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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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can cope with even the thickest weeds and at the same time are practically silent, no more heavy lawn mowers, grease or gasoline for refueling, only convenience and a well-kept area, order right now, light, powerful and reliable kors trimmers, only from 79 uah. offer is limited, call. it's 12 o'clock in ukraine, and right now i will tell you about the most important events that happened in ukraine and in the world. greetings to all
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viewers of the espresso tv channel. so volodymyr zelenskyi came on a working visit to donetsk region, where the president held a meeting on security and support for people. it is about evacuation, restoration of housing and other social issues. in addition, the head of state listened to the reports of our defenders and officially introduced the new commander of the united forces andriy hnatov to the military. and there will be a separate conversation in kyiv, in particular with government officials who should. to be both here and in other places, near the front, in complex communities where people need immediate solutions, solutions that are simply not visible from kyiv, and i was surprised that some prominent government officials did not were here for six months or more, there will be a serious conversation and i will draw appropriate conclusions about them. in the morning, the russians hit chernihiv oblast with a jet. volley
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fire was fired at the horodnya community, the head of the region, vyacheslav chaus, said. residential buildings were destroyed as a result of the attack. fortunately, no one was hurt. at night, the russians dropped a guided aerial bomb on selidovo in donetsk region, the city's military administration informs. as a result of the impact , the building of the state emergency service was destroyed . six were also damaged high-rise buildings and 37. private houses, information about the victims is currently being clarified. prepared missile strikes on bukovina. the security service detained a 36-year-old resident of chernivtsi. the attacker wanted to join the ranks of russian soldiers. so he remotely approached the occupiers and offered them help. and for the persuasiveness of his intentions, the flag of ukraine was set on fire in the video. the traitor also sent geo-locations to the russians.
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fuel and lubricant depots in the city. currently, the traitor faces up to 15 years behind bars. beatings, abuse and even torture electric current. unfortunately, ukrainians are well aware that it is russia that is capable of such inhuman atrocities. but will it ever be possible to find and punish the guilty? before the international day of support for victims of torture, we tried to figure out who and how you can attract from. see further for details. no one shall be subjected to torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. article 28 of the constitution of ukraine. every year on june 26, the whole civilized world unites in support people who have become victims of torture and those who are being tortured today. despite the absolute ban on cake. international law, russia
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continues to disregard both generally accepted conventions and universal human principles. first on the crimean peninsula, then on the territories of donetsk and luhansk regions, and later in other regions of ukraine. the russian federation began to kidnap and torture people, and almost immediately it turned into a system. it is about purposeful, identical methods, and they are not rationalized. which suggests that they are not simply applied by someone there who oversteps his authority, such as an ex-executor, systematically. it cannot be said that the high russian leadership, the governor there, as representatives of the executive power, or at the federal level, they are not involved. it is almost impossible to blame the torturers directly, but the so-called principle of responsibility comes into force here. commanders and civilian
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superiors, not only those who abused, but also those who gave criminal orders will be held accountable, because torture is one of the most serious violations of human rights and... it is quite possible be considered both a war crime and a crime against humanity, they can be prosecuted, including as crimes against humanity, just as serious, but they are, let's say, the result of large-scale and systemic or government policies, they are more difficult to prove, they are more serious, so even if they are not crimes, they are definitely war crimes, at the level of the victim state. can turn to law enforcement agencies and public organizations, but with the search for justice at the international level everything is a little more complicated, since russia was expelled from the council of europe, new applications against the russian federation cannot be considered in the european court of human rights, however, you can appeal to the
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un human rights committee or the relevant committees against torture. this body is functioning, russia. did not come out of the additional protocol, the faculty, well, the optional protocol, which gives this quasi-judicial authority the authority, and accordingly it can issue judgments, judgments against the russian federation, and they must be implemented, while the european court no longer has the authority, has no jurisdiction at the moment, but continues to hear old cases. regarding such crimes, ukraine cooperates with the international criminal court. currently, the office of the prosecutor general has registered more than 450 criminal proceedings on the fact of ill-treatment and torture of prisoners of war and more than 2100 on the facts of torture of civilians. we are aware that the full figures are much higher, because
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thousands of our compatriots are still being held in temporarily occupied territories and on the territory of the aggressor's country. ukrainian prosecutors and investigators discovered more than 160 torture chambers and places of detention where the enemy kept and tortured our people, and tortured during the temporary occupation. in total , 265 persons were notified of suspicion for cruel treatment of civilians, 12 for crimes against ukrainian prisoners of war, and 73 war criminals have already received sentences for torture and cruel treatment of civilians. in particular, on january 3 this year for 15 years. denys kulikovskyi, the main executioner of isolation, got to play. as of june 2024 , victims of torture in ukraine and more than 3,800 civilians and more than 2,200 prisoners of war were recognized as inhumane treatment. however, such figures are far from reality. russia
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tortures thousands of ukrainians every day, while the whole world is watching and condemning, the russian federation will continue to act. well , the espresso tv channel is calling to join the collection of drones and equipment for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of flycombo mavics and five 3t mavics. quadcopters are eyes in the sky that keep an eye on safety and security provide an opportunity to confidently move forward, and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our military. we need to collect 2.5 hryvnias, so do not waste time and join the collection for our defenders. mark rutte, the new secretary general of nato, reported this in the press service of the north atlantic alliance.
