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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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news from our colleagues, so please stay tuned, literally in a matter of moments there will be a fresh issue, so don't miss it, we'll see you tomorrow, take care. it's time to learn about the main events of this hour, i congratulate all viewers, you are with anna yavamelnyk, in the afternoon the russians attacked mykhailivka in the bereslav district of the kherson region, according to the information of the regional military administration, a drone hit the cultural center, damaged the windows, doors and walls, no one was injured . four explosions were heard almost simultaneously in kharkiv, they write.
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local correspondents, the mayor igor terekhov urged people to stay in shelters , details are not yet available. in the case of tyshchenko , the pecherskyi court of kyiv chooses a preventive measure on the suspicion of the declared sbi to people's deputy mykola tyshchenko. the defense requested a closed session, which was refused. today , law enforcement officers searched his home, found cash in foreign currency, and during the investigation , the people's deputy broke his phone. i would like to remind you that on june 20 in... probably on the instructions of the people's deputy , a group of people attacked a military man, they beat him and kept him for a certain time. the prosecutor general's office agreed to a request for mykola tyshchenko to be placed under a preventive measure in the form of 24-hour house arrest. another person was also informed about the suspicion after the fact of the event. others involved are being identified. investigations are ongoing. this is how mykola tyshchenko commented on his actions in the dnipro. today. is
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the most important center of all botefen in ukraine, there are today more than 60 thousand people who work in bot farms, who work in call centers, which is such a shameful practice as call centers that deceive ukrainians are being deceived by the military, their families are being deceived, these call centers are taking money from the families of the so-called money for... there are a lot of criminal cases in this regard, and i have written about it repeatedly, for more than one and a half years, i am struggling with this very thing . our correspondent dmytro didora is following the development of events and will promptly report new details of this case. important information for students, the cabinet of ministers of ukraine allowed to deduct students, men for refusing basic military training.
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adults who are studying for full-time or dual forms of education. after successful completion of training, graduates must take a military oath. mocked civilians. the prosecutor's office reported the suspicion to the russian colonel-general, who participated in the occupation of the kherson region. under his leadership. representatives of the russian guard dispersed peaceful protests in kherson, and illegally imprisoned, tortured and killed ukrainians in the captured territories. aggressive combat was conducted under the command of the suspect, together with other soldiers of the zsrf actions in the kherson region, ensured the occupation regime of settlements, as a result of which more than 200 people, including children, died and were injured. the scout commander coordinated the installation of roadblocks.
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organized the filtering of civilians, during which an inspection, seizure of vehicles, personal search, and illegal detention of citizens were carried out. now wanted, the international criminal court has issued arrest warrants for the head of the russian general staff valery grasamov and ex-minister of defense serhii shaigu. the corresponding statement was published on the court's website. the warrants were issued at the request of the prosecutor's office. themis believes that the suspects are responsible for the rocket plant. strikes by the occupiers on ukrainian energy from october 10, 2022 and at least until march 2023, and shuigu and gerasimov are also suspected of crimes against humanity, causing great suffering, significant bodily harm , and damage to mental health. let me remind you that in march 2023, judges of the international criminal court issued arrest warrants for the head of the kremlin, putin, and the child's commissioner, maria lvova bilova. today's is clear evidence
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that justice for russian crimes against ukrainians is inevitable, president volodymyr zelenskyy commented on the issuance of the warrants. espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they will choose victory every day, they will not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so, atvs are indispensable helpers for evacuation. and also they allow as fast as possible to move off-road, which helps efficient work. your support greatly increases the chances. yarivtsiv not only successfully perform combat missions, but also return from them alive. so join the gathering. our goal is uah 4 million. treated civilians cruelly. the police informed the russian serviceman about the suspicion in absentia.
