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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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this is the most realistic, but putin, who, i am sure, did not imagine the year 2024 in a different way in 2022, should want to get out of this mire, into which he has driven his country and himself, and it seems to me that the events , which took place in dagestan, could be perfect for this, in fact, despite all the tragedy, probably that. uh could be a great excuse, he could turn to his people and say: you know, this is the face of terrorism, because excuse me, an attack on a synagogue, an attack on a christian shrine, uh, and all this is not speaks of some kind of tolerance, all this speaks precisely of terrorism, it is worth our attention, and in principle, to refocus and draw something new for the russians. the enemy, this
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is what vladimir vladimirovich should be doing right now, but he is stubbornly fixated on ukraine, it must be some kind of fetish in a person, it's just a disaster, well, it's about a mental deviation, well , professionals should definitely deal with this. dagestan was on fire, literally yesterday, and derbend and makhachkala, and we are talking about the attackers, we are talking about the fact that they were eliminated, we are talking about... the heroic work of the russian special services in quotation marks, which, as we really know, very often create a problem, and then heroically eliminate it, what was it, well, i don’t know, maybe somewhere in the open archives, the fsb, already, as now in the archives of the kgb, we we will find out in tens of years, but for now, they are creating a picture for us again of evil terrorists attacking civilians. russians, or those people who
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are considered russians, actually somewhere in the kremlin, because again, when we talk about the caucasus, when we talk about, in particular , dagestan, which has been noted to be quite active protests, from the start of mobilization in the russian federation, then everything may not be so clear here, but how can it be clear, if you should not generally consider dagestan or chechnya, a territory. russia, well, this territory is effectively controlled, it is essentially the territory of russia legally, but the people of russia do not live there, other peoples live there, which at certain historical stages were oppressed, were occupied, were destroyed, if you can say so, that is, in essence there is a long-term occupation, and we understand that russia is an artificial one. state entity, that is russia in
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in that form, just like the soviet union, it was an artificial state formation with artificial, supposedly autonomous countries, but we understood very well that these were all occupied countries, that this was an occupied territory, that ukraine was occupied, that the baltic countries were occupied, that azerbaijan, armenia were occupied. was occupied, that is, a similar situation is happening now, these nationalities, these peoples are fighting for their independence, they do not want to fight for russia, they do not want to die for russia, they understand that culturally, historically, they have nothing to do with russia, apart from the fact that they were really occupied and now a russian flag hangs there... the so-called tricolor, everything, on the other
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hand, we also have to understand that russia can make certain planned provocations, that is, we should not rule out the fact that i am not talking about this case, because we will never, or ever, or never know what it was, but we must understand that, including, russia can arrange special performances for to unite again its own to blame someone, whom they blamed yesterday, by the way, some of their representatives, some of their deputies ukraine, said that it is ukraine's fault again, that is, it is no longer just a fetish, it is an understanding of what we said again, that without ukraine, russia will never see itself as a full-fledged state, well, to blame ukraine for everything, this is really what they do regularly, but... on the subject of sevastopol,
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the united states was blamed there, it is said, they mentioned, well, but less so, i would still like actually remember in the context of these pro... to putin that we will go to the end, and they don't need peace without russia, that he is desperately looking for support, about how he went to north korea, about what he agreed with kimchinin, we talked about kimchinin, but his trip to vietnam, after which the foreign minister of this country actually declared that their strategic strategic partner remains the united states, the united states, that's the question for me. that is, he is desperately looking for support, or he is desperately looking for somewhere to, you know, ignite, stir up, fan some kind of fire because after he visited the dprk, i got the distinct impression that he is uh, well, how is it, incitement, forgive me,
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engages in, yes, yes, what the you are here with south korea, and maybe they will provoke, and maybe they will provoke, and in every way, by his actions, by his words, he was leading to exactly this. at the moment, conflicts around the world are beneficial to putin, and wherever they will break out, now at this stage in 2024, it is very logical to actually ask ourselves the question, is there not a hand of the kremlin here, well, and then to understand the essence, whether it is really there, or, let's say, other forces are at play, after all, there is also a bagpipe in china, but china is such an active partner of north korea, in fact an older brother, let's say from... right, right? at the same time, when we talk about south korea, i think of that insane defense agreement between south korea and poland for billions and billions of funds for the actual rearmament of the polish army in the coming
