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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

10:30 am
feminost uuro - urination under control. there are discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on hepatrombin gel - 15% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and what life is like. the world for two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnyk. khrystyna yatskiv and invited
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experts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events based on facts. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday, on espresso. let's go back, friends, there's still an hour and a half to go. of our participation in the espress marathon, olesya vakulyuk, andriy seychuk, we host this broadcast for you. glad to see you among us commentators under our youtube broadcast. by the way, you can watch the broadcast from there as well, for this you can subscribe to the youtube channel of the espresso tv channel. if you like it, it is very necessary for us, because then the broadcast will be in the recommended list and more people will be able to learn the truth, and not propaganda. so get involved. to our
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social networks, in addition to the fact that you can see the ether online, live broadcast, you can also see our recordings of our ethers there, you can view author's projects from the press, well, you can also watch shorts, for this it is only a small action, subscribe to the youtube channel of the tv channel, and if you thumb up under our broadcast, it will also be good, oleg is already with us. an economist, a member of the economic discussion club, today we will discuss about, and we will discuss the same thing, mr. olezh, we congratulate you, a little, a little, you are lost in the sound, i apologize, so something is really wrong with the sound, then you are no longer the first person in to our broadcaster today, who says he can't hear us, i can't hear half the words, and that's the problem, but we we hear you very well, well, let's try, yes, recently andriy dligach wrote a good column. a well-known economist,
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professor of economics, er, of the shevchenko national university of kyiv, that there is no serious alternative to economic armoring from mobilization, but on the other hand, there is an opinion, which he also mentions, that in general they give us money now the europeans and americans want us to fight, that is, in principle, we do not need the economy now, it is in we get help from the allies, our job is to stop putin, sorry, complete nonsense, even, i don't even want to discuss, complete 100% nonsense, ugh, they give us money to cover social expenses, not a single penny from macro-financial assistance can go to defense security. everything you and i will earn,
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we finance the war, they give us military and technical assistance, they give us weapons, but tell me, please, will we fight, yes, yes, something difficult is going on today, do we have any technical problems, now we will try to recruit mr. oleg penzin, an economist, a member of the economic discussion club, i will remind you that we are talking ... with him about whether economic reservation is necessary, whether we should abandon it and not think about the economy, the war must come first, and all the majority of society has to go to war, how will the country function then, while we return mr. oleg, we will try to return him to the air, i will remind you that you can donate to our army at this time, this is the help that our army needs. and they need
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drones, drones will help them see the enemy, and for this morning 17:00 on one of the cards, and we submit. two requisites, we submit the monobank, qr code and card number, as well as the private bank, now you are looking at the screens, if you face the screen, then the monobank is on the right, the private bank is on the left, so on the monobank plus 17, on the private bank plus 9 00 was added, it's not bad, it's progressed a little, you see, your example to andrii works, well, about seven 6-7 have been added after you, how are you, and how many do we have on average? somewhere 20 hryvnias, somewhere yes, but it happens in different ways, here you have to ask koval, here she will appear the next time, she will tell the news, and we will ask her before the news, because it is her, this is actually the charity fund of irina koval, our host, who conducts this collection for the boys of the hundredth armed brigade, who even each dropped about 100 hryvnias, and on average, this
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means that somewhere around 70 people responded to this call of ours and also donated at this time, and if in fact people there donated, because we very often say: why don't you donate 10 hryvnias, it's absolutely normal, i think that many people do they do, they will add 10-20, so it’s not too bad, so it won’t hit the budget, and but it’s important, but it’s important, and you know why it’s important, because in this case i’m just happy to think that it’s 700 these, relatively speaking, 700 people dropped 10 hryvnias each, i just imagine these seven hundred people who do not have much money, but who are not... who often live on a pension or a small salary, and also help children there, grandchildren and so on, and who also tore off this ten and, for example , threw it here for this collection for the hundredth brigade, and this, this, this amazes me, i try to imagine these people, and we often meet these
