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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EEST

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hours, do you believe that ukraine will join the european union in the next 10 years, the survey is free and you can call, if you think so, then call 0800 211 381, if you think no, then call 0800 211 382, ​​we will wait for your calls, and at the end, of course, we will sum up. let's talk, probably yes, let's start about crimea. let's start with the strikes on russia, but you rightly remarked, i'll just remind you that on june 21 there was information about quite a lot of cotton in the krasnodar region. as it turns out that we are now talking about military training ground 726 of the air defense training center, military unit 33859 in yeysk. and now i will quote the military. forces of the armed forces of ukraine, which
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officially clarify for us what exactly was hit, which means that as a result of the strike , about 20 units of shaheds, the so-called gerany, 50 units of the attack uav allenset, 40 units of the reconnaissance uav zala, 40 units of the reconnaissance uav superkam were destroyed 10 units, and there are also casualties among instructors and technical personnel from yelabuga, bingo, i i think it's bingo. well, since the naval forces so clearly, simply quantitatively present to us the results of their work, it is interesting how this whole thing could have been affected, perhaps even by our native neptune. well, but less so about crimea. yes, to andrii about crimea. temporarily occupied crimea is slowly getting used to the fact that it is actually a war zone. and, the defense forces of ukraine act so brilliantly that, in principle. and local residents do not complain
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about some simply crazy destructive processes on the peninsula, destruction and so on, there are understanding that ours work purely on military objects, but when the russians begin, perhaps in some way to oppose or begin to play a play on the theme of war, then all this leads to terrible and very often tragic consequences, it happened in sevastopol. more precisely, in the area of ​​sevastopol, in uchkiivka, those who, for those who know crimea, i think that this place is quite well known. the russians continue to put civilians near military facilities and military facilities near civilians, then we get tragic news that one of the vacationers died, although, well, i don't know if you can call it tragic news when we are talking about people, colonizers. if not the occupiers, then purely
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the military, who came to crimea in order to carry out some of their dirty business there, when children die, it is a tragedy, but in no way, in my opinion, can the victim of aggression be accused of defending himself and chooses for itself the right not to be attacked, because when we talk about crimea, we are talking about launches on odesa, launches on mykolaiv, launches on kyiv very often, it even reaches the western ukrainian regions, therefore the demilitarization of crimea is an extremely important task, and here is this situation in sevastopol, it stands out, stands out from the general background, it actually demonstrates on the one hand that the war is not far away, the war is at home first of all for the residents of the crimean peninsula, this it's also a fact, and secondly, she... er is actually at home, as
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they believe, with the same occupiers and colonizers, there is a very simple recipe, i hope that with at least some analytical thinking, they would already have pack your suitcases and slowly make your way to your home, why am i talking about magadan, because one of the dead on that beach is, if i am not mistaken, the daughter of the councilor of the mayor of magadan, well, here we have, we have... the first question, those people who were brought to crimea, and we understand very well how russia acts, it always does, no matter what territory it occupies, its main action during the following years is what, this is a large resettlement, they already did this in crimea after and before the second world war, after the second world war. war, they did this with
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crimea, they did this with ukraine, which they occupied once again, after our declaration of independence of the ukrainian people's republic, directors. unr, that is, they are relocating their population in order to colonize this territory, this is the first thing, excuse me, please, i, i would like to make an amendment, when we say, the russians are relocating their population, we seem to remove responsibility from this population , as if it does not want to go, and bad mother russia is sending them there. ladies and gentlemen, this is a competitor, she decided to go to our ukrainian crimea, rested. on the beaches near sevastopol, which in itself is a hefty military base, and why do we have even a little we here , in fact, we do not justify here, but explain that those people who moved there, they are the occupiers, that is, this is the main
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leitmotif of what i want to convey, we must understand that there is an indigenous population, there is another question, who collaborated with the occupiers, this is already a question for... bodies, but there are colonizers, there are occupiers, and it is not necessary that the occupiers are those in military uniform , no, i'm sorry, there are administrations, there are technical personnel who go there, relatively speaking, well, me i agree, they drove it, they didn't drive it, but, but they, they support all this, supported and will support it, so to say that they are the occupiers, but there is another very important fact. which is also constantly used by the russians, it consists in the fact that they need victims, and it is even very good for them when somewhere in some of their cities, in the occupied, in the occupied territory there are victims, there are killed, there are
