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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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there is also information from the sbi that tyshchenko broke his phone during the service of the suspicion, but the information can be obtained - said the spokeswoman of the state bureau of investigation tetyana sapyan, and actually said that tyschenko will be taken into custody today or tomorrow, as we understand, that should be enough the trial is about to begin , the prosecution will be asking for 24-hour house arrest for him, as i mentioned, and now we'll have a short break after... and we'll continue our very busy information day today, so stay with espresso for nothing miss. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive during the day, and with the matrik stopper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order a tope for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more
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medical purposes. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws. but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for?
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leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. see that tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. atv is the way to go. from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we urge everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yat. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, in transcarpathia, the mayor and the head of the regional council were exposed. this is, in particular, based on the information of zakarpattia journalist mr. goals about
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the city mayor mukachev, that is, mr. baloy, nabu isab together with the sbu, quoting now the official nabu portal, exposed the mayor and... the head of the regional council in transcarpathia for abuse of official position in order to sell land at an undervalued plots in the city center with an area of ​​more than 3 hectares. according to the investigation, the mayor, well, let me remind you, according to the information of the zakarpattia journalist, the words refer to the mayor of mukachevo, balogu. thus , the mayor ensured that the decision to sell the plot to a private company at an almost nine-fold lower price at the session of the city council was effectively controlled. roma, who is the head of the regional council, a former people's deputy, well, attention, the current and former officials who appear in this investigation were detained in accordance with article 208 of the criminal procedure code of ukraine. well, but it is important to clarify that a person is considered innocent of a crime and cannot be
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subject to criminal punishment until proven guilty in a legal manner, and this would be recognized by the court in its indictment. well , in the meantime, the russian army struck another blow on kharkiv, the head of ova, oleg synigubov , reported a series of explosions that occurred around 10 a.m., the mayor of the city, ivan igor terekhov, reported that there was a hit, now we will find out the current situation in the city of oleg abramychev, deputy of the kharkiv city council please be in touch with us, mr. olezh, congratulations and glory to ukraine, glory, congratulations, please share with us what is happening now in... in kharkiv, what are the consequences of today's next russian terrorist attack? got into a residential building, there are currently injured, but there are no dead, but in recent days the enemy has become more active again, he is hitting, well, this is his
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standard tactic in recent months to hit especially on weekends, when people are relaxed, in order to keep people, well, if constantly in some tension. it's you about that blow that kabami happened at the crossroads in kharkiv, i understand, yes, yes, yes, that's right, we got there, although it's simple, i'm telling you, there are no military facilities even close, there is a bus station, where buses constantly arrive, mr. olezh, and by the way, i wanted to ask, there were certain positive signals from the speakers who joined us from kharkiv, regarding the fact that after the west gave the go-ahead for... the use of weapons on the territory of the russian federation, no cabs arrived to kharkiv for at least a few weeks, but now we see that the oblast is again being showered with kaba the center, what do you think this could be related to, because they were accumulating their strength in order to make such a blow already, well,
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more massive, this is their standard tactic, as we see all the years of war, well, full-scale, ee plus indeed, our... troops are constantly firing at them, the s-300 installations were destroyed, plus their armor was destroyed, they lost a lot in the last month, so i think it is a little difficult for them to recover, somewhere they are dragged from other regions of their country precisely to kharkiv oblast, so this is a certain time takes, plus finding some goals, they are still looking for them, they are thinking something there. and they direct their missiles and aerial bombs somewhere there. mr. oleg, we would like to ask you about the situation in the north of the kharkiv region, in particular, the fighting in the vovchansk region and the fighting in the direction of lybtsi, what is going on there now? the fighting, unfortunately, continues,