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years, and in my opinion, regarding the restoration of our country, poland with south korea too agree and coordinate in a certain way, that is, there is ... a certain level of relations, and now we see andrzej dud, who has come to china, and it seems to me that it all fits into the puzzle of one picture, maybe to ask something to convince the chinese leader of something after he met with putin, well , we'll see, well, china, if we're talking about china, then china certainly doesn't take such a radical position, relatively speaking, well , they know how to walk politics between drops of rhetoric. which is to get all the cream and come out of it all as winners, well, as for china, look, here we have to understand that china wants to stay in the european markets, china wants to stay in the american markets, now china has big
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problems, because of the fact that it supports russia, he supports russia, on the other hand, both the united states of america and the european union are not ready. cotton wool from china, they are not ready to completely cut off either, that is, the fact that excise taxes are being introduced there now on cars, certain point sanctions are being introduced on the supply of cars, these are such small signals for china, don't cross the red line, you don't need to go any further than what you are doing now, and keep your sopaki on, but at the expense of north korea, here is a rather interesting option, because north korea always feeds... and in fact, has always lived only on a ventilator from china. what does kimchinin do? it turns out that in this case he is using putin to at least partially get off this
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chinese needle, ugh, and get certain, if not political, then economic dividends. what is putin doing? putin wanted to start a war on in the balkans, it didn't work out. putin wanted a war to break out in the middle east, but it didn't work out. putin is ready to go to north korea, to finally count himself among the quasi -states, the axis of evil, the quasi-leaders, because kim chin-in cannot even be called, in fact, a leader, he is not... elected, well, neither is putin , he is not elected, and putin ultimately counts himself among the cohorts of the likes of kim chin-in. and what does putin need? and putin needs a war between north and south korea. and if a war begins between the north
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and south korea, then again, some or all of the attention of the united states of america will shift to south korea. when this... putin would like to do it, putin would like to do it before the presidential elections in the united states of america, in order to maximally destabilize the situation in the so -called western world. whether he will succeed or not is another question, but he dreams, he fantasizes, he tries, relatively speaking, to build this axis of evil that will provoke wars all over the world, so if we return to our topic, that we should not entertain ourselves with illusions that russia will disappear, that russia will cease to exist, we should not even entertain ourselves with some... with thoughts that the regime will change there, or the views of the russians will change, we must build our state ,
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democratically, within the framework of legality, and most importantly, without the russian world, into which, by the way, some of our leaders are trying to drag us back into lawlessness, into the russian world, into disorder and disunity within the country, i think that about including it is necessary. now to talk, well let's talk about, my god, i'm sorry, please, i wouldn't want to, but we have to, the former adviser to the office of the president of ukraine, oleksiy aristovych , told who she is, putin's niece or goddaughter, ksenia sobchak, ksenia sobchak, a bright russian oppositionist, it's true, but about his desire to run for the post of president of ukraine, rejected the possibility of agreeing to the support of his candidacy by the current russian authorities, and they say that putin. in principle, he respects, he would even shake hands, despite the fact that he considers him an opponent,
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here let's listen to the direct language: what is putin's mistake in my opinion, when he put forward the ultimatum of the five regions, it was that he formulated the goals of his policy: a nuclear-free, non-aligned, neutral ukraine, denosified and demilitarized, this his the statement in ukraine was perceived as a slap in the face, in the west it was perceived as unrealistic demands. he framed the peace proposal in such a way that he achieved the exact opposite trends in ukraine, and he relegitimized zelenskyi with his claim that putin is crazy and cannot be dealt with negotiations for at least six months of political life. we are now looking at the situation from putin's point of view, that is, with his statement, gesture, political course, he only postponed the achievement of the goals he sets for himself regarding ukraine. postponed, that is , oleksiy aristovych, seriously, a person who acted as a pacifier for many at the beginning
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of a large-scale invasion, says that putin, in principle, only postponed the achievement of his goals somewhat, but i understand from the rhetoric that he completely, completely can reach, somehow the level has changed mr. oleksiy's faith in ukrainian society, the ukrainian state, and the ukrainian government, most importantly, is diametrically opposed. these are his mildest statements, let's put it this way, let's explain to the audience why we are talking about this at all, because we are not even a political character, but near a political, uh, near a political object for now now we are considering a new week in our optics, in our program, when we talk about the arrestee and something he said, it seems to me that we should talk about technology, but... about technology, how to actually accumulate in one place, perhaps
