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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EEST

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some kind of, is it really an event of a significant scale, which will be talked about in the future, which will be studied in history textbooks for the next decade or so , this is a very important event in the history of ukraine, and it is important not only because this process will take place in the conditions of russian aggression, in the conditions of the russian...ukrainian war, it is also important because it is based on a scenario, and an individual one, because if we try to compare a similar order that was with other states, even with those that are nearby now they stand in line with us, then we we will see a very significant discrepancy in terms of parameters, rates, and so on. now here it is important to keep in mind that in ukraine...
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special attention is always paid to such events, and if you take these tracks today, let's say, such as ukraine's accession to nato, ukraine's accession to the european union, they have always been very loud , they were very informative and loudly served, well , remember at least for many countries such a simple and silent process as joining the world trade organization, or as joining the council of europe, in ukraine. it always looks loud it is always very much so, it is discussed in many ways, and despite the fact that in the current situations of russian aggression it would seem that this thing should take a back seat, but it now already occupies a very important part of our lives, i am not talking about the information space , and probably not for the first time, but understanding, we can compare with...
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with other states, so the negotiation process is given such importance, and it is not so difficult to see how it will go, on what conceptual basis, and already now interest in of this process in ukraine, it is much higher than in similar cases in other countries, so all this indicates that the accession negotiation process is very important for ukraine, because it... firstly, it affects the lives of ukrainians, and secondly, it coincides with the accession to eu and the start of negotiations with the fact that ukraine is in a state of war, it will give a very serious information leak and a very informational, serious blow, including to the enemy, to the enemy, and this must be understood, because for the enemy, for the moscow führer , the accession of ukraine to... the eu,
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well, this is another noose around his neck. the european union also believes that the accession of ukraine and moldova is extremely important, including for them. in particular, the head of the european commission, ursula fonderlajeen, in a special video message announced that the european union has officially started negotiations on the accession of ukraine and moldova. now let's listen to what mrs. ursula fonderlein said. today, the eu opens negotiations on the accession of ukraine and moldova. we are on the threshold of a pivotal moment for these two countries. together we can create more and promising europe. the road ahead will not be easy, but also full of huge possibilities. mr. roman, if we speak from
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the point of view of the european union, we understand that for them the accession of ukraine and moldova is also very important, and this process is very important, in your opinion, how far is it now in the european union in general, even among those states , who are perhaps quite skeptical about this. treated ukraine, there is this unity regarding the as soon as possible, at least from their side, from their side, the accession of two states, in particular, ukraine to the eu, accession to of the european union. well, you see, if we only touched on these seven tracks and there are 35 or 36 questions, then i don't see a big problem there, because that's all. working things that
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are today on the desks of all government officials, in the parliament, local authorities, in local self-government, and they are achievable and achievable in the shortest terms. that now in the european union, in the european community itself, the position there is also very favorable, if it were not for individual exotic fragments, and the exotic fragments are hungary, because here we can also talk about the final vote, which the hungarian parliament will have to conduct, i am not talking about what will have to be heard at all these conferences. and the hungarian remarks, which are far from the subject of the discussion, because it is visible throughout, especially the last 5 years, when it would seem that there is no reason to put up any barriers, but it is obvious that the call is from moscow, and the team of orban, the prime minister - to the minister
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of hungary, and sziarto or some diplomat who starts to spoil ukraine's road to the european community starts work, this... it should be passed calmly, understanding that it will not be possible to avoid these chatter anyway, understanding that it is not the hungarian people who speak, but moscow who speaks, but with the voice of orbán, or petr siarto or any other representative of hungary, here it is very important, here to distinguish between these things, now one more thing, this is slovakia, because fico, robert fitz... and his team, they have already started to appear, somewhat less than orbán and his team, but they will also put sticks in the wheels little by little, and here too, additional conversations and chatter, but in
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reality they will not apply in most cases, these issues are technical, because in fact there are no global things left, there are simply technical issues that need to be decided ... additional authorities to be abolished, whether to strengthen the independence of individual ones and so on, that is, all this i want to emphasize once again, these are all working issues, and ukraine is constantly working on them with varying degrees of success in different directions, but even if you look at: reports that have been sent to the european commission for the past three years, progress can be seen in all parameters, if you compare among all the current six candidates, i am not including turkish here as the main candidates, because they have been standing in this queue in these blue halls for a long time and
