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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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talk about the fact that in the current conditions, whether in matters of security, or in matters related to the food, energy crisis, someone will proofread these regulations, while understanding that today ukraine's accession to the eu is a salvation, in including africa from starvation, well, with such a situation, it is obvious that ukraine has a certain carte blanche in these matters. and it is obvious that for these positions there will be special procedures for achieving, well, those parameters that must be achieved from the point of view of compliance. well, but if to look at all these provisions, then most of them are a norm - a change in the regulatory framework. in addition to things related to, say, economic standards, competition standards, where the technological process needs to be worked out. everything else, it
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will rise quickly enough, but it is obvious that special positions will be introduced on the entry into force of certain normative acts, because they cannot act due to objective force majeure reasons. another important topic that i would like to discuss with you is the global peace summit, its results, more than a week has already passed since it happened this week we saw that some states are joining in signing the actual communique, seven participants have already joined during this time, here let's now listen to what the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy has to say about this. another country, malawi, joined the kamenyuke peace summit. more african representation in global efforts for... peace means more pressure on
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russia to stop this criminal aggression, and the more countries and leaders there are with us, with ukraine, the sooner we will return to full force of the un charter. we see that countries are joining, we understand that there may be some more accessions, in your opinion, mr. roman, but we have already passed 10 days after the global peace summit. during these 10 days, has your point of view regarding its results changed, should we expect any additional states that will put their signatures, and is it possible that someone, even now after a certain time , will withdraw his signature from the communique? well , there will be more in this process, and it is obvious that it is dynamic, let's talk about some... tics
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approach in this matter is absolutely inappropriate, because it is clear that today the world is in the stage of definition, that is , polarization is taking place, an axis of evil is being formed around russia, iran and china, and a coalition of good, democracy, freedom is being formed, where the key password is the word ukraine, and obviously that this process will continue now, and here it is very important to understand that the forum itself, by itself, is already the implementation of, let's say, the course for the formation of a coalition of freedom as soon as possible, i will call it that, a coalition of freedom, because even a conversation on the topic where the password is ukraine, without making any decisions, is already an answer to... on whose side, and actually it is very
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good that someone joins, someone is determined, it becomes clear that this is your ally, and an associate, is it your adversary, the enemy, which means he ends up in the camp of your enemy, it is very important to see this world today, and as for the topic of the content of this process, from my point of view, the further development of this forum should result in the development of a draft resolution of the un general assembly, and like most such initiatives at the end ends were adopted by the general assembly, it should happen here as well, if the collapse of those who defend the charter, who defends international law, who defends the world order for. on the rules, they will gather and
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offer their understanding and vision in a corresponding document, which will unite the entire list, starting with four. of the first ones, because there are not three, there are actually four, if you look carefully, at the first, at the first summit, it is very important, i am not saying that it is super important, that during the summit the same thesis that was voiced by george maloney, the chairman the council of ministers of the republic of italy, which said that we must put forward such rules that the moscow führer will accept, if he... does not accept them, we must force him to surrender, this is the pinnacle of the first summit, she is simply asking for applause, because eh -th things that sounded before that and related to
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three positions, there nuclear safety, food safety, humanitarian law, in conditions of global or continental and regional conflicts, they are super important. but the direction of the movement, ah, of the summit, of its participants, is with this tonality with the content that was given to george milona, ​​it is absolutely correct, because it gives an answer to the question about the formation of the freedom coalition, and it is very important now not to stop talking about the next, ah, such meetings. i can tell you that from the beginning of the appearance. to this idea, i was very skeptical, understanding that both my own and others would be used here, but the very process of this summit, it showed that both as an idea and as an organizational form, from the point of view, even the transformation of ramstein into an active headquarters, and
