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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EEST

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wikileaks founder julie odyzh was released from prison in great britain, ending the publication's more than ten-year history. documents and persecution by the authorities of the united states and what is the place of ukraine in assange's outpourings. the next 15 minutes will be broadcast by the bbc live from london. dzaferov works in the studio. australian julie odyzh was released after five years in prison. he is due to appear in a us federal court in one of the northern mariana islands soon. this is the territory of the usa in the western part of the pacific ocean. and there assange must admit. guilty of disclosing
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military secrets and espionage. his release from prison was made possible by a plea deal he made with the united states authorities. since 2019, he has been in a maximum-security prison in london, and all this time he has contested extradition to the united states, because in the event of extradition and conviction, he faced up to 175 years in prison. assange's plane flew from london to australia. stops first in thailand to refuel the plane, then a court hearing on the island of saipan, if if he pleads guilty, which is what the deal says, assange will go home to australia. by the way, the australian authorities paid half a million dollars for this trip, which assange must return. this was reported by his wife stella asanche. more in the next article. for some, he is a leading journalist who brings those in power to account. for... others, one who endangers
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national security. 14 years ago, the website he founded, wikileaks, published thousands of classified us military data. since then he has been accused of espionage and seeks extradition to the united states. he asked for asylum and spent seven years in the ecuadorian embassy in london, where he was arrested in 2019. he was serving his sentence in belmarsh maximum security prison in london, and the day before wikileaks published this video on its social networks. on him. arrives at stansteed airport, gets on the plane and departs. the report also indicated that he spent 191 days in prison for reportedly publishing groundbreaking stories about government corruption and human rights abuses. this period of our life i sure is over and i hope that within the next few days julian will be free. according to wikileaks, assange flew to australia, the country where he was born. regardless of what
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people think of mr. assange's activities, the case has dragged on too long, his further imprisonment will do no good, and we want him to return to his homeland, australia. swedish prosecutors accused assange of rape, which he denied. in the end, the charges were dropped. from everything it follows that the founder of wikileaks pleaded guilty to one criminal case, but because of the term spent in a british prison, he will escape. imprisonment in the united states. but let's remember in more detail how it all started and how the name of julin asansh spread all over the world. in 2006, assange created an organization known as wikileaks, which over the course of its existence published millions of classified documents covering everything from the film industry to national security, weapons, and soldiers around the world. four years later, in... year
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, a video recording of an american military man was made public on the website a helicopter showing the killing of more than a dozen iraqi civilians and two reuters reporters in baghdad during the iraq war. months later, swedish prosecutors issued warrants for his arrest on two separate charges of sexual assault, which assange called baseless, and 5 years later in '17, sweden dropped the charges. sasanche had already tried in the embassy of ecuador until 2019, and it was then that he was arrested by the british police and since then he was in prison for five years. so now asansh is waiting for justice, if he was previously charged with 18 cases, thanks to a deal with us authorities, he will plead guilty to just one count of espionage. explains the legal details of the agreement with the us government. expert joshua
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rosenburg. this is apparently an agreement reached at the request of the australian government, because juliana assange is an australian citizen. the deal is... as we understand it, he's going to go to the united states in the pacific because he didn't want to go to the continental united states and he's going to stand trial where pleads guilty to a serious charge for which he will receive 62 months in prison, but he will not have to serve time because he has been awaiting extradition in a london jail for longer than that period, so if the judge agrees, assange will be released from custody on this pacific island, and then he will go to australia as a free man. and the authorities of the united states have been seeking the extradition of julian assange for many years. american authorities called this case one of the largest leaks of classified information in the history of the united states, adding that their publications, assange endangered the lives of
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hundreds of american citizens. the bbc's washington correspondent nomi iqbal continues on the united states' response and what led to a way out of the legal standoff over the fate. the founder of wikileaks. three years ago, he told the united states that he wanted to seek extradition. americans said they had long believed julian assange was the man who endangered the lives of american agents when his website wikileaks released documents about the wars in iraq and afghanistan. but this year in april, president biden said he was considering the australian government's request for the future of julian assange. australians are a key ally of biden in the field of security. no doubt there was pressure on him on this issue, as well as pressure from the sidelines. from progressive members of his democratic party, who see issange as someone who exercised his right to free speech as a journalist and exposed those wars. but not everyone holds this point of view in both the democratic and republican parties. there are those who believe that assange should be prosecuted. it's also hard not to look at everything through the lens
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of the presidential election. apparently, biden is waiting for november. and then there's donald trump, who said either last month or earlier this year that he would consider pardoning mr. assange if he won the election. i'm sure. that in the coming days or even hours we will know exactly why this deal was made now. but how his feelings and immediate plans of the family were described by the wife of julie odyzha stella in an interview with the bbc. it's a worldwind of emotions, i have a whirlwind of emotions. i am very happy, frankly, it's just incredible. i don't know, it feels unreal. it all happened so fast that we weren't sure until the last 24 hours that it was happening. it's actually when we got on the plane i told the kids that we were going to visit our relatives, their cousin, grandfather and other relatives, they still don't know the truth, we were very careful because obviously no one can stop a five year old and seven-year -olds to shout about it. and what was the reaction