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people just on the street, who come up and say that we donated 10-20 uah there yesterday, and just, i don’t know, it fills us with some kind of faith, strength that all this is not in vain, that we will definitely win, and the ukrainian victory is actually a victory of the people, you are a victory of the nation, it is a victory of democracy, because we are all a community, we, we are all together against the russian barbarian, and this, and this is very , very, very, very, very powerfully inspires us all to work and not feel tired, not to feel, dear friends, and now a little math, so 1,96,000 of us... you and i have already collected from the 2.5 necessary to 1 million and 100 thousand , some 4 thousand remain, 4 thousand absolutely for our viewers , i know, it’s exciting, there are still one and a half hours of our broadcast and
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you have the opportunity to be the part of 4000 hryvnias that actually works, and now all the necessary details for you are on your screens... conveniences, monobank on the right, private bank on the left, scan , please, guys from the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine will be extremely grateful, we want to hand over maviks and their components to them, these maviks will help them identify enemy positions, will help to identify where the enemy is trying to sneak in, sneak in, and they will not think it is our enemies, because our guys art projectiles will be sent there and all this will be with your help, so please join us already, we have 3 thousand left, no, not even two thousand, 1 thousand are left before we have 1.1000 hryvnias, let's take a look at those beautiful guys, for whom we are collecting,
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they recorded a video for us and for you, i wish you health, we are soldiers of the 100th brigade of artillery reconnaissance, we ask you to join our collection. for drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland. glory to ukraine! glory to heroes. listen, we probably won't be able to talk to mr. penzen today, because there are problems with the cart. we will then continue this conversation for tomorrow, i know the only thing that i want to say, for now, for tomorrow, we have to think about what is called, actually i recommend, first of all , a wonderful column by professor andrii dligach on nv-business. who just wrote to her about what is happening in the economy, what is happening in the economy is that ukraine is rapidly losing human capital, this is due to the fact that at least 6.5 million people have left the country since the beginning of the war, this despite the fact that
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the border is closed and so on, and these are official figures, and we also currently have 11 million, that is, the situation is as follows, 10 million are still working. 11 million are pensioners, and that's it for us that pensions are paid by the european union and the united states, but, as oleg pendzin correctly noted, that we all have them. defense costs are costs that come purely from the economy, this is a condition of the partners, and in fact here we have to reach an important balance, because in our country very often people are knocked out of the economy in a random way, people are key for the company, companies actually close or cease to be competitive, that's a big, big problem, and the problem is actually those reservation models, then... because in reality, can a small and medium-sized business, for example, afford to pay an additional
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20 thousand per month for each evaluated employee, this is an open question, in theory it can be, in practice, when the budget is so very, very tight, because most ukrainian companies are actually any economists will easily tell you that, for example, they pay or minimize taxes for two reasons, first, because it is easier to report. and the second reason, that is, it is because we have a bad, poorly functioning tax system, and here too, and the second reason is because the tax burden is still high enough on the wage fund, and it can be really very big expenses for business, and that is why the idea is good about 20 00, that in reality people are ready to pay 20 00 for each employee, count that this is a sum that accrues in a year, well, there it is it it there it is there. more than 200 thousand and 240 00 for each employee should be added, then it is not such small money, and companies with
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a turnover there, for example, there are a couple of million hryvnias, are unlikely to afford such expenses, but there is a problem, a problem huge, there is currently a huge shortage of labor force, staffing in ukrainian enterprises, now up to 50% has already fallen in some industries, there are many stories that now you... are working for the money of foreign workers from poor countries with poor economies for to simply fill the shortage of workers, and at the same time, by the way, we have in the background of all this, here is the joker channel in the investigation about the anonymous telegram, behind which, as it turned out, is a 29-year-old man roman kravets, who during he says he sold his business, he doesn't know to whom, she does not remember, i close, following the journalist found out that... this roman kravets, at least five times, five times during the full-scale invasion, he went