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the freedom coalition, this is a very important thing, i already i'm not talking about the fact that the summit can, under such conditions, turn into a kind of political ramstein, where heads of state, defense ministers, chiefs of staff, who meet in the ramstein format, will sit, it is no coincidence that the number of heads of state who attended the summit is the same with the number of countries participating in the ramstein format, this is a very important thing, it cannot be missed, and it should be emphasized. by the way, we would like to remind our viewers about the survey we are currently conducting, and it reads as follows: are you satisfied with the results global peace summit you can pick up your phone or smartphone and vote yes or
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no if you think yes you vote 0.800 211 3801 if you think no you call 0800 211 380. all your calls are absolutely free. mr. roman, another topic i would like to discuss with you is the next package of sanctions by the european union against russia, it is already the 14th. and this time it concerns energy, finance and trade. if we go into detail, then the list includes 116. legal entities and individuals, well, let's not list them, but here is the key question, this package of sanctions, as devastating as it is for russia, is it a joke, or is it just another small
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step against the occupying state? to describe it accurately, it is a gradual tightening of the noose around the neck. that is, strangulation will not occur from this, but i would add to the list that you mentioned, this is transport and, in fact, lessons from the implementation of previous sanctions and mechanisms for punishing those who violate sanctions, especially third countries, because if you take the list of the countries that have come under sanctions, the package includes all five central asian states, saudi arabia, china, and even some european business structures that were incorporated into schemes through third and fourth countries to supply russia or
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dual technologies , or dual -purpose goods and so on, that is, in fact , this is the last section that deals with... sanctions against sanctions violators, from my point of view, it deserves the most attention, in particular, there, if you take the list of all the sectors that... were named by you, the energy sector is especially important, where it is about stopping fictitious contracts, secondly, about the arrest of a fictitious fleet that sails under fictitious contracts or under foreign flags, there is a very important thing there, where it is about the prohibition of transshipment whether in neutral waters or in the waters or ports of european states, especially liquefied, but... gas, but the same applies to oil and petroleum products carried out by the so-called
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shadow fleet of the russian federation. it is very important in this matter in the field of transport the fact that the licensing and licenses of those enterprises that violated the previous sanctions and carried out, including transportation by water, land and rail transport, are suspended. cargoes of russia, it is also very important, because a number of enterprises that did not listen to the previous sanctions were included in that list. it is very important that in the banking sector business entities are prohibited from connecting to internal russian information systems during calculations, because after the world refused to continue providing swift to the russian federation, then... a number of business entities have joined domestic russian systems,
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they are now prohibited from doing so in the future, and the important thing is that parent companies will now be obliged to monitor what their subsidiaries in third countries are doing, concluding contracts with sub by economic entities that conduct joint economic activities with russian enterprises. i can list all these measures further, but from the point of view of such, you know, technological strikes, not general political phrases, but technological strikes, the 14th the package is very effective, and it is obvious that it will be this noose on the neck of the moscow führer's economy, his cliques will be tightened more and more, from my point of view, these are the approaches... which are demonstrated in the 14th package, they are very important, i'm not saying
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that there is clearly a passport for ukraine regarding various kinds of cultural, ethnographic, scientific values ​​that were stolen during the occupation of the territory of ukraine by russian troops, and are now exported and sold through the black market and so on, there are obligations to all country. us to take action regarding the extraction and return of these values ​​to ukraine, that is why the package is effective, it is important, at the same time, well, in particular there, let's say, there are restrictions that apply to individual applications, there are gaps, and i can tell you from my own experience that these scumbags are the greatest danger, that is, if the principle does not work, but there are exceptions, then all the exceptions are... where can the camel be dragged, but can
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this package of sanctions actually be considered a certain political signal, at least political for those countries , which help russia, or at least business entities that help russia in supplying, for example, weapons or some other elements that the occupiers need for terror. our country, well, in particular, the topic related to dual technologies, war goods, it is the largest mentioned in all the sanctions that were adopted, and if we take countries, then these sanctions will hit china, saudi arabia, and all other intermediaries the most, which during this time played the role of a third party and... and by the way, and turkey, a very serious blow to turkey, because if if you look at last year's indicators,
