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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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people's deputy of ukraine, member of the verkhovna rada committee on education, science and innovation. mr. rostislav, we also congratulate you. good evening. yulia klymenko joins us, people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on transport and infrastructure. mrs. julia, good evening, you too. good evening. well, we have too. our survey, i would also like to ask you whether you are satisfied with the results of the global peace summit, well, come on, sir, very briefly, come on , mr. rostyslav, let's start with you, well, since immediate results, there is only a family photo, i think that within three months it will be clear whether this gathering has achieved the tasks that were set on the issues of food security, nuclear ... security and the release
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of hostages and what the next step will be, that's it within three months there should be an answer, then we will see whether it was a step to nowhere or some step towards the result. ms. yulia, what is your opinion, are you satisfied with the results and consequences of the global peace summit? well, to be honest, the results, like my colleague, mr pavlenko, i do not fully understand, but the fact that many countries... gathered, supported ukraine, is always good, the main thing is that it be converted into practical actions, such as the supply of weapons, such as, indeed, giving us the possibility of free navigation and exports, as well as providing us with financial assistance to get us through this difficult winter and the next few years if the war continues, mr. alexander, your view on our... are you satisfied with
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the results of the global peace summit? i satisfied with the results, it is clear that we would like more in terms of successfully implementing all 10 points of president zelenskyi's peace formula, but this is a good start, three elements, three points of this formula, they received wide support, including the one that concerns nuclear security, and in general, if i compare... for example, with the history of the creation of, for example, the united nations, there were 46 states at the san francisco conference, here we have about 100 states, and we see that some states continue to sign the final communique of this summit, that is, it is very a positive start, thank you for your thoughts on this matter, well, we should start with european integration, with the european union, today... in fact, another stage
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of our movement towards the eu, but unfortunately, we have to start with tyshchenko. the pechersk court of the capital chose a preventive measure against people's deputy of ukraine mykola tyschenko. our correspondents and journalists followed the meeting throughout the day, and our correspondent, kateryna, will now tell you about the final decision. galko and she are already in direct contact, so, katya, we congratulate you, i congratulate andria, i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel, so 20 minutes ago the court finally decided, decided what to decide in the case of mykola tyshchenko, they decided to leave him under house arrest for two months with the mandatory wearing of an electronic bracelet, which mykola.
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first of all i want to tell you that everything is fine. so, let me remind you that today the sbi informed mykola tyshchenko of the suspicion that the victim was illegally imprisoned. the law enforcement officers established that a group of persons, on the instructions of tyshchenko, illegally deprived the freedom of a former soldier... of the kraken special unit of his
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were held for a certain time and inflicted physical injuries on him, but tyshchenko's version too, let's hear it, it's long, but it's interesting, let's hear it. procedural actions were taking place, three young men were coming to meet me, one was going to the cliff, and they defiantly started insulting me, calling me the head of the mother's office , it's funny to you, of course, you 're funny, but what's funny, everyone's funny, we'll laugh later, here i reacted and... made a remark and said that guys, you have a child, please pass, pass, there is an investigation going on, you should not be here must be, as a team, they picked up their phones and started filming me and my
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assistant, the best way to bully women and commit abyuse, because they started telling her stories, describing them, as they say. what does she look like, after that a policeman came out of the address, i see that it is a policeman, i turn to him that i understand that we are alone, i say, please pay attention, stop this attack on the people's deputy, so actually, briefly i will summarize the meeting that took place today in the pechersk court of the capital started two hours later at 4 p.m. although it was scheduled for 2 p.m., this time did not pass in vain, mykola tyshchenko spoke with journalists, talked about the ruins of the farm, about cutting down trees and the war, and also commented on his suspicion with a catchphrase: "the caravan barks, and the dog goes on, his defenders asked
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to close the meeting, however, the meeting was not closed and we had the opportunity to follow up on this suspicion , on this meeting itself tyshchenko could not evade the authorities of the pre-trial investigation, and also that he could not obtain permission to travel abroad and could not destroy or distort documents that are important for the investigation. the investigator also reported that tyshchenko broke two phones during the announcement of the suspicions to him, he simply rummaged through them, but the investigation promises that all the information from these phones will be recovered. restore, so, in fact, this is the situation, tyshchenko will now be under house arrest for two months with an electronic bracelet, and how this case will develop further we will follow. so, andrei, i'm passing on the etar to you. katya, thank you very much for the inclusion, and thank you to the entire
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espresso team, which worked today in the pechersk court during the day on the selection of a preventive measure for mykola tyshchenko, a people's deputy of ukraine, well, we return to the actual... speaking of this topic, we have the following situation: all the country watched what was happening in the dnipro, the whole country watched after that what mr. tyshchenko said and did, well, similarly today the whole country is watching the court decision and his statements mrs. yulia, let's start with you, how do you assess this court decision in general, the behavior of colleagues, and the whole thing... this story, which, unfortunately, is taking place today in a warring country, and let me say yes, this is the situation in principle, it should not take place in a warring country, in general, it is absolutely, well, how
