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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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of the last days with a projection for the new week, the new week is exactly what our program is called, but for now it's time for our colleagues from the bbc to join the air, watch, stay with us. missile attack on occupied sevastopol, russia blames both ukraine and the united states. but how does kyiv use long-range weapons to strike the russian rear? this is the next 15 minutes of the bbc's london studio broadcast by jafer umerov. the russian occupation authorities of sevastopol say: as a result of the ukrainian missile attack , four people died, two of them children and one and a half hundred were injured. the ministry of defense of russia stated that the armed forces of ukraine allegedly launched five atakam missiles at sevastopol, this and four missiles knocked down russian air defense systems. and the latter exploded in the air. and as
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a result of falling debris on uchkiivka beach , people were injured. the local authorities announced mourning for the dead. ukraine. she did not comment on the strike on occupied crimea, but the adviser to the head of the office of the president of ukraine, mykhailo podalyak, called the occupied peninsula a large military camp with many goals, which the russian authorities are trying to mask civilian population and added that there are not and cannot be any in crimea. beaches and tourist areas. russia blames ukraine and the united states for the attack. the russian defense ministry said in a statement that the united states was responsible for the attack by providing the missile attacks with american satellite intelligence data. and the russian foreign ministry said that the strike on crimea would not go unpunished and summoned the united states ambassador to russia. but what does such a reaction and threat to russia mean? a military analyst from the united states.
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brendan kearney says: there will be no escalation. from the side it is rather ridiculous for the russians to criticize ukraine's use of us-supplied ammunition, if that is the case. while the russians are using chinese, north korean and other munitions that come from other countries in the world, which they buy on the open market, and these munitions are killing ukrainians. so, it's a poorly thought-out response on the part of the russians, but it... fits with how they operate. i don't think that would be grounds for escalation, that would be pointless. the united states and other countries of europe and the world supplied ukrainians with ammunition from the beginning of the war, and the russians criticized it. now it is no different from their criticism in the past. i think that the ukrainians will increase the number of responses to russian shelling and will increase the number of strikes against russia. in this case, we can hear from russia. even more
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indignation, condemnation. the russians called such acts of terrorism by ukraine with the support of the united states. but again, this is exactly what russia is doing to ukraine. unfortunately, civilians are innocent civilians. both russians and ukrainians die as a result of indiscriminate shelling by the russians against ukrainians already more than two years. the ukrainians were much more restrained, much more conscious in their goals, but from time to time there will be victims among the civilian population. this is the nature of war. in general,... unfortunately, i believe that this will continue until either the ukrainians get a military victory, or the russians decide to stop. both options are currently out of reach for both. so, what is known about the attack on sevastopol and where the ukrainian military was hiding, my colleagues oleg chernysh and olga palomaryuk. further. what is known about the attack on crimea as of now? actually information there are not so many reliable ones. russia said they were missiles. an attack with a cluster
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warhead, that is, these are clusters, such small balls that scatter over a large area, well, and accordingly explode and hit a large area. ukraine did not comment on this incident, but it should be noted that before this, ukraine had repeatedly used attacks on the occupied territories and, in particular, on crimea. the main target of these attacks were air bases. and it should be noted that just next to this uchkiivka beach near sevastopol there is a large military air base belbek. that is, we can assume that the target of this attack was the belbek airbase. i would like to inform you that it is from this air base that planes and helicopters operate in the south and east of ukraine and attack ukrainian positions. well, actually, we can assume that the attacks were actually aimed at... these planes, at this
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airbase, this is what is known about the target, the possible target of this attack, as far as the weapons themselves are concerned, russia insists that they were actually. attacks , in fact, i personally have not seen enough corroborating photo and video evidence only saw a video that was apparently taken by some vacationers on the beach, where an explosion in the air is heard, a powerful explosion in the air, and perhaps this indicates that the attack missile was shot down by a russian air defense missile, that is, it was shot down or exploded in the air above the beach, and actually these submunitions, cassettes scattered over a long distance, let me remind you, there was no explanation from the general staff of ukraine, at the moment, it may appear later, because
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the situation here is that confirmation from satellite images is expected for a certain time, i.e. when one of the parties actually has on... ah satellite images that indicate that the planes were really shot down, hit, damaged, then it is already possible to publicly confirm this, at the moment there is no such information, usually it is there for 2-3 days and it appears, and sometimes even earlier, it appears in the media, which receive these actual satellite images, and then an official confirmation from the general staff already appears. in the united states , the spokesman of the national security council, white, reacted to russia's accusations. home told the bbc that ukraine accepts itself decisions on objectives and conducts its own military operations. recently, washington allowed the use of american weapons on the territory of russia in order to stop the offensive in kharkiv region. however, as the american media write, the usa allows the use of weapons
