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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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damaged infrastructure will require significant financial and technological resources, we also expect losses of enemy personnel, and there were reports that the enemy was deploying a powerful reb complex called krasukh, which was actually designed to cover from attacks by unmanned systems or missile weapons this area, which... occupied, local residents reported that there were drone attacks on this satellite communication center, but still there is a high probability that it was the atakams that were used, although this almost there on the border of up to 300 km from our territory, and now, by the way, the issue of using american weapons not only in crimea, but also on russian territory at tactical and operational depth is becoming increasingly acute. and relevant. kyiv insists
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that it is possible to use foreign weapons, based on both the technical capabilities of the weapons and the needs of the battlefield. but when it comes to american weapons, now american officials are talking about the fact that the united states allows ukraine to use hymers, which are equipped with gemelres shells targets in russia, and these restrictions do not apply to geography, that is... it refers to all areas where there are military targets that are involved in active military operations or are preparing for imminent military operations. now we see the infographic, it's actually this green color, it's the authorized operation of hymers on the territory of the russian federation, then we see a gray area, and there in this gray area there are many such red dots that identify important russian military facilities and airfields , summer marks.
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such lithuanians there within 20 and, conditionally speaking, it can be concluded that in fact a significant number of russian military facilities and airfields are outside the limits of the actions of the hymers, but within the reach of the atakams, and this means that in fact some airfields, in particular the baltimore airfield near voronezh , 200 km away, regularly this airfield is used for... su-34-type aircraft to take off from this airfield and carry out airstrikes on our territory, and therefore just the expansion of the area of ​​use of atakams should significantly change the situation on the battlefield, including for destruction of the s-400 air defense systems, now we see a graphic showing such pink zones, such circles are actually the zones to which the s-400 reaches on the territory of ukraine,
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if they are in the zone outside the hymars, that is, in fact, if we we will use atakams to destroy the s-400, then in fact the area of ​​influence of the s-400 on our aircraft and, in the future, on f-16 aircraft will be much smaller, and therefore it is extremely important to seek to increase the variation and deepen the area of ​​atakams action deep in the territory of the russian federation , because this is actually now well such... an effective direction of exhausting the enemy's offensive potential, destroying his manpower and equipment, one of the important factors of ensuring constant high losses of the enemy. and further to the front line, now most of the hostilities occur in the pokrovsky direction, here a third of the clashes from the entire front, which we now have a length of 940 km. and the pokrovsky direction, this is actually from
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karlivka in the south to novooleksandrivka and vozlyzhzhenka in the north, but now we see a map where it can be noted that the enemy is trying to advance from ochereteny in in several directions, in particular, it is like novooleksandrivka on with a course to vozdvizhenka and to the pokrovsk, kostiantynka track, and it is also trying to act in the direction of yevgenivka and... other areas, using the advantage , first of all, in manpower and equipment about novooleksandrivka, at first there were a message from the dipstate that the enemy had completely captured oleksandrivka, then there were explanations from the general staff that in fact our troops were being received in the western parts of oleksandrivka, but in any case we understand that the situation is extremely difficult, and we actually understand. behind novo oleksandriyka
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, the heights begin, the rise, and then this route, to which the enemy is so eager to advance, and now it is within 7-8 km of this one. of a possible rolling route through which our military is supplied in certain areas, and now we will talk in more detail about this direction, where our famous brigades are holding the defense, now we will talk with oleksandr shirshin, this is the deputy battalion commander of the 47th separate assault brigade, an experienced military , who passed the posts of platoon commander, company, company, now deputy commander... mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. regarding the capture of novooleksandrivka, there were various reports. in any case, how does the activity of the enemy in this area affect