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would i say it, well, well, it does not go to the head, honestly, to put it simply, that is, no matter what happens, no matter what happens , and... the way mykola tyshchenko behaved, i am not saying in relation to the former military man, and especially in situation, who has an infant in his arms, no matter what, no matter what bath farms there are, but in principle this behavior is, well, inadequate, so i hope that the investigation will figure out who went where, who filmed whom, i think that it is not so difficult to do, and tishchenko will have what he wants. well, tyshchenko was previously a deputy from the right-wing servant of the people faction. mr. oleksandr, i wanted to ask you how you, how your colleagues generally assess this situation, the possible decision of the court, and in general the actions of tyshchenko, which in fact,
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not the first time and not the first month when some similar incidents occur? well, i think that's all. is quite obvious, because a deputy, he must be an example of compliance with the law, because he will legislate, and if something like this happens, then it is clear that... it causes only a negative reaction, by the way, although mr. pishchenko, he is not a member of our faction for quite some time, but this case, well, it caused a very lively discussion, a discussion among my colleagues, and it is clear that it caused outrage, i am not a court, i am not i can make a decision there, i believe that it is necessary for the law enforcement agencies and the court to deal with this case. but there is another political and moral aspect here. the fact is that when something happens, some kind of scandal
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related to a deputy, it ultimately damages the reputation of the entire institution, that is , the parliament in general. and during the war, it is quite dangerous, because we have to maintain the trust and authority of the parliament at a high level. thank you, mr. rostislav, you probably have a similar question. regarding this situation, how about you you see this from the point of view of a people's deputy, regarding your colleague outside the meeting, well , colleagues absolutely correctly assessed what tyshchenko did, we really hope that the investigation and the court will determine the degree of responsibility for this specific act, but here there are at least two other very serious points, the first serious point is about the quality of those who, in fact, there is quite a large
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number of those who passed this parliament, because in his own way, mr. tyshchenko was honest today, he is in front of the court, except for these synchronicities that we heard in the briefing, he already said a lot of interesting things there, and in particular he said, i went to the verkhovna rada to do what i did in my general life, i say, i always showed myself there in dancing with the stars, forti buia... there and so on, i.e., unfortunately, it was clear that a person was probably going to create a certain show, and has been doing it for more than five years of this convocation, so the voters will have to, when the war, which is sure of our victory, ends and there will be elections, it will be necessary to treat every candidate very carefully, whoever he is represented, no matter what political force he belonged to, but... the second point, here i agree with my colleague oleksandr, regarding the influence on the authority of the parliament itself, because,
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unfortunately, as citizens, we very often have to judge the activity entire institution, from the behavior of these tyshchenoks and their ilk, because let's remember that if i'm not confusing anything, he ceased to be a representative of the servant of the people faction after he went... to thailand during the war and after for some reason, all the deputies decided completely to take away the possibility of foreign business trips, which in my opinion is a completely inadequate solution to the situation, and therefore, in order to prevent such silences from forming an opinion about the entire parliament, so that the executive power does not use such silences for illegal restrictions on the actions of people's deputies, it seems to me i have to... i'm sorry about the communication, so it seems to me that the broadcast of the meetings should finally be resumed so that
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people can understand what people's deputies do in general, what they do, here i am i really hope that after the start of negotiations with the european union, there will be many meaningful discussions in the hall, and this, i think, could raise the image of the parliament in the eyes of the people, and not reduce it to such a sloppy one, by the way, if we remembered tyschenka and remembered temporary dreams. commission, there is a rather interesting comment by the editor-in-chief of the honestly movement oleksandr salizhenka. he stated on the air of radio nv that people's deputy mykola tyshchenko was never a member of the parliamentary tsk regarding call centers, but the tsk of forests of ukraine headed by him no longer exists. here's a quote, individual people's deputies cover themselves with these tsks in order to... carry out such activities, resource activities, i would say, because most of
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the topics in which they work in one way or another are related to some resource issues, forests, etc. centers, shadow money, etc., so i would appeal to the leadership of the parliament to pay attention to this, by the way, quite an important comment, because, unfortunately, we see that some people's dep... dads, in particular, about whom we just talked about, mr. atishchenko is being used by temporary investigators the commission, relatively speaking, such a screen, well , at least that's how it seems to journalists and experts. here it is worth talking further about the effectiveness of such temporary investigative commissions, whether they really have the actions and the powers granted to them by the ukrainian parliament. mr. oleksandr, here is a question for you, what to do with such temporary investigative commissions and is it possible
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to change the approach in general to their creation? well, it should be mentioned that temporary investigative commissions. is a relatively new tool of parliamentary activity, but it is an important one tool and it seems to me that it is not despite the fact that there may indeed be some abuses, but it has justified itself well enough. at the same time, there must be some element that, well, for example, if it is about the formation of a temporary investigative commission, then its composition includes representatives of various factions, including representatives of the opposition, and it is necessary that... there should be appropriate safeguards so that the opposition made sure that there was no abuse, well, not only the opposition , of course, but also the ruling party, the party to most, let's say, it is very important, but in principle, regardless of some shortcomings, i believe that this tool has justified itself and needs to be improved. ugh, thank you, mr.