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unfortunately, there is heavy fighting, so again, those scabbards constantly using the enemy in that particular direction, very difficult. to hide from them, but our troops still hold this line is held very successfully, the enemy cannot advance, we even take some positions slowly, we go forward, repelling our land, it is very difficult, but still we have some success in this direction. the nature of the battles, the number of personnel currently used by the enemy, it all remained at approximately the same level, so are they trying to somehow concentrate? additional units and attract additional equipment and aviation, yes, they transfer some units, but there are no more of them for such an accumulation, as i understand it, that they are preparing to make a breakthrough somewhere else, looking for the so-called thin ice in our
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defense in other cities, but kharkiv is an important direction for them, so they will keep it there anyway in tension for a very long time, well, look, what is happening in vovchansk now ? maybe you have some additional information, maybe the people who evacuated from the vicinity of vovchansk said something. unfortunately, there is nothing new, i cannot say it, there are ongoing battles, how. continued there , there is no such break, both on our side and on the side of the enemy, the same situation, and in july the battles are going on, and well, if the line is standing, but i say, we still have small victories, mr. oleg, i wanted to ask, and regarding the evacuation, whether at the level of the military administration there are currently some definite plans being developed regarding the possible additional evacuation of people from those settlements that may be hypothetically under threat? well , the maximum evacuation that could have been, it was
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already in the month of may, whoever wanted to, evacuated, some people are even turning back, looking at the fact that our troops are restraining the enemy, people have hope that we will quickly release back from the territory, that's why they come back, it's very difficult to persuade people to evacuate because they don't want to leave their homes, they're afraid that they'll go and never come back, it's like that... just human fear, which unfortunately prevents people from leaving the war zone. look, mr. olezh, we are talking about human fear, we know, we understand, and there is nothing strange about this fear, because the enemy is shooting at civilian objects, that is, killing civilians, this is not just a crime and savagery, yes, this is a certain russian technique, well, the enemy's goal is to sow panic, well, accordingly, part of it. to my question, it is about panicky moods, that is, which are obviously caused by the actions of the enemy, yes, that is
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, people, well, it is all people, on the other hand, people can endure and organize, in particular, their defense, and for this we are grateful to kharkiv, because kharkiv is standing and holding on, but the mayor of kharkiv has now sent a letter to the un secretary general with a request to wake up in simple language, well, how much more can you do, you understand? to endure russian shelling for za conditions of some kind of ignoring of this problem by the same organization of the united nations, and accordingly, what is the situation with the mood in kharkiv itself and a little more about this letter? you know, here, i think, it is necessary to understand one simple truth, that the enemy did not come to fight with us, but to destroy us as a nation, as a people, and this must be understood, therefore, i think, most people understand this and do not want to leave their own. .. houses, their territories, even under the fear that something will pour in and kill them, because they
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understand that this is a war, and they are their own by actions like this, in this way, they show the struggle, even if not without weapons, then by the fact that they simply do not want to go and will show that in principle we stand and will stand as a city, as a huge city, as a millionaire city, and we are simply so don't scare me, and what about the letter, i think it's the right letter, the world society should already understand that we are really just under some kind of terrorist attack, it's just you know, some kind of casino, you know, you're either black or red, that is, whether this bomb hits you or not, that's why i i think these letters are very important, because society should understand the world that we need exactly the weapons that will protect us from missiles and aerial bombs. mr. olezh, we also wanted to ask about the energy situation, we know that for... now throughout the country, it is quite difficult, for example, in the lviv region
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, the lights are turned off for 10 hours a day, because there are certain certain not very pleasant forecasts these days, and we understand that the situation in kharkiv oblast is not simple either, and especially if we are talking about preparations for the next winter, which should not be very simple, they are already talking about it, so the question is how the situation with outages is happening now and how the city is preparing for a difficult winter. there are outages, they are few, but they exist, namely, preparations are also underway, but unfortunately, i cannot talk about it, because i have agreements with the mayor and the authorities that we will not distribute this information, i also take part in this, negotiating with our foreign partners, with energy companies that do not provide energy, are providing us with... certain equipment to get us through this winter, so the work is going on,
