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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EEST

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how did the interests of tyshchenko, not the last person in the kyiv ruling circles, and a simple military serviceman converge in one place, why was there such a large, powerful action that hit tyshchenko himself, well, we will find out about it, i think, in the coming days. well, now the news is on espress, so we pass the floor to our colleague anivilnyk, who is ready to share with us all the most important state at the moment, colleague, we congratulate you. word and please share what you and the information service of the editorial office managed to find out about news good afternoon, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team will continue to work, we will tell you about the most important things, including the historic day. today we are moving into real negotiations with the european union regarding accession. more on that later, stay with us.
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and i will start with the following: people's deputy mykola tyshchenko arrived at the pechersk court of the capital, a preventive measure will be chosen for him on the suspicion of the announced sbi. at tyshchenko's home today , law enforcement officers searched and found cash in foreign currency during the investigation people's deputy broke his phone. let me remind you that on june 20, a group of people attacked a military man in dnipro, probably on the instructions of the people's deputy. they beat it and got it for a while. the prosecutor general's office agreed to the request to place mykola tyshchenko on preventive measure in the form of round-the-clock house arrest. another person was also informed about the suspicion after the fact of the event. others involved are being identified. investigations are ongoing. mykola tyshchenko also commented on his actions in dnipro. today, dnipro is the most important
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center of all botefers in ukraine, there today there are more than 60,000 people who work in bot farms, who work in call centers, which is such a shameful practice as call centers that mislead ukrainians, mislead the military, mislead their families, these call centers take money from families. so-called posthumous money, there are a lot of criminal cases in this regard, and i have written about it repeatedly, for more than one and a half years, i am struggling with this very thing. our correspondent dmytro didora is following the development of events, and will promptly inform her of the details of this case. a historic day. today we are moving on to actual real membership negotiations with the european union. of ukraine, this is how
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president volodymyr zelenskyi commented on the beginning of the negotiations. a few days after the start of the full-scale russian invasion, ukraine signed an application for accession. in june 2022, we obtained candidate status, and already in december of last year we received a political decision regarding negotiations. today , the fate of the country will be decided at the ukraine eu intergovernmental conference at the ministerial level. the espresso tv channel will broadcast the press conference based on the results. do not miss the conference at 18:30. temporary protection for ukrainians abroad has been extended. and the corresponding decision was adopted by the council of the european union. the directive gives refugees the right to residence, access to the labor market, housing, as well as social and medical assistance. the temporary protection mechanism will operate until march 2026. currently , about 4 million ukrainians live in the countries of the european union. a third of them are children. russia
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lost. the terrorist country was found guilty of systematic violations of people's rights in the temporarily occupied crimea. it happened today at a hearing at the european court of human rights. this is the first international case of ukraine against russia. it also referred to the systematic persecution of ukrainians for their political position and pro-ukrainian activities. from now on wanted. the international criminal court has issued arrest warrants for the head of the russian general staff valery gerasimov and former defense minister serhiy shuigu. accordingly, the statement was published on the court's website. the warrants were issued at the request of the prosecutor's office. fomida believes that the suspects are responsible for the rocket attacks of the occupiers on ukrainian energy from october 10, 2022 and at least until march 2023. shuigu and gerasimov are also suspected. in crimes
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against humanity causing severe suffering, significant bodily harm and damage to mental health. let me remind you that in march 2023 the judges of the international court of justice issued a warrant for the "arrest of the president of russia putin and the authorized representative of the child maria lvova belova. denmark allocates 20 million euros for the accelerated accession of ukraine and moldova to the european union - reported the ministry of foreign affairs of the country. funds will arrive by 2030 and will help create administrative districts and bring legislation closer to member states. the money will be assigned to the states within the framework of the program. good neighborliness, which supports reforms in eastern countries. the first batch of ammunition within the framework of the czech initiative has arrived in ukraine , announced the prime minister of the czech republic, peter fuala. we also received the second batch of missiles for patriot air
