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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EEST

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11:00 a.m. in ukraine and bring to your attention a news release on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers, people. deputy mykola tyshchenko was informed of suspicion due to the illegal deprivation of liberty of a former serviceman, the prosecutor general's office reported. he was searched. the photos published by the law enforcement officers show that tyschenko keeps a large amount of cash in foreign currency at his home. let me remind you that on june 20 in dnipro, on the instructions of the people's deputy, a group of people attacked a former soldier of the armed forces of ukraine. they beat him and held him over a period of time. office of the prosecutor general.
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agreed to the request to elect tyshchenko a preventive measure in the form of round-the-clock house arrest. also, according to the fact of the event in dnipro, one more person was notified of suspicion, others involved are being identified. investigations are ongoing. corruption exposed. in transcarpathia , the sbu and nabu detained the mayor and the chairman of the district council. according to the investigation , the officials abused their official position. in order to sell 3 hectares of land at a nine times lower cost. the buyer of the plot was a private company, the actual controller which is the head of the district council. land with a market value of over uah 84 million was sold for almost uah 10 million. organizer of the scheme, head of the district council. in the past, he was twice elected as a people's deputy, also from the currently banned party of regions. according to zmi, we are talking about the mayor. andrii
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balogu mukacheva and mykhailo lanya, the head of the regional council. worked for the enemy. in dnipro, the security service of ukraine detained an informant who leaked geolocations of positions of the armed forces of ukraine to an enemy chat-bot. the perpetrator was a 36-year-old local blogger. he is the main focus addressed the places of the greatest concentration of personnel and military equipment of ukrainian defenders. to collect information. the traitor traveled around the city and tracked the locations he needed, at the same time he recorded streams in which he spoke in support of the occupation groups of the russian federation. in the morning , russian aircraft attacked kharkiv, hitting a residential building in one of the largest districts of the city, reports the mayor of the city, ihor terikhov. according to preliminary data, there were no fatalities or injuries, apartment buildings were damaged. with... caveats, but
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without casualties, that's how the day passed in kharkiv oblast. late in the evening, the russians hit kharkiv and the district with mortars. at night , the city of lubotyn and the village of vilshana were shelled. residential buildings and farm buildings were damaged. the occupiers attacked the monolith from the rocket salvo system. in nivychyna, there is an apartment building, an outbuilding and electricity networks. four settlements were left without power, oleg, the head of the regional military administration, said. the russians killed one person in the kherson region, three others were wounded, a 71-year-old resident of havrylivka died. the occupiers fired four dozen shells at the village from the artillery. during the day, the enemy shelled 26 populated areas of the region, hit critical infrastructure facilities, the administration building and sewage treatment plants, reported the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. damage two. private houses and
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cars. and i offer you to convert our anger due to enemy shelling into donations for our defenders. the espresso tv channel calls for participation in the collection of drones and equipping the 100th brigade for artillery reconnaissance armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of fly combo mavics and five 3t mavics. quadcopters are eyes in the sky that... provide security and an opportunity to confidently move forward, most importantly, they help protect the lives of our military. we need to collect 2.5 million uah, and we already have 1 million in our accounts, so do not waste time and join the collection for our defenders. it's burning in russia, at night the scouts hit the enemy's ammunition depot in the volkhovatsky district of the voronezh region. we... there was a fire with detonation,
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the fire is still burning, a site with shells with a total area of ​​3,500 m2 was hit, so it seems that it will continue to explode for a long time. noted in the main intelligence office. hundreds of men tried to cross the state border illegally. in the odesa region , law enforcement officers exposed a group that organized a scheme to illegally transport ukrainian men abroad in may of this year. it included a law enforcement officer. he advised drivers how to get around the roadblocks on the way to the border, after which they dodged... they dragged him on foot. for their own group services took from 5 to 18.5 thousand dollars, depending on the financial capabilities of the client. the usa announced the strategy for ukraine's success in the war against russia.
