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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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[000:00:00;00] the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. good evening. of ukraine. thank you for waiting, it's a big ether, we're back, and now it's time to talk about money, during the war oleksandr morchivka is full of wood. oleksandr, please speak to you. thank you, vasyl, congratulations viewers in the next few minutes, you will learn about the most interesting things in the world of money, what the white business club is and whether entrepreneurs will come out of the shadows to work under the real tax code. i will talk about this and more
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in a moment. i'm oleksandr morchyka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. i will start not traditionally, but with such a bright and interesting video and important information. as of today, the national bank has put into circulation a new commemorative coin, it is called the medical force of the armed forces of ukraine. carving is dedicated to the dedicated work of military doctors who provide qualified and specialized assistance to both servicemen and civilians who find themselves in the war zone. this money will essentially be in circulation, it can be paid for anywhere. denomination - 10 hryvnias. the central element on the reverse is a cross on which is superimposed a stylized snake coiling around a diver. the cross symbolizes a sign of comprehensive care recognized in europe and the world, and the snake is a symbol, a traditional symbol of medical forces. well, temporary protection for ukrainians is in favor the border was extended, the relevant decision
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was adopted by the council. of the european union. the directive gives refugees the right to residence, access to the labor market, housing, as well as social and medical assistance. the mechanism of temporary protection was extended until march 2026. currently, about 4 million ukrainians live in the countries of the european union. a third of them are children. but employers in ukraine have problems finding people due to migration and mobilization. researchers of the razumkov center state that at the beginning of the year the number of working population decreased by 40% against 2021. if earlier it was difficult for people to find a job, now employers are actively looking for workers. the decrease in the number of specialists is caused, in particular, by demographic losses, analysts say. for the third month in a row, job search sites have recorded a record number of vacancies since the beginning of the great war. for example,
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there are more than 106 of them on workuua. on the robot ua platform, more than 108,000 people are looking for mainly drivers, construction workers, and these are the specialties that are in demand now. ukraine takes on the balance, another bank. we are talking about a court decision transfer motorbank, which belonged to the sanctioned businessman vyacheslav boguslaev, to the ownership of the state. this was announced by the deputy minister of justice inna bohatyh. this financial institution will become the seventh state bank after privatbank, oschatbank, ukraksymbank, ukrgasbank, as well as sensbank and pinbank. let me remind you that by the end of 2023, the state's share in the banking sector was more than 53%, which is a large indicator. i have already told you that the government is preparing to sell sentsbank and ukrgasbank to vasyl in order to reduce the presence of the state in the financial sector, well , the international monetary fund also demands this, they have repeatedly
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emphasized that the share of neobti. to reduce, so that the state, the government owns less banks, well , in this way they are trying to equalize competition, well, but so far this initiative to find investors, to find buyers for several ukrainian state banks, well, it has stalled, as far as i am concerned, i am following this, i just do not i know if there are special conditions in ukraine now, when certain things are justified, and of course they want ideal things in the imf, no matter how little to be, well, but while we have our own situation, well... very aptly said, we have our own situation. thanks to the growth of banks' incomes and increased taxation, the state budget will receive at least uah 30 billion in addition this year. this was announced by the head of the parliamentary committee on taxes and finances, danylo getmantsev. the treasury has already been replenished by an amount of 25% more than a year. only nine banking institutions were operationally unprofitable. well, it's mainly with inefficient business models and
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a number of long-standing problems - he says. people's deputy most of these funds received from the income of banks, will be directed to the needs of the security and defense sector. next, we also talk about the initiative. gitmantsev and about his profile, it is particularly interesting that the verkhovna rada adopted such an initiative, which is simply called the white business club. in detail, what kind of initiative is this and to what extent is this bill, well, it will work when business, well, for example, vasyl is interested that business will be forced to comply with tax legislation 100%. 100% work in pure, so to speak, in white, in white, and how much it will reduce part of the shadow that still exists in the ukrainian economy, we are joined by oleksandr bondarenko, managing partner of the bureau of investment programs, good evening, greetings,
