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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in the ukrainian how legislation changes our lives, what to prepare for. leading lawyers of the bar will answer every tuesday at 7:55 on the espresso tv channel friends, here we are and this is our final half hour for today. levalyuk andriy saichuk, we work for you in this studio. now we will talk about mykola tyshchenko, whose name is again on everyone's lips. but before we start about him, let's remind you that you have the opportunity in this half... hour to donate
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the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine for our soldiers, and they will have 13 maviks, there will be and it will be a hellish number for muscovites, join, please, the card number can be seen here on the title, there is also a qr code, for today, you and i, dear friends, have about 40 thousands were collected by the tail and we hope that you will not stop there, yesterday we collected 65 00, i hope. that in this day we will reach that mark, and maybe even more, but all this is possible only with your help, now we will talk, now we will talk with oleksandr selizhenko, the parliamentary analyst of the movement, honestly, he is already with us on your screens, mr. oleksandr , we congratulate you, good day, mr. oleksandr, well, today the sbi visited mykola tyshchenko, handed him a suspect, they say that mykola tyshchenko so i was upset that i broke my phone. but
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i say, we suspect that he didn't break the phone out of excitement, he hoped that if he broke the phone, nothing would be found in that phone, is the suspicion of the sbi sufficient for these actions of mykola tyshchenko, and was this the appropriate reaction to that , what did mykola tyshchenko and his team do last week with the military in the dnipro? well, at the moment , it seems to me that it is still... too early to assess how serious the intentions of law enforcement agencies are, yes, because, well, announcing suspicions to a people's deputy is not, in principle, right now problem, we know that there are a number of people's deputies with suspicions, with various qualifications, but some of them are even suspected of treason, but despite this they still remain with the mandate, in particular oleksandr dubinsky and nestor shufrych still, yes while they are sitting in the pretrial detention center. they
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still have mandates and one more nardev from opz , oleksandr ponomarov, for example, a similar situation, so the announcement of suspicion, of course, does not mean that the people's deputy... automatically loses his mandate, but it is a certain reaction, which it could not be, in principle, and the fact that public actions and law enforcement agencies are taking place in response to such behavior, of course, gives some restrained optimism that the matter will not be hushed up, but at the same time we know that previous scandals, for example , again, which mykola tyshchenko had, they did not end with anything. that's why this case will move, we will watch, you know, today we had yevheniya kra kravchuk, a representative of the people's servants, and she was, i think, even outraged that we raised this topic, she said that mykola tyshchenko he was expelled from the faction a long time ago, he has no relation to our party or to the government
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in general, it is a shame that there are such deputies, well, but why are we here, in the end, let the sbi deal with this, ah, well, eh, yes, indeed, he is after the scandal with the trip. thailand, he was expelled from the faction, but at the same time , he still remains the deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on transport and infrastructure, and this is a leadership position at the committee level, so it seems to me that not all, let's say, mechanisms of influence , his involvement in decision-making, they deprived, here, and we know other examples when people's deputies quite often... can change their mind, as it was with maryana bezuga, yes, she also wrote a statement there about leaving the faction and the party, then changed her mind, but at the same time, she remains in the committee, despite the fact that there are a number of parliamentary resolutions, including those of her colleagues on
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the committee, to recall her from the post of deputy chairman of the committee and chairman of the subcommittee, and therefore the situation with mykola tyshchenko it can also be, you know, quite different. what he is as of today non-factional, ah, well, it does not mean that he was removed completely from the faction, from the parties and from activities at the level of the parliament. that is, he can be considered an influential deputy in the current parliament and in general in the structure of power, because it is now so hybrid, and it is difficult to understand where whose powers begin and where they end? well, buoyancy is such a concept. quite broad, yes, well, we can take into account the fact that this is a people's deputy who constantly generated some scandals in this convocation, well , that is, we can remember back in the days of kovid, under the time of the full-scale invasion of his trip abroad, and
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there were no significant consequences for this deputy, and perhaps this is partly due to the fact that he is a majoritarian people's deputy, we know that majoritarians are influenced by the faction or the party much less than, for example, on list deputies, but on the other hand, he obviously has some informal connections with the leadership and the party, with the president's office, so this is also a sign, and lately, especially, he allowed himself too much, as for a people's deputy, because i want to remind that he, well, in relation to that tsk temporary investigative commission, on...