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wounded, they always use it in for its propaganda purposes, and therefore, of course, the number of casualties is of no concern to the russians. the number of wounded, the number of destroyed civilian objects, on the contrary, the imperial policy of the kremlin and the terrorist policy of the kremlin, it always consisted in inflicting as much informational or real trouble as possible, including on its own population, in order to consolidate it . this was done even before putin, but it especially started during the putin period. let's remember the same blasting of houses that they did in the beginning, yes, the same nordosts and so on and so forth, and when they place their air defense systems in the middle of civilian buildings, in the middle of yards, in the middle of schools, kindergartens, on the contrary, they do
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everything possible to ensure that there are victims, and then drive as many of these conditional people as possible to... any death of their people to their own benefits within one's country, but it's just the height of cynicism, really sending children to the occupied crimea to rest, well, that is, well , this is this daughter of the adviser to the mayor of magadan , seriously, this is a child, but this is great, this is great patriotism for me, for me, i will not be surprised if they will send them, for example, to rest in mariupol, they do it, by the way, by the way,
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just recently, a few weeks ago , there was actually official information that the russians are planning to place anti-aircraft defense systems on the territory of the kindergarten. and what is the name of the camp, the artek children's camp, well, that is, they receive their children there, children from belgorod, in my opinion, they even send them there, and so somewhere between the trees there was a c-300 c-400 or something , maybe a shell someone who, of course, is peaceful and doesn't do anything bad at all does not pose any threat to ukraine, it's funny, actually funny, but... at the same time, it's sad, sad that things that should have been understood a long time ago, the russians are holding out to the last, just as putin is actually holding out to the last , not admitting that the war with ukraine had gone into the wrong corner in which
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he planned to lead it, it seems to me that he should have understood this in the first weeks of the large-scale invasion, but, as they say, he regretted it, he regretted it to the last . hold on mark, this is how it seems to me to kill the last two years a huge number of its citizens, destroy, or at least exhaust its military potential. as a country to go to war with a country that does not obey, well, it does not obey you, it is very strange, but actually this is what his position is related to now, to go to the end, well , by the way, by the way, if we talk about this position , let's now listen to the synchronicity, let's listen to what putin said, says, because he clearly says that the defeat in ukraine, or rather not the defeat, not the occupation of ukraine, not the destruction. this is the end of russian statehood. let's go now
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let's see they say that they want to achieve a strategic defeat of russia on the battlefield. what does this mean for russia? for russia, this means the termination of its statehood. here's what it means. this means the end of the thousand-year history of the russian state. i think it is clear to everyone. and then the question arises, why should we be afraid, isn't it better then to go to the end? well , what we are talking about, for russia, the question of the occupation of ukraine, is a question in their absolutely sick imagination, of their survival, that is, we have to understand one thing, that it is an existential question. war, and this is not even about putin, this is not even about his
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entourage, this is a position that is shared by an absolutely larger, larger part of russians, this is a position that is not only today, this is a position which has always been, ugh, and they did it even 300 years, 400 years ago, they are doing it now, and they will do it until the moment when russia exists as a state entity, we must understand this for ourselves, and we must realize that the threat is not going away and that this threat, unfortunately, is real and it will be real, the same and, by the way, for ukraine, the question now, in fact, if not our... victory, then our preservation as an independent state,
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the preservation of our people, our culture, our history, our language, our position, on the world geopolitical chessboard, this is a question of the survival of our country, the fact that we have such a neighbor, unfortunately, it puts us in a similar position before a choice, and we understand that either... we, or they, or they, or we, and putin realizes this, we have to realize and we, each of us, each ukrainian, each politician, each, each socially, a social worker, everyone has to understand what to do, uh, we have to do everything for our victory, for our preservation, yes, but when we use... rhetoric like it's either us or them, well, we understand, and about that
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our european partners have said many times that if the russian federation stops hostilities, then the war will end, if ukraine, on its part , stops hostilities in resistance, then this will not be the end of the war, but the end of ukraine, and this is actually a big difference, i don’t know if we can somehow... you in maximalist thoughts that the russian federation should disappear from the world map, we would all like that, so that it does not really exist as a state entity, but let's be objective, we can only talk about its transformation into something, with how will it be possible to somehow co-exist behind the ottaken towering wall, this seems to me the most realistic, well, putin, who i am sure did not... in 2022, did not imagine the year 2024 like that, should want to get out of
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this mire into which he drove and his country and drove himself away, and it seems to me that the events that took place in dagestan could be a great reason for this, in fact, despite all the tragedy, probably, it could be a great reason, he could turn to his people and say: you know, this is the face of terrorism, because sorry , an attack on a synagogue, an attack on a christian shrine, eh, and all this does not speak of some kind of tolerance, all this... speaks precisely of terrorism, it is worth our attention, and in principle, to refocus and paint a new enemy for the russians, this is now the , what vladimir vladimirovich should be doing, but he is stubbornly fixated on ukraine needs some kind of fetish in a person, it's just a disaster, well, it's about a mental