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representatives of all 32 member states of the alliance voted for his candidacy. mark rutte, the head of the government of the netherlands, will replace jens stoltenberg, who was the secretary general. for 10 years since 2014. rutte will take up his duties already in october meanwhile, viktor orbán will leave for france today. there, he and president emmanuel macron will talk about ukraine and hungary's eu presidency, european media reports. the entourage of the french leader said that this visit is an opportunity to prepare for the leaders' summit. military support for ukraine and the expansion of the european defense industry will also be an important issue. such was the news at that time. i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you, i wish you a good continuation of today. you can read more news as usual at
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our website also follow us on social networks and watch our unique content on youtube. well, meet my colleague at 2 p.m. the beginning of the path of great opportunities. ukraine has officially started negotiations on joining the european union. a complex process of several years is ahead. will ukrainians take part in the next elections to the european parliament? double standards of the kremlin. the criminal russian authorities blame the victim of their aggression for retaliating. as? putin took all the civilians hostage occupied crimea. general sodol in opal.
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the dismissal of the commander of the united forces of the armed forces was preceded by a scandal with accusations of incompetence and loss of territories. what other changes in the military leadership does mp bezugla foretell. congratulations to all viewers of the espresso channel, this is the verdict program. without serhiy rudenko today, i will be in his place, and serhiy will be back soon and will host the following programs with you. today we will talk with you traditionally about the events of the day, about the most important event, probably from the point of view of history of an independent country, about the fact that... that ukraine is still taking a huge step towards joining the european union, about the summit, we will
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talk about the ukrainian victory, about how the hostilities are going on now, about the threats that we have for our country, well, about everything that worries you, worries the country, and everything that concerns ukraine and the world. ah, traditionally, in this program we will start with... actually with a short video about how our defenders, our soldiers destroy the russian occupiers, about how, in fact, they every day, every every minute, every hour they try to knock the russians out of our territory. let's see how the gur fighters destroyed the russian munitions warehouse in the voronezh region, at night on... the sites with shells, the total area of ​​which is more than 3,500 square meters, there was
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a fire with a detonation, which, by the way, continues to this day, let's see, here it is - because of this at 3:00 a.m. they woke up. glory to ukraine, glory to our defenders, glory to all who help the army every day to destroy the occupiers on our territory. we are also starting our program traditionally from a survey in which you can participate. today it sounds like this. are you satisfied with the results of the global peace summit? if so, you can pick up your phones, your smartphones and call 0800 211381, if you think you're not
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happy with these results, call 0800 300 211 382. all your calls are free. well, traditionally, we continue our program of communication with guests, experts, and people. who create today's history of our country. roman the immortal, ukrainian politician, diplomat, former ambassador of ukraine to belarus, people's deputy of ukraine, of several convocations, joins our airwaves now. mr. roman, good evening. good evening. mr. roman, as you already understand, we will start with probably the most important event. this is the beginning of negotiations on the accession of ukraine to the european union, do you
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think that this is a formal date as of now, a formality of some kind, or is this really an event of a significant scale, which will be discussed in the future to speak, which will be studied in history textbooks during the next there or in decades, it is very important. action in the history of ukraine, and it is important not only because this process will take place in the conditions of russian aggression, in russian-ukrainian conditions. war, it is also important because it follows a scenario, and an individual one, because if we try to compare a similar order that was with other states, even with those who are now standing next to us in the queue, then we will see a very significant discrepancy in parameters, pace and so on. now here it is important to bear
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in mind that in ukraine such... yam special attention is always paid, and if you take these tracks today, let's say, such as ukraine's accession to nato, ukraine's accession to the european union, they have always been very loud, they were very informatively served loudly, well, remember at least for many countries such a simple and a silent process, such as joining the world trade organization, or joining the council of europe, is always the case in ukraine. it looks loud, it is always very much so, it is discussed in a meaningful way, despite the fact that in the current situations of russian aggression it would seem that this thing should go away on the back burner, but it now already occupies a very important part of our lives, i am not talking about the information space, and probably not
