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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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in his general life, i say, he always manifested himself there in dancing with the stars, in fort buillar there and so on, that is, unfortunately, you could see that a person was probably going to create a certain show, and he was doing it continuously already there more than five years of this convocation, so the voters will have to, when the war, which is sure of our victory, ends and there are elections, it will be necessary to treat every candidate, whoever he represents, whatever political force he belongs to, and the second point, here i agree with my colleague oleksandr, regarding the impact on the authority of the parliament itself, because , unfortunately, we, as citizens, very often have to judge the activities of an entire institution based on the behavior of such tychshes and their ilk, because let's remember that if i don't confuse anything... then
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he ceased to be a representative of the servant of the people faction, after he went to thailand during the war and after, for some reason, they decided to completely deprive all deputies of the possibility of foreign business trips, which, in my opinion, is a completely inadequate decision for the situation, and therefore, in order to prevent which of these it is through these silences that the opinion of the entire parliament is formed so that the executive power does not use such silences. for illegal restrictions on the actions of people's deputies, it seems to me that it is necessary, i'm sorry, what about the communication, well, it seems to me that the broadcast should finally be resumed so that people can understand what people's deputies do in general, what do they do, here i i really hope that after the start of negotiations with the european union there will be many meaningful discussions in the hall, and this, i think, could raise the image of the parliament in the eyes of people, and do
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n't reduce him to such... by the way, if we mentioned tyshchenko and the temporary investigative commissions, there is a rather interesting comment by the editor-in-chief of the honest movement, oleksandr salizhenko, he said on the air of radio nv that people's deputy mykola tyshchenko never was a member of the parliamentary tsk regarding call centers, and the tsk of forests of ukraine headed by him no longer exists. here is a quote: individual people's deputies cover themselves with these tscs in order to carry out such activities, resource activities, i would say, because most of the topics in which the tsc works in one way or another related to some issues of resources, forests, call centers, shadow money, etc., so i would appeal to the leadership of the parliament to pay attention to this, by the way,
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quite an important comment, because, unfortunately, we see that some people's deputies, in particular, the one we just talked about, mr. tyshchenko, use temporary investigative commissions as, relatively speaking, such a screen, well , at least that's how it seems to journalists and experts, here we should talk more about the effectiveness of such temporary investigative commissions, whether they really have under them those actions and... the powers granted to them by the ukrainian parliament. mr. oleksandr, the question for you is what to do with such temporary investigative commissions, and is it possible to change the general approach to their creation? well, it should be remembered that temporary investigative commissions are a relatively new tool of parliamentary activity, but they are important tools, i think, despite the fact that there may indeed be some abuses. but he justified himself enough,
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at the same time there must be some elements that, well, for example, if it is about the formation temporary investigative commission, then its composition includes representatives of various factions, including representatives of the opposition, and it is necessary that there be appropriate safeguards, so that the opposition monitors that there are no abuses, well, not only the opposition, of course, but also the ruling party . the majority party, let's say this is very important, but in principle, despite some shortcomings, i believe that this tool has justified itself and it should be improved. ugh, thank you, mr. rostislav, but we observe that some are temporary investigative commissions are created, some have to be created actually by failure. what is your opinion of the current effectiveness of most of the temporary commissions of inquiry. whether it is necessary to reformat
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their activities in general, and whether all tscs that are necessary for control are really created in the parliament. according to certain processes in our country? well, you said in your question that some are created by failure, and this applies to both temporary investigators and temporary special commissions, and of course, the most vivid example here is a temporary special the commission on control over the construction of the fortification, which was created as a kind of compromise after it was necessary to block the meeting of the verkhovna rada, because for some reason there was no political will. of the leadership of the parliament, regarding the creation of this commission, although it is already working, there are results both in terms of the response of law enforcement agencies and in terms of the response on the ground, to the fact that