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deviation, well , professionals should probably deal with this, dagestan was on fire. literally yesterday, and derbend and makhachkala, and we are talking about the attackers, we are talking about the fact that they were eliminated, we are talking about the heroic work of the russian special services, which, as we really know, very often create a problem, and then they heroically liquidate it, what was it, well, i don't know, maybe somewhere in the open archives of the fsb already, as it is now in the archives. we will find out in tens of years, well so far, we are being given a picture of evil terrorists who attack peaceful russians, or those people who are considered to be russians actually somewhere in the kremlin, because again, when we talk about the caucasus, when we talk about dagestan in particular, which
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distinguished itself by quite active protests since the start of mobilization in the russian federation, then here... it may not be so unambiguous, but how can it be unambiguous, if one should not generally consider dagestan or chechnya, the territory of russia, well, this territory is effectively controlled, it in fact, the territory legally belongs to russia, but the people of russia do not live there, other peoples live there, who were oppressed and occupied at certain historical stages. were destroyed, if you can say so, that is, in fact , it is a long-term occupation, and we understand that russia is an artificial state entity, that russia in that form, just like the soviet union, it was an artificial state entity with artificial , allegedly autonomous
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countries, but we understood very well that these are all occupied countries, that this is... territory, that ukraine was occupied, that the baltic countries were occupied, that azerbaijan, armenia were occupied, georgia was occupied, that is , the same situation is happening now, these nationalities, these peoples are fighting for their independence, they do not want to fight for russia, they do not want to die for russia, they... understand that culturally, historically, they have nothing to do with russia, except that they were really occupied, and now the russian so-called tricolor hangs there, everything, on the other hand, we also have to understand that russia can carry out certain planned provocations , that is, we should not
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exclude the fact that i am not talking about this case, because we will never, or ever, or never know what it was, but we must understand that, including, russia can arrange special performances in order to unite again, their underpopulation, to blame whom, whom they blamed yesterday, by the way, some of their representatives, some of their deputies, ukraine, said that it is again ukraine's fault, that is, it is no longer just a fetish, it is an understanding of what we talked about , that without ukraine. russia will never see itself as a full-fledged state, well to blame ukraine for everything, this is indeed what they do regularly, but returning to the topic of sevastopol, the united states was blamed there, it is said, they mentioned, well, less than that, i would actually like to mention in the context of these statements
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by putin that that we will go to the end, and they do not need peace without russia. about the fact that he is desperately looking for support, about how he went to north korea, about what he agreed with the kimchan, the kimchan we talked about, and here is his trip to vietnam, after which the minister of foreign affairs of this countries stated that their strategic strategic partner remains the united states, the united states, that's the question for me, that is, is it desperately looking for support, or is it desperately looking for somewhere to, you know, kindle, fan... fan, fan some kind of flame, so that after he visited the dprk, i got the clear impression that he was, well, how about that, a pushover. god forgives , he is busy, yes, but what do you have here with south korea, or maybe they will provoke, or maybe they will provoke and in every way with their activities and words, he failed exactly
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until this moment, putin is benefiting from conflicts around the world, and wherever they will break out, but now at this stage in 2024, it is very logical to actually ask yourself the question, is there not a hand of the kremlin here, and then to understand the essence, whether it really is there are, shall we say, other... forces are at play, because there is also a bagpipe in china, and china is such an active partner of north korea, in fact an older brother, let's be frank, and at the same time, when we talk about south korea, i think this crazy defense deal is coming between south korea and poland for billions of billions of funds for the actual rearmament of the polish army by the nearest. for years, and in my opinion, regarding the restoration of our country, poland and south korea are also negotiating and coordinating in a certain way, that is, there is a certain
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level of relations. and now we see andrzej dud, who came to china, and it seems to me that it all fits into the puzzle of one picture, maybe to ask something to convince the chinese leader of something after he met with putin, but we will see. and if we are talking about china, then china certainly does not take such a radical position, but, relatively speaking, they know how to go between the drops with rhetoric, chinese policy, which consists in getting all the cream, and coming out of it all as winners, well, regarding china, look, here we have to understand that china wants to stay in the european markets, china wants to stay in the american markets, now in china... there are big problems because it supports russia, it supports russia. on the other hand, and the united states the united states of america and the european union are not ready