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participated in some investigative actions, well, it is not clear at all, and well, it seems to me that law enforcement, law enforcement agencies should give a clear answer, within the limits of which these people's deputies together with other persons were in the dnipro and detained a serviceman, you know, the ukrainian parliament not only of this convocation, but also of previous convocations, it is difficult to call such a role model, but it seems to me that in this convocation, despite the fact that we we don’t always have, now we don’t have the opportunity to monitor how the work is going on in the session hall, journalists have a separate room on a separate floor, only there, or someone from the people’s elected officials comes willingly, or i don’t know, somehow storming
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the press services of individual factions, journalists seek some kind of comment, but very often they talk about the fact that... there, well, that's tyshchenko, what can you make of him, well, it's bezula, what can you make of her, but we sometimes see some footage, for example , where mariana jumps wildly when, for example, they speak from the podium. her opponents, i saw a video where sofya fedina speaks, says something, and she runs in front of the camera and jumps like a little child, and well, can we talk about people's elected representatives, well, that's the one, so what can you take from it, or that's all - after all, people's elected representatives should show some kind of example, and clearly not such an example as mykola tyshchenko or maryana bezgula or some other odious representatives show. in the parliament, of course, i also want to remind you that
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all candidates for people's deputies are servants of the people, before the election, they signed a memorandum with the party, and literally it was the same month, but 5 years ago, in june 19, then they published this memorandum with a list of deputies who signed it, it consisted of seven points, here exactly... the sixth point, it provides that the people's deputy must observe exactly the appropriate behavior, not get into a scanning situation, and in the event that this happens, then he must voluntarily submit a mandate, unfortunately, this did not happen, and why we made sure in fact, in the very first year, in the 19th year, the movement honestly recorded several knoppedals from the servants of the people faction, but even then they saw that this moment... does not work, it does not have any legal force, and this is just such a framework agreement
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between the candidates of the party, here, but society , the voters, these people's deputies should be remembered and the party declared one thing, but in fact, unfortunately, it happens in a completely different way, and these politicians are not responsible, obviously in the next elections it should... should to be, we are waiting for consequences from law enforcement, but obviously for political ones there should be political accountability in the next elections, and such people's deputies who were involved in similar scandals, they simply should not enter the parliament and represent ukrainians in the highest legislative body, by the way, about the deputies who can enter and fill the ranks, in particular, the servants of the people , the investigation was public. yaroslav volvach, about the fact that the 153rd on the list, and now the 147th entered, let me remind you, there are
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many who want to leave, this is also known from the faction, a certain roman kravets from chernihiv, who was previously noticed noticed civilly by civic activists and journalists during the very scandalous election campaign, if you remember in chernihiv, when there was korban and ... berezenko, what a year it was, god bless the memory 18th 17th 2000 and and and according to the investigation, it is said that roman kravets may be the real owner of the equally scandalous telegram channel joker, which publishes pro-government publications and also attacks opponents of the president's office, among them there are often public activists, and at the same time, roman himself. player as follows emerges from the investigation, he traveled abroad several times during the war,
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each time in luxury cars, and in general he has a whole fleet of very expensive cars, by the way, regarding the journalists who were engaged in this investigation, they noticed that he was being watched by the security service, or representatives of the sbu, it is not known who, in other words , suspicious cars with men, which one of them recommended himself to the employees of the sbu. andriyem and said that they have their own job, that is, to monitor journalists who were just collecting material about this founder joker. mr. oleksandr, how do you comment on this situation, did joker also have publications related to the honest movement, which cast a shadow on the reputation there, and maybe you personally appeared somewhere in some publications of this telegram, i will not say channel errors. in general, there is the fact that the list is a servant of the people, so it will advance over time, and those candidates
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who have not yet entered the parliament, they can enter, if the mandates are drawn up in time by the current people's deputies and the list of pushers, and the already mentioned roman kryvets, he will get to the parliament, in general, if we talk about the list, the pre-election list of any party, including the servants of the people, it has always been... in fact, there are significant problems with the quality selection of people for the list, and especially for the last places, the parties have recruited any - who, in order to, in order to. were so that the list was large and this was not carried out in a particularly high-quality manner, especially since our parties, unfortunately, do not carry out party building of any sort of membership, work, especially with him, that is why various candidates without special experience, education get into the list and some special qualities, here, but some of
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the acting people's deputies are also involved in... anonymous telegram channels, i will not list them, so as not to advertise, but some of the people's deputies also engaged in manipulations in the information sphere, actually through telegram -channels, when they gained wide popularity and actually counted on it, that's why the situation, unfortunately, is quite, let's say, not very good for the ukrainian parliament, when politicians of the highest... public activists through such channels and such methods. well, i will ask another question, we literally have a couple of minutes left. we have now seen that such and such a campaign was launched against shabunin, a well-known activist, anti-corruptionist, with the fact that he evades the army, mobilization and so