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control has appeared, still parliamentary control, and this is an absolutely natural function of the parliament to supervise by the executive power, so that the military receive adequate protection, and in this is precisely the importance. such commissions, and in order for them not to be a certain mechanism for finding out relationships there, or just some empty platforms, there should be very careful public attention to their activities, and it is very important, again, that the mass media should also have the opportunity , and experts to have access to deputies, members of these commissions and ask questions: what did we do, and when did it happen. meeting, and what are the results, because of course the apparatus of the verkhovna rada is quite experienced here, and there are some correct words under each tsk will write, but people are interested in ugly words, which then go into the report and
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lie on the shelf, and concrete results, what was actually dedicated to the tsk, and this is simply impossible without public control and without interaction with journalists, mrs. yulia, how much ... only as of now, people's deputies from different factions have access to temporary investigative commissions, from the point of view of their participation in these tsks, and how effective is the final work of these commissions, that is, we understand that there must be some definite result at the end , is this result and is there really involvement of all political forces in these processes? well, let's start with the fact that temporary investigative special commissions should be created by the opposition, because it is the height of madness when the ruling party, which has
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absolute access to the executive power, to law enforcement agencies, to the military, starts to create special or investigative commissions , they don't... need to create, they have all the tools of the state apparatus in their hands to find out anything, they themselves appoint the government, appoint the prosecutor general, the head of the sbu, the minister of defense, absolutely everyone, why do they have a special or investigative commission, if they already have all their appointees, you pick up the phone, type or send a letter, and they must tell you everything, if they are really... really appointed by this power, therefore the tool of special and investigative commissions should be exclusively for the opposition, because the opposition does not have access to information, does not have access to the truth and to parliamentary control, therefore
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, in theory, the leaders should not be representatives of the government or close to them, but representatives of the opposition, on pity, the majority of the tsk in the verkhovna rada is headed by and it is initiated by the ruling party, which in general, well, i don't know what to call it, it's some kind of, no, well, perversion, i would say so, so, strictly speaking, their effectiveness is the same, it, unfortunately, looks more like in the village of patyomsk, we see that mykola tyshchenko is not the first to cover up for tsk, i don't remember who... it was, but also a servant of the people who headed the temporary investigative commission that dealt with corruption in the agrarian academy, and in as a result, he was caught on a bribe, so, strictly speaking, on unfortunately, this tool is not used
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to control and make better legislation, conclusions, send requests to law enforcement agencies in order to achieve a result. are made either to earn money by individual leaders or non- leaders of the ruling party, or to simply raise issues. that's why their effectiveness is so-so, let's say, directly depending on the commission, there are commissions that really work, but most of them are just, unfortunately, well, about nothing, and i want to tell you, there can't be a leader, or even a member temporarily investigative or special commission to run around the streets, molest people and ask some questions, he does not have such powers, he cannot arrest anyone. cannot but demand that all this must be done on the basis of the verkhovna rada with recording,
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minutes, as well as with the presence of a quorum, that is, there must be at least 51% of the members of the temporary investigative commission, because, therefore, mr. tyshchenko could not, in principle , represent the tsk in dnipro by definition, even if it were. member of tsc. thanks for your thoughts. we will move on to the next one topics, but before that, i will remind you about our survey that we are conducting. are you satisfied with the results of the global peace summit, you can vote absolutely free of charge, call the numbers. if you think so, please dial 0.800 211, 381 from your phones or smartphones. if you think no, then... please dial 0800, 211 382. i remind you again that
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all your calls are free of charge, and we will sum up the results of this vote in just 15 minutes. our next topic: ukraine is joining the european union, one of these most important days in the history of our country, when we are really one step away. one step closer to eu membership, what will this path be, what are the risks, we will discuss all this now, but before that we will listen to ms. stefanishyna, who stated that in fact we can complete all the necessary procedures for joining the european union by 2030 year, or earlier than 2030, which is considered plus or minus. with a date when we can join the eu. let's listen. as already
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agreed, ukraine will be a member of the european union, and we will be able to complete all procedures until 2023. be sure that ukraine is able to cope with the task very quickly. so if the european commission is ready, we can do it faster. mr. alexander. i have a question for you, as the chairman of the committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation, how do you assess the prospects for accession, at least until 2030, and what are the main challenges and problems we will have in the next few years in the framework of the implementation of a very large number of procedures that we need pass in order for us to finally become a member. of the european union. well, first of all, i would like to congratulate all of us on this truly