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to tear away from china, nor are they ready to cut them off completely, i.e. the fact that excise taxes are currently being introduced there on cars, on the supply of cars, certain point sanctions are being introduced, these are such small signals for china, do not cross the red line , you don't need to go any further. what you are doing now, and stick to your steps, but at the expense of north korea, here is quite an interesting option, because north korea has always been fed and, in fact , has always lived only on an artificial respiration apparatus from china. what does kimchinin do? it turns out that in this case he is using putin to at least partially... get off this chinese needle, huh, and get certain, if not political, then economic dividends. what
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is putin doing? putin wanted to start a war in the balkans, but it didn't work. putin wanted a war to break out in the middle east, but it didn't work out. putin is ready to go to north korea, to eventually count himself among... well , quasi-states, the axis of evil, quasi -leaders, because he cannot even be called a leader, in fact, he is not elected, well, like putin, he is not elected, and putin himself ultimately counts the likes of kim jin-in in the cohort, and what putin needs, and putin needs, to start a war between north and south korea. and if a war breaks out between north and south korea, then again, some or all of the attention of the united states of america will shift to south
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korea. when would putin like to do it? putin would like to do this before the presidential elections in the united states of america. in order to maximally destabilize the situation in the so-called western world. whether it will work for him or not is another matter question. but he dreams,... he fantasizes, he tries, relatively speaking, to build this axis of evil that will provoke wars all over the world, so if we return to our topic, that we should not entertain ourselves with illusions that russia will disappear , that russia will cease to exist, we should not even entertain ourselves with any thoughts that the regime will change there, or the views of russians will change, we must... build our state democratically, within the framework of legality, and most importantly - without the russian world, which, by the way, , some of our activists
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are trying... to drag us back into the wrong world lawlessness, to the russian peace, to disorder and disunity within the country, i think that we need to talk about this now, but let's talk about, god, i'm sorry, please, i don't want to, but we have to. former adviser to the office of the president of ukraine, oleksiy aristovych , told who ksenia sobchak is putin's niece or goddaughter? ksenia sobchak, a bright russian oppositionist, right? about his desire to run for the post of president of ukraine, rejected the possibility of agreeing to support his candidacy from the incumbent of the russian authorities, they say that putin, in principle, he respects, he would even shake hands with the fact that he considers him an opponent, here let's listen to the direct speech, in my opinion, what was putin's mistake when he put forward an ultimatum of five regions, it consisted in the fact that he formulated the goals
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of his policy. peace proposal in such a way that he achieved the exact opposite trends in ukraine, and he re-legitimized zelensky with his statement that putin is crazy and cannot negotiate with him for at least six months of political life. we are now looking at the situation from putin's point of view. that is, with his statement, gesture, political move, he only postponed the achievement of the goals he sets for himself regarding ukraine. delayed, that is, oleksiy aristovych, seriously, a person who acted as a sedative for many at the beginning of a large-scale invasion, says that putin, in principle, only delayed the achievement of his goals somewhat, but i understand from the rhetoric that
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he is completely, completely can reach them. the level of faith of mr. oleksiy has somehow changed ukrainian society, to the ukrainian state and to the ukrainian government, most importantly, to the diametrically opposite, these are his mildest statements, let's say so, let's explain to the audience why we are talking about this at all, because not even a political character, and so near the political, we are currently considering some object near the political. here in our optics, in our program new week. when we talk about arestovich and something voiced by him, it seems to me that we should talk about technology, ah, about technology, how to actually accumulate in in one place, maybe on one person, on one character, who maybe even plays his role, and a large number of ukrainians, still a large number of ukrainians, who in
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principle, in principle. have remained or are leaning towards the pro-russian forces of potential in our country, although formally it is difficult for me to imagine if any of the ukrainians in the elections after the war would have voted for opz or something like that, namely for these people, but it seems to me that those who are ready would support politicians who will not be so harsh towards russia, well what they are to us, well, maybe not... not enemies, for sure, we have to coexist somehow. such people may remain in ukraine and may be many. that's right, so technologically, from the point of view of those forces that would like the return of ukraine, well, if not to the russian world, then the preservation of some part of the russian world in ukraine, they need opzh-2, that is, under the code name opz2
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, some other force is needed. this is no longer boyko, of course, this is no longer medvedchuk, this is no longer any of those representatives who, frankly speaking, have gone into oblivion, a little more there in the verkhovna rada, unfortunately, they are kept, but here is something new, something so light, something so differently packaged, but something that actually repeats all the same theses and all the same words, and in its essence... promotes the same russian peace as it was before february 24 , 2022 in ukraine, this is what certain forces would like to return to ukraine. who is aristovych? this is a person who escaped from ukraine. she simply ran away. how he escaped from ukraine is another question. or maybe go for a ride? well.


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