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colleagues, mr. oleksandr, i am most interested in what accounts currently exist in the shadow sector of the economy, to what extent does business now work not in a clean, white way, as they say in the draft law? indeed, the problem of the shadow economy increased during the war, because during economic recessions, during crises, during currency troubles, often in different countries historically, the share of the shadow sector of the economy grew, and at the moment, according to various estimates, the share of the shadow economy is 35-40%, which is a lot, of course, before the war in the 21st year , i remember. observation that somewhere around 18, 19% was the shadow economy, that is , the share, the share of untaxed incomes, one might say, unpaid incomes,
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unspent by the state on improving our lives with you, has almost doubled, more than doubled there, and on in fact, this is a sign this is a sign that the economy is moving... to uh, shadow mechanisms of financing one's own economic activity, there are many reasons, and they are not very, well, in general, the trend is not very positive from the point of view of the shadow economy, mr. oleksandr, well, the trend is really not positive and it is clear that these objections to the future increase in taxes, in particular the value-added tax, the military levy, are just coercive. entrepreneurs to think about how to work further, to what extent the initiative of the white business club can motivate ukrainians entrepreneurs, well, to work according to the law, to pay according to the law, to what extent is there an interesting
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motivation that will really help ukrainian business now? well, in general, as a professional economist, i am always against various segmentations and segregation of businesses, enterprises. individual entrepreneurs, the more complicated the taxation system will be, the more hours will have to be spent on paying taxes, on their administration, on bureaucratic regulations, the more, well, the worse the general investment climate of ukraine will be, so the initiative, i would not say that it is very progressive in terms of the european experience or the american experience, i don't think. that these proposed benefits that are provided to such businesses, which is up to 30% of the reservation of their employees, the absence
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of physical inspections of the tax office, i.e. only chamber inspections of the tax office there at most once every six months, as far as i remember, there may be a slightly different period, i.e. well, it is - firstly, such advantages are very imaginary, i would n't say that they are particularly interesting for businessmen, and secondly, what is the biz club of white business, we have all entrepreneurs to work according to the same rules, and you and i recently, oleksandr, talked about the rules of economic booking, well, make them the same for all entrepreneurs and for large corporations with 30 thousand employees and for a fop that can... pay for itself this additional military levy, well, that is, there should be uniform, uniform requirements for reservation, if we are talking about reservation, well, here it seems to me, if there are such, well, such a selection, some are white, some are black, it seems to me that
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the rules and the law are one for everyone, this is the first thing, and if entrepreneurs do not fulfill certain requirements of the tax legislation, then they should probably be dealt with by the economic security bureau or other bodies, and there is no need to do this... put business through a sieve, in my opinion, that's exactly how it is, i agree with you here , because we have a lot of colors in our palette, yes, we can offer many more colors. paint businessmen, but in fact, world experience says that the fewer hours a business spends, the chief accountant of the company, director of payment of administration taxes and the rest of the payments, excises and so on, the better the conditions for doing business in the country, there is even a global index of doing business in ukraine, and there the number of hours is calculated, but ukraine is constantly there from 100 to 145- ranks among
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the countries of the world due to the complexity of our tax system, namely its administration, that is why this step of creating a white business club is another step, how to create additional rules and regulation, and entrepreneurs will still have to think, and i am in the white business club business, what is gray, and how do i book my employees and so on, so mr. oleksandr, i really support you that... to the administration of taxes, this is one of the problems that are being tried to be solved by more than one fiscal reform, i monitor the tax legislation for many years, but for some reason we really remain in the ranking of businesses at such a difficult level, and this issue only adds to the trouble of many ukrainian enterprises, but then summarizing the output, maybe you have some suggestions on how to reduce the share of the shadow in the economy, well no clubs? without meetings of various such
