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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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a very serious blow to turkey, because if you look at last year's figures, the turnover in some countries increased by five, eight times, this was a clear indication that various closed fictitious schemes for the supply of dual purpose goods or even weapons components are used there , weapons or even ammunition, it is precisely in this document that such... such fuses are the most. now, in terms of the political signal, if you take the 14th package of sanctions, and the sanctions that were signed two weeks ago by president joseph biden, which will go into effect into effect in the third decade of september, then such a blow to those who wag their tails and cannot in any way decide who they are with for these 10 years.
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the 11th year is already underway, it was not, that is, it is a very serious, joint, and from my point of view, it is a synchronized step, because the sanctions signed by president biden are closing these holes in the previous sanctions, that the 14th package was adopted by the european union, however, both the first and the second, it does not completely cover oxygen, here we must admit. in this and understand that the improvement of sanctions policy, it needs further work, by the way, in general, we see that the european union mobilized as much as possible to help ukraine, including in the security situation, that is, we are talking about the purchase of weapons, well, we understand that somewhere this should be signed, including... a security agreement between ukraine and
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the european union, but as always , hungary is against it, and here we see that in fact the european union is trying to somehow get out of this situation, or to save hungary's face, or it is clear to save face in general to the entire european union within the framework of hungary, and within the framework of relations with hungary, and in particular. there is information that the eu has developed a legal scheme to bypass hungary's veto on the actual supply of weapons to ukraine, by the way, at the expense of the same frozen assets of the russian federation. let's hear what josep borel has to say about it. we have these revenues from frozen assets, we have to find a way to use them, they avoid. or any blocking, we have
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a process to make it work quickly, first the tranche of money will arrive next week in july, the second in a few months, this money cannot be stuck, it should be used, we have a legal procedure. and mr. roman, i have two questions for you. the first question is, what does this draft security agreement between ukraine and... the union envisage, which is also about to be signed, as expected, again, according to radio liberty, it could be as early as june 27, yes, and the second the question, here is what mr. josep borel says about the mechanisms, in what way to prevent blocking by hungary or even by any other state, will such a mechanism be effective and...
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how soon can we expect this help, at least at the expense of the frozen funds of the occupying state? well, first, and here the most important thing is to understand that the decisions of the european parliament, the european commission, and the council of the european union, they are implemented by national parliaments, national governments, based on those directions. of them, which will be accepted in the european union, it institutions, and i don't see a problem here, in principle, not to say to orban, goodbye, whatever you want, you can knock us in your feet there, especially when we are talking about these so-called, as the europeans say, immobilized funds of russia and sub objects of the russian federation, they are located today. 90% of them are in one european
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country, that is belgium, it is no coincidence that if you analyze the last three months, alexander de crowe, he does not leave the pre'. television, mass media, he is a very important figure in this situation because everyone understands very well that there are two institutions that have an influence on the situation, on the answers to this situation, they are the european central bank and the government of belgium, by the way, according to the results of the elections to the european parliament , dekrow resigned because his party took third place there , if i am not mistaken. in this way, i see no problem in ukraine receiving both the first tranche and the second tranche, and all 50 billion, which was discussed at the meeting of the big seven, and during more than one presentation, voiced by ursula
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fonderlein or other leaders european community i hope that they will be seated in their offices there very quickly. and this work will begin to be put on stream. at the same time, i am concerned that until now there is no decision in the european union about where to buy? to date, part of the orders are placed at rain metal, at some other enterprises, but this is not enough, because if you pay attention to what peter pavel, the czech president, says. his minister of foreign affairs and minister of defense, then the european community extends, continues to step from foot to foot in this matter. my belief is that the first and second tranches, which should arrive this year, because the entire amount should arrive this year, according to the decision