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abroad, he has a white ticket, a sick person, and what is his diagnosis, and i don't know what it is, he doesn't remember it himself, it's parts, oh, yes, you know, i and he have such lapses in memory, and in principle, he used to travel abroad in the same car, worse, and he returned from abroad in better cars, so every time in a mercedes s600 maybach, how do you like it version? 29 years old, a beautiful life, she is the second, but, but wrote posts, for example, on this telegram channel about the fact that there either let the children of deputies go, fight, or they go abroad, and you cannot, that is, a person who is alone she did this, she spread some such sentiments on her telegram channel, for what purpose, it is not known, what is interesting is that there is advertising on this telegram channel, sometimes people say, on telegram. channels, there is true information, there is not, she, these people do not depend on anyone,
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no one pays them a salary, there is advertising, one message, one ad, 50 00 dollars, well, there was a scandal, because there were a lot of commissioned such denigrating publications, posts on the topic that the service is bad, everything is bad, it is one of the taxi services, and this company. then they took it public, they said that this telegram channel demanded 200,000 dollars from them to stop writing these obscenities on the body in this direction, and of course this is also an amazing story, because can we be called rule of law, if in our country it is possible to attack the business reputation of a large international company in this way and demand information for it. it's such a killer to stop blackmailing him for $200,000 and at the same time
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being friends calmly, and well, what's the point of being friends if it's about this very man, this roman kravets, then he can still become a people's deputy, especially since tyschenko now has a little, well, you know, no one to hang out with normally he walks like that, lonely , you know, there's nowhere to hide, well, probably somehow , yes, well, this whole story is interesting, you know, ladies. no one before us is included in the servants of the people, half of them don't turn on because they were banned, half of them don't turn on because they don't... want to turn on independent media, why are there telegram channels like trukha or joker, where everything will be told the truth, who is needed our viewer writes that the joker always refers to the joker, and the joker refers to the joker, and that's how they somehow cooperate very nicely, but listen, but they didn't even hide, that is, the joker is this is this is this is negative hero, this is a character,
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an evil character, an enemy of batman. and trukha is in in principle, it is a direct reference that our audience has brains instead of brains, that is, they do not even hide, in principle, they are quite honest and open with their audience here, well, phaveya somehow it works out that way, so to some extent i always remember the words, which i think andrii bohdan said, or even said it, no, it seems to me, either stefanchuk said it, or this is their party chairman, who i forget, i honestly forget all that commotion, another viewer asks , under the name of jane eyre, and this is not the one roman kravets from the ukrainian truth, no, friends, this is just a complete fan of him, a person, a person with the same name and the same surname, but this is another roman kravets, i know, by the way of both those novels, and we still
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have wonderful news , you know that novel , the truth is that i once worked during the elections. very, very intense elections even under poroshenko in chernihiv, when there was such a general grechka, this is him, gennadiy korban, he then ran for deputies from ukrop, in other words, from kolomoiskyi, and from of european solidarity, then it was petro poroshenko's block, well no, it was not european solidarity, no less than that, it would be incorrect to say that berezenko went like this, and then berezenko won, they complained that there was an administrative resource for berezenko, well, so what was for... korban, they just stupidly handed out bags of buckwheat right in the middle of the city, and they also paid money to people at 400 hryvnias or so per vote, and there was a scandal, the police, and so in all of korban's history with bribery of voters, this interesting roman was responsible for all this kravets, who, apparently through the krop party, which was closely affiliated with the servants of the people,
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then went to the lists through andriy bohdan, which is what the investigation of the community is actually about. got into the list of servants of the people, he lacked literally a few positions to enter the verkhovna rada, but he can still do it, we will do it together, so dear friends, we will talk about this story tomorrow for sure, and now they say that there is we are in touch with oleh penzeny, an economist and a member of the economic discussion club, and we still have time to talk a little about the economic reservation, mr. oleg, we congratulate you once again, and i apologize, the light just turned off for me while i switched, and yes, of course, we understood, well, the reason. no wait no light no no no light no internet no internet no talk none the less glad to have you with us uh actually continue your opinion on whether or not it's worth it, well i even , i would even cut my hair a little right away, because while you were gone, i just came here to quote the old man, and he writes about the fact that we now have 10 million workers and 11 million