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defense systems from spain. according to spanish media, the list of military aid includes leopard tanks, ammunition, and anti-drone systems and towers with tion control of armaments. 23 boarding schools remain in operation in the temporarily occupied territories, these are 11 geriatric, 11 psychoneurological institutions and the oleshkiv orphanage. olena temchenko, a lawyer at the expert center for human rights, reports such data. according to her , we did not learn the lessons of 2014, because then we remained in uncontrolled territories. 21 boarding schools. mechanisms for returning people do not exist. the russian authorities relocate them and deport the children to russia. all these institutions, they or of regional subordination, or even local, we are talking only about boarding facilities, no one is talking about inpatient
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departments or privately owned geriatric institutions, that is, there are even more such institutions and even more people. and even record, discover. who has lists of people who were in these institutions, the public cannot, stole 400 hryvnias from the wife of a serviceman. the kyiv police reported the suspect to the violator. a 31-year-old woman contacted the police regarding the disappearance of money, a bag with funds, injured, forgot in a taxi the woman planned to give uah 4,000 to her husband's brothers for the purchase of military equipment. the police found the taxi driver and confiscated it from him. bag with money, which he hid in advance, he faces up to eight years in prison. two russian tanks were destroyed. in the direction of kharkiv , our defenders eliminated two pan s1 anti-aircraft missile and gun systems.
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the national guard reported that these combat vehicles were universal, contained both guns and missiles, and operated on targets at low altitudes. our defenders managed to attack and withdraw anger complexes. the cost of one such installation is about 15 million dollars. a state of emergency has been introduced in the voronezh region of russia. the decision was praised by the local governor over the drone attack. tonight, ukrainian scouts hit a field warehouse with ammunition in the olgovatsky district. the fire that started with the detonation is still burning. a 3,500 m2 shell site was under attack. and then about the events at the front, the situation remains tense in the verkhnokamyansky district in the northern direction, there are fierce battles, and the occupiers are not abandon attempts to get closer to toretsk. in chasovoy yar and ivanivskoye districts
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, seven combat clashes are ongoing. the russians are actively storming near ocheretiny in the pokrovsky direction, where the defense forces managed to stop eight enemy assaults. in the kharkiv region near vovchansk. two military clashes are still going on. an enemy k-500 aerial bomb was destroyed in the zaporizhzhia region, the ministry of internal affairs reported. unexploded ammunition was found in pologiv district. he had a modified blaster. so that's it made it impossible to transport. pyrotechnicians managed to eliminate the ammunition on the spot by controlled detonation. the espresso tv channel from... is calling to join the project from zero to life, it is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of combat equipment, support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they choose victory every day, they do not leave the wounded and fallen on the battlefield, so quad bikes are
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indispensable helpers for evacuation, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible off-road, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the citizens of kholodnoyariv not only to successfully carry out combat tasks... but also to return alive from them, so join the collection, our goal is 4 million uah. for the first time in history , soil was brought to earth from the reverse side. on the side of the moon , the chinese national space administration carried out an experimental operation, the capsule with samples landed in the north of china, later it will be delivered to beijing, the agency noted, the umbrella started its mission at the beginning of may from the wenchang cosmodrome. collected samples for two days soil with the help of bur and a robotic arm. read more about important things on our website spreso tv, subscribe to our channels in the social network. and i'll see you at 4 p.m. well, today, literally in a couple
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of hours, negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european union will begin in luxembourg. at 16:30, the first intergovernmental conference on kyiv's membership in the eurobloc will begin. yes... today's conference will be the official start of negotiations on ukraine's membership in the european union, and at 19:00 a similar conference will be held on accession to the bloc of moldova. the president of the european commission, ursula vonlejen, congratulated kyiv and chisinau on the start of accession negotiations. it is very important. well, now we will add ryfat chubarov, head of the majlis of the crimean tatar people, to our broadcast. we will talk with him about the third international expert forum. on the network of the crimean platform and we will also talk about the decision of the ecthr regarding