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during the occupation of kharkiv region in february 2022 , zagarbnyk together with other soldiers detained residents of the village of husarivka. they kept the men in inhumane conditions. and one of them was shot by the suspect during interrogation, the perpetrator faces imprisonment for up to 15 years, or eternal punishment. the two other guys who were in the basement, they knew that they were going to die, and that's why they found a metal pond on pomatsky at night and used a crowbar to pull the nails out of the door. one day they got out. to freedom, and that's how they were saved, that's how all three became our witnesses, all three became eyewitnesses, those who later recognized their executioners. the information is not true. in the morning, a number of ukrainian media and telegram channels spread the alleged news about
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the escape of convicts who joined the bench from the training center in dosno. the ground forces of ukraine denied this, according to preliminary information, all those connected with ... are currently undergoing active training and preparing for combat missions in their units, and the spread of such fakes only helps the enemy, the armed forces added. get to moldova for 10 thousand dollars. four ukrainians were tempted by the price and decided to flee abroad, but they were not warned will have to cross the dniester river, and that it is dangerous, the border guards abducted the violators while trying to escape. everyone rushed into the water, trying to reach the boat, but the carrier turned the bottom back to moldova. three ukrainians returned to the shore, and the fourth died, the state border service reported. the police are investigating the case. plus one country, the south american state
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of guyana, signed a joint communiqué of the global peace summit. the president of ukraine informed on his page on the ex network. so the number of signatories is 83 countries and six organizations, as the head of state noted, we continue to work on expanding global support for the peace formula and the steps necessary for its implementation. important changes: ursela funderlaijen was nominated for the position of the head of the european commission for a second term. the relevant decision was made by the leaders of the european union countries, german media reports. for the post of president of the european council, the parliament nominated the ex-head of the government of portugal. antony koshta, and the new commissioner the head of the estonian government, kaia kalas, can become the head of the eu foreign affairs. the results of these appointments will be known in july after the meeting of the parliament of the european union. a historic day. today we are moving on to
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actual real negotiations with the european union regarding ukraine's membership. this is how president volodymyr zelenskyi commented on the beginning of the changes a few days after the beginning. of a full-scale russian invasion, ukraine signed an application for accession. in june 2022, we obtained candidate status, already in december of last year received a political decision regarding the negotiations. and at the intergovernmental conference of ukraine and the eu, the fate of the country is already being decided at the ministerial level. espresso tv channel will broadcast the press conference on the results of the meeting at 18:30, don't miss it. and look for more interesting videos on the youtube channel. be sure to subscribe, because there are live ether broadcasts, all news releases, programs and special projects that can only be seen here, as well as short videos on hot topics in the shorts section, share them, comment, be close. these are the cases, for the moment, i say to you, the meeting is already 18, the news team is working
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like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. see this week in collaborators program. who takes ukrainian children to russian regions. we feel the support of all regions of the russian federation, and how? zaprodenka develops russian culture in a genetic way. it allows integration of children's youth music groups. on tuesday, june 25, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. news, of course. the tape informs about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited guests
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experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. congratulations , two events took place in russia on june 23, which turned out to be quite resonant not only within the borders of russia, but also on a larger scale of some kind, well, the first is an attack on a synagogue and orthodox churches in dagestan, well, with all this history in dagestan there, you know, even zetbloggers ask questions. and how will they tie ukraine there, for now that's all the answer is not found, so we will talk about
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it, i hope in a couple of days, maybe there they will finally find this way, for now, well, there is a very strange story, and you know, even more strange that all this is basically happening on the anniversary of the campaign prigozhina to moscow, and so... the second event is an attack on the beach in sevastopol, so it already looks, you know, like this method, precisely resonance and a very active discussion about it. distract both from dagestan events, which are purely internal russian and, let's say, the cause of which is most likely the problem with the fact that all this was missed by the russian special services, as well as the mention of prigozhynsky's trip to moscow, moreover,
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if you look at russian social networks for june 22-23, you can see that there are several telegrams. russian channels, for example, two majors, constantly gave such news these days: so the kamsa are flying to kursk, or there let the martians fly to bryansk, well, you know, it all looked like this when people were told, well, now something will happen, but they didn't say what exactly, and they are forced to invent and look for something like that themselves, well, on the go literally make it up, and then as a result it flew to sevastopol, and it is interesting how russian propaganda interpreted all this, the fact is that russian propaganda immediately took as the main version to directly blame the united states of america for something, and it looked like this, this is actually the main one now, well, i don't know, here is the main message that was broadcast in