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meetings, conferences or any other forms, maximum automation of tax payment processes, vat refunds, because again negative signals began about pauses in vat payments to exporters, the third is customs, customs, yes, that is, customs, all payments should be as much as possible digitized and customs payable. and at a single price, at a single price for a kilogram of a certain type of product, and not to give the reins of the government, to set indicators in various letters from customs, there are a lot of unpaid taxes, therefore there is only one solution: simplification, automation, transition to digital, there was a good experience 10 years ago, even 12 in georgia, and there is significant growth there. revenue from customs
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payments, from freight import vat and excise taxes, it is necessary to move in that direction, therefore , reduce, of course, the number of inspectors, reduce the number of people who affect physical payments for entrepreneurs, their volume, number, and increase the subjective factor , it is necessary to get away from it. thank you for such a thorough analysis of deputy initiatives and for business recommendations. yes and representatives of fiscal authorities, i think they watched the broadcast. oleksandr bondarenko was in touch with us, the managing partner of the bureau of investment programs. i will also finish my column, but the big broadcast is going on, there will be more later, also the column "culture, weather with natalka didenko". see us. thanks to oleksandr morchivka, the initiative is really good and the recommendations are good. it is also important that
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fair decisions were made, both regarding reservations and economic decisions, but decisions that will help both the front and the economy, and we we help our military, we collect for the needs expressed for us by specific soldiers, so these are soldiers who are fighting in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia areas, and they are asking for help in repairing heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone, we are talking about what is necessary. .. this is a repair and recovery regiment, it works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone in the open air in any weather, day and night, so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield, damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, we need a minibus that will deliver to the combat zone, mobile repair teams and equipment, as well as pneumo-hydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. today we already managed to collect, i won't say how much, well, we are collecting,
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and i believe that we are collecting even more , please join this initiative, we will close this collection, i believe that even this week, well, we still have less than 100,000, we will do it, but now i invite you to a conversation with chechenin, and a review, not a review, the coolest cultural news, let's say so, good evening, hello, vasyl, greetings to our viewers and the viewer. to say that today we will briefly mention which ukrainian horror films we have and why something is clearly wrong with them. well, today we have such news that zlata hognevich has released a soundtrack, a song for the film klynotopska vydma. i think you have already heard the releases and seen the trailer, not to be confused with the performance of ivan uryvskyi, definitely with this super hit, and zlata ognievich,
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now we can watch this video, she bird, the song is called, and here she is in the image too. birds and she sings, the actual song is not as aggressive as it was in the trailer, the direction of this film is also quite aggressive, later i will tell you why, it is quite such a gentle song about love, but it resonates with what the film will be about, the film will be about the way the russian military killed the beloved of the main character, she turns out to be a witch and takes revenge. this russian soldier, let's listen to an excerpt from this song.
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well, many are already discussing these trailers, the film, this music video, i will say that we are we can... already determine that the promotion of our tapes has reached a certain already high level, because all such traditional elements of film promotion are preserved, because shooting a film is one important thing, but another thing is to bring it to us to advertise with you, you see, when we used to watch some hollywood films, for example, we definitely saw this release and first one trailer, the second trailer, everyone is waiting, then some musicians record songs. and here we have the same story, oh well if we now watch the trailer for the movie the witch of konotop, then we will actually see this heroine as well, i think there will be another trailer so that we can understand more, but judging by the reviews, they are quite polar,
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some people say that this is the class for us i like the idea of ​​such horror in general and the concept itself, others say that it will be called cringe, yes, that is, in spanish. it's a shame that it will be something poorly filmed, i can't say anything yet, i will only watch this film at the odessa film festival, it will be released in august 22, for me it is very expected because the producers are not betting on you being scared, which would be logical with a horror film, but on the fact that you enjoy what the main character does, because she will kill very brutally russian, we are warned by the disclaimers at the beginning of the video that... that these scenes will be terrifying, but you'll love it, and so it's not really clear why it's going to be a horror movie, because usually in horror movies, we feel for the main characters and we are afraid together with them there is a fearsome or some kind of maniac or some evil force, here, on the contrary, we will empathize with the main character, well