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the situation in the pokrovsky direction, how does it affect the area of ​​the front where your brigade is defending. well, in any case, the impact is obvious. because it is our flanks that pass through exactly the area where they are trying to advance, the flank is overwhelmed, it is much easier to take the brigade there conditionally in the encirclement or take the positions they are in, it is simple, but we continue to work, the approach of the enemy to this route. this is pokrovsk kostyantynivka, which i mentioned earlier, to what extent does it affect the provision of our brigades, are there alternative options that, well, make it impossible, to put it bluntly, the risks created by the enemy's fire control on there is, that is, the possibility of an approach is,
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i think, what is more - the situation is different, from this track the enemy can develop success and will also have... the opportunity to go to the side of kostiantynka and the like, so there is not so much a question of security as a question of a threat to other areas of the front. mr. oleksandr, what is the current situation in the area of ​​responsibility of your brigade, what are the dynamics over the last two days, what is happening there? we have active battles going on, the enemy is very strong. took us up on us, storms in large groups of people, unfortunately, has success, which is not what it is, but it is successful, so there are certain nuances, certain problems, but we are trying to solve them, for now, we
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will probably recruit you now, because there is a little bit of communication and probably important things that you said at the end, we did not quite hear, let me remind you that the 47th brigade is holding the defense just in the pokrovsky direction, this is actually the middle of such a conditional conditional front line from novooleksandrivka to karlivka, this is actually the front that... our units are now receiving after withdrawing from avdiyivka, and now the enemy is trying to use the advantage, primarily in manpower, using different tactics which exactly we are now questioning, oleksandr is trying to create prerequisites, well, first of all
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, the central part is an attack on the attacks on novoselivska first, novoselivka first is exactly the middle of this line of defense, such a dense building is enough. and in principle , the enemy is trying to push in this direction and is trying to push through the flanks, the flank to the north, this is novooleksandrivka, which we mentioned earlier, and the central part, where the 47 separate brigade is holding the defense, mr. oleksandr, please continue, we, unfortunately, could not hear the end of your sentence, if possible, please repeat. success, although despite this we continue to gain defense, there are nuances that we face, the enemy unfortunately outnumbers us and it is obvious, here, but i think that we are conducting the defense effectively enough, the tactics
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of the enemy for sure are similar to other areas, that is, the use of infantry and heavy armored vehicles, or has the rate on the enemy's armored vehicles increased recently . in our area, if we talk about armored vehicles, they use them to the extreme rarely, the prisoners we took, they first say that they are either missing or not, or technicians. is over, or they say that they are afraid to go because all the equipment is on fire, that is , mostly the equipment was destroyed due to the bradley fighting vehicle and due to the drones, so the maximum they drive in, they try, at the very least, is a buggy and a motorcycle, and when we talk about replenishing the enemy after losses, how quickly you notice the provision of new replenishment vlab. the enemy, it happens quite quickly, they usually replace units
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new ones, that is, we have already changed units several times in this area, now a new regiment has entered again, and you can see from them that these are their first fighters who are trying to enter there, they are doing it quite aggressively, they manage to advance there and so on, as long as they are caught there, and they do not begin to bear the first losses. yes, but they replace quickly enough, they have enough personnel to carry out such replacements. oleksandr, what is the training of these new units that are coming in, because when they talked with borov's direction, there they said that, so to speak, many enemies there have less than a month of training there, that is, in fact, this replenishment almost immediately goes into combat, although they are followed by more trained units, what is the situation? do you see the rotational changes that occur in the enemy, are they related to the low quality
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of personnel, or even in the case of rotation, sufficiently prepared enemies attack our defenses? it happens differently, that is, there are those who come here, for example, for two weeks in this direction, there for up to a month, and accordingly, there, a month ago, they only signed a contract, there are those who have already been beaten there in different directions, were in different... areas, the last prisoner we had, he fought in the wagner pmc, and somehow miraculously survived there, after a period of time passed and he mobilized again, so i can't say that everything is the same, but we are faced with different types of training. oleksandr, you said that the bradley infantry fighting vehicle is primarily used for countermeasures, and you didn't mention artillery, what about artillery from our side? the artillery on our side is working, the problem is that there is not such a quantity of bull that we