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us assistant secretary of state for european and eurasian affairs james o'brien said that it is necessary , first of all, to deprive the russian federation of opportunities to advance in the east of ukraine. to use close fire ranges, he noted that this can be achieved by providing the ukrainians with air defense and other weapons. recognition of russia as a sponsor of terrorism will cause negative consequences consequences, in particular of a humanitarian nature. the spokesman of the us state department, matthew miller, is convinced of this. this is how washington explains the reasons. why the usa still did not recognize the russian federation as an accomplice of terrorists, according to him, the introduction of export sanctions is more effective. the official stressed that the us continues to pressure russian officials and companies through restrictions to weaken
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moscow's military machine. wikileaks founder julian assange released from british prison and returns to australia, 52-year-old the journalist was released after he agreed to a deal with the us. assange pleaded guilty to espionage, and the ministry of the united states, instead, will demand 3 years in prison for him. the journalist has already served the same term in a london maximum security prison , trying to avoid extradition to the usa. at least 800 pets. found themselves on the streets only in the kyiv region, according to the kyiv city hospital of veterinary medicine. in order to find hosts for as many four-legged animals as possible , the largest event in ukraine was organized in the capital accommodation of animals, our film crew also visited it. this is victoria, she
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takes a kitten from the shelter, which she named airi. the girl admits that she has been looking at her ponytail for a long time, and that's how she learned about the days of adoption. animals in the international exhibition center, somehow a conversation about this came up, and i was offered, like, maybe you can take it, i'm like that, well , you have to search, i searched, i found, i found her on instagram and wrote to the person there with katya, and she told us what is possible, well, they will bring her from the region to kyiv here today, and that's why we came here to pick her up, because there is no other way, such a big event is taking place in the capital for the first time. it was organized by the municipal enterprise kyiv city hospital of veterinary medicine, together with local shelters for animals. as we learned, there are more than half a thousand four-legged friends looking for families here. according to the organizers, during the full-scale invasion, the problem of homeless animals became especially
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urgent, because shelters are full. we invited the most shelters in kyiv and the kyiv region, so that they could to unload and to adopt animals, this measure is very important, because today there are about 800 animals in shelters only in kyiv and the region, these are the ones that have been counted, so i believe that animals should live in families, and not in shelters. oleksiy surovtsev is a volunteer who, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, took abandoned pets from the temporarily occupied territories of kyiv region and placed them with families. he admits, at the beginning of the great war, people are more actively dissected. tails when it started started a full-scale invasion, we took out 15-20 animals every day, 15-20 animals a day found families at that time, at that time, now animals find families somewhere around 15 a month,
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which is still a cool indicator. the organizers hope that such an event will help to draw the attention of kyiv residents to the fact that they should not buy furry animals, but take them from shelters. so, if you don't have a little companion, hurry up and get him into your good hands. yulia zubchenko, andriy verstyuk, espresso tv channel. time more you can. read on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social media and watch our unique content on youtube. our team is working to ensure that you see the updated news release at 12 o'clock, then my colleagues, lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk, continue the broadcast. dear friends, we are back, and this is the final hour of our participation on the air on espresso for today,
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the marathon continues, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working in this studio for you, we will remind you that we have a collection going on and i really want to thank you, because today we have already moved to the mark of 1,100,000, if i am not mistaken, then i will specify iryna koval, because it is her charitable foundation that is conducting this collection, then there is already 1 million 2000, and maybe even a little more, maybe even more, if you join, and you still have this hour for this , all the necessary details are now on your screens, for monobank, if you want to scan the qr code, then it is on the right, if you face the screen, and the private bank is on the left, respectively, and the card numbers are also indicated below them for the 100th brigade of the armed forces, we are assembling, assembling for drones and equipping them, these drones will help detect - russian positions, enemy positions, and they will fly there, so as not to waste precious art projectiles,
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please join us, we want to collect as much as 2.5 million, we have 1,100 thousand with a small tail, with your with your help, that tail will grow and grow and grow to 2.5 million, i hope so, in the meantime we continue to talk to our guests, you can also donate at this time if you follow the title or this qr - as a code. dmytro oleksiyenko, vice president of icc ukraine, joins us. mr. dmytro, welcome you good day. we are talking about the results of the annual conference on the restoration of ukraine, which took place in berlin. actually, tell me what are the main achievements? well, the main achievement, compared to the two. previous conferences, it is that there were too many specifics and too many such
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results for ukraine, these are funds for recovery, these are funds for the retraining of our human potential, these are both funds for small businesses and funds for the european integration of ukraine, and why i say compared to the previous two, because there was no result at all, there were some... sky-scraping promises of our government , such as 1 trillion dollars of the gdp of our ukraine, to increase the electricity supply there and so on, that ukraine will be the first cashless economy in the world, and so on, that is, no practical result the previous two conferences did not bring, but this conference was quite so intense and there are results. but it took place against the background of the dismissal of our