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all russian, well, snakes. according to the ministry of defense of russia. according to the russian ministry of defense , the missile attack on sevastopol was carried out by american atakams long-range missiles. there were five of them in total. the wreckage of one was filled with cluster munitions and fell into a crowd of people. which led to such a large number of casualties. at the time of the attack on sevastopol in the airspace over the black sea east of the crimea, they hung. drones, i.e. they were shot by the armed forces with the direct participation of the americans. all flight tasks in american operational-tactical attack-cams missiles are entered by american specialists, based on the usa's own satellite intelligence data, therefore responsibility for a deliberate missile strike for the civilians of sevastopol, it is
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primarily washington. well, that is, if there is probably a russian drone hanging somewhere, then it is necessary to do everything. to see russia, which is there, if something is happening there, probably this is how it should be understood, and you know, they hyperbolized this thesis so much that sometimes some of their speakers in general, well, literally carried a may day flag, which was only recently, well they said the exact opposite, that is, if recently they said that evil ukrainians are clearly visible in everything, now it turns out that in general the ukrainians are not at war with... them, but the americans are at war directly. it must be understood that these are not ukrainians, the kyiv regime is asking the americans to shoot somewhere, they don't have a phone where they can call. i tentatively drew the picture. i'll just finish it. the picture looks like this. heavy weapons, long-range, the newest, are
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completely in the hands of the americans. they themselves determine the goals. i do not want to whitewash the figures of the kyiv regime. must be brought to court, and they can find out from news reports where the kyiv regime was shooting, that's how it works, that's how it works, it's the americans, they themselves determined the target, they shot there themselves, pursuing all these multi-layered provocations, and just to zelensky, watch tv, you will find out today where you shot today, well, if only one madman said it, no, the state duma deputy said the same thing, and in principle, he is not the last person in russian. which, well, he practically only retold in his own words, well , this is slutsky, for example, who, i say, morozov of slushy, who, well, practically told the same thing, but in a slightly different way interpretation, when a ukrainian military man dials a mobile phone and says: "john, we
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would like five missiles on sevastopol." he says: "okay, peter, so this is how...". it reads that the decisions are made in ukraine, because petro, or taras, does not have the ability to actually launch these missiles, or control these missiles, or guide them to the target. this is an absolutely obvious thing, he does not control these missiles in a technical and military-strategic sense, it is all done by the nato military, and therefore it is possible that the goals, when they say... "let's rummage through sevastopol, it's ukraine's, everything else is done by the american military, it's quite obvious, and there's no need to give any second explanation here, there's no need to confuse." war with the americans, no,
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they are not going to, and this is also on these broadcasts , they constantly say that no, it is somehow not time for a war with nato, but all these conversations, in fact, they are really aimed at, well, let's say, american domestic politics, on the americans... on the american pre-election situation and actually on american politicians, this very clearly shows that immediately they literally immediately activated one of their own, well, as if there, i don’t know, the person is under the influence or what, it’s major taylor green, one of the american congresswomen, who actually repeated these theses of russian propaganda one by one, you know, imposing them in such a way that ... literally, well, something like that flew completely unmotivated into some crimea, why, how, as if it was not a territory occupied by russia, as if russia did not
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attack ukraine, but something just flew, and if it flew like that, maybe to fly to america, well, delusional, delusional, but that's what makes this story interesting, the fact that it 's clear, this is exactly what the russians will try to get all their agents in the united states to say and try to push this very thesis into american domestic politics. rep. marjorie taylor green's tweet. the first reaction from the mouth of a us official. this should not happen. imagine if russia, using a russian satellite, released cluster munitions on a beach in florida. the only border that must be protected by ours the us military is our own border. well, that is, which american ones? the military, where are they here, in another place, in ukraine there, or why should russia suddenly issue something to america, america, which attacked russia, well, that is, you know all this,
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such a simple set of russian theses that has no relation to real life, but this is how it will progress, to tell that it is impossible to strain the situation with the russians, and therefore it is not necessary to give weapons to the ukrainians, well, all this is a clear story, and you know that... the biggest surprise for the russians propagandists was that all of a sudden this whole delusion actually, well, the world reacted quite well, not that it was cool, but simply directly called it all delusional, all these accusations of ukraine that something flew there, something hit and all that specially, well, that is, all this, well, as a result, somehow, no one listens to the truth, they don't even believe in the words that the representatives say. the official representative of the foreign policy service of the european union, peter stano, in response to the request of tas, stated that the european union considers the information of the crimean authorities