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it is not known whether if they get out of there, then ukraine is moving the most dynamically in absolutely all indicators, but i want to emphasize once again that in the european community there are... states that carry out the command of moscow in this matter, and from them we must expect stepping stones, barriers and additional thresholds, but it is necessary to treat this completely calmly and persistently move towards the european community. and here is such a short question, if we are already talking about these thresholds or barriers, how long can hungary or slovakia delay the accession of ukraine to... the european union, or is this some insignificant term? well, from my point of view, first, there is room for maneuver. in particular, the behavior of the hungarians suggests that they are scrambling, scrambling, then at one point some button is pressed, well, you can see from everything that this
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button is either in washington or in the european central bank, either in berlin or in london, well, the scheme is already visible, this button is pressed. but all the same, there is a certain pause here, if we take financial issues, then it is about a month or a half, what concerns political consensus issues, then we will have to vote in the hungarian parliament, and here, from my point of view, this button that will work is also important , and the fact that inside hungary the situation has now turned sour, and orbán has a very serious competitor to magzio, and therefore it is obvious that he will maneuver. well, there is one more thing that affects now to hungarian politics: the last international economic conference visited by the minister of foreign affairs of petermsiart in st. petersburg showed that they
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are being kicked out little by little from the court of moscow and the kremlin, which means that a turn in these matters is brewing in budapest, because it was clear, as in ... the work of the ambassador in the european commission, when the issue of the start of negotiations was considered, the process took literally a week when... hungary came to its senses and the ambassador, the representative of hungary voted for the start of this process, i.e. it is clear that a whole complex of things affects hungary, therefore, from my point of view , the maximum that the führer of moscow can count on in the actions of orbán's ally is until the end of the term, the term ends very close to the current government of hungary, that is, this means that.. . the maximum reserve, and therefore i look at the situation very optimistically, that is , ukraine can easily become
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a member of the european union next year, if no force majeure happens. by the way, you already mentioned certain dates, yes, about when ukraine can become a member of the european union, here, including representatives of the ukrainian authorities, they name certain years, for example. people's deputy of ukraine, deputy head of the committee on integration of ukraine with the european union, maria mezyntseva, said that ukraine can become a member of the eu in 2029. let's listen. i hope that within a five-year period, ukraine will be able to complete its homework, which is the difficult 35 sections of technical documentation. in completely different directions of our daily life, and it is possible it will happen that we will be able to run for
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the next election cycle in the 29th year. well , ms. maria is talking about the year 2029, someone is talking about the year 2030, that is, in general, we are roughly within the framework, relatively speaking, five, six, maybe seven years, how do you estimate how many years we need ... in order to overcome this entry point, and as we speak, do you agree that 2029 or 2030 could really be that year? well, from my previous answer, you probably understood that when i hear 40th, 30th there, i feel funny inside, yes, the fact is that if you look at the procedure followed in... the country or in the eu or in nato, then there are already all the norms, standards,
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rules that were written either in the map or in the regulations of the european community, they long ago found themselves on the sidelines, and the situation now looks in such a way that these processes are not dictated by the mutual relations of ukraine with the european union, ukraine and nato, or the situation inside ukraine, because if you take these three... provisions, then half of them connected with the war process, and they can be fulfilled even at any desire is not possible, which means that positions will be adopted on these issues that will have a certain amount of slack, and this is obvious and understandable, but in the current situation, because today ukraine is more needed by the european union than the european union. union of ukraine in connection with russian aggression, i emphasize this. ukraine has become a colossal source of resources
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for many programs of the european community, including international programs, because no one could imagine that a country, state and society waging a ten-year war, will be able to export 30 million grains every year in war conditions. i don't say things there anymore. which are related to the energy complex, to the resources of the extractive industry, and so on, this is all in fact in these positions and provisions of 35 of these documents, they are all indicated there according to six key clusters, and here it is important to understand that the decisions that will now be made in the coming years, so they will be somewhere within the framework of certain... regulatory and procedural norms, but to talk about the fact that in the current conditions, or