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human rights violations in crimea. russia lost the court today. this is good news. mr. ryfat, glory to ukraine and glad to see you on our air. glory to the heroes, good day to all. well, according to official information, during the third international forum of the expert network of the crimean platform, which is currently taking place in kyiv. yes, you noted the need to pass a s... court decision regarding the illegal deportation of the kremlin from the crimea from the historical homeland is a stalinist crime, well, accordingly, it must have an appropriate legal assessment and there must be appropriate legal consequences, what kind of consequences and on what prospects do you see holding this court session. really, see, we discussed this in the context of what follows. actions of ukraine in the international arena
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with our partners in general regarding the liberation of crimea, its reintegration, i am very grateful to all those involved in this international forum of experts and the honorable speakers, especially those who all noted the importance of... the discussion at the third summit of the crimean platform, which will take place in august this year here in kyiv, and the parliamentary dimension, that is, parliamentary delegations will gather within the crimean platform a little later, it seems in riza in october, that the topic is related to... the future of the crimean tatar people, and the elimination of the consequences of deportation as a genocide
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should be discussed on the crimean platform as well, and that is why the experts said that we ourselves here in ukraine still need to do in order to that the perception of this topic by our partners was absolute, and here it is clear, and here it is very... similar to how we determined the assessment of genocide, famine, and the political decision on deportation is already in place, the verkhovna rada of ukraine approved such a decision, then joined parliaments of lithuania, latvia, canada, we expect in the coming months from several european countries, this is a political decision. but it is necessary that there should be a legal assessment, and here
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the word must be said, it is clear that the supreme court of ukraine belongs to the ukrainian state, and in this way, from the point of view of law, we can also talk about those countries that are responsible for the consequences of the genocide, in in our case, it is russia. sir faty, today russia lost the european court of human rights regarding human rights violations in crimea, this decision is the first in which the international court recognized the russian federation as responsible. for the policy of large-scale and systematic violations of various human rights and freedoms on the temporarily occupied peninsula, if we are talking about those laws and those actual rights that are violated there, which could you most importantly outline, which persecutions, perhaps, or punishments are
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the most common among the people who remained on the temporarily occupied peninsula, how would you describe it... but the main ones, look, as it is, i'll say, before we started, this live broadcast, i was just studying such an angry press release regarding the decision of the european court of human rights, the decision itself has not yet been posted on the website, we are waiting for it. but there is already an announcement, an annotation, an annotation of this solution, and based on this annotation, well , at least i did not find this solution on the website, so that i would not get a little confused, well, it seemed to me that there is none, because i found all the other solutions, here they are just technically still, i think they have not been put up, but the decision has already been announced, and this
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extensive announcement suggests that after all positions... of the european covenant on human rights, the decision condemning russia, and all the claims of ukraine in this part of these violations, they were accepted, and the court confirmed them, well , let me tell you from memory, this issue is related with the illegal movement of people, the issue of freedom for life, well... these are violent abductions of people, we had such cases there, this issue is related to freedom of speech, there is a ban on ukrainian and crimean tatar mass media, and so on other such rights, fundamental human rights, they are all such
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which are believed to have been violated by russia. dear refataga, we would like to ask you in general about the situation in crimea, we understand that now our defense forces are very clearly working on military facilities on the temporarily occupied peninsula, and we would like to share, maybe you have information about the mood among the enemy, yes, maybe there is information about the traffic, when we talk about the movement, in particular, of the military equipment of the crimean... over the illegal bridge, well , look, the first thing, and it is noticeable, these two days, russia is trying to spread the word as much as possible, here is what happened in sevastopol, they claim that it is the consequences of a missile attack
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by the armed forces of ukraine, our armed forces of ukraine do not confirm this, but... do not deny it, well, i do not want to mention here now how many hundreds of such cases when russian propagandists spoke in our direction about the fact that it is not necessary to shoot down their rockets over populated areas, so that shrapnel does not fall on people and so on. now the russians claim that as a result of their actions, one of the missiles allegedly changed. course and well, that's it consequences, russia is trying to use it to fan such crazy anti-ukrainian propaganda. yesterday, the permanent representative of the un and the representative of russia in the un, ne nebendzia, said that as soon as they