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rostyslav, we are observing that some temporary... investigative commissions are being created, some have to be created actually by failure, what is your opinion, what is the current efficiency of most of the temporary investigative commissions, is it worth reformatting their activities in general, and is it really in the parliament creates all tscs that are necessary to control certain processes in our country to the state, well, you said everything... questions that some are created by failure, and this applies to both temporary investigators and temporary special commissions, and of course, the most striking example here is the temporary special commission on the control of the construction of the fortification, which was created as a certain compromise after it was necessary to block the meeting of the verkhovna rada, because for some reason there was no political will of the leadership
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of the parliament to create this commission, although already now... it is working, there are results both in terms of the response of law enforcement agencies, and in in terms of the reaction on the ground to the fact that control appeared, also parliamentary control, and this is an absolutely natural function of the parliament to supervise the executive power so that the military receives adequate protection, and this is precisely the importance of such commissions, and in order for them were not a certain there... nism of finding out relations or just some empty sites, there should be very careful public attention to their activities and it is very important again that the mass media and experts have the opportunity to have the possibility of access to the deputies of the members of these commissions and to ask questions: what did we do,
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when was the last meeting, and what were the results? because simply of course the apparatus of the verkhovna rada is enough... we have an experienced one and he will write some correct slogans for each tsk, but people are not interested in beautiful words, which then go into the report and lie on the shelf, but concrete results, what the tsk was actually dedicated to, and this is simply impossible without public control and interaction with journalists. ms. yulia, how many people's deputies from different countries currently exist factions have access to... temporary investigative commissions from the point of view of their participation in these tscs, and how effective is the final work of these commissions, that is, we understand that there must be some certain result at the end, whether this result exists and whether it is really involvement of all political forces in these processes? well,
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let's start with the fact that temporary investigative special commissions. should be created by the idea of ​​the opposition, because it is the height of madness when the ruling party, which has absolute access to the executive power, to law enforcement bodies, to the military, it begins to create special or investigative commissions, they do not need to create, they have all the tools of the state apparatus in their hands to find out anything? that they appoint the government themselves, they appoint the prosecutor general, the head of the sbu, the minister of defense, absolutely everyone, why do they have a special or investigative... commission, if they have all their appointees anyway, you pick up the phone, type, or send a letter, and they all you should be told if they are really appointed by this real
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power, therefore a tool of special and investigators the commission should be exclusively for the opposition, because the opposition does not have access to information, does not have access to the truth and to parliamentary control, therefore , according to... ideas, representatives of the opposition should not be in charge, or close to them, but representatives of the opposition. unfortunately, the majority of tska in the verkhovna rada is led and initiated precisely by the ruling party, which in general, well, i don't know what to call it, it's some kind of, well, no, well, perversion, i would say so, that's why, strictly speaking, their effectiveness is such herself, she is in... unfortunately, it looks more like a village in patyom. we see that mykola tyshchenko is not the first to cover up for tsk, i
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don't remember who it was, but also a servant of the people who headed the temporary investigative commission that dealt with corruption in the agrarian academy, and as a result he was caught taking a bribe, so actually speaking, sorry, this tool... is not used to monitor and make better legislation, conclusions, send requests to law enforcement agencies in order to achieve a result, is done either to make money by individual leaders or non-leaders of the ruling parties, or in order to simply discuss issues, so their effectiveness is so-so, let's say directly depending on the commission. commissions that really work, but most of them are just, unfortunately, well, about nothing, and i want to tell you, a leader or
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even a member of a temporary investigative or special commission cannot run around the streets, harass people and ask some questions, he doesn't have such powers, he can't arrest anyone, he can't make demands, all this should be done on the basis of the verkhovna rada. with recording, logging, as well as with the presence of a quorum, that is, there must be at least 51% of the members of the temporary investigative commission, because, therefore, mr. tyshchenko could not, in principle, represent the tsk in dnipro by definition, even if he were a member of the tsk. thank you for your thoughts, we will move on to the next topic, but... but before that, i would like to remind you about our survey that we are conducting, are you satisfied with the results of the global peace summit, you can vote absolutely free, call