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in matters of security, or in matters of related with the food and energy crisis, someone will read these regulations, while understanding that today ukraine's accession to the eu is saving africa, including africa, from hunger, well, in such a situation , it is obvious that ukraine. has a certain carte blanche in these matters, and it is obvious that for these positions there will be special procedures for achieving, well , those parameters that must be... achieved from the point of view of compliance, well, however, if you look at all these provisions, then the majority of them is a change in the regulatory framework, except there things related to, let's say, economic standards, competition standards, where the technological process needs to be worked out, everything else will rise quickly enough, but it is obvious
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that special positions will be introduced about... the nullity of certain regulatory acts, because they cannot act in force objective force majeure reasons. another important topic that i would like to discuss with you is the global peace summit, its results, more than a week has already passed since it took place, during this week we saw that some states are joining the signing of the actual communiqué, seven of the... participants have already joined during this time, here let's now listen to what the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy says about this. another country, malawi, joined the kamenyuke peace summit. greater african representation in global peace efforts means greater pressure on russia
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to end this criminal aggression. and the more countries and leaders there are with us. with ukraine, the sooner we will restore the full force of the un charter. we see that countries are joining, we understand that they will probably be some more connections. mr. roman, in your opinion, we have already passed 10 days after the global peace summit, during these 10 days, has your point of view changed regarding its results, or should we expect more... some states that will put their signatures, and is it possible that someone, even now after a certain time , will withdraw his signature from under the communique, well , there will still be more in this process, and it is obvious that it is dynamic, it is completely inappropriate to talk about some static approach in this matter,
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because it is clear that that today the world is in the... definition stage, that is , polarization is taking place, an axis of evil is being formed around russia, iran and china, and a coalition of good, democracy and freedom is being formed, where the key password is the word ukraine, and it is obvious that this process will continue now and here it is very important to understand that the forum in itself, in itself, is already... zation, let's say, of a course for the formation of a coalition of freedom as soon as possible, i will call it that, a coalition of freedom, because even a conversation on the topic where the password is ukraine, without making any decisions, that's it the answer is on whose side, and actually, it is very
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good that someone joins, someone is determined, it becomes clear, this is your union. and an ally, or is it your opponent, enemy, which means he ends up in the camp of your enemy, it is very important to see this world today, as regards the topic of the content of this process, from my point of view, the further development of this forum should result in the development of a draft resolution of the general assembly assembly and just as most such initiatives were eventually adopted by the general assembly, so it must happen here, if the collapse of those who advocate charter, who defends international law, who defends a world order based on rules, they will gather and offer their
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understanding and vision in the corresponding document that united. the entire list, starting with the first four, because there are not three, there are four, in fact, if you look carefully, at the first, at the first summit, it is very important, i am not saying that it is super important that this thesis was voiced during the summit, which was voiced by giorgia meloni, the head of the council of ministers of the republic of italy, who said that we must put forward such rules that... the moscow führer will accept, if he does not accept them, we must force him to surrender, this is the pinnacle of the first summit. she simply asks for applause, because the things that sounded before that and related to three positions, there nuclear security, food security,
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humanitarian law in the conditions of global or continental and regional conflicts, they are super important, but the direction of movement of the summit, its participants , with this tonality and content. which was given to giorgio miloni, it is absolutely correct, because it gives the answer to the question about the formation of the freedom coalition, and it is very important now not to stop the conversation about the next such meetings, i can tell you that from the beginning of the appearance of this idea, i was very skeptical, understanding that both my own and others would be used here, but the process itself. before this summit, he showed that both as an idea and as an organizational form, from the point of view of even turning ramstein into an operational headquarters, and the freedom coalition,
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this is a very important thing, i am not talking about the fact that the summit can grow under such conditions in his a kind of political ramstein, where heads of state will sit, and ministers of defense, chiefs of staff, etc., meet in the ramstein format, it is no coincidence that the number of heads of state who attended the summit coincides with the number of states participating in the ramstein format, this a very important thing, this cannot be missed, and this is what we must focus on, by the way, we would like to remind our viewers about the survey that we are currently conducting, and it sounds like this: are you satisfied with the results of the global peace summit? you can you take your phone or smartphone and vote? yes or no. if you think yes, then you vote 0800 211 381. if you