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vice-prime minister kubrakov and the minister and also mustafinayem, who took care of exactly he headed the reconstruction department, he headed the reconstruction agency, scandalous dismissals, and no one from the authorities communicated with the population, the public, and foreigners. and that is , the results of this conference may well be dragged to these appointments or communication issues. now , you know, an article has been published, a large publication about the figure of yermak in the current, so to speak, system of ukrainian political power, where it is noted, in particular, that yermak is a central figure also in foreign politics now, and after all they write about the fact that he organizes such and such summits there, such as in berlin, for example,
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but despite all this, we saw from the published program that until the last moment, for example, at the meeting where olaf scholz and urslav vonderlein participated, there was no it is even known who will sit on the ukrainian side, and that is, to what extent, how carefully these summits are really prepared, and how... how do they look at it in the west, do they calmly accept this kind of personnel chaos in ukraine. fortunately, with side of ukraine. was represented at this level by volodymyr zelenskyi, but i repeat, there were no people from the relevant ministry, from the relevant agency, and this caused such indignation, surprise, well, ukrainian public figures and so on, and people connected with the reconstruction, and foreigners as well, i repeat, very large numbers
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were promised to us for the reconstruction budget, but after these layoffs, who will invest ... this week there was also an investigation that the prices for road construction in the vinnytsia region were three times overestimated in compared to the neighboring zhytomyr, and this happened immediately after the release of these persons, which i named, ah, this indicates that corruption would not have happened anywhere, if our, our leadership, the leadership of our country were surprised and whatever the notes are eh... the rejection of this corruption was not shown to the western world, but the first such positive moment was that the draft law was adopted, the law was already adopted on the bureau of economic security, where there will be a commission of international observers independent of the government, so
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the partners would say, and it could would provide, well no the independence of it. authority, this is such a first swallow, we expect the same laws on customs from now on, and today, by the way, is the day of the customs officer of ukraine, and the customs has been decapitated until now, that headless until now, that is, it is the same, the same is the tax, because now, well, which investor will come here and who will invest in the economy of ukraine, if the tax authority itself determines who is risky, who... and to whom to block the tax invoice, and the customs itself determines the value of the goods or which counterparty, well, will fall under risks, therefore reforming these two bodies is extremely important, so is reforming the judicial system, and one of
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these powerful tools is... the 50 billion dollars allocated by the european union for reforms, that is, funds for funds in exchange for reforms, and we are also waiting for these funds and are also waiting for these reforms in ukraine, you know, this is the third reconstruction summit in berlin about us, we have approximately the same attitude as we had towards luhan, for example, well, at least, if you look at the official, official reports that we seem to be saying: the rich of the european union have gathered there is also the united states, give us money for... restoration, because here we are fighting for the entire democratic world, you owe us everything now, you owe us, ah, well, that is, in principle, this narrative does not change, instead, many other things were heard there, for example, the commissioner for justice vera yurova spoke, who clearly said that ukraine should make reforms right now during the war and named two key directions that the european union and
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the european union want ukraine to see right now, this is a fair trial. and freedom of speech, and i will say that these are key factors in principle for ukraine, radoslav sikorskyi, who can hardly be accused of not being a supporter of ukraine, so it was not viktor orban who spoke, this is a person who is extremely pro-ukrainian, who said , why do reforms now, because you will not do them after the war, you can do them only now under pressure and under better conditions than now to do reforms, are these calls, they are generally heard and... what, what, what do you think about these persistent calls from our partners? well, they are evidence, more precisely, they follow the facts of that corruption, as i said in one of the previous broadcasts, here you have it, and that 40% of our grain is exported in the dark, well, just in the black, without paying taxes, we have
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a very corrupt excise m ... production is also the production of alcohol and cigarettes, well , it is clear, it is clear that we will not say that law enforcement agencies simply do not cope, because they have a lot, a lot of other cases, of course, this is corruption at the state level, this is corruption, well, at a very high level, and i say, the first swallow is the adoption of a law about b, we will watch how the competition will take place, and freedom of speech, well, we have seen. but it's oppression, it's surveillance of journalists, i won't continue, it's just that we have a head of a committee, a committee of leaders. of the council, probably, probably no longer has time to submit applications to law enforcement agencies for harassment regarding journalistic activities, but as for the judicial system, of course