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on. i know a similar story has happened to you, and a few more. months ago , it was also spread through telegram channels, and there was also an anonymous appeal to the sbi, but it was assumed that it was made by one of the lawyers medvedchuk of the same viktor, and that apparently you are also avoiding mobilization, but they did not know that in fact oleksandr sorizhenko, and people who have known oleksandr for a long time in the 20th year had the fourth stage of cancer and is one of the ambassadors of the actual people who fought with cancer and... now has a disability group. oleksandr, i'm sorry to say this, but it seems to me that this is an important moment, how are you, your affairs now and is this matter exhausted at the moment, well, as of now, i actually passed the vlk in march, at the beginning of march, after these started
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attack, we initially decided not to react, ignored it, but after... before it appeared in the context of other activists, and there was a kind of appeal to the local military commander, i went to the military commander the next day, came to the vlk and the conclusion i was removed from the military register, here, but i actually returned from the military registry again a week ago, i am now a frequent visitor there, and here, but i never once even thought about evasion, i am at the beginning of... a full-scale invasion, he was in the local teroboron for several months and at that time communicated with the military commissar, provided all the documents when we were initially in informal such service, yes, and when the service was already transferred to formal rails, they got acquainted with my documents, medical history, so
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there were no questions from the military commander, but after that , how this story was, of course, inflated by the information in such a way that... an appeal was received through anonymous telegram channels, and then the military commander asked me to appear, which was done the next day, and now formally all questions have been removed, i think, here in in my case they were wrong obviously they didn't know about my treatment history and they just chose the wrong target they were planning on, but it shows that... mobilization can be a convenient and if, you know, win-win option to shut up any opposition , and this is a pity, because well, that is, you don’t need a court decision, you don’t even need to hire some young men with bits and then have problems in international institutions, everything is very simple, yes, moreover, they even, well, that is,
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all this the appeal to the dbr seems to have reached from of my colleague, yes... and, although she did not do this, but the appeal was signed with her name and surname, which is also done by law enforcement agencies, establishing the circumstances, who could have done it, here, but we see that it is just a series such manipulations, and it is actually systemic, that is why, well , it seems to me that the main task is to talk about it openly, not to be silent and not to hide what is really happening. happens. thank you thank you, mr. oleksandr. oleksandr selizhenko, a parliamentary analyst of the movement, was honestly with us. they talked about mykola tyshchenko, about the deputy's behavior and not only about... the way in which subpoenas are issued now. dear friends, well, now we will tell you about an incredible love story, a love story
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of people who, having lost their limbs and health in the war, came to the superhumans center for prosthetics, and it was there that sniper anastasia savka and military serviceman oleksiy levchenko met each other and fell in love. this incredible love story. more about them later. superhumans is a rehabilitation center that has become a second home for many military personnel and civilians, and its team is almost a family. after severe injuries, approximately 600 people have returned to their normal lives thanks to the center. now they run again, jump, swim, conquer new peaks, fall in love and create families. anastasia savka from lviv, nicknamed phoenix, joined at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. to the ranks of territorial defense, later became a sniper. on november 28, 2023, the girl received a an injury that resulted in her
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leg being amputated. anastasia underwent rehabilitation and prosthetics at the superhumans center. there she met oleksiy levchenko. the boy was seriously injured around the same time. i came here with the idea that i will soon get a prosthesis. and i type, and i go back. service, here i met oleksiy, we met at the reception on the very first day, that is, it turned out that our rehabilitation began at the same time, that is, prosthetics, i asked where we could go to eat, and oleksiy immediately suggested to me, let me drive you here in the car and we will go together. since then , anastasia and oleksiy spent a lot of time together, underwent rehabilitation, learned to walk together again and supported each other. four months later. anastasia admitted to oleksiy that she wanted to return to the war, but he was not ready to part with his beloved. after hearing from nastya that she wanted to
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return to the service, he was not very satisfied, so we had to find a compromise and offered to serve together. but before standing together again to defend the state, oleksiy decided to make anastasia an offer. the couple was invited to give an interview, so the girl. who did not suspect anything, was waiting for her beloved behind the scenes, here it turns out that i am invited, it has already been about an hour since i was there, i think that it has been so long, and there is still so much time with me, yo, i think that with it will be, but it turned out that oleksii, i go into the studio, there is my mother, roksalana, my stepsister, and oleksii is sitting, during a live broadcast in the talk show studio, oleksii got down on one knee and made love. offering years and hearts. he carried flowers for anastasia son, yarema. the disturbing video went viral on social media. will you marry me yes. at that
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moment, i didn't even suspect it at all. that is, i did not even imagine that such a thing could happen. it was really a shock for me. i stood there, i didn't know what to say, that is... i immediately forgot words, letters, how to communicate in general. both heroes still have a full course of rehabilitation ahead of them, and they are also collecting the necessary documents to return to the front. as anastasia says, the wedding will be modest, only for family and friends. we don't want to do something big, that now is a war, and it is not in time, that is, it is more for well, that is, for us. lovers and lovers were congratulated on the walls of the superhive center. during anastasia's release. ema statnyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. there are discounts,
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12:00 pm
gas mowers, grease or gasoline. gas stations - only convenience and a well-kept area, order now, light, powerful and reliable cors trimmers, only from uah 799. offer is limited, call. it's 12 o'clock in ukraine and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all the viewers and i will just now tell you about the most important events. so, the eu officially started negotiations on the accession of ukraine and moldova. this was announced by the president of the european commission, ursula fonderlein. let me remind you that today in luxembourg.


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