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of the european union, from the statements of the big seven, it should be mainly placed on the answer to the question, which relate to provision. of ukraine with the necessary components, weapons and ammunition. based on this, i can say that, looking at how the situation is developing now, i have no doubt that after the european union acquires its own government, all officials in the offices, they will be able to stimulate and accelerate the decision-making on the receipt of these funds to ukraine, this is extremely important. this is very important, especially since in the plans that were adopted, by the end of the year, the supply of ammunition, equipment, and machinery to ukraine, in the amount of what will be supplied to the united states of america, will be on the balance sheet in
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the ratio forces between ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine and the armed forces of the enemy. so that's the first thing that doesn't... necessary to talk about, which is necessary to track and for which it is necessary within reasonable limits in relations with friends and partners to make a claim, because starting last year, and in a few months it will be two years since we revolve around this topic, we cannot launch it in any way, this is the first , secondly, from my point of view, this figure, which was named at the meeting of the big... seven regarding the total amount of reparations, and there is 430, in my opinion 6 billion, it is worthy of talking about the need for additional mechanisms for the use of the so-called frozen assets, because 50 billion, forgive me, that
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a sixth part, or even a seventh part of what is now only in europe, i 'm not talking about the united states now, it 's not about confiscating these funds, but... running them through securities, through bonds, through other documents, which is quite possible, and in this case it is necessary, including the european union and this trobank to work on ensuring that these funds are used, we are satisfied with the position voiced by the big seven that russia will never receive these funds, until it is settled in full the trouble it brought to... ukraine, because there, if you abbreviate it, it is written like that, but funds, weapons, ammunition are needed today. let's hope that, accordingly, there will be political will for us to receive these funds, and in
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the maximum possible amount. and as for our survey, i also want to remind you whether you are satisfied with the results of the global peace summit, you can take your phones, smartphones and vote if yes then call 0800 211381 if you think no 0800 211 380. all your calls are completely free and we you and at the end of this hour, and at the end of the next, we will sum up the results of this vote. an equally important topic for the occupiers, which they are trying to use on all platforms now, is the so-called strikes on sevastopol, the way they talk about the civilian population and so on and so forth. similar, russia is beginning to blame the united states of america, the representative of russia at the un,
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vasyl nebendzia, has already come out, who also says a lot of things, there are already statements by lavrov, that is, the information and propaganda machine of the state the occupant was 100% involved here. by the way, let's listen to what this representative of russia at the un is saying at the council meeting. security, particularly what i said, he actually blamed the united states of america. let's listen. there is no doubt that the us is directly involved in this crime. the lack of any substantial response from the un secretariat, which should have condemned such obvious crimes and violations of international law, is even more so. alas, this is a prime example of doubles standards of the nato secretariat, which
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is otherwise very eloquent. well, these are such, statements in the style of the enemy, in the style of actually terrorist russia. in particular, lavrov again talks about the fact that the united states supplies the ukrainian regime, of course, that is in quotes, and in fact it means that. almost the direct participation of the united states of america in the war, as they say, russia is now trying to use as much as possible, as far as i understand, this situation to their advantage, and how effectively they can really change something, well, at least in their heads certain western politicians or certain western journalists, well, you started to answer. answer this question, because in fact what kotovsky is talking about, what he is talking about carries all this
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nebinzyatin, all this is evidence that they are trying to actually influence the uninformed, or those who are too lazy to get original information about what is happening, and yes, first of all, ukraine has never fired, does not fire and will not fire on civilian objects, if such cases do happen, i will give you personal permission to say, it will be an excess, that is, it will be an exception, that happened in sevastopol, it happened as a result of the actions of the russian air defense system, and not a targeted attack by ukraine on certain objects. i will repeat once again, ukraine adheres to humanitarian law and does not strike non-military objects, it only strikes military objects, that is clear. stated, this is understood by absolutely all those who are involved both in decision-making and in the execution of commands
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related to shooting at military objects, this is the first and most important thing. all that is being done today is the horse's head lavrov, or this kotovsky, who carries nebinzyatin is there at the un, it is calculated on not weak nerves and the lack of information of some part of the people. this is the first and second - this is the continuation of the zombification of their own russian population, so in this case, from the point of view of the possible result, they get a lick, this is first, secondly, let them be responsible for the filth, as they do, when they every night they are shelling schools, kindergartens, various institutions, residential quarters and so on, well, they don't see it... but they saw how, after shooting down a ukrainian