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the numbers if you think that yes, please dial from your phones or smartphones 0800 211 381, if you think not, then please dial 0800, 211 382, ​​i remind you once again. that all your calls are free, and we will summarize the results of this vote in literally 15 minutes. our next topic: ukraine is joining the european union, one of the most important days in the history of our country, when we are really one step closer to eu membership. what will this path be ? what are the risks, we will discuss all this now, but before that we will listen to ms. stefanishyna, who stated that in fact we can complete
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all the necessary procedures for joining the european union before 2030, or earlier than 2030, which is considered plus or minus the date when we can join the eu. let's listen. as already agreed, ukraine will be a member of the european union, and we will be able to complete all procedures by 2023. be sure that ukraine is able to cope with the task very quickly. so if the european commission is ready, we can do it faster. mr. oleksandr, i have a question for you as the chairman of the committee on foreign affairs politics and inter. parliamentary cooperation, how do you assess the prospects for accession, at least until 2030, and what are the most important challenges and problems
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we face? will be the next few years as part of the implementation of a very large number of procedures that we need to go through in order to finally become a member of the european union. well, first of all i would like to congratulate all of us on this truly historic event and remind the price that the ukrainian people paid for this to happen and continue to pay. these are two revolutions, even, even three revolutions, and this is... a war, a war against russian aggression, and this is the fact that ukraine is now really the shield of europe, in terms of prospects, the main thing that happened is that we already have a clear prospect of joining the european union, we know the conditions on which we can do it, well, although we should not deceive ourselves, we understand that the path of european integration is quite difficult before us, because
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we will have to carry out talk , including with those countries that are our friendly countries, allies, but which have their own economic allies, but which have their own economic interests, for example, poland, it will be necessary to convince almost all the members of the european union so that when it is the turn to conclude an agreement, an accession agreement, an accession treaty, so that they sign and who can conduct it. referendums, who simply ratifies in the parliament so that they all agree to it, that is, it is a very difficult job, and if you compare, for example, this path with the path of poland, then it started negotiations in 1998, completed negotiations in 2002, in in 2004, it became a full member of the european union, that is, it is about 5-6 years, in relation to akikumenter, in relation
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to adapting to... our legal system to the entire array of normative and legal array of eastern law, then this is a complex process, and it is a special the responsibility is primarily the parliament of the verkhovna rada, but one more important aspect must be remembered, which is the kuminater, it is about values, european values ​​and european principles, such as democracy, as human rights, as the rule of law , the rule of law, and this issue is not only legal, this is a socio-psychological issue'. logically, if you can put it this way, that is , we will have to work on our own legal awareness and the legal awareness of the population, it is also a difficult psychological process, but i am convinced that we will overcome all these obstacles, and i hope that within five years we will succeed in becoming a full member of the eu. mr. rostyslav, we understand very well that the path will not be short, that we
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will need at least several years to overcome it, and we also understand that that there is still a lot of work to be done in ukraine in order for us, relatively speaking, to reach this goal, just as there are many different problems, both of a political and economic nature, and, by the way, of a military nature, military such risks are also great, which is, in your opinion, a problem for the next few years. regarding ukraine's movement towards the european union, are there any obstacles that could eventually slow down this movement, and what issues might arise for the eu towards ukraine? well, it seems to me that the whole complex existing problems can be conditionally divided into three groups. the first thing, too, that ukraine will have to face are things, uh... which
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are completely within our power and our powers, this is exactly a question of values, this is exactly a question of democracy, freedom of speech, the rule of law, overcoming corruption and the like, this what in previous years was always called homework, by the way, this word combination just came from the process of joining our neighbors in central europe, and here i would really like to have otakti... truly historical events, but oh well indeed, we must also thank the revolutions that took place, especially the revolution of dignity, and all the previous stages that were passed from the agreement on association to the submission of the application, but so that all this was not in vain, but was done as soon as possible, it is necessary to carry out what is written about in the declarations, and by the way, these are not general words, but very
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specific things, because then we will have to include them. direct and fifth in general.


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