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the turnover in some countries increased by five or eight times, this was a clear indication that various closed, fictitious schemes for the supply of dual -use goods, or even components of weapons, armaments or even ammunition, are used there in... this document contains the most such moments, such safeguards. now, in terms of the political signal, if you take the 14th package of sanctions and the... the sanctions that were signed two weeks ago by president joseph biden, which will come into effect in the third decade of september, then such a blow to those who wag their tails and cannot in any way decide who they are with, in these 10 years, the 11th year is already underway, there was no such blow, that is, it is a very serious, common and from my
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point of view, it is a synchronized step, because what... the sanctions signed by president biden close the holes in the previous sanctions, that the 14th package was adopted by the european union, however, both the first and the second, it does not completely block oxygen, here we must admit in this and understand that the improvement of the sanctioned politics, it still needs further work, by the way... in general, we see that the european union mobilized as much as possible to help ukraine, including in the security situation, that is, we are talking about the purchase of weapons, well, we understand , that somewhere about to be signed, including a security agreement between ukraine and the european union, but, as always
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, hungary is against it, and here we see what is really happening. the european union is trying to somehow get out of this situation, or to save hungary's face, or it is clear that to save face in general for the entire european union within the framework of hungary, and within the framework of relations with hungary, and in particular there is information that the eu has developed a legal scheme to bypass hungary's veto on its own supply of weapons to ukraine. by the way, at the expense of the same frozen assets of the russian federation. let's hear what josep borel has to say about it. we have these revenues from frozen assets. we have to find a way to use them, avoiding any blocking. we have a process in place to make this work quickly.
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the first tranche of money will arrive next week in july, the second in a few months. money cannot be stuck, it should be used. we have a legal procedure. and mr. roman, i have two questions for you. the first question is what this draft security agreement between ukraine and the european union, which is also about to be signed, provides for. as far as it is expected, again, according to radio liberty, it can be as early as june 20. 7, yes, and the second question is what mr. josep borel says about the mechanisms by which to make it impossible blocking, whether by hungary, or even by any other state, whether such a mechanism will be effective and how quickly we can expect this help, at least
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at the expense of the frozen funds of the occupying state, well... the first, and the most important thing here, is understand that the decisions of the european parliament, the european commission, and the council of the european union, they are implemented by national parliaments, national governments, based on those guidelines that will be adopted by the european union, its institutions, and i do not see here in the principle of the problem, what... not to say goodbye to orban , what do you want there and he can knock on his feet, especially when we are talking about these so-called, as the europeans say, immobilized funds of russia, subjects of the russian federation, they are today 90% of them are in one european country, it is belgium, it is no coincidence that if
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you analyze the last three months, alexander de crowe... he does not leave the press, television, mass media, he is a very important figure in this situation, because everyone understands perfectly well that the influence on situation, there are two answers to this situation, there are two institutions, it is the central bank of europe and the government of belgium, by the way, according to the results of the elections to the european parliament, dekrow resigned because his party took third place there. third place, if i'm not mistaken, in this way i see no problem in ukraine receiving both the first tranche and the second tranche, and all 50 billion. which was discussed at the meeting of the big seven, and during more than one presentation voiced by ursula funderlajen or other leaders of the european
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communities, i hope that they will very quickly sit down in their offices there, and this work will begin, will be put on stream. at the same time , i am concerned about what is happening in the european union so far. there is no solution, but where to buy? to date, part of the orders have been placed at rain metal, at some other enterprises, but this is not enough, because if you pay attention to what peter pavel, the czech president, his minister of foreign affairs and minister of defense says, the european community extends, continues jumping around on this issue, my belief... is that the first and second tranches, which should come this year, because the whole amount should come this year, according to the decision of the european union, from the statements of the g7
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, it should be mainly posted on the answers to questions related to the provision of ukraine with the necessary components, weapons and ammunition. based on this, i can say that looking at how the situation is developing now... i have no doubt that after the european union acquires its own government, there will be all officials in the offices, they will be able to stimulate and speed up the decision-making on the receipt of these funds to ukraine, this is super important, it is very important, especially since the plans that were adopted by the end of the year include the supply of ammunition, equipment, and machinery. to ukraine, in the amount that will be supplied to the united states of america, will result in an estimated balance in the balance of forces between ukraine, the armed