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think no, then you call 0800-211-382. all your calls are absolutely free. mr. roman, one more topic i would like to talk to you about... is about another package of sanctions by the european union against russia, it is already the 14th, and this time it concerns energy, finance and trade. if we go into detail, then the list includes 116 legal entities and individuals, well no we will list them, but here is the key question: is this package of sanctions, as devastating as it is for russia, a sham, or is it just another small step against the
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occupying state? to describe it accurately, it is a gradual tightening of the noose on the neck, that is, strangulation will not occur from this, but i would add to the list what you mentioned. but - this is transport and actually the lessons of the implementation of previous sanctions and the mechanisms and punishment of those who violate sanctions, especially third countries, because if you take the list of countries that fell under the sanctions of the 14th package, then these are all five of the central asian states, this is saudi arabia, this is china and even... individual european business structures that were incorporated into schemes through third, fourth countries to supply russia with
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dual technologies or dual purpose goods and so on, that is, in fact , this the last section, which deals with sanctions against sanctions violators, from my point of view, it deserves the most attention, in particular there, if... take the list of all the sectors that you have named, it is especially important, this energy, where it is about stopping fictitious contracts, secondly, about the arrest of a fictitious fleet that sails under fictitious contracts or under foreign flags, there is a very important thing there, where it is about the prohibition of transshipment whether in neutral waters or in european waters or ports. states, especially liquefied gas, but the same applies to oil and oil products, which are carried out by the so-called shadow fleet.
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of the russian federation, it is very important in this matter in the field of transport that licensing and licenses are stopped to enterprises that violated previous sanctions and carried out, including transportation of russian goods by water, land and rail transport, this is also very important, because a number of enterprises that did not listen to previous sanctions were included in that list. it is very important that in the banking sector business entities are prohibited from joining domestic russian information systems for calculations, because after the world refused to continue providing swift to the russian federation, a number of business entities joined internal russian systems, they are now prohibited from doing this further, well, and yours... the important
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thing is that my parent companies will now be obliged to monitor what their subsidiaries in third countries are doing, concluding contracts with business entities that conduct joint economic activities with enterprises of the russian federation, and i can list all these measures further, but from the point of view of such, you know, technological strikes... not general political phrases, but technological strikes, the 14th package is very effective, and it is obvious that he will be this noose around the neck of the moscow führer's economy, his cliques will be tightened more and more, from my point of view, such approaches, which are demonstrated in the 14th package, they are very important, i am not saying , that there is clearly a passport
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for ukraine regarding... various kinds of cultural, ethnographic, scientific values ​​that were stolen during the occupation of the territory of ukraine by russian troops, and are now exported and sold through the black market and so on, there are obligations to all countries take steps regarding the removal and return to ukraine of these values, that is why the package is valid. it is important, at the same time, well, in particular, there are, let's say, restrictions that apply to individual applications, there are gaps, and i can tell you from my own experience that these gaps, damn it, are the greatest danger, well, that is, if not the principle works, but there are exceptions, then a camel can always be pulled into these exceptions, but can this package of sanctions actually be considered a certain political one?
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a signal, at least political for those states that help russia, or at least business entities that help russia in supplying, for example, weapons or some other elements that the occupiers need to terrorize our country. well, in particular, a topic related to dual technologies, dual-purpose goods. it is the largest specified in all the sanctions that were adopted, and if we take countries, then these sanctions will hit china, saudi arabia, and all other mediators who during this time played the role of a third party, and by the way, turkey, a very serious blow on turkish, because if to look at the indicators of last year, then... in
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some countries, the turnover increased by five, eight times, this was a clear indication that there are various closed fictitious schemes for the supply of dual -use goods or even components of weapons, armaments or even ammunition, precisely in this document there are the most such moments, such safeguards. now regarding the political signal, if you take. the 14th package of sanctions and the sanctions that were signed two weeks ago by president joseph biden, which will come into effect in the third decade of september, then such a blow to those who wag their tails and cannot decide who they are with for these 10 years.


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