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for the first time, but understanding, we can compare with other... states, the process of negotiations is given such importance, and it is not so difficult to see how it will proceed, on what conceptual basis, and already now the interest in this process in ukraine is much higher than in similar cases in other countries, so all this indicates that the accession negotiation process for ukraine is very important, because, firstly, it affects... the lives of ukrainians, and secondly, this is the coincidence of joining the eu and the start of negotiations with the fact that ukraine is in a state of war, it will give a very serious information leak and very informational, a serious blow, including to the enemy, to the enemy, and this must be understood, because for the enemy, for
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the moscow führer, ukraine's entry into the eu. well, this is another noose around his neck. the european union also believes that the accession of ukraine and moldova is extremely important, including for them. in particular, the chapter in a special video message, ursula funderlaijen of the european commission announced that the european union has officially started negotiations on the accession of ukraine and moldova. let's go. let us now hear what mrs. ursula fonderlein had to say. today, the eu opens negotiations on the accession of ukraine and moldova. we are on the threshold of a pivotal moment for these two countries. together we can create a bigger
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and more promising europe. the road ahead will not be easy, but also full of great opportunities. mr. roman, if we are talking with from the point of view of the european union, we understand that for them the accession of ukraine and moldova is also very important, and this process is very important. so, in your opinion, how far is it now in the european union in general, even among those states that may have been quite skeptical about it. to ukraine there is this unity, regarding the as soon as possible, at least from their side, from their side, the accession of two states, in particular ukraine to the eu, joining the european union? well, you see, if we only touched on these seven tracks, there would be 35 or so
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36 questions, then i don't see a big problem there, because it's all working. things that are currently on the desks of all government officials, in the parliament, local authorities, and local self-government, and they are achievable and achievable in the shortest terms. that now in the european union in the european community itself, the position there is also very favorable, if not for individual exotic fragments, and the exotic fragments are hungary, because... here we can also talk about the final vote that will have to be held in the hungarian parliament, i already not talking about what will have to be listened to at all these conferences, and... hungarian remarks, which are far from the subject of discussion, because it is visible during, especially the last five years, when it would seem that there is no reason to put up
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any barriers, but it is obvious , that the call from moscow, and the team to orban, the prime minister of hungary, and is launched into work, or siarto or some diplomat, who starts to spoil ukraine's road to the european community, this is the first you'. it should be calmly passed, understanding that avoiding these chatter is all right will not succeed, understanding that it is not the hungarian people who speak, but moscow who speaks, but with the voice of orbán, or petr siartó, or any other representative of hungary, it is very important here to distinguish between these things, now one more thing, this slovak, because fico, robert fico and his... team, they have already started to appear, somewhat less than orbán and his team, but they will also put sticks in the wheels little by little, and here too
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, additional conversations and chatter cannot be avoided, so and in fact they will not relate in most cases to these technical questions, because in fact, there are no global things left, there are just technical issues that need to be resolved. whether to make changes to the laws, whether to make changes to the by-laws, whether to make institutional changes, whether to increase somewhere, create some additional authorities to abolish or strengthen the independence of individual ones and so on, that is, i want to emphasize once again that all of this is work issues, and ukraine is constantly working on them with varying degrees of success in different directions, but even if you look at the report... which has been sent to the european commission for the past three years, progress can be seen there in all parameters, if you compare among all the current six
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candidates, i am the main candidates, i do not insert turkish here, because they have been standing in this queue in these blue halls for a long time and it is not known whether they will get out of there, then ukraine is the most dynamic is moving in absolutely all indicators, but i want to emphasize once again that there is a state in the european community. who carry out moscow's command in this matter, and from them we must expect stepping stones, barriers and additional thresholds, but we must treat this completely calmly and persistently move towards the european community. and here is such a short question, if we are already talking about these thresholds or barriers, to what extent can hungary or slovakia delay ukraine's accession to the european union? or is it some kind of insignificant term? well, from my point of view, first of all, there is room for maneuver here, in particular, the behavior of the hungarians