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pensioners, that is, we have a very scary, actually a demographic crisis, and how are we doing here? come on, come on, let's not crunch the numbers a little, when you go to the website of the pension fund, you will see that today there are 10,300 thousand pensioners in ukraine, ugh, just a year ago we had 1,050, ugh, so you have to understand that in our number of pensioners is decreasing, yes, through natural attrition, however... those working for us today with you, legally working, those who will pay a single social contribution and those who fill the pension fund, uh, 6.5 million working people in business and 3 million of those who are financed from the state budget, ugh, that is , we have 9.5 of those who
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pay taxes for 10.3 million pensioners, before the war we had 18 million people of working age, now there are 13,800 , that's the last thing about what, what decreased, these are those who went outside ukraine in the form of refugees, er, that is, roughly this picture, at the same time, with you and me, the economy of ukraine has somewhere around 40% of the economy in the shadows, and when we started talking with you, we started with you... talking about the desire to increase the tax pressure, because there is no money physically enough, there really isn't enough money, er, well... sorry, from a plucked chicken, at best you can remove the rest of the feathers,
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while the shadow sector currently does not pay the state budget an amount from 750 to 800 billion every year hryvnias, so it is definitely necessary to think about how to actively involve it in... financing the armed forces. uah 800 billion is more than half of the budget or half? yes, 40% of the budget, yes, 40% of the budget. what is the problem the problem is that the shadow business, the light is coming out in no hurry, and actually the idea of ​​introducing economic reservation, it actually had as the main generative idea, it is to create conditions under which business will be forced. to come to light in order to protect their workers from mobilization. well, look, shadow business is always there, but
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the normal amount of shadow business in ukraine is about 10-15%. well, there are things that will definitely always be in the shadows. drug trade, there, arms trade, there, other things, there are criminalized. this is the shadow business that exists and is being fought against the law enforcement system, and he... well, he exists in any way, you and i have a huge bunch of normal businesses, absolutely normal, which are engaged in uh, well, natural affairs, but which simply do not pay taxes, that is, we are in a gray area there is a business that can work completely calmly in the light, so actually the idea of ​​economic booking was connected with the actual creation of conditions for this business, uh, which would stimulate it to come out... on the surface, it would stimulate such a business to come out to the surface? well, if you work, if you have employees people, if those people get subpoenas and you
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realize that they're going to go, you 're going to have business, and you have a chance to book them economically, while starting to pay taxes that aren't that big, ugh, then you start to think, or save at least something , or lose everything, let's say which one you have, which one you have. let's really talk about the significant and the insignificant, but we actually have a minute left, unfortunately, yes, let's continue this conversation, it's just that it's difficult for us, well, for example, one of the viewers writes, i'll quote him here, yuriy artemenko, if the salary is 2000, for example, and now 42% is paid from it, that is 18 for profit, 22 for pension, that is somewhere 6,800 is already paid from that salary, and another 20 thousand from above, it turns out that a person needs... actually pay in such a case plus 20 00, is this business really able to pull, is this not too big a number, should there be differentiation here, there are many questions, listen,
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look, this is a question for discussion, ugh, that is, let's not confuse the idea as such and the specific form of implementation of this idea, and the business that is directly involved in security defense business which is mr. i propose to continue this conversation, postpone it, if you have a desire and a clue, we definitely have it, i have a lot of questions, a lot of questions now in the chat, we will postpone it until tomorrow, unfortunately, there were problems with communication today, come tomorrow approximately in this hour, we will talk with oleg penzeno live, and stay with espresso, our hour is still ahead, and eteraz press continues. there are discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on eurofast softcaps of 20% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. warning,
10:55 am
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11:00 am
call! it's 11 a.m. in ukraine, and to your attention is a news release on the spresso tv channel in the studio. blacksmith, greetings to all viewers. people's deputy mykola tyshchenko was informed of the suspicion due to the illegal deprivation of liberty of a former serviceman, the prosecutor general's office reported. he was searched. the photos published by the law enforcement officers show that tyschenko keeps a large amount of cash in foreign currency at his home. let me remind you that on june 20, a group of people attacked a former soldier of the armed forces of ukraine in dnipro on the instructions of the people's deputy.


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