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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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tagon and even wrote in what they say, they liked vacationing in the crimea, no, they say, where is the reaction of the international community, what is happening, this is a genocide of the russian people, attacks are just hitting the beaches, you understand, but what did the americans already say, what do you know, the suffering of the russian civilian population is a problem, it depends on putin himself, he can... stop this suffering at any moment, putin, it's true, can misinterpret this phrase, i just don't understand how they can't some cause-and-effect relationship is triggered, why it is so happens to them, they really do not understand that it was they who started the war, they really have in their information picture and perception of the world, all this started because the soviet union, it was such a big one, you know, first of all, an experiment great with the breeding of a new breed of people. he
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was called homosovetikus by older people , who are watching us for sure remember this term, he and it was not invented just like that listen to what we have now we want to tell you about the fact that we have a bill on the completion of nuclear power units power plants, this may be the solution to our problems, but will we have time to do it so quickly - asked dmytro didora, let's see, russia continues... ukraine's energy terror this week , power generation facilities were attacked again, according to ukrenergo, equipment was damaged facilities in four regions: vinnytsia, dnipropetrovsk, donetsk and kyiv. another attack by the russians increased the lack of electricity, so the blackouts became longer. against this background, the government asks
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the parliament to approve the draft law on completion of two power units at the khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant, the specialized committee gave the green light to the draft law. i did not vote for it, i will not vote for it in the hall of parliament and i will explain to other colleagues why this is a wrong approach. it is obvious that someone really needs it. i think we are close to a consensus, close to bringing this bill to the floor, to the first vote. asked for the basis. yesterday i saw that even those factions who doubted, who asked very deep questions about the manufacturer, about the terms, regarding the amount, regarding financing, they left the hall satisfied after communicating with minister hlushchenko. construction of the third power unit of the khmelnytsky as began in september 1985, and the fourth in june 1986. both are designed for a capacity of 100 mw despite.
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the construction readiness of the third unit by 75% and the fourth by 28. in 1990, the construction of new power units was stopped by the moratorium on the construction of new nuclear power plants. the condition of the unfinished blocks is not fully known. i cannot understand minister of energy galushchenko. here in berlin at a conference with reconstruction of ukraine, he spoke at the section related to energy. and you can do it like this. here you can definitely find him, and he said there that if they ask me whether it is worth building 900 mw, which will be in operation in 5 years, or one g, which will be built quickly this year, or three, the next two years, then i i say yes, 1 gb is better, because it is the survival of people, after a week. he comes to the meeting
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of the committee of the verkhovna rada and begins to tell, as is necessary, about these old building structures, the strength of which was questionable back in 2012, i was at a meeting of this board, where it was clearly written in the decision of the board that the strength of the structure was not proven, it was not proven, in the 12 years that have passed, they definitely have not strengthened, according to the minister. of ethics herman galushchenko, if the bill is passed, the third unit can be connected to the network in three years after the start of work, the fourth in four. funds from the budget will not be allocated for the project, energoatom relies on its own funds and attracting loans. the key problem we have now is not with basic consumption. our key problem today is peak load. speaker units cannot be turned on and off quickly. you start them and they start. work for weeks.
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the international atomic energy agency supports ukraine's plans to complete the units at the khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant. this was announced by magate ceo rafael grossi. in addition. in april of this year, at the same nuclear power station , a project began on the construction of the fifth and sixth power units using american technology, and in the case of the completion of the third and fourth units, the capacity of khmelnytskyi as will exceed the currently occupied zaporizhzhia. we will support it, this is again what i discussed with minister galushchenko and with the director of the energy atom, mr. kotin. we are in contact about how the agency can...hold these plans. we believe these are very timely plans. that is, keep moving forward, regardless of how the events in zaporizhzhia develop. as a result of the russian strikes, ukraine lost more than 9 gw of capacity. for example, this is how much latvia, lithuania and
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estonia consume together. in the national bank ukraine was counted. the restoration of distributed generation, which we desperately need, will require billions of dollars. dmytro didora, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. dear friends, i remind you that you are watching espresso tv channel, vakulyuk andriy saichuk, in this studio we work for you until 12 o'clock. we have a huge list of guests and topics to discuss with them. and now i also want to remind you that the collection is ongoing in our country, the collection is important and necessary, we need to collect uah 2.5 million, but do not be afraid of this amount, because already the first there is a million so to speak, in our pocket, more precisely, in the pocket of the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, because it is for them that we conduct this collection, we want to collect 2.5 million for 13 maviks, why these maviks, drones, if anyone else knows , what is a mavik, although i think that