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forces of ukraine and the armed forces of the enemy. thus, this is the first thing that needs to be talked about, followed by and for which it is necessary within reason, in relations with friends and partners. to make a claim, because starting last year, in a few months it will be two years that we have been revolving around this topic, we cannot launch it in any way, this is firstly, secondly, from my point of view, this figure that is called at the meeting of the big seven, regarding the total amount of reparations, and there are 430, in my opinion, 6 billion, it is worthy of talking about... the need for additional mechanisms for using the so-called frozen assets, because 50 billion is the sixth part, or even the seventh part
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of what is now only in europe, i am not talking about the united states now, it is not about confiscating these funds, but launching them through securities, through bonds, through other documents , which is quite possible in this case as well. it is necessary , including the european union and the central bank , to work on ensuring that these funds are used, we are satisfied with the position voiced by the great sinka that russia will never receive these funds until it is settled for all the trouble it brought to ukraine, because it is written there, if you cut it short, but funds, weapons, ammunition are needed today, let's hope that there will be a corresponding political will to ensure that we receive these funds and in the maximum possible quantity . regarding
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our survey, i also want to remind you if you are satisfied with the results of the global peace summit, you can take your phones, smartphones and vote, if yes, then call 0800 211381, if you think not, 0800. 211382. all your calls are absolutely and you and i are free at the end of this hour and at the end of the next , we will sum up the results of this vote. an equally important topic for the occupiers, which they are trying to use on all platforms now, is the alleged so-called strikes on sevastopol, the way they talk about the population and so on and so on, russia is beginning to blame the united states of america , the representative of russia at the un,
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vasyl nebendzia, has already come out, who... also says a lot of things, there are already statements by lavrov, that is, the information and propaganda machine of the state the occupier was 100% involved here. by the way, let's listen to what this representative of russia at the un said at the meeting of the security council, in particular what i said, he actually blamed the united states of america. let's listen. there is no doubt that the us is directly involved in this crime. the lack of any substantial response from the un secretariat, which should have condemned such obvious crimes and violations of international law, is even more regrettable. this is a prime example of doubles standards of the nato secretariat, which is otherwise very eloquent. well, here
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are these ... such statements in the style of the enemy, in the style of actually terrorist russia, in particular , lavrov again talks about the fact that the united states supplies the ukrainian regime, of course, which is in quotation marks, and in fact this means barely indirect participation of the united states of america in the war, as they say, russia is now trying as much as possible to use how much... i understand this situation to their advantage, and how effectively they can really change something, well, at least in heads of certain western politicians or certain western journalists? well, you started to answer this question, because in fact what kotovsky is talking about carries all this nonsense, all this is evidence that
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they are actually trying to... influence the uninformed or those who are too lazy to get original information about what is happening, and yes, first of all, ukraine has never fired, and does not fire and will not fire at civilian objects, if such cases do happen, i dare say, it will excess, that is, it will be an exception, what happened in sevastopol happened as a result of the actions of the air defense system. russian, and not a targeted attack by ukraine on certain objects. i repeat once again, ukraine adheres to humanitarian law and does not strike at non-military objects, it strikes only at military objects, this is clearly stated, it is understood by absolutely all those who are involved, both in decision-making and execution commands
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that relate to shooting. on military facilities, this is the first and most important. all that does today is the horse's head lavrov, or this kotovsky, who is carrying nebinzyatin there, it is calculated on not weak nerves and the lack of information of some part of the people, this is the first, and the second is the continuation of the bombing of their own russian population, so in this case here from the point of view..... . they get a lick of the possible result, this is firstly, secondly, let them be responsible for the filth they do, when they fire every night at schools, kindergartens, various institutions, residential areas and so on, well, they don't see and they saw how, after shooting down the ukrainian missile complex, they also struck with the same debris...
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their own population, which was resting in crimea, in the territory that is in a state of war, this in itself exposing the population to risk in such conditions requires responsibility from the russian occupation regime in crimea. moreover, from the point of view of humanitarian law, the enemy bears full responsibility for everything that happens in the occupied territory. and if we talk, and if we talk about the fact that right here russia focuses on one thing, that it is hardly not the united states of america, conventionally speaking, is involved in provocations or in a war against russia, there is also a certain far-sighted or near-sighted here.


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