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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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the hotline number of the child tracing service is 116 30. calls are free from all mobile operators in ukraine. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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it's 7 am in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. our homes. 90 defenders returned to ukraine as a result of another exchange of prisoners. this was announced in the coordination headquarters. among the rescued are soldiers of the national guard, border guards, soldiers of the armed forces and teroboronov. 59 servicemen are the defenders of mariupol. five national guardsmen who guarded the chernobyl nuclear power plant also returned. the rest of the soldiers performed tasks in the kherson, donetsk, kharkiv, zaporizhzhya and luhansk directions. 60 days of house arrest and an electronic bracelet. pechersky kyiv district court chose a preventive measure against people's deputy mykola tyshchenko, who is suspected of illegally depriving a former military serviceman of his liberty. in dnipro. at the same time, according to
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public information, the people's deput electronic bracelet was worn not immediately after the announcement of the judge's decision. and a number of telegram channels shared a photo of mykola tyshchenko having dinner in the restaurant of one of the capital's hotels after the court session. it is not necessary to comply with the court's decision. we will make a decision, probably ourselves. first of all i want to tell you that everything is fine. negotiations on accession to the eu. ukraine will begin the screening process for compliance with european legislation. this was stated by the deputy prime minister for european and euro-atlantic integration olga stefanishyna in luxembourg. according to her , in the negotiations with the european union, ukraine will focus on what is necessary in the conditions of war. we are talking about energy, transport, logistics, as well as the "free movement
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of people. we have a very dynamic and very large-scale accession process ahead of us, which will encompass ukraine's efforts to continue democratic transformations, implementation of the principles of supremacy, law and functioning democracy in our reforms, presentation of the necessary road maps. we have a lot of work ahead of us, but the main decision that could be made this year. accepted already today. serhii borzov, head of the vinnytsia regional military administration, was dismissed. volodymyr zelenskyi has already signed the decree. this was reported in the president's office. at the same time, serhii borzov announced on social networks that he was forced to resign due to his health. he was in charge vinnytsia regional state administration since june 2020. it is currently unknown who will replace borzov in the post.
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after more than two years of volunteering, hundreds of kilograms of homemade pies, dumplings, cabbage rolls, cossack porridge, in the village of nedogarka of the kremenchug community, women united in one desire: to prepare sweets for the military every day that would remind them of their home. our journalists also visited the volunteer hub called curly house. this is a house that is experiencing the second war, that is, it saw the fascists who walked in... in the year 43 with torches, under every roof everything was burned village. the ethno-mansion, which once hosted guests for entertainment, was reformatted with the onset of a full-scale invasion. now this hut with a ukrainian face is full of work every day. for 12-14 hours, women prepare for the front. when it's cooler, the dishes are sent fresh to the hottest positions, in the summer, goodies are pre-frozen. we deliver porridge. cossack four-barrel
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casserole, we are preparing a three-barrel pilaf, just count it, it is already 70 kg, uh, we tried to make the vinaigrette beautifully, because i have to... well, in front of these people, in front of to report to the military, but you have to report to these people who bring it, and we tried to be nice there, but then a person brought a bath, anya was growing up, and there was a baby bath, but sometimes there was one bath, sometimes there were two, it’s just a winred, well how much is it, i don't understand, well, the main thing for me is that i see that the car is jammed, huh, every woman here has her own story related to the war and volunteering, sing in the cherry orchard. "there soloveyko chats, i have a husband, since 2015 he went to serve in the ato, then in 22nd he went to serve in the war with on the second day, so somehow we started
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cooking pies for him, preparing programs with vitalina viktorivna, and so it went and went and went." my sons were both fighting at the time, and i wanted to help with something, i asked her, she is coming, well, i arrived, everything got caught up, now and now, well, now the older son is at the front after being wounded, and the younger one is still after being wounded, too, well , my husband who is lying down is helping me, the curly hut always needs meat, lard, eggs for the volunteer hub , oil, spices, everything that helps turn ukrainian recipes into delicious dishes and make the boys in the trenches feel at home, if only for a few minutes. roksalanna zhukova and serhiy vitrovyi from kremenchuk for espresso tv channel. and the espresso tv channel
