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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EEST

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handle and order now, free delivery is available, check with consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you can do it all in one go with strong saws, just look how quickly they handle even thick branches, strong saws are convenient in use and mobile, once you're done, it's enough to bother with standard overall saws, strong saws are convenient to use even in hard- to-reach places, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only 790. hryvnias with the possibility of free delivery , powerful saws, strong, what you need, call attention, a profitable offer, order a light bulb , a smart light at a special promotional price of only 149 hryvnias, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only 149 hryvnias. in stores , ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light, for only uah 149. take advantage. with such a favorable
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offer, the smart light bulb works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without the secret of recharging is in the built-in city battery, it is so convenient, especially now, and the smart light bulb is not afraid of voltage drops and will not break in a seizure, the standard base will fit almost any chandelier or floor lamp, the light suddenly turned off, it is necessary to light the candles again or to look for a flashlight in which, like evil-looking batteries, let there be light in your house, always a light bulb. not light for only uah 149, works even without electricity, offer is limited, call! attention, total sale! garden trimmers kors unpack tv with a discount of only 799 uah, only 799 for a reliable tool, high power, ease of use, very profitable, minimum effort, maximum result, order in time while the video is being broadcast, trime kors are light and very powerful, mow with gas near fences along track lines near. steam, border, around
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trees, trim bushes and even branches, simple and easy. leave big heavy mowers in the past, choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawn mower function. call now to order for a special at a reduced price. just look at how powerful our trimmers are, they can handle even the thickest weeds and at the same time they are practically silent. no more heavy gas lawnmowers, oil or gasoline to fill up. only convenience and a well-kept plot. order now, easy. powerful and reliable kors trimmers from only uah 799. the offer is limited. call! the information day of the tv channel continues. well, there are quite a lot of events today, but an important signal for our tv viewers. look, beware of every uncharitable public, in particular those people who can perform tasks. our enemy,
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a rather unpleasant, although characteristic story happened in odessa , so a drug dealer and his client, on the order of the russian special services, set fire to a military vehicle in odessa, in general, russian accomplices tracked the cars of our fighters and military equipment in general and passed on information about them to the russians, this is reported today, the press service of the security service of ukraine, forgive me for such a slight. taftology, therefore, according to the sbu investigation, a previously convicted drug dealer from odesa and a drug-addicted local resident, carried out the tasks of the russian special services, searched for cars and, so to speak, handed them over to the russian enemy, after a signal from the curators, they had to set the cars on fire with a flammable lighter. yes, i quote, now the direct language of the sbu press service. after the go-ahead from the fsb, the performers set fire to the chosen ones. car curator, and then
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hid at different addresses. so they burned a service car from a combat brigade of the armed forces of ukraine stationed in the region. well, in a word, they stole, seized and informed about the suspicion. miscreants face up to 12 years in prison. also, dear tv viewers, let's be vigilant, but , of course, keep a healthy sense of humor. yes, i am currently engaging an expert on... energy issues , gennadiy ryabtsev, to contact us, and we will talk about the situation with our generation and with our outages. glory to ukraine, mr. gennadiy, glad to see you. glory to the heroes, to each other. well, they have become longer and in some regions have become more unexpected, power outages, in addition to planned ones, also include emergency ones, yes, and this dynamic is quite negative. it disturbs
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our residents, well, we understand, the reasons are obvious, yes, the enemy actively hit and will actively hit the objects of the energy infrastructure, but... what now, what should we expect now in your opinion? to be honest, i don't see negative dynamics, negative dynamics is when everything is pouring down, and positive dynamics is when ukrenergo knows how much energy is needed and knows how many generations there are, so everything is managed, and even the same emergency outages . they are not sudden, they are occur in those regions that were affected by bad weather, in particular, there were heavy rains recently, and as a result , several hundred settlements in ukraine were electrocuted, and this is not something extraordinary, this
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happens, the main thing is that the system recovers after failures, and now about the unified energy system has the following property. to recover quickly after failures, so now the situation is predicted, these forecasts were heard earlier by specialized experts, they said that if our temperature rises above 25°, then they turn on mainly industrial air conditioners, which require more energy and, therefore , quantity. generation is not enough to provide all consumers, therefore the duration of interruptions between the supply of electrical energy increases, if the weather normalizes, if the sun comes out,