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, it is necessary to reform, because no ukrainian court, well no, there is no truth of the last instance, we have reforms, even in time to big, to full-scale. they sometimes went to the great war yes, you know, with a slip, but there was an active civil society, the media was watching, now we have a full-scale invasion, of course this entertainment takes a huge amount of attention, resources, and in addition to all this , we see that a huge number of popetivists left, went to the army, to defend ukraine with weapons in their hands, and they can no longer monitor the processes that... take place in the rear, and the part of activists that is still there, they sometimes just come under some kind of, you know, attacks, and very often is used as a repressive element,
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some sort of monitoring of them, or the distribution of subpoenas, as was the case, for example, with the journalist of slidstva info, who was conducting an investigation, and then they wanted to hand him a subpoena, and how should these reforms be carried out in such circumstances? only, only the will of the state leadership, we do not see, to be honest, i do not see such a will regarding the full provision of freedom of speech there and so on, we see the scandal with the prisoners, mr. matsuka, who spread, and regarding the oppression of journalists, well, i i say this does not go unnoticed by... our foreign partners, and the impression is that actually the pressure of our representatives of our partners is actually the main driver of some movements towards the reform
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of the ukrainian legislation there, in particular, the washington post seems to have written that the ukrainian authorities were very dissatisfied with sullivan's last visit, because mr. sullivan preferred to talk more about corruption. which caused, as the media writes, with reference to its sources in the american delegation, undisguised irritation in zelenskyi and other participants of the ukrainian, ukrainian side, well yes, of course, and plus, you know, also, if we go back to the economy and the berlin conference, there is a lot, a quarter, a quarter of the conference was devoted to the restoration of small and medium enterprises. of business, ugh, ah, there is 7 billion euros, there is such an alliance of sustainability of small and medium-sized businesses created with such a budget, but how to develop
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small and medium-sized businesses, if we have a national revenue strategy adopted at the government level, which directly prohibits, well, the use of a simplified system taxation is planned in three years it will be canceled completely, it is planned to provide practically unlimited opportunities. for the tax, the abolition of the bank vault for individuals and so on , well, that is, with these two two documents, they simply conflict with each other and the directions, so, well, i urge you to sign a petition on the website of the cabinet of ministers on the website of the cabinet of ministers regarding the revision of this national revenue strategy, regarding the attraction after all , the public, after all, professional associations, business associations, that there was nothing, there was no... commenting on the issue of activists, who is there, who is at war, who is left, there is also the fact that we have a war and we need unity, yes, we must, we don't need to shake
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the boat or the booth or something, they always say, but we don't need such conduct tenders to shake public, civil society, which is the price forever. overestimated, well, just three times, andriy dlievich, professor of economics at kyiv national shevchenko university, i am quoting him for the third time today, wrote in my column that the biggest threat that awaits us after the war is if we do not we will change our courses, for example, regarding reforms, regarding the attitude to business, to small and medium-sized businesses, that we will find ourselves in a situation where none of those who left will return, and even more will leave under... because of how they will open the borders even a little bit, and in ukraine, since it will be impossible to do business, only pensioners and state employees will remain, and then he says that
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it will be very difficult not to follow the path. people of venezuela, when we will have authoritarian populists in power, who will sell some of the conventional guts there, all that remains there is to rob them and simply bribe the impoverished population there with buckwheat, we saw what happened to venezuela, although they have oil, you know, now in ukraine there is such a front between the democratic world and totalitarianism, and ... what is currently being rebuilt in all spheres of ukrainian life is a slide into authoritarianism. and, well, of course, this causes outrage in the public, in the entire population, and these, for example, the same dismissals are, well, evidence that ukraine is moving a little not in the direction of democracy, not in the direction, mr. dmitry, thank you for this conversation, it is very valuable, i think, a valuable goal. the aphorism of that second
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internal front, but both there and on the external and internal front, relatively speaking, it is really a struggle for democracy, and it is a struggle against authoritarianism, and it actually seems to me that this is the meaning of both public activists and the media, to assign attention to this domestic front, by the way, mr. sullivan himself appears, jake sullivan said that for ukraine, victory is also not to become the second russia in this war, yes. mr. dmytro, thank you for the conversation, such a direct tension, direct tension, direct, but already here without equivocations, which is also called without unnecessary diplomatic curtseys. dmytro oleksiyenko, vice president of icc ukraine, was with us, and we talked about the results, including the berlin conference on recovery. well, let's talk about mykola tyshchenko and whether he
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should get away with just the suspicion handed to him by the sbi, or should they be? any more sanctions against him, we will talk about this further with oleksandr salizhenko, parliamentary representative an analyst of the movement honestly and in general, what to do with deputies who discredit the title of people's deputy of ukraine and do some incomprehensible things, all this will be discussed after a short pause, stay with us, you are thinking about a new mattress, but... this is what stops you. have you ever thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. a new mattress pad or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically. choose a camel orthopedic mattress and your sleep will become noticeably better. take advantage super offer for half the price. call now and order a
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