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, because we are with her, especially her lover is played by taras tsimbalyuk, who is very loved by the audience, he has many fans, fans... .so i think we will empathize with the main character, maybe it should have been called a thriller or i don't know something else, but let's watch an excerpt from it too. as you could see, our main character will not just kill russians, but with some the fantasy of killing him made her constantly shoot herself, resurrect,
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shoot again. well, the sari passes, yes, yes, well, this, but it reminds me, by the way, not for no, not what we will do, but there is something in common with the film, by the way, i love it very much, even though it is so very much. so cruel, it’s called i spit on your graves, there about a girl who was raped, she then took revenge with her own eyes, well, she took revenge for herself here for her lover, but i think that i, if possible, literally 30 seconds, just when they say bad ukrainian movies, horror or imperfect, in hollywood there are a lot of just trashy uninteresting horror movies, there are just a lot of them and among them there are cool ones, so you have to, the more you shoot, the more cool movies there will be someday, maybe even now, i completely agree with you here, because in the world horror films are mostly like this... cheap films that some directors don't want to shoot, you've seen that some cool directors, well, mostly shoot horror films, these films are often category b, and it's the same here about... really, very few of them are filmed, for some reason, few specialists want to tackle this topic, i don't know why, and that's why we saw
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such examples, i'll briefly name them, first of all , it's a tunnel, it's actually one of the first films, and it's a kind of scarecrow for many people, who didn't follow ukrainian cinema for a long time, and they said that ugh, ukrainian cinema, and they constantly told me that when i said that i was a film reviewer, everyone said, what are you doing, what do you do or what do you do, and almost all. right away, when they said that ukrainian cinema is kind of bad, they mentioned it all the time, although lyubomyr lovytskyi, this it was fun, cool, very cool, at that time there was a promotional company, lubomyr levytskyi, lubomyr kubelchuk, he was still called then, and he is a very cool pr guy, he promoted this film very well, and he said that he shot it for his money, which deserves special respect, and then there was synevir, also such a horror film, it was less popular than tolnya, it is obvious that... the directors , the alyoshechkin brothers, are not such cool promoters as lyubomyr levytskyi kobalchuk, and they are not they promoted it like that, but there was also a little bit there
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of spanish shame in this film, then lubomyr lovytskyi makes another horror film shadows of the unforgotten prets, he likes to imitate hollywood very much, and he made in such a hollywood style, these, too, are also youthful , and that’s a good film, in fact, there was a good film there chernivtsi university show a very cool picture, i think it’s okay, and here we have moren’s film, which was recently shown at the festival in chernivtsi, mykolayachok open, it seems to me to be the apogee of bad films of ukrainians, which caused a storm of incredible admiration, because everyone laughed a lot at the way it was filmed, and therefore the distributors looked at all this reaction and decided to release morena for rental , friends, the release date will be announced. this film, i will definitely promote it, because i have not seen anything like this before, it is very funny, the audience laughed, i have not had such pleasure for a long time,
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so we will follow ukrainian horror films, horror films that were laughed at, such laughed, it was simply unforgettable, well, that’s all, that’s all, friends, watch ukrainian cinema, i think that on the konotopsk witch, we will also not be the last time we will talk about it, about this horror film, and i hope that he will still find. its audience, although it is still not a horror film, it is a film that promises us a certain, certain catharsis, a certain satisfaction from the fact that our enemies will be dealt with on the screen. wanted to see, enjoy, well, that's it that's all for me, friends, i went to see what else is happening in ukrainian culture, although not much is happening, because it's already july, june - it's not such a time of development. and ukrainian culture, so we are already waiting for
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august. thanks to the incredibly lazy chechen, i am interested, i will wait for this moraine. well, now i'm asking you, i'm reminding you again about our collection, because you remember that this week we have to close it, we have such a duty to our army, we just have to close this collective collection of uah 630.00 . so, i won't be all. read you know this story the solodarsky zaporizhzhya area, our military, the repair and maintenance regiment needs a minibus, which can be used to transport mobile repair groups to the contact line or to the gray zone, to quickly repair an bmp tank or an armored personnel carrier, to help our soldiers destroy the enemy, apcs, relatively speaking, in order to to transport infantry, infantry fighting vehicles in order to beat the enemy, to cover somewhere there, well, in a word, working equipment on the battlefield is much better than non-working equipment on the battlefield, so we... we have already collected uah for this minibus for now