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solar power plants, hot-electric plants start to work better, the length of time when ordinary household consumers are without... from electricity decreases energy, but in relation to objects of critical infrastructure, in relation to objects of the defense-industrial complex, and regarding industrial enterprises, everything is clear for them, security, the system is being restored, no, we know that the system is being restored and restored, right away it is not just a question of, i don’t know, hands or finances, a question of capacity, so to speak say, installing transformers to... in, starting them and so on and so on, this is very difficult, expensive, i don't know what actually happens in terms of rates, but there are regions where blackouts are just regular, so and so a lot of people worry that during summer, i don't know, it's the end of june, july,
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august, that the situation can get worse, yes, because the enemy has chosen very specific targets, among other things, yes, that is, they don't just start launching... rockets at kharkiv, but when we we are talking about the generation of electricity, well , they, they wrote it in their, so to speak, enemy missile-tactical plans, and they are starting to put it out, here is the key story so that we have time, so to speak, to launch some alternative, i don’t know, structural elements , as you know, high-mobility stations and everything other, if kharkiv is not taken into account. the city of kharkiv, which currently has the biggest problems with energy supply, if we do not take into account the four hundred settlements that are along the front line and are constantly cut off,
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i do not have bad forecasts for the rest of the territory of ukraine, these forecasts remain constant, that is, the schedules of stabilization shutdowns will be as follows , which for... proceedings now no 24 hours without light no one will sit, whether there will be strikes or there will be no strikes of the russian federation, still electricity will be supplied, and all protected consumers will receive it in full, as for households of consumers, economic entities, they will all receive electric energy. according to the limits set by ukrenergo, so i honestly don't know where some very interesting panic statements came from that everything will be bad, everything
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is lost, everything is needed, you need to go somewhere from the cities, some other strikes are predicted, russia will now accumulate 200 missiles. how will it hit the energy system, well, well, let's be realistic, and let's not we will talk only about some pessimistic forecasts, to be taken separately. those politicians or experts who have nothing to do with energy. yes, the situation is difficult, yes, there are problems, yes, there are no energy reserves, but this does not mean that no one is doing anything, everyone is sitting back and waiting for russia to destroy another thermal power plant. no, plans are now underway, both at central and local level, to reduce lack of electricity generation due to introduction
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of the same stations of low productivity, so there are problems in the regions, it is definitely necessary for the public to take care that local self-government bodies are not only engaged in planning, but also implement the planned, but this is the situation that we have every year and the next heating the season will not be worse. according to the previous ones, it will not be the most difficult of all the previous seasons, yes, we have a war, unfortunately, we have these restrictions, they will remain, including in the next heating season, and that power deficit, which amounts to 4x-5 gw capacity, it will remain, of course, it will be very difficult to reduce it, but that does not mean that this... this shortage will remain at the level that the president mentioned, 9 g.
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now the energy companies are working, and restoring what was destroyed , and creating new objects, building new objects and creating reserves, including distribution reserves, generation reserves, which will certainly be needed during the heating season, that is, there are problems, but... we are being solved, and no need to panic, you need to do your thing to everyone at their workplace. i agree, thank god, thank god, mr. gennadiy, somehow i'm exhaling, that is, everything will be fine, gennadiy ryabtsev, an expert on energy issues, assured us, but we, dear tv viewers, as they say, will wait, see what scenario will be realized , let's go now for a short break, well, after it we'll talk about matters related to the ministry. defense, wait. attention,
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total sale, kors garden trimmers from rozpakuy tv with a discount of only uah 799. only 799 for a reliable tool, high power, ease of use. very profitable, minimum effort - maximum result. hurry to order while the video is being broadcast. trimmers are light and very powerful. mow with gas near fences, along path lines, next to the pavement, curbs, around trees, trim bushes and even branches, simple and easy, leave the big heavy mowers of the past, choose cors trimmers, classic or with lawnmower function, call now to order at a special discounted price, you just see how powerful our trimmers are, fight even the thickest weeds and are virtually silent, no more heavy lawn mowers, oil or gas to fill up, just convenience and a beautiful... well-maintained lot, order now, light, powerful and reliable kors trimmers
3:44 pm
from only 799 hryvnias, the offer is limited, call, attention, a good offer, order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only 149 hryvnias, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only 149 hryvnias. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light. for only 149 hryvnias. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in city battery. it's so convenient, especially now. and the bulb is a smart light, it is not afraid of voltage drops and will not break when dropped. the standard plinth is suitable for almost any chandelier or dorger. the light was suddenly turned off. do you need to light candles again or look for a flashlight with dead batteries? let. let there be light in your home, always a smart light bulb for only uah 149,
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hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to. to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we are about... new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktu bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel.