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of australia, whose citizen is asanchi yaku a meeting is being prepared for him in his homeland, the bbc's correspondent in sydney, cathy watson, continues. the australian prime minister has been saying for a long time that assange has been punished enough and that he should be returned to his homeland. this is something that anthony albanisi has talked about more than once. last year he was in the white house, the question of julian assange's return to australia. it's a cross-party thing here in australia. politicians of all stripes even flew to washington to lobby the us and say that assange should be returned. so i think people here are taking this news with a grain of salt optimism they still don't want to talk. extra while assange returns home via the northern mariana islands, where he is expected to appear in a us court. it will be on his way from britain to australia, but he is expected to continue his journey to australia after he pleads guilty to espionage charges on wednesday morning. when
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the news first appeared, of course, it made a lot of noise. most people seemed to be very happy, very optimistic about it. there was a feeling that it was not in fact, no one expected that... this would happen anytime soon, especially with the us election coming up. it was a difficult diplomatic issue between australia and the us, and it looked like it would not be resolved, as they were unsure how it would play out ahead of the united states election. but it all happened very quickly, faster than most people probably expected, but as quickly as people hoped. there is certainly a lot of optimism that this saga is a very long-running problem, now expected to end with the return of julian assange to australia. the prime minister of australia has previously said that regardless of what you think of julian assange and his activities, he has been incarcerated for too long and that needs to change. he is a controversial person, critics see him as a person who threatened the lives of others, this was the us line.
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people who support him say he was a journalist and freedom of information and freedom of speech are important, so there are two sides, but of course here in australia there are a lot more people who support him and ... his return to australia 14 years after wikileaks released us documents on the wars in iraq and afghanistan. since julie nasange founded and spread wikileaks. thousands of secret documents are publicly available, more than 10 years have passed. for ukraine, the greatest damage was caused by the publication of diplomatic correspondence, which contained assessments of internal political processes in the view of us diplomats and sources. my colleagues collected the most interesting things that the asansha resource disclosed about ukraine. in the documents released by wikileaks, most of which diplomatic dispatches were mentioned first individuals of the country at the end of the first decade of the 2000s. in particular, then president viktor yushchenko, prime minister yulia tymoshenko and oligarch dmytro
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firtash. in particular, the most famous and sensational publication of wikileaks regarding ukraine is the report of the us ambassador william taylor about the meeting with dmytro firtash on december 8, 2008 . during it, firtash declared his support for yushchenko and hostility towards tymoshenko. he called himself an unofficial adviser to president yushchenko, admitted to the failure of coalition agreements between the regions and. he also admitted his ties to organized crime. in in the next batch of secret diplomatic documents of the us embassies, ukraine was mentioned among several post-soviet states that caused dissatisfaction with their operations on the arms market. in 2010, the guardian publication , through the wikileeks website, which disclosed american diplomatic secrets, devoted an entire article to this topic. ukraine was mentioned there in this context. in august 2009, the company ukrspec'. export sent a batch of components for the defense of transporters, automatic grenade launchers,
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precision-guided anti-tank missiles and domyanma tank machine guns. the same classified report on the meeting on september 23-24 , 2009 mentions interesting points about how ukraine disarmed. there, the parties discussed the stages of disposal of nuclear weapons. at the same time, ukraine asked the united states for additional security guarantees for ukraine, beyond those provided by the united states. in 1994, according to the budapest memorandum, even then, against the background of the conflict in georgia, the threat of a russian invasion was felt. in response , the us representative van diepen explained to the ukrainian side that the budapest commitments of the us on at that moment remained in force and there are no reasons and fears. read the articles on our website to learn more about the case of julie udzha and why it became iconic. assansha was released, who is he and... why is the whole world talking about him. so, the founder of wikileaks,
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julie udzije, was released from prison in great britain, thanks to a deal with the american authorities, in which he pleads guilty to espionage. after which he should return to his homeland in australia. in 2006, assange created the organization wikileaks, which since then published millions of classified documents from different fields and different countries, including the actions of the united states. during the war in iraq. and in 2010, wikileaks released a video of an american military helicopter killing more than a dozen iraqi civilians, as well as two reuters reporters. the us claimed that assange endangered the lives of hundreds of american citizens with his publications. for many years, assange, his exposure and his prosecution have been the top topic in world news. and the agreement with america'. which will end a legal backlog that has lasted more than 10
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years and threatened to result in a long prison term of 175 years, and now , thanks to the deal, assange is expected to be sentenced to 5 years in prison , taking into account the five years he has already spent in in a british prison, contesting extradition to the us, and he will be able to return home to australia, so under... to our pages on social networks, so as not to miss the most important news, we are on facebookbook, instagram and tiktok, on youtube you can view our release if you missed it on air. so, that's all we have time to tell you today, more stories, search on our website and we'll be back on the air tomorrow at 9:00 a.m., take care.