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would need, despite all the deliveries, signed contracts and the like, that is, we do not yet feel that we have any replenishment, so but again, we fought in this regime for six months, and we continue, continue, do everything... with the available resources that we have. the use of bradley, our citizens have seen many videos where your soldiers bravely shoot the enemy there and on opposite courses and support infantry, how is the repair of bradley in your conditions, because i understand that this is not an easy story, are the repair conditions provided for the restoration of the equipment that comes out. of course, bradley repair is a continuous process, that is, there are always people who
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are engaged in putting each car there on wheels, so to speak, here, and in terms of provision, it is different, that is, we are now dealing with what in we are there at the repair base, but we are coping, we have somehow gotten used to the conditions we have now, in which we have been fighting for almost a year now, well, that's it. and well, i can't say that we have something critical to repair. mr. oleksandr, you are the deputy battalion commander, you have, well , direct contact with the personnel, you have to motivate the personnel, you have to convince them, you have to take into account all the peculiarities of each soldier on the battlefield, which now, first of all, you will feel most from your subordinates, when it is necessary to talk about motivation, how people are exhausted, how to find the right words in order to ensure
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performing a combat mission? i don't really like to comment on this topic, but i will tell you that the approach is actually different for each, well, for each unit, for each person. , very often we have to make some tough decisions, difficult decisions, raise our voice somewhere, etc., there are people who understand when you explain why it is necessary, but first of all , we start by speaking openly , what task a person should go to, what he has to do, we tell in maximum detail so that a person understands, and in addition, we try to give people a certain preparation so that, having experienced a certain scenario, there is a certain model on the test site, they have
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more confidence. how is the situation with the replenishment within the permissible limits of what you can say, is the replenishment of finding new personnel to strengthen your brigade? with regard to replenishment, the situation is basically the same as in general in all divisions, there are not the number of people that we would like to have, that we should have, but in spite of this we continue. to work, mr. oleksandr, thank you very much for the inclusion, and first of all for what you and your comrades are doing to protect our country in such an extremely important and difficult area, thank you very much, let me remind you that this was oleksandr shirshin, deputy commander of the 47- of a separate assault brigade, which holds the defense
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west of avdiyivka, you saw through oleksandr's eyes how difficult and not easy it is. to our soldiers to hold our defense, these are the main emphases in the military results of this day, then the broadcast will be continued by vasyl zima, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thanks to serhii zgursy, thanks to his guest, it is really very interesting and very important to see a military man, as they say, without makeup. without pathos, here is a man wearily, truthfully talking about how difficult it is, say, to put this bradley on wheels, and it must be done constantly, repairing military equipment is something that the military does every day, and well, and well, if and it is good if this equipment can still be repaired, if it is not destroyed by the enemy, and very good if the equipment can be
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to repair just on the battlefield, that 's what we've announced a fundraiser for, which we haven't been able to close so far, that's again... no offense to anyone, we're doing what we can, it's a small amount, but we'll raise . we ask you to join the collection for the repair of your armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone in the open air in all weathers , day and night. so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, combat vehicles, infantry, armored personnel carriers, is needed. a minibus that will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the war zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is ambitious - uah 630,000, and despite the fact that, perhaps, we would like it faster, well, not us, in principle, from what they say, it won't get colder now, as if the military would like it faster, but we still managed to collect
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more than half a million hryvnias. actually, it is the large amount we have raised thanks to you we have raised. uah 508,437. we all understand very well that now life is becoming more expensive, business is declining, taxes are higher somewhere, electricity, fuel, so products are more expensive, we have to pay more for everything, and maybe we are limiting ourselves in some way, and again it is clear that not finances are so simple now for almost all ukrainians, i am not talking about individual exceptions, there are exceptions in which everything is always fine, and for whom... wartime is even better than it was before the war, unfortunately, well, but, well , but not all of us simple, but i understand that after all, some 100 hryvnias, even if we have 1000 people, and we now drop 100 hryvnias each, we will collect 10 00 hryvnias, and this will already be a significant, significant amount, i here on the air i am calling you to join this gathering, i