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historic event and remind the price that the ukrainian people paid for this to happen and continue to pay. these are two revolutions, even three revolutions, and this is a war, a war against russian aggression. and this is the fact that ukraine is now really the shield of europe. regarding prospects, the main thing is what happened. that we already have a clear prospect of joining the european union, we know the conditions under which we can do it, well , we ourselves, although we should not deceive ourselves, we we understand that before us is a rather difficult path of european integration, because we will have to conduct negotiations, including with those countries that are our friendly countries, allies, but which have their own economic interests, for example, poland, we will have to convince... practically of all the members of the european union, so that when it is their turn to conclude
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the accession treaty, the accession treaty, that they sign and who can hold referendums, who simply ratifies in the parliament, so that they all agree to it, that is, it is very difficult work, and if you compare, for example, this path with the path of poland, then it started... in 1998, completed negotiations in 2002, became a full member of the european union in 2004, that is, it is about 5-6 years. concerning. with regard to adapting our legal system to the entire array of normative-legal array of law, it is a complex process, and it is a special responsibility, first of all , of the parliament of the verkhovna rada, but one more important aspect must be remembered, it is about values, european values,
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european principles, such as democracy, as human rights, as the rule of law, the rule of law, and this... the question is not only a legal one, it is a social-psychological question, if you can put it that way, that is, you will have to work on your own legal consciousness and legal consciousness of the population, it is also a difficult psychological process, but i am convinced that we will overcome all these obstacles and hope that within five years we will be able to become a full member of the eu. mr. rostislav, we understand well. what a way will not be short, that we will still need at least several years to overcome it, and we also understand that there is still a lot of work to be done in ukraine in order for us, relatively speaking, to reach this goal, as well , as well as there are many different problems, both of a political and economic nature, and, by the way, of a military nature,
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such military risks are also great. , are there any obstacles that may eventually lead to a slowdown of this movement, and what issues may arise in the eu to ukraine? well, it seems to me that the entire complex of problems that exists can be conditionally divided into three groups: first, also, what... ukraine will have to face, these are things that are completely within our power and our powers, this is precisely a question of values, this is precisely the issue of democracy, freedom of speech, er, the rule of law, overcoming corruption and the like, this is what in previous years was always called homework, by the way, this
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phrase just came from the process joining our neighbors in central europe. and here i would very much like such historical events to happen, and indeed , we must also thank the revolutions that took place , especially the revolutions of dignity, and all the previous stages that were passed from the association agreement to the submission of the application, but so that everything it was not in vain, but it was done as soon as possible, it is necessary to fulfill what is written in the declarations of allotments, and by the way, these are not general. words, but very specific things, because then you will have to include espresso direct fifth in the general broadcast, because the european council indicated this as a problem, assessing the state of ukraine. it will be necessary to cancel illegal decisions on the restriction of movement of deputies, because the european commission also points to this as a problem. and the european
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parliament clearly told us one important thing: we must use all opportunities to prove our position. of ukraine, and this is the second part of the issues, because there are a lot of precisely economic issues, issues of identity, identification, that is, interaction with different countries, different peoples of the european union, they can be solved if the representatives of ukraine will literally everywhere and everywhere conduct negotiations on all possible platforms, include all possible allies and friends, because now the truth is that the negotiations will be very, very difficult and very substantive and... we will not be able to, relying only on some emotional statements, some appeals and such a very superficial work to expect a result, because there is also a third group of issues, which is that decisions will actually be made within these countries, these leaders, taking into account the situation within their states, within their political
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process, and it will depend a lot on how well we meet the values ​​and standards and how... professionally we can negotiate, and i would very much like that from today we have a really new quality of politics and a new quality of decision-making, or is it so it will be, the parliament session will open, we'll see, unfortunately, so far it's more like skepticism, but if suddenly espresso and other channels are included in digital broadcasting, well, we'll see that kriga skresli. mrs. yulia, actually we understand very well, that not all those requirements that are on the part of the european union, including economic ones, will be liked, conditionally speaking, by our business and our society, we understand that they will be. discussions, that is, including us, as a state , we will need to defend certain of our positions and we will need to discuss and come to some generally acceptable result. from this
