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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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that it may take about a year, we will undergo an assessment of our legislation for compliance with european legislation, and it is not only about laws, it is about by-laws, it is about procedures, it is about rules, how they are written, how far they correlate with the practices of the european of the union, and at the same time we will go into the implementation of such a first cluster, the first direction, several chapters, which is called the basics, this is really what you gave in your material, it is about the rule of law, it is about rights and freedoms, about democratic institutions, about the balance of power, about anti-corruption measures, and these are all those things against the background of which ukraine will generally go through the path of integration, and these are all those things that the european union will pay close attention to until the very end of our changes , and if on... on this
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track, in this direction, we will demonstrate some stagnation or setbacks and systemic setbacks, then this can become, unfortunately, even an argument for the termination of these negotiations, so i think that everyone has understand this responsibility, in relation to time, how long it will take, of course, will depend on a large number of factors, starting, unfortunately, with hostilities, and the war we are in, ending with real political will and not sloganeering, real transformation. all these things will matter, just as it will matter how effectively and meaningfully the european union itself will work on its internal changes, and whether we will still succeed in separating this dependence of our accession process from the completion of internal reform. of the european union, for
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it is fundamental to us that, regardless of whether they have completed their internal transformations there or not, if we are ready, we can expect to enter. mrs. ivano, you are a person who has been dealing with the topic of european integration for more than the first month, not the first year, you are well versed in what is happening in europe, what are the moods there, and you know how other countries have gone through this path, here is your realistic forecast, does ukraine have a chance to join the european union by 2030 and become a full member? is it still about 2030 and beyond? i would love to we wanted to make it to 2030, as charles michel talked about it, and this is approximately the frame, the average frame of duration from application to membership, in which - which those countries that have already managed to do it successfully have passed, and on average it took time 7 years, and i would like it to be successful, whether it will be possible to be... again, to
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our previous part of our conversation, will depend on a lot of factors. you mentioned corruption, anti-corruption rather, you mentioned the rule of law, the legal framework that will be check and equate to the european union. in your opinion, what can become the main problem for ukraine's accession to the european union, as of now and in the future, to which the most questions can arise from the side of european politicians? well, it will depend. from whom and, let's say, those politicians from countries, for example, like sweden or denmark or the netherlands, will pay the main attention to precisely things that are related to this cluster of foundations, and this is about the rule of law, this is precisely about anti-corruption, this is about those challenges that we cannot cope with in any way, and other countries, such as poland for sure, maybe there are others there. i think that to
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a certain extent, france and belgium will also pay close attention to our development in the agricultural direction, we will have competitors in the same areas of transport and industry, and we will have serious challenges in terms of environmental protection and adaptation to norms of the european union, because they are very valuable, they are very serious, and in our country they are superimposed on very zero... serious challenges wars, mining territories, finding a large number of different weapons on our territory, destroying cities, villages and destroying the ecological microclimate in certain regions, so all these things, they will obviously be challenges for us, and these are different challenges in different areas and certainly different countries will set different conditions, and we see hungary with you. which will obviously continue to play its
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manipulative game, allegedly caring about the rights of national minorities, but in fact further fulfilling the tasks of the kremlin. thank you, ma'am. who joined, told how it is and what to expect. ivana klympushtintsadze, people's deputy of ukraine from the european solidarity faction and head of the specialized committee within the walls of the parliament, we talked about ukraine, which is joining the european union and negotiations are already starting. and the ukrainian military advanced within the boundaries of vovchansk, according to the american institute for the study of war. in particular, the shots published the day before in russian pro-war resources testify to the advance of the armed forces of ukraine within the limits of soborna street, which is in the center. part of the city. meanwhile, soldiers of the tsun assault regiment of the united assault brigade of the national police of ukraine lyud showed a video of the clearing of vovchansk from the russian military. the head of the kharkiv regional military administration , oleg senigubov, says that russian troops are trying to force the vovcha river, through which