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if you ask even a small child in ukraine what a mavik is, she will immediately answer, and also tell you what should be done with those maviks, what our military will do with those maviks , what they will lead . with their help, where is the enemy, where is he sitting there, where is his equipment, and then our guys from art intelligence will send them gifts there, so join in, you just saw two qr codes of mono and the private bank on your screens, and you can scan them and transfer your funds, yesterday you and i collected about 50 or 60 thousand, not bad , we are moving, we already have the first hundred out of the second million and i hope that... maybe we will finish the week with fifty, or maybe more, it all depends solely on you. and what, do we already have guests? tell me, yes, there is, there is, alisa sysoeva, deputy of the zaporizhia district council, we are adding her to us. i know where it's from it would be possible to take another 10 million hryvnias,
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somewhere for the front line, because in zaporizhzhia they put it up for auction, it turns out that it was the largest monument to lenin. ms. aliso, good morning, first of all, tell me what the situation is, how did the night go? and then we will move on to lenin, i wonder who will buy him, who is willing to give so much money for lenin? greetings, in zaporizhzhia the night itself passed peacefully, there were no explosions, but in the zaporizhzhia region there were shellings as usual, 457 were counted per day, as you can see, the number of shellings is not increasing. already this week there are about 450-500 shellings, but the most important thing is that civilians were not harmed. there were no victims, there were no deaths, the most of the attacks during that day were from drones, but there were also airstrikes, as always, the places of goliaipolia, orihiv, stepnohirsk suffer the most in our country, but the most important thing is that there were no casualties,
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and you know, it was made public yesterday the energy worker who died the day before, when there were massive attacks, they said that he was a man, he was 37 years old, he left behind a daughter, i think it is very important about that is to say, and when it is the victims that they personalize and when we know who it is, well, as we can see, the terror and crimes of the occupiers, they continue, unfortunately, bright memory, bright memory to this person, and bright memory also to the combat medic who died from zaporizhzhia, he was defending ukraine, sergeant borys danylovych reported this on the page of the zaporizhia military hospital, if i am not mistaken, the man is survived by a small daughter and a wife, unfortunately, we have such a news feed, and unfortunately, in this, in this news feed, there is always a message about someone death, and against this background the news that
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lenin is finally being sold at auction, i was somewhere in zaporizhzhia when there was a revolution of dignity, if i'm not mistaken, and there... that lenin was still standing, and it surprised me so much, i so i understand that he survived even before the invasion, ms. alisa, but no, lenin, lenin survived us until... the 15th year, and you know, i was working as a journalist at that time, we dismantled this lenin for a very long time, it lasted for about two days, it was accompanied by such scandals, well, after all, a large part of the zaporozhians, despite russian propaganda, they of course, they understand that lenin had been there for a long time, but of course, you know that there were such pro-russian organizations functioning in our country at that time, in particular, we had... such andriy ivanov, who constantly organized these victory regiments, and here he is there , when
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they had to mount this lenin himself, he brought grandmothers with flowers, and they cried and tried to join the sides, but in the end , after two days, the same lenin was dismantled, you know, everyone had already forgotten about him, then everyone wrote how yes, it's some kind of symbol well, we all understand that it was a propaganda tool, but nevertheless. however , very quickly everyone forgot about him and you know how he did not exist, only he was remembered when he was put up for auction for uah 10.8 million, well, of course, on the one hand , it is very good if these funds are found and go to armed forces, but still it was interesting to look at this person who would pay such money for this lenin, because firstly, he is huge, and secondly, well, after all, it seems to me that it is high time to give up. from so much sympathy for the soviet executioners. well
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, those grandmothers who used to come and cry next to lenin so that he would not be demolished at times, they can make do with their pensions and buy that lenin piece by piece and put it somewhere in their yard, although i doubt that those grandmothers have the money for that, but maybe leni will write some baltic language on herself, what is there, by the way, in the occupied territories? by the way, i will add the last stamp in zaporizhzhia, and how about us, well, as everyone knows, lenin avenue, it was renamed soborny avenue, but the last such mention of lenin, it was also long-lasting in zaporizhzhia, we even had a whole island of lenin, which was also eventually decommunized, yes, well, this island is such a small piece of land on the dnieper, but nevertheless it bore such a name, which refers to occupied territories, unfortunately... terror continues there, and now with the onset of summer, the terror of the smallest inhabitants
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of the zaporizhia region, especially children, continues very strongly, the occupiers are sending them to camps, to russian camps, you who have returned or have not yet gone to russian camps , for them they open pre-school camps, of course, which cannot be said about any improvement, children are already taught military training there, in particular, they have classes from pre-med. aid and from fire, they even learn, they are even taught to assemble drones, and you know, the paradox is that they are sent to such rather remote areas of russia, in particular there and and, you know, the most striking case, when 350 children from the inhabitants of the primorsky district , children who grew up on the coast of the sea of ​​azov and the warm sun, their summer sent to a rehabilitation camp. rumensk, so, unfortunately, this terror continues there. and what