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point of view, will the main question arise, where these points of misunderstanding can really arise, which will need to be resolved between ukraine and the eu, so that we can to protect the national producer as well, and so that we... could, accordingly, issue all those norms and unify the legislation in accordance with those requirements and those norms that exist in the european union. well, we must understand that the european union, if the union is formed, and many countries already, if they have been used to free trade within the european union for many years, and of course, they will rewrite the rules for ukraine, and they will demand that we accept those rules are tough enough, which are in the european union, and
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individual countries will try to defend them our national interests, since we are competitors of many countries in many sectors, such as agricultural, such as, such as, i don't know, let's take a doctor there. and so on, that is, we are competitors, and we are a big enough country and big competitors, many countries will try, let's say, to protect their national interests at the expense of ukraine's interests, and here is actually the most dangerous moment, that if ukraine does not form strong sectoral delegations, including people's deputies, including sectoral experts. strong lawyers, internationalists, that is, these are sufficiently large and seriously qualified groups, we can seriously compromise our
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national interests, and if you look at the european integration of individual countries, they lost 30 to 40% of their business, their industry, because it simply could not compete with the european one, adopting european rules, so here is advice from everyone. countries that joined the european union, so that we could attract a large number of professional, professional people as professionally as possible and defend our national interests to the end interests, otherwise we will have big questions from our citizens, so actually speaking, this is the art of balancing in order to quickly join the european union without compromising our... national interests, it will be quite difficult, so far we have seen publicly only one delegation, which is currently in brussels, it is formed
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exclusively from the cabinet of ministers and the president's office, there are no people's deputies there, there are no sectoral experts and so on, although mrs. stefanishyna publicly promised us in the verkhovna rada that there will be... sectoral formed groups, where people's deputies will also be involved. this is not the case at the moment. therefore, when my colleague, mr. oleksandr merezhko , talks about the great role of the parliament, it is great, but if the parla parliament will not be involved in the negotiations and will not understand what exactly we plan to approve and adopt, what legislation and how it will be reflected on ukrainian interests, it is unlikely that votes will be found for such a vote. therefore, it is necessary to approach the process as inclusively as possible, so to speak. we have literally two left a few minutes, but i would like to ask you one more question about
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the prospects for the nato summit in july. what are the prospects that can speed up the decision on ukraine joining the alliance? literally 30 seconds each. mr. rostislav. the same logic that we just discussed regarding the european union, inclusive professional teams. including from people's deputies and including from the opposition should work out what the white house calls a bridge to membership, they say, there will be no invitation, there will be a bridge to the invitation, this bridge should be very specific with concrete stages and very clearly written. ms. yulia, what do we need to do to bring our membership in the north atlantic alliance closer. well, at least do your homework, before that. what mr. rostislav said, we have many bills, both at the level of the military and at the level of the executive power, unfinished work that would bring us closer to nato. ago. we need
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to do this, including in parallel with the process of international advocacy for joining nato, there is no alternative to the eu and nato, no bilateral agreements can replace it. mr. oleksandr, how do you assess the prospects of the july summit, what do you expect for ukraine? two things, firstly, it is a confirmation of the irreversibility of ukraine's membership in nato, that is, the question has a principle. it will already be finally decided that ukraine becomes a member of nato, the question can only be discussed about the timing, when it will happen, and secondly, this is systematic assistance, military-technical assistance now. thank you, oleksandr mereshko, people's deputy of ukraine, rostyslav pavlenko, also people's deputy and yuliya klymenko, people's deputy of ukraine, were just in...
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on the espresso tv channel. we are summing up our survey on whether you are actually satisfied with the results of the global peace summit, and we can already see the results. yes, 26% of our viewers voted, no, 74%, that is, the results are actually the same as they were at the end of the first hour. we thank you for being there. your tv screens on youtube, espresso, the verdict program, and stay with us, bye, oh, i remember, you see, although they say that with age our memory weakens, but i am attentive and remember everything, we accept the memo effect from
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