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on one person, on one character, who may even play his role, and a large number of ukrainians, still a large number of ukrainians who, in principle, in in principle, the potential pro-russian forces in our country have remained or are leaning towards it, although formally it is difficult for me to imagine if any of the ukrainians... in the elections after the war voted for the opz or something like that, precisely for these people, but it seems to me that that those who are ready to support politicians who are not they will treat russia harshly, well, what kind of people are they to us, well, they may not be enemies, but they are not enemies, we definitely have to somehow coexist, such people can remain in ukraine and there can be many, right, so technologically... from the point of view of those forces, who would like the return of ukraine, well,
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if not to russian standards, then the preservation of some part of the russian world in ukraine, they need opz2, that is, under the code name opz2 , some other force is needed, it is no longer boyko, of course, it is no longer medvedchuk, it is not any of those representatives who, frankly speaking, gone into oblivion, the supremes are still there a little... unfortunately they are kept, but here is something new, something so light, something so differently packaged, but something that repeats in fact... all the same theses and all the same words and in its essence promotes the same russian peace as it was before february 24 , 2022 in ukraine, this is what certain forces would like to return to ukraine, who is aristovych, he is a person who escaped from ukraine, simply ran away, here it is different the question is,
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how did he escape from ukraine, or maybe lyosha go, well, i'll get to that. i boil down to what i have in general, the question arises, who benefits from this actor remaining in the information field of ukraine, who, relatively speaking, allowed him to leave, we know very well that it is not so easy to leave ukraine, and who benefited from it, is it really a bad thing to go and don't get in the way here, whether someone or someone pushed the envelope so that... he spread theses from abroad that cannot be spread in ukraine, and maybe another issue, maybe already abroad , arestovych, relatively speaking, has certain connections with certain forces that would like a return here of this russomir vision to ukraine,
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there may actually be different options, but these options pursue one. goal, this is the return of a certain kind of russian peace in ukraine, and what arestovych is saying is, in essence, we need to come to an agreement with putin, i would shake his hand, we need to return the russian language in ukraine, he is in ukraine, he is it actually says, he says anti-national things, he says all the things related to anti-national issues, against what we have been fighting for many years and decades. that is, he really is this technology is trying to accumulate around itself the electorate that still sees itself, well conditionally, in such a small russia. andrii, when i say that oleksiy aristovych can be a project as of now, let me clarify a little what i mean, this is a story about
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what if you can't overcome, lead, and if we... admit that in the ukrainian state , despite all the rockets, rivers of blood, all the losses, despite the catastrophe that happened to us, there may still be people in the foreseeable future who, whom we have actually outlined now for various reasons, maybe not to fight with them, namely to lead them, to gather them into a single group under certain conditions. leadership, and how sincere this leader will be in his pro-russian sentiments, this is the question, i am really interested, really interested, what it is and with what to eat it in the foreseeable future, especially if this person has at least some support, in why i still very optimistically hope that it actually exists, even if it is
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a desire to lead, it is very dangerous, very yes, it is dangerous itself... there is no point in the formation of any pro-russian any group, even if it is small, even if it is a party, it is dangerous because it is a strife within the country. we will not talk with you again about how we need to reform the country, how we should implement the law, how we should move towards the eu or nato, we will not talk again about how we need to work with our people qualitatively, for example, so that they were returning... to ukraine, how to create jobs, the same, how to rebuild, we will fight again, as we fought 30 years after restoration of independence, we will continue to talk about which way to pull ukraine, pro-russian or pro-ukrainian, well, it does not cross my mind that we have been talking about the same thing for so many years, that we were
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not talking about an actually ukrainian-centric project, but we talked about... where should ukraine move, and if these voices will be heard in us, and they are already starting to be heard again, from all kinds of bloggers, from all kinds of politicians, these voices are starting to be heard from some public figures, from some even cultural figures, then we will go and enter again and again in the same circle, the circle of discussions about how we should develop the ukraine project from the point of view of identity, and it seems to me that the great war should have long ago put all the dots on and , that... we need to build ukraine in the context of everything ukrainian. and this is an axiom. well, now the backbone of our country is