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happened in melitopol, because they write that there was a series of explosions that night? indeed , it was announced that there were nine explosions, but there is no official information yet, we will wait, we will very much hope that today the occupiers have decreased in the occupied territories. mrs. alisa, thank you very much for the conversation, have a good day and all the residents. zaporozhye, the glorious city. alisa sesoeva was with us, a deputy of the zaporizhia district council. you know, by the way, they put up for 10 million. that monument, but you know that a kilogram of bronze costs 150 hryvnias, well, that's not so much, i thought it was more expensive, how many tons does it weigh there, it also weighs, the lenin sculpture itself weighs 12,310 kg. ugh. and, the high relief also weighs seven. 7510 kg, large letters
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lenin, also made of bronze, and they weigh 24 kg 360 g, and small letters - communism - this is soviet power plus electrification of the whole country 34 kg 740 g, this is all described in transparent, because it is sold transparently , so it was possible to count before electrification, before electrification? screwed in the light bulbs and counted? so in one place and everything lit up at once, look at 12, this is almost, almost, almost 20, 20 00 kg, that is, 20 tons, we will multiply it by 150 hryvnias. "listen, you have to take it, because if you just rent it for metallobrukt, you can make money, but if you don't - it's only 3 million in the minus, listen, well , they ask for something expensive, expensive for it, listen, but if there is someone who wants to buy it, then we don't mind , let them take away the junk that we don't need for nothing, and really send that money to us, how about 15 million, i
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i would buy it now, i would borrow money somewhere, buy it, resell it, and i would donate the rest to this one. who would lend you money, let me borrow money for lenin, because no one would lend you money for such a stupid thing, you are expensive, expensive with overpayment, dear friends, you should not spend money on lenin, you should spend money on our defenders, qr code to maviky in order to see them as masks, we are going for a short break, we will return and move with you to the kupyan region, stay with us. attention, profitable offer: order smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light, for only uah 149. take advantage of such
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things are going on there and how is the community of kupyansk living now, everything is fine in kupyansk, i just read the headlines, so good that the russians are rushing to kupyansk and even blow themselves up on the way, four bmps and one tank have already been blown up, not bad , let them continue, if they succeed in it well, we will not hinder them, but on the contrary, we will help them in this. in the meantime, dear friends, you can help the muscovites, who are rushing to ukraine, to tear them to pieces, in a way that you can do to ours. military for this, it will be easier to tear the muscovites to shmattya, they will have mobile phones, now we will show you the corresponding qr codes, which you can use to pay, and the card numbers are also now on your screens, on the right is a monobank, if i face the screen, on the left is a private bank , and i want to tell you that you and i collected 65,000 yesterday, we already have 1,70,000, so
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we have a little bit of 30,000 before the first hundred , i hope that we... we will do it today and even surpass it ourselves, and maybe we will surpass yesterday's record 65,000 and there will be more money already today, and therefore we will be closer to 2.5 million, because that is how much is needed for 13 drones and their components for the military art reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade, which is currently destroying moskal in the hellish east, join us, please, for the time being... you and i collected, i'm ashamed to say, listen, only 1000 hryvnias, something i don't recognize, even our viewers, i don't know, i have the impression that maybe half of it is not there ... there is no electricity now and do not have the opportunity to donate, but those who are now those who haven't donated yet this week are also watching, you have the opportunity to do a good
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deed, do something to support our defenders, who should we support but them, if you're not at the front, then you're for the front, it's that simple as a rule, remember those, thanks to whom we have a more or less calm life, which does not really distinguish. from some kind of life somewhere in some peaceful city somewhere abroad, of course, what we have, there are restless mornings, nights, days, we have air alarms, we have flights, but thu-thu-thu, there at the front is much it is more difficult for our guys, and we have to support them, meanwhile, the united states, namely in the person of the true assistant secretary of state of the united states. ambassador james o'brien of europe has finally formulated the conditions for the time being, the strategy for the success of ukraine, as it is called, in the war with russia has been marked, and
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mr. o'brien, who is quoted by ukrinform, said: when i talk about the strategy for the success of ukraine now, it is about the fact that it is necessary to stop russia's attempts to break through in the east is the first step to success, er, he says. that if ukraine can on the one hand , it will become impossible to stop any advance of the russians, and on the other hand, there will be enough air defense to shoot down all the missiles and the russians will not be able to harm the ukrainian economy. can she advance further. listen, i corrected rusism two more along the way, so ukrinform, work with this, because you are all normal people, i understand that you were released from.