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more widely, and it was possible to strike the ukrainian territories occupied by russia with western weapons before, but if we are talking about strikes on the territory. in kyiv reported the destruction of the shahed russian drone base. and more about how ukraine strikes the russian rear, my colleague oleg chernysh. already after obtaining permission from the american authorities, strikes were recorded on russian positions in the territory of bilhorodsk, and literally today information appeared, again, so far unofficial, even on the territory of the kursk oblasts. and as for the belgorod region, this information... was officially confirmed by the general staff, it actually reported on the defeat of the command post near the ukrainian border, there were also many photo-video confirmations of the defeat of the headquarters of the northern operational command, that is, the russian north, which actually leads hostilities on
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kharkiv oblast, that is, we can say that this permission of the americans, it was quite actively used, so to speak, by the ukrainians, and in fact there in the first ... it is not quite the rear, but nevertheless, after receiving this permission, ukraine began to actively use it, and the same systems are used by the american hymars, there is a ban on using longer-range attacks, so we can say that the main one striking weapons are hymers, which are sufficiently accurate, sufficiently long-range, nevertheless. are visiting important russian facilities on the territory of russia itself, i can also mention photo and video confirmation of damage to the ammunition depot, again near belgorod, that is, we see that this significantly, in fact, significantly affects the situation
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on the battlefield, and for example, this situation with the defeat of russian territory can be considered one of the factors that... significantly slowed down and actually, one might say, stopped the russian offensive on kharkiv oblast, that is, i i believe that after all, russia will find a way to adjust to this situation, perhaps it will move the command posts even further from the border, it will disperse the ammunition depots, make them smaller, as it is currently doing in the occupied territories, but this, but this actually confirms that ukraine faced, russia, i'm sorry, faced such... problems that it did not count on, but, but one can also say about problems, and ukraine voices them publicly, this is the limitation of 100 km from the corridor, it is obviously not enough, and i will explain why because this radius does not include important russian
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airfields on the territory of rostov, belgrade, kursk, voronsky regions, well, actually airfields are, as we understand, the most desirable goal for ukraine. since it is from them that fighter jets and bombers take off, which most often drop guided aerial bombs on kharkiv, on other cities of ukraine near the border, in fact, this problem has not been resolved until... ukraine has not resolved this ban on hitting objects further than 100 km from the border , unfortunately, it also does not solve this problem with cabs and with russian aviation, attacks from 300 km have been handed over to ukraine, they cannot be used in russia, well, actually on the territory of russia, so to speak, officially recognized, it is clear that crimea is the territory of ukraine, which is occupied by russia, and they can be used there, on the territory in russia, the most long-range western weapon that we... can use is the one that ukraine can use, these are hymes that hit us approximately
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70 km, deep into the territories, well, actually these 70 are there, plus or minus a few more kilometers, this is exactly the depth that can now be expressed ukraine into enemy territory, the american media wrote that ukraine can use american weapons 100 km deep into russian territory, the us representatives did not officially state this, then... russia called the attack on sevastopol barbaric, but at the same time russian forces struck with iskander-type missiles on pokrovsk in donetsk region. the donetsk regional administration reports five dead and more than 40 wounded. a similar attack took place today in odesa, and according to the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, only on sunday russian troops carried out two missile and 47 air strikes on ukraine. and finally, how are other countries preparing to repel possible russian aggression? some nato countries bordering russia are calling on their western allies, including britain, to bring back
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conscription as a deterrent to vladimir putin. the scandinavian and baltic countries have already redeployed their troops, but britain, for example, rules out a return to conscription, which ended 60 years ago. a bbc correspondent previously went to the border of estonia and russia, where he saw how estonian troops are preparing to fight back. a russian attack is possible. they are fighting for their lives while russia attacks. these young estonians fear that such studies may one day become a reality. he studied in great britain for four years before starting compulsory military service. this gives people better training because they have gone through a basic course and know what to do in an emergency. in any emergency, they are better prepared to respond to such a situation. even if you are not too close to
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of russia, do you find this knowledge useful? i feel like it gives me better preparation for anything, even everyday life. more and more european countries are restarting or renewing their military service. estonia is among those urging other countries, including britain, to do the same. the prime minister of estonia told how britain can adapt its system. we have a reserve army of 44 thousand people, which for britain is equal to about 2 million people. 2 million people who are ready to act, to defend their country, to know what they should do. in the british government is told that there have been no proposals to return the draft. participant of one of the young estonian groups, at first. were not happy about conscription, but now say they understand that