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verdict with serhii. rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion for the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. continues tv information day. that now it will be extremely important to talk to us on the phone of dana yarova, adviser to the deputy minister of defense of ukraine, member of the public anti-corruption council of the ministry of defense, head of the dreaming of children of ukraine, volunteer. glory to ukraine, mrs. dana, i congratulate you, glory to the heroes, congratulations ukraine, congratulations to the studio. well, i am quoting
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dana yarova, a well-known volunteer, adviser, deputy minister of defense of ukraine, member of the public anti-corruption council of the ministry of defense. we read her facebook, thanks for the posts. so, a straight line language, dane yarova. rumors are spreading on the internet that the ministry of defense is buying huge amounts of narcotic analgesics and simply spraying them all over the front line in various ways. exactly one year ago , a scandal about the quality of turnstiles and first-aid kits in the fields spread across the network. in my opinion, this is the most disgraceful scandal, so i would like to ask you now to comment on what was connected with this , of course, loud post of yours. for some reason, i do not know why, at some point rumors began to spread on the network that the ministry of defense began to purchase from large quantities of narcotic drugs and these narcotic drugs will be used in the fields, and they
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will be in first-aid kits, fighters from the 14th year, from the moment when we... translated the tcc standards, which is the standard of first aid, we knew very well , that there is no narcotic narcotic analgesic in the first-aid kits of nato countries, narcotic analgesic can only be given to a medic who goes on a mission, and he receives it when he goes on a mission and returns it when he returns this mission, and why these.. . rumours began to appear, i don't know, but i was forced, let's say, to refute them and say that no one will deviate from the nato standards, which were implemented back in the 15th year, and the volunteer landing command, which included i, i put effort into this, so no one
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will violate anything, everything is absolutely fine, why was this, maybe some kind of ipso i... i don’t know, it could also be the psi, but you mentioned nato standards and first aid kits, so yours time, we remember how difficult and sometimes shameful the situation with the turnstiles was. we understand that turnstiles are about the lives of our soldiers. what is the situation now, was it possible to correct, correct the situation with the purchase of new, high-quality, i don’t know whether ukrainian or foreign tourniquets, but the key story is that the hemostatic tourniquet... should be of high quality, yes, because this is really about literally life, about death, about mutilation. yes, ms. dana, you know, i think that scandal that happened a year ago, i even,
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you know, it hurts me to comment on it, because 10 years, it was the 23rd year, but okay, nine years, and let's say so, i was anyway involved, yes, even when she left the volunteer landing force from the ministry of defense, she was involved in just... training according to tcc standards and training the boys, and this is implemented and everyone must have before being sent to the combat zone, opposition training, and here a situation arises when we see chinese tourniquets that cost like a dollar three, you know, a dollar to three, and we see it in the fields, and they're tearing, and you know, it's really a matter of life, because a medic can't constantly... monitor the with all the wounded, relatively speaking, he is someone put a tourniquet on his leg, a wound on his leg, it is of medium severity, ah, let's say,
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wounded, he ran to help the more serious one, but he understands that everything is fine there, there is a tourniquet and the time written when he put it on, then the turnstile just broke and the person just jumped out of the circle, there was no person, and we don’t know how many such situations there were, we shouted then... through all the channels, on everything, you know, i was even on the committee on national security and defense, when they listened to the commander of the medical forces, i now treat her very this is about kazmirchuk's predecessor, right? yes, yes, yes, this, it was tatyana ostashchenko, ah, with whom, well, let's say this, we broke pots on this very topic, on the topic of turnstiles, this is the most shameful thing that... there were, there were nine years, you know, we, we were going normally, normally, normally, everything was fine with us, then we started buying, and you know what's interesting, what's interesting is that
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a person who is in the 14th year, ugh , purchased analgesics and tourniquets for the army of poor quality, he happened to be near mrs. osnaschenko, it was such a comrade prutkovskyi, and she i took it out of a closet somewhere, dusted it off, and he bought it again, these, sorry, not very good quality tourniquets, which we all saw in the fields, and what is happening now, now in the warehouses of the ministry of defense hundreds of thousands of high-quality first-aid kits , hundreds of thousands, eh, and so well, they have absolutely good european tourniquets, it was our mtd. material technical assistance, so now this issue is more or less resolved. yes, well, we understand that procurement is not only about money and not only about prices, but also about high global