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i don't know how well it will be, because it's very hard work, and the city is big, and unfortunately, the equipment is not just somewhere on in warehouses, it constantly needs to be ordered somewhere so that it is produced and whether our partners will have time to produce it, this is also a big question, well, look, the key story here is not what you will do, but how you assess the pace and dynamics in preparation for autumn . winter season, we understand that the enemy is now is quite diligently trying to destroy our electricity generation and destroy all the relevant infrastructure, that's what he does every day. well, we understand that our anti-aircraft defense is not bad and our energy engineers work wonders, but if we talk about the pace of preparation, then at one time we heard a lot of various extremely optimistic things about the fortifications in the east of our country, in particular, this also applies to kharkiv oblast, and then from it became clear that it was not finished, incomplete, or not done exactly where it should be, and so
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on, and then there was a big analysis of the flights, here is a question, a question of dynamics. how actively they are working now to implement those plans so that kharkiv, the same kharkiv, for example, i am not talking about the region, maybe you do not know, but i was ready for some critical scenarios, i will tell you yes, the pace is working, will we have time whether we will not have time is a question, but i think that most of what is planned will still work, the only question is whether it will last, because the enemy will really... introduce further development of our energy infrastructure facilities, i i think that he will hit them, i think that it will be at the beginning of autumn in order to, because if it is already cold and they hit, then it will be a little difficult for them to explain their actions, although i understand that they never they will not explain them, but they are still trying
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to play into this political story of some kind, ugh, thank you, thank you, mr. oleg, oleg abramych. the deputy of the kharkiv city council was on the air of espresso live, let me remind you, we are working, now we are going on a short break, after which we will continue to work for you, so stay with espresso, there is a lot of important stuff ahead that i advise you not to miss. do you want to wake up as if you were a child with your grandmother, full of strength and energy? then the new product from matrats market is just for you. meet the feather mattress dreamlight. mattress perina dream. smooths out all the unevenness of old mattresses, sofas, folding beds, it can be laid for sleeping simply on the floor, soft, comfortable, beautiful, and so profitable, only from uah 499. ordinary toppers cost one and a half, two and even 300 hryvnias, and we offer you an extra-quality foam mattress for only 499 uah the economy is incredible, soft and fluffy,
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illegal actions against a ukrainian military serviceman, yes former military man krakin, well, how will the case unfold now, we will try to find out from our colleague dmytro didora, who is also at the court hearing. glory to ukraine, dmytro! the hero of the word antina, well, what do we know that tyshchenko hacked his phone, so that the information did not get to our, so to speak, diligent investigation, but as the law enforcement authorities have already assured that they are in in the case of something, they will extract all the information they need without any particular problems, well, that's the only thing, probably, that we know, i promise you, look, today we asked about the phone that people's deputy mykola tyshchenko broke, and about money. which we saw in the photos of the state bureau of investigation, but we did not receive an answer to either the first or the second question, for probably 20 minutes now all journalists have been hearing
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about bot farms, about the fact that dnipro is such a city where these bot farms are concentrated, however people's deputy tyshchenko , the mandate to compile is not is going to and will say that he will comply with the court's decision, whatever it may be today... i, if we have the opportunity, can show how it happens in the courtroom itself, if we succeed, at present, mr. mykola still continues to answer to journalists' questions, this is already going on, 30 minutes, various statements are heard from people's deputy tyshchenko, however, we do not have answers to some questions, if we have a question... yes, please, regarding your phone, you can give a specific answer, did you break it or not, come on, mykola, such impressions that we do not hear each other, we are ukrainians, well, how many times do i
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have to tell them that investigative actions are underway, and accordingly , we are in court, if investigative actions are disclosed, we will react accordingly, i emphasize once again, i live in kyiv, i have not left ukraine, i respect the laws of ukraine. i respect the court's decision, i always coordinated all the actions i took with the management, and everyone knows about it, even, even, we get such answers to almost all questions, mr. mykola says that the victory is now important for ukraine, the court hearing has not yet started, we had the opportunity to hear mykola's answers live. about the questions we asked him just live, about the progress of the court session, i will update the viewers of espresso very promptly, for now, that's all we have. dmytro, finally, we would like to clarify