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the verdict program, we're back, part two, today. unfortunately, without serhiy rudenko, but we hope he will return very soon, and in the second part we will have guests, three people's deputies, but let's... first let's see what we will talk about today, in the second part. negotiations have begun. ukraine officially started on the way to the eu. how thorny this path will be: political, economic and military risks. a bridge to nato instead of a door. the chances
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of getting an invitation to join the alliance at the july summit in washington are getting smaller and smaller. what can accelerate the decision of allies? illegal deprivation of liberty. the scandalous people's deputy tyshchenko was informed of suspicion due to an incident with a former military man in dnipro. what is wrong with the temporary investigative commissions of the verkhovna rada. well, i remind you that we have a survey going on at this hour as well, it reads as follows: are you satisfied? the results of the global peace summit, if you think yes, you can pick up your phone or smartphone and vote 0800 211 381, if you think no, then dial 0800 211 382, ​​all your calls are absolutely free and at the end of this hour
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we we will tally up the final results of your, your votes and on... whose voting. today we already have three people's deputies of ukraine in touch. yes, this is oleksandr mereshko, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation. mr. oleksandr, good evening to you. good evening. thank you for the invitation. we are also joined by rostyslav pavlenko, people's deputy. of ukraine, member of the verkhovna rada committee on education, science and innovation. mr. rostislav, we also congratulate you. good evening. yuliya klymenko joins us, people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on transport and infrastructure. mrs. julia,
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good evening, you too. good evening. well, and we have our survey. i would also like to ask you if you are satisfied with the results of the global peace summit, well, sir, very briefly, let 's start with you, mr. rostyslav, well, since the immediate results, there is only a family photo, i think that within three months it will be clear, did this meeting achieve the tasks that were set on the issues of food security, nuclear security and... hostages and what will be the next step, there should be an answer to this within three months, then we will see whether it was a step to nowhere or some step to the result. ms. yulia, your opinion, are you satisfied with the results and consequences of the global peace summit? well, to be honest, i
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don't fully understand the results, like my colleague, mr. pavlenko, but the fact that many countries came together supported it. this is always good, the main thing is that it be converted into practical actions, such as the supply of weapons, such as really giving us the possibility of free navigation and export, as well as providing us with financial assistance that would allow us to survive this difficult winter and the next few years, if the war will continue. mr. alexander, your opinion about our survey, are you satisfied? the results of the global peace summit? i am satisfied with the results, it is clear that i would like more in terms of being able to implement all 10 points of president zelenskyi's peace formula, but this is a good start, three elements, three points of this formula, they received wide
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support, including the one that concerns of nuclear security, and in general, if compared, for example, with... the creation, for example, of the un, there at the san francisco conference there were 46 states, here we have about 100 states and we see that some states continue to sign the final communique of this summit, that is a very positive start, thank you for your thoughts on this, well we should start with of european integration, from the european union, today is actually... another stage of our, our movement towards the eu, but, unfortunately, we have to start with tyshchenko. the pechersk court of the capital chose a preventive measure on... people's deputy of ukraine mykola tyshchenko for our correspondents, our journalists followed the meeting throughout the day, and
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our correspondent kateryna galko will tell you about the final decision now, and she is already on a direct call, so katya, we congratulate you. i congratulate andria, i congratulate the audience. tv channel, so 20 minutes ago the court finally decided, decided what to decide in the case of mykola tyshchenko, they decided to leave him under house arrest for two months with the mandatory wearing of an electronic bracelet, to which mykola tyshchenko replied that everything is fine, his reaction, let's let's hear now the decision has been made, we are carrying it out, but will you tell me? is that the question? solution and what?