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now i will say how much, but 530, well, almost 533 thousand, and i believe that until the end of the week we have time, but we have to do it, we will finish these 97 00, i believe in you, just as we believe in our army, and they believe in us, because we have to do it, so, well, now i will add natalka didenko to the conversation , let's talk about the weather, ms. natali, i congratulate you, i congratulate vasyly, i congratulate you, dear viewers, of course we will talk about the upcoming weather, but let's start with the water weather, so to speak, well, literally in a second. today's we start our meeting with bathing, or just contemplation, or we'll talk a word about the temperature of the water. i... immediately want to say about such a common mistake that occurs, for example, when they say that the water temperature there is 20° warm, or +20 there,
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well, it cannot be -20 or 20° frost. the water temperature is always higher than zero, let's say. so, we are now swimming a little in the black sea, the sea of ​​azov, and the mediterranean sea. and for your attention, the actual water temperature. 21-23° in the black sea. in azov it is traditionally higher than 24. v in the mediterranean sea, the water temperature varies between 22, 23, 24°. and quite so my own. this is the coast of portugal there 17-18-19°. this kind of water in europe is quite pleasant and comfortable. those who have the opportunity to swim, of course, we are very jealous of them. well, i would like to say that the temperature of the water in the dnipro near kyiv is now 22°. and by the way, also, well, at the expense
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of rest in general or staying near the water, near the sea, i know that there is such an option now. that is, they still sell tickets near the sea, but for example, you cannot swim in the sea itself, and some people are indignant there, they say: what is this vacation for, if you can’t swim, but, for example, you can breathe the sea, fresh, healing air, well, in a word, everyone uses this situation as best they can, summer gives us wonderful moments, i think , that in autumn and winter we will especially remember these, even in the dnieper 22°, or in some nearby ponds 24-25. this is the situation with water temperature with seas and rivers. well, we go further and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. now for your attention forecast chart, as always, it shows that the situation is quite calm, uniform, there are no disturbances, geomagnetic activity, well, that's it, let's say, in such a very, very calm state. that is why we
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are just as calmly moving on to... actually atmospheric behavior for the next day, and now together we will see what the weather will be like in each region of ukraine, in particular, and in all of ukraine. i want to say right away that the weather will be determined by an anticyclone in most of the territory of ukraine, but we traditionally start from the western regions, and tomorrow in the western part of ukraine, now we will see, please bring the maps to your attention. as you can see, the air temperature is quite high, 27-29° in transcarpathia can be... up to +30 and dry weather will prevail, that is, no precipitation is expected. in the north of ukraine tomorrow , the air temperature will also be comfortable, it will range from 23 to 25°, well, it may even be a little lower in sumy oblast, and mainly without precipitation, in sumy oblast, sometime in the evening there is a chance of light rain and
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thunderstorms. in the east of ukraine, the air temperature... is also not significantly different from in the rest of the regions 24-28° without significant precipitation in the evening in kharkiv region there is also a chance of rain with a thunderstorm, but in luhansk region and donetsk region it is sunny and dry. in the central part of ukraine, the air temperature is moderately high, in the center tomorrow from 24 to 29°. precipitation is not expected, well, maybe some clouds will come in poltava oblast and they will drizzle a little. in the southern part of ukraine, it is a classic summer, such moderate heat, dry, sunny, 29, 31° above zero, and in kyiv tomorrow the weather is also expected to be dry, mostly sunny with beautiful with white clouds, cumulus, such barents and air temperature 25-26°. by chance, i want to say that almost until the end of the week
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, such a classic will reign in ukraine. then moderate heat without precipitation and only in the west, more precisely in the carpathians and around the carpathian regions, rains are likely, but in general it is mostly dry and sunny, the summer continues, carefully follow our updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. thank you natal snidenko, well , i thank you too, today we collected more than uah 17, we will close the collection this week, thank you for that. thank you for being with us, stay with the express, in just a few moments, meet andrii smoliya, he will sum up the results of the day. good evening, we are from ukraine. today in the verdict program. the beginning of the path of great opportunities. ukraine


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