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suggests that they screw up, screw up, then at one point some button is pressed, well, everything shows that this button is either in washington or in the european central bank, either in berlin or in london, well, the scheme is already visible, this button is pressed, but everything is fine... there is a certain pause here, if we take financial issues, then it is about a month or a half, as for political consensus issues, then we will have to vote in the hungarian parliament, and here, from my point of view, this is also important the button that will work, and the fact that inside hungary the situation has now turned sour, and orbán has a very serious competitor , madjor, and therefore it is obvious that he will maneuver, well... and one more thing that affects now hungarian politics: visited by peter sijart, minister of foreign affairs at the last international
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economic conference in st. petersburg showed that they are being kicked out little by little from the court of moscow and the kremlin, which means that a turn in these issues is brewing in budapest, because it was clear, just as in the work of... the ambassador to the european commission , when the issue of starting negotiations was considered, the process literally took a week, when hungary came to its senses and the ambassador, the representative of hungary voted for the start of this process, that is, it is clear that a whole complex of things affects hungary, so from from my point of view, this is the maximum that the führer of moscow can count on. in the actions of orbán's ally, this is before the end of the term, the term ends very close in the current government of hungary, that is, this means,
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this is the maximum... reserve, and that is why i look at the situation very optimistically, that is, ukraine can easily become a member of the european union next year, if no force majeure happens. by the way, you have already mentioned certain dates, yes, about when ukraine can become a member of the european union, including representatives ukrainian authorities name certain years, for example, people's deputy. of ukraine, deputy head of the committee on ukraine's integration with the european union, maria mezentseva. she stated that ukraine could become a member of the eu in 2029. let's listen. i hope that in a five-year period, ukraine will be able to complete its homework, which is a difficult 35 chapters
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of technical documentation in... completely different areas of our daily life, and maybe it will happen that we will be able to run for the next election cycle in 29 th year well, that's it ms. maria is talking about the year 2029, someone is talking about the year 2030, that is, in general, we are approximately within the framework there, relatively speaking, five to six, maybe seven years. how much do you think we need? years to cross this entry point, and if we're talking, would you agree that 2029 or 2030 could really be that year? well, from my previous answer, you probably understood that when i hear 40th, 30th there, i feel funny inside, yes, the fact is that if you now look at the procedure, which
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whether ukraine goes to the eu or nato, then all the norms, standards, rules that were written either in the traffic rules or in the regulations of the european community are already there, they ended up in usbich a long time ago, and the situation now looks like this, that these processes are not dictated by the mutual relations between ukraine, the european union, ukraine and nato or the situation inside ukraine, because if you take these 35, then half of them are connected with the war process, and it is not possible to fulfill them even with any desire, but this means that on these issues positions will be adopted that will have a backlash certain, and this is obvious and understandable, in the current situation, because today ukraine is more needed by the european union
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than the european union by ukraine. precisely in connection with russian aggression, i emphasize this, ukraine has become a colossal source of resources for many programs of the european community, including international programs, because no one could imagine that the country, state and society, which is waging a ten-year war, will be able to export 30 million grains every year in war conditions. i don't say anymore there are things that are connected. with the energy complex, with the resources of the extractive industry and so on, this is all in fact in these positions and provisions of 35 of these documents, they are all indicated there according to six key clusters, and here it is important to understand that the decisions that will be made now in the coming years, so they will be somewhere within the framework of certain regulations. and
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procedural norms, but to talk about the fact that in the current conditions, whether in matters of security, or in matters related to the food, energy crisis, someone will read these regulations, understanding at the same time that ukraine's entry into the eu today is a salvation, including africa, from starvation, well, in such a situation, it is obvious that ukraine has... a certain carte blanche in these matters, and it is obvious that in these positions will have special procedures for achieving, well, those parameters that must be achieved from the point of view of compliance, well, however, if you look at all these provisions, then most of them are a norm - a change in the regulatory framework, except for things that concern, say, economic standards, standards
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competition where the technological process needs to be worked out.


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