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politics, so i wanted to ask you, maybe you have some additional information, because i saw reports that our not lazy, so to speak, buyers wanted to take the goods, in particular, it is about plastic flasks, yes, made in china. but the key story, we, well, have no illusions about the quality of chinese goods, well, the prices, i think, are lower, but china is neither our ally nor partner, i am putting this very, very gently, it is not our open enemy, yes, but we should not financially support china, that is what does the situation look like now, what are the general criteria that appear, well, when we determine that this or that product is related, it is not a matter of ... i don't know the weapons technology there , ammunition, orders for uniforms and so on and so forth, i.e. do they affect for such things, such as geography and attitude to
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russian aggression against ukraine, we do not buy anything belarusian, for example, even if it was the cheapest, look, i spent today to understand the situation with these flasks , and the situation is as follows, let's say technical conditions these flasks were still designed in the distant 17th year, they were signed by dmytro marchenko, and by the way, mr. ivan yuriyovich gavrylyuk, who now, uh, sorry, sorry, interrupted the call, who is now the first deputy minister of defense, and these flasks really, the technical conditions for them are outdated, and you know, in this situation , the most shameful moment is that these flasks were on the territory of ukraine, and they had been on the territory of ukraine for a long time, and er. the fact that
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the auctions were constantly broken, exactly what was done in order to lower the price, it does not remove it from the state operator tilu is responsible for what happened, this does not relieve the ministry of defense of responsibility for what happened, because the structure where the technical conditions are developed is subordinate to the ministry of defense, this is not malice, there is no responsibility, but what happened today is shameful yes, that these f were imported a long, long time ago, and market participants simply played this game at auctions in order to sell them. i believe that this need should have been stopped and not purchased, other flasks should have been adopted, because that what i saw today, to be honest, well, i just want to cry, because these are taxpayers' funds, and i think that this purchase should be simply stopped and not
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carried out, maybe some... part that has not been delivered will be the contract was played out, today i talked about it with them, but i say that it is shameful that it was a game, because these flasks have been on the territory of ukraine for a long time. well, i have a fear that such a game, trading could have been carried out not only in that case, that is, the case is unpleasant, but perhaps there are some or other additional stories, mrs. dano, probably, maybe there is, it is necessary to analyze the auctions that are taking place, and you know, today i came across a company that was registered, just that it was selling flasks, registered in the 20th year, and somehow very quickly it began to take all the tenders of the ministry of defense, you know, there are completely different positions, yes, there are flasks, there are some gloves, there are some other things, well, something like that, and just, well, when you...
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on the fact that, as they participated in the bidding, and what, let's say, loot they took, you understand that this firm was created just under tenders of the ministry of defense. yes, well, just unwillingly, i mention the story of hrynkevich or the hrynkevichs, yes, i think our tv viewers remember this surname very well, i don’t want to say anything, because it seems that the investigation is ongoing, but the key story is to make sure that something like this does not it could be repeated, yes , that is, so that , well, reputable companies took part in the corgis, that is, if there is construction work, then builders, not sellers of kvass, for example, and so on, absolutely, i absolutely agree with you, besides that there is program of the government, there is a concept of localization productions, this means that everything we can buy in ukraine, we buy in ukraine, we do not import from china, by the way, there is such a flask that was presented by our manufacturer, ukrainian, we do not import
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from china, we do not import. another, what can be done on the territory of ukraine. it is clear that we cannot yet produce some weapons, but everything that is on the territory of ukraine, everything that ukraine can produce, must be, let's say, included in the ministry of defense's bidding. look, now the ministry of defense, and the armed forces in general, and, because the ministry of defense purchases for the armed forces, the largest state customer. at all the auctions , let's say, that take place, this is the big customer, so supporting your own manufacturer in this regard is the first thing that needs to be done, of course, the technical conditions need to be changed, it must be created, i wrote today a collegial body that will review all technical conditions for the purpose of writing them for a specific manufacturer. will
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change them in the event that such a thing is found, and uh, further on such will already be approved technical conditions, not by one person, but by collegial decisions, you know, where there is a collegial decision, where the responsibility of many is very - people are very afraid to approach someone and say: oh, listen, let's do this here, let's share there, yes, because they they don't know each other very well, that's why this form seems to me to be the most correct, and i think that we will get out of this situation with the least, thank you, thank you, ms. dana, for your work and for your frankness on the live broadcast of the tv channel, with us on the liaison was dana yarova, adviser to the deputy minister of defense of ukraine, a member of the public anti-corruption council of the ministry of defense, anna yavamelnyk, the news editor has already waited, forgive anya for holding you up a little, but i think that...


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