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kupyanska hromada, what is happening there and where are you going now, somewhere, probably in business, we are heading, as always, through the territory of thunder. where we look at the state of affairs after the night, because every night is every test, every time a test, after the enemy constantly tries to destroy, destroy our logistical routes, destroy critical infrastructure, as always the front line is quite difficult, as always the kupyan direction, very hot, the enemy is pressing, trying to pass the defense line, trying to... find weak points, and really at the moment the situation on the demarcation line is extremely difficult, extremely tense,
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our boys and girls, the heroic armed forces are doing everything possible to ensure that the enemy does not cross the non-borders that they have defined for them , as if andiy beckons. will be asked three months ago you said that 50% of the residential infrastructure of kupinsk was damaged, what... is the situation now after all those cabs? unfortunately, the situation does not change, but on the contrary, it probably changes for the worse, because every day of destruction, they are not so critical, as they were there six months ago, yes, and the number of applications of cabs specifically for civil infrastructure, thank you, has decreased today, it has increased more in logistics areas, but again artillery, rocket systems of salvo. fires also cause great damage and undergo great destruction. thank you for the conversation, andriy besedin, the head of the kupyan city military administration was in
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touch with us, dear friends, well, etereso continues, and you will be able to watch the legal examination program with dmytro didora, where there will be talk about dodgers. bar association. greetings, i'm dmytro didora, this is a legal examination, here we explain in simple terms what is legally complex. according to the laws of ukraine on mobilization, military duty and military service, citizens who evade conscription and military registration bear administrative and criminal liability. we are talking about this today with ruslan pronin, a criminal lawyer . immediately after
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a person does not comply with the rules of military registration, or violates the legislation on mobilization and mobilization preparation, according to the register of charms, up to 40 pieces of information are provided that must be updated, the main ones are not being registered, untimely deregistration, not reporting any of your personal data, such as a change in marital status, or any other there is the birth of a child and other things. this is punishable by articles 210 and 210 of the code of criminal procedure. what are the nuances of bringing to administrative responsibility that citizens should know? well, there are several of them. first, a protocol is drawn up about the person committing the crime of an administrative offense, these protocols are drawn up by an employee of the tsc and the specified protocol is further reviewed by the manager. if the person was
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properly informed about the time, place, and date of appearance, but did not appear without valid reasons and did not report it, then a resolution is immediately drawn up to bring the person to administrative responsibility, at the moment the responsibility comes, well, immediately , for any violation there is a punishment, it is possible fines, it is possible other responsibility, what with how much do people have to pay in terms of fines, and indeed, according to the latest changes, the amount of fines has increased a lot at the moment... currently they range from uah 17 to 25,000, but at the moment the opportunity is given that within two months until 07/16/24 year, a person can voluntarily update his data, and in this case there will be no administrative responsibility. as for criminal responsibility, when it comes? criminal liability is currently provided for by articles 336 and 337 of the criminal code of ukraine. the first, 336 provides: punishment e
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means for evasion of conscription, 337 for evasion of military uniform, these are the only differences between these articles, what is provided for in them, means 336 provides for punishment when a person has passed all the stages and has already received a summons to be sent, but without good reasons not from appeared article 337 provides for responsibility for violations of all these stages, which are transmitted by the received persons. bandages for sending, also very different in the degree of punishment, which means that 336 provides for the degree of punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty from three to 5 years, and article 337 provides for a fine in the amount of uah 5 to 8,500, or corrective works for a period of one year. what now, there is, maybe there are some warnings, maybe not immediately get this punishment, what, what
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can we do? prompt our viewers, so here, in order to avoid punishment under article 337, it is necessary to understand that a person must be warned about the onset of criminal liability, this warning must contain a list of actions or inactions, which for failure to perform actions or some actions will be it is precisely criminal to instruct responsibility, in practice tsc employees and some courts believe that when a person has already signed... in the journal, he has already been notified, although in fact this explanation is not carried out, also some summonses already contain such a warning on the reverse side, but for this warning the person also does not sign and its consequences are not actually explained, so we consider this a violation of the legislation itself. thank you, ruslan pronin, today a criminal lawyer of the criminal law bar association, explained to us the difference between criminal and of administrative responsibility, remember what is legally complicated, we explain
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in simple words, stay with... see you in the press. bar association aktum - action for the result. it's 8:00 a.m. in ukraine, to your attention is a news release on the espressu tv channel in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. the president dismissed yury sodel from the position of commander of the joint forces of the armed forces of ukraine. now this position is held by andriy hnatov. he is a brigadier general, a marine, and was chief of staff and deputy commander south troops. he led the defense of bakhmut and


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