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maybe because of russian aggression they will have to use their skills. yes, since the war with ukraine continues, i consider it very relevant, i don't think that i have at least one friend who would not agree with it or think otherwise. the training in the forest is coming to an end, but tomorrow it will be repeated again. if russia were to attack in a ... massive defeat, i would say so, because we are ready, our reservists are ready, of course they have the numbers, but at the end of the day, in terms of strategy, we have nato. russia scoffs at the suggestion that next time... it might invade a nato member country. they do not believe a single word of moscow here. so that's all we
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have time to tell today. we're back on the air tomorrow at 9. take care. new week. we're going back live on espresso and we'll now have about 45 minutes where we can discuss and the events we talked about. in the previous hour with our experts and about a lot of strategic issues, internal political issues in our country, strategic issues related to war, because war is essentially a question of world security, let's talk, of course, about strikes on russia, about how the russians are burning now , about what
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putin declares, and of course we are waiting for your questions, we will answer them... comment on youtube, write in my social networks, including, and remind you about the survey, we continue to conduct it, you you can still vote during this hour whether you believe that ukraine will join the european union within the next 10 years, the survey is free and you can call if you think yes then call 0800 211 3008 if you think no then call 0800 -211382, we will wait for your calls, and at the end, of course, we will sum up, we will talk, probably yes, let's start about crimea, no, let's start with strikes on russia, but you rightly remarked, i'll just remind you that 21 information appeared in june
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about excellent cotton in krasnodar. as it turns out, we are now talking about the military training ground 726 of the air defense training center, military unit 33859 in yeysk, and now i will quote the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, which officially clarify for us what exactly managed to hit. so, as a result of the strike , about 20 units of shaheds, the so-called geraniy, shock bpllancet, and 50 units of development were destroyed. 40 units, the reconnaissance uav supercam - 10 units, and there are also casualties among the instructors and technical personnel from yelabuga, bingo, i think it's bingo, and since the navy is so clearly, simply quantitatively presenting the results of their work to us, i wonder what this whole thing could have been affected by,
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maybe even our own little neptune, well but less so about crimea, yes... about crimea, the temporarily occupied crimea is slowly getting used to the fact that it is actually a war zone, and the defense forces of ukraine are acting so brilliantly that, in principle, local residents do not complain about some simply crazy destructive processes on the peninsula, destruction and so on, there is an understanding that ours work purely on military objects, but when the russians start... perhaps in some way to oppose or start playing a play on the theme of war, then all this leads to terrible and very often tragic consequences, it happened in sevastopol, more precisely in the sevastopol area, in uchkoivka, those who, for those who know crimea, i think this place is quite well known. the russians continue
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to place civilians near military facilities and military facilities near civilians. then we get the tragic news that one of the vacationers died, although, well, i don't know if it can be called tragic news when we are talking about people, colonizers, if not occupiers, purely military, who came to crimea in order to carry out some of their dirty business there, when they die children are a tragedy, but in no way, in my opinion, can the victim of aggression be blamed for the fact that... she defends herself and chooses for herself the right not to be attacked, because when we talk about crimea, we talk about launches on odessa, launches to mykolaiv, launches to kyiv, very much often reaches even the western ukrainian regions, therefore the demilitarization of crimea is an extremely important task, and here is this
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situation in sevastopol, it stands out, stands out from the general background, it actually demonstrates. on the one hand, that the war is not far away, the war is at home with, firstly, the inhabitants of the crimean peninsula, this is also a fact, and secondly, it is actually at home, as they believe, with the same occupiers and colonizers, there is a very simple recipe, i hope that with at least some analytical thinking, they should be collecting theirs by now suitcases and slowly do my magadan, why am i talking about magadan, because one of the dead on that beach is, if i am not mistaken, the daughter of the councilor of the mayor of magadan, well... here we have, we have to understand, one thing in fact, the first question, those people , which were brought to
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crimea, and we well understand how russia acts, it always does, no matter what territory it occupies, its main action during the following years is what, this is a large resettlement, they did this already in crimea after and before the second world war . after the second world war, they did so with in crimea, they did this to ukraine, which they occupied once again, after we declared the independence of the ukrainian people's republic, the directorate of the ukrainian people's republic, and that is , they resettle their population in order to colonize this territory, this is the first thing, please, i would like an amendment to do, when we say, the russians are relocating their population, we seem to be filming. responsibility from this population, as if they do not want to go, and bad mother russia sends them there. ladies and gentlemen, this is a competitor, she decided to join ours
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ukrainian crimea, to rest on the beaches near sevastopol, which in itself is a huge military base, and why should we have even a little bit of intuition, we do not justify here, but explain that those people who moved there are occupiers. we have another question, who collaborated with us , we must understand that there is an indigenous population, there are occupiers, this is already a matter for law enforcement agencies, but there are colonizers, there are occupiers, and it is not necessary that the occupiers are those in military uniform , no, i'm sorry, there are administrations, there are technical personnel who there, relatively speaking, well... well, i agree, they drove, they didn't drive, but, but they, they support all this, supported and will support it, so to say that there, well, they are the occupiers, but there is another very an important