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calls for participation in the collection of drones and equipment for artillery reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight. improved models of fly combo mavics and five 3t mavics. quadcopters are eyes in the sky that keep an eye on safety and enable you to move forward with confidence. and most importantly - they help protect the lives of our soldiers. we need to collect uah 2.5 million. so don't waste time and join the collection for our defenders. i wish you health. we, soldiers of the 100th brigade art intelligence. we invite you to join us. collection for drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. photographs from four ukrainian hospitals affected by the war were presented at the bogomolets institute in the capital. hospitals are
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untold stories, so they say a photo exhibition that tells the stories of medical workers who, despite the hostilities , continued to save their patients. from july 1 to july 15, this exhibition will be placed in the lobby of the golden gate metro station, where everyone will be able to see the pictures. there were several dangerous situations with the staff, when a group of armored personnel carriers entered the territory of the institution suddenly, seized telephones in the sanitarium at gunpoint. it was believed that we were once again transmitting information about movement. and if we start from the beginning, then the first... the fighting in february, when it began, it was february 23-24, began near our hospital from our direction. a symbol of struggle. today is the day of the crimean tatar flag, a sky-blue cloth with a golden symbol of power, a tamga, is the national symbol
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of the crimean tatar people. for the first time, the flag was raised for majors in bagchisarai in 1917. during the soviet times. when the crimean tatar people were subjected to repression, the flag was not used, it was restored in 1991, on the day in ukraine, the day of the crimean tatar flag is officially celebrated for the 14th year. and that was all the news for that time, look for it espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live ether broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that you can see only from us, also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, subscribe, comment, yours is important to us thoughts and our team is working to ensure that at 8:00 a.m. you will see the updated news release,
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and in just a moment meet my colleagues, it will be lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk.
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good morning, my name is andrii saichuk and this is the telethon of the tv channel and two 854 days heroic dexterity of ukraine, today we believe, of course, we will continue, you know, what we do every day, namely, we will have a meeting, we will talk, today we generally have a lot planned, stay with us, we will... come, let's talk today about, in particular, about
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ukraine's accession to the eu, whether we need to finally ban the russian church by this time, when we start all these negotiations, because then it will be possible to do it more difficult, or how to properly register for the military , for conscripts to update their data, let's also talk about economy booking, whether it is necessary. on which form about raising taxes, he said that there is no other way, to find money for the war, let's talk about the demographic situation, how catastrophic everything is and what we will do about it, and the scandal is also fresh about the owners of the tv channel, this is a telegram from the joker channel, such a killer cistern, one can say a drain-information tank, in which one person was involved. from the servants of the people, in particular the 153rd parliamentary list, who
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can become a deputy, well, that's all in a word we will talk today, but we will start with the situation in chernihiv oblast, if it is already with us, is there anyone from chernihiv oblast in contact with us, tell me, there is none at the moment, i know for now what i want to say, we will definitely touch and the main such... scandal, which really upset the whole country somehow, you know, the whole country reacted to it very sharply, because there is such an injustice that is acute, there is a demand for this justice now in society, this is the situation of course with mykola tyshchenko, also ex, although i don't know whether mykola tyshchenko is a former deputy from the servants of the people, because after all, he seems to be still the head of the transcarpathian organization. or correct me if i am wrong, a servant of the people, and at the beginning