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missile complex, they hit it with the same debris striking and harming one's own population, which was resting in crimea, in a territory that is in a state of war, this in itself exposing the population to risk in such conditions requires responsibility from the russian occupation regime in crimea, moreover... from the point of view of humanitarian law, the enemy is fully responsible for everything that happens in the occupied territory, and if we... which is almost not the united states of america, conditionally speaking, participate in provocations or in a war against russia, there is also a certain far-sighted or short-sighted maneuver in
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because they are trying in this way... to involve certain countries in a coalition against the us or in anti-american politics, or perhaps in this way they are trying to influence american society and enter there with their theses, with their certain narratives, there is a certain logic in their actions and their statements, the only thing it can affect is the same uninformed americans, and... from the point of view of, say, the election campaign, if you are at all aiming to hit in the current situation, but here it is important to understand this: in corresponding to the budapest one of the memorandum, great britain, the united states of america, france, china and russia, they are obliged to help ukraine as a result of any aggression. russia is the aggressor. the united
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states of america fulfills the norms of international law, they signed... security guarantees to ukraine in connection with ukraine's accession to the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, which stipulates that in the event of aggression, the use of weapons and force, and these parties, respectively, guarantee help through the thesis about security guarantees to ukraine, therefore the united states is doing its job. russia violated this international law. act, this is the first, the second, as for the effect you are talking about, it needs countermeasures of an informational and psychological nature, where it is necessary to explain what you and i actually did for the ukrainian audience, which ukraine has never used, as a signatory norms of international humanitarian law, strikes on
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civilian objects, it is prohibited, only those objects. which are demonstrably recognized as military objectives, may be subjected to the corresponding obje strike, the procedure for recognition, even in conditions of uncertainty, is very carefully written by international acts, these instructions were signed by the minister of defense, the minister of health, the minister of internal affairs of ukraine back in 2013, if not... in my opinion, 12- this year by a joint order, where all norms of international law in matters of introduction of fire, compliance of objects and so on, according to which it is possible, according to which it is not possible and so on, the orders are absolutely clearly defined, therefore there is absolutely no violation on the part of ukraine, america is entwined with everything here
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by this kotovsky, when he carries nibinzyatin only to create... a certain informational pressure, especially in the conditions of the election campaign in the united states. we have literally a few minutes left, but there is one more topic, it concerns personnel rotations in the ukrainian army, the topic has really quite powerfully entered the information space of our country. someone agrees, someone disagrees, someone is debating. lieutenant general yuriy sodol was dismissed by the president of ukraine. from the position of commander of the united forces of the armed forces of ukraine, the president appointed brigadier general andrii hnatov in his place, but before that there was actually a scandal, the chief of staff of the azov brigade of the national guard bohdan krotkevich actually accused yuliy yuriy sodol of having
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allegedly killed more ukrainian soldiers than any russian general . this is a direct quote. but mr. roman, how do you assess this situation, if possible very briefly, is this really such a problem in the ukrainian army and in ukraine, the commander, the supreme commander, he has the right to accept relevant decisions, and it is his competence to appoint, dismiss, re-appoint certain officials, so let's make a decision, it is a decision, it must be carried out, because it is... the competence of the president, the supreme commander-in-chief. now, as regards the information pressure on certain officials. this thing should be considered separately. and it is important, first of all , things appear in ukraine that say that the spirit of democracy, it penetrates, including
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the army and so on, but there are things that correspond to the truth and the truth, there are those which are not answer during this time, we have already heard a lot, and in this case, the topic of moral and ethical relations in the armed forces of ukraine should become the subject of... including the ministry of defense and the general staff, because you and i, civilians , are now dealing with the relationship between the military the correctness or incorrectness of the decisions, this is still adding pepper to this situation, there are disciplinary commissions, they must make the appropriate decisions, inform the supreme commander-in-chief and he, on the basis of that, make the appropriate personnel decision, well, but we see that there really is... such a public statement by mr. krotkevich, is a statement to the state bureau of investigation, that is , rather, this is what alarmed ukrainian