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detail, which is also constantly used by the russians, is that they need victims, and it is even very good for them, when somewhere in one of their cities in the occupied territory, there are victims, there are killed, there are wounded, they always use it for their propaganda purposes, and therefore, of course, the russians do not care about the number the number of dead, the number of wounded, the number of destroyed civilian objects, on the contrary, the imperial policy of the kremlin and the terrorist policy of the kremlin, it has always consisted in inflicting as much as possible... informationally or realistically , including on its own population, in order to to consolidate it. this was done even before putin, but
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it especially started during the putin period. let's remember the same building blasts that they did in the beginning, yes, the nordosts are the same and so on and so forth, and when they deploy their anti-aircraft systems of defense, in the middle of civilian buildings, in the middle. courtyards, in the middle of schools, kindergartens, on the contrary, they do everything possible to ensure that there are victims, and then drive as many of these conditional people as possible to war, this is the consolidation of russian society, and therefore they will and they use and they will use any death of his people for his own benefit inside his country, but it is just the height of cynicism to really send. children to rest in the occupied crimea, well, that is, well, this is this daughter of the adviser to the mayor of magadan, seriously, this child, but it’s great, it’s great
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patriotism for the rashists, to send their people, their children to the crimea to have a rest, that’s the height of patriotism, that’s showing, listen, i still won’t be surprised if they send them, for example, relax. in mariupol, they are doing it, by the way, by the way, just recently, a few weeks ago, there was information, actually official, that the russians plan to place air defense systems on the territory of the children's camp, as it is called, the artek children's camp, well that is they receive their children there, children from belgorod, in my opinion, they even send them there, and so the as300 got stuck somewhere between the trees. 400 or something, maybe some armor, which, of course, is peaceful, and does not do anything bad and does not pose any threat to ukraine at all,
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ridiculous. it's really funny, but at the same time it's sad, it's sad that things that should have been understood a long time ago, the russians are resisting to the last, just as putin is actually resisting to the last, not admitting that the war with ukraine has gone into the wrong direction angle in which he planned to start it, i think he should have realized this in the first weeks of the large-scale invasion, but as they say, he was disgraced before the last ... disgraced, hold the brand, that's how it seems to me now the last two years to kill a huge number of its citizens, to destroy, or at least to exhaust its military potential as a country for a war with a country that does not obey, well, it does not obey you, it is very strange, but this is actually related to his position now to go to the end, well by the way, by the way, if we talk about this position,
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let's now... let's listen to the synchronicity, let's listen to what putin said, because he clearly says that the defeat in ukraine, or rather, not a defeat, not the occupation of ukraine, not the destruction of ukraine, this is the end of russia's statehood, let's go now let's see, they are talking about what they are talking about that they want to achieve a strategic defeat of russia on the battlefield. what does this mean for russia? for russia, this means the end of its statehood, that's what it means. this means the end of the thousand-year history of the russian state. i think it's everyone of course. and then the question arises: why should we be afraid, isn't it better then to go to the end? well, this is what we are talking about, for russia, the question
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of occupation. of ukraine, this is a question of their absolutely sick imagination, of their survival. that is, we have to understand one thing, that this is an existential war. and here it is not even about putin, it is not even about his entourage. the fact is that this is a position that is shared absolutely. the majority, the majority of russians, this is a position that is not only today, this is a position that has always been, ugh, and they they did it 300 years ago, 400 years ago, they are doing it now, and they will do it until the moment when russia exists as a state entity, we must understand this, and we must realize that
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the threat is not going anywhere, and that this threat, unfortunately, is real, and it will be real, as well as, by the way, for ukraine, the question now, in fact, if not of our victory, then of our preservation as an independent state, the preservation of our people, our culture, our history, our language, our position on... the world geopolitical chessboard - this is a question the survival of our country, the fact that we have such a neighbor, unfortunately, it puts us in a similar position before a choice, and we understand either we, or they, or they, or we, and putin realizes this, we should also realize this, each of us, every ukrainian, every politician, everyone, everyone socially, socially. everyone should
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understand that we have to do everything for our victory, for our preservation, yes, but when we use rhetoric like, either we or them, well, we understand, and our european partners have said this many times, if they stop fighting russian actions federation, then the war will end if ukraine , on its part, stops hostilities against the resistance, then it will be the end not of the war, but the end of ukraine, and this is actually a big difference, i don’t know if we can somehow fall into maximalist thoughts about the fact that the russian federation should disappear from the world map, we would all like it, so that it does not really exist as a state entity, but let's be objective, we can say...


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