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the front line passes. he stated this in the local newspaper dumka. and the last two days , after an almost week-long break, the russian military resumed attacks in... the liptsov direction, this can be seen from the reports of the general headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine. in particular, the latest report reports on fighting in the area of ​​the village of hlyboky. analysts of the deep state project say that the situation near hlyboki is quite tense. in total, there were eight attacks in the north of kharkiv region over the past day. and in addition, the russian military hit the population centers in this direction with guided aerial bombs and unguided aerial missiles. nazar voloshyn, spokesman for the operational-strategic grouping of khortets troops. reported that, due to heavy losses, the russian military was shifting units from other directions to the north of kharkiv region. and earlier last week, nazar voloshyn stated that the russian military was withdrawing its broken units from vovchansk. the russian ministry of defense reports active military operations in this direction. yuriy povkh, spokesman
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of the kharkiv operational-tactical group , is already in touch with us. congratulations. i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. kudos to the heroes, thank you for joining. regarding vovchansk, please tell us about the operative. installation in the city now and what kind of activity the russian forces are behind are you recording the last day there? in the last day , eight combat clashes took place in the area of ​​responsibility of kharkiv otu. on the current day, with the beginning of this day, the enemy launched two more attacks in vovchansk. our defense forces repulse these attacks and concentrate fire on the unit. which are advancing, in turn , the enemy carried out 20 airstrikes in the past day, carried out 26 strikes by kamikaze drones and carried out 321 shellings, that is, the situation remains quite and quite tense.
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please tell me the wolf river that was mentioned, through which the line essentially runs front, as the regional authorities of the kharkiv region say about it, how many attempts by the russian army to force it have already been, how active are they, how are they? the situation of attempts to ford the vovshcha river, kharkiv otu keeps records exclusively for itself, therefore we do not disclose the tactical situation in its development and generally do not comment on tactical episodes regarding the advance of our troops, until they are logically completed, at the same time the defense forces inflict. .. the enemy suffered significant losses, so over the past day the enemy lost killed and wounded on our direction of 146 people, also lost a large number of armored fighting vehicles, two artillery systems, eight vehicles,
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three units of special equipment, also our artillery and fpv drone operators destroyed 37 shelters of enemy personnel and destroyed. are there three places for storing ammunition, that is , the numbers speak for themselves, you can see that the situation here is quite tense, but the defense forces hold the lines and do not allow the enemy to advance in those directions where he concentrates his efforts, throwing, to be honest , completely without i feel sorry for you units, well, in fact, to certain death, that is, russian. continues to withdraw reserves to the vovchansk region in order to press and advance further. attacks, concrete and drawing up reserves are different actions of combat support and the conduct of hostilities. we state that the enemy is continuing attacks in certain directions in
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vovchansk, and certainly he is rotating his units on the line of battle, because such losses, well, they are quite noticeable. for the enemy, so he is forced to rotate, and where does he pull up the russian army, i.e. how prepared are the soldiers who arrive, they are recruits in the russian army, they are professional russian soldiers who are thrown in so that... they can hold the positions that have already been captured, what is known about this? there are replenishments in different directions, there are units and units being dragged from other directions of hostilities, there are such units that come from the depths of russia, well , a rather motley and large group of troops is operating in our direction. tell me, please, what is known about the aggregate plant earlier... it was also talked about, there was information that russian military personnel remain there, to whom there is no access, and
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food is literally being dropped there from drones, as is the situation there now, the russian military personnel remain at this plant, this enclave remains blocked by forces of the defense of ukraine, that is, the russian army has no access there, and there are still russian soldiers inside, you know, they are trying to get there, one of the directions in vovchansk is the one right in the direction of the plant, they carry out... attacks, but our defense forces their from repulse i want to ask one more question, which will concern kharkiv oblast, the ova regional military administration was informed that the city was hit by a kabo 250 and the ammunition was with wings with a gps module, that is, it is something modified and something else, that is the weapon that russia uses it in the kharkiv direction for attacks on kharkiv, how often does it modify it, how modernized, modified, dangerous are these cabs, and how many of them are there? to the russians, what do you know about the russian military? listen, well, cabs are not phenomena