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society, and of course in this case ukrainian society would like to receive some more answers , although from the president of the country, perhaps we have already received the answer to some extent in this case, sir? mane, we thank you for your comments, for your thoughts, by the way, we would like to invite viewers to join the youtube channel of roman bezsmertny, so you can write roman bezsmertny, come in, there are quite good analytics, selected analytics, about the international, about the international situation, about the situation in ukraine, then... please join, mr. roman, thank you once again, roman bezsmertny, ukrainian politician,
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diplomat , the former ambassador of ukraine to belarus, a people's deputy of several convocations, was on the live air of the espresso channel, and we have a summary, we have to summarize the results now, you vote. these are intermediate results, because during the next hour, during the 21st 22nd, you will be able to further to vote, but we have interim results, are you satisfied with the actual global peace summit, the results of this peace, and the opinions are roughly as follows: yes, 26%, no, 74%, that is... in fact, more than 2/3, even 3/ 4 voted that they were not satisfied.
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there are discounts, representing a 15% discount on urolessan in the pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about war, about military, front, component. serhiy zgurets and what the world lives on. yuri fizer is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to catch up on economic news, time to talk about wartime money. oleksandr morchavka field with me, and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite
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presenters. about cultural news, alena chekchenina, our tv viewer, is ready to say good evening to presenters who have become familiar to many. natal kadidenko already next to me is ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us. mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. events of the day. in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. summer is a time of rest and recovery, and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and some peace to children, whose world was destroyed by war. these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, protecting us from you our country, died at the front, and they,
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like no one and... others, need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children recover more quickly after a loss. children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, most importantly... it is written that they will receive the help of qualified psychologists, and perhaps now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our ukraine. i really liked the trip to austria,
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i liked the museums we went to. every day, it was amazing and i really liked how we went to restaurants. i visited the cities of sassburch, vienna and linz. this one the trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. the verdict program, we are back, the second part, today, unfortunately, without serhiy rudenko, but we hope he will return very soon, and in the second part we will have guests, three people's deputies, but
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first let's see what we will talk about today in the second part. negotiations have begun. ukraine has officially started the path to the eu. how thorny this path will be political, economic and military risks. a bridge to nato instead of a door, the chances of getting an invitation to join the alliance at the july summit in washington are decreasing. what can prevent the decisions of the allies. illegal deprivation of liberty. the scandalous people's deputy tyshchenko was informed of suspicion due to an incident with a former military man in dnipro. what is wrong with the temporary investigative commissions of the verkhovna rada. well, i remind you that in we have a poll going on at this hour as well, it reads as follows: are
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you satisfied with the results... peace summit. if you think so, you can pick up your phone or smartphone and vote. 0800 211 381. if you think not, then dial 0800 211 382. all your calls are absolutely free, and at the end of this hour we will have the final tally of your, your votes and our vote. today we already have three people's deputies of ukraine in touch. yes, this is oleksandr mereshko, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation. mr. oleksandr, good evening to you. good evening, thank you for the invitation. we are also joined by rostyslav pavlenko, people's deputy of ukraine.
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member of the verkhovna rada committee on education, science and innovation. mr. rostislav, we also congratulate you. good evening yulia klymenko joins us, people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on transport and infrastructure. mrs. julia, good evening, you also. good evening. well, we have our survey, i would like you to... also ask if you are satisfied with the results of the global peace summit, well, let's go, sir, very briefly, let's go, mr. rostislav, let's start with you, well, since the immediate results are there, except for the family photo , i think that within three months it will be clear whether this gathering has achieved the tasks that were set on the issues of food security, nuclear security,


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