , ukraine gets what it needs. in fact, we will now fight and live on putin's money against putin. but at the expense of the european regarding the union and accession, we can also say here that we do not need to entertain ourselves with illusions that it will happen today or at the end of the year or in a year, because in fact, we observe that many ukrainians for some reason think that this process, that is, if we become candidates, then accordingly we must enter there or this year or next, we must understand that a long process awaits us, that a process of reforms awaits us, that we need to change, including that we need to discuss with the european union, explain our position by the way, and to defend our position in the same way, but i also emphasize once again to reform, unify our legislation, to ensure
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that we... we meet the criteria, including the anti-corruption ones, and we will talk about this in the next part as well our program. but now the interim results of the survey that we are conducting with you today, whether you believe that ukraine will join the european union within 10 years. i see that most of those who call us are optimistic. 72% of ours viewers and listeners believe that we have such a chance. and 28% are more pessimistic, maybe realistically, i don't know who, but they believe that no, even in 10 years we will not become a member of the european union. these are interim results, and we are still asking you to participate in this survey. in the second part, in a conversation with andrii smoly, we will try to talk about the most controversial topics in ukrainian society in recent days with
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projection. for a new week, a new week is exactly what our program is called, but for now that it's time for our bbc colleagues to join etero, watch, stay with us, missile strike on occupied sevastopol, russia blames both ukraine and the united states, but how kiev uses long-range. weapons for strikes on the russian rear, about this the next 15 minutes of the bbc broadcast, in the studio in london jafer umerov. the russian occupation authorities of sevastopol say: as a result of the ukrainian missile attack, four people died, two of them children, and 150 were injured. the ministry of defense of russia stated that the armed forces allegedly launched a five rocket attacks on sevastopol. these four missiles knocked out the systems of the russian ppu.


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