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yesterday or today, they are constantly improving this technology, i think, taking into account the fact that the defense forces of ukraine currently, unfortunately, do not have parity with the russians in the air, so they use those tools, those means of impression that they can achieve. of our e-e battle orders and not only, which is characteristic of kharkiv region, this is mass armed terrorism against the local population, against m civilian objects, against, simply against civilians, we will not have enough air time to list even the last civilians objects that the russians actually destroyed using this means. yes, it is quite deadly, like everything that is in the arsenal
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of the russians, weapons, armaments, they are shelling kharkiv and the suburbs with them, so we do not have a 100% effective countermeasure yet, but i understand that the force defenses will soon find an antidote against this means of impression. thank you, mr. yuri, for joining in and telling us about the situation. yuriy povhrechnyk of the kharkiv operational-tactical group, a guest of our broadcast. russian captivity released 90 defenders of ukraine. these are national guardsmen, border guards, representatives of the naval forces, fighters of the armed forces of ukraine, and teroboronivtsi. as reported by the coordination center for the treatment of prisoners of war, 59 defenders of mariupol were among those released, 52 of whom were released from prison. five national guardsmen who defended chorno were also released. sku aas, hello, dear, my dear, mommy,
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mommy, i'm home, i'm home, this, it's not passed on, it's really, really bad, she just wants to see her relatives now. glory to the heroes, you scoliosis, listen to him, he's nearby, mom, i'm dogma, i'm already in ukraine, i've arrived in ukraine, yes, i'm coming, i've arrived, yes, that's it, i'm already home, don't worry, i promised you that i'll be back, as i left in the morning for mobilization, i promised i returned, i returned, mother, i fulfilled my promise, glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, the return of the boys. it is known that
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the prisoners were freed this time in particular through the mediation of the united arab emirates. i noted that according to the commissioner of human affairs of the russian federation tetyana moskalkova, 90 also returned to russia persons released from captivity from ukraine. moskalkova also reported that during this exchange in the belgorod region of russia, her representatives met with representatives of the ukrainian human rights commissioner and exchanged information about the possible release of civilians. who are in places of forced detention in the ukrainian public prosecutor's office did not report such details, however, they say that work on the release of prisoners continues. live chat is a place where you can... share your impressions, thoughts, yours comments are important to us, so write them and like the pages of radio liberty on all the platforms on which we are represented, i thank you for being with us for these 40 minutes, 45 minutes here on the air of radio liberty, on the air of espresso, my name is oleg galiv, this is the svoboda ranok project, our entire team wishes you a peaceful day and we will meet you on the air as usual
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remove the protective film and the mattress takes its shape. call now and order orthopedic ones. mattress, instead of the full price of the mattress, pay only half. so, friends, we are returning to ether, le vakulyuk andriy saichuk, in this studio we work for you until 12 o'clock. i will make an announcement soon. i would like to thank all those who have already donated to the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine for art reconnaissance today, and we... friends, we have collected quite a bit today, 37,000 in total, so far the owners or those people who donated to monobank card, 22,000 hryvnias accumulated there, 15,000 for a private person . let's see how it will be before the end of our broadcast, who will be in the lead? i hope that those who donated privately
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now they will take their phones in their hands, start scanning the qr code of the private bank, which is on the left, if facing the screen. or to write down the card number in order to chase away those who donate to the monobank, what is its qr code and card number, right, dear friends, no matter where you donate, it all goes into the same hands for the guys from the 100th brigade of the armed forces, and we need to collect 2.5 million, and we already have 1,163 thousand, and all this is thanks to you, the second hundred of the second million will be collected soon, i... hope so, at least we need not much for this, 37 00 still to collect , and we are from time to time, we continue to talk and we have mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, we will talk about ukraine's future in the european community, mr. mykola, we welcome you, i congratulate you, actually yesterday in luxembourg the minister for european affairs, all member states