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whether the prosecution will insist on 24-hour house arrest, this was said earlier in the comment by the spokeswoman of the dbr tetyana sapyan, whether there is confirmation of this, or indeed the prosecution will insist on this type of preventive measure, do you know? it is known that, well, that... we heard from rumors that there will be round-the-clock house arrest, ukrainian courts, which will be held today. dmytro, we wanted to ask, but i don't know, there are tens of thousands of supporters of people's deputy mykola tyshchenko, i don't know him, a fan group, we understand that people voted for him at one time, these people came to support their people's deputy. .. but the court, unfortunately, antin, maybe fortunately, except journalists, there is no one, yes, thank you, well , that is very interesting, dmytro didora, direct
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inclusion. the kyiv court discussed the extremely interesting and delicious, fragrant case of people's deputy tyshchenko, yes, who became famous for more than one case, well, but this last prank of his, mildly, let's say, in quotation marks, it attracted the attention of the public and high-ranking ukrainian politicians, well, what now we, martus, now we, i suggest that we remember what else mykola tyshchenko was remembered for, because it is important to remember and it is necessary... that the voters of mykola tyshchenko should also did not forget not quarantine velor and a party for the wife. here we recall how it was during the pandemic. everyone knows the famous velur restaurant, the same velur restaurant in kyiv, owned by tyshchenko. in the 20th year, by the way, i will remind you, it was at the height of covid-19. the institution successfully continued its work. and the journalists who conducted the investigation noted about businessmen, people's deputies,
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there were even people from the neighborhood and. other special guests who visited this restaurant. however, this restaurant was certainly not for mere mortals open. but, this is not the only scandal that concerns tyshchenko. already in the 21st year, a year after this scandalous story, tyshchenko's quarantine story continued. only now his wife, now his ex-wife, alla baranovska, was playing the main role. in april, she lavishly celebrated her people's day. in one of the most luxurious hotels in the capital, and which is managed by elizaveta yurysheva. there is a version that the party was organized by friends of this alla baranovska, not tyshchenko himself, but the fact is that the restrictions were not for everyone, many ukrainians were stirred up, that's why this story , too, gained serious publicity, and mykola tyshchenko was also involved in one of the sexist scandals,
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which flared up at the beginning of february 22nd. another scandal with his participation. people's deputy, speaking at a meeting of the kyiv city council , called one of the deputies a girl, his statement was considered sexist in the network and there was such a story. well, and about the defense of prague and the phuket operation, this, by the way, i will remind you, also concerns his trip to thailand. tyshchenko said that he did not go to the sea to rest, and in order to improve the ukrainian diaspora, so to speak, involve in diplomatic processes in thailand. it was tyshchenko's january trip in the 23rd year, the people's deputy decided to go to thailand and there, according to his official version, he held meetings with representatives of the ukrainian community, but the price of the trip turned out to be not cheap, on the same day he was quickly expelled from the service of the people, and as you know , now he is a non-factional deputy, but by the way, today some servants of the people are talking about the fact that tyshchenko should his mandate, will there be any legal procedure
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for this to happen, we currently do not know whether such a procedure exists, nevertheless, even former colleagues in the service of the people are already saying that tyshchenko should submit a mandate, well , the man is already tainted, very , i would say, significantly, and there was already more than one story related to him that needed some kind of adequate explanation, but as we can see, even the situation with the beating of an ex-serviceman in the dnipro did not force tyshchenko to react adequately and at least apologize to the military service. well, we see that even our colleagues who are in the meeting hall tried to ask something, but some specific answer from the people, the key story in the case in dnipro, and what was tyshchenko doing there, yes, why was there such a rather harsh conversation with a military serviceman, so what happened there in general, well, we heard versions that there was some kind of struggle for certain businesses, but here's how
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interests converged in one place. tyshchenko, yes, not the last person in the ranks of the powerful, those around the authorities in kyiv, and with a simple military serviceman, why was there such a big, powerful action that hit tyshchenko himself, well, we will find out about it, i think, in the coming days. well , now the news is on espress, so we pass the floor to our colleague ania eva melnyk, who is ready to share with us all the most important state of affairs at the moment. colleague, we congratulate you, pass the word and ask you to share. what did you and the news service information service manage to find out about. good afternoon, colleagues, thank you for your work. next, the news team will work. we will tell about the most important, in particular about historic day today we are moving to formal accession negotiations with the european union. more on that later. be with us.


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