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take the position of chairing the security council, which will happen in july, literally. in a few weeks, they will call a special meeting of the un security council on this issue, but this is what they want and are trying, but there is a different mood of the people in crimea, we analyze the public, including pro-russian, crimean, and the mood of the people there such that you can talk about what is already a part. people try to connect causes and effects, well, such a connection is causal, and causes and effects, and eh, but to talk about some such, you know,... explosion of departure, i can't do such a thing now, the only thing, as all the experts note, russians who planned
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their vacations and already bought tickets, some of them are actively returning them, because they still understand, but because of such tragic situations, that crimea is already permanently close to the front. territory, rafati aga, we still wanted to ask you, we know that you urged compatriots in the occupied crimea to honor the national symbol on the day of the crimean tatar flag, the day of the crimean tatar flag, actually it will be tomorrow, do you think that our people will be able to somehow make such a gesture of honor without risking their lives, and how would you advise people to do it this way, so that they do not offend. ourselves to danger at that time, first and foremost, we call on people, even though they know this without us, and they, and they behave in such a way that they do not take part in those
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measures, well, supposedly, you know, traditional, and such entertaining and national ones, but where the occupiers will try to put their rag next to the crimean tatar flag. because they , the occupiers, do not dare to ban the crimean tatar flag altogether, they know how deeply all crimean tatars perceive this symbol, but they are trying to smear our flag with various such unworthy methods, and therefore, first of all, there should be an absolute boycott of those events where the occupiers try well, to arrange such informational provocations. but the second is that, well, every family, it the way that is more acceptable to her is to raise
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a flag near her building, near her home, or if they live in high-rise buildings, to hang it on the balconies, well, to arrange lectures for children, this is widespread in our country in those cities where crimean tatars live compactly, they collect ... in one of the families, children, neighbors, all this and older people tell about real life and about real problems and that here they tell about the history of our flag. i think that even such cases, in any case, it will be very noticeable tomorrow in crimea, as far as the crimean tatars are concerned, the crimean-tatar flag is a close symbol, but also on the mainland. in ukraine , a lot of events will be held in different regions, i would simply urge tv viewers to look in the
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cities where they live, what local authorities are holding together with crimean tatar activists and join these festive events. it is very important for us that on this day the whole world should once again be captivated by the crimean tatars. the flag to crimea, to ukraine. grefataga, finally, would like you can clarify how you can influence the situation of the destruction of an illegal large architectural form, when we are talking about the kerch or the crimean bridge. we understand that this is more likely a matter of time, but how do you think it would psychologically affect the occupiers who are on the temporarily occupied peninsula. to be honest, i don't know another symbol that... would shake russian society through destruction, and starting with the dictator, because he, you know, created such
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an image around the bridge, and to a large extent, russian society has adopted such a, you know, such a view that they say this is the combination of the crimean peninsula with russia forever, that's all, it will be, you know, it will be very much like that, it seems to me, a radical change of mood within russian society, this will be a sign that that for them the cataclysm has already begun. thank you, rafat chubarov, the chairman of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people was on espresso. i would like to remind you that you can also see all the most important announcements made on our live broadcast on our youtube, subscribe to the youtube channel espresso tv channel, we have it there. already a lot of subscribers, but we would like to see our audience grow, so please join, subscribe, be active and share the content you like, there
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you can also view: special projects and programs, exclusive content we produce, please , join in. now we have a short break, after which we will continue to talk about today's important events, so stay with espresso. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price price, only 149 hryvnias. durable, reliable and so powerful. and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light, for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity, up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in city battery. it's so convenient, especially now. and the bulb is a smart light, it is not afraid of voltage drops and will not break when
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