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of the european union, as well as the ukrainian government the delegation announced the for... the beginning of the opening negotiations with ukraine, mr. mykola, what does this mean for ukraine, is it really a historic day, a historic time, and what's next? this, i would say, is a historical process, because it is a historical, truly historical day and time there will be a day and a time when we will become members of the eu. in order for us to become members of the european union, we will need to complete a lot of tasks related to... our legislative change, democratization, but there is still a significant part of these negotiations, because we must not lose by joining the eu. when poland joined the european union, it received from... huge, huge financial support. there are so-called funds that are provided even before that for reforming society and the state, and then funds that
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are provided for so-called equalization budgets, because the basic principle of existence in the european union is that it cannot be there, you cannot enter without borders from some rich germany and move to some poor country where people live in houses that are falling apart, and that is why the european union... equalizes budgets between different countries by subsidizing poor countries. and where does this money come from? this money is taken from rich countries. and rich countries will subsidize us only if we really are a democratic country, change the legislation and act according to the rules of the european union. there is, of course, another aspect, this aspect, well, i would say so, selfish, because there are countries that used to receive a lot of aid, like poland itself, for example, other countries - central europe, and now they will stop receiving it, and they will need to share in order for ukraine to receive these funds, whether they want to, all this is a whole series of serious questions and
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challenges facing us, that is, we really need to be the best student in this european union, and then the question arises whether we are ready to be like that, so this is the beginning extremely important historical process, i would answer your question like this, you know, by the way, in berlin, for example, during this... conference on the restoration of ukraine on the reconstruction of the summit and, in fact, there were many conversations and calls for the fact that ukraine must make reforms even during the war, radoslav sikorsky, for example, said, insisted that ukraine must reform during the war, even more than waiting for the end of the war, whether this call will be heard, and whether we stand now firmly on this path of reforms? listen, today i even wrote a post on facebook on social networks, what this means for practically every person, so yesterday everyone
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discussed the trial of mykola tyschenko, who really shamefully beat a former military serviceman, motivated by the fact that he is fighting the so-called centers, what are call centers, call centers are groups of people who call pensioners and everyone else and... start telling you that your card is blocked, you have violated something, give us your number and we will help you, we call from your bank is actually stealing money from that card, that's what these call centers and many other scams do, there are a million of them, and that sort of thing thrives, just like gambling, when the country is poor, uh, when people have trust, when people worry that they will be deceived, it is also most relevant during the war, no one thought about the fact that, first of all, tyshchenko was not the first to start... so to speak, to fight with call centers, he was dmytruk is also a former representative of the servants of the people, er, well, in fact, they engage in racketeering, they come to bandits and say: share with us, we will
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give you a roof, these are the 90s. but the question arises not only for racketeers, but also for those who allow these criminal, so to speak, businesses, fraudulent schemes to exist. and no one asks about this question. this means that the law enforcement system and courts are not working. this means that there is administrative pressure on the system, and these are the main requirements of our european integration, and this is such a simple example from koli tyshchenko before how we are not ready for european integration, i gave you, and there are thousands of such examples, and when how not to build a better country during the war, because if we want to be accepted not only into the european union, but also into nato, provide us with weapons, help, we must be an example of democracy and an example of reforms, and here i... with minister sikorskyi absolutely agrees with this, by the way, about the example of democracy, this year's index of democracy from the journal city, one of the more authoritative
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such indicators, which analyzes from dozens, dozens, or rather different parameters, ukraine on the european continent, if you do not count belarus, in fact, except in bosnia, it seems that a similar situation is marked as a hybrid regime, that is, on... even, even moldova, for example, is marked as imperfect, but democracy, ukraine is a hybrid regime, can a country with a hybrid regime enter of the european union, this is the first question, and the second is, can there be any alternative in this hybrid regime, what we need to change in order to be considered, albeit an imperfect, but full-fledged democracy, well, i really remember the speech of the first president of poland , the founder jointly. one of the founders of solidarity, lech wałęc , was in gdańsk, it seems to me , the year before last, and he spoke and said: what is the most important thing, what we succeeded in, that we managed to win poland