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he was a very, very influential deputy, and he probably remains very influential now, you know that there was already a court decision on him, and for three months he was sent under 24-hour house arrest, or maybe restaurant house arrest, i don't know for sure, and where he will serve it and how, well, let's talk about mykola tyshchenko today, tyshchenko himself, by the way, said at the court that he simply came to embody the ideas of president zelensky, what are these ideas, how does mykola tyshchenko himself manage to formulate them, this is a separate story, so to speak, but as they say, you know, the caravan barks, our the telethon continues, well, oleksiy maslov, a journalist from chernihiv, is already with us, i'm sorry, galina kuts is joining us, so we already have kharkiv on the line, not chernihiv. we are changing the situation here a little bit as we go, mrs. galina, we are glad to see you, congratulations, congratulations, as now in
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kharkiv, how are you doing, well, the past day was again not without bombings by the russian aggressor, yesterday around 10 in the morning there were three explosions, i heard them, because at that time i was in the hospital, we volunteer there, it was the kyiv kharkiv district ... and an educational institution, a kindergarten, a sports facility, a stadium was hit again, then yesterday the residents of kharkiv heard explosions again somewhere around 17. they heard four explosions, it turned out that it was a suburb, well, that it was kharkiv district , that this is a village of the vilkhiv community, and there is also wounded, and dead, thank god there are no, well, but still we understand that when people are close to the affected area, then people can be seriously injured, except
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, of course, that in the combat zone, this is a shill, this is vovchan, this is liptsiv. community, there are also constant explosions and battles, in fact, we have such sad statistics yesterday that 43 aerial bombs were dropped on the kharkiv region in a day, and our head of the regional military administration, oleg synigubov , said yesterday that kharkiv is now becoming such a training ground for russian tests aerial bombs, because they are, for example, on a holiday. on sunday, june 23, fighters tested a new type of aerial bomb, they dropped it on a private school, a school named after boyko, it is one with special wings, with some kind of geolocation, and it is a new type, that is, kharkiv is still becoming a training ground for them, and its
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exports converge on the fact that kharkiv has become very expensive for russia now, too expensive. that millions of iskanders, millions of s-300s, millions of calibers are already very expensive to throw at kharkiv, which still holds on and does not give up, and they are now improving aerial bombs, because kharkiv is close to the border, they fly up to 10 km to the border by plane, and drop this floating aerial bomb, of course we understand that those bombs are not accurate, that's why they hit anywhere, that's why they also hit the residential sector , but yesterday we got into the kyiv district again, apartments were damaged there again, houses where people live, glass was broken everywhere again, balconies were blown away, that is, this is the situation for this day in the kharkiv region, the night, thank god, was more or less calm, well, there is such a moment, you know, yesterday i read on one resource russian
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opposition to putin’s regime, which exists abroad now under russian... i mean, there were such underground russian sociologists doing research, they just went to a small town somewhere in the urals, where there are many mobilized and just tried to eavesdrop on conversations, that is, they do not dare to conduct open field research because they are afraid of some persecution and arrests, but they simply eavesdrop on conversations and then somehow systematize them to some conclusions, well, if to believe these field studies of such russian...those underground sociologists of opposition to putin's regime, and they say that the russian hinterland is simply there, everyone has already torn off those z stickers, and everyone is just trying to make the assumption that there is no war , they are quietly hiding it, they send them in those wooden coffins, these two hundred conditional ones, but
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they quietly bury them in a cemetery somewhere there and conclude that there is no major war. just endure, and on the one hand it is also theirs, their stage of denial has begun, yes, when they are uncomfortable just to think about the fact that there is a war, in principle, life is getting worse there and so on, but on the other hand, what is their advantage, that these cabs do not come to them, and we will not deliver the cabs to the urals, but there is this moment, yes that's what i was thinking about yesterday and thinking about how difficult it is for us to complete it. this war on our good terms, as much as we would like, because we will not get that far to the russians, and kharkiv will continue to remain on the border with russia, and will remain so in the future, so actually, i have a question, where do you draw from? inspiration, where you draw faith in victory,