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untrustworthy. the headquarters of nato has not yet responded to a similar request from tas. according to the state, the statement of the authorities of the russian federation about the actions of ukraine and their consequences has close to zero credibility and cannot be trusted. the west is trying to recover from the bloody attack. franz-press assures that the footage of the use of cluster munitions. well, it is obvious that it is necessary to verify, because in reality russia has never been able to show a single shred of anything, that is, all these conversations, well, they in general they do not have any ground under them, because there is no direct evidence, the only thing they were able to show was the wreckage of their own anti-aircraft missile, why was that anti-aircraft missile, why was it flying there, you know that, the question is so strange, and in in principle to him... well, they should answer for themselves what they were releasing these anti-aircraft missiles there and what exactly and why they were releasing them at all from the beach, well, why is there
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an anti-aircraft installation on the beach and it is releasing these missiles and there are no people there they are restricted, they are not warned that there are weapons here, which are now will shoot, well, from putin's point of view , in general, there is such a tradition of hiding behind women and children, it's just usual for russians, so in this regard. this is very consistent, but, well, what do you complain about after that, if you yourself place your weapons on civilian objects like that, well, well , on the other hand, they are also very, you know, so upset, that the world media somehow didn't behave so well on all of these, well, moreover, not that they didn't behave very well, but practically didn't behave at all, the only newspaper that published it, it appears to be... a pocket russian , russian-funded newspaper in italy. i honestly sat this morning and flipped through the western
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press. on the front pages of everyone. the leading newspapers of the west did not have any news, not a single headline, not a single takeaway, the only newspaper, one single newspaper, that gave it on the front page, the italian newspaper that i have often quoted here, and which advocates for peace, for the cessation of arms supplies to ukraine, here she is the only one from the western press, someone brought this news to the front page, there is a small headline: with announcement, no one wrote about it at all, it ’s not news, well, russian children have died once again, well, because everyone knows, in principle, that all claims regarding the dead russian children should be directed to the russian authorities and actually to them, well, themselves of the russian people, who are waging an aggressive war against ukraine, who are trying to seize ukrainian territories, well, obviously yes, but what did you
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think, there would be only ukrainian ones? children die, no, it doesn't happen like that, well, it's still a war, well, how do you place your objects among the civilian population, well, what to do here, well, besides all this, well, what else do they need from the western media, to broadcast some maristic statements of zakharova from the russian ministry of foreign affairs, well , you know, well, even with very heavy alcohol intoxication, well, probably not every... journalist is ready to repeat it, all the more so because it is very interesting how zakharova suddenly noticed that this is necessary, it is a holiday and summer on the street, how come they fire in summer and on holidays, as if ukrainians are not being fired at holiday and not in summer. these are literally ritual, and i believe that they are
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should be called that. the crimes they commit actually coincide with major holidays. for these banking officials, there is no concept of civil infrastructure, school vacations, and holidays from the point of view of understanding that they can affect, kill, damage people, and the vital activity of objects. and literally right there they talk about how on this very day... they hit civilian objects in ukraine. russia, unlike ukraine , strikes in such a way that civilians are not harmed in any way. this weekend our armed forces carried out a number of attacks on objects in zhytomyr, ternopil, kyiv, dnipropetrovsk and kharkiv regions. one of the priority targets was the vasylkiv airfield in the kyiv region.
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western ukrainian power plants became another target for our... strikes, in particular , dobrytvir tes was hit. the strikes continued this morning. well, that is, that is, it is normal to hit on civil theses on a holiday. well, what? well, it's something else, you see, if something flies over there to the russians, it's not normal. and if in ukrainian, that's normal. well, you can hit on a holiday, potets. and it's also normal that in vasylkiv, ternopil there and in a few more, it's there, hundreds of houses have already been damaged there, especially civilian houses, and well, civilian objects have been damaged, it's also normal on a holiday, well, that's for some reason neither zakharov is in any way embarrassed, nor are all those who are talking about it in any way, and you know that the most disgusting thing about this is that they perfectly understand how it works, but the same...
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the state duma deputy has already been quoted before, he is excellent describes what it is like when it flies and when it is immediately known that if it falls, it will kill people, but for some reason it does not occur to him to remember that it is exactly the same, apparently, when it flies to ukraine , then it is also the goal to kill people, it does not just fly to ukraine by itself there and falls somewhere in a clear field, and you know, in fact, those who listen to it on these tv channels are also wonderful. understand, but apparently they like it, and it can be seen, as he, you know, first tells what a grief it is when he flies to russia, and there it is will kill someone for sure, but when it arrives in ukraine, it is wonderful, it is joyful, there is one more moment, because the western and ukrainian publics are also full that the rocket was shot down, it changed direction and fell on the beach, that is, in general, in fact the beach was not beaten, question.


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