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there. there is also a question about polish democracy, but it is leveling off, democracy is young, but what did wałęsa say: i managed to separate the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government, they act independently, this is the main sign of democracy, we have a different understanding of democracy, and this understanding, which we have is not democratic, it is not democracy in us i do not accept the understanding that the president runs the country. now it is not important to talk about who is in this position, our country is parliamentary-presidential, but the most important thing is that the full parliament must be independent from the president, the courts must be independent from both the president and the parliament, as well as law enforcement system, we don't have that, we have control from one place, and all the media write about it, it 's not a secret there by one or two people, and obviously it's not a sign of democracy, there are many
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discussions in society. eh, and what is better, or maybe during the war we need to have an authoritarian regime? this is an extremely false opinion, because our authoritarian regime will be weaker than the authoritarian regimes of russia and china, while remaining without the support of the democratic countries of the usa and the european union. this means that ukraine will essentially lose its independence and become part of russia. this is our only option in an authoritarian regime. therefore, nato and the european union are a salvation for... our independence and for our nation, and in order to save ourselves, we must pull our hair out out of the mud, as the hero of famous works baron munchausen once did, this is exactly why we need to build a democratic system. mr. mykola, you mentioned the example of mykola tyshchenko and compared it with the 90s, with the racket from the 90s, you communicate with european politicians, yesterday there was an investigation about the anonymous telegram channel joker, and about
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its owner. and in this investigation , a journalist who may soon become, for example, your colleague in the parliament, the 153rd, the investigator writes about the fact that even european politicians are already paying attention to ukrainian anonymous telegram channels, how do you communicate with european colleagues, how do they assess the level of our freedom of speech, what year are we in, are we now in 2024, are we experiencing a rollback? well, this is also such a hybrid freedom. words, because we understand very well that the question is not who owns the channel, you can also now open a telegram channel during the commercial break in your studio, but in order to read it, you must have two sources, you must firstly have a lot of money, that is , funding, and secondly, showers from the powerful institutions, and the problem is that the authorities decided to build their propaganda on anonymous telegram channels and restriction of freedom of speech through the marathon. it is obvious that it does not work effectively, it will bring harm
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to the government itself. but here is my law on the regulation of access networks, which does not prohibit anyone, it only allows the state to limit fraud, manipulation, lies through various social networks, this law is not even brought to committee meetings, i am not talking about parliamentary meetings, because they they do not see another way of management for themselves, because they do not want to build democracy, these are all connected things, so it's not about some, excuse me, petty crook who takes money from the authorities and tries to... blackmail businesses, there are many of them, this is another type of call center, that , that such people enter the parliament, they are now in the parliament, an example is tyshchenko, dmytrouk and many others who were brought by the government, these are exactly the same people, they just fight with the same people as them, sometimes they fight and very often with the opposition, that's why they were brought there, we remember it perfectly, because the government uses them, then the government destroys them, when they start quarreling with each other like
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spiders, this has nothing to do with democracy... and we have to build a strong, stable democracy, where only law and the rule of law can say who is guilty, who is news, somewhere for the court to make such a decision, or for an effective investigation to be conducted, the authorities and no one from the authorities will interfere, that is our main task. thank you for participating in our broadcast, mykola knyazhyts, people's deputy of ukraine, we talked with him about the european future of ukraine, negotiations with the european union have begun, dear friends, and now it's 10 in the morning. and iryna koval appears and we will listen and watch about what happened in ukraine and the world in the last hour. iro, you have a word. thank you lesya, well, we will find out in the news release how this night passed in different regions of our country, after the night shelling by the russians, so wait, i will tell you more about everything in the release.


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