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am gathering on facebook for the soldiers of the 116th brigade, i am trying to help somewhere. also, having used a large number of followers in my social networks somewhere in order to help the military, because i communicate with them, having friends, acquaintances, colleagues at the front, i understand how it is not easy, and that what it seems here, we will collect tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in two weeks, in a month, so somewhere it can wait, relatively speaking, if you have, you have something, but you want an even better jeep, even better some equipment, better wheels, a better engine or there's still... something better, but it's still going, well, this is a story, again, that can wait, here's a story that can't wait, because again, a repaired bmp, armored personnel carrier or tank on the battlefield , he can immediately... go into battle, he can cover infantry, if we are talking about bmp, he can hit strong points the enemy, if we are talking about tanks, it can hit manpower, it can destroy enemy defenders, destroy firing points, if we
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are talking about a defense transporter, it can transport troops and they will not go under open fire, let's say, rifle fire there or fire machine gun, so join in, i will invite yevhen bilov, the main volunteer of the free kharkiv movement organization, to the conversation, mr. yevhen, i congratulate you, i congratulate you. glory to the heroes, i know, i'll start with the news that struck me today that it is not that i am shouting, you know this, already from the series a call to the civilized, democratic world, which should live according to the laws, at least help those against whom lawlessness is committed, this is terekhov's appeal to the united nations organization, he says, help, help to protect kharkiv and humanity in general, let's start with this, i don't... about what kind of help it can now, what help the un can provide and how specifically it can protect against the cabals, well, but this very appeal to the un already shows about what, about
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the fact that the enemy is hitting so hard that it is necessary to do something more than what is being done, please, well, this is our opinion of the people of kharkiv and ukrainians in general, because more has been needed for a long time than what is being done now, i understand that the world is a little inert to... this state, and we here we live at the very front, so when they attack kindergartens, children's camps, schools, housing estates, residential buildings, cities with civil infrastructure, and because of this there is no light, no water in the city, people suffer, are dying and wounded, then it is necessary, it is necessary to somehow stop it and do something in order to finish this one already. at these moments, at least stop the shelling, and they can influence it, they can influence russia, but for some reason they don't do it, or
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do it in a small amount. well, you know, the world community in one way or another swallowed aleppo at one time, even before that it swallowed grozny, which was completely destroyed by the russian federation back in the 90s, yes, it swallowed a lot of things, but i won't say that we are a country either. well, conditionally, we, kharkiv, are better than aleppo or grozny, no, all people are equal, but if you can, then they did not influence, then they did not save somewhere, then they killed children, women, in hospitals, in schools, and now the same thing is actually being done in the country, which is in the center of europe. let's talk about what happened this weekend, the enemy launched a cab that flew into the school, you know, to understand who, let's say, maybe don't read the news feed, from the explosion, the car just flew into that school with an explosive wave. well, an ordinary car was taken to the hospital, also tell me more about what kharkiv experienced and over the weekend and already on monday it is actually
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coming to an end, maybe even today there were incidents related to this, please, yes, on saturday there were hits to the civil infrastructure in a residential building right in the middle of the city near the railway station and the bus station, and unfortunately there there were and were not. and just the whole entire span of the entrance, it is completely destroyed and the people affected, not to mention the building itself and the buildings under stress, which either just made a new center there, which has not yet started, but all the windows there are blown out, and all the surrounding houses also flew out, and the boys sewed them up all night and are still sewing them these days, and... also, the next day there were hits on the school, just two buildings of the school were completely destroyed, simply put, it cannot be restored, only