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the ukrainian military, and it is very unfortunate when people with considerable combat experience, who have borne such a shaky state on their shoulders, but more or less stability of us as a state. and are still forced to actually suffer from the bullies, the bodyguards of some people's deputy with a very dubious reputation, who part-time is the head of the president's office, we are talking about mykola tyshchenko, and here is how we talked about it and, shame to the end, here is what he is now does, mykola tyshchenko does the same, even the best man has already disowned you and allegedly promised not to help you in any way, but... not in all his comments and interviews does he see the child in the video published, although it is obvious that in fact from the hands of dmytro pavlov with the call sign son,
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who previously served in the kraken battalion, this child is being torn out, torn out because of the fact that he is being attacked, tyshchenko basically does not recognize any problems of this situation, i don't know, honestly, this stubbornness is absolutely unhealthy. but sensei, it definitely does not prove good, it does not prove also because now this is distracting the attention of ukrainian society from really important topics, and it seems to me completely wild that in principle any attack on a person with such combat back, and besides it seems like game that these servants of mr. mykola tyshchenko are... security guards from various regional organizations, if i'm not mistaken, that is, a very dubious contingent, but who obviously flaunt the military uniform in
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which our country is currently being protected. i don't know what this story is about for you, andriy, for me it's just some crazy, crazy spanish shame, to be honest, to look at it and understand its relevance in general to, well, it's a story about intra-ukrainian chaos, it's not even not in... a specific episode, it's a matter of because there is a people's deputy of ukraine, together with a number of people of unknown origin, someone there calls himself a law enforcement officer, someone calls himself some kind of regional deputy, some assistant to him who is listed as a peacekeeper, well, think about the year 2024 on the calendar, we still have such persons have some powers, the question is different: who... authorized tyshchenko for months and probably more than a year to travel all over the country and impersonate law enforcement agencies. this is not
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the first time, he travels around kyiv, lviv, along the dnipro, wherever he goes and allegedly deals with some office workers there. well , this is returning to the topic of some kind of institutional pathology that we currently have in the country. this is when a person who was not authorized by anyone replaces the national police, the security service of ukraine, the security service of ukraine, the office of the prosecutor general, nabu and a whole series of other bodies, and there is silence, ugh, and no one has any complaints, what mandate does this person have, to break in, someone, if we watch the video there, i think some viewers saw it, how they went in there, put these... people face down on the floor, maybe these people are criminals, maybe not, but we are in the eu there tomorrow we will gather, who has this, who should
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deal with this, who should give, in the end , the answer to these questions will probably be a competent investigation, competent law enforcement agencies, which should open cases, which should enter with the appropriate warrant and arrest these people. this is a political and legal anarchy, which, with all due respect, must be understood, the european union will not deal with such things, and we will definitely talk about urgent topics in our next program, our colleagues will pick up on everything that we are talking about you spoke and what we announced to you for the coming week, but for now we are summing up the results of our survey, do you believe it? that ukraine will join the eu within 10 years, and the vast majority of our viewers and listeners believe that yes, we will succeed, 74%, and
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are more pessimistic. 26% of our dear viewers and listeners, thank you for your active participation in this survey and we will be happy to meet you next monday in the new week program. goodbye, take care and hang in there, goodbye. in a fresh issue magazine ukraine. exclusive interview with diplomat oleksandr khara. why does russia have the right to veto ukraine's entry into nato. a high-profile investigation is a road to nowhere. how can the construction of a forest road destroy a historical monument? the unique vitaly portnikov about the impact of the war on ukrainians and the values ​​that unite the nation. the diary of the legendary nationalist mykola kokhanivskyi. the country is always at the forefront . look for the press at points of sale or
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your place awaits you, the light remains on, for dinner - what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your street, at school, at your church. because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we did not give up, because we knew that you are already somewhere nearby,
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half the battle is... knowing how hard victory is given, and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible, so when you are home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you. greetings to all viewers of espresso, i'm namalnyk and i will start this issue with the following: today or tomorrow there will be a judgment of the people.


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