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so let me remind you that today the sbi notified mykola tyshchenko of the suspicion of illegal deprivation of liberty of the victim. the law enforcement officers established that a group of people, on the instructions of tyshchenko, illegally deprived the freedom of the former kraken military special unit, detained him for a certain time and inflicted physical injuries on him, but here is tyshchenko's version too, let's hear it, it's long, but it's interesting, let's hear it. procedural actions, three young men were coming to meet me, one was coming from kolyaskyi, and they defiantly started
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insulting me, calling me, listen, the head, the mother, to my address, it's funny to you, of course, it's funny to you, but what's funny, everyone 's funny, let's laugh if we want , here i reacted and made comments. said that guys, you have a baby, please go through, go through, there is an investigation going on, you don’t need to be here, they, as a team, picked up their phones and started filming me and my assistant, how to bully about women and to abuse, because they began to tell her about her, to describe, as they say, how she is... after that, a policeman came out of the address, i see that it is a policeman, i turn to him, that i understand that we are alone , i say, please pay attention, stop
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this attack on the people's deputy, so actually, i will briefly summarize what happened today in the pechersk court of the capital, the meeting started two hours later at 16, although it was planned... it was on 14 , this time did not pass in vain, mykola tyshchenko talked with journalists, told about the farm's ruins, the felling of trees and the war, and also commented on his suspicion with a catch phrase: "the caravan barks, but the dog goes." then his defenders asked to close the meeting, however, the meeting was not closed and we had the opportunity to follow up on this suspicion, on this meeting, on the actual prosecution. there was also a request for house arrest, which the court ultimately approved, so that mykola tyshchenko could not evade the authorities of the pre-trial investigation, and also that he could not obtain permission to travel abroad and could not
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destroy or distort documents that are important for the investigation. the investigator also reported that tyshchenko broke two phones during the announcement of his suspicions, just ranting through them, but the investigation promises that all information from these phones will be recovered. so tyshchenko will be under house arrest with an electronic bracelet for two months, and we will follow how this case develops. so, andrei, i pass the ether to you. katya, thank you very much for the inclusion, and thank you to the entire espresso team who worked today throughout the day at pechersk court on the selection of preventive measures to mykola tyschenko, people's deputy of ukraine. well, we return to the actual discussion of this. topics, we have the following situation: the whole country watched what happened in the dnipro, the whole country watched after that what mr.
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tyshchenko said and did, and even today... similarly, the whole country is watching the court decision and his statements , mrs. yulia, let's start with you, how do you evaluate this court decision in general, the behavior of a colleague, and this whole story, which, unfortunately, is taking place today in a belligerent country, well, let me say this, such a situation should not, in principle, take place in... whose country, in general, it is absolutely, well, how would i say it, well, well, it does not go to the head, honestly, in this way simple, if i say, that is, no matter what happened, no matter what happened, but this is how mykola tyshchenko behaved, i am not saying in relation to a former military man, and especially in a situation in which a breast-fed child is in his arms, that no matter what kind of bot farms there are, but in
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principle... this behavior is inadequate, so i hope that the investigation will be sorted out, who went where, who shot whom, i think that it is not so difficult to do, and tishchenko will have what he is, what he deserves, well , tishchenko used to be a deputy from the right-wing servant of the people faction, mr. oleksandr, i wanted to ask you how do you, how do your colleagues generally assess this... situation, the possible decision of the court, and in general the actions of tyshchenko, which in fact, this is not the first time and not the first month when some similar incidents have occurred? well, it seems to me that everything is quite obvious, because a deputy, he should be an example of compliance with the law, because he is a lawmaker, and if something like this happens, then it is clear what causes it. only
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a negative reaction, by the way, although mr. pishchenko, he has not been a member of our faction for quite some time, but this case, well, it caused a very lively discussion, a discussion among my colleagues, and it is clear that this caused outrage, i am not a court , i cannot make any decision there, i believe that it is necessary for the law enforcement agencies and the court to sort out this case, but there is another... another political and moral aspect, the point is that when something happens, some kind of scandal related to a deputy, it ultimately damages the reputation of the whole institution, that is, the parliament in general, and in times of war it is quite dangerous, because we have to maintain the trust and authority of the parliament at a high level, thank you, mr. rostislav, you probably have a similar question regarding this situation. how do you
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see it from the point of view of a people's deputy in relation to your colleague across the meeting hall? well, my colleagues absolutely correctly assessed what tyshchenko did, we really hope that the investigation and the court will determine the degree of responsibility for this specific act, but there are at least two other very serious points: the first serious point is about... the quality of those who, in fact, are there a fairly large number of those who passed this parliament, because in his own way, mr. tyshchenko was honest today, he was in front of the court, in addition to these synchronicities that we heard in the briefing, he also said a lot of interesting things there, and in particular he said: i went to the verkhovna rada to do what i was doing in my general life, i mean, i always manifested myself there in dancing with the stars,
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in fort buillar there and so on, that is... unfortunately, you could see that a person was probably going to create a certain show, and has been doing it for more than five years of this convocation, so the voters will have to , when the war, which is sure of our victory, ends and there are elections, it will be necessary to treat each candidate very carefully, no matter who he represents, no matter which political force he belongs to, and the second point is... once i agree with my colleague oleksandr about the influence on the authority of the parliament itself, because we, on it's a pity, as citizens, we very often have to judge the activity of an entire institution based on the behavior of such and such quiet people, because let's remember that if i do nothing...


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