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one building remains, this school, she worked according to her reason, this school, she worked according to her direct purpose, there were trainings for children, and they insidiously hit kindergartens, schools of thought. or that there may be a base there, some military personnel are there, but that we seen at the landing sites, it's just a civilian object as much as possible with teachers' cars, with classrooms for teaching children, and at the moment this school almost no longer exists, i don't know if it will be restored, or if some building will work, but what they destroyed it is not subject to restoration, but the school was being rebuilt. actually from scratch and in the kyiv region, in other regions of ukraine, i read today that they will restore it like this, but we understand very well that as of now, when cabs arrive every day, you can
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start work. and well, that is, now it is for sure, me i understand that this issue will not be, will not be updated, activated, it remained in the hospitals, but i checked the information at lunch, 20 victims of the enemy attack, this weekend, do you have information, maybe more people, less people, what is the condition of the victims , injured people, i understand that they are provided with the necessary help, that's all, all the necessary help for the injured, it is provided, in our... mation about the injured themselves, their needs are not there, i think that due to the fact that they are closed and they are not urgent now. there are also international donors and funds that follow this issue, and they help those who are affected, it is their direct duty. the task, one of the tasks of our organization, is to help right on the spot and close the circuits, that's why we are working now. well , i will only add to the issue of rescuing people
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during shelling, you said. and it's correct about the fact that the enemy is hitting the schools, well, it's summer vacation, but there are still people in the schools, even if, let's say, there are no classes now, but there are people, workers, and in principle it's a civilian the object that you are destroyed in the morning, even if no one was there at all, this is not about the reconstruction of shelters in hospitals, the government allocates uah 800, 218 million, said prime minister of ukraine denys shmegal, i would just like to ask about the situation , just to understand whether this really... now will radically help, save people, because we also perfectly understand, people who have been in a hospital at least once in their lives, that you cannot transfer all people to a shelter at once, is it possible conduct operations in shelters, that is, leading this issue, it is discussed, is being worked out and decided, because it may still be some time, the way kharkiv lives now, and to gather people, if you fly, let's say ballistics or some drop in 10 minutes, people who are seriously
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ill, people who are under some drops. we are connected to the devices, well, you can't move them there from floor to floor, we understand that this is all practically impossible, as far as quality shelters are concerned, and here is the amount of 218 million, well, it's small, but not small, i don't know who took the assessment of these repairs of these shelters, i believe that they are shelters must be, they must be in an urgent state, so of course during an air alert and at the speed of the missiles or rockets , they should be dropped precisely in kharkiv. it is impossible to put such a large number of people in shelters, but if they work, then there will be an opportunity to save people who simply can go there, and if they are not there, then there will be little chance to save these people, so the task of saving at least someone for to save people's lives, but here the moment is a little different, during the attack on the center of kharkiv
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, they stated: that the task was to hit the hospital, which is nearby, and this is a direct violation, but we said at the beginning of the conversation that the un, and there are certain un statutes, and there are certain rules of war. of course, for russia, they ignore these issues, but you can't attack the facilities of medical facilities, hospitals and rehabilitation of people where people are and are being treated, these are the rules that they also signed. they, but they all ignore these moments, and in general it is scary that we are discussing with you now that it is necessary to make shelters specifically in hospitals, which is not necessary, moment, why, why are they hitting hospitals, and this is not the first case, and all over ukraine, not only in kharkiv, so something must be done to stop such a probability of attacks on medical facilities in general.
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well, you know, this enemy announced both kyiv region, chernihiv region, and sumy region, but most vividly at the very beginning of the full-scale invasion, the enemy announced and illustrated with the maternity hospital in mariupol, this children's drama theater in mariupol, that it does not matter to him, children, pregnant women, sick people, older people do not have it doesn't matter, and today he will continue it, but today is such a terrible story, because it is tragic in the final in kharkiv. the wife was blown up by a minivan, the husband died at the scene, there is a photo, well, if they find it, you can show it, there is just a burnt-out car, a completely burnt-out car, and there we see now, and the wife, she died on the way to the hospital, this is just an interrogation about demining, and again now people are driving, i won't, i won't, but we can see this point there and on the map, but i'm leading to that that this risk is


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