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understanding, here is this circumstance, that the border, the enemy will always be here, thank you, well... you are really right that only when it reaches them, they listen a little, they don't to which such theoretical considerations are not listened to, i also remembered how the people of kharkiv sometimes call their relatives in russia, well , anyway, sometimes situations arise, and they came to the conclusion that this hinterland, which you were talking about just now, is simply swept away such a layer of those mobilized, er i... them called people who live on credit, er, that is , there is a common base in russia created for all loans, just a common base of those mortgages, and they were very popular. take loans for everything, for a trip to turkey, for a refrigerator, for a vacuum cleaner, well, for everything, for everything, for everything, that is , it is some kind of mentality to live constantly in debt and be happy about it, and drink the money,
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eat and then take in debt such a mentality, somehow in ukraine i have not seen such a prevalence in ukraine, if you took a loan for something, then not very big things, there for an apartment, for a car, ugh, and this is common the base is for the military commissars of russia, they are such an interesting thing. they go to those people who have accumulated the most loans and promise that you will pay them back quickly, and the whole family is satisfied, that's why they keep quiet, because the loans were written off, and they also received some money for the deceased, that's the approach there, which is not very clear to us, because for us the value of a human life, the value of a man is much higher, it turns out that we only now understand this, there is such an approach, that is why they quietly received their money, received payments and are silent so that no one will do anything to them said and did not take what they have or or did not return. return those loans, there is such a thing, regarding kharkiv, by the way, in russia, in russia, in russia, i will add to your opinion, the russian central bank, officially also writes
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that they are now trying to reduce this credit boom, it is the opposite is increasing, that is, russians continue to get into mortgages and consumer loans with even greater, you know, excitement, that is, there is a lot of it, and by 2%. this is in a month, and in a year , russians took 8% more loans, ordinary ones, that is, they take for anything, for some, i don’t know, epilators to hair dryers, to everything in a row, and well, there is such a story, it worries the russian central bank and their this nabiulina, who is worried that this credit, this credit bubble is inflating, well, but surely it pleases the russian recruiters for the army of contractors, well it's kind of distorted. the mentality of eating what you didn’t earn and probably won’t earn, this, and this mentality, it also works in looting in ukraine, about taking other people’s things and
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being happy about it, that is, it is some kind of mentality that is cultivated, and then they are surprised that they behave like that, like that after the war, i think, anthropologists will not go to the amazonian jungle there, as frazer once went there more than 100 years ago, and anthropologists need to seriously study the russians. will remain, well, because this is really some kind of interesting new branch - i would n't say civilization, rather some kind of modern tribalism, well, yes, i will say a little more about our war zone, in the town of borovai there is such a borivska community, where the russians want too move forward, the russians have only one goal for more than a year - this is kupyansk-nodal, that's why what to take kupelska myslovyts, take a place, a city of logistics, a city where you can... deliver all the resources by rail and then they will have a reliable rear behind them, and they have already been picking up kupyansk for more than a year,
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from now on from the western side they are picking up from the side vovchansk, and now they began to pick up from the southern side, from the side of borova, this town, which is located on the oskil river, south of kupyansk, and there last week it was announced in five settlements, five villages, which from well, if look at the map... along the otskil river are from borova in the direction of kupinsk, forced evacuation has been announced. forced evacuation of children. and they have already taken out some of the children, well, of course, with their parents, and there are still 22 children left, they have already announced, well, they are working with their parents to get them out, because it is constant shelling, they are going in a forest, and the russians are trying to enter from that side, so we also have such a hot spot, a boil has appeared. and before the important news, still from the kharkiv region, which i cannot ignore, yesterday the national academy of pedagogical sciences of ukraine awarded ms.
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to halyna kutska, a certificate for her contribution to the development of science and the formation of those who acquire patriotic consciousness, this is the moment on the german side, but thank you, it is not necessary, well, i was pleased that, you know, they give... some certificates, for science, for that , here precisely for the formation of patriotic consciousness, well, just to the point, well, for me it was always so important, for the students, no matter what i taught, but you know, to bring out the little bits of such a patriot with the student, because the territory is so eastern, the territory post-genocide, its territory eh, when this is the fourth generation after the famine, when people, so that they democratic practices spread. of them, this skill is necessary to keep silent, and not to show the initiative itself, it is necessary to stir things up, to say, but no, your ancestors
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showed the initiative. from cossack roots, and that is why it is necessary to work very hard here in a patriotic direction, i will tell you in general that a year ago the ministry of education sent a parliamentary request that in these front-line territories, well, it is not only kharkiv region, it is sumy region, chernihiv region , well we are taking it further south to introduce a small course in political science in all institutions of higher education, but it is mandatory for all majors, not only for humanities, for physicists, chemists, with... with such an emphasis on political regimes, so that people understand what democracy is different, like you, how to see that authoritarianism is approaching, that those tentacles of totalitarianism are coming in and do not allow democratic practices to develop, well , the ministry of education refused me, they said yes, no, but our universities are self-governing, themselves people decide, but, excuse me, why did we have such a high percentage of collaboration even among pedagogues, among teachers, because
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they don't have that. when, you know, a political scientist does not even have access to a teacher, to teach him these basics, what is power, what is democracy, how is it formed, this is a problem, and it must be stirred up, formed, it must be worked on, especially in the front-line territory, you know , yesterday i had such, just an informal conversation with one, with one acquaintance, who exactly, i just i know... i remember that you were born in drohobych, it seems, yes, yes, that is, you are a galician in kharkiv, relatively speaking, yes, but, but i have been a kharkiv woman for a long time, in me, you see in we are a family, a man, from kharkiv, i am of course, well, he is such a conditional galician landing party, but in kharkiv, but his story is quite the opposite, he married a woman from lviv and somewhere more, probably from the age of 15, as lives in lviv, and... and the conversation was about the fact that
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somehow it got into the fact that in odesa, in kharkiv, and further on there are many sufficiently pro-russian or eurosceptic sentiments, which was shown, by the way, here is a poll, this is a large municipal one, and here and there and this my friend said, how is this possible, in principle, they are bombed there every day, and i said, you know, well, in fact, there is enormous progress, an incredible prores, if you compare the results of the ninth poll with the same, i don't know, the eighth survey - but when is this question, when people ask you it, who say, well, how long can you cling to this russian peace , as much as possible for this russian language, as much as possible for this scoop to hold on instead, well, there is europe, there is ukraine, i have better practices, as you explain, what should be the approach, how should we treat the people of kharkiv, the people of odessa,
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who, well, i can't. to behave as if they were born in drohobych, conditionally speaking, true, how should we treat these manifestations? correct, you know, i am very worried about such an attitude, there is such a thing, when you come to western ukraine, sometimes they say that you yourself are to blame there, you called this russian peace with your russian language, it worries me terribly, i say, you apologize, that that you were born in such a territory, where at the same time you had everything... ukrainian language, ukrainian culture, this does not mean that you can tell people from above that something is wrong there, there was no great famine here, they did not simply destroy everyone here people were neither expelled nor sent away, here the fear of famine is quite strong in people, here even the students are different, i have already told more than once how students, when students fell into the same group with me, well, when there was still live education, for example, conditionally from lviv oblast, ternopil oblast and kharkiv oblast, from
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dnipropetrovsk region, that's very different... students from kharkiv region and dnipropetrovsk region were upset that they can't ask everyone why you galyna mykhailivna gave me such a score, for example. students from western ukraine ask everyone and explain to them, students from our territories will approach quietly in the corridor, that is, it is not about language, it is not about language now, we are not talking about language now, we are talking about some, i am talking about mentality, about settings, i.e. don't say anything here. don't say, let it be somehow, somehow it will happen by itself it will be resolved, and this is rolling and rolling, you know, yesterday i was standing at the kiosk, a girl spoke on the phone, well, in such a slobodan accent, so slobodan with my mother, mother , mother, that’s all, she just approaches the kiosk and begins to address the saleswoman in russian , i i'm standing like this, thinking, well